ALBANY REGISTER. 8 BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OREUON. IvEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO cheek at sttfht. , , , Interest atlowuil ontiinedenositsin coin. Kxclmiwu Port Hind, Sim Franeisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections ma It and nroiimtly remitted. Refers 10 II W. CoriHitt, Henry Falling, Ranklim hours from S A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, fob. i, is7i-v3 Komethlng New in Dentistry- Ult. B. O. NJII'I'H, DU3TIIST, H VSI.IK'ATKIHN ALBA ny.anil luwtne new In vuiitUiu in puiu; work.wliuli VOIISIIS 111 uiaw H . ,,, hnln in the moti, u wi noui ; roof as luireiofore. it gives the woarei the wSrerrto ftwS-ose of thy tongue W the rMfoftue mou h in talking ana tasting. It is the Smlih Purytne patent. Teeih exiractel without pa". tw mended, wlusi hot' broken or divided. Gfri ik net: Kirs, si reel . OMt of Conner's Bank (iiii stalrsi, Albany, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, MUST NTIIKKT, AI.BAXY, OREUOX, J, L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, YY nix EN PEA VOlt TO KEEP-COM siantly on lianuannisi'i". A I.I. KISU OF Which will Be f the very heat quality Tli, hi h" si market price paid fr beeves ttfwestofFerry.onuthridt of First street. hawuo. Alismv, Dec. i'- M7l-l."v JOHN SCHMEER, IN - Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OUKGON. HAS .1CST OPEN KD HIS NEW WOOER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh slock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To bacco, Ac., to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, an 1 will always have on hand a lull supply of fah bread, crackers, Ac. ' Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February lt(-'Mv4 TIKMVG - - TURNING. i 5 I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS of turning! keep on hand and make to rder rawhido-lwttoinod chairs, Ac. Shop near the Mills an 1 Hosiery, Jeirerson, Ore gon Branch shon near "Manolia Mills," Albanv. where orders for chairs, turning, Ac, can lie left. JOHN M. MKTZLEB. Jefferson, Aug. 4, 1872 PETERS &SPEIDEL, XANUFA(Tl'RKB8 OP Carriages 6c Wagons, Of Every Description, ALB AX Y, OREGON. MANUFACTURE TO ORDER ANY and all styles of Wagon. Carriages, Hack, Ac at as reasonable rates as tho use of cowl material and first-class work will jus tify Rennlrlnu neatly and expeditiously done t low rates. Shon on Ferry between First and Second "reetfi. PETKBS A SPEIDEL. Albany, March 7, 1873-27 Notloe. OREOON A CALTFOBNIA RAILROAD Comiwiv, Land liennrtment, Portland Oregon, April , 1H72. Notice Is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will lie Fnstltutod against any and every person who trespasses upon any Railroad Ijind, hycnttin''andivmovini,'tm'ierthercfrom before the same is BOUGHT of the Compa ny AND PAID FOR. AH vacant Uml li odd numbered sec tions, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a distance of thirty miles from the Hue of tho road, belongs to tho Company. I. R. MOORES, Bvttt Land Agent. i TMHf V.'m K FOKKIMlf MEWS. Intelligenoe was received in Mad rid on tlie 16th inst., of an unsuc cessful attempt being made upon the li?e ot Don Alphonso, brother of Don Carlos. Tlie would-be as sassin was taken and executed. Prii.ce Napoleon has been elected President of tlie 1 'unnofl General ..t' Corsica by a majority of 30. The Prince on accepting recommended that its proceedings be confined to matters of deiartmeutal interest. The Turkish troops have at last captured anl killed the Carayanyo brigands, who were implicated in the brutal massacre at Marathon. A liattle lias transpired at Berga. Spain, l)etween Republican and Carlists, which resulted in a bril liant victory for the former after a f)eserate conflict. The ar'ists lo.t 90 killeil atil 300 wounderl, among the latter ut 'whom were Generals Sahalls and Trestany. The Ualian Government has re ceived intelligence ot the dispersion of a noted band of robbers who for a long time operated in the vicinity of Salerno. Six brigands were killed and the rest captured. i'A-IFM' MUST NEWS. Prom Salt Lake, August 22d, comes the following: Judge Emer son sustained defendant's demurrer in the case of "Ann Eliza Young" vs. Brigham Young tor divorce. The decision is against the jurisdic tion of the District Court. The Judge held that the Probate, not the District Court, had jurisdiction in divorce cases. This is in direct opposition to the opinion of Judges McKean and Ilawley, virtual y of the Supreme Court of the Territory The case again comes up before Judge McKean in October in the District Court. Rev. C. C. Strat ton, Methodist Minister, has oft'erd to vindicate himself in a long card in a newspaper from the charge of influencing Ann Eliza Young to enter a divorce suit and join the Method Church. He makes grave charges against her lawyers and asserts that' they attempted to fleece their client, lie admits acting as confidential adviser but vindicates himself from the old charges of scandal in the ministry in Oregon. He gives tlie history of his connec tion with the effort to compromise, which was somewhat important, but as he holds, not controlling. He defies the world to prove that his ministerial character was im paired. He is not ashamed of his crime and will not be badgered out of a correct nor into a false position. It is understood that the legal ad vi ers of Mrs. Young will give their statement to-morrow. Great interest is displayed by the commu nity. The discussion promises to be warm. Laura De Force Gordon has pur chased the Narrow Gauge, a week ly newspaper published in Stockton, Cal. The wheat crop of Clackamas is better than good. From Eugone depot 70,000 pou i. ds of wool have been shipped this seasoii. At Lafayette wheat fluctuated from 75 cents to 83 cents during last week. On Friday of last week, a sjn of Ro'uert Ford, Esq., dropjied insen sible while at work in the harvest field on the Luckamute, in Polk county, from sunstroke. Columbia Conference of the M. E. fJluirch South, will meet at Brownsville on the 3d of Septem ber next. Bishop Doggett will preside. The Ilmrk Eye says: "A fellow not a thousand miles from here, stole a widow's calf. She sued him and recovered the calf and 30 So much tor trifling with a woman's calves." Wheat was selling at Oregon City from 90 to 86 cents per bushel last week. About 80 wooden tenements were destroyed by tire in China-town of Virginia, Na., on the evening of the 23d. Flood at Pioche, Nevada, lately have done considerable damage. Judge Tillford and Smith, coun - sel for Mrs. Ann Eliza Young, in tlie divorce case, have published a long and pungent card in reply to Kev. C. C. Stratton, charging him with interfering in the case and at- tempting a compromise with Brig - ham without their knowledge, and intimating that he received pay therefor. He is charged with lying ill asserting that they had defamed her character. The card is spicy and strong, and closes by staling that Mrs. Young's case is not lost. 1 hey believe that she will ultimate ly triumph. They will appeal to the Territorial Supreme Court, and will not trust longer to Mr. Strat ton. The case is to be pushed ahead. It causes a good deal of tak. John Bingham, Minister to Ja pan, was in Salt Lake on the 23d. 'I wo San Francisco young bloods fought a duel with pistols, at Lone Mountain, on the 22d, 'bout a woman of ill-repute. Their names were not given. On the afternoon of the 24th, Sunday, Buislay made a balloon ascension from Woodward's, San Francisco. A strong west wind carried him rtjpidly over the Po trero and when a considerable dis tance outside Long Bridge the bal poti rapidly descended, and when about 20 feet from the water Buislay jumped out and was soon rescued. The balloon was also fished out. Hundreds of people hastened to the city front supposing the :eronaut would certainly U drowned. Empire City titles to real estate are to be contested in the courts. On the farm of Mrs. Mcllree, in Benton county, figs have ripened. Prof . E. Williams, qt Wes tern College, Iowa, is to take charge of Philomath College. Corvallis last week had about 20,000 bushels of wheat in store. The chronological chart by Hon. S. C. Adams, ot Salem, is being lithographed in Cincinnati. It will be ready for delivery to subscribers in about four montns. Mrs Wilson, wife of the late Hon. Joseph Wilson, has accepted the position of teacher in one of the Dalles public schools. Mr H. W. (Vandall's sawmill, situated up in the mountains fifteen miles southwest of the Dalles, was entirely consumed by tire on 1 hurs dv morning of last week. Loss, fc6000. Abetter from the Superintendent of the Oregon and California Kail road to the 1 'resident of the State Agricultural Society states: All stock and articles intended for ex hibition at the State Fair will lie forwarded to Salem at tariff rates, but will be returned free upon pre sentation of certificate to the Ag nt at Salem, signet! by the Secretary of the Association, that such stock or articles have been upon exhibi tion, and have not changed hands. All regular trains will stop at the Fair grounds during the Fair. From the Oregon tan we learn that a party assended Mount I Itxxi on the Kith and that a Mr. Perry Vickers, of Multnomah county, re mained on the summit all night alone, lie icports that the ther mometer stood on an average of 4 degrees lielow the freezing jsiint during the night. Miss Libbie Vaughn, of Portland, was one of the party who ascended the moun tain, the first lady who has done so this year. K. Jacobs, J. Jacobs and W. S. Ladd, have lieen elected Directors of the Oregon C ty Manufacturing Company Kr the ensuing year. There are live districts in Benton county that have no schools. I he new light at tape foul weather was ojicned for the first time on Wednesday night of last week. Portland received her first water jnclons last Monday evening on the Dalles boat. The Bulletin of last Tuesday says tho sma1l-Hx has died out entirely in that city at present. The tew troub'ed with it are recov ering rapidly and no new cases. Olympia is to have a shooting gallery. The citizens of St Look have contributed and sent $1,100 to tb ' sufferers at Portland, Or. J We hear of a stock of wheat grown on the Nootsack, Whatcom comity, bearing 125 heads, having an average of 80 grains to each head. 1 Preparations are being made to build a Catholic cathedral at ! Helena, Montana. It will cost ' $75,000. "Is there any one here who take exceptions to the rulings ot this court?" said an Idaho Justice of I the Peace as he placed a revolver and Bible on his desk. There was nary objection. A iermaueut organization of the Episcopal Society in Tacoma wa effected on Wednesday of Inst week. They have a butcher at Helena, Montana, who sends his bills with spelling like this: "Sop bohn," ''bit' schteck,"etc. Customers find it as difficult to read the bills as to j pay them. j Grasshoppers have made their j reappearance in Prickly Pear val- ley, Montana, and farmers are alarmed lest they take the balance of the grain left by the first lot Gen. Kosscr, charged with the railroad survey of the Stanley Yellowstone expedition, has submit ted to the authorities of the North ern Pacific Railnad Company iu New York his official report ot re sults accomplished by the expedi tion. He finds a new and final route across western Dakota, from Missouri to the Yellowstone river, entirely practicable and satisfactory, it being snierior to those of former days. The distance is 205 miles, 21 miles shorter than the survey of 1871. The expedition is now pros ecuting the survey westward, up the left bank of the Yellowstone to Pompey's Pillar, where it ill join the survey made last year from the West, and complete a surveyed line across the continent. The Oregonian has this: Mr. N. W. Smith, who owns a farm several miles southwest of the city, cut the present season a small patch of oats of the "Enterprise'' species. Tho oats attained an un usual height, and were very prolific as to yield. Subsequently Mr. Smith has had the oats threshed. On an average the entire yield will weigh forty-seven pounds clear of the sack, which may be regarded as rather extraordinary. Usually oats will range from forty to forty-three pounus to the bushel. Boise City is $1,200 in debt to teachers and old debts on the school house. No fcIiooI will be had until these aie paid, it is conject ured. Kev. C. C. Stratton has replied to the card of Tilford JL Smith, Mr. Young's counsel iu the divorce case. He reiterates his former state ment that he has had nothing to do with advising Mrs. Young to com promise, lie accuses counsel of defaming their client and himself. He quotes General Maxwell, who has also a card somewhat hearing his statement out 'i he ba ance of the statement is a general denial lie says that he is opposed to ras cality iu general, and hopes the aw will take its course. Finally, he will have his say. The suit will go on, it is said, More Judge Mc Kean, although Mrs. Young is again reported to be attempting to settle. Wheat 00 cents per bushel at Walla Walla The new church at Pendleton is to be built immediately. Jerry Stanley, of Hilton county, lost three fingers by a circular saw last week. The potato Tot is not so general in Clatsop county this year as it was lhst. Charles Williams, a printer by trade, of Portland, has taken the small pox says Ortgonvin, La Grande is troubled with flies. Editors can't sleep alter two in the morning tor them. The company of troos stationed at Fort Colvil e has been reduced by desertions until but 37 men an swer at roll call. Thirty feet front nt tho corner of Fourth street, Walla Walla, could not l bought tor $2,500