8 PUBLISHED EVKRY FKIDAY, By COLL. VAN CLEVE, IN KEGISTEK BUILDINGS, Corner Ferry ant Firrt Sired. TERMS -IN ADVANCE. Wtte year Three dollars. Six month Two dollar. dingle copies Ten w.nts. ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements, per squnre of fern lines or less, lirst Insertion f2; each it'ilMcquent Insertion 1. kwr adver tisements Inserted on the most liberal terra. JOB WORK. Ilnvins reoalved new type, stock of col ored inks, cards, ft Gordon jobber, etc., we are prepared to execute nil kinds of print lu in a Iwtter manner, and riff y per cent Cheaper than ever before offered In this city. Agents for the Register. The following gentiemetl arc authorized to receive and receipt for suliserlptlons, advertising, etc.. for the KfciHstkk: Hiram Smith, Harrlsburg. 1 1. 1'. Tompkins, Harrlshurg. Peter Hume, Brownsville. W. R. Kirk. Brownsville. 3, R. Irvine, Seto. T. H. Reynolds, Salem. L. I. Fisher, San Francisco. I. P. Porter, Shedd"s Station. Mr. W. P. Evans, on quitting the editorial chair of the Ida county (Iowa) Pioneer, wrote his valedic tory in two words : "Good night." His successor, Mr. J. Vail, began with an equally terse article, con sisting of the expression, "Good Morning." Through playing with matches, a tittle ciiild of M N. Chapman, of Salem, last Monday set tire to her clothes, burning her back though not dangerously. In putting out the fire, Mrs Chapman received a aevere burn on one oi her arms. Charges ot irregularity have been brought against the Mayor s otnoe in Pittsbure. It is said that the policemen have heeu charged from five to nine dollars more for their clothing than the articles actually coet, arid a Committee of the Council is now investigating the matter. The amount of grain in Grand Itontle valley this harvest wi'l be 750,000 bushels, of which 500,000 will be surplus. Of the sum total first mentioned, 550,000 bushels will be wheat, 150,000 oats, and 50,000 barley. The office of delegate from Marion county to the Democratic State Convention, is likely to go bunt, ing for the man instead ot the man going for the office. Patriotism is scarce when in costs a cool hundred dollars. Several British clergymen have joined the Greek Church, because, as they say, English Episcopalism is the emptiest of forms, and the most unfixed of beliefs. John Cummons, living near Bear Creek, Jackson county, broke his leg by slipping dowu a load of hay to the manger below, on lues, day last. On Saturday last the residence of Mr. Lenraan, north of La Grand, took fire and burnt up while the men were at work in the hay field. Lobs, $1,500. The settlers of Weston neighbor, hood, Or., otter a bonus of $50,000 to D. S. Baker, conditioned on his building a branch railroad to their town. A Clatsop county lady named Munson chased a bear vith a cub the other day, and made him drop a porker which he was carrying off. Two weeks ago a horse backed into a well at Ashland, Ohio. It was 100 feet deep and the horse sits ou the bottom still The people of Zanesvil'e, Ohio, have discovered that their city is surrounded by inexhaustible beds of fire-clay. A countryman at Dyersburg, Tenn., was noticed gravely setting his watch by a painted sign in trout ot a jewelry store. A large excursion party, headed by Rev. P, S. Knight, left Salem for the Caapooia mountains last Tuesday. Last week at Walla Walla, one soldier accidentally shot another through the legs. A few days ago Maryland had fire murderers under sentence of death, waiting to be hanged. JOB PRINTING. ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AAD HAND PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable Styles of Printing Material. Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels But why pttrticuhriw, when it is gen erally acknowledged Uiat we are ON IT When it comes under the hed ftsTOome tote as, one Primiag ADVERTISEMENTS. iiKMu r. tAvm, General Basra Jounce Apt, JSTotctyy Fiitolio . QPKClAL ATTENTION (flven tothead O judication of mnm. Collections made in all pari of ihe S a'e. otlioe next door above Bee Illve Store, First street. Allmny, Oregon. vSnS0 MARBLE WORKS. MONROE & STAIGER, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot itones, Executed in California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM, OltEGON. BRASiH MIOP AT ALBANY. OUT OF THE FIRE! 8. J. MCCORMICK, TS RAPPY TO INFORM HIS Nl'MKlt- i. otis friends, natrons, and the public in general, that lie has jolts . o;ip;e3 wtbid THE Fraskun Book Store. AT 19 FIRST STREET, (NEXT TO CENTRAL MARKET) with a complete stock of School Hooka, Mnt lottery, Blank Books, Void Pens, Cutlery, Ar Ae., Which he will dispose of at The Lowest Prices ! SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the popular NEWSPAPER AND (NAUAZIXES! which will be Delivered) In any part ot the eltjr. Portland, Feb. 7, 1873-atf Arctic Soda. HAVING ADDED VASTLY TO Olll t'm.i lit i,Mi IV p fliuiutiwini tt,ii fl.tliirti:. lul and health-giving beverage, we would announce to our former patrons, and the pnoiic generally, i nat we are limy prepared from one of those elegant Tuft's Arctic Fountains to supply.aoda of the liest quality In un- muueii qutuuuies wan wuu may luvor us with a call- BOTTLED SODA! Sarsaparilla ! WILL, DURING THE SPRING and SUMMER. be delivered to families ordering through onttnecuy. Dealer tiapnlleil at Liberal Rnte. A. OAROTHERS A CO., REWAED H FOB AN Incurable Case! XDB. IX RICH AITS GOLDEN BALSAM! , After ten were trial on th in Coast ha proven itself Oi only curative In a certain riecs of diseases pronounced by medical practition er in incurable. Dr.LiBicbfs GOLDEN BALSAM No. i cures Chancres Cret and Bccnnd s'agee. Sorcaon the Leg or Body; Sore Eat. Eyes, None, kc. Copper-wiored Blotcnes, rsyt"ilc uaurrn, Diseas.4 8:lp, and all primery forms of tb disease kn iwn as Syphilis. Price, $5 per bot tle, or two f,r $3. l lr.LiliMG3Ll.Eli BALSAM No. 2 curea Tertiary, Mercurial, Ryphilitie Rheuma tism. Painl ia the Bom s, Tn' kot the Ni k, III, cerated Sore Thrrot, Byr-hilitic Rh, Lumps and Contracted Cords, SttfTncse of the Limbs, and eradicates all diaiaws from thesyshm, whether cauHed by indiscretion or abuse ot mercury leaving the blood pure and heal. by. Price, i i per bottle, or twv tut f 9. D, Li Riga's G1LDEN SPANISH AN- ttiote, for the Cure of Oonnorhoea, Gleet, Irrl tatio'i, Gravel, and all 1'rinr.ry r Genital disarrangements. Price, 'i.Ui per bottle. Dr. Le Rhine's GOLDEN SPANISH IN- Jectlon, a wash and injection, frr severe cts of Gjnnorhoei, Inflammatory Gleet. Strictures, and all diseases of luo Kidneys and Bladder. Prise, $I.M par bottle. Alw Agrati f DB. IE EICHAFS G0IDEH PILLS ur Seminal WakiHw, KlrLt Finis sionsImortiin y, and all ,: arislmtfrcm Masturbation and excessive hni . Trice, f 3 per bittle. Tlie genuine Ooldin Baudi Is put up only hi ron-id bottles. On ree- ipt of prlee, the medicines wi'J bo sent to all p'rts of the cenntry, by txpre i rmail, ae -nr-ly packed and fre from obser- vaoon. bom Agents, C. F. RICHARDS k CO. x Wholesale and Betall DnigRlats and Cbcmists, 8 w. cor. Clay k Sim BUueti. Baa Francisco, CaL PATENT MEDICINE. AiLIMiLifli I Ilitai Vlnetjar Bitters are not a Tile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Bum. Whisky, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liqaora, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called 'Tonics," 'Appettaere," Restorera," c that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made Prom the native roots and herbs of California, fire from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Partner and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and lnvigor ator ol theSystem, earrylnRorr all polBonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it. refreshing and tn rlgo rating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt In their ac tion, certain In their results, safe and reli able In all forms of disease. Ha Person run take these Bit ters according to directions, and remalu long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness cf the Chest, Dizziness. Sour Eructa tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Billons Attacks, Palpitation ot the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Uyspepsla. In these complaints It has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad vertisement. For Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display ao decided an Influence that marked improvement ts soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases ot the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Suurls, Dlscoloratlons of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the bklo, ot whatever name or nature, arc literally dug np and carried oat of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the moat Incredulous ot their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you Und its impurities bunting; through the skin la Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse It when you find it obstructed an, sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when It 1 foul; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. I'tn. Tape and other Worms, lurking tn the system of so many thousands, an etlectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist : There is scarcely an individual on the face of the earth whose body U exempt from the pres ence of worms, it is not opon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. Ko system of medicine, no vermifuges, no antheiminltlcs, will free the lystem from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Diseases.-Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance In life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose ot Walkb's Vinegar Bit teiis twice a week. Billons, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prevalent In the valleys of our great rivers through out the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, llliuols, Tennes see. Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are In variably accompanied by extensive de- : rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera, hi tbelr treat- ( mcnt, a purgative, exerting a powerful In fluence upon these various organs, Is essen- ! tlally necessary. There Is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. v ai.kbk's Vine gar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or Kiuss Evil. White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck. Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc In these, as In all other constitu tional Diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bit ters have shown their great curative pow ers In the most obstinate and Intractable Dr. Walker's California Viae gar Ritters act on all these cases In a similar aianner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the Inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts re ceive health, and a permanent cure Is effected. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walker'h Vinegar Bit ters are the best safe-guard In cases of erup tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, and soolhing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative prop erties allay pain In the nervous system, stomach and bowels, either from Inflamma tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Directions, Take ot the Bitten on going to bed at night rrom a half to one and one-half wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef-steak, mutton chop, veni son, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of pureiyvegetahie Ingredients, and contain h. h. McDonald co Drogfiate ft Gen. Agts., San Francisco, CaL, fteor. Washington and Charlton 8ta, M.T, BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ft DEALUE R. R. Ra I CURB) THE WOsLVr PUIS LV FROM OKI TOTWXHTT MJJlim NOT ONE HOUR After fMstiDg till MtvartlldtDOt Mt My Ma BUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. II wm lU finl nd li THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY That lBilntlr itow lb mott oicrocUttu paiu, allaw UsUiuratkm. Md rum Cungsstioui, vThsioar f lb Louh, &mu. Bowi, or oituf gUnu m bjr me Applicalioft, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. No matt? how flo'ioot or UL-m-irtiBg lit Mhi m RHEUMAT1C, Bod-riOtWi.. Inuri.i, Cnloil, NwfOn Nrwoliic, or prntroutl uh diMo; tuov intor, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL A WORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE E1DNEVS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION 01' THK BOWELS, CONUKbTlON OF THE Ll'H6S SOU! THROAT, Dill ItL'LT SKEAiHlNU. PALPITATION OF THE HE!, HYSTERICS, CROlf, DltHTHtRIA, ' catarrh, mtumu. headache; toothache, neukalq1a, rheumatism, cold chills, asce chills. Tkf atauoari iti KEA0T Kit M WW S avtat far warn U pain H SiSkwlly uUk U SirA naifort. TwtalT dm. p half tambler of vaUT ill la a taw BWMU tanCRAMrS, M'ASMS. SOUR STOMACH. SICK HEADACHE, HKAKTBl'N, DIABJIMEA, DYSENTERY, COUC, Ml.iD IN THE SOttELA, ami all INTERNAL FAINs. Tianlm ikoaU alwivi onj a koliU of BoaV war'a Ma4r Isvim' ''" ' --e " wain will anTMl M aw fiu lro ku(0 t nu It U WMT laaa Fltacb Brauo or BiUan m itlualaaa. FEVER AND ACUE. FEVER AND AOUEetrtd for arty mu. Tbm t Ml ansltal aaoal Hat n .ll two Inrf oaA An,, osA oil othtr Maloriouft, Bltlou, SuiloS TrakiiM, Y.llow, mi oltni Itiort (aMM j RAD RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, nil; nnu ptr ki SoM by DrufflB. HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! STRONG AND PURE RICH L'LOOD-INCREASf OF FLESH AND WEn.H'1 CLKAR AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SEC U RED TO ALV Dr. BAD WAY'S HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISIIINO CURES. SOQUIL'K.SO RAPID ARE THE CIIANOESTHf BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE. THAT Erery Day an Increase in Flenn and Weight ia Seen and Felt TOE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RSOLV. KNT oonvmaakotw thrgtigb tlie Blood, Kwot, UrirM, Md otkor flnidft and jalcei of tiw lytUtn tke vigor ef rot II HMin nh wutta of tbi body with mw Mi onitd moKriol. Scrofuie, Srpbiili. Cvaiamatleo, Olaoo doiar dUsMfo. Ulcm la iht Tbroott M-.utb. Tr.ort Nodoo Ib th Gtudt ftad otbor jjaiU of Iho lyeten, Seto jMi StruaoMi DUcborgo from tuo Eon, ud tbo mm hm. of Sola dUeeAvi, V.t n h lavor Soros, bWd Hood, Riof-Worra, Solt Rhram, Errlpolf, Aom, Block SpoU, Wonne 1b the Heeb, TttPpon, Cmiih 1 the Womb, Ud oil wokalo uitl ooiufat dloihMie Nlghl ftwoote, Un of Spcna. ootl oil woitw of too life ortBOlpU. ore wUbta Iht curotlvo nnn of uu tjm dor of Modon Chcnlttry, ood few doyi' wo wi II provo te My povoM ooiDg il for either of tiro formi ot din Its potest power to care Ibcto. If the potieol, dAilr boromlDi; irrlocv-d by tbi wosesB ood dtrompoittioD tbM U conllnoally proves! ig, oot ooooj la orrtelirtf theto woete, ot.dr rvpoin ' mmm with df inoterUI mod1 from hcOitby blood- Md tatto the 9ARSAPARILLIAN will ud door tcr.ro. Not only dooa the SAMrauui KroL4iT oxool It kiowo ronedlal Bptota la tht cure of Chnala, rVrofu !., CoBsMtBtioool, Md Sbfa diitoow , hat llbi the only potitlvt cart for KIDNEY AMD BLADDEB C03GLAIHTa Uriaary Md Womb dlwoM. Orovet, DioUtee, Droptp, Btoppofs; of Water, lac. DtinMio of Utiae, Bright' Ph , Albsoiiiiom. m!k in oil oooot where toon an hrlckduit deposits, ot the water Is thick, tlMdy.ntaol with MBttaflcoi like tbv wkite of ao in, or throtds liko white ailh. wr thin Is a niorbtd, dork, bilious aapoaraao aad white boaodmt depoiits, and whea tbm is a prkkv lfj, barnlof HBsatioa wbrn paulos; wattr. aad pola ha tho Staoil ef the Uock tad along th Lotus. Fries, l.aa WOBMS. TVo oalr kwnra aad ion Rwir for WORMS riN. TAPE, ... Tumor of 12 Years ' Growth Cured by Jtadumy't Krmlssrttt. Dr. RADWAY'S perfectly taiteloai, olegnntiy tuaUd with iweot tarn, peffft, ronlat. parlfy, rlruio, aad ttreatthca. Rad way's Plus, for the cure of all disorders of the t. rnoib. Ller, Bowtls, Kldneyt, RUddor, Nervous Dlwasee Htadaoho. CoMtipatlon, CuiiiveuvM, iDdiimtfori, IHo pepcio, Btllowneu, Uilious IVver, liiflarninatloa of fln Bowels, Pltei, aad nil leraagvrnents of tho lateraaj Vbcora. Warranitd te etVt a positive can. Partly Vegetable, cooteialog oo nrM fMuiBrais, or dtlt A f!wrStt of RADWAY'S FILLS will ftao Mt fyttein from all the abnvo-nauied diiordtrs. Price, at coals per hoi. SOLD BY DRrt.OtT54, READ ' FALSE AND TRUE." Stad ooe loHav steap to RADWAY CO., No. ft Warm Stnot. Now rerfc. laforoaatioa worth thousaads will be seas) HOLLOWAY'S Erery Han his own Physicia OAXJTI03ST. ' rpHE immense deraanrt for HOLLOWATf I PILU and OINTMENT Ifae tsmptsl snprincipled psrtks to counterfeit these vsl ibH medioinea. In order to protect tlippiih'ir m! oortelnSj w h ive iiwued a new " Trmls Mark," oonslfV inifof an Etrrptian circle of a serpent, with the letter H in the eentre. Every box of m. iniie Kolloway's Pills and Ointment wm have thia trade mark on it ; none an genuine without it. K. T. Chemical km.. m rx-rrlelots, t Maiden ine. twTeia CRANE BlimilAM, . Fruntlfro, CaL U Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. Meet PumaUve Pi