The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 22, 1873, Page 6, Image 6

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mails akrive:
from ttsiiroa.1 ,norlh and south) daily
t IMOF. M.
From Gorvalns, daily, a 11 30 A. M.
From Lebanon, 'ri-weekly, (Monday,
Wednesriay and Friday) at 10.30 A. M.
MAILS depaut: '
For Rsiiroal morli and south), dally,
clone nmiirit at 11 '2 A. M.
For CorvaUis, daily, a 1.50 p. m.
For Leanon,tri-weekly, i Monday, Wed
nesday and Fri lay a' 2 P, N.
Office hours from 7 A. M. to 8 p. M.
Sun lay. from 14 M. o4 P. M.
Money order o flci' honrs from 9 a. m. to
r.M. ' P. H. RAYMOND, P.M.
Albany PKtoeiwr. 'IV Republi
cans of thi precinct are requested to
meet at tlie Court House, on Saturday,
at one o'elock P. M., gharp. If all are
prompt we will not. inconvenience our
Democratic tr ends, who wlab to meet
at tlie same place two hours Inter.
Attend the Primaries Tomor
row. Let every Kepublican who can,
attend the primaries to-morrow, and
aid in selecting goal and reliable men
as delegates to tlie County Convention,
which meets in this city one week from
to-morrow. It is a matter of the
gravest Importance to the citizens of
Oregon, that a worthy, energetic, so
ler. industrious and thoroughly posted
gentleman shall occupy the seat in
Congress left vacant by the death of
the lamented Wilson. Therefore let
the best men from each precinct be
sent up as delegates that wise counsels
may prevail.
Hot. Phew! but the weather has
lieen in the meltiKg mood of late. Tl.e
effort to breathe has been almost too
much for perspiring hnmanitv. We
don't extend remarks upon the subject.
The thermometer has ranged from 90
to 103 degrees in the shade, having
reached the latter figures on Saturday
last. Phew!
CrRCCS. Next Monday is to be the
big day, when everybody is expected
to lie in the city to see the big balloon
go up. and attend the Mg circus. As
It will be the only circus here this sea
son, all will avail themselves of the
opportunity. Albanians never let a
circus get away without seeing all if
has tn show, am! as this is reported to
be the biggest thing that ever raised a
tent-pole in these diggings, you can
bet it'll catch many a bushel of wheat.
Tlor lor the Parisian.
Damaged. On Tuesday an engine
and tender were backed down the rail
road switch that runs along the river
iront. to take up box car loaded with
flour and shorts at Jas. II. Foster &
Co.'s mill. The west end of the track
runs up against the Magnolia Mills,
where the loaded car stood. The en
gine came down at a slashing rate, ran
into the loaded car. which in turn was
crowded against the mill with such
force as to damage t he building consid
erably. Both the box car and tender
received more or less damage. A little
more force, and the w hole train would
have leen precipitated into the mill
race below.
Appreciated. Tlie eihVts being
made by the managers ol the Farmer's
Union Warehouse at Shedd, to place
the grain trade on an indepetidenl
basis, so that parties wishing to pur
chase will have an inducement to bid
on grain, are meeting with a lair de
gree of success, notwithstanding the
opposition, open or covert, of a large
portion of their competitors in Hi.,
trade. Farmers who appreciate the
proposed change at its true value, and
desire to consult their own interest,
should sustain, with a liberal patron
age, this effort to advance their inter
ests. Deseutek Caught. On Monday
Slic-iff Parker caught and jugged fl
deserter from, Camp Harney, name.
McCabe. He bad gone to work ot.
the Santtam Camd. having sold hi
horse. McCalje is an o.'d s,)Kjier am
was on duty during the V. hI s; cam
, . Ganallsh,-Work on the Santian
Caual still prngnxwea .',!! commcutl
ablo rapidiry, and water rill snr. h
ruiiiiing through it entire length.
How to havk (joot Water, re
Harvest. One of the great wants in
the harvest field, is cold, sweet water
for drinking pursue. The water,
which generally has to he carried ome
distance before it reaches the Held, .n
piires a mawkish warmth, giving very
little satisfaction to the partakers
; thereof. A little trouble, however.
' will enable our fanners to supply
j themselves during the harvest with
! nice cold water. When the water is
carried in jugs to the fie'd. all that is
' neecessary to insure a cool tlranght of
water is to envelope the jug in everal
' folds of coarse cotton or Minn cloths.
, kept constantly wet. The philosophy of
the matter is. the evaporation of the
j moisture in the cloth keeps the vessel
. perfectly cool, and ju-t in proportion
j ,he evaponition be ta t or slow. If
' tlie Harvest force he large and a barrel
; be used, it is only necessary to Increase
j the thickness of the folds of cloth
around the barrel. I lie cloth unit
be kept wet so that tue evaporation
may be constantly going on. What"
evcr vessel be used, it should be kept
in the shade, hut is better 11 exposed to
the air. k The evaporation of ether or
other exceedingly volatile substance
in a draught i employed as an experi
ment in freezing substances in the hot"
est weather.
Smallpox Scare. On Sunday last
report gained wide circulation over the
city, that Postmaster Raymond hail
the smallpox that )r. Rice, his phy
sician, had so stilted ami of course
the greatest alarm was manifested by
our citizens. Dr. Rice informs us that
he never made the statement, directly
or indirectly, and that Mr. Raymond's
was simply a billions attack. If the
party or parties who gave currency to
! the report, flid so for a joke, we
would say that it is a very cruel joke,
and one likely to prove costly to our
city. This fooling with smallpox
jokes won't stand pressing, and we
warn those who have nothing else liet-
I ter on their hands than attempting
"smallpox scares," to go remarkably
slow, or they may have the tables
turned upon them in a way they will
not like.
Personal. Mr. A. Carothers and j
family returned from I'pper Soda the I
first of the week, after an absence of
nearly two weeks, in the anjoymentot
j splendid health.
Mrs. If. D. Godley and family have
returned from a long stay at Sodaville.
j greatly improved by the visit.
Martin Luper, Esq., who returned
last week from an extended visit to
Southern California, comes back to
! stay, better satisfied than ever with hi-
Oregon home.
j Bob Head and lady were in the city
I on Wednesday.
Utir old mend, the "young man
from Wisconsin," threw himself in
sight on Wednesday.
Mrs. Cranor and her two children re
turned from Yaqnina on Wednesday.
The children's health was vastly im
proved by the trip
Mr. X. Baum started on his annual
pilgrimage to 'Frisco on Thursday.
Mr. Ol. Tompkins called on Thurs
day, fresh from Clatsop Bench. Says
its the finest place in the word.
Something New. Mr. w. n.
Dodd. late of Portland, is now open
ing, in the Register Building, a large
stock of assorted hardware of the new
est and best kinds, which he offer: to
the citizens of Albany and vicinity ai
fair rates. Also the place to get fresh
groceries. Will also sell agricultirra'
imtlementv wagons, etc. Call and
examine his stock.
Thanks. l-'or a complimentary
ticket to the vocal and instrumental
cnivrtat Masonic flail, Portland, ot,
Tuesday evening last for the benefit of
sufferers by the late fire there, we an
indebted to the politeness of Mr.. I. II
Brenner. Sorry that sickness iu otti
family prevented our enjoying tin
rich treat afforded by those who wer,
orfunate enough to put in an appear-
Bhot-qcks -Those breeeb-loadliv
hot-gnus, to he seen at P. C. Harpe
i Co.'s, snatch the rag fr..m anvthhn
ve'veseen in the way of double-bar
els. They're just the things foi
WHEAT booming hi rapidly, keep-
ing our millets and warehousemen
busy. The general report seems to be
that the crop is turning nut much bet -
ter than even the most sanguine ex -
petted, and the total yield will liesim-
nk- piiMw
i .........
Smashing Big Stock. X. Baum
started on Tnrsdav for San Francisco. 1
where he will rum-haw a amaalitni. Mb
r , '"W
stoek of goods, selected especially to
meet the demands and wants of the
cMzens of Albany and vicinity. Look
out for a snperlor Assortment of gomls
upon Katun's return.
DANfiEKors Illness. The close at-
tention demanded hv our youngest j
daughter, who has been, and still is. I
seriously in. during the week, lias!
greatly shortened the time usually de- i
voted to this department of the Reg- ;
u, . Z 7 . I
SHEEP. Peter Saxe will receive,
mi , . .
on Monday next. 20 splendid Spanish
Merino Bucks. They will be on sale
till Wednesday. They are anions the
finest ever bred In Vermont. Callaiidr"" '" ' !""vv m
,i. j mi a , , . atorage then-ou. Lsr"lam nreuiml
M-e tlicir silky fleeces, at Montgomery s ; to p,,,, vVheattuat. wLl.V. I
"taWe- j paying tin- highest market price there-!
Rev. M. Stephenson will hold divine
service at the Court House to - mor -
row evening at o'clock, and on
Sunday at 3 and 1 P. M. All are
Wheat Quotations. We hear of;
no sales of new wheat, but we bear i
i that 75 and 80c per bushel has been
offered by buyers. This is enconr-1
aging to producers, and should prices i
go no higher, will prove remumerative. ,
S kness. Considerable sickness
prevails, both in the city and county,
among the children, at present, siier
Indueed by the hot weather and eating
too ranch nnriie fruit.
Better and Logs Remain tran
quil at last week's quotations. First
class table butter is not thrown in sight
any too frequently, however.
Wooi,. With very little Inquiry
wool remains firm at 22 L,c per pound.
, - .
Irom all we ran learn there is very
little wool in hist bands.
Odd Fellows Excursion. The
Odd Fellows of this citv are project-1
tL : .
K an fAcmioo inio uie muuuuuus ;
at an early day. j
- I
Khitt. Apples, pears, plums and
blackberries are in good supply, at
good races.
Business U graduallv looking up.!
" " ;
and the indications ol a healthy fall .
trade are promising, j
iiwvriAi. as 4'wni-:it-iti,.
rfigal tenders remain as last quoted, ;
l&wgtSojb, !
The recent advance iu Wheat in San
Francisco, should it prove permanent,
augers well for Oregon producers.
There is a great difference of opinion
amoiig dealers as to the cause o:' tiis
sudden tlllU UOJoOKUd 'or advance, as
ili . r . .i '
well as it continuance. Lei the cans-
es at work be as they mav. there is no j
. I
denying the fact that wheat prices ad- j
. i . , i i ,.
raiiced during the week in San Fran-
ctsyo, and that our latest advices show I
tliey are firm at the figures mentioned.
A favorable omen regarding the sta
bility or probable permanency of the
recent advance in wheat, is that dour
has also been advanced in price, and
tin. iL.i 'I'll,. ,..iti i
lor Oregon flour is also increasing.
IV (j hope the advance in the price of
wheat just noted may not only contin
ue, bui that the tendency may be up
ivard. 0:i the 19th, the outside limit
reached in San Francisco was $2
per 100 His,
The Bulletin notes the fact that a
fanner of Marion county has sold his
wheat in Portland, to tat delivered,
sicked, by railroad, at thai point, for
ihc round stun ol eighty-six cents per
bushel net. This is a good round pay.
ing figure.
Kalpli Geer, of Marion county, har
vested one field of wheat, a portion ol
which yielded eighty bushels of prune
wiieat per acre, and tlie balance of the
Held, it was thought, would yield not
es than fifty bushels per acre. With
itch crops, at above mentioned figures,
the fanners ot the Willamette Valley
hould be happy.
j Born.-Oii the Hth. to the wife of
Mr. Struckmeyer. a daughter.
' MAHWep.
! Angnt 19th, !":!. In Jefferson -t
, fn' reddence of tlie bride's pwnt, bv
1 Kcv. Mr. Fllim, of Sa'em, Mr. Hugh
. ,, ,r n.., .. .i 1 it
I-,... in . '-i i fit 1 1 m i. .iim eavt jinn
L. B. Walfi r. of ieftt rsou.
Wftll the above not ice mine a i.-.r;.-
snIW (,f "il,'''i1
cake, made hv the
fair bride herself. May the highest
luTftpiiiess attainable by mortal
be theirs.
August i7tli. is;x ia thN cltv, Oar
ROLL I).. (MllV son of 1'. (
uid Annie
Hai'uer. Jltfed nine months anil livi'
15liICK VVareiioi'se-Wiieat and
ATS Stoked. '. I). Simpson, hav-
rented tlie brick Warehouse lately
occupied by Messrs. Cowun & Co., Is
prepiired to store grain at the coming
' . . p. w. , , "
barvet in good shape. Sacks ur-
tn ' it.
wrehoii!e will be snblect to the order f vT r ..''ji.-'V."1'" ALBANY, PbBT
ot owners-they ttyrtng of it as ; pLhtwhai. is w"r,h 750
i it jf in ea-ii. v. an ami sct..
' "Healing on its Winc.s,
miv all
who have made use of Dr. 117 . '..
littlMui iif Wild Chmijt and by such use
cured themselves of coughs, colds, and
consumption. The prudent will al
ways keep this remedy by them. 502t
A. WHF.JXKK. C. V. Helot:.
A. WEll I A CO.,
Dealers in Merchandise and Produce. A
good assortment of nil kinds of ;oods al-1
ways iu stoic at lowest market rales.
Agents lbr sale of Wagons, drain Drills, I
Cider Mills, Churns, Ac., Ac.
A geiitlenian in the eastern part of j
rneware, who was anout Having Ins
leg amputated on account of it being
bent at right angles and stiff at the
knee, heard of &i' A)MlmeLin-
fM.Mi t ia .. , i a At.
. ,f:.. umi'ln
leg became straight, aud is now as ser-
vlceable as the other.
A great many people have asked us I
of "How do yon keep ynnr horse
so,slek We
tell them it's the easiest thiuir in the
vvoikl ; give 6'iente' Canalrn Vmli-
turn Pouidert two or three times a 1
The Worn- nl Tear of Life.
The cares, anxieties and misfortunes of
Ufa have as much to do with sbortenlnn it
asill.sease. Tlioy are in fad tbe anurce of
many aliments and physical disabilities.
Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, nifecilons
of die liver, disturbances of the bowi Is,
headache hypochondria ami monomania
areamon.,"Ws.-.ii4-1,, fmtts. it is,
tliei'efore.,)i a huortancetnat )ersonfl
whose min is a.v otKiressed with htavv
bnslness rusnnnsltiiiitfes, or haraaaed bv
or m-roiexei muu imicLV -f c.i-,. Li i
.-.....:.. .......
es, orlnany wayoverlaxedorovcrworked,
siiouim Keep 'i Heirs' am urn by Hie dnilv i
nseora wholesome ionic. Thousands ni I
ner-ons thus elnm instance dareenahli id to
bear up against the dlfflcnlt ies in whieli
tliev are Involved, mil to retain their
strength, health and mental clearness,
by the regular use of Hostetter's Siomach 1
fmm. -lBaMswWehar prone to at-
tiuk iheljoly waenuauliicatedanauruken
down by over-ine.-li bniin work or ex-'
hajMitltlg nli s'uui iahor, are Kent at tmv 1
by the resistant power with wbih this In-
jomwwaljle tonic endows tlie nervous sys-1
teiu and tlie vi iu organs. At this season. I
when the tea- Isevuporatlntftheolomenis j
,M . iv.ui u iiuiji i ivi i 1 njrtj. un in "or-
sn, is aWlaiely essential to the safety
u'"), ('n,.",f;"'; " e ,,"1,J!'Land is tulreJ
kei-Mllieil arhleilll cfiralitttflrta In Bfatna
nun Ntumw Hiimnnf ll. ,.i i....v o;.,..u
is mrtlcularly useful at IhlaoerlOfl of the I
yet.! as a defence against the invisible dis-1
ease iitlriH! in a snlirv atmosphere. It is I
the most no'enl of all nreienlilice niei'.i- I
i.i.,.. iiii.i tv,.',.ii ............. ,..i,i.,i. ..n'.. .
the sioniiieh. Hie liver mid tl
..... .......... .... ... , - ..I, H
iow els, and
iii'ei'tere wnli i h perfect dieestion and
with 1 he nci
i ion of food.
on and
Kiinnu. ion oi hum, u is t in; siniviarn
all the
JPlzix. Seed
delivered at our Warehouse in Albany
Blood Will Tell!
day. liiih lnm.,al s. Montgomery's
Livery S allies, one "AIKliltlK" ami one
"THOKNOALE." two year old Hulls,1iist
iniimrted from Kentucky, Pedigree, ixt
fect. Will he sold at low prices, and on
reasonable terms. Also,
Merino and Cotawold
RKKKDINO 8HKEI'. to arrive soon. En
quire at St. Charles Hotel.
Albany, Aug. 15. Importer.
mew To-r ,
am am, i w.i.vr : Mn.uji;r
on .1) y rj -B!'v i an I wren sftwnad
tllcil- A. miH U'amiinML 1 I... .('.-. .
gKl Cleanup, cwi iwndle ' s
AM. itllAX IIIAI' urn
: wt.h safety en
1 1 lev aiv
I'renaiiM io furnish all the
Mli-I;s IUV i.. I
i nn'i ! frightened by the ol 1 cry that
we are (he nunc hi' I! w ran
I'ajl arid see far yourselves.
W'i, a: free,
fejgg&k Wanted.
wan c i. tor which we win pay the
In eaah, from lime to tune.
I'iv. ut Qnotnflona:
ForConnnoii un i Volunteer, ;ic v it.,
esiia .ine and c.ean. -! , mi ji,s,
. ,. ' COM8TOCK A CO,
AU4T. UVll.iO
Parisian Circus!
I I S o tt ,
J) I I r Sill) Y'Y
XL V fV 1
win u'l-w rv i,,v,
w. ai i .-.a it in aliianv
Iuaviaiv . ,.,,,. .
U.l I , AMllr 2.), A
rpilK l' TO; LARGEST AND Mint
Or ISO Msa Horses !
rjfiK.imn r r-rion-RAn v
1 'aaepiate one
ur ix'fore the nIkivv
hlldren, Half pi-ice.
rVlSJE I i- v
ADMISMON. 61 iki:
1(k flAAPd
lO,Ul'0 ,, ,1,,
ae,. m
OATS. Inquiro
hi hnnse,of
anal or l hi liCompanj
annual election of the
lie d ill I heir OtHen i,,
a..' no: Lie I
V?."?!"1' v
emn.v. nr. m, on Hi iseeoti Tnes.-'nyot
"' ' 1 ."vs ' " k l' . .M . u '.(.
!""'' " "'' "" ' l a luiar I Ot Nti'cn I :" ...
.. ,
isuit year, and tmnsactlno
........ .. in i uwiiiiuk. us ,i,f I oiic iinv nuiv
""I"1''" , . f. -MAXSEIELI),
Ju.y -a, W7fViH! i Secretary.
a,. J
Notice 2
X Warehouse of li. cheadie, wi.h Un.
I iiii-ii-.iniiiii.(i,i.a,M,; aininc; (apac
I itv, is now prepared to receive ifflua ftu
the harvest ol i.-;.
Farmers wishing te stove or sell wheat
win find ii io their advantage taaaeouj
before seifinsj eteewhere, Ail Will be turn-
ISned wnli Sacks to move I heir grain bv
eanlna un m,..
The highest cash price will lie jinirt" for
gon i merchauiuuio wiicui a ail tlnjei,
E. S. Mi KiuLl,, an old uiilzen oi Albany
ot excel, ei.H business quail ilcntlong, lias
taken elHXi'gc ol Uie warehouse, ana Will
superintend the receiving and deliver) id
all grain passing Huoiili It.
Altiany, July 23, IH'i- .n I7ni3
Collegiate Institute!
Next term open,
Monday, September 1,
t M. K. WABBEH, PreaMeat.