ATjHAVY register. 8 BUSINGS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AM) Exchange Office, AI.HAM, OREUOft. TWOSITS UBCK1VKSU SUBJECT TO 1J che.;k at sight. interest aliowcd on time deposits In coin. Exchange on Port 'an l, Stin Francisco, aim New i in k, tor sale hi lowest rates. Collection iiuuli nii'l livonmt iv remit ted Refers to H. W., Henry Failing, Hanking ltonrs from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, l71-2v3 Something t n in Dentistry. OH. E. O. KM ill, DEVI 1ST, HAS LOCATK1 1 IN A LUA ny, and lias the new in vention In plate wofk,wlilch insists 111 iltacl'.inu tee.h In the uioulh without covering the whole roof,as heretofore. It given '.he wearer I he wearer the free use of the tongue to the Toofoftheiuon h in talking and lasting. It is the Stall b Purvine patent. Teeth extractel without pain. Plates mended, whet hot broken or divided. Ijtf-UKKloh Firs! street, iiisr uft'onners Bank (up stairs), Allsiny, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, HUNT NTHEET, ALBANY, OKEUOS, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, tlMU. KNPEAVOR TO KEEP CON MM stantty on band a mil supply oi ALL KlXlt ' HWIth til lu. it... iii-i ttnttt nimllfv WHICH win w m ii ".j .. h The highest market priee paid for beeves, togs ana sncep. . . Third door west of Ferry, on twuth frtde f First street. J. i nAmua Albany, Doc. IS, 1ST1-Uv4 JOHN SCHMEER, DKALEK IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OKEOON. HAS JUST OPEN ED HIS KW (JROCER tn ir ill' KllftWOrtll and First s.ree's, with u fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions. Candies, Cigars, 10- Uttcco, iXC., to wntcu ue niviies me biwii lion of our citizens. In connection with the storabe will keep a Bakery, an.l will nlways have on iianu a full supply ot Ircsli Draw, cracKere, sc. tair Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 16-t4s-4 TURNING TURNING. I AM PREPARED TO IK) ALL KINDS of turning; keep on hand and make to order mwhiderlioltomed chairs, Ac. Shop near tint Mills and Hosiery, Jmferson, Ore- 5 on. Branch shop near "Magnolia i 1 1 , " Ibanv, where orlers for chairs, turning, Ac., tan lie left. JOHN M. METZLER. Jefferson, Aug. i, IS72 PETERS & SPEIDEL, MANUKACrilMCRS OF Carriages dc Wagons. Of Every Desrrlplkm, ALBANY, OREGON. MANUFACTURE TO and all styles of ORDER ANY Wagon, CrmiKgcg, Hacks, Ac,, at as reasonable racs as the use of ?;ood materlnl and flrst-class work will Jus tly. Repairing neatly and c.xnodlt iously done at low rates. Shop on Ferry lietween First and Second PETERS A SPEIDEL. Albany, March 7, 1K73-27 Notice. OREGON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Lund iHtpnrtntent, Portland Oregon, April , UTS.- Notice Is hereby Svon, that, a vigorous prosecution will l)o stunted against any and every person who tresnasses upon any Railroad Land, by cuttlngnnd removing Umber 'herefrom before the samu Is BOliO.HTof the Compa ny AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land In odd numbered sec tions, whether survevod or unstirveyed, within a distance of thirty miles from the line of the road, belongs to the Company. 1. R. M00RK8, Mvtti Land Agent. Mlain, Voant ft Olumu. n 9 r 5 j H B 8 I S 9 I a 0 0 H" P. a gt P U B PP I " Oi I H R i 5T ft s d a CD" GO o CD t Terrible Hro Mi ParUnnd. 'IlrP niiisf fenilile lire tlt hn vHt- wl tlie Pacific iswst siiK 1-161, otwir to I on the 1 1 inn t!i i( of AitipvtH 173. til rortlttitrl. I wctiiv fiinCKa wm wholly ili'stniretl, mid portion of one or two others, raining a loss of over one million doHgr. The lire is u pol to Itnve lieen tlie work of inoen tlhtrie-. i'he lire tie rwrtinent of Port lanrl. its usual, did herculean labor ant! akletl hr litvtneu from Salem. Vancouver ami Un-jmn Uity. smweded in stayine the lianies after a hard fought battle of about nine hours Many families are left entirely ilesti tute, tlie lire-fiend htring taken tlieir all. While oilier cities and towrm on the coast are send! iig aid to Hie suffer' ers our citizens should not lie liehiud, lull- uluuilil ,ri,... U'lfl, a it! .1 I. I MW WHIM 1 I"! IHRntl IMII1I thankful thai while others are suffering tiirougii am riirtui scourge of tire. Al bany has gone almost scott-free. We give below a list of the sufferers by (he tire as published in Monday's Ore- gonlun : LOWES. K A White, St Cluirles Hotel dam age to building and furniture by water and fire, fiuuuu; itiuy insured. K A White, International Hotel, 16,000; no insurance. J H Kellosur. furnilure, 1-5,000: no InsuntiKV. K Sitinott. saloon, fl.OOO. Jos Leonard, saloon. ('1,000. J J Hlggins. cigar stand. $5,000. Welch 4 Morgan, saddlery. (5.000 Asa Darker, frame bui Id lnip, $7,000; no insurance. inonnntp a iitompmii. naraware imervntints, (4.000; no insurance. II. ........ I ucwiKr aiiti irciiijr, urifiniiKsiiiii igier- chant, building and stock, $5,000. Iiower estate. $500; no insurance. 0 W Brown, druggist, $1,000; no in- sural);' H il Tuttle. dealer In agricultural iinpleuteu:s, 5.000 no insurance. U. Billion, dry Kootbrnensiaut, $10.- 000. J It Iike, tinner, $5,000; no instir- J ance. fM A Meier, drv goods merchant, $(50, Kj 000: iiisiinmcetH-000. I N Goodman, dry fowls merchant, 0 $12,000; iiiMir,- i for $5,000. M Ztdler, beer sttoon, $8,000; do in mirsucA. r i ci....i..m k.iui. ....i " oininm Ktpwt wiiihiiiiks nun stock. $30,000; liistiratce 14,800. Dr W Weatlatrfoni. brick building. $7,000; InsuraiKV $1500. I.-..I,,, n-.j i .,!.. i,...... I, .inn iinr-., ii.iniiiiv.pviii iiiriVllitlll-S. L3 $1000; iusnrauce $1,000. & Colin t Koseutield, produce dealer. Ej $ 0Everding & Farrell. produce anil grain dealers, (H).(HK); insurance $5. 000. Bttrchard & Power, second-hand mrniture dealers, 10.UUU; insurance $3,500. 0 S Savage, paint "hop. $500. I) Metzger, glue factory, $500: no titauMiMm. Estate of Toel Perkins, frame builil- ings $1,000. no insurance. V (rallagiier, slioe and boot shop. ftlOO: on InsiiRiinv Ur Kahler, (lentlst, $500: no iusnr auce. Geo Wright frame building. $1,000; no insurance. QrDW Hardenberg, frame build ings. $1,500; no insurance. P Varwig, saloon, $500; no Insur I nmta nuvci I) D Bunnell. Metronolis Hotel, antl other buildings, $40,000: Insnniice. $5,000. I'Mfton House and other oniltllugs. $8,000; im insurance. Walter MnffWt. buildings, wharves and goods. $00,000; InmrauoP, $11000. loseph Knott, buildings and wharf. $5,000. S Kafka, junk store, $1000; no in surance. Samuel Ix'vy. trauie buildini. $0.- 000; no insurance. H Egan, paint store, $250; no in surance. I-acher A Hawes. tin shoo. $1000. O Mitchell, produce dealer, $4,000; no Insurance. T F. Ione. coffee and spice detiler. (lb. last; no insurance. H Fleckliisteiu. wliolesale litpuir dealer. $20,000; no insurance. Knshland BrH.. commission mer chants. $2ft000; Insuraiu-e $10,000. .las B Stephens, frame building, $1. 000; no insurance. Jas Thompson, hoarding hone and blacksmith simp, $10,000; no insurance. ft W Vaughn, irrlst mill, wheat. sacks, wharves, hulkling and wood. $150,000; Insurance $fi.000. Oihte A Watkius. frame builillngs, $4,000; no insurance. Dr G Kellogg. dn and flxttircs $400; no insurance. Hensehueh & Schmidt srrocers $0.- 000; insurance $10CJ. Besser & Smith, saw mtH, $),000; no InsuraiKV. W F Wilcox, sash and door factory, $10,000; no insurance. 11 K Pnrtce. churn maker, $6000; no insurance. David Mnimastes. foundry atwl build ings. $25,000; 110 insurance". Stluisou A Co.. lumber. $7,000; no Insurance, Ki 000; Kim pp. Ilitrreil&Co., wagons. $11. 0; no insurance. Kdtviu Smith, blacksmith and wagon sho. $1,200; insurance $000. O S Phel,H. gnicerles and furniture, $1,000; no insurance. Win Bond, match factory, $1,500; no lusuriiuce. CCCrieh. hooka sewii.K machines . A.rt.. . and fixtures. $400; no iusnrauce. J li Wallace, black smilh shon, $000; no insurance. kNtatc of R. Carson, frame building. $300. T A Wood, brick buikling. $1,000; no insurance. folm Hines A Co., dwelling house and wood, $3,500; no insurance. loiiit P Walker, sash and door fac tory, lumber and buildings, $05,000; no insurance. 1 S Van Rensselaer, frame building, $3,000. Daniel lohnsnu estate, frame build ing, $600; no insurance. Isaacs, butcher shop, $500; no insur ance. Chas Unlinan, frame building. $3, 000; no insurance. It Catliti. frame building, $3,000; no insurance. W lloiieyman. foundry, $2,000; no insurance. Bergman, bakery, $1,000; no insurance. Delschneider Bros., grocers, $1,200; no insurance. SMiifl Svkes. brewery ami-saloon. $6,000; no Insurance. Mrs 0 Bills, two dwelline houses. $1,600; no insurance. W k Smith lumber- and bulldiiurs. $25,000; no insurance. Smith Bros & Co.. lumber. $7,000: no Insurance. J R Robb. furniture, etc.. $500: no insurance. City property Protection No 4: Hook and Ladder Co. No 1.. and citv lamps aggregating $7,000; no insur ance. Walleusteiu House, $1,000; no insur- at me. Mnttnomiih House, $2,000; no insur ance. Saddler shop. $500. W Gallick. nmluce dealer and com mission tuerchaut fJ.OOO: iusnrauce (3.000 M Durkheinier, second-hand flind- lure dealer. $1,500; Insurance, $1,000. i) McUill. blacksmith shop. $1,000; no insurance. Frar, brass foundry. $6,000; uo in- suiance. Nonpareil Hall, 1 0 O T, $1,000; no insurance. f M Hitchev frame bnildlnirs, $5.- 000. I B Snrenirer. fliruiture and llstnres. $2.5(10; uo insurance. Weeks A Morgan, dwelline hotis. $500; uo iusnrauce. I A Blanchartl, otnee and -fixtures, $1500; no insurance. Perry Davis wooden bulfdluir, $1,- 000; uo insurance. M h Mulkcy. three frame buildinirs, $3.0U0: no insurance. W S Ualpmuer, lamps, $150; no in- urance. J Knery, im rebnut $1,500. P Selliuir, merchant $40,000; insur ance. (.'CuOO. Champions Ueti Cross regalia, etc.. $150; uo insurance. G W Hilliuau, frames, pictures etc., (-oo; uo InsoraiKX). W 11 Crow, sa'oou $800; no insur ance. Hurgreii A Shiudler, furniture and warerooms. $40,000; iusurauve, SiJ.000. McGinn A Hill, grocers and bakers $6,600. stiubrick X orris, a frame building, $1,000. A iVhiteaker, one wooden building, fl.OOO. J M Frver. merchant, building and stock, (15,000. Estate of Geo. Pratt one building, $1,500. Hudson A Feeker, saloon, $500. Smilh, Cltauipliu A Co., hoot and slat factory. (10,000; insurance (1000. EdChambtvau, second-hand furni ture duller, (250. Clark Bros., second-hand furnilure dealers, $500. Cluing Lung, Chinese merchant, $11000; insurance, (.1,000. 1 Stusheimcr, furnilure maker, $350. Hachncy AStennnc, grocers $4,000; Insurtiitce $1500. H Slnshelmer, music dealer, $1,500; uo insurance. M Wertheiuier, second-luiiHl dealer in ftintltcre, $600; no ins'irance. O E Faruswortli, gixicer, $2,000; no insurance. C M Kohr, butcher shop and build ing. $5,000; no insurance. Prof Newell, furniture and clothing, $800. Wm Pcthltfjcii, personal property, $150. E Bohlmaii, pei-sonal property, $150. Ferrera A Robert grocers, $1000; uo insurance. W AschenlKtiin, poultry dealer, $400. Mrs Thomas II Pearne, brick building, $11,000: insurance 10,00tl. J P Farmer, two frame buildings $3,0 ; no insnranoo. Ricliardsou A Cook, wooden buildings, 8,000. 0 M Murtlri, grocer, damaged by water, (70ft, A U Shelby, erockery, (WO; no Insurance, Tl Acker, livery statile, (10,I0; no incof anwi. HO Breedon, personal property, (M0; no insurance. V M Arnold, three wmvlen buildlnm. - (S.ooft: tnsoranee H,tm. x1n,h lulKTi l"me building, (Ufft w H uu pemomu nmnerty, m 1 Heirs of Petorftcholl, one building, So! ..SW'g'ggft " bnlidtnga, '..ooe; rsiMleTSFiiik Hotel, (turn no tov suranou. E,uU Lowensteln t Co., furniture ant) JMJTESS HffS vuil,lH,Wll.P,lll.HIBW(lvmiWim bouse and stock, tl.m. Mrs fonnteton, DrM naudtng, no,o. acnenrer a i oyne, woo 1, 1 i.irju. W '.naif!, b iniuni unffiffi ' J T1"" AbmmsAHogne, InmiHtr, (4,000; no l- J Clarke, personal property. $400. aurance. 80 Skl'lntore, woodtm building, (4,000. Hannah Smith, won len building, (2,000. J H Boyd, saloon, li.'flfi; no iusurmnos. Portland (Jos and Wa er Cnmrany, for niilLnre 1 nintns M tHI' im ln,mvnm flaiah Pardun, frame house, (3,000; no In surance. Dr Frecland, drug Mont, (3,000; no Inaw anoe. James Johnson, personal proiierty, IfMO. (ieorge A Pease, bout and shoe store, stock lnlnred by water,'X L H Waketteld, brisk building, (8,000; i suranue. $7,000. Re v J F lie Vow, two duellings. (000. W B Fane, one dwelling, U, KM. Mrs Doltnirii, housnhold gK) is, $'i00. Mrs 8 A Tailiot. twodweiniigs$i,00a. ' S Uiiuui, Itoiuohold goods, $1,000; insur ance $!.::tw. Mrs (.ast, rosldeiiceand household gooa Charles Rrown, Portland Ice Works, and IJUlllUllg, f I.1WU. J C Ainsvorth, four dwellings, $), J0. Smith Bros., dwelling, .fi.tKJO; insuranc i)r Yf Wmtherford, damage to dwelling by tire und furnilnixi by removal. $300. Jolin Tanner, vacant siowanddwelUng, Mrs Charles Ooodnough, damage to building by demolition, MM; no insurance. lntmage lo Imildingson west side of Second si .vol, bet ween Morrison and Yamhill, $1,'KK). Irrliienii, briclc building and personal proiierty, $11,000; i.o Insurance. Oliver Dtnnle, photographer, (000, nolo su ranee. A tier, gunsmith, .100. Scluuiwr. saiiKin. I i00r no Insammm. J Mlicbeil, ci-ncer, $i,000: no tnsuranoc. J P O Lownsdule, ohree houses, $LS0Of no insurance. (Jeo She'nm.'d, grocor, $100; no insurance. Bhit ft Klngsloy, rihoe Siore, $400. lr I A 1'Ut'i iiXirt.2i wootlen bouses and issrsonal pnnsjrty, $J,ooo; no Insnranpe. n W Miuinii : ies,ci',iluiuaaed in moving, tU. F.elschner A Crotte, shoe store, damaged in moving $itinj. D H Heutlee, photographer, damaged try removal fcoo. J Btnom.dry goods store, damagcj by moving, io. Law soi i A sails, junk dealers, (MM; 09, in surance K Corbett, hay and feed, $000; no insur ance. Sherry Boss" estate, including a livery stable un J other building. $10,000. Thomas A Morgan, vinegar dealers, $700. Levi Kstes A Co., struct railroad, $a, m. LusMEH AM) I.NSl.KANCE; Total loss, $1,1W,75. ;. To'al Insurance, $231,0X1. Tmal loss uuove amount of Insunince. So far as we have been able to ascertain, the following Insurance (Xnnpanlea have sustained losses as follows : liondon, Liverpool A (ilobe $41,210 Fireman's Fund (0,000 Union , 30,000 Inuicrial tlo.tmo Home Mutual 30,000 PhJinlx. 90,000 Total , $ilLio Fine crops ot sweet potatoes re growing iti Jackson county. Senator Fay, of Jackson county, lias appoinUi John Young and Abraham Menem- agricultural stu deuUt, to atteial CWvallis College. On Saturday, tlie 26lli ultimo, a Chinaman was drvwued near tlunu cr's i- crry, ou Hogue river, in Jack- sun county, while putting in a wing dam. Two companies of soldiers are now stationed at Fort Walla Walla. Two more are expected soon. The overland stage from Keltou to Boise City was stopd 011 the 2 ith tilt., 011 the south side ot .Snake river, about 150 mi es from Hotse, by masked men, who were armed with shotguns. Weils, Fargo 1 Co.'s treasure box and tlie mail, consisting ot three sacks, were taken; but the passengers, one of whom was Hev. U. :Vl. Uwiuu, of Idaho, were not molested. There were eighty deaths ft San KratKiiruo during last week the largest nuiuuer during any one week iii rive years. James 1 lei run, carric of the San Francisco (Jail, was lined $120 recently tor stealing other papers from hou. 38. San Francisco had 28 tires during July Loss $b,000. Tlie Gazette says the formers' warehouse at Corvallis, is rapidly " approaching cuiupletion. The Cooke Brothers have estab lished a banking home at Taomaa. Wells, Fargo & Co. have opeind an express office at Taounu, with Robert U. Hays as Agent. Judge Deunisoit's residence near, was totally consumed by lira od Wednesday night of last week.