The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 08, 1873, Image 1

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    LP Ruber
NO. 46.
gat cut "Sewn,
The Portland Herald materia!
is to be wild on tlie 9tli proximo.
The salmon fisheries have been
more successful this reason than in
any pre v urns one.
Tlie police have unearthed a so
ciety, humiienti about zw mem
bers, called " II in Vee Loig Soci
ety,'' whose object is to prosecute
tlie traffic in Chines! women for
purposes of prostitution, pven
members had lieen arrested and the
jiolice were after more. 11 cir
cumstaiices leading to the discovery
weretliese: In June last, a girl
(Ah Sing) fled to the pi'lk-eflir pro
tection from Ah Yee, keejiers of a
brothel. Hie whs sent to i r. Cilv
ion's mission school, and was there
married by him to 1 ut Lung, On
the 17th of this n with, Yst I.ung
was brought iw're the Secuty at
its room on ackson (street, ti.d told
there that lie must y Ah Hee
$350 as tlie price of the girl or suf
ter death at their hands. He prom,
iscd to pay and was released. He
went to the school again, s id Gib
son told him not to pay the money.
He remains there, afraid to p)iear
on the streets. Oil the 29tli ult.
He received a letter rrum ' in i.e.n
I'o, advising him to pay ?I00, and
warning him that he cannot hide
long from the tear'ul puWfr ut the
Society. The charge, against the
prisoners is conspiracy.
Uu Yen, of San Francisco, hang
linwelf tlie other day.
The Seattle and Walla Walla
Kailroad Company have opened
The pars in tlie case m" Ann
Kliza Webb Young, preying for a
divorce from Brigbam Young, were
personally served on the 2to.h nit.
Tlie Prophet seemed iniwiurbed,
and passed the documents to tlie
Secretary. Ft Mowing are the main
pints of complaint: Plaintiff
avers she is the wife of defendant;
that she was married on the 6th
April, '63; has two children liy for
mer marriage; i no prwoial
property or means of living; for one
year after marriage defendant lived
with her; since tl en has almost en
tirely deserted her. I Jefendant sent
her and her children to live on a
farm tour mile from Salt l ake
City, where she and her only com
panion, her mother, has to do men
ial work for tlif ir support, drying
coarsely and r ig w ly. 1 eieid.
ant visited her occasionally and
never remained over hah an hour.
He treated her with contempt and
acorn and exacted the carniigs of
the farm. In the foil of 1872, by
direction of defendant, plain? ni took
up a residence in Salt lake City,
which she has been compelled to
leave from want of support and Tear
of violence from defendant. She
has called um defend int frequent
ly for maintenance ami has always
been refused; is in feeble health and
under medical treatment, and has
been obliged to sell furniture to
meet current expense, She sues
for divorce on account of negleot
and bad treatment. S he states that
her husband has au income of $40,.
000 a month, she prava for law
yers' fees, $29,000, 10,000 of whuh
are to be pant down as a prelimin
ary fee, and the balance on the ter
mination of the suit; she meanwhile,
to receive (1,000 per mouth for
support. She finally prays that tho
urn of $290,000 be set aside from
defendant's estate and paid to her
M alimony. The reply is set for
August 5th.
The receipts over iu Union coun
ty for the year ending July 12th,
was $489 04,
The wile ot Wm. Moreland, of
ChcVamaj oouuty, a tew days ago
was thrown fit m a horse. Her fisit
caught iu tl stirtip and slie was
severely injured by being dragged
for some distance.
In tlie case of Whitlow vs. Reese,
involving the title to the town site
of I a'avettc, an opinion has been
offered in the Supreme Court in fa
vor ot tlie plaintiff.
The rabbits have been playing
havoc with the grain fields of Boise
alley. They arc represented near
ly as thick ar grasshoppers.
The market for tlie new wla?at
crop at Walla Walla oiened at
tins low price of 40 cents per bushel.
Iu Buba, Teiin., an old feud
caused Richard Gaygoth to shoot
and kill N. B. Cole ou the 29lh
Parties have brought interior watch
movements into this country with
forged name of American mauu
fictnrcrs engraved ou them The
Government it is understood will
press the cases against the parties.
Up to the 24:h of July, the Mai
iiuiulier of immigrant who had ar
rived this year was 179,374, which
is only 700 to 800 less than the fig
ures at the corresponding time last
A large numW of pnstmator ,
holding minor offices, having failed
in their efforts for a general read
justment ot salaries, will appeal to
the Court of Claims. The aggre
gate sura claimed will be some half
a million dollars
After two hours hard fighting,
tlie loyal troops at Seville, Spain,
gained and held the loading sira-
getw points in the city on the 28th
ult. At Malatra, the fighting be
tween the soldiers and insurgents
was severe all day on the 28th ult.
Over 300 barricades were erected
in the heart of the city. In Na
varre the Car ist force had been de
feated, and 700 republican prison
ers had been released by the vhjto.
riousarmy. At Berga, an attack
made by a s;eging Carlk force was
repulsed, and the siege was raised.
A well dressed young lady cow
hided a foppish young man iu San
Francisco on the street last week.
Af-er receiving a shower ot blows
the young man "got."
Some of the more respectable
Chinese merchants of Sau Francisco
say that the organization known
a the Hip Yee Long Society are
blackmailers and rascals and they
will help defiay the expeuueof pros
ecuting them.
The free bridge at Dayton, across
the Yamhill river, is nearly finished,
and rejoicing is heard among the
Marion county jail has but one
Tlie McMinnville College will
open on the 16th ot Septemlier.
Miss Turpiu daughter of the pro
prietor of the St. Joseph Hotel at
Cornelius, while at a funeral last
week, had $25 stolen from the
bureau drawer iu the parlor. Cir
cumstances point to the thief
A spau of horses and a wagon
ran over the bank into the river at
They were
T ater findings gainst Modoc In
dians recently tried, had not been
received. This was up to the 30th
u t.
Vice Fresdent Wilson on the
31st ult., was in improved health
and spirit. It waa believed, how
ever, that he woiiM not be able to
take his pla-e as presiding officer of
the tfcit
Judge Rowland ofjtoMiniiville
on Wednesday miwmiVf last week,
received a very seve.fc wound from
the kick of a horse.
It is reported fhaVjt. R, J),
Fitzhugh, first Superintendent of
the Belling) am Bay coal mines,
and founder of the town ofSehome,
has become insane.
A ten year old son of Mr. H.
Yocum, living near Belleville, was
kicked by a horse not many days
siue. He was not expected to recover.
T he Mormon emigration scheme
to Arizona, proved failure. 11
storing f the totuUy was too
much for their, and back
to I tah'they had to come.
The Oregon nin ny the mam
moth warehouse on tl east side of
tlie river. Iielow the terry landing
Good living is said to cause dys-
rpsia; but the most healthy people
have ever known have been
among those who lived well who
fte freely several times a day of
the most nutritious food. By some
it is said that tobacco, snuff, tea.
coffee, butter and even bread, cause
this complaint; whoever will make
inquires on this subject through the
community, will find that this is
seldom true. In fjictdypepsia pre
vails, according to my exiierienee,
altogether the most among the tern
ierate and onreful among those
who are temperate and eare'ul as
regards what they eat ami drii 1
and the laUir they put upon the
stomach; but exceed:ngly careless
how much lalior thev nut mmu that
delicate organ the brain. Such
people often eat nothing but by the
advice of the doctor, or some treat
ise on dyspepsia, or by weight; nor
drink ahuhing that is not certainly
inrmiess; iney chew every mouth
ful until they are confident, ou ma
ture reflection, that it cannot hurt
the stomach W hy, then, are they
dyspeptics? Because, with all their
carefulness, they pay no regard
to tlie excitation of the brain.
They continue to write two or three
sermons or essays in a week, Uide
is now completed and ready to re- reading a volume or two, and mag.
wive freight. The building JJ2 Brines, r. views, newspers, etc.,
ami attending to much other husi
A man accompanied by threa
doga, two of tliem of the gentler
sex, was around soliciting charity,
last week.
An old Brookfield farmer's ad.
vice is: Take care of your health
when yon are young, and wlien yon
are old it will take care of vou.
A u elderly gentlwnau on Easel
street started out into the country
to celebrate the Fourth. An hour
'ater he returned, covered with dust
and soaked through with sweat,
and with two bullet-holes in the
tail of his coat.
A Banbury gentleman, of threa
score years writes his letters with a
pencil, and then carefully applies ft
nmuer nefore dome them up. Ha
says nobody, unless he has used
sand, can understand how handy
the blotters are.
1 ly-ier is in circulation again,
We saw a sheet of it stuck to tlie
rear of an old gentleman who waa
looking at a picture iu Robuison'a
window, which he said was worth
twenty dollars if it was worth a
pem y.
"A corress)iident of tho Boston
Transcript, who renews the cry that
our country needs a distinctive
name, suggests that Westland
ieei long, no ieei wide and u-u
Mones nign, ami will Hold, it is
estimated! 1,000,000 bushels of
The Young MenV Christian As
sociation in Portland is said to be iu
a flourishing condition.
The Bulletin says: We Jo not
IU .1 - lL vi' i
creou me repori mat a oompuny in
J-an Francisco is makmg prepara
tions to publish a iar at lacoma.
The Kalama fteacon, organ of the
railroad, will be removed to Taco
ma in a short time. It will apar
there as a weekly par at first, and
will lie tailed tlie Tm onum.
A little daughter of A. H. Brey
man, of. alem, fell out of a hack
several days since and dislocated
her elbow joint.
Hon. A. B. Meaeham left ou
Wednesday of last week for the
lava bed, to attend to Modoc bush
uess, and will then go Fast.
A McMiunville man went for a
skunk last week in-toad of a cat.
The smell was loud and long
Oi ot the Penitentiary convicts
at Salem made his esca on Wed
nsdv of last week. The Siiiei
inteudtfiit otlers a (200 reward for
iiesscalcuated to excite ti e mind.
To me it is not strange that such
persiy have nervous and stomachic
alleetioi. The consuu.t vxeiu
mentof th brain sinls au excess
of blood to the head, and therefore
other organs are weakened; and
morbid sen.ibiity in produced,
which renders the stomach liable to
derangement tiotn my slight caus
"I tell you honestly what I think,"
says Dr. Aben ethy, "is the cause
of the complicated maladies ot the
human race; it is the gormandiz
ing and stuffing, and stimulating
their organs (the digMive) to ex
cesi, thereby producing nervous d is.
orders and irritations. I he state
of their minds is another grand
cause; tlie fidgeting and discontent
iug themselves about what cannot
be helied; passions of all kinds
malignant passions pressing upon
the mind disturb the cerebral ac
tion and do much harm."
This statement should be revere.
ed, I think. It is the tidgetiui; and
Amity not long since,
Governor Washburn of Massa
chusetts, has determined to enforce
the liquor law. Liquor dealer iu
Boston are excited over it.
It is stated that advices have
been received at tho War Depart
ment that the Military Commission
at Fort Klamath found all the Mo
doc Indians ou trial guilty of mur-
Al ways examine an old plug hat
before you kick it or it mav oust
4er and ordered them to be shot, you au amputated toe,
MlMICRlKQ Dkath. A boy,
eleven years old, named Ned Ba
ker, who lives with his aunt on
Macomb street, can simulate death
so successf'u ly as to deceive any
one but an exiiert. For a small
coniH! sation he will stretch out on
the ?ioor, cease to breath, apparent-
iy, grow white in the face, allect
the rigidity of corpse, and his
pulse become so feeble that the
i- a a ii
'Hung can oniy detected by a
practiced finger. He recently went
through this performance in a saloon
on Woodltridge street, ami so much
like genuine death was his counter
feit that the men who put him up
to tha :rick became fVkjhtened and
bribed him out ot his trauce. His
breathing was so faint that it could
not lie feit ou tlie hand or clieek.
and hatdly dimmed the glass held
down to his lips, The boy says
mat tne performance doe not iniure
his health, and be cam make himself
so near dead it it only by a groat
medal effort that be can throw off
tlie lethargy. ),-of Free Puss.
liscohtenting ourselves that makes
the gormandizing so dangerous. I
do not mean, however, to approve
ot gormandizing; and i know that
people iu this country generally eat
more than is necessary. Still I do
not believe that good nourishment,
and abundance of it, causes many
jf the diseases that llesh is heir to.
Nations that -e best supplied with
food are the most healthy, live the
longest, aw! have most vigor of
Issiy and mind, thildren, espec
ially, should lie well nourished,
(ood diet is au essential part of
good education. The method of
rearing children which some propose
and which I fear some adopt of
restricting them to very ligut food
that contains but little nourishment,
is very reprehensible. Every farm
er knows that such a course would
stint and ruin his cattle, and it will
as assured y have such au effect on
children. The way to make chil.
dren thrive and do well is to give
them plenty of good food, and keep
their minds tree from anxiety and
chagrin. Dr. Brighton, in Her
aid of Health.
might, perhaps be as good a one
as England is Kir our mother land."
Westland is gotid. But West Dan.
bury would be more popular with
the people, and we don't think our
residents would object.
A Danlmry urn's order for his
wiVs hat is a novelty iu its way.
She was sick, and couldn't go tor
the hat, so he drove in himself.
He told the milliner to put ou ft
doilar's worth of parsley, fifty cents'
worth of string beams, ten cent'
worth of cherries, a few green enr
rants, a beat or two, a little cab
bage, ami about three slices ot tur
nips, or, if it was toti early fiir tur
nips, make it two new potatoes in
A New York party, who weara
spectae'es and white linen clothes,
and boards at one of our hotels,
went out into the woods to hunt tor
wild strawberries. Two doctors
have since been employed hunting
thr one of his ears. They have got
the swel ing down so he can blow
his nose with a pair of pinchers,
aid think they have found all of
his mouth, but they can't tiiid that
ear. They believe it is there, how.
ever. People who can't toll mer
ciuy vines from strawberry plants
should keep out of the woods,
Pkopaoation or Sound, A
locust may be heard one-sixteenth
of a mile; a wren, weighing half an
ounce and a midu ing sized man
would be as heavy as tour thou
sand of them could be heard alwut
as far. But if the voice ot either
bore a proisirtiou to the mass ot
matter employed iu its production,
a n au could be heard one thousand
miles, favored by a brisk wind. A
vessel at sea a tew years since, when
one hundred and sixty miles from
land, heard distinctly the thrill
ing music of a baud playing ou
shore. There must have been a
peculiar condition of the atmosphere
at the time, while the broad surface
of the sails were equivalent to ft
great external ear to arrest and con
verge the aerial undulations.
The jury in tlie case ot ex-chief
of police Mc Williams and detective
Doyle, of Jersey city, charged with
conspiracy with burglars to rob the
First National Bank, have been
found not guilty.
When a Maine man has a too
talkative wife, he tells her he ia
going to AmananquatiaKogowmon
gotonga hunting, and in his ab
sence has his friends call at the
house and inquire hie whereabouts.
When he returns, the faithful wife
is exhausted and doesn't want to
speak for a month.
Application ia reported to ban
been made to Governor Dix, of
New York, for the pardon ofyoum