The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 01, 1873, Page 7, Image 7

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Aim k pkt.
r -
v. a. official Pnppr for Oregon,
A crinif i Crime.
The Falem .fcry, fri its issue
of last week, labors hard to show
that to ask amnesty for the late
rebel criminals, though many of the
prime lnulerK.rn.ri.ed to ask it fi.r
themselves, was altogetherdiftlrent
iu principle from asking it for Sen.
ator Mitchell. In oilier words, it
bellioii as men whose hearts were
seared with brands of deadliest and
virtually takes ti e position that excuse for taking back pay is the
crime in a rebel is alt ogether a dif- very shadow of thinness. He drew
ferent thing f'r..m crime in a Repnb- it because the House Committee on
lican. For instance, the monstrous Mileage refused to allow him pay
thieveries of a Floyd; the Hnry for the route by the way ot Port
of a Jeff. Davis, and others, sworn a(1 ail(J Flw prat cisoo, but deter
members of Congress and United ml;eA tie most jreot r,mte to le
States officers; the perfidy of first j via joi(ie city ah(1 t(ie raeitic faiu
opposing and then joining the re- Vo!,f( reducing his mileage $1,320.
hellion as did Alexander -tephens, But he increase of salary bi 1 en
now memher of Congress; the bar- titied hm , 100 mil.e than this
barons system sanctioned by the ' ruling and lo compensate himself as
authorities of the so-called Con'ed- mc, as ie C(lU(i fur tie 0
eracy, of slowly starving Union tW) ie C0U.i,Kled to gobble the
prisoners to death; and the other m&ry rte8t , otfev t,e above as
acts of cruelty and sin, whose cold- a jllrtifieat!on. Democratic papers
blooded heart lessness stamped the wf Oregon have pronounced the
prime actors and leaders of the re- bck .,av bill a rnnA a ail(1
most cruel hate; that these were . SateriK exc,lse tU)e8 ll0t ,)ace lim
not criminal acts and the pertra. 0tside of tlie criminal circle. But
tors not criminals, but only zealous p,.ulal)y t,e Memigj ill
efforts of "noble, chivalrous, brave, ' 1I0W . ( rtea'.ing in a Democrat
gallant, pnre(?) men." to carry out : js ,lot like stealing in a Republican
their ways of jiohtieal thinking. I t,e one is an "erring brother,"
Why, the angels that kept not their the other a hell-deserving villain (?)
first estate, replied because they -
wanted to carry out their ways of j 0ur "ei',,bor last wcck devoted
thinking. Are they described as about half a co umu to prove that
"erring brethren?" Nav, veriy. lmblicaus have not a majority of
"Hebe s," they are called, traitors 4,000 iu the Slate. Well, we don't
regarded, and they were luirled , 016 tu wate time a'S'"g the mat
over the battlements of 1,,. I ter, but will leave the vote of next
If a man breaks a sworn oath, can
you make anything less than per
jury ot it? if he takes that which ! at ll,e last ekclioU 1111,1 tho
belongs to another, appropriating it j thousands oT Democrats who didn't
to his own use or the use ot his Vwte- a"d 0,, 10 ttmmhl fuT m
friends, with nit returning an equiv-1 ei"U mch cnm afi 8re
alent, is that any better than theft? by debated parties;)
If he starves men to death, or per- j aild t,ie" "dndes that if Democ
mits othf .s t.o An it. whom hn nn-! cv will only bring out a man for
trols, isn't he a base murderer? In
fact, if knowingly, with eyes open
to the enormity of the offense,
against the warnings and teachings
of the fat hers, for the sake of per
petuating and extending African
slavery, well knowing its licentious ' wiI1 el llieir 'ai1 by ma
and bigamous tendency, its accursed : jority ot m votes! WWta r
influence npnn the body politic; such ! ,,ei,,bor was.,drawinir on that very
person, after having heeii morelHific imagination of his, why
highly favored by honors, em(;Iu. didn't he make the majority 5,000?
ments and legislation than any oth- j II wo,,id l)e iwt 88 l,,ie8P a"d aI
er; then, because he can no longer i tl,e mo,e enjoyable became of size:
rule, turns upon his inuirisher, his
defender, his lieuc'actor the Gov
emmeut that gave him all his pros
perity and seeks in blood and
with curses, and by perjury, and
theft, and starvation, io destroy the
life of that Government, what is he
more nor less than a vile, murder
ous traitor ? Now, then, Mr. Mer
cury, the leaders were all more or
less traitors in the last sense, and
it is only your tulitk-al sympathy
for them that prompts you to show
any more favor towards them, than
towards a Iiopub ican who has com
mitted crimes against morals iu the
past If oath breaking, thieving,
murdering rebels who brought more
suffering and calamity on this na
tiou than language can depict, tbt
cause of crime ot every description,
ftom adultery to murder, are worthy
f your amnesty, certainly Senator
I Mitchell should be favored as well;
i tor did crimes did nut reach murder,
and only involved the welfare of a
i few persons at most, while the is-
I sues ot the rebellion compasa-d the
wel'hre of the nation and f the
World. Mitchell's were bad enough,
J (;, fnows; but nothing to com-
' rare iu "'lr 8"d "N itude with
thoseofJefl. Davis, alone, whom
y-". Mr. ,TWry, would have the
(;''ve"nt m"
1'" make any concession
w,,8Uver- Yon 81,0,11,1 ' ct,llHirt-
c,,t' d "P
It strikes us Hon. J. H.
those who took it, thieves. It what
tiiev ltvo aid of it is true, Mr.
October to determine it. He speaks,
however, about illegal votes being
Congress, who is "undoubted" in
his integrity and Democratic ante
cedents; and if no illegal votes are
cast; and it those thousands of
Democrats who didn't vote, will
only vote, and vote right, why then
I aii : w lien that lJemocratic cau
d idate of "tv idoiibted Democratic an-
tecedents" is nominated, our neigh
bor, in his society, will be entirely
out of this "speer "
Judge McArlhur has gone to the
trouble of writing a letter to the
Bedrock Democrat declining to lie
a candidate for Congress. The
Statesman says his letter was a
waste of time and a postage stamp,
as nobody suspected him of an in.
tention to run. We think so.
The Portland News has got itself
iu a fix by denying that Slater took
the "salary steal." Slater says he
did take it, and now would like to
have that journal assist him in try
ingtogettb position again, to he
can take more.
The Good Templars ot Coos Bay
have a splendid mw cabinet organ,
Hew Sew, netnrrnta?
How about the back pay steal
now, Democrat?,, How nw, Mer
cury, Democrat, News? Why
have yon become still all of a sud.
den? Where are your hot words
of bitter denunciation for Slater and
Nesmith ? Your howl at Kepult
licans yet ech.ics Why don't you
show some of that sublime agony
of condemnation towards these?
Your theory, too, as you have de
vefcipedjt since Mitchell's private
affairs were nosed into, is to show
no mercy towards crimii als, politi
cal or moral, no matter how hard
they may try to do better. Cold,
implacable justice yuu have de
manded, in the case of Mitchell,
shall be enforced. Why not in
these other cases? You have called
Republicans, who took the back
pay, "thieves." Slater took it and
says Nesmith took it the other
time, and so they must he thieves,
too. But maybe yon take the po
sition, that as Democrats are so
much in the habit of pilfering, in
office, that it is no longer a crime
in them? You can't do that,
though, it's too thin. Because one,
by frequent practice, becomes an
expert, it makes the crime no less a
crime Now, Messrs. Democratic
editon'' Jm mm f with yur
words of burning denunciation on
the devoted heads of these two
back pay steale s, or be branded as
eaters of your own words and hypo
crites of the meanest type.
The Oregmiian says that most
of the apologists for the crimes of
adultery and bigamy, in the Repub
lican organization, "are persons who
only identified themselves with the
party after it became triumphant,
and have attached themselves since,
exactly to the extent that they have
received official posit on andemo'u
ments at its hands." In saying
that, the Oregonian utters a mean
slander uK)ii a portion of the Re
publican party. We know of no
apologists for the crimes of adultery
and bigamy in the Reimblican
party, neither among leading men,
or privates, new or o'd. The party
in every department has ever ar.
rayed itself against those sins. The
above fling of the Ortganiun at
a class of Republicans who came
into the party subsequent to its en
trance upon its present career of
triumph, who had a right to, and
whose motives ot honesty that jour
nal has no more right to question
than he has the verity of his own
meanness iu do ng so, is but another
step in the direction of treachery
towards the Republican natty,
which that paper seems determined
to pursue.
The Albany Democrat of last
week, in animadverting upon the
statement of the Rkgistkr, that
the life of Mr. Mttchei in Oregon
was noble effort in the direction
of reform," says that he (Mitchell)
was a confessed bigamist for five
years of the tiu this reformation
was going on. Now, it that jour
nal will tell us where and when
Mr. Mitchell made that "confes
sion," we will have more respect
for its Veracity. The fact is, M itch
ell never has, to our knowledge,
either in print or otherwise, con
fessed anything ot the kind. We
regard the charge ae nothing more
nor leas than one of the pare, twn-
jectufes, or fabrications, for Which
Democratic joortftb are m tU
No wonder these Democratic ! A severe engagement is reported
quill drivers resort more to abuse 10 ' have taken place near Pampei
and calling names than anything ,u"a' Sfi" ,jetww" tne Republi-
ilse. Should the poor fellows take C"lfc. J
... .... , hatter were successful They are
position in defense ofa good priu. id to have captured two guns
eiple, the conduct in the past or and 300 prisoners
present of some eader would spoil When the Shah met Queen Vis
it all, .tid they would have to gulp tori. he kissed her with perfect '
down their own words Now if !1,'Iicar-v 8nd K1' l,d tn
i he irtr i,o,i , i . .i . hitherto he had reckoned his years
the paty had a character that was from the day of his birth, but in
above bankruptcy, its jounialsconhF future he would reckon from the
occasionally refresh their dried up
souls with insistent arguments in
favr of good principles. It they
cmild be free from the hn -
thought that they are constantly
leing ridden by the devi', wouldn't
the novelty of the sensation, if noth
ing else, make them haipy? We
think so.
The SStatesrmm says the editor
of the Ronton Democrat is still
blowing away on the "salary grab,"
apparently not having heard tnat
Hater and Nesmith took it. As
Head edits that journal, it would
be natural to suppose that the wind
it would raise would be a head
wind; but it seems that a paper ot
that persuasion without a "Head is
more up to the times and better off
than one with.
Our neighbor in alluding to the
new dress of the Oregonian says:
The Oregonian has at last doffed
that dingy o.d frock which has iu
years iast covered its many black
Republican sins, and is out iu a
bran new suit of modern toggery.
We'suppose that "modern tog.
gery" mea s the kind of shoddy
Oregon Democrats wear.
Baron Wolverton (George Tarr
Glyn), the head ot the London
banking firm of Glvu & Co , died
on the '24th. The deceased, who
was a Liberal, was among the first
batch of Beers made by Gladstone
when he first became Prime Min
ister iu 1809. At the time of his
death he was iu his seventy-sixth
The Journal de Paris of the 14th
inst. says that the project of plac
ing a Prince of the House of Hohen
zollern upon the throne of Spain
has not wen abandoned. A num.
licr of Carlist leaders and former
hiberahUniouists are said to favor
the llohenzollein candidacy. The
Journal also says that the Cure of
Santa Cruz was proc aimed a rebel
by Don Carlos for being concerned
ill this intrigue.
The Shah and suite left Paris
July 19th on a special train for
Government troop attacked
Valencia, Spain, on the 26th.
After a struggle of five hours, fight-
nig was suspended, and the insurg
ents ottered to capitulate, but the
terms were refused, the Government
demanding unconditional surrender.
Heavy reinforcements were sent
forward and the attack was to be
renewed next day.
A destructive typhoon visited
Amoy on the 21st inst. Great
damage was done to foreign prop
erty and to shipping iu the harbor
and river.
bill authorizing the construction
! of the Church of the Sacred Heart,
a grand cathedral on the heights
overlooking Paris, pawed the
Prench Assembly on the 24th inst.,
after an exciting debate, iu the
course of which much violent relig
ions partisanship was evoked.
Fifty persons who particited in
the beer riots of Frankfort, some
mouths ago, have been convicted
and sentenced to prison for terms
varying from nine mouths to four
An explosion of fire damp is re
ported to have occurred at a coat
mine it Framieres, Mguim, the
other day, by which 8v miners
lost their lives and others were
day of his meeting the Queen of
. A Par'R dispatch of the 24th
lJ,FWfcfc c)mn hag
tendered counsel to Bazaiue in his
trial for the surrender of Meti to
the Prussian army.
Rumors of trouble in Northern
China are unfounded.
Yokohama dates to July 7th
Mys that it is stated on good
auuiority that as soon as the mission
to. Europe returns, the whole coun
try ot .japan will be thrown open
to foreigners.
The Inspector of Consulates sent
from Washington was engaged in
overhauling tiie American Consulate
at Yokohama, on the 7th.
The Attorney General on the
28th recommended pardons to be
issued to Felix Dover, Stephen
Spawn, Edwin Murphy and Wm.
Scruggs, convicted iu North and
South Carolina of Ku Kluz out
rages. A board ot officers in Washing
ton is considering a plan, submitted
by Captain Howell, for a ship
canal, to connect the Mississippi
river with the Gulf of Mexico.
It is said a Roman Catholic
prest of St. Louis has married a
wife, and accordingly lieen dismissed
from his charge by his Bishop.
Some Illinois papers, which have
been in the habit of publishing the
railway time tables gratuitously,
liave dropped them since the roads
have announced that there would
be no more dead-heading on their
A woman in Richmond, Va.,
turned her mother, who is more
than ninety years old, out of doors
on Monday because she is old, use
less, and expensive.
Iowa farmers complain of a
scarcity of laborers. Three dollars
a day will not bring them help
enough to attend to their crop.
And yet the cities are full of idlers.
The managers of the Chicago
and Alton Railroad Company have
decided to abolish the pass system
altogether, refusing to give return
trip passes lo cattle shippers over
their Hue
Illinois farmers are attempting to
exterminate the Canada thistles,
by cutting them off near the ground
and pacing salt on the stump to
kill the root.
Hon. J. B. Grinnell, of Iowa,
threatens to deliver an address on
the life and character of the late
Oakes Ames.
A Hartford lady is said to have
got all ready to hang herself twice
in one day, recent y, and was both
times interrupted by callersr The
second time she concluded to indefi
nitely postpone voluntary suspen
sion. A crazy old woman recently
rushed into a Richmond (Va.
school-room and said she had come
to teach gymnastics. Tha teacher
fled in terror and the wild woman
went ahead, putting the pupils
through some most astonishing evo
lutions,. A band ofK'x Kmxes raided the
farm of Mrs. Mason Brown, mother
ot B. Grata Brown, in Owen county,
Ky., on Friday night last, and
killed Louis Wilson (colored),
burned his iioase down and damaged
other fan property. Tha nine
contained large growing crop of
cotton and tobacco, which it will
be difficult to harvest i the absence
of labor driven off by the Ku Klu
Other farms visited by than
and the owner warned against
employing negJVM a