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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1873)
ALBANY REGISTER. V. H. OKofnl for Oregon. FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1873. WHAT ASM HIM m I The defenders of the Democratic party, a tarty whose history is iden tified with the darkest treachery and most revolting acts of blood; whose love ot human slavery lead it to seek the nation's I fe in it de fense; whose long catalogue of crimes agains t God and humanity, extending over a period of more than forty years, rendered its exist ence a mildew and cirse to itself, as well as to those whom by mis representation and deception and fraud it sought to serve; whose life to-day is but as the existence of a shell after the kernel is all gone and its place occupied by the de stroying worm of evil, or like the "what is it?" of Barnum, neither fish, fowl, beast nor human, but a sort of hideous culmination of all the evils by which the human mind is influenced a monstrous mass, having no heart or conscience, hav ing nothing but revolting moral putrescence, kept in being and fed upon by the maggot individual po litical elements ot which it is com posed, constantly changing and wriggling its tortured position as its instinct tor plunder, or acute smell tor power, guide it the de fenders ot this soulless, headless Gorgon; this treacherous, blood accursed monster of crime; this mod- err presence of moral contagion and pestilential putridity, set themselves up as the protectors of public mor als and the guardians of the purity of the Church of Christ(?) Great Heaven! Is there a culmination of impudent hypocrisy more brazen in its assumption than that? Talk ot "clerical wolves," Mr. Mercury, Why, with this record and exhibi tion before you readers, how can you Matter yourself that they regard you as anytning less than the per sonification of e'ean-cut hypocrisy? And you, Mr. Albany Democrat, you may charge us with writing one thing during the week and then presenting its opposite on Sunday; but my dear sir, if the two unfortu nate qualities of impudence and hypocrisy sickly tjqies of each at that were taken from your make up, not enough of anything else would be left of you to fill the stomach of the smallest animalcule s baby that ever lived. You the defenders of public morals ami the rity of the churches, after having followed so faithfully for so many years in the path ot contradiction and evil which Democracy has set for you! Can anything bo more superlative in its monstrous assump tion than that? The hypocrisy of our neighor rel ative to the interests of the farmers, is thus clearly seen and conipre hendingly set forth by the States man', The Albany Democrat has been engaged for some weeks, in ostenta tiously patting farmers on the back, and now when there is a inemler of Congress to be elected, it sends the farmers to the rear, thusly: "We do not lielieve that the (irauge organization throughout the State will think tor a moment of putting a Congressional candidate into the field. They are not as yet strong enough in number or perfect enough in organization, and would there lore only defeat the object which they are striving to accomplish and let the ring candidate, whoever he may be, glide along to an easy vie lory." The Ideas or Bismarck. A correspondent of the New York World is given as authority for the statement that Prince Bis marck desires to destroy the idea of God among the German people, and turn ther worship and adora tion to the State. The Prince thinks that it is the idea ot a Supreme Being that makes people so attached to liberty. If the adoration ot the people could be directed to the State, they would become more willing to accept despotism. This correspondent represents that the Prince regards the contest now going on in Germany as one of the Kmpire against the idea of God; that the reason he made an attack upon the Catholic Church, was because he regarded it as the most formidable. This story ap pears more sensational than reason able, and yet the history of many ot the great warriors and statesmen of antiquity, who have fallen, shows, that in their false estimates of the nature and character ot God, and his religion, may be found the true source of their undoing. The great Chancellor may be treading the same path. Where will they (to? As mercy has lately become a rejected attribute inDemocra' ic econ omy, and implacablejustice, regard- less of atonement, has now become the basis upon which to adjudicate all moral offenses in public men, what are they to do for a candidate for Congress? Not a Democrat of them but what has been at some period of his lite guilty of some im moral offense, and we will scarcely be thought extravagant in language it we assert, that all of their public men, the ones who run for and hold office, that the best sample ot this class lacks many essential ingredi ents of being a firstclass angel Ab the Governor's organ at Salem has taken a positiou in favor of diggi g out, swine-like, all ot a candidate's early and late private history, and abstract justice is to be mceted out to him based upon that, we would like to know where under the whole heavens they are going to get a candidate. A man without moral delinquencies must be found, or their rule, as they apply it now to Senator Mitchell, will be violated. Another thing: If searching into private histories is to prevail during the coming Congressional tight, if the Democracy take a candidate from the names now mentioned, wnat a revelation ot moral del in quency there will be,0 my countrymen. The Salem Mercury now says Don Carlos re-entered Spain on the that Dr. Chapman never was a i n,htof tne 15tn- He issued a proela- real Democrat, but only one T Jw"? God' d . ... T ' , , 3 " , daring that, listening to the voice of "ostensibly" In saying that of the 8u(ferlng , Spaln( comes to flgbt Dr., that journal unwittingly phc j for God and his country, concluding tographed, in language, a true j with an exhortation to volunteers to picture of itself and the whole ' come forward to save Spain. There called Democratic party. We have 1 was great cnt,ms,asm among his fol- had onlv m,,nihb n,mi, owers when Ci,r, Joined Val . Vi . . , V "cspino on Spanish soil, since the failure of the slaveholder's i -, . rebellion. That was the culmina-i The Carlllts claimed on the 10th to tion ot real Democracy. The kind nave 10iXK) men under arms. Two the Mercmi represents, the De- tho"irt,.ld ,Carlists ,,nile'' Thlers . i , entered J'alencint. Car sts were mocracy of to-day, is mean shoddy ..,.,,! , , cre marching on Lngrono. It was assert- a transparent sham. A remnant ed, on the 16th. that the Carlists shot of real Democracy, found down 0 Republican volunteers at Clrangut, South, were found during the late , after t,iev nad surrendered. Presidential campaign, scorning to I It j nimored that the authorities support Horace Greeley; but the at battle have had a very favorable shoddy part of it, as found here, offer to locate the Salt Lake and yelled themselves hoarse for him, j Portland Branch terminus at that Ihe Oreqoman, m sneaking of n i i .1 i-l!. .1 . . me moriaiuy among me memtxirs ofthe Forty-third Congress, after A baby show opened at Pacific alluding to the death of James ' Hall, San Francisco, on the 17th. Brooks, of New York, William j There were about 50 entries. Whiting, of Massachusetts, and I Among the prizes offered are some our own lamented Wilson, remarks: for the loudest criers and sweetest "We say nothing of the politically j trailers. dead of the 43d Congress" No a TWinnfi 7". i. , . . , ,, , fl 1 u'wmoiith man contracted to journal in Oregon is probably better : build a barn for a speeilied sum and qualified from experience to speak a" the cider he could drink. It correctly on the subject of dvimr ! took mm "ve months to build the "politically" than the Oregonian What a fine diagnosis of that thing it could give us, to be sure, if it only would. As the Mercury and Democrat and most of their cotemporaries have avowedly or by implication taken a position in favor of nosing into a man's private, social history, from the cradle up, to determine his public qualification, and in favor of determining each ofleuse against morals, which may be nosed out, by the law of abstract justice, we hope they will begin by subjecting their own individual lives .to the same rigid ordeal, and let us know just how far they are morally qual ified to criticise others. Notwithstanding the excitement bam, and he drank four barrels of cider. The showiest part of a peacock is its tail; it spreads that out amaz ingly. So is it now with Oregon Democracy, its head being gone. Senator Morrill, of Maine, it is understood, is preparing a speech for the retroactive salary bill. There were four fires in Louis ville on the night ofthe 15th, Loss oyer $100,000. For lots in the present town of Tacoma, $600 apiece are asked, and $15 a month rental. An exchange says it would trouble Sampson to lift half the mortgagos on Salt Lake City. Blocks in the eantebx tasm. Shooting affray occurred in Bo Ion on the 20th, in which one Pro fessor Mac, an advertiser of patent medicines, shot Dr. A. Winslow, the ball entering the left cheek and penetrating the cavity above .the nose where probing failed to reach it. In New Haven, Conn., Giovani Glion has been held in $1,000 bail on each of four complaints, charging him with holding in servitude four boys, whom he sends out daily street musicians and boot blacks. A tire at Jackson, Tenn,, on the 20th, occasioned a loss of from $75,000 to $100,000. Crop reports from Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama, were fa vorable on the 21st A powder mill was blown up at Tamaqua, Penn., on the 21st. One man was killed. The shock was felt for miles. Four hundred thousand new silver trade dollars have been de livered by the Philadelphia mint. Dies for the dollar will be sent to the San Francisco and Carson mint soon where planchits are all ready for coining. The annual production of gold is officially stated at $40,000,000. A Vienna special states that Hiram Garrelson, of Cleveland, Ohio, is appointed Chief American Commissioner in place ot Jackson Schultz, resigned. The flooring of the Presbyterian Church, in Hudson Cky, N. J., gave way during an entertainment last week, injuring 40 children, some seriously. It is rumored in New York that the parents ot Utica V. Booker called on a lawyer and said they had reason to believe that their daughter, who died July 9th, had been poisoned. They suspect the physician who attended,, with the knowledge and connivance of Colonel Blood, Mrs. Woodhull and Mrs. Clarlin. The lawyer declined to institute an inquiry before the grand jury. It is stated that the members of Plymouth Church are determined to bring Henry C. Bowen to trial tor the slanders he uttered against Beecher. James Gannon, formerly a bar- town of Lincoln, I JeePer latelv policeman in regarding the terminus, Olympia ! Tillamook county, are selling at v f ' a"a . JTi i LL iftfitnftllft oniJ. fa I w,fe kmwviHe on the 19th. Wlllilllltrlivi IUiUCM Ul IHipiOYCTMOIIl. I w" v"v Mn.w, Several fine buildings, to cost about j A museum at Portland is talked of. "Sour grapes," is no name for the the deep chagrin that the de parture ot Dr. Chapman, of Port land, from the Democracy, has oc casioned among the party journals. The fact that they pretend as if his leaving them was a good riddance, is an evidence that he was of great importance to them. The party itself has not had a head for years; but Dr, Chapman was their official head in this State. But, that head is gone. Can you imagine ho v a superanuated old goose feels with her head off'? If you are a Demo- crat, you can, because you are a part of that old goose. Since the official head of Democ racy in this State, Dr. Chapman, left them, they rejoice; feeling more "nateral-Iike" without any, that being the condition of the party in the nation. - $1,000 each, are in course of erec tion; also, buildings tor other pur poses are going up, lots arc being e'eared, and other evidences of pro gress are visible. From the Statesman we learn that Weatherford & Co.'s Drug Store, of Salem, was burglarized fill rrilliru1fiV lilirlit .,f l.i.( u'nnlr T1 . , . ' 'j Cholera was reported at Vienna on i uv; aimmni nifji uuutinuu is not tne lull given. They bored through the wall and then into the safe. Fires are reported raging in the woods near Victoria. Hugo, Colorado, had snow on the 8th inst. Old John Robinson's circus is at Denver, Col. The h United State FOREMiN XtvW.V A Carlist force, under command idustrial Congress of the j of i)on Alphonzo, captured Ignala States, composed of dele, da 011 20'h: ,T,IeLM 3,1,1 IturimJ it our! tiinb- 1 "iU imdAt,w gates from various trades unions , '. ,, ,i. i ... , Mayor Alberace, m Valencia, throughout the country, commenced was assassinated during a disturb! its session in ( levelaud, ()., on the ! ance growing out of the recent 15th. About 70 delegates were present, representing twelve States A postofflce has been established at Big Prairie, Lane county, Or., Addison Black, P. M. The office at Camas Valley, Douglas county, Or., has been discontinued. East of the mountains they talk of Ho: . B. WhitteuasBepub'ican candidate for Congress. Some He publicans also think Hon. T. W. Davenport, of Marion county, will do. Citizens of Olympia are confident of being able to raise a company which will build a railroad to the Skookum Chuck coal veins, and also to connect with the Northern Pacifio Railroad. elections On the 19th, Don Carlos with 10,000 men, was marching on the city of Bilboa. lie was intending to procure torpedoes with which to storm the port. The Shah left Paris on the 19th for Geneva. The Shah has just instituted the Order ofthe Sun, for ladies alone. Queen Victoria, the Princess of Wales, the Empress and the Prin cess Imperial of Germany, and the Czarina have so far been invested with the decoration. There is dan. ger, now that he has lost his con tempt tor woman, that he may be come over-gallant. The yellow fever is spreading on the Gulf coast of Mexico and cholera has appeared at Vera Cruz. Gen. Pavia has been appomted Captain General of Andalusia, She had parted from him on ac count of ill treatment. He was arrested, Michael Manning, of Albany, N. y was fatally stabbed on the 19th by Peter McNamara, the latter charging him with having been criminally intimate with his wife. The mortality report ot St. Louis on the 19th, was 15 deaths from cholera and 69 from cholera mor bus. Governor John A. Cliffoid, of Massachusetts, was unanimously re elected President of the Board of Directors of Harvard University, on the 9th inst. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior under Buchanan, has just settled his accounts as Trustee of Indian Fund at the Treasury Department. The Oirartl estate, in the city ot Philadelphia, is appraised at $3, 702,000, and valuation is quite as high as, and perhaps higher than, the average of other property. The gross estate is $320,300 aunaally. oeing nine per cent. The taxes paid amount to $68,272. Onethonsand Mormons for Salt Lake passed Omaha on the 20th. On the 21st two hundred Russian Meunonites left Omaha tor Colum bus, Nebraska. In the town of Louisiana, Mo., eight deaths from cholera were re ported between eight and twelve o'eloek on the night, of the 20tM. causing great panic. Oh the 19th inst., at Montreal, Canada, about twenty building were distroyed by fire, eighteen families rendered homeless. Lew, about $150,000.