ALBANY ttFXIISTEll. Shoring a Camki.. A traveler from IVkin to Hlicria, arrow ttte great fic'HMt (if'dchi, tells tit that whenever a oeme 's ttrt liave Ite ornt' very tei.rler and sore from long marches, tie wor erwittire lies down. His driver knows ;it once tl at liis feet Imrt him, ai.d look t find nut if" the thick skin of trie fwt is lilisicrcd. Whenever a blisicr is found, two or tlveti strong men, usually Moulds, keep Witoliof the camel uiitil it is not noticing them, .'t just the r'uht moment they make a ribli a lt gether upon the came', throw it over mioii its side, and make ii fast, 'then, with a needle made lor that use. ihey sew a wjtiare piece of leallier large enough to cover the hurt place over the camel' fiwit. tl... skin .f which is unite thick oiuiiiirti to sew tlimnirli. without hurtinL' the a limal. ith his new shoes on the camel is quite rratrlv to opt, no and inarch on. The pieces of leather are very care fullv urenared tin- this use. Itsonie- times haiipens that a camel lies down in the midst of his Ions' march across the wide desert, and dies, mm, but the officer woo d not pan The natives take the thickest part j with the animal. Finally the In of his skin to make shoes of. These i dian offered his sister, a beautiful bits of skin they take out, day a'u-j i;rl, in exchange fi-r the hore day. when on the march, and pull i Fearing he would steal or maim until thev iKH-oine so sofl and yield-j the animal, and not. wishing to ing, that a camel with blistered feet seems grateful to have shoes made of it, although he would resist the shoeing to the last, were he not held so that he ooti d not move. Rural Neto Yorker. The Philosopher's Stone. The eccentric but brilliant John Randolph once rose; sudden'y in the House of Representatives, and screamed out at the top of hisshrill voice, "Mr, icaker! Mr. Speaker! I have discovered the philosopher's stone. It is pay as you go!" John Randolph dropped many rich gems from his mouth, but never a richer one than that. "Fay as you go," and you need not dodge sher iffs and constables. "Fay as you go," and you can walk the streets with an erect back and a manly front, and have no fear of those you meet. You won t have tocrossthe street to avoid a dun, or look in- tently in a shop window, in order ; not to see a creditor. "Fav as you go," and you can snap your finger at the world; and when you laugh, it will he a hearty, honest one. and j not like tie laugh of the poor j (leiitor, who looks arouno as urmgn 1 1 1 . 1 .1 .1 1 1 hp was in doubt wiether the augh ,,. , 1 J .l was not th.' property of his credit- j ors. and included in articles ex- j cmpted from attachment." "l ay as you go," and you will meet smil- ing fines at home happy, cherry-j cheeked, smiling children a con- 1 tented wile a cheerful hearthstone, John Randolph was right, the philosopher's stone It is A Complication' ok Horkoks. From time to time the French journals furnish us with tragedies as singular as they are horrible, and the following is a lair specimen of them: Two partners in the wine trade were in financial difficulties, and many angry interviews occurred between the parties. Wishing to put an eir! to one of these scenes, E. Descazean was about to with draw from his partner's presence, when 31. Duploux, in a frenzy of passion, rushed upon him with a knife, and slabbed him in the side. The victim fell, and the assassin stabbed himself three or four times in the abdomen, lie then rushed ii)) stairs, opened the window, and after driving the knife up to the hilt through his left cheek, threw himself into the court. A woman employed in the house had heard the noise and rushed out to ascertain its cause iust as Dunloux was tall- mg. ills body struck nei ami isiie tlio Italian (.Tovernmcut to snoh an was felled to the ground. Her extent that not only French inter left arm was broken and she was t0YCUee would become comoulsorv. otherwise greatly injured. Mad ame Dup'oux, a young and pretty woman, also rushed out at the mo ment and was so affected by the horrible sight that she is said to have lost her reason. Always "going to blazes" The firemen. Cornrsn: . Tlie otlX arc. rrl ftps menially, timraiiy a,.i urallv Storx phvsically tie best ImIv Indians oWee. on the plains. ' wives, their Gen. Howard Is to lw toiirt-martlal-wirn''n are aith'id. and i'' a young woman Uv vw- cwd. tl ey pa-v her ! Half of the htt-iness portion of mi tic prone. lat '-' to say , Tiwiimvlllc. Oa.. Iia been burned, lot-.. I.. out tl... v!llm i Ilnnlne! Seiumes. of tlie pirate Alt- sfttkc her down on the gr where' si c is M H'V 'I K n Ml!.'Ct to uoirare by v. -u 'ii trilv. who citii k;ll her t' they wiMi. he is, a'li r t! is, made to inrry wool. Miner and do lard hih r in tiie tr U, ai tl is foreter iifgreel, Polygamy is raet ceil in this triU', hut not evecsnely. A man may I avc as mat y wives as I ecan keep, hut must liny them. The universal ir'ee of a wi'c is a Hiiy, or tor a while man an American horse A i siinaw hoii.'lt hccines the immediate nroKertvo' t purchaser, hut I c iiiu-t ca'ch her. .s en lave U'en able : bought wives and i ever ! to catch llirni. Most o' them, liow- ever, are anile willinir to I caught ArfiM ( h(,fl( u H(. An Indian, several years ago, ntmt reported bnrvvinitin phenomen took a fancy to an officers horse, on. It was born In Washington conn- ... i . . . . I . .. 17 mi ii'co i . I've v wav to o ne as' olleml him, the otticer gave me but declined to in return. The ... .i iiidian the horse, receive the iiirl young lady, however, was informed that she was sold, and so the matter stood. After waiting a long time for her husband to come and claim hcr. she one day, as he rode by the camp, put herself in his way, when seeing he took no notice of her, she naively a-ked: "Why don't you eaten me?" The officer who had never seen her before, inquired what she meant, when she roundly told him she was his wi'c, and not at all pleased that he had not come for her. lie never claimed her, but she was regarded by her trilie as the white man's squaw, and at last accounts was still single and wait ing for her husband. The following statement is based on information fron official sources: I he aecoii ts of deneral Howard and his officers show a deficiency jot $11,000, though only a nial ! jwrtion is in the name of Howard J lie adds that lie lias a naiance 01 six thousand dollars which he is ... . .... 1... ... n, ..... ,.4K reauy 10 pa oei 10 un- iu n-i 0111- v ...1.. i.ip .1 jni i cers. .Nearly one halt tbe rtehcit 1 is chained to the account of a sun. ordinate formerly on duty in the vvesi. i.euers nave neeu receiveu from colored men who served in the army and navy, stating that they never received bounty, though in some cases accounts show to the contrary. It will require an inves tigatiou to ascertain whether forged entries have been made, or state ments in letters are fidse. The accounts will have to undergo further examination by colectors, i and their figures may be changed i either tor or against Howard, should i those officers differ from others in 1 the construction of various laws iK'arihL' upon the subiect. All agree that there has been some dis. j honesty on the part of subordinates though it is not believed that the defalcation will amount to as much as is generally supposed. President .Mac Mahon is reported as saying that the real government of France is now vested in a Min istry; that the only change which they will introduce will be to carry out the programme which the late Government proved itself incapab'e of doinsr; that it is directly against the interests of Italy to expel the Pope from his dominions, as it would array public opinion against 1 but it might become the signal for a European war, from which Italy has little to hope and everything to fear. - . "I live by my pen," said a poet, wishing to impress a young lady. ''You look as if you lived in one," was the reply. MIMIMANKOIH. T,1(1 Uutw, states ,mg ;t3244 t. odinf, ntrenocn a weiiiin.j; m .e nnrv ,H' port. Ma.. Inst J'lmr day. Owner '' 'S 1 of veeU (Icslroyed by bi n "'ere well tl 6 ivpre-ei.tdl in I be cuiiipiiny, but roue t . . . at! . VT I of them seemed anxious for an Intro, duel ion. For two' a yotnlg Peui)ylva- Ulan IbhIi Hir-u1iif; (be Reducer of hi l..fer. Two week ajjo he eanbt him in Lincoln, Neb., anil but week be brought him back to answer fur bis sin. There are in C'lilrngn'.s new lintel, tbe On ml Pacific. 5'J tlihl- of Malls !N mile of wire. IKK) windows, and 1.070 doors. And now they have jrone to tbe other extreme ! Instead of bijrJi heels and slender sole, the cliaritiiog creat ures ainble uliorit in re:if wide linx lookiujr boot. Tbe broader tbe sole flu iiiiiiv ..(i lit" limit. v.v. i. Georgia has a penitentiary convict wlio has served thirty-four years, and the other day. when they talked of turning him out Into tbe cold world, he sat down and went. A young man twenty veais old. a citizen of Angir-tH. hung himself the other day because hi coat wrinkled in tbe back. And he wasn't at all partic ular, either. 0t !., tax on the bigliwav. 'and the A l.'lllr.l.l In M. ,;,,,. I,.,.. -. . .tl..., I surveyor wild she did her worts better than any man in the town. A Minnesota paper asserts that a kerosene lamp, so set that the rays of tbe sun passed through it and came to a tocus on a window curtain, set the curtain on tire. Jefferson Davis was in New York on tbe 5th. It is said that while "beaux" aTe permitted to go on in the way they arc ient, "belies" are exctcd to go in the way they are "told." The lied to 1k avoided next to an onionbed, is probably the tted of the river unless one is partial to sheets of water. "Ain't it. wicked to fob dis here roost, Jim?" " moral question, (Jumbo; we ain't got time to argue it now. Hand down an other pullet!" A Cincinnati man, who is going to get married in September, sit aitlu botlenstHfl so as to set his cars tra;ie( to jt Parson Hrownlow never bought i.... n. i.. 1 .1 1.. win l1 ift iuiu mm . u.t , miiv , .. . . . . has woin to thirteen years without ... ' a ' ill IVM II Mrllin. A Pennsylvania man owns a bible 117 years old that has never had its leaves cut. If such careful usage continues, the sacred volume will answer for his descendants for twice as many years 10 come. Jealous lovers in Omaha, when their adored one is being married to another fellow, vent their passion by sr.eaKing in the hack door and licking the insides out of the wedding-cake M. Prudhomme, in the decline of life, was talking with his nephew, to whome he related stories of his youth. tut, uncle," suddenly exclaimed t,e young man, "what struck you most during your life?' "My dear boy, it was your aunt! ' A boarding house fiend tells the story that, in a recent thunder storm the warring of the elements was so awe inspiring that, the hair in a dish of butter in the pantry turned com pletely white during the night. A Moutice'Io, Iowa, jury has recently rendered a written verdict, the most beautiful specimen of phon ographic spelling yet seen. It waa, "Kno cos of ax ion." The steamship Wisconsin left London on the 2d hst., with 750 Mormon emigrants for America. Young Walworth was taken from the Tombs to Sing Sing on the 9th. The weather throughout the West is reportal unusually cool. A fatal case of cholera was repor ted in Jersey City on the 7th. The annual fires in the woods on Puget Sound have broken out. DRY GOODS. ETC. ft H 2 " ft an s ! Qm m 9 ha "n US 3 0 ! M" 1 2 J -faZW & S rf 8b M 2 X - jA mm m - y-zjd 9 ft 0 0 II J9 0 --Mr Vhitit 9 H H s 0 9 K 9 S MS !' gfiH a s ts n h T 7'M P rj 1 1 . e7 m a! iV -5 S , Jfr 4 ft H w s 1 7? WATCHE&-JEWELKV. J. II. TITI S. J. B. TITCS. ( HAS. BOl KUARDES. TITUS, BOURGARDES & CO,, DEALERS IN l J E W 1 : L R Y , Silver & Plated Ware, and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. f A N U FACTORED ' .11 eapevitUly for tlie Piii'tltc ('on! by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Puclflc, California and :ui EVaiicisco WATCH, and we most conll lently iw oinmcnil lliem 1" tin? iiosseaSlng 11 lore ::oo 1 qualities for the price tlmn any otliw Watch in tlie market. We also Keeyiull other brands of Elgin, Waltham and S Iss Wiv'ehes, Clocks, Jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, Pistol and Cartridge.. far Kci'airinji it Specialty. ; AH Work Ooiip mill Uoods Sold, Warranted to lie at K(')reNcutt'd. Titus Bourgardcg &. Co., AT JOHNGANTEK'S OLD STANH, First street, ALBANY, ORKGON. Mrs N alra 513 7 or- BI'SiNKSS CARDS. W. C. TWEEDALE, DKALKIt IS Groceries, Provisions, Etc. ALBANY. OREGON. XVflU- STRIVE TO KEEP THE RKitT T T nf in mi line, ami m il at the loir mtliving rulct. CaUanateeine. 'Hit' At ftoriii BrowiiNvlllc, KIRK, HUME & CO., ARK STILL SELLINO DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTH, NIIOKN, II.tnDWAKE, VIMM'KRI, NOTIOXN, KM'., ET'., nf which they keep on hand a full stix-k, an I are able to sell at lowtut ruled, i usual, for CkkIi or Produce. Will a.o be able to uny and sell drains of all kinds, or attend to storing or for warding it ait neir Warehouso In Halscy. UlvBiisa trial KMK.HUMli & CO. 3. W. BALDWIN, At'onicy nod Counselor nt !,n. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL TIIE Courts In the 21. Ill and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in tbe supreme Court of Oregon, and in thel'.s. District and Circuit Courts. okhck In Parrlsb brick, (up stairs!, In nnlce occupied by the late N. H. Cranor. First street, Albany, Oregon, tOlUvi J.C.POWELL. L. FLINN. POWELL & ThlW, Attornej-N nnd 'oiniNeloni nt Low, 4 NI) SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY (L. V Fllnn notary public), Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promptly at tended to. 1 I). U. JOKES. J- LINSF.V HILL. JOMJi A HIM.. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. ALBANY, OUEtiON. 37vl T. W. 1IAKB1S, M. ., Ptaynician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREtiON. riFFICE -OVER TURRELL'8 STORE, VJ First street, Hestdcnce- I nuu-si ft one door west of Methodist church. LEFFEL A, MYERS' WaterWhe ele SPHERICAL PLUMiBS, And Wenernl Mill Hncliincry . .1. V. HACKENSTO. Airent. 51v3 Allmny, Oregon. T. FOKTEVEK, SHedd,Oregon Manufacturer of and dealer in HAKIES& SADDLES A tJood Article lr a Fair Price. Particular attention paid to RKPAJJUHO. BUodd, Nov. it, TMSvSy . It. KICK, M. I)., Surgeon A Plij nifian. OFFICE - Fiist street, between Ferry and Braadalbln. ResIDekcr ThtrB s reel, two blocks below or cast ol Metho dist Church, Albany, Oregon, v5n4t Piles! Piles T WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING ANO W troublesome contnlaint cannot be cure I. when so many cviilelices of success illicit be placed before you every day cures of sumiosc t hopeless cases? Your physician Informs you that the lungeryon allow tbe complaint to exist, you lessen your chances for relief. Experience h(U 'mittht thi in nil cowl. A. t'nrotlierB A ('.' I'He Pill and Oliitmeiit are all they are recommended to bo, Will cure Chronic, P. bid and Bleeding Piles In a verv short l line, and are mr nlrnt In tur. This prcnamt Ion U sent by mall or ex press to any nobo within the United states at i .'it) per package. Address, A. ,V ROTH BBS A CO., 27v.i Box S3, Albany, Oregon. LIUIIT Hl NNKKi "HOME." Latoit ! Simple! ! Bet ! T7XCEL8 ALL OTHERS. WARRANTEf VJ for 5 years. Furnished to families at factory prices. Sold from $10 to (13 less than liny other tirst class machine. Tin only agency In Portland Importing direct from manufacturers. Send for terms, II lustrato i circulars and samples. "HOME SHUTTLE" Improved at low prices. Either machitu' warranted toglve satisfaction. Oil. and all kinds of needles for sale. Extra commission to agents. GEO. W. TRAVEH, (ien'l Agt. odd Fellow Temple, lent. 1st or Aider), 4:t uiiS Fii-st street, Portland, Oregon. Coon Bay t'oal Agene . HERRYMAX A DOYLE, DEALERS in Cumberland, Lehigh and all descriptions of Foreign and Do mestic Coals. Also, PIG IRON. Bulkhead-netwcen Pacific and Jackson street wharves, San Francisco, Cal. lvt