ALBANY REGISTER. V. fi. omeM Vper tor nrrgon. FRIDAY. JU1.Y 25. 1S7X Mitchell RlKHUibit. Tlic Salem Mercury accuses Sen itor Mitchell of being guilty of the crime ot bigamy. If be is we are not aware ot it, We certainly do not take the statement of that journal as corroborative. There are but two crimes which have been clearly proven in his case, and those were committeed before he came to Oregon: leaving his wife and chang ing bis name. The other allega tions we regard as the inventions of his personal and plitical enemies. It will be remembered bow much of abuse and slander was rolled from the Democratic press against President Grant and the Republican party last fall. The Democracy are adepts at that kind of business. We do not believe that Senator Mitchell is living in open ailu'tery with bis present wile. If we did. no press in Oregon would be more emphatic in its condemnation, and more urgent in its demands tor his legal punishment than the REGIS" ter. We regard the iii'e of Senator Mitchell in Oregon ss a struggle to atone for the errors of his Pennsyl vania life. If we are mistaken, stranger proot than mere assertion from a press whose chief character istic is to calumniate an opponent, must establish it. Bigamy is an indictable offense It Senator Mitchell is known by the Salem Mercury to be guilty of that crime, that journal liecomes morally an accessory to the crime, unless it de mands his arrest and punishment. It it is true that misery loves company, there may Ik? some conso lation in knowing that the United States is not the only Government heavily in debt. Intact, the debts of Great Britain and France are each greater than ours. We owe $2,218,000,0(10 Rut Great Britain owes $3,950,000,000, and the debt of France is 3,740,000.000. Italy and Russia owe nearly two billion each, Austria over a bil ion and a half, Spain nearly that amount, and the debt of the German Empire reaches over a billion. The grand jury of the criminal court of Baltimore have presented some seven or eight indictments against parties engaged in disturb ances attending the attacks on the procession of Asbury Methodist (colored) Sunday School, which occurred last week. .. ... The institution for the education of the blind at Salem, has recently been presented with a case of raised letter books by Rev. Dr. Morris of Portland. The gift is highly prized both from its behg the furst dona tion, and tiir its intrinsic value. An inventory of the estate of the late Oakes Ames, shows as follows: Real estate, 8285,500; personal estate, $5,468,754. These do not include an interest in the works at North Eastou, which cannot now bo ascertained. It is stated that the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry lias grown so rapidly that the Secretary's office will hereafter be located at Wash ington. " Up'to the 16th there were 4,UU granges in ojieratioii, with an ' 1 ' 1 aggregate, membership of 3 10,000. ' The Roard ot Underwriters of New York have adopted a reso luHon levying an additional pre mium of on per cent, upon all Mansanl roofs after January 1st, 1874. Rev. R. W. Summers has re signed the missionary charge of the Episcopal Church in Seattle, to take effect in November. The contract for constructing the gas works at Seattle has heei, given to J. W. Irwin. The work has been commenced. Mount Vernon, Indiana, up to the 10th, had 30 deaths from cholera. Business wa nearly suspended. Ice in Portland is offered at two and one-half cents per pound. Eight fingered gents afflict Roise 3 O O City. CntrblnK th l iu ly Trnln. Max Adder write : One of the greatest delights of boarding in the country for the summer is the pleasure a man derives from bis effort to catch the earlv morning train by which be niu-t reach the city and bis bod iless. When be get out of bed be looks at bis watch and And' he has plenty of time, so he dresses h i-urely a nd sits down to breakfast in a calm and serene state of mind. Just ;: be cracks bis flr-t egg he hear the up. (rain. He starts, jerks out his watch, compare it with the clock, and rind that it is eleven minutes slow, mid tb. t be has only four minutes left in which to get to the depot. In a fear ful hurry, he tries to scoop the. egg out of the shell, but it burns his fingers, the skin is tuff, and after fooling with it tor a moment. It mashes into a hopeless mess, and he gets bis finger smeared : he drops the whole concern in disgust, grabs a hot roll and scalds his tongue with a quick mouthful of coffee : then he stuff- the roll In his month, while his wife hands him his -atcliei and tell him she thinks she hears the whistle. lie plunges mad ly a roui id 'be room looking fur Ms um brella : then kie bis wife a- well as be can n itli all that uiiswallowed bread distending his cheek-, says good-by to the children in a lump, and m ikes a dsil fur the door. .Iu-t a- be gets to the gate be finds tliat be has forgotten his dntcr. and lie charges back after it, snatching it Up, and tears down the gravel walk in a frenzy. lie doesn't like to run through the vill-ige. be cause that would Ik; undignified, hut be walks furiously, lie goes faster and faster. Halfway down he does not hear the whi-tle tor certain. He want- to run. but he knows that he will start up that yel low dog there by the sidewalk if he doe. Then he actually sees the train coining at the depot, and he leels lhat he mu-t make a rudi. He does. The yellow dog becomes excited, and tears a'ter him. Six other dogs join ill the chase, one after the other, and nark furiously, nnd frolic around his legs. Small boys contribute to the excite ment, a- he goes past, by whistling "II their linger, and the men at work on the new ineelllig-hon-e knock off to look at him and laugh, lie feels ridic ulous, hut he must catch that train. He get desperate when he has to slacken up until two or three women, who are on the sidewalk discussing the phases of ihescrvaut-girlijuestionand the !a-t price of butter, let him pa-s. He arrive-within one hundred yards of tlir depot with Ids duster Hying in tin' wind, coiif-iidis hnrizoiital and the yellow dog nipping his lu-el. ju-t as; the train begin to move. He puts on i extra pressure, and resolves to make that train or peri-h. lie reaches it as the last car is going past. He seizes the hand-rail, i- violently jerked around oner or twice, but Dually land- on the step on hi- knee-, and i hauled in by his coat-collar hv the brakesman, hot. mud, dusty, w ith his trousers U ni across the knee-', hisshin bruised, and three ribs in hi nuihrellit broken. In-t a- he gets comfortably in the car. j the train -top-, backs up on the siding, ; and -tups for an hour and a half while the engineer fixes a broken valve. 1 Then he is madder than ever, and de termines that he will move in town i to-morrow, and swears, while he looks ! out ol the window and watches the dogs that followed him engaged in ai contest iivei a bone which the yellow j dog found on the platform of the sta tion ; and he registers a silent vow to . devote his first holiday to hunting up that dog and braining him with a club. Fill h i the father of cholera. Thl I i not intended as a joke, anil if people . do not cleanse their netMtiS and their , premises thev may discover that it is 1 not one. This paragraph applies to ; the people of all towns and cities. . . T. , . , A legal dozen ot eggs must weigh xund and a half hi Massachusetts. a A Kubmarlae Diver' Startup Expc- rleure. John Qui,,,,. ihTsubmarine diver1 . So mt.cb has been said alut the stationl?o, trit, Mkh.. for the visit of the Shah of Persia to Euro. pat six or seven year, has been pean Courts that it is worth while down aiming the dead men" a (treat I j0 the real object ot that visit many times, and lias had some thrill-! as vVe, i( ctirnmm.ja c; We in his lit;-. The pipe lending trout the Itn&cuu linUmn: water works into Hie river, nut down i The real cause of the Shah's visit rKs into me river, pin uonu fettled a few days ago. and ''i: mr'SaiS'iuid";: last hill, settled a one of the .tii til. ..'.Ml r.. L.i .,,!, .iir tiMik his apparatus and lltleiKMIits and went down in the morning. A great many cords of stone had lieon piled on "" " 1 " tin- pipt) to hold if down, and l.i- work was near the outer end of the pile. The water was very clear, ami as he landed on the bottom he noticed -nine object leaning up again! the stones, but supposed It to be a log and went to his work. The crevice in tlie joint was to lie tilled up with wedge-, and the diver was about half an hour get ting to wink with the hammer, lie was working away when a schooner"? yawl, pulling three ours and kicking up a swell, u'iMed near hini. He fed ..1 l.i j u ,ii L the swell somewhat niter a tune, ami wa straightening up after pounding invite sub criptions to the forthoom away when something struck hi head ;,, IVisimi railroad enterprise tor SSg Zhkh Htltefamons looked up and found one right before European telegraphist and news him. with one arm over his air-pipe, I collector, is the bond and chief! be cried out hi alarm and moved back. ; UI .;t js 0)1v lr!ll) u, ,.ay tial tne The corpse, that of a n.a n n.ovnl a fter , , . fa j wliemeexcee(ls him. and (in iu fiimhled backward ... over the pipe with the horrid tone on j other enterprises; J.'st the same as top of him. Those above felt tliat he I the "Arabian Nights" shames a I was moving and gave him more line i 0Hier work" of fiction. The world and pl.e. He. poshed at tin body and m ,lt the lavis(l ell0Wltleilts cleared hiiiiscll of it; I utasheriLtiuied , ... .. , , hi feet it came down upon hiun and American railroad companies by oi f the leg nibbed across his sholil- j Congress. But it these land grants ders. The diver did imt wish to take i and subsidies were all put together bold of the object, hut. he was forced L()j mtmied ten times over they to. and he pulled h about for several minute:, before he could clear hi pipe. He pushed it hy the leg back to the stone pile, and would have made his line fi.sf and sent it up, but the sWell . . . ,. i :..), - above, mi-taking his signal, drew him up. He wen' down again ami made I a long search for the Imdy. but it bad floated awayi Owliigto Ms fright at first and his ..ervousne-s the , diver saw but little which might .den tlfytnebodyi He is sore that there I wis a gold ring on one of the Angers, j and that the man had mi light boots, j as be had hi hands on them. The Iks v was lielow all the inlet pities i when first discovered, and was Jither ' sitting or -taiullng against the stones, j as one would sit or stand to rest, j While the diver aduiits the fact of vi.lit-il ',1 fVnili lis irnisii' .iml till' mi'll . " "S""nV "Vr" "r'"T'." be had no idea of finding such a visitor , down there. 1 lie repairs to the pipe were completed, and Quhui sent word along tin' dock that the body might be watched fur. ' KimiT at oxk BtOTH. On the 21st of August, Mrs. Timothy Bradlee, of Trumunll t'ifuitty, Ohio, gave birth to eight children three boys and five girls. They are all living, and are healthy, but fpilte small. Mr. Brad lee wa- married six war ago to En nice Mowery.who weighed 273 pnnnds on the day of her marriage. She ha given hhfh to two sets of twins, and now eight children more making twelve in six vears. Mr. Brnulee wa a triplet, her' and father each being twins, and her grandmother the mother of five twins. - j Several prominent citizen" of In- dianapoli vouch for this store: "A . 1 .,, , , . . , , . i . erome h hfphcrd 04 s g it too at the ankle-joint, some months ago. by a railroad accident. N bile amputa tion was being performeil, a pet dog watched the operation closely and seemed in great distress that her mas ter should suffer so. Afterward the dog give birth to a litter of pnppn every one of which was born with the prices of the country. These clauses right fore-foot, just at the ankle, miss- i wij prevent any enterprising per- ' sous from cornering the. labor, pro- Buvn Siiavk. A good an-1 vWul1 a'"i llole ur m,,le markets; ecdoteis told of Peter Burrows, a"fl lhf mer ,8ct ot' conces the celebrated lawyer. A friend """""WW, as nothing cud do, called upon him one morning in his j t,,e despotic character ot the Gov-dressing-room, and found him shav-1 er"ment, iug willi his face to the wall. Ile In addition, the Persian Govern-a-ked why he chose so strange an j ment undertakes to pay an interest attitude. The answer was to look jot 5 per cent, and an additional in the "lass. guarantee of 2 per cent, as a sink- "Why," said his friend, "there is no glass there." "bless my soul," cried Burrows, "I did not notice that before!" Ringing the bell, he called bis servant, and questioned him respect ing his looking-glass. "Oh, sir," said the servant, "mis tress had it removed tin twfa wjoP The following notice is said to have been recently found posted in the vestibule otachuTch in Scotland: "The peraou who stole 'Songs of the ."sanctuary, from pew No. 32, should improve the opportunity of singing them here as be will have no occasion to sing them hereafter." A aiupeudana Sfehtne. i ne real cause oi Hie lthhw p isii to J.;Mro,0 not t K traced to the : Aimv ' I....-.:..!. .. uc nppciirciNHipij r oiue.i.riu.-i.ig card tor the greatest stock jobbing ; Mieeiil:ilionoVtliednv. Tht&hrewd it... . . .' capitalists of the old world have not disdained to borrow a teat Irom l!aniiim. When the great rhow man parades his company in all their glare of tinsel aid blast of trumpet in public, it is only to lire the gaping vi lagers with a more invincible desire to dcKisit their stamps in the care of his treasurer. In the same way, the Shah of Persia is used as a flaming show-bi 1 to would still fall far short of the con cessions recently granted by the Shah of Persia to Baron Renter Ibr the purpose of building a railroad . ... , 1 iroii'b ns dominions, f . . . . I he concession," as it m termed, was issued at Teheran, the capital y; Jsia, in July, 1S72. Baron , , js altjlofiaed l0 C(M1truct a .. , . Al ., railnad lietweei. the Caspian ea and the Gulf id Pe sia. lie is also vested with exclusive authority to constrm.l ailV gt,er railroads or , ... tramwava he may think proper in any part of the kingdom. 1 le may form oi ie or more joint stock com- pa.iiejf London to carry out the -i, ,.,vts o this "concession" For tile next 70 years he and his associ ates or successors enjoy the exclu sive right to construct railroads, tramways, canals, roads, telegraphs, mills and forges, to work mines and factories, clear forests, and to furnish Persian towns with water and gas. Fof the performance ot these various enterprises this Baron Ren-ii-i i ter ami ins jloiiuoii companies arc to enjoy the most extraordinary privileges. They may take tor lol,ig all state "lands'that mav be . B, .. , , required tor railroad, gas, or other purposes, ami they may acquire private lands and buildings on the m,,st favorable terms. All ma- terial, ail( commodities required by n- i, v ,, .,,,;, , arou l,euti.i s coin panics are to . . . , 1 . "e miponco u.iiy ncc, aim, iK-uer still, a supply of cheap labor is also guaranteed. All the provisions tin- the company's cmp oyes and a 1 the bea-te of burden required are to lie furnished at the ordinary ing fund on all money or capital raised by Baron Renter and his companies. All the emp'oyes of the companies are to be untaxed. Rut a still more wonderful con cession is yet to come. Not con tent with handing over to a foreign company the exclusive right to construct railroads, erect gas works, open mines, establish teleg.aph lines, run mills and forges, lay down pavements, build street railroads and establish banks and post offices, the Government hands over to the company the right of collecting its own revenues for the next twenty five years. The concessionaires en gage to pay for this privilege $100, 000 a year in excess of what the Government now receives The price thus fixed will hold good for the first five years, an additional 60 per cent, of the net prix.veds being accorded to the Government tor the sixth and following years. For seventy years to come all the material resources and progress of Persia are to lie surrendered to Haron de Renter ami his companies. After that time, it there is anything left of Persia then modern monop olies must be regarded as having lost their eculiar power. No more wonderful contract than this was ever effected by any gov ernment. In effect, the Persian monarchy abdicates its functions in favor of a coniny of foreign capitalists. The real Government ot Persia is transferred from Teh eran to London. The Shah is su perseded by a London joint stock company. The rest may Ik in 'erred. The Shah's visit to Europe is the begin ning of the end. His presence was demanded by the new owners of Persia as a traveling advertisement for their forthcoming Persian Joint Stock Company, with a capital of from fifty to two hundred millions ot dollars. In all resects this ranks as the grand speculation of the age. But what is to lie said of a mon archy that thus signs away its very existence to a company of specula tors? Only this, perhaps, that the civilization and commerce of the West seem to become essential to the future of Persia The nation may lie regarded as far advanced in the very last stages of decay. It is either a London joint-stock company or Russia. An old bachelor said, "There's; a darned sight more jewe'ry worn now-a-days than when 1 was young. But there's one piece that 1 always admired which I don't often see now. What is that?" asked a young lady. "A thimble," wa the reply. He was regarded with contempt and scorn by every lady in the room the rest of the evening. Two urchins, five or six year oM, returning from school, recently, were overheard discusing great theological questions. "Well," says urchin number one, "the Lord owns all this world, don't he?" "Yes, Is'posehedoes," responded number two; "but dad says the devi.'s got a bi; mortgage on it." - A teacher was illustrating the points of the compass to two pupils ; 'Now, what is b liue you?" "The north," said John, who was an intel ligent lad. "Now, Tommy," said he to the other, who had just donned a long coat, "what is behind you?" "My coat-tails, sir," said Tommy. Wh( ii a clergyman assumes to lie witty it is to serve a purpose, and that is the case with the Balti more divine, who writes to a friend concerning the frequency of fires in Huston, ns follows : "In the rapid whirl of events, the molioii of the universe becoming accelerated, the hub is evidently overheated by fric tion; hence the numerous conflagra tions." One of the bluest of Bostonians, on being requested by a rich and vulgar young fellow for permission to marry "one of his girls," gave this rather crushing reply. "( crtain ly; which would you prefer, the waitress or the cook?" A Terra Haute editor, who speaks with the air of ;i man who has discovered a new fact by ex perience, says that the way to pre vent bleeding at the nose is to keep your nose out of other jieople's business. The Philadelphia Mtttkid Tims says a student undergoing his ex amination was asked what was the mode of action ofdisinftvtants. He replied, "They smell so badly that the people open the windows, and fresh air gets in." Timothy hay L Lane county sells for 87 per ton.