ALBANY REGISTER. 8 BUSINESS CARDS. Mala, Young A- W CMiuaa. JOHN CONNER, B A N KING -AN!) Exchange Office, AI.B... OltI(.4l. 'lKnSITS RKCEIVEI) SUBJECT TO I f elii'ek Ht si'tr. Interest Hlloive I on tlmedflrvislts In coin. Exilwnxe on Portland, Sin Francisco, -nl New Vfirk, fur sale at lowest rate Collections ma and promwly remitted. Refers to Tl.W. ( rtwU. lieurv Falling, 'W. 8. Udd. Ruikins limir? from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Allwny, Feb. 1, Is71-24v3 MonH'tliiiig e in lnti"lry. K. E. o. KMII'H, i.i Mis;. IJASI.Ol'ATIthlN A LISA- 1A ny,and Ims tlu. new In vention in plate wvl,wliieli ronsisls in InaeriltiiZ teetli In the month wiihnnt cow;rlilR 'he whole roof, as here: ofore. It gives the wearer i lie wearer the free use of ho toiu'iie Hi (lie roof of the iiiou iti in talklKg anJ testing. U is the Smith & Purvlne pdlent. Teeth extracts I without pain. Plates Bonded, wheilier broken or divided liiirorFU'K- First stlDet.caal ofUmner's Rank tip stairsi, Albany, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, HUNT NTBEtT, ALBANY, OREUOX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, WILI, ENDEAVOR Tit KEEP COH alantly on hand a foil supply of ALL KIM) OF MEATS, Which will lie of the very best quality. Th hiirhest market nriee mid for Inwes, hnjfg and sheen. Third door west of Ferry, on south side rf First street. J. I.. HARRIS. Albany, IX-c. 15. 1871-i:.v4 JOHN SCHMEER, 11KALEK IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY. OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW (IRfK'ER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with ii fresh slock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To bacco, Ac., to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep llakery, and will always have on hum! n Aill supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. bfe" i 'all and -ee me. February !Mv4 TURNING - c u JOHN SCHMEER. T9'KM(. AM PREPARED TO DO Ml KINDS I of turning; keep on hand and make to Order ruwhlde-bnltoine I chairs, Ac. Shop near the Mills an I Hosiery, .leuerson, Ore ion. Branch shoo n.-ur "Magnolia Mills," Albany, where orders for chalrc, turning, Ac., can in' left, JOHN M. Mill. I. Kit. Jefforaon, Ang.S, Ik72 PETERS &SPEIDEL, MANffAtTl'KKHS ot' Carriages & Wagons, Of livery Description, ALBANY, OREGON. MAKl'FACTTRR TO ORDER ANY and all styles of Wagons, Carriages, IIit-k, Ac,., at as reasonable rates as the use of ood material and first-class work will jns Ify. Repairing neatly and expeditiously done at low rates. Shop on Ferry between First and Second trocW. PETERS ft Sl'KIDEE. Albany, March 7, 1873-27 Notice. ORBOON ft CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Deimrtment, Portland Oregon, April 5, 187.-Sotic Is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will lie instituted against any and every person who trespasses npon any Railroad Land, by cuttlngand removing Hnilier therefrom before the same is BOUGHT of the Compa ny AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land In odd numbered sec tions, whether snrveyed or unmrveyed, wltliln a distance of thirty miles Croat the Ho of the road, tetong a to the Company. I. R. MOORKB, rrU Land Agent. sCC(H 2? 5 s 8 Co I r m V o K 9 a 3 r 0 0 J J- Q i V d H CD GO go CD H H SB M B R e ha I PABAURAMLETB. WeatJier hot. Roads dusty. Business underdone. Everybody preparing for the har vest. Erysipelas was what caught Dr. Bice. Mr. Conrad and wife left for Tacoma on Wednesday. The picnic on Sunday will cost the boys about $1,000. Butter commands Hie per pound. A lew of our fnnnets have com menced harvesting; a week or ten days will elapse before the general harvest opens. Eggs go off at I 8c per dozen. Lay in your winter's wood while it is cheap So many of our people have gone to the mountains and sea-side that the city seems deserted. The ship 1 let-mine sails In a few days from Astoria, with a cargo of wheat and salmon valued at $36,660. Legal tenders have fell one-quarter of a cent, and are now quoted at 85 ma, Recent storms and floods in France have set up the price of wheat. Tiie crops in Hungary are said to be almost a total failure. A new crosswalk has been construct ed across Water street, it the foot ot Ellsworth. Our city now has two nigh! watch men Parley McKnlght and Ross Humphrey. PACIFIC CO ANT NKWB. Pendleton had a regular thunder shower on the I8th inst. Unusual. Mount Hood is reported to have indulged in a quiet smoke on last Monday. A little colored boy, son of J. H. Butler, ot Portland, fell from a skiff there and was drowned, last Tuesday. He was and 13. His body wag recovered. Ten new bathing houses have been erected on the beach at Clatsop. A lot on the northwest corner of Pine and Montgomery streets, in San Francisco, sold ou the 22d for $260,000. At Pendleton a Sunday School has been started. Timothy heads 14 inches long are common sight in Clatsop county The thin! crop on tlie same land is now said to be three tect high. General Jeff C Dav is is reported : to have been in Baker City on the i 19th, en route fbr VValla Walla, j It lias linen decided by the Judges of the Supreme Court to attend to the old business first, .i,;i, ...:n i,.. . u ... j , wnn;n wm nave iu icniueu in consequence of the death of Judge Thayer. On Thursday the 24th inst., the I Mormons celebrated the 26tli I anniversary of the settlement of ; Ctah. At Virginia City, Montana, wheat is selling at 60 cents a bushel. Having no home market for cattle, they are being driven to Utah and Nevada The IMUtin estimates that 300 people left that city tor the seaside during last week. Col. Heed of Salem is engaged ' in painting the great Modoc lava bods, from sketches made upon the ground. In Salem tliey seek for amuse ment in tieiug cans to dogs' tails. The dogs are learning to regard it as a compliment. A cougar entered the yard and carried oil' a calf belonging to Colonel Jennins, of Clackamas county, a few days ago! A doable-barreled shotitin ren der a couple ot ulieep-kiiliug dogs in iwuton county naanabie, a few davs ago. Miss Lem Kimball, of South Salem, on Saturday before last, while splitting some kindling wood, buried the hatchet in her right toot Hay is from $4 to $5 per ton at the Dalles, Work has been commenced on the College bnilding at Forest Grove. The new wharf at Salem, cost ing some $2,000, is now finished. In a Chinese gambling row at San Diego, Cal., on the 18th, one was killed. A colored waiter, at Eureka, on the 18th, in a row, killed one Chi naman and wounded another. San Fra-icisco had 78 deaths during last week. San Francisco exDerieneed a slight shock ot earthquake on the 18th. Since the close of the Modoc troubles, the Link river country is settling up. They were having intensely hot weather in the interior of California last week. The Columbia has fallen over five feet at Vancouver. Lane county is fa king of provid ing a house tor its rjixir. If thev do, it will be a poor house. Astoria maidens propose to or ganize a boat club for rowing and sailing. Timothy hay at Engene City, is $7 per ton. An opposition boat has been started on Yaquina river, between Elk City and Newport, by Mr. oryou. A division ot the Sons of Tem perance has been organized at Jack sonville with 22 charter members, by Hon. W. O. Clark. Mr. Meacham has arrived at his home in Salem. James P. McDaniel has been elected City Marshal of Jackson ville. Wool was coming into Corvallis lively last week. Ruline Driee 22 cents per pound New and rich cold discoveries have been moto nn i --J -'.. VU UTOI uiariottes Island. The Jacksonville limes, which was burnt out last spring, has again made its appearance, and looks well. It is stated that farmers in Wash- ington county are orifanizinfi' for the purpose ot protecting themselves against the loss ot stock Killed by the train. E. S. Altree, Jr., has completed arrangements for the speedy erec tion of a flouring mill a few miles above Klk City, on tlie Yaquina river. He expects abundant pat ronage. The Statesman says the follow, ing is a list of the books that have been selected as the "authorized text books" in the public Schools of this State, tor the four years beginning Uctotier, 1873: Thomson's New Graded Series of Arithmetics, embracing New Mental, (tor Primary Classes) New Rudiments and New Practical Arithmetic. Clai k's Beginners' Grammar and Normal Grammar. Monteith's Introduction to Geog raphy (Pacific Coast Kdition.) Panics' Brief V. S. History. "Peter Parley's" Universal His tory (tor beginners.) Spencerian Penmanship. Robinson's High Arithmetic Brooks's Algebra and Geometry. Anderson's General History. Hart's Composition. Steele's "Fourteen Weeks" in Physiology, Natural Philosophy and Cliemistry. Wood's Botanist and Florist. Bryant & Stratum's Book-Keep-ing (High School Edition.) 1 lie Readers and Spellers have not yet been selected. An adjourned sessiou of the Su The chess clubs of Salem and Roseburg are now engaged in play ing three games for the champion ship of the State. An Indian hov inmned from a train on the Carson (Nev) Railroad. recently, and both his legs were cot off. Many children in Washington county have something resembling the epizooty. Umatilla county will have a splendcd wheat crop this year. W. M. Turner, of Jacksonville, has an autograph letter of the late Horace Greeley, and prizes it. A rattlesnake over four feet long, and having thirteen rattles, was killed on Antelope creek, Jackson county, a few days ago. Such snakes abound there. Giant county boasts her crops are hncr this year than ever before. Win. B. Denny, of Jacksonville, killed a large female panther or California Lion, the other day, and captured the young ones when only a tew hours old. It is believed the cars will bo running between Kalama and Ta coma on or lietore the 1st ot No vember next. Since the settlement of the ter- minus at Tacoma. travel has Quad rupled between Kalama and the Sound. Mt. Rainier is reported to be emitting great quantities of smoke at present. A convict in the penitentiary of California recently asked the hos pital steward to compound him a dose which would give him the appearance of being sick so he would not be obliged to work. The stew ard complied, and tlie first dose killed the convict in a few hours. A Portland gentleman, a few days ago, says Oregontan, caught in Brooklyn creek, near East Port land, a mountain trout, 19 iucbea long and weighing 4j pounds. Latest Mews. John C. Cloud started from Philadelphia on the 21st to row to New Orleans for a wager of $5,000, the conditions being that he will not sleep on shore till he reaches j the lattre place. The boat was to be carried over the mountains and put into tlie Ohio river It weighs 60 pounds. At Linden, Union countg, N. Y., July 21st, Isaac Logan was in a field loading a wagon with bay, when Michael Kearin, who had been on a spree, came up, took the pitchfork from him and stabbed him three times in the lower part ot his body, inflicting wounds from which he died. Isaac A. Gould, a widower, aged 45, has been arrested at Yarmouth, Me., for related incest upon bis daughter, who is only 13 yea's old. An extraordinary daring robbery preme Court met on last Monday at Salem: Present, W. W. Upton, Chief Justice; L L. McArthur, B. F. Bonham and L. F. Mosher, Associate Justices. The Trinity M. E. Church South, at Salem, organized a Sabbath School last Sunday, by electing tlie following officers: Rev. IV iw.m (I'astor) Superintendent; William Mauuey, Secretary; Wallace Man ey, Librarian; Miss Jennie Miller, Treasurer, Mitt Nellie Peal, Organ-its. I of a railroad train was committed j on the uight of the 21st on the t hicago, Rock Island and Pacific i Railroad. At a point where a sharp curve occurs in the road, the robbers had placed heavy timbeis across the track. The engineer, John Raflerty, saw the obstruction in time to reverse tlie engine and apply the air brakes, but the robbers observing the movement tired at him from their ambush and shot him dead. The engine struck the logs and went off the track, followed into the ditch by one baggage car, the other with passenger cars re maining on the track. Several passengeiii were bruised. The robliers, after securing tlie contents of the sate of the express messenger, rode off on horseback. Amomr the passengers were thirty Chinese stu dents en route tor Springfield, Mass. The crews of various Spanish men of war, having revolted, the Government lias issued a proclama tion declaring 'them piraUW and authorizing their capture ami treat ment as such uy any foreign power. An effort was made in the Cartes on the 21st to censure the Govern ment tor the decree declaring the crew of the Spanish frigate Cartba gena, pirates, but was regected by a vote of 110 to 90.