ALBANY RKGISTER. A D V ERTISBM KNT3 PATENT MEWCINE. H R R e r3 E. : ui'M F-flf I3 ;S , 2 , 2 13QJ3 5- : the provisions of this not: and no member of anv asttoclntlon wliioh nluill have laken the b'eneiit ol '.liUaci shall enter or hold any other hurl-' un ler iis provMniw; ana ail person- maiming under section two hereof shall be required to prove Unir re spective rights an I pay for the lands (Ilea upon within one veur from the time pre scrilied for Bling their respective claims; and upon failure to die. the proper notiir, or to pa)' for the land within the require I period, the same shall lie su ijecl to entry 6y any other qualltled applicant. see, 5. Tlmt In case of ooii8lctun claims upon lands where the improvements shall be hereafter commence 1, priority of pos session and improvement, fohowel by proper Aling and continued good taith, shall determine the preference right to purchase. And also where improvements have already lieen made at the date of the passage of this ai t. division of the land claimed may be made by legal subdivis ions, to include, as near as may be, the valuable Improvements of the respective parties; and the Commissioner of the lion eral Lanci-Oittre shall be, and is hereby, authorized to issue all needful rules ami regulation for carrying into eti'oct the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. That nothing in this act shall be construed to destroy or impair any rights which mav have attached prior to its pass age, or to authorize the sale of lands valu able for mines of gold, silver, or copper. Approved, March 3, 1873. (General Nature -No. 108.) an' Airr for the relief of Howard F. Moltiit. Be i eimcM by the -S naif ami House of KepretrnUCiv-snt th- inU-d Sales of Auir train Congress ass moliti, That the Fresl dentof the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to nominate, and by ml with the advice and consent of the Senate to appoint, upon the retired list of the navy, wit n tne ranuoi master, nuww-u F. Moltut, now a volunteer officer on tho active list of the navy. Approved, March 3, 1873. ;.Ucneral Nature-No. 109.! AN ACT to extend the time for filing claims for additional liounty under the act of July twenty-eighth, eighteen liun- .InMl unit alxtv-aix. Be it enacted by tin- S -rials and House of ttevretrMatni or me t uuea ouues oj .t- . r n ' 11,1 'IM...I l.n tii. 1,. vn in Lvngresx twniiwT, mui iuc ,,uiv for tilini? eJainis for additional liounty. under the act of July twenty-eighth, eigh teen hundred and sixty-six, which expired by limitation January thirtieth, eighteen luinrlml nml Miveutv-three. lie and the same Is hereby, revived and extended until the thirtieth day of January, eigh teen hundred and seventy-lour; and that all claims for such bounties filed in the proper department after the thirtieth day of January, eighteen hundred audse venty three, and before the passage of this act, shall be deemed to have been filed in due time, and sliall be considered and decided without filing. Approved, March 3, 1S73. iUenerai Nature - No. 110. ,v urr tn iiiitlinrize and direct the Secre tary of War to distribute arms and mili tary equipments under the act of April rwontv-tbrw. piirhtenn hundred und eight, and the acts amendatory thereof. tg Uenaeted by the S-naie ami House of Jfi JJweuililW of tne Milieu .wuesoi jvut ko In Congress luseiMnl, That the Secre- .rvofWnrlM-.and he is hereby, author- iril mill dinurtsd to distribute to such States as ilid not, from the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two to the year eigh teen hundred and sixty-nine, receive the i.i.iA thpir nmiwr nuotanf armsand mid tary equipment for each year, from eigh jn hun li-i'il nml sixiv-two to eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, under the act of Congress approved April twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eight, and the sev eral acts amendatory tliereol: Provided, That In the organization and equipment of military companies and organizations with said arms, no discriminai ion shall be made between sail companies and organi zations on account of race,color,or former condition of servitude. Approved, March 3, 1873. General Nature-No. 1110 AN ACT authorizing joint entry by pre- emntion settlflrs. anil for other purposes. Be it enacted by the S mile and House of ffpretentatlwt of the Unikd Stales of Amer in Cbnffr. assnnbted. Tliat when set tlements have beitn made upon agricul tural public lands of the United States, prior to the survey t beretif, and it has lieen of shall be ascertained, aficr the public surveys have been extended over such lauds, thai two or more settlers have Im provements upon the same legal subdivis ion, it shall be lawful for such settlers to make joint entry of their lands at t he local land-ottiec, or for either of said settlers to enter Into contract with his co-settlers to convey to them their portion of said land after a potent is issued to him, and, after making said contract, to ttle a declaratory statement in his own name, and prove up and rev tor said land, and proof of joint occupation by himself and others, and of Such contract with them made, shall be equivalent to proof of sole occupation und pre-emption by the applicant: Provuled, That in no case shall the amount patented under this act exceed one hundred and sixty acres, nor shall this act apply to lands not subject to homestead or pre emotion entrv. . Sec. t. That effect shall 1)0 given to this act by regulat ions to be prescribed by the lommwmoner oi ine general tianu-umue. Approved, March $. 1873. Hoot men were held to Answer Before the grand jury for t . voting in the late municipal election at Portland. An assault on a tbiuamati in Portland die other day, cut two boy18eacli. KxjJWHve Aajatie SO PC BLUSHED EVERY FRIDAY, By COM.. VAX CLEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corner I'.rry mid First Streets. TEKMS One year six months Single copies IN' ADVANCE, Three dollars. Two dollars, Ten ofnts. ADVKRT1B1NG KATES. Transient advertisements, per square of ten lines or less, tirst insertion f; subsequent Insertion $1- Larger tlseinents inserted on the most terms. each adver liberal JUH WORK. Having received new type, stock of col ored inks, car ts, a Gordon jobber, etc., we are prepare 1 to execute all kinds of prim ing In a lietler maimer, ami fifty l'r cent cheaper than ever before offered In this city. Aw enta for M Hex later. The following gentlemen are authorized w receive and receipt for subscriptions, advertising, etc.. for the Uk.ii.sTlk : Hiram Smith. Harrisbnrg. i . P. Tompkins, Harrisbnrg. Peter Hume, Brownsville. V. U. Kirk, Brownsville. J. H. Irvine. Scio. T. H. Reynolds, Salem. Ui P. Fisiier, San Francisco. 1). P. Porter, She-Id's Station. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR F C T O II V . S. H. ALTHOUSK. J. Y. BALKEKSTO. V. KETCH CM. ALTIIOESE & CO., Lyon Street, on the River Bank, ALBANY, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, and are prepareu io FURNISH TO ORDER, Doom, Kaah, Rlinds, nioldingi, and Such as t HOWS, PANEL. BAND & SECTION HOED, Of all sizes WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, -And- All other kinds of Building Material . t LSO: PREPARED TO PO MILL work, furnish shaker fans, zigzag shakers, suction funs, driving pullejs of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street on the river nana), next t-iow 'i;u mkiui s warehouse. ALTHOl sK A CO. Albany, Feb. jo, isii- BOOTS MADE TO ORDER, WARRANTED TO GIVB Perfect Satisfaction, at REASONABLE RATES, at HENRY FMNDT'B 8H0P, 3m Albany, wreKSd. Sirs ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALIiANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour und Saw Mill Machin ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kind of IKON tVt Pa rtteular attention paid tONpatrta aU Undaof awchteary. tl General Business Jsrace Agent, Notary i?a.lolio. S Ol'KCIAL ATTENTION (Iven tnthfwl- inlniitioii of iiniimm. uilteettons luiufe in all part Of ilwS ale. Offlconeit door n'xivi' Bee Hive 8 ore. First atrwr. Altanv, Oregon, v.'.nj MAlilil.K WORKB. 9IONROE & T Alt Ell, Peaiera in loiiiiiuents, Obelisks Tombs. Head and Fool Stone. Executed in California, V rmniil Mai hie. and Itaiian SALEM, OREGON. URANTll MlOV AT AI.KANY. OUT OF THE FIRE! S. J. MCCORMICK, ! IS HAPPY TO INFORM HIS NUMER OUS friends, patrons, and the public in ! general, that he lias THE n to ar? KANKLIN XfOOK PTURK, AT 19 FIRST STREET, (NEXT TO CENTRAL MARKET) with a complete stock of Nchool Hooks. Stationery, Blnnfc Rooks, UoM l'ens, Cutlery, Ar.. Ac.. Which he will dispose of at The Lowest Prices ! SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED Kor all the popular NEWSPAPER AND M AtiAZlNES ! which will be Delivered In any part of tne city. Portland, Feb. 7, lS7J-:;itf Arctic Soda. HAVING ADDED VASTLY TO Oi l! facilities for dispensing this delight ful and health-giving beverage, we would announce to our former pn'rons, and the public generally, that we are fully preiared from one of those elegant Tuft' .frctic FountainN, to supply soda of the best quality in un limited quantities to all who may favor us with acall- BOTTLED SODA ! Sarsaparilla! WILL, HI RING THE SPRING and SUMMER. lie delivered to families ordering through out the city. Dealers Mopplied at Liberal Kate. A. CAROTIIERS ft CO.. REWAED t FOR AN Incurable Case! m m rr.. L richatj'S A GOLDEN BALSAM! Aftr ten yean' trial on this Coatt hu proven itsclthn only rurttive in actrtalnelnf of disease! pronounced by medical practition ers as incurable. Dr.LsBishaa's GOLDEN BALSAM So. 1 eure Chancre Brtt and second itagcn, Boreson theLegaorllody; Bore Ear. Eyt. M e-! Copper-cobrcd Elotche. Fyrh'H'c l"?' Diaaasid Bjalp, and all pnnif ry formB of the disease knuwn as Syphilis. Price. V per not. tie, or two (jr $3. Dr.LiRicbin's GDLDEH BALSAM Bo.Z cures Tertiary, Mercurial. Syphilitic Rbcunia. tUm. Paina In the Boms, flack i ' the Nim k, Dlt cerated Sre Throat, Syphilitic liash. Lumps and (lontraeted Cords. Stiltnrf of be. limbs, and eradicates all disrafs frr.m thejysU-m, whether caused by imliiu rttliu or ebiiM ol mercury-leavins the blood pure and besl-hy. Price, ti per bottlo, or tv for . D.. L3 Richaa's G3L0EW SPANISH AN- Udote, for tho Cure of Oonnorhce, OlreJ. Irrl tatioii, Gravel, and all Vrintry r Genital disarrangement. Price, $J.C0 per bottle. Dr.Lelichao's GOLDEN SPANISH IN- lection, s wash and lnlectio-. f r Mvere ftae of Oonaorhcsa, Inflammrtory Clect. Wrjrtuns, and all disease of tho Kidneys and Bladder. Price. 11.50 Der bottle. Also Agsnti for DE. I V, EICHATJ'8 GOLDEN PILLS (or S-raliwl vwainmi", .-mii i rum am lnwiin unit all ilisrrsfs uislnc from Maiturbation und ticmive abiws. Irlce, 3 per bottle. The c nuin'. Oouwi Bausat 1 put np only in round butllra. On rec-ipt of price, lhe- swdlebata wTJ be sent to all pert o ha e untrf . by eipreas nrmailsMtmly paekedaad in ftvm abaer. vsaton. BMasatv o. r, mmmmk m, WholMaJ sod Mail WmM Cbawlatai 8 W. tor. Ctoy k Baa $1,1 Vinegar Btte,?re nn',a,J.lLe i Drink, nuule of Poor Ru:n, hisky, Proi ! , Spirilsaiul Retusc Liquors. uociorwi,pu--ti, and sweetened to please the taste, culled "Tonics," 'Appetizers," "Restorers," Ac, : that lend the tippler on m iinniM-uui-s ura ruin, but ure a true Meilkine. made from the native roots and herbs of Cnllfornis, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the Croat Wood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a I'eriect itenovaioruuu iuik ator ol the System, carrj ini; otr all poisonous j matter, and restoring the Wood to a healthy j condition, enrlchlnjt It. rcfreshiug and in- sdSoraUngboth mind and body. They arc easy of ndmiiiistratioii. prompt In their ac- Hon, certain in their results, salt and reli able in all forms of disease. No Person run lake tlicse Bit tort acconlin;; to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their nones are noi ; destroyed by mineral poison or other mean?, and liio vital orsans wasted beyond Lie point of rpair. . , Dyspepsia r IndiRCstion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs. Tight- ncss of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Erudi tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Imlamuiation of the Lungs, Pain In reoinnnf Hie Kldnatt. ind a hundred ; other painful si inptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaiuts It has no equal, and one bottlo will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad- verrisement. For Feinnle Complaint, in young i or old, married or single, at iiieiiawn womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an Inltuence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible For inflammatory und Chronic Bheumntiam and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Dillons, Remittent and liner- . mitient fevers. Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidnevs and Bladder, these Bitters have been inost successful. Snch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally i produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Tor Skin Disease, Eruptions, Tot ter, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples. Pustules. Bolls, Carbuucles, Ring-worms, j Scald-Ilead. Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch. I Scurfs, Discoloratlons of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name ; or nature, are literally dug up and carried ! out of the system in a Bhoi t time by the us . j of these Bitters. One bottle In nch caws i will convince the most Incredulous of thu: curative effects. Cleanse the Vitlateil Blood when everyoufludlislmpuritleaburstlug throuni: the skin la Pimples Eruptions, or Sores ; ! cleanse it when you find It obstructed an ; fluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when it i i foul; your feelings will tell you when ; Keep the blood pure, and the health of tut system will follow. Pin, Tape and other Worms. lurking In the system of so many thousaud.., , are effectually destroyed and removed, i SayB a distinguished physiologist: There it j scarcely an individual on the face of toe earth whoso body is exempt from the pro- I ence of worms. It is not upon the healthy j elements of the body that worms exist, bu. I upon thedlseased humors and slliny deposit I that breed these living monsters of disease. So system of medicine, no vermifuges, no . nnthelminitlcs. will free the, system from I worms like these Bitters. mechanical Diseases-Persons en- ' gaged lu Puiuts and Minerals, sucn as Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters ami Miners, as they advance in life, arc subject j tn nnmivsis of the Bowels. To euurd aitainM I this, take a dose of Walker's Vinegar Bit ters twice a week. Bilious. Bemlttent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valley or our great rivers mrougn 001 the United States, especially those of the , Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, Tennes- see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our enure country uuring tne buiuuii-i and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual beat and dryness, arc In variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and Uver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful in fluence upon these various organs, is essen tially necessary. There is no cathartic Cor the purpose equal to Da. J. Walkbr's Vim; gar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with whlrh the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, aud generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or Kinc's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled nei Goitre, Scrofulous inflammations, ludolrnl Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Did Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc In these, as In all other constitu tional Diseases, Walker's vinegar Bit ters have shown their great curative pow ers In the most obstinate and intractable case. Dr. Walker' CalifarBlta Vine nf Bitten act on an uieac tuaco iu IlinUar manner. By purifying trie Blood they remove tho cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (tho tubercular deposits) the affected parts re ceive health, and a permanent care It effected. . ' The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. Walier's Vinioab Bit. tms are the best aafe-gmml in cases ol erup tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, hauling, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative prop erties allay pain In tne nervous system, stomach and boweta, either from Inaamma tton. wrod.eoiio, cramps, ate. Dlreetleatw-Take ol the Bitters on going to bed at nlht from a half to one and nnaliaif KinMlanafol. Eat aood noirtsblog food, toco ss b4r-tk, matton ebop, veni son, roast beef, and vegetables, and Me out-door JtWclte. They ate eottaestdor purcvtfttabi IneradlaBts, and wwata mm n all wotwitni a aaui jai Mm Bub Mel U KIS TUE WOUST PAINS IK FROM. ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR After reading thii ftdttriltMM l titod any m BUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF 13 A CUKE FOR KVSRV PAIN. It wa tbff tint aud i THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY Thrt imu itl iiopi ibt iiiot iiwriMlaltajr uiu, ailm luttimtiiilioni, anri rum C-natton., -btlhtir cf tW Lu:.!, Stumacb, BwU, M Ui.i Utaii W"(gw., bj m 0cMilNI IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, n wuMn bow tm iiDi'-r Mcm'ttUM n mu RHEUMATIC, IW.l-na.uu, ullfl NurlifK. or irulrn.Uti nil aw I'M, .Ntrvon v auur. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AfTORO INSTANT EASE. INFLAUMATION OK Till KIDNEVS. INKLAAIMAIION Til BI.ADDIS. INFLAMMATION Or III. BuWtl.s, . oRK throat, oimci PAU.n iumI'U ' i. bwmn ii.r um.iiiu.iu. A 1 id.N Or THE HEAJIl. HYSTERICS, CROl 1-, Oil lil'IIERIA, ' CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Tin ppltcaUoatl Hm lltADY. RELIEF u . pt?tor pxru whrrr Ihv jwUi H ditficully uUU ullor.t . wl cplulort. Tilv ilroM in bait Inmblti ( "ill la aunraU can CRAM Us M'.vsiis, SOUR STOMACH, SICE HEADACHE, HEAR TBI' UlAKIllIta, DVSENTERV, COLIC. WI.nO IN THE buV ELS. nd all INTERNAL I AIN. Tratlm ikoolj alwayt carry kollli of ala wai'. Kdy K.lli l it ifc"- A (w !-v who will lit.. Ml sk-mt. or i'ioi Irom tbaiiK. ol waua. It li btui Uao l.rai.1) or liiurti m a lUiaaiua. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE rurttl lor tfty coU. Thm t 01 a remedial avnt in IhU world llul will cur. Fvv' and Afm, and ail ollir. MalarlMH, Billoai, Scarlia Typhoid, Vrllow, and olhr Fvn laided bj RAIV WAV'S PILLS) io qnlc. RAilVi AV'S -READ! RELIEF. Flliji cwiii y MtU. twin ay PraaalaaV HEALTH! BEIUTY!! STRONG AND I'UHF. RICH m.OOD-INCURASR OF FLESH AND Willi. Ill -CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMFLEMON SECURED TO ALL. Dr. RADWAY'S rat HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURESi SO QUICK, S RAiMD ARK THE CHANGES TH BODY I NDtUG.IES, UNDER THE INFLU1NC1 OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDIC IN THAT Every Day an Increase in F lean and Weight ia Been and Felt. TUE GREAT BLOOD PliUNEL Iwy drop cf SM.S vi'AKJI.U AN RESOLV ENT coroniutiH-tUM tlinwli tlie ElooJ, Swit, UrM and oihvr fluiJi and j jL.' of the iviUta th vlger 4 lift, fr 11 rapftln lite wulti of the UJy with sew and loo ar! owUnal. Scrofuia, Sfbilia, CotuamptiOQ, 01t dalr ditMie, t'Icm lu tlia Tbroat, Moulb, Tudot Ntxit in ibt Glands tnd ether a u of lLa tyittn, Soe Erei, Strutnoai DiKbarjjt irou. tli Can, aad tht werrt font, of Min diMaava, Lntitionr, Fiver &on, Scald Head, rUag-Worrn, Salt Bhewn, Errafpttat. Arna, Biick SftaU, Woimi io the Hth,Tu8Hn. Cantm 1ft tb Womb, and all wt aiming and painful dlKbaWp Nifht, Lou of ESterm, and all waatei f ib life priodple, art witbin the aniin nnp f tbU wr der of Modem Chemiilry, aud a I"' daya' ui will pra to any peraos Biiag ii for eilUr of tbt.e brsu of iiatt Ha poieol power W cure tU'tu If the patient, daily befoaiiDf rrdoftd by lb waetat ad dtccmpniiion tbat ii i-ODtLaaally progrttfinf, ceedt l armttng tketw WMtfla, and rettalra the aana with nw material mad 1mm bva thjr bwod aad 01 the SARSAl'AKU.l IAN will and doe atrurv. Nut only doe the 8aaAiLMa RawotviirT naaj U kitowB reaMdial amU in tbt curt of CbrttaJav Bcrofalout, Cvnalilutivna!, and Sain diieam ; but It Jt tbt only poaittvi cart U-f KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINT Urinary and Womb ditwei, Cracel, Dvabetaa, Onmn 8topivan f Waur. luc r of Urine, Brtgbt'l UlkV taae. Albnuiiaoria. and hi ail catta wbtrt tberi m bricftduat depoaiU. or tbt wattr la tbkk, cloudy, mtied wltb mbf lancrt like tbt white of at egg, Or thread lit white illk, or tber it a inoibid,dark,bl7ifiuaDpBvraac and white louelut dapoaiU, aud when there la a priclv big, boning aviititiow when tiitng wattr. and pain b tbt Small of tbt Back and akng tbt Loina Price, $lJn WOEMS. Tka onlr kaowa an.l lura kwtie&y fcr WORM&- riN, TAI'E, lc. Tumor of 12 Years Growth Cured by llndwnij'a Xr solvent. Dr. RADWAY'S pttcUj laitaltai, tlrtanll; coaled vrlth iwrel naw paraa, rteulai.. purity, draatt, ami trnttlifn. aa way' Fill, for lb, run el all iliurdata ol tb Su.raaeo l.ivtr, Bowfl, Kiilotii, Bl i.Ul.r. NiriMU lMa HMrlacbr, Con.llpfttioa, CoitivrncM, lattlfttlloa, Py ppla, Sllloiuntar, Biliorl Fevtr, Inflairuoalioa of 0 Knrtli, Fllia, aad all lXraaaiirK-nu of tka lafcraai Vlacora. warraoioa w towi a boum ouro. rvwif VmUblt, raaUlalal M lu. r.ury, ailatraia, at tv "a i,Z1 of RADWAY'S FILLS wRI frM rfittui from all the abovc-oatnll aiiordirt. FVtea, f Ml wr boa. SOLDBYDRWO.SIS. BRAD ' FALSE AND TRUE." Sta Owa toMa aUmo to KADWAi a ill., rft rrarrwa uwaoa. New York. IsafcrnaitoB worth thwiitttl will at i you. HOLLOWATS Ercry Haa Lis own PWrfan, " CAUTION". TUK immnwooomaml for nOLTjOWATf 1'li.l.s and OINTMENT baa tra4a n-rinal(rrd jiril toouuotnMt tbea vM- iri' KI'iil!llaV 4i order to protect tliepublieaad uiaeta w-named n new "TnMleMaA"eoaa in of un KkyirtiaU lircte of aarpent. wHfc uWirRinilMeenae, Kv?r beelea mrm Hiii.i.nwAY'a fiLi sad Onmawrtel atu thiatraJla taarkaaUl nee aa at tulrout it. v. T. CniMtOAi ue,, eol rraprietam ii Maidaa Law, rfevlif, URANX A BRICHAM. Han rraeelsae, CaA 11) Bsie Anu tor tbe raolfle CtstiM Perfect PirptiFe Piis, a