The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 11, 1873, Page 5, Image 5

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tletTi, eighteen hundred and seventy." an
proved Jnlv Bf:ee1h, elgh'eetl hundred
and seventy; and tor lint purpose there
Is hereby a'ppropriu'ed. from any money
in the treasury of -he United Sates not
otherwise anprnnrta ed, :li'. sum of five
hundred and i htrleen I hnusand ' bree hun
drcd and fnrty-ihreo dollars, or so much
thereof rk may he hecessary.
For this amount , or so much thereof as
may lie necessary, for the snlisislence, civ
ilization, an I ii'ire of tin' Arlukare. Gros
Ventre, and Man Inn Indians, al Fort Iter
thold agenev, i n'.nn. to make up den
eienoyinthe appropriation forthe fiscal
year ending J-ino thirllelh, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-three, se'enty-six thou-
taud dollars. .
For introduction o! shal Into the rivers
and lakes of the Unl'ci s a'es. to lie ex
pended under lie Unfed States Commls.
iloncrof Fish and Fisheries, ten thousand
dollars. ... ,
For a deficiency In tho appropriation for
folding docnm nis in he House ol Kepro-
. ientatlves,el tin thrm-nnd dollars.
Topav Rives and Bailey for report toff
and the publication of the del ea and
proceeding of I lie Fori ; second Congress,
forty-two insnsend dollar.
Forthe pttbllo printing, llfly thousand
dollars. , , , ,
TO reimburse S Wolf, recorder of deeds
tor the District of Columbia, for certain
books of record an 1 In lexes purchased
by him forth.- use of hi- office m the years
eighteen hundred mil seventy-one and
eighteen hundred mil seventy-two, one
thousand six bun Irednivl firry dollars.
To pavthe ins: instalment due w . it.
Powell for picture i lustra ive of Perry s
victory, nine hun Ire ! an 1 live dollars.
To liny for dee hundred eoniesol the
proceedings of the International Prison
Reform Congress which assemble 1 in Lon
don in Jnlv, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
forthe use of the commissioner
of The Unite 1 8 a es at sneh congress, one
thousand Ave nnmlred dollars.
For repair an 1 Improvement of the ( on
gressional Cemetery, lo be expended un
der the dlrec ion of and on vouchers to be
approved by the o Hoer in ehirge of pun
He buildings ami gronndsof the District
of Columbia, iwo thousand toilers.
To enable the hnnri of health of the
District ofCohimbln ro perform the unties
imposed upon tlieiii by law, thirty-nine
tlinusand three hun Ire 1 dol ars.
For completion of the bull Una known
as the Columbia Hosnlal for Women: tor
a steam-heating apparatus, for remodeling
theuptier stories In order to have more
rooms, and to vein late the building proi
erlv, fifteen thousand dollar.
For the purchase by the I lilted S'ates of
the interest of the District of C olumbia in
the present city-ball building in Washing
ton, now use I solely for government pur
poses, such sum as may lie determined by
three impartial appraisers to lie selected
by the Secretary of the Interior, not ex
ceeding seventv-nve thousand dol ars, the
same, lobe applied by said District only
forthe erection of a suitable building for
the District officers; andthogoyernorand
board of public works are
they deem it advisable for that purpose, to
secure sufficient land fronting on Pennsyl
vania and Louisiana avenues, between
Seventh and Ninth streets: PrwOed,
That the government of tee united Mates
shall not be liable for any expenditures for
said laad.or for t he purchase-money i heiv
for, or for the buil lings to lie erected
thereon ; and no land, or the use thereof,
Is hereby granted for the purpose ol erect
ing any building thereon, for such butld-
For purchase and distribution of valua
ble seeds, being so much of the appropria
tion forthe Department "1 Agrlculiu re,
for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eight
een hundri" I and seven I y-one, erroneously
carried to the surplus fund, two thousand
one hundred and eighty dollars and ninety-two
For defraying expenses of the Supreme
Court and circuit and district courts of the
United Slates, including the District of
Columbia, and also for Jurors and witness
es, and likewise for defraying the ex
penses of suits in w hich the United states
are concerned, and prosecuting offenses
committed against the United States, and
for the safe-keeping ol prisoners, for fiscal
year ending June thirllelh, eighteen hun
dred and seven ty-lwo,ilircc hundred thou
sand dollars. .
For salaries of United States district
Judges, for fiscal vear ending June thirli
cth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
one thonsand six hun lied and ninety
throe dollars and eighty-seven cents.
For associate justices of the Supreme
Court, for fiscal vear ending June thirti
eth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three,
four thousand dollars.
For rent of the lifth story of the building
occupied by the Department of Justice
from Januarv first to June thirtieth, eight
een huniired'and seventy-three, two thou
sand dollars.
For fitting up rooms fwentv-two, twenty-three,
and twenty-four, and connecting
hall, in alMive building, and furnishing the
nunc, one thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary.
To enable the Sergoant-at-Arms of the
House of Representatives to pay the mem
bers of the Fortv-tirst Congress from the
mate of Mississippi for the lime embraced
In the period between the fourth day of
March, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,
and the thirtieth dnv of November, eight
een hundred and sixty-nine, a sufficient
sum is horebv appropriated.
To enable the Clerk of the House to pay
the Representative from the first district
of Ohio, as provided In House resolution
of February twenty-fourth, eighteen hun
dred and eeventv-'hrcc, his compensation
from the eleventh day of July, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, to December
second, eighteen hundred and seventy
two, tho sum of one thousand nine hun
dred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty
three cents, to' lie added to tho contingent
fund of the House.
To enable the Sergoant-at-Arms of the
House of Representatives to pay to each
Representative in the Forty-first Congress
from the Senate of Georgia such sum as
tihallmake his pay equal to that received
by P. M. B. Young as a Representative in
ald Congress.
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury
to pavthe bearerof the contesting elect
oral vote of the State of Louisiana, the
sum of six hundred and thirty-eight dol
lars Is hereby appropriated out oftho ap
portionment heretofore made to pay the
i egnlar messengers.
To reimburse the Sorgeant-nt-Arms of
the House of Representatives for sundry
payments made by him for contingent ex
jxhsosof the House cm vouchers approved
bv the Committee on Accounts; of said
House, three thousand four hundred and
sixty dollars and forty-live cents.
For the purchase of site, and to com
mence the construction of a brick build
ing at Evansville. Indiana, to be used as a
custom-house, court-house, post-offlcc,and
tor othor government, offices, one hundred
thousand dollars
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury
to purchase a part of a lot of ground in
Indianapolis, Indiana, east of and adjoin
ing the ground on which the court-house
and post-office Is situated, the sum of thir
ty thousand dollars be, and is hereby, ap
propriated. For salary of deputy commissioner of
pensions, two thousand Ave hundred dol
lars; salarv of medleal referee, two thou
sand n,e hundred dollars; for additional
comoonsation of four surgeons, now re
! cclvln" one thousand iwo hundred dollars
! per annum, to be one thousand eight hun
l died dollars per annum. IWO thonsand
; four hundred dol ars; making, in all,
i seven thousand four hundred dollars, the
same tobc imme lia'ely a' ai'able.
See. 2 Tha' 'h unexpended ba'anceof
! the aopronria'ion of one million dnl'ars
for rinment of any balance due, or to lie
found due. during the fiscal year ending
I June thirtle'h. eighteen hundred and sev-
i tntv-twn, to any 8' ate for costs, charges,
and" expenses, contemnlne I and provided
for In an I by the act approved Jnlvtwcn
I t v-seven'h, eigh een hundred and sixty-
one, being an net entitled "An act loin-
demnifv certain States for expenses In
, enrredny them in enrolling, equipping,
and transporting troops for the defense ot
j the United S a'es during (lie war of the
I late rebellion," is hereby appropriated
I for the service of 'he fiscal year ending
! dune thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sev
! cn'v-three
Hoc. 8. That a sum sufficient to pay the
j amounts due respectively to the topog
I rnpher.and to 'he assistant carpenter of
! the Post-office Department, and tbesuper-
1'itendent of the Pos'-Offlce building, tin-
dor Hie provisions of the "get to revise,
: eonsolida'e, and amend the sta'utes relit-
; ing to the Pos'-Offlce I enarfment," ap
proved June eighth, eighteen hundred
! and seventy-'wo, Is hereby appropriated;
and to nav' Wlliiam M. Ire'and nndJ. M.
, McGrow for preparing regulations mil In
structions for the use of the Post-Office
Department under the new postal cole,
j the stun of one thousand dollars each is
' hereby appropriated.
To supply deficiency in the nnpropria-
lion for registered i-ackage-envelopes for
j the Pnst-Offlce Denartnienl for, the fiscal
j year ending June thirtieth, eighteen bun- I
orO'i and seventy-two. eleven thousand i
j and llfiy-three dollarsand two cents.
For balance on salaries of pnstmas'ers I
forthe year ending June thirtieth, eight- ,
ecu linn bed and seventy-three, one hun
dred an l eighty-four thonsand dollars.
To enable the PostmnsteMleneral to pay
the expenses incurred In eighteen hun
dred ami sixty-six in fitting up the post
office at Charleston, Sonth Carolina, one
thousand four hundred and thirty dollars
and five cents.
gee. 4. That the following amounts, or
so much thereof its may be necessary, are
hereby-appropriated for the following
named officers and Department for pur
chase of postage-stamps for use during
the fiscal yearendlngJunethIrtleth,elght
een linn Ire land sevemy-four:
For Executive office, six hundred dollars;
for Department ofState,eighty-ihrec thou
sand dollars; for Post-office Department,
eight him drcd thousand dollars; for Treas
ury Department, Hvo hundred and four
thousand cloi ars : for Navy Department,
thirty-eight thousand dollars ; for Interior
Depai'lment, two hundred and twenty
thousand dollars: for Agricultural Depart
ment, fifty-two thousand dollars ; for De
partment of Justice, fifteen thousand dol
lars; for War Department, one hundred
and fifty-three thousand dollars; for of
fices of t lie Clerk of the House of Repre
sentatives, the Secretary of the Senate,
and the Sergeants-Arms of the House of
Representatives, one hundred dollarseachj
making, in all, one million eight hundred
and sixty-five l hnusand and nine hundred
dollars: Provided, That the Postmaster
General shall cause to lie prepared a spe
cial stamp, or stamped envelope, loin; used
only for official mail-matter, for each of
I lie r.xocutive iiepariinenis; aim sine, i
stamps and stamped envelopes shall lie i
supplied by the proper officer of said De- I
pertinents to ail persons unuer itsuiree
tion requiring the same for official use;
and all appropriations lor postage hereto
fore made shall no longer la; available for
said purpose; and all said stamiis and
Stamped envelopes shall lie sold or fur
nished to said several Departments or
clerks only at the price for w hich stamps
and stamped envelopes of like value are
sold at the several post-offices.
For one month's salary of the late
Charles H. W. Median, assistant librarian,
forthe month of July, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, to be paid to Mary M.
Median, his widow, two hundred and ten
dollarsand sixty cents.
Sec. S. That there shall be appointed an
assistant treasurer of the United States, to
be located in the city of Cincinnati, in the
State of Ohio; and one to be located in
the city of Chicago, in the State of Illinois;
and such assistant treasurers shall lie ap
pointed in like manner, for like time, and
lie subject to all the provisions of law to
which t he other assistant treasurers of tho
United States are subject.
Sec. (!. That there shall he prepared
within the custom-house of the city of
Cincinnati, in the State of Ohio, and with
in the custom-house to be erected ill the
city of Chicago, in the State of Illinois,
suitable and convenient rooms for the use
of the assistant treasurers herein author
ized, and sufficient and secure lire-proof
vaults and safes lor i he safe-keeping of the
public moneys collected and deposited
with them ; and the said assistant treas
urers shall have the custody and care of
said rooms, vaults, and safes, respect ivelv,
and of such other rooms, vaults, and sales
as may lie temporarily assigned to them,
or either of them, by the Secretary of the
Treasury, and of the public moneys depos
ited therein : and they shall perioral the
duties required to be performed by other
United Slates assistant treasurers In re
gard to the receipt, safe-keeping, transfer,
and disbursement of such moneys: Pro
vided, That the rooms, vaults, and safes
now used by the United Slates designated
depositaries at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chi
cago, Illinois, shall be set apart for the
purposes named In tins section, as far and
as long as they may be applicable and con
venient. Sec. 7. That upon the appointment and
qualification of said assistant treasurers,
the Secretary o' the Treasury shall revoke
the designations us depositories of the
United States of the surveyor of customs
at Cincinnati and I he collector of customs
at Chicago, and shall direct the transfer of
alithe books, accounts, vouchers, property,
and public moneys in I he offices of the said
depositories to the offices of the said assist
ant treasurers, respectively.
Sec. 8. That the assistant treasurers au
thorized by this net to be appointed shall
receive a salary of live thousand dollars
each per annum, to be paid quarterly
yearly at the treasury of the United States,
which shall be in full for all their services:
and a sufficient amount to puv said salary
until June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and seventy-four, is hereby appropriated.
Sec. It. That the assistant treasurers
herein provided for may, with theapproval
of the Secretary of the Treasury, appoint
the same number Of clerks and messengers
in their respective offices, and at the same
compensation, as is now provided by law
for the offices oft he United States deposi
taries at Cincinnati and Chicago, respec
tively; and all unexenled balances of
moneys heretofore appropriated, or that
may hereafter lie appropriated, for the
payment of the clerks and messengers ap
ixiinted In the offleesof thcasslstant treas
urers created by this act.
Sec. 10. That there shall bo appropriat
ed and paid out of any money in t lie Treas
ury not otherwise appropriated, the sum
of live thousand dollars, to bo expended,
under t he direction of the Secretary of the
Treasury, In such repair and additions ns
may be necessary to put in good condition
for Immediate use the offices, rooms,
vaults, and safes herein mentioned, or
such others as may be temporarily assign
ed to the assistant treasurer at Chicago,
Illinois, and in the purchase of any neces
sary aldltional furni.ure and fixtures,
ant) in defraying any other Incidental ex
penses necessary to carry this act into
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature-No. 94.
AN ACT to authorise proemptors or set
tlers upon homesteads on the public
land to allenaie par lous of their pre
empt ions or homesteads for certain pub
lic purposes.
B' it maetdbfi the Snale and Howe of
R presnttalie s of th- Unild S atei of Ant r
im in Congress ass mbl d. That any iicrson
who lias already settled or hereafter may
settle on I he public lands of the United
States, ell her by pre-empt ion or by virl ue
of the homestead law or any amendment
thereto, shall have the right to transfer by
Warranty, a ainSt his or her own acts, any
portion of his or her said pre-emption or
boniest eu 1 for church, cemetery, or school
purposes or for the right of way of rail
roads across such pre-emption or home
stead, and I he transfer lor such public pur
poses shall In no way vitiate the rigid to
complete and perteel the title to their pre
empt ions or homes' cads.
Approved, March 3, ls'3.
General Nature No. ft?.
AN ACT to provide for the care and pres
ervation of the cemetery neartbecltyof
Mexico, purchased in accordance with
the act of September twenty-eighth, eigh
teen hundred and fifty.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Hpres ntativ oj the f' .'(. ' of Amer
ica in Conor sx ass mbl d, That the Presi
dent of the United S ates is authorized to
provide out of the ordinary annual appro
priations roresiaulisuing aim main. niiiuig
United States military cemeteries, for the
proper care and preservation and mainten
ance of the cemetery or burial-ground near
the city ol Mexico, in which are Interred
tlie remains ot officers and soldiers of the
United S ales, who fell In battle, or died
in and around said city; and that this
cemetery shall be subject "lo the rules and
regulations affecting United States nation
al military cemeteries within the limits of
the United States, so far as they may, In
the opinion of the President, be applicable
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature- No. OB.)
AN ACT to establish the custom-house
value of the sovereign or pound sterling
of Great Britain, anil to fix the par of ex
change. lie it. enacted by the S' mate and House of
R pretentativet of the United Stub s of Amir
im in Conyrest OMitnMcti, That the value
ot foreign coin as expressed in the money
of account of the United Slates shall he
that of the pure metal of such coin of
standard value; and the values of the
standard coins in circnlai ion Of I he vara his
nations of the world shall lie estimated
annually by the Director of the Mint, and
lie proclaimed on the first day of January
by the Secretary of the Treasury.
See. 2, That in all paymcntsbyortothe
treasury, Whether made here or in foreign
countries, w here it becomes necessary to
compute the value of the sovereign or
pound sterling, it shall la' deemed equal
to four dollars eighty-Six cents and six and
one-half mills, and the same rule shall be
applied in appraising merchandise import
ed where the value is, by the invoice, in
sovereigns or iKinnds sterling, and in the
construction of contracts peyuble in sover
eigns or pounds sterling; and this valua
tion shall be the par of exchange between
Great Britain and the United states; and
all contracts made after the first day of
January, eighteen hundred and seventy
four, linsed on an assumed parol' exchange
with Great Britain of fifty-four penco to
the dollar, or four dollars forty-four and
four-ninths ceutslo the sovereign Of pound
sterling, shall be null and void.
Sec 3. That all ads and jiarts of acts In
consistent with these provisions be, and
the same are hereby, repealed.
Approved, March 3, 1S73.
(General Nature-No. 97.1
AN ACT to require national banks to re
store their capital when imimired, and
to amend the national-currency act.
Be it enacted by the Ornate and JIuuse of
li prewnUitiwa of the United Slates of Amcr
tea in Vongri-ss assembled. That all national
banks which shall have failed to iay up
their capital stock, as required by law,
and all national hanks whoso capital stock
shall have become imimired by losses or
Otherwise, shall, within three monthsafter
receiving notice thereof from the Comp
t roller of t he Currency, lie. required to pay
tho deficiency in the capital stock by as
sessment nxin i he shareholders, pro rata,
lorthe amount of capital stock held by
each; and the Treasurer. of the United
Stales shall withhold the interest uixin all
bonds held by him In trust for such asso
ciation, upon notification from the Comp
troller of the Currency, until otherwise
notified by him; and it such banks shall
tail to pay up their capital stock, and shall
refuse to go Into liquidation, as provided
by law, for three months after receiving
notice from the Comptroller, a receiver
may be appointed to close up the business
of the association, according to Ihc provis
ions of the tlitieth section of the national
currency act
Site. 2. That section fifty-seven of said
act lie amended bv adding thereto t he bil
low ing: 'And provided furlh r. That no at
tachment, injunction, or execution shall
be issued against, such association or its
property, before final judgment In any
such suit, action or proceeding in any
State, county, or municipal conn."
Sec. 3. That all banks notorganhtedand
transacting business under the national
currency act, and all persons, companies,
or cor)siiutions doing the business ol
bankers, brokers, or savings institutions,
except saving-banks authorized by Con
gress to use the word "national" as a pari
of their corporate name, are prohibited
from using llie word "national" as a por
tion of the name or title of such bank, cor
poration, firm, or partnership; and every
such bank corporation, or firm, which
shall use the word "national" as a portion
of their corporate title or partnership
name six months after the passage of this
act, shall be subject to a penalty of titty
dollars far each duy thereafter In which
such word shall be employed as aforesaid
as part of such corporate name or title,
sucli penalty to be recovered by action In
any court having Jurisdiction.
Sec. 4. That it shall be the dnty of tho
Comptroller of the Currency to cause to be
examined each year the plates, dies, but
pieces, and other material from which the
national-bank circulation is printed in
whole or in pari, and file in his office an
nually a correct list of the sume; and such
material as shall have been used In the
printing of the notes of national banks
which are In liquidation, or have closed
business, shall lie destroyed under such
regulations as shall lie prescribed by the
Compt roller of the Currency and approved
by the Secretary of the Treasury; and the
expense of such examination and destruc
tion shall be paid out of any appropriation
made by Congress for the special examina
tion of national banks and bank plates.
Approved March 8, 1878.
(General Nature-No. 98.)
AN ACT to confer nnon the superintend
ent of the United Slates .Military Acad
emy t he power tocon vene general courts
martial. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hints' of
R presntntiv s of the Unit d Salt s of Amer
ica in Congress assimbl'd, That the super
intendent of the United States Military
Academy shall have power to convene
general courts-martial forthe trial of ca
dets, and to execute the sentences of such
courts, except the sentences of suspension
and dismission, subject to the same limita
tions and conditions now existing as to
other general courts-mart la).
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature-No. 9!t.
AN ACT authorizing deputy collectors
and other officers of the customs to act
as disbursing agents in certain eases.
Be it enacted by the S note and Hons' of
It pves ntativ s of th United State of Am r
lea in CtmgrtM assembled, That in case
of the sickness or unavoidable absence of
any collector or surveyor of customs from
Ills office, he may, with the approval of
tho Secretary of the Treasury, authorize
some officer or clerk under htm to act in
his place, and to discharge all the duties
required by law of such collector or sur
veyor in his capacity as disbursing agent:
Provided, 1h& the official bond given by
the principal of the office shall lie held lo
cover and apply to the acts of the person
appointed to act in his place in such cases.
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature-No. 100.)
AN ACT to authorize certain postmasters
to deposit public moneys In national
B' it enacted by the S nnte and House of
R presenlativt sof the Units dS.ates of Am r
ten in Congress ass mbted, That from and
after the passage of this act it shall lie law
ful for any postmaster, having public
money belonging to the government,
Where there are no designated deposita
ries, treasurers of mints, or treasurer or
assistant treasurers of the United Slates,
wiihln the county, to deposit i lie same, at
his own risk and In his official capacity, m
any national bank in the town, city, or
county where the postmaster resides; but
no ant horny or permission is or snail ne
given for the demand or receipt by the
postmaster, Or any other person, of inter
est, directly, on any deposit made as herein
described; and it shall he the duty of all
postmasters who have made any such de
posit t o report quan erly to the p'ostmasi er
General the name of l he hank w here such
deposits have been made, and also slate
the amount w hich may stand ut the time
to their credit.
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature-No. 101.)
AN ACT to fix the compensation of the
deputy collector of customs at Saint Paul.
Be it enacted by the Senate, and House of
Representatives of the United Slates of Amur
ca in Congress ass inbled. That the "om
pensation, including official emoluments
of ull kinds, of the officer apisiinted in
pursuance of the second section of the act
entitled "An act to establish the collection
district of Du Luth, and to create Saint
Paul, in the collection district of Minne
sota, a port of delivery," approved May
twentv-thtrd, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
shall not exceed the sum of two
thousand dollars per annum: Proridid,
hnuwr, Tnat said officer may be required,
in addition to his duties us such deputy
collector, to perforin the duties of an in
spector ot tlie cusioms, wiiiioutauuuiuuai
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature-No. 102.)
AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act
to enable honorably discharged soldiers
and sailors, their widows and orphan
children, to acquire hoincsteads on the
public lands of the United States," and
the amendments thereto.
Be it enacted by the S nate and House of
RprcsenUttivts of the Untied Sates of Amer
ica in Congress assimbled, That section
two of the act entitled "An act to amend
an act relating to soldiers' and sailors'
homesteads," approved June eighth eigh
teen hundred and seventy-two, be amend
ed so as to read as follows: That any )torson
entitled under the provisions of the fore
going sections toentera homestead, who
may have heretofore entered under tlie
homestead laws a quantity of land less
than one hundred and sixty acres, shall be
permitted to enter so much land as, when
added to the quantity previously entered,
shall not exceed one hundred and sixty
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature -No. 103.)
AN ACT for the relief of the State of Con
necticut and other States.
Be it enacted by the S nate and House of
R pres-ntatives of the United Stales of Am r
ica in Congress assembhd. That the Secre
tary of the Treasury he, ami he Is hereby,
directed, out of any money appropriated,
to continue the settlement of accounts
presented under the act of July twenty
seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one,
to pay to the governor of Connecticut, or
to hisduly-aut horized agents, any amounts
advanced bv the said State in said capaci
ties during the late war; the said claims to
bo settled by the proper accounting officers
of the treasury upon vouchers filed: iVo-rid-d.
That certificates of actual employ
ment are filed with the accounts.
Sec. 2. That when the vouchors of
other States for payments made to chap
lains, extra surgeons, or assistant surgeons
situated similarly w ith those of Connecti
cut are tiled, the Treasury Department
shall adjust and settle them according to
the provisions of the foregoing section.
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature- No. 104.)
AN ACT to authorize the interment of
honorably discharged soldiers, sailors,
and marines in the national cemeteries
of the United States.
Be U enacted by lite S not- and House of
Remrs-'ntatiws of the United Sates of Amer
ica in Congress ass nMtd, That honorably
discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines,
who served during the late war either In
the regular or volunteer forces, dying sub
sequent to the passage of this act, may he
buried In any national cemetery ol the
United States free of cost, and theirgraves
shall receive the same cure and attention
as t he graves of t hose already buried. The
production of the honorable discharge of
the deceased shall be authority tor the
superintendent of the cemetery to permit
the Interment.
Approved, March 3, 1873. .
General Nature-No. 106.)
AN ACT to encourage the growth of tim
ber on western praries.
Re it enacted bit the Senate and House of
R nres "ntatives of the United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled, That any person
who shall plant, protect, ond keep in a
healthy growing condition for ten years
fortv acres of timber, the trees thereon not
being more than twolve feet apart each
way. on anv quarter-section of any of the
public lands of the Unltwi Slates, shall lie
entitled to a patent for the whole of said
quarter-section at the expiration of said
ten years, on making proof of such fast by
not less than two credible witnesses: Pro
vkld. That only one quarter In any section
shall lx thus granted.
Sec. 2. That the person applylngfor the
lieneflt of this act shall upon application
to the register of the land-office in which
he or she is alion' to make such entry,
make affidavit before said register or re
ceiver that said entry Is made for the culti
vation of timber, and upon filing said affi
davit wllh said registerand receiver, and
on payment often dollars, he or she shall
thereupon he permitted to enter the quan
tity of land specified: Provided, hotvever,
That no certificate shall be given or patent
issue therefor nntll the expiration of at
least ten years from the dale of such entry;
and if at the expiration of such time, or at
any time within three years thereafter,
the person making such entry, or If he or
she be dead, his or her heirs or legal repre
sentatives, shall prove by two credible
witnesses that he, she, or they have plant
ed and for not less (ban ten years have
cultivated and protected such quantity
and character of timber as aforesaid, they
shall receive the patent for such quarter
section of land.
Sec. 3. Thntifatanytimeafterthefiluig
of said affidavit, and prior to the issuing
of the patent for said land, it shall be
proven, after due not lee to the party mak
ing sneh entry and claiming to cultivate
such tiuilier, io the satisfaction of the rcg
laterof the land-office, that such person
has abandoned or failed to cultivate, pro
tect, and keep in good condition such
timber, then, and in that event, said land
shall revert to the United Stales.
See. 4. That each and every person who,
under the provisions of an act entitled
"An act to secure homesteads to actual
settiers on the public domain," approved
May twentieth, eighteen hundred and
sixty-two, or any amendment thereto,
having a homestead on said public domain,
who, at the end of the third vear of his or
her residence thereon, shall nave had un
der cultivation, for Iwo years, one acre of
limber, the trees thereon not being more
than twelve feet apart each way, and in a
good, thrifty condition, for each and every
sixteen lu res of said homestead, shall, up
on due prool of said fact bv two credible
witnesses, receive his or her patent for
said liomes'eud.
See. ft. That no land acquired under pro
visions of this act shall, In any event, lie
come liable to the satisfaction of any debt
or debts contracted prior to the issuing of
patent therefor.
Sec. (I. That the Commissioner of the
General Land-Office is hereby required to
prepare and Issue such rules and regula
tions, consistent with this act, as shall be
necessary and proper lo carry its provis
ions into effect ; and t hat t he registers and
the receivers of the several land-offices
shall be entitled to receive the same com
pensatfon lor any lands entered under tbe
provisions of this that they are now enti
tled to receive when the same quantity of
land is entered w it h money.
See. 7. That the fifth section of the act
entitled "An act in addition to an net to
punish crimes against the United States,
and for other purposes," approved March
third, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven,
shall extend to all oaths, affirmations, and
affidavits required or authorized by this
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature -No. 108.)
AN ACT for the protection of owners of
saw-mills on the Mississippi river.
Beit enacted by the Smtte and lime of
Ripres'vttatives of the United States of Amer
ica in Qngress assembled, That the owners
of saw-mills on the Mississippi river be,
and they hereby are, authorized and em
powered, under the direction of the Secre
tary of War, to const met or build pleni or
cribs In front of their mill property on the
banks of said river, for the protection of
their mills and rafts against damage iiy
floods and Ice: Prurided, however, That the
piers or cribs so constructed shall not In
terfere with or obstruct the navigation of
said river: Provktd futther, That in cast:
by reason of the shifting of the channel of
t he said river or from any ot her cause, t he.
piers or cribs, the construction of which
are authorized by this act, shall be found
lo obstruct the navigation of said river at
auy time, the government expressly re
serves the right to remove or direct the
removal of any such piers or cribs at the
cost, and expense of tlie owners thereof.
Approved, March 3, 1873.
General Nature No. 107.)
AN ACT to provide for the. sale of the
lands of the United States containing
Be a enacted by th- S'nate and House of
R prcsctttatives of the United Slates of Amer
ica in Congress assembler!, That any person
above the age of twenty-one years, who is
a citizen of the United States, or who has
declared his intention to become such, or
any association of persons severally quali
fied as ubove, shall, upon application to
the register of the proper land-office, have
the. right to enter, by legal subdivisions,
any quantity of vacant coal lands of the
United Stales not otherwise appropriated
or reserved competent authority, not ex
ceeding one hundred and sixty acres to
such individual person, or three hundred
and twenty acres to such association, upon
payment to the receiver not less than ten
dollars per acre for such lands, where the
same shall be situated more than fifteen
miles from any completed railroad, and
not less than twenty dollars per ncte for
such lands as shall lie within fifteen miles
of such road.
Sec. 2. That any jiersou or association
of jiersons severally qualified as above,
who have opened and improved, or shall
hereafter open and improve, any coal mine
or mines upon the public lands, and shall
be in actual possession of the same, shall
be en tilled ton preference right of entry,
uinler the foregoing provisions, oflthc
mines so opened and improved: fowidert.
That when any association of not less than
four persons, severally qualified as in sec
tion one of tnls act, shall Inivo expendis!
not less than live thousand dollars in
working and improving any sucli mine or
mines, such association may enter not ex
ceeding six hundred and forty acres, In
cluding such mining Improvements.
Sec. 3. That all claims under section
two of this act must be presented to the
register of the proper land-district within
sixty days utter the date of actual posses
sion' andthe commencement of lmprove
incntson the land, by the tiling of a declar
atory statement therefor: 1'rovided, That
w hen the township pint Is not on file nt
the date of such improvement, filing must
lie made w it hln si xt y days from the receipt
of such plat at the district ollloc: -dnd pro
vitbd furlhtr. That whore the Improve
ments shall have been mode prior to the
expiration of three months from the pass
age of this act, sixty days from the expira
tion of said three mouths shall lie allowed
for tho filing of a declaratory statement,
and no sale under tho provisions of this
act, shall be allowed until tho expiration of
six months from the date hereof.
Sec, 4. That this act shall be held to
authorize only one entry by the same per
son or association of persons under Its pre
visions; and no association of persons anv
member of which shall have taken the
benefit of this act either as an individual
or as a member of any other association,
shall enter or hold any other, lands tuxier
Continued on 4th page.)