1 l or no ai. Lawi of the United States. 9tM0 AT THE THIRD SESSION OF TUB IURTY-8K00HD CONORtBS. General Nature-No. 55.) AK ACT making appropriations (or sun dry civil expenses of the government for tile fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and for other purposes. Be it mactrd by the Hmaif and How 0 Beprrtmtnthrt of the United Statu f Anvr tra in Omnrtit mumbled, That the follow ing amns be, and the same are hereby, ap propriated, for the object hereinafter ex pressed, for the. fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy four, namelv: PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. for the printing, for the public binding, nd for paper for the public printing, two million dollars, and of the sum hereby ap propriated printing and binding iuayie done by the Congressional Printer to JKm amount following, namely: For the court of Claims, fourteen thou sand dollars: for the Department of State, twenty-five thousand dollars: for the Treas ury Department, three hundred and t wen-ty-five thousand dollars; for the War Ie partment, one hundred thousand dollars; for tho Navy Department, eighty-five thousand dollars: for the Interior Depart ment, two hundred and twenty thousand dollars; for the Agricultural Department, twenty thousand dollars; for the Depart ment of Justice and the Attorney-General's Office, ten thousand dollars: for tho Supreme Court of the United States, twen-ly-flve thousand dollars; for the supreme conn 01 tne district 01 1 omnium, one thou sand dollars; for the Post-office Depart ment, one hundred ami seventy-five thou sand dollars; ami for both houses of Con- fress, one million dollarstandtheamounts ercin designated for the several Execu tive Departments may be distributed to the bureaus thereof at the discretion of the head of each lepart ment, w ho shall cert It'y such distribution to the Public Printer; and the last proviso to the act providing forprintingand reporting tho debates in Congress, approved April second, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, is hereby re pealed: Prut , That until a contract is made, the deliates shall lie printed by the Congressional Printer, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Public Printing on the liart of the Senate. Forprintine the preparatory circulars, and for printing and binding, at the Gov ernment Printing otlice, the re)iort on life-insurance statistics, made under au thority of the Eighth International Statis tical Congress, by William Barnes, a dele gate from the united States, in accordance with the plan of publication adopted at the said congress, under the direction of the Secretary of Siate, three thousand five hundred dollars. For lithographing, mapping, ami en graving for liotti Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Court of Claims, Hfty thousand dollars. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. FOR LIME-SAVING STATIONS. For salaries of two superintendents of the life-saving stations on the coasts of bong lsiana ana ew jersey, at one 1 non sand five hundred dollarseach.threethou sand dollars: and for one superintendent on the coasts of Cape Cod and of Block island. Rhode Hand. one. thousand dollars. For tifty-four keepers of stations, at two nunnren uoiiarseacn, ten thousand eigni hundred dollars. For seventeen keepers of stations, at two hundred dollars each, three thousand four hundred dollars. For ten keepers of stations, at two hun dred dollars each, two thousand dollars. For pay of crews of exiierienced surf-men at such stations and lor such periods as Secretary of tho Treasury may deem nec essary and proper, eighty-five thousand dollars. For establishing new life-saving stntions on the coast of the United States, one hun dred thousand dollars. For contingencies of life-saving stations on the coast of the United States, fifteen thousand dollars. And that the Secretary of War be, and hereby is, authorized to establish signal-stations, at light-houses, at such of Hie life-saving stations on the lake or sea coasts us may be suitably located for that purpose, and to connect the same with such points as may lie nec essary for the proper discharge of the sig nal service by means of a suitable telegraph-line in cases where no lines e.ro in operation, to lie constructed, maintained, and worked under the direction of the Chief Sigual-OlBcer of the Armv, or the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Treasury; and the use of the lite-saving stations as signal-stations shall lie subject to such regulations as may lie agreed upon by said officials; and the sum of thirty thousand dollars Is hereby appropriated to carry Into effect this provision. BEVENBE-CCTTKB SERVICE. For pay of thirty-four cpptaina, one hun dred and one lieutenants and sixty-three engineers and pilots employed, three hun dred and sixty-one thousand three hun dred dollars. For rat ions for officers; Thirty-four cap tains, one hundred and one lieutenants, sixty-three, engineers and pilots, twenty flve thousand Ave hundred and eighty three dollars ami forty cents. For pay of crews: Eight hundred and sixty petty officers, seamen, cooks, stew ards, boys, coal-passers, and firemen, two hundred and eighty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-eight dollars. For rations for crows: Eight hundred and sixty petty officers, seamen, cooks, stewards, boys, ooal-jMssom, and firemen, two hundred und ninety-eight thousand seven bundred.andfbrty.ration,at thirty three cents, including ilie liouor equiva lent, ninety-eight fliou-and live hundred and eighty-jven dollars. For fuel for thirty-eight vessels, repairs, and outfits for iuiue, 3hip-chandlery ami engineers' stores for same, traveling ex pensesof officers travelling on duty under orders from the Treasury Department, commutation of quarters, and 09m Ingent cxpemM, including wharfage, towage, dockage, freigbt.advertising.and surveys, and miscellanooufcxiieiisos which cannot be included under special heads, two hun dred und sixty thousand dollars: MAHLNi-HUSIMTAL SERVICE. For supplying deficiency in the fund for the relief of tick and disabled seamen, one hundred thousand dollars: and the Secre tary of the Treasury Is hereby authorized, In his discretion, to sell the umrine-hospl-tal grounds and unfinished ca-t-lron hos pital buildings, located in the city of New Orleans. Louisiana.and outof the proceeds ofsaidsaleto purchase a more healthful site for a marine hospital, at a point which shall lie convenieiitof access to and from the port of New Orleans, and to erect there on a pavilion marine hospital of one hun dred and afty bed capacity, with the nee essary auxiliary structures, In accordance with designs to lie prepared by the Super vising Architect, to the satisfaction of the Supervising Surgeon of the marine-hospi-trl service, and approved hy the Secretary of the Treasury: Pnmitd, That .said site and pavilion-hospital shall in no event cow more than the amount received from the sale of the hospital and grounds which are hereby authorized to be sold: And prodded further, That in ease the materials of the iron hospital-buildings can with advan tage be used In const ruction of other gov ernment buildings now being erected, said materials may be so used, and the amount of the money-value thereof, which shall be determined by the Secretary of the Trea'ury, is hereby appropriated, for the purposes of the new hospital, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise ap propriated. NATIONAL CTKRENCY. For paper, engraving, printing, express charges, and other expenses of making and issuing the national currency, one hundred thousand dollars. For replacing the worn and mutilated circulating notes of national hanking asso ciations and for engraving and preparing in such manner and on such paper and of such form and design as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, new circulat ing notes for such associations to replace notes of a design and denomination now successfully counterfeited, six hundred thousand dollars: Yonderf, That each of said national banking associations shall reimburse the treasury the costs of flic circulating notes furnished under this provision. For expenses in detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons engaged in counterfeiting treasury notes, bonds, national link notes, and other securities of the United States, andthecolnagethore of, and for detecting other frauds upon t he government, ono hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. JUDICIAUV. For defraying the ex)ienses of the courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; for jurors anil witnesses and expenses of suits In which the United States are concerned, of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States: for the safe-keening of prisoners: I and for the expenses which may be In curred in the enforcement of the act reia-. five to the right of citizens to vote, of Feb ruary twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, or uny acts amendatory thereof, or supplementary thereto, three million dollars. To purchase one hundred setsof Curtis's Decisions, twenty-two volumes,! How ard's Reports, (sev n volumes,! and Black's ReiHirts, (two volumes,) of the Supreme Court of the United States, for distribution by the Department of Justice to the sev eral circuit, district, and territorial judges of the United States, twelve thousand rind rive hundred dollars: and the Department of Justice shall lie charged with the distri bution to the various judges and courts of the statutes, reports, und other judicial documents now provided tor by law. To enable the Secretary of the interior to purchase of Little, Brown, and Com pany two thousand of the seventeenth volume of the United States Statutes at Large for distribution, agreeably to the act of Congress directing the distribution of the other volumes, seven thousand dol lars. Kor the support and maintenance of con victs transferred from the District of Col umbia, ten thousand dollars. For defray Inn the expenses of defending claims under the convention with Mexico of fourth July, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, to lie expended under the direc tion id the Attorney-General, ten thousand dollars. For payment of the necessary expenses incurred in defending suits against the Secretary of the Treasury, or his agents, for the seizure of captured or abandoned property; and for the examination of wit nesses in claims against the United States pending in ar.y Department; and for the delenceof the United States in the Court of Claims, to lie expended under the direc tion of the Attorney-General, thirty thou sand dollars. For this sum, or so much thereof as msy be necessary under the direction of the Attorney-General In the detection and prosecution of crimes rgainst the United States, fifty thousand dollars. For expenses to I Incurred in the pros ecution and collection of cluims due the United States, to be di.-bursed under the direction of tho Attorney-General, tlfttien thousand dollars. For delecting and punishing violation of the intercourse acts of Congress, and frauds committed in the Indian Service, the same to be expended by the Attorney General; in allowing such increased fees and compensation of witnesses. Jurors, and marshals; and 111 defraying such other expense as may lie necessary for this purpose, ten thousand dollars. For completing the revision of the stat ute and prepe ring the same, to 13 pre sented in the form of a bill or bills to the next Congress, including the payment of salaries and Incidental expenses of tho work, and preparing proper indexes there to, to be expended under the supervision of the Depart neiit of Justice, twelve thou sand dollars. For the repair of the City Hall building and ventilation of the rooms occupied by the supreme court of the District of Col umbia, two thousand rive hundred dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. For continuing the collection of statis tics of mines and mining, to be laid before Congress, to Ijc expended under the direc tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, fif teen thousand dollars. For the continuation of the geological and geographical survey of the Territories Of the United States by Professor F. V. Hayden, under the direction of the Secre tary ut 1 In Interior, during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, seventy-five thousand dollars, to lie available on the passage of this SDK For the preparation and publication of the maps, charts, geological section, and other engravings necessary to illustrate the annual ami final reporisof the United States geological survey of the Territories, twenty thoin-uud dollars, to lie expended under tho direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to lie available for Immediate use. That the sum often thousand dollars, or so much 1 hereof a may lie necessary, is hereby appropriated to enable Professor J. W. Powell to prepare, his materials, and to present to Congress at its next session a report of tlie survey of the Colorado ot the West and it s t ributarics. For continuing the inquiry into the causes of the decrease of the food-fishes of t he coast and the lakes oft he United Stales, Am thousand dollars. For the Introduction of shad into the waters of the Pacific States, tlie Gull suites, and ol the Mississippi vuHcy.andol sulni On, white-ii-h, and other u-eftil food-fishes, into the waters of I lie United Slates to which tbev are lie-! aiImmihiI. seventeen thousand live hundred lioUai'S, to lie x- pended under the direction of the United Statesllouiinlsstoiierof Fish and Fisheries. For lirepurai ion ot illustrations for the report of the United state Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, one thousand dol lars. To enable' the Joint Committee on the Library to purchase and print a series of unpublished historical documents relating to the earlv French discoveries In the Northwest and on the Mississippi, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof may be necessary, the printing of the same w uc iinuer 1 oe on ccuon 01 saiu couiniu tee; and of the fifteen thousand dollars aii- propriated by act of June tenth, eighteen f hundred and seventy-two, to enable said committee to purchase works of art, the sum often thousand dollars Is hereby de clared to have lieen appropriated and shall be expended for the purpose of providing tor a statue of the late Edward Dickinson Baker. For a plan tor a new building for a Li brary of Congress, Ave thousand dollars; and the selection of a plan, together with the location and supervision of said build ing, shall b01h charge of a commission to consist of the chairman of the Joint Com mittee on the Library, the chairman of the Committee oh Public. Buildings rnd Grounds of tne Senate, and the Librarian of Congress. To enable the Clerk of the House of Rep resentatives to pay the thirteen crippled and disabled soldiers now In the employ ment of the Doorkeeper of the House, from March fourth, eighteeii hundred and seventy-three, to December first eighteen hundred ami seventy-three, twelve thou sand six hundred dollars. For furniture, and repairs of the same, for public buildings under the control of live Treasury Department, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Far fuel, lights, and water, and miscel laneous items for pnbllo buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, two hundred and twenty-five thousand miliars. For heating-apparatus for public build ings under the control of the Treasury De partment, one hundred thousand dollars. For vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings under tho control of the Treas ury Department, seventy-five thousand dollars. For photographing, engraving, and printing plans of public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, five thousand dollars. For construction ana verification or standard weights and measures for the custom-houses of the United States, and for the several States, and of metric stan dards for the States, twelve thousand dol lars. For pav of custodians and janitors of public buildings nndcr the control of the Treasury Department, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to my to Warrington Sommers n sum suf ficient to make ills salary from. June first, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, to March (list eighteen hundred and seventy, that of a fonrlh-elassckrk in the Fifth Audi tor's office, one hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof itf may be necessary. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to collect captured and abandoned prop erty of the Unlled States, and to collect, procure, and preserve all vouchers, papers, records, and evidence, and to take testi mony as to claims against the Untied Slate's, 10 be paid only ntmn the certificate of the commissioners of claims, seventy thousand dollars. To enable the Serretarv of the Navy to organize parties to observe the transit of Venus In December.eightcen hundred p-nd I seventy-four, one hundred thousand (Lil-1 lurs, to' 1 expanded by the commission j created by the fcet of June tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two: irurfttrti, That no part of this appropriation shall be cov ered into the treasury unt 11 1 he objects for ! which it is made shall have been aecom- i plished: And penridi-d further, That the 1 Secretary of the- Navy is hereby authorised to detail two vessels jf the navy, from tho Asiatic or Pacific stations, to convey )r ties to the points selected for observation I with which there is no regular communi cation. To enable the Secretary of the Navy to deposit with tne assistant treasurer of the 1 United States, at Washington city, District of Columbia, thesuio of one hundred thou sand dollars, subject to the order of the t Un'.ted JluteS district court for District of , Colui.ibci, m tbe ease of the I nifed states against the rebel steamer Sumptpr, In prize, said sum is hereby airproprfoted. To purchase land adjoining the Naval Academy ;-t Annapolis. Maryland, and for Improving the same, for the purpose of extenuing tne area nmi creating additional I convenience for quarters, forty-live thou I sand dollars, or 30 much thereof as may lie necessary, out no money snan oe pain Lir said land until the State of Marylend has coded Jurisdiction over the same to the United States. For the expenses of the Joint Select Committee on Alleged Outrages in the Southern States, tho stun of one thousand and eighty-seven dollars and twenty cents, the said sum to tic carried for the Surpose to the contingent fund of the mate. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. PUBLIC LAN US. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Louisiana, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, t wo thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Florida, fuel, books, stationery; and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Minnesota, fuel, books, stationery, and other Incidental expenses, two thousand two hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Dakota Territory, fuel, liooks, stationery, and other Incidental expenses, two thou sand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Kansas, fuel, liooks, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Colorado Territory, fuel.liooks, stat ionery, and other Incidental expenses, two thou sand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Sew Mexico Territory, luel liooks, station ery, anil other Incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of California, tool, books. Stationery, and other incidental expenses, seven thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Idaho Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other Incidental expenses, three thou sand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Nevada, fuel, liooks, stationery, and.ot her incidental expenses, three thousand seven hundred dollars. For rental office of surveyofr-fenara) Of. Oregon, fuel; nooks, stat lenity, Ind jotlicr incidental cxpuiises,two1ootiifidiftillitr8. r in i en i 01 uiimo v . t,. Washington Territory, fuel, .liooks, t ionery, and other Incidental expen for rent ot omce or surveyor-general 01 Bel, , hooks, sta:. uses. two thousand dollars. Foment of office of surveyor-general of Nebmskaand lows, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thou sand five hundred dHlars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Montana Territory-fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thou sand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Utah Territory, fuel, liooks, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thou sand dollars, k ' ' For rent of office of surveyor-general of Wyoming Territory, fuel, books stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thou sand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Ariaona Teiritory, fuel, books, stationery, and other Incidental expenses,,, two thou sand five hundred dollars, sruTETTiea'TiiK PTjtfLlfc Lands. ' Tor surveying the public lands ip Louis iana, at rat not exceeding' ten dollars eir linear mile for township andcight dol rs tor section lines, eighteen thousand dollar. For surveying the public lands In Florl- mktkopolitas kilicx da, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per For salaries and other necessary expen linear mile for standard, seven dollars tor i ses of the metropolitan police tor the Ills, to nshlp, and six dollars tor section lines, trtet of Columbia, two hundred and seven twelve thousand dollars. 1 thousand five hundred and thirty dollars? For surveying the public lands in Mlnne- i Pmrvted, That, a further sum, amounting sota, at rates not exceeding fourteen dot- to one hundred and three thousand sevcri lars per linear mile for standard lines, hundred and sixty-five dollars, shall be twelve dollars for township, and ten dol-' paid to defray the expenses of the said lars for section lines, fifty thousand dol- metropolitan police force by the cities of lars: ProviiUd, That there shall first be ' Washington and Georgetown, and the paid, out of said fifty thousand dollars, to ; county of Washington, beyond the limits the Saint Paul and Sioux City Railroad of said cities. In the District of Columbia, Company, the sum of one thousand threo In the proportion corresponding to tbe hundred and seventy dollars for surveys number of privates allotted severally to already made by said company of the pub- j said precincts; and the corporate nuthor lic lands in said State. lties of said cities, and propeiulhorities For surveying the public lands in Dakota ; of the District of Columbia, are hereby Territory, at rates not exceeding twelve : authorized and required to levy a special dollars per linear mile for standard lines, tax, not exceeding one-third of one per nine dollars for township, and eight dol tars tor section lines, eighty thousand dol lars. For surveying the public lands in Mon tana Territory, at rates not. exceeding fif teen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollar for 8111011 lines, sixty thousand dollms. For surveying the public lands in Ne- urarm, w ruirs uoi exceeiinig twelve not- cnargeit witn tne disbursement of this ut lars per linear milo for standard lines, ; propria! ion. nine dollars for township; and eight dob . uovek.nmknt hospital kor thb insa.nk lars for section lines, sixty thousand dol lars, to take effect upon tlie passage of this act. For surveying the public lands In Kan sas, at rates not exceeding twelve dollars ier linear mile for standard lines, nine dollars tor township, and eight dollars for section lines. Slutv tbonsunfl ilnlLitsa oqI.1 amount to be avallnble from and after the passage 01 in s acr. roi surveying inepuoiic lanus in t oior- ado territory, at rates not exceeding! fif teen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars tor township, and ten dollars for section lines, eighty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Idaho Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines twelve dollars tor township, and ten dol lars for section lines, thirty thousand dol lars. For survevins the public lands in Sew Mexico Territory, at rates not exceeding , ' ,1 I.ii "1 1 . . I i 1111.1 r .. ..... I . l UV..UM.-!- , uiuu i.n r-t.iioi.ini lines, twelve dollars lor township, and ten dollars for section lines, thirty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Ari zona Territory, at rales not exceeding fif teen dollars per linear mile for s andard lines, twelve dollars tor township, and ten dollars for section lines, twenty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Cali fornia, ut rates not exceeding fifteen dol-la:-s per linear mile for st andard lines, four teen dollars for tow nship, and twelve dol- hrs for section lines, and for heavily-tini- wiro. moiiniain-ianus, ut aiurumented i hooks and illustrative apparatus, forty nil not exceeding eighteen lioUai'S per eight thousand dollars, linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars C'oLVHBIA HcsPITAL FOB women ami i.v- fir township, and fourteen dollars for see tion lines, ninety thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Ore gon, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars )ier linear mile for standard lines, fourteen dollars for township, and twelvt dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the "public lands in Ore gon, densely covered with forgets of un dergrowth, at rates not execemner eigh teen dollars per linear mile for standard, sixteen dollars for township, and fourteen rir.il.lis. f.,r ouullon li.,.,. , I . .' .1. I st....... ,,,, ' , , liuon. llllllj IIIOIIUIIU dollars: one-third of said amount to be ex- pendedeast of the Cascade mountains. For surveying the lands in Washington Territory, at rates not exceeding tlftecui dollars per linear mile for standard lines, fourteen do! Ian for township, and twelve uiMiaiseit cc.iun line-, aim tor iieavuv tinibered lands at augumente I rates, not exceeding eighteen doilnrs jier linear mile for standard, sixteen doilnrs for township, and fourteen dollars for section lines, sev enty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Utah Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen r.onars per linear nine tor siandard lines, iweive uouars mr lownsuip, and ten itoi- lars for section lines, twenty-five thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Neva da, at rates not exceeding fifteen lioUai'S per linear mile for standard lines, twelve lioUai'S for township, and ten dollars for section lines, titty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Wy oming Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per linear mile for standard, twelve dollars for township, and ten dol- lars for section lines, fifty thousand dol - lars. xur puoey 01 inu wesieru oounnnry ot Wyoming Territory, at a rate not exceed log fifty lioUai'S per linear mile, estimated distance two hundred and seventy-seven miles, thirteen thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For survey of so much of the south boun dary of Colorado Territory as lies between the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth merid ian, west of Washington at a rate not ex ceeding forty dollars per linear mile, esti mated distance sixty miles, two thousund four hundred dollars. For survey of so much of the eastern bonnduy of of New Mexico as lies between the northwest comer of Texas and the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude, at a rate not exceeding forty dollars per linear mile, estimated distance thirty-five miles, one thousand four hundred dollars. For survey of the liounditrv lift ween the Territories of Idaho and Washington at a rate not exceeding sixty dollars per linear mile estimated distance one hundred and eighty miles, tcnlhonsand eight hundred dollars. For occasional examinations of the puli lic surveys in the several surveying dis tricts, in order to test the accuracy of ihe work In the field, ten thousand dollars. For expenses of survey, appraisement, and ol her contingent expenses for carry ing out i he provisions of Hi- act Of Fcbru ary twenty-ldimh.etgrltpcn hundred and seventy-one, providing for the suieot use less military reservations, twenty thou sand dollars. ,.V- ' '" For survey of cxtertorlmiindarlespf In dian rescrwilfons, and sob-dividing por ffonsnl the same, two hundred thousand ojiars. KXl'l.NSI.SliFTnteCOLLWTtllNOFllKVFNlK Hit M SALES OK PrBMc I. AMIS. For salaries audcommissioi, of registers of laiidiOlllees and rnunlvcrs of public moneys at nfiicij'-twn Itfrnl-otllccs. four liuiidrjdiind Mnety-clght t liousmid Seven hundred dollars. , For incidental cxnenscSuof the hjnd-nl'-llces, Inclii.liirTr rents, llfli-flve thousand and forty- dollars. For expenses of depositing moneys re ceived likim sales of public lands, thirteen thousand dollars. To meet the expenses of suppressing depredations mmi Ihe timber on the pub ic lands, eight thousand dollars. For this amount, orso much theteof as niay be necessary, to defray the expenses connected with the appraisal and sale, of ino iracisoi mini in tne state ot Nebraska, belonging to the Omaha, Pawnee, Otoe and Missouria, and the Sac and Fox of Missouri tribes of Indians, In accordance fltjft Ihe provisions of an act entitled "ah act for the relief of certain tribes of In dians in the Northern superlntendency," approved June tenth, eighteen hundred ami seventy-two, twenty thousand dollars, said amount to he reimbursed from the proceeds of the tale of said lands. centum, which shall lie specially deiiosited once in each week, as such collections ara moue, 10 oe appropriated anil expended for said purpose only, for t lie service of the flsinl year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four: Prm UM fur thir, That the annual report of the lioard of met ropolitan police commissioners shall hereafter lie made to the Attorney-General of the I'nlleit StQtes whn ulinll ..la,, ha For the sunnort. elotbinir. imnliei,1 unit moral treatment of the Insane of the army and navy, revenue-cutter, and volunteer sendee, who may have become insane since their entry Into the service of the United States, and of the indignant insane of the District of Columbia, in t he Govern five hundred dollars tor liooks, stationery ment iiospuat mr tne insane, including and incidental expenses, one hundred and twentv-iive thousand dollars. For repairs and Improvements of th hospital-buildings, twenty thousand dol lars. For the erection of a stock-barn on one of the outlying farms of the institution, and a hiiy-liarnontheotbei outlviiigfarm. 1 and of a poultry-house within the hospital inclosure, nine thousand dollars. For the erection, lighting, heating, and furnishing of a detached building to con tain tailors', shoemakers', and mattress makers' shops and store-rooms, and dor mitories for niechnii Ina ami furnt.lulu.raM !...... fill... . .- . .. " v" wiiimp.o muniies, leu molilalia ilonaxS. ; For moving, repairing, and buildi builrlinir t i"iu'?iur ineow unation in me employ I era Of the hospital having families, five I thousand seven hundred and twelve dol ! lars and twenty-two cents. ; For completion of the roads and walks in the exercise-grounds of the patients two thousand dollars. ! CCLIMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE MAP AMI HI MB. j For the support of the institution, in eluding salaries and Incidental expenses, tile maintenance nf the heiieil..-n-iea.f ,i.u United States, and five hundred dollars tor IM.-IN AsYH .M, AMI ( THrU I IIABITIKS. For the support of iheColumbiu Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum, over and above the probable amount which will be received from pay-patients, twenty eight thousand live hundred dollars. To aid in the support of the Children's Hospital of Washington. District of Colum bia, th e thousand dollars. For care, support, und medical treatment of seventy-live transient paupers, medical . and surgical patients, in some proper mrd- 1,,1 la,l..,.l 1 .I.- ..I, i ' iiim Hindi 111 UICCM Ul ff HSIIlUglOU , , under a contract to be formed with such ' Institution, fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as mav lie necessary, under : the direction of the Secretary of wtf. I For the Soldiers' and Sailors1 Orphans' i Home. Wiishiinrtnneiiv. I ilsrelnt nf rnlntn. lua, to be. c.i iciii cd iiniler Ins direction i,r Secretary pf the Interior, fifteen thousand dollars; JVrnfed,Thai hereafter no child or children shall be admitted into said home except "the destitute otphans of soldiers and sailors who have died to tho hue war on behalt of the Union of these Slates." as provided for in section three of t the net entitled "An act to incororate tho .aiionni Miidurs' and sailors Or nlmim' inline, appim cu juiy nveiuy-iill li, eigh teen hundred and Sixty-six: And annvtrtt furthir. That no child not an invalid shall remain in said home after having attained the age Of sixteen years. To aid In the erection of a building fora hospital In the city of Washington, under the charge and control of an Incorporated association in said city, known as the Sis terhood of Saint John, twenty-five thou- unu uoi. ars are nereiiy appropriated out I ofaiiv money in the t re.-Lsurv not other. wise appropriated, to be paid" to the suid association SMITHSONIAN INSTITVTinw. For preservation of the collections of ! the surveying and exploring expeditions I of the government, lliteen thousand dol lars. For fitting up the new halls reiiuired for tlie government collections, fifteen thou sand dollars. For steam-beating apparatus for the same, twelve thousand dollars. CAPITOL EXTENSION. For continuing the work on the Capitol, and for general cure and repairs thereof, sixty-live thousand dollars. ; For extending the iiileis to the Senate chamber for fresh air to the lower terrace near the western park, ten thousand dol lars. For constructing coal-vaults wiihln the o)ieu space at the east front ol the Capitol, between the wingaand the old building, sixteen thousand dollars; and for connect ing the Capitol by telegraph, to lie used solely for public business, with all tho De part iiient s of govern men I and ! he ( iovern menl Printing office in the city ol Wash ington, eight thousand dollars, or so much thereof its may be necessary, to be expend ed under the direction of the officer In chiirgoof the pnlil.clv.iilii'igs tod grounds: PrmrM, Thai the luioivtHate connection ol tii i i.vs w ith any of the public build Ings shall be made under ground, or in such manner as not to injure the appcar ame of the Capitol or other public build ings. For grading and paving the streets and footways around the upiiol,and running from Pennsylvania avenue to it streets north mid south, lo the Urn- of the east front of fnefwpltol, and forimpiovihgtbs grounds within that area, one hundred and tweniy-iivethoiisand dollars: Prdckl art, That in the Improvements of streets about the Capitol, tho Secretary of the In terlor shall assess and collect "the cost of all improvements made In front ol nil pri ate property lu the mime proportion as charged by the District authorities for 'Similar improvements. For ten thousand eight, hundred anil forty-fonr square feet ot land on South apilol and South li streets, with the buildings standing thereon, thu sum of fifteen thousand dollars, to lie paid to thu trustees of tho Israel African Methodist Kpiseopal Church, whenever they shall, in due and legal form, transfer to the United Stales a good and sufficient inn, in ut t land and premises: Ptwihtb, That said trustees may have the right to remove the building thoreon known as tho pnrsouage nnd tlie scuts and benches belonging to the church, any time within thirtv days after iM'ing notified to remove the Ame by the Architect of Ihe Capitol. . For alteration and refitting the hall of the House of Representatives for accom modation ot tin increased nnmberof mem bers and the better ventilation and light