ALBANY REGISTER. BUSINESS CARDS. Ce. Cetusa. DRY GOODS, ETC. Ihm t$$ttt, 30 TO THE JOHN CONNER, BANKING -AND Exchange Office, aj.hamy, obeuon. Dtr08IT8 RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits In coin, Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, nd New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections madeand promptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Oorbett, Henry Failing, W. S. Ladd. Ranking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-2tv3 omotnlng New in Dentlttry. DR. E. O. MIIT11, OES1TI8T, HAS LOCATED IN ALBA ny, and has the new in vention in plate work.which in the mouth without covering the whole heretofore. It gives the wearer the woaror the free use of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in talking and tasting. It is the Smith APurvine patent. Teeth extracted without pain. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. K-OKKK'E-First street, east ot Conner s Bank (up stairsl, Albany, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, niWT STREET, ALBANY, OREGON, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, WILL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP Con stantly on hand a full supply of AM. KINDS OF HEATH, Which will be of the very !cst quality. The highest market price paid for beeves, hogs and sheep. .. Third door west of Fern-, on south side of First street. J. L. HARRIS. Albany, Dec. 1. 1871-15vt JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER LN- Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAft JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER Mtahlishmnnt on corner of Klisworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To bacco, Ao., to which he Invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep I Bakery, and will always have on hand a Ji supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. ' Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. rebruary 1S44V4 TURNING TURNING. 4 T AH PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS 1 of turning ; keep on hand and make to order rawhide-bottomed chairs, Ac. Shop ear the Mills and Hosiery, Jefferson, Orc- ion. Branch shop near "Magnolia Mills," Ibany, whore orders for chairs, turning, Ay., can be left JOHN M. METZLER. Jefferson, Aug. j, 187 PETERS & SPEIDEL, KAjirjFAcrtmns or Carriages A Wagons, T Ewj Deaerlptton, AMI ANY, OREGON, MANUFACTURE TO ORDER AKT and all styles of Wagons, Carriage, Hacks, As., at as reasonable rates as the nse of food material and first-class work will Jus- pairing neati v and expeditiously done m row ranm. hop on Ferry between first and Second PETERS SPEIDEL. irsaay. March T, l87S-tT iiMowers & sV M,OM I PM1CE $ WdYerfyffllO fa will agree to deliver these maehlnsa M Uvmf, Oregon, tor the above pries. Sad joar orfler to TREADWELL A CO., PJaa fSuelaeo, and The machine will be gwsapuy shaped as Alreautd. Prtoeat 3 R P M j CD GO CD 5 0 0 8 f k ft if n 0 0 ft Q 8 fig 1 G jji FH rr r ra ir a v j la " iKW 3 2$ ST H lJ ' .HO a H ftm 7 wig SB M t 3 s 99 f73 ALBANY FOUNDRY Aad Machine Shop, A.F.CHERRY Praprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Mannfaetarcs Stean Eagines, Flour aa4 iaw Hill Ractala WOOD WORKING Aad AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IBOM A aaAMI CisTflMM. Particular attention paid to repairing all sincuioi macninery, ivj 4. F. MCCOY, BAI,EB IH -AMD- Saies TAKES PLEASURE IN INrORMIHH his namerons friends and aeaoatnt- nneea inai nc nas os nana a targe snppiy Of M4IM Harness, which he win sell at ariose to salt the times. i nm ALBANY, OREGON. Albany tort Store, roniif, TEALER Dt B9CELLAEEOI7SBOOKS, Lf School Rooks, Blss Bosks, Stationery rangy Artlales, Ac. Books tmsortsd tastK,at ijr 3r5 HI (? JLft BP u WW BEE-HIVE STORE! TO BUT Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c, &c, &c, CHEAP FOR CASH Conn try Produce of All Hinds BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR OA8H1 This is the Dlaoe to sret the REST BAR GAINS ever offered in Albany. Parties will always do well to call and sec for them selves. II. WEED. First street, Albany, Oregon, 32v5 Great Bargains! CEORCE TURRELL WILL SELL HIS Large it Esteniive Stock of D C R G 0 0 0 D T S H H I N R G D W R E cfeo c4jo., Ajc, at exceedingly LOW RATES FOR CASH. He begs to call attention to his lame stock of HENS' A ROYS' CLOTHING which he Is determined to sell lower than ever. Please call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. tST Remember the address GEORfiH TURRELL, Flrst-St., Albany. B9Hiaheet price paid for Country 19V5 BULLDEBS, ATfENTION I SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTORY. S. SI. IXTMOl'SK. J. r. Barxnwo. Ktrcaca. ALTHOVSE c CO., hftm MtrMt, She atwar sk, ALB AN T, OREGON. Easp an hand a full assortment, and an preparea 10 FURNISH TO ORDER, Sash, Blind, u Holdings, Sach as WE, PANEL, BAND a SECTION BOLD, OTaUttaaa WINDOW AND DOOB FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, And-. A LOi PREPARED TO T0 fTI.?. t work, famish shakar fans, sigtag shaker, Miction fans, driving pulleys of any kiad, at enr factory on Lyon street ion the river sack!, next below ltarkhamt wareoooas. ALTHOCSK A CO. Attnny, Fab. Mm HADE TO OHDBH, Tttstmn o rra Perfect Satisfaction, at REASONABLE RATES, at IV1T PLISBT'f M9t, President Grant arrived at Gbcnv nati June 26th. and prooeeded at one to the bedside of bis sick father, ai Covington. General Sherman also ar rived at the same time. , It is stated that the Secretary of War, under advice ol the Attorney General has decided to commence smr against General 0. 0. Howard, for a certain amount of money for which he failed to account, as Commissioner kf the Freedmen's Bureau. There were 28 deaths from cholera at Nashville on the 25th tilt. The following is the official report of! m condition of the wheat crop. Winter wheat is mostly harvested. Of 763 counties from which reports have been received, 202 are above av erage; of 300 counties reporting spring wheat, 103 are above average, 116 av erage, and 68 below average. The average of winter wheat is somewhat increased, though many fields have been winter killed and plowed up tor spring wheat and other crops. The average of spring wheat is very largely increased, and especially In the North west it is unusually promising, Indica tions of the crop of 1873 are considered at least equal to those of June, 1871 when the department estimated the prospeetivecrop at 220,000,000 bushels. The subsequent conditiou of the growth raised the first estimate ot the year in the annual report of 1872. not vet nub- lished, to be 249,997,020 bushel. With equally favorable conditions the yield may be safely set down at 260,- 000.000 bushels. Insect ravages, how ever, are reported in spring wheat, indicating a serious loss in some local. ities. It is said that a company of Ameri cans have been organized who propose to puienase irom the government of Mexico two or three of the Mexican States with a view to developing their mineral resources, chihuahua, Sono ra and Tanialinas are the States alleged to be had in view. Collector James Mullins. late mem ber of Congress from the Fourth Ten nessee District, died of cholera at Shel byville, Tenn., June 26th. The Secretary of the Interior has made the following important ruling: tv hen a nomestead ts canceled, and the homestead claimant has found land at the dale ot such cancellation, with others who design taking lands under the pre-emption laws, tlie homesteader being legally upon the land his, settle ment right vests instantly on such cancellation: while claimants, having gone on the land while it was covered by said homesteads, were trespassers, and the homestead claimant is the pre ferred party under the pre-emption laws. Hon. J. K. LuttreU, Contrressman elect from the Third California Dis trict, has written a letter to Commis sioner Smith of the Indian Bureau civ- l i Hi ... ai a . . . mg some conclusions oi ma relative to the origin of the Modfta& He thinks tlic war was caused wrongful of California-whine men. During his recent visit to the scene of the Mbdoa war, he wad informed on what seemed to- htm reliable authority, that the Modocs were compelled to slaughter their horses tor food on the Klamath reservation, and having exhausted their means ot subsistence, were then compelled to seek fishing and hunting grounds on their old reservation on Lost river. He expresses the regret ful opinion, that corruption and swind ling against the Government, people and Indians, were never more exten sively practiced on Indian reserva tions on the mine coast, than now. In a letter to Secretary Delano, be con cludes hy regretting that Mr. Mea ch ain and Mr. Steel were not retained as Superintendents, as they managed af fairs to the satisfaction of the people nd Indians. He thinks before the Modoc chic is are launched into eternity their testimony should be taken in re lation to corruption practiced by In dian agents; and offers bis services, if desired, to assist in the investigation. During the absence of his parents at a funeral, Edward Weston, of Wash ington, aged twelve years, shot himaai? fatally on the 28th ult. A duel was fought In Canada, fa. centiy, by two New York men, grow ing out of domestic infidelity in the family of one of them. They took oo shot apiece at each other, End then went home. At Springfield, Mam., mi the 97t ult., H. Smith was executed for the murder of C. H. Sackett, hut Novem ber. The jury In the Woodhull. Claflfh and Blood cast, under Instructions of Judge Blatchfwd, ef New York, ha reiurneu a rennet Of not guilty. At Baltimore on the 28th ult, ft colored man were sentenced to h hanged. One was convicted of mu der, the other rape. There were eight deaths from ehol era at Nashville on the Wtb ult, Ob Cincinnati there were fourteen death A cable dispatch from Flortnda Italy, eys Hiram Powers, the Aasti? van sculptor, died on the 28th of Jtaa afttr a lingering ilinesi,