VOLUME V. ALBANY, OREGON, JULY 4, EGYPT. Egypt is blessed with a Viceroy ot great energy and enterprise. He has not only linked the lied Sea to the Mediterranean by the Suez Canal; lined the shores of the Nile with flourishing sugar plantations and refineries; transformed the Delta provinces from desert barrenness to gardens of productiveness; changed Alexandria and Egypt from tilth and squalor to first class cities of neatness and splendor; constructed in the Delta provinces over 800 miles of railway, but now he has determined to unite the central African territory of Soudan to his capital by means of a railroad. Mr. John Fowler, an English engineer, was employed by the Viceroy to make the survey, which he has completed. He recommends a rail way from Wady Haefa to Shendy; ship incline at the first cataract; a bridge across the Nile at Kohe; the avoidance of all construction involving tunnels and ferries. He estimates the cost of the enterprise at $20,000,000 and plans its com pletion within three years. The benefits that will accrue to Egypt by its completion, are very great It will reduce a journey which now takes sixty days to one of fifteen; it will largely increase the national wealth of Egypt by increasing the facilities of rapid communication, and opening its undeveloped resour cea. The Congregational Association closed its sessiou at the Dalles on Sunday evening ot last week. There were ten ministers present and sixteen delegates, representing 13 Churches, with a membership of 539. The Association was the most interesting and hopeful the denomination has ever enjoyed. Rev. W. R. Butcher, ot this city, preached the communion sermon, on the Sunday evening which closed the session. The effort was highly poken of. A very distressing and fatal ac cident occurred at Cerbatat, Arizo ua, on the 17th ult A lamp in the hands of Mrs. Boner set the house on tire. In attempting to put it out, she set her dress on fire, and rushed out of the house into the open air completely wrapped in flames. Her shrieks were awful Before anything could be done, she was burned from head to foot, and was beyond help. The baby in her arms was badly burned, as was an older child. Site lingered a tew hours and died. She left even children. The New York Sun announces that after tin 1st of July it will not be sent in exchange, and will not receive exchanges. It intends to eubecribe and pay for such journ als as it wishes to receive. That would indicate that the Sun no longer intends to shine for all. The Governor of the State ot New York receives the ftt salary of $20,000 per annum, and the Mayor of New York City is allowed the comfortable compensation of 412,000 per twelve month A DIFFERENCE A Southern paper thinks that Jeff Davis should receive a full amnesty for his offences as a reward for his services in subduing the Modocs. It mistakes General Jeff C. Davis for the ex-confederate General Davis. While the former has always been a loyal and faith ful servant of the Government, need ing no amnesty, the latter has ex pressed no regrets, or expressed any sorrow, or done anything to in the least atone for the great crime he committed; but since the former has been doing his best to subdue the treacherous Modocs, the latter has been venting his nursed spleen in writing a justification of the late effort to overthrow this goodly gov ernment (Mate Deatid AMoelathm. The Oregon State Dental Society met at Salem on Wednesday of last week, Dr. L, S. Skiff, Presi- dent pro tem. Present, Drs. Card- well, Hatch, Glenn, and Welch, of Portland; Dr. Gray, of Albany; Drs. Nicklin and Skiff, of Salem ; Dr. E. Biddle, of Corvallis. Dr. Fiske, of Salem, read a paper on "The effect of disease in the body upon the health and development of the teeth." Dr. Gray, of Albany, presented a paper on "Dental The rapeutics." In the afternoon the President, Dr. Hatch, occupied the chair. Dr. Cardwell, of Portland, read a thesis on "The Degeneracy of the Teeth." Dr. Glenn, of Port land, read a thesis on "Dental Ir regularities and their correction." Dr. Thompson, of Portland, read a paper on "Dentistry its history, present status, claims and relations." Dr. Welch, of Portland, read a paper on "The cause and Treatment ot loose teeth." The Society then proceeded to discuss in a general way various topics appertaining to the profession. They closed a suc cessful meeting to meet in Portland on the last Wednesday in March, 1874. Ko-plup Down Price. A California exchange says the indications are very strong that certain speculators there are resort ing to every artifice to bear the wheat market They are represent- ing that the wheat product of Cal ifornia is much larger than anticipa ted; that tonnage has increased, and that the prospects for a good crop in Europe are very fine. In this way they are endeavoring to keep the price ot wheat down, until har vest time, knowing the pressing circumstances of many farmers will compel them to dispose of their wheat so soon as harvested; and thus these speculators hope to make a good thing out of the farmers' necessity. Farmers' clubs, Unions, Granges, etc , are organized for the purpose of thwarting all such schemes, and in Oregon we think they will do it. An eccentric old fellow who lives alongside of a graveyard was asked it it was not an unpleasant location. "No," said he, MI never jined places in all my life with ft set of neighbors that minded their bull, pess as stiddy as they da" Bad Shot bt a Marksman The Indianapolis Journal sa "The admirers of the foolish t hazardous have long applaiu the reckless daring of Capt '1 Phelan and Captain Tom M Phy. who have been playing . 'Tell' giwaeso successfully, wliile others have looked upon the exhib ition with forebodings am? fear re alizing the hazard, The following explains how Captain Murphey has los a couple of digits in the sport Captains Murphey and Phelan, the gentlemen over whose wonderful feats of shooting 60 much has been said during the part few months ar rived in this city a few' days since, and entered into an engagement wite the lessee of the Metropolitan Theater. They were to appear in a few nights and display such profi ciency in the use of firearms by shooting wine-glasses apples and other small articles from each other's heads, shoot coins held between the teeth and fingers at ft considerable distance with rifles, and perform many other wonderful feats. In practicing on the commons, west of the city, yesterday, Captain Phelan accidentally shot off the end of the thumb and forefinger of his friend, who was holding a silver half dol lar to be shot at The result was not highly satisfactory, and Phelan mourns the loss of his reputation as a shootist fully as much as Murphy does the loss of his finger and thumb." There is but one man in the Uni ted States who could write the sub joined. That is Parson Brownlow. and he is addressing Editor Hill, ot North Carolina: You rejoice over my paralysis as a punishment ot God, because as you say, I cast my lot with the abolitionists." I recognize the hand ot God in my case, but I re gard Him as interfering in my be half. Probably not one man in a thousand would survive the expos ure and hardships to which I was subjected while driven by rebel cav alry into the mountains, and in carcerated in a rebel prison at mid night. While 1 am no improving in health, with a clear conscience, nearly all the men who were instru mental in my imprisonment, and who insulted me while in prison are dead. Most ot them died with de lirium tremens, or somo other unnat ural way. 1 would not parade their names before the world, as you would; for when God lays His hand on a man I take mine off, and 1 mention the fact in defending my self from your attack. . . i Conductor Bradley of this city, wtio was killed with others by railroad accident on a "caboose" car at the time the train reached the broken rail. The instant he felt the shock he knew the car was off the track and sprang for a brake. It was his last act. In the next in stant he was killed by the crash, and his skull was broken- VY hen pick ed up a part of the brain was visible oozing out but the true and faithful conductor was able to speak. And these were the words he uttered the last he ever spoke: "lut out the ngnaie for the other train.1 The lightning-like suddenness of the crash, though it deprived him of consciousness ot everything happen ing subsequent to the instant when he jumped to seize the brake, dir1 not blot out his vivid memory of the sensation he had ftt that mo ment of fate. Tero was the sense of impending danger and the neces sity of immediate rction to avert it. 7 hat consciousness remained during the ensuing few minutes in which the crash had come, and the faith ful conductor bad met his fate. Hartford Conn.) timet. fe; l- kt . 'iv. gist A case of Asiatic choler 'juttSu in Washington on the 21st. Senator Howe's friends, ot Wis., are urging his nomination to the chief Justiceship. The President is reported to have said that he will not select the Chief Justice from among the pres ent Judges of the Supreme Court. In Yankton County, N. C, on Saturday before last, John Hal- comb shot his wife dead, and then killed himself, all for jealousy. Extensive fires occurred in Roch ester, N. Y., Detroit, Mich., South Bethlehem, Pa., Cincinnati, Morris, N. Y., on the 22d, aggregating a loss of $323,000. Lewis D. Tappan, an old anti slavery worker of New York, died there on the 21st, aged 85. The Alumni of West Point have agreed to erect a monument on the Point to the memory ot Gen. Thayer. Several officers subscrib ed $500 each The President distributed di plomas to the graduates of West Pomt on the 13th, and Gen. Sher man addressed them in a speach full of good advice. At Wheeling, W. Va., the other day, masked men broke into the house of John Jennings, alleged leader of a band of robbers in YVet zel county. They killed him and fatally wounded his wife, who at tempted to defend him. At Nashville, Tenn., there were fifty deaths on the 17th, thirty-five being from cholera. At Memphis there were fifteen interments on the same day from cholera. The case of Susan B. Anthony, indicted for voting in violation of law, last November, was tried m the Circuit Court of the United States which met at Canandaigua, N. Y., on the 17th, and under instructions ot the court, the jury rendered a verdict of guilty. The court refused to poll the jury. The graves of Confederate sol diers in Loudin Park, Baltimore, were profusely decorated with now ers on the utn. Addresses were made by James Franklin and ex Senator Wigfall. Joe Burton, a negro, convicted of rape on a white girl aged 14, was hanged at Georgetown, Del., on the 20th. He declared himself not guilty. Extensive forest fires were repor ted in various parts of Northern Michigan on the 22d, and a repe tition of the disaster of October, 1871, was feared. E:-tensive tires were also reported as raging in parti of New York and Penns; !- vauia. Family difficulties caused the wife of Is ac Frcase, of Wheeling, W. V., to first strike him with a poker, then a fire shovel, both of which he took away. She then drew a revolver r.nd fired four shots, one of the balls inficting a danger ous wound in ih breast of Mr. Freese. The prison will now take a Freese. The Secretary of the Interior has decided that the erection ot a house by two, three or four pre-emption or homestead claimants, in such a manner as to occupy ft portion of each of their quarter sections under one roof, complies with the law re quiring ft house to be built on every quarter section in order to secure ft title to it been ter. n 'Frisco n who killed .iers not hav. Governor Gro- .ions for a search- ..rfttion to be made, in v bring the offenders to jo. tice'. The recent persistent raids on the Chinese houses of prostitution, has resulted in the closing of nearly til of them. The Masons in Salt Lake, Utah, observed St John's day by ft large and imposing procession, and ora tion by Judge Linfbrd. It wat their first public demonstration. Utah is to have seven more news papers started within the next mx months. The Port Townsend Argue it thought to be published nearer the North Pole than any other paper in this country. The rush of men from the Dalles to the Ochoco. mines has left the town without the requisite supply of mechanics and laborers to cany on the improvements under way. Michigan City, in Marquette county, is reported to have bees destroyed by fire, caught by burn- ing woods, on the 19th. It con tained 800 inhabitants. In the Hawkins-i'iftywnc libel suit, at New Orleans, the jury re turned a verdict of $15,000 for Hawkins. Afterward two of the jury wentto the office of the Pic. ayune and acknowledged that they had been bribed one receiving $125, the other $50r. A new trial will be applied for. The Port Townsend Argue has the following bear story : "A young man, George Pitman, in the employ of Mr. James Nichols, on his farm at Scow Bay, observed three large bears in a clover field near the house. He had a double barreled shot gun loaded with shot, and on the top of the charges he hastily dropped extra bullets and started tor the field. Ills first shot killed one of the bears. The other two scrambled iuto some brush, and after waiting half an hour one of them returned, and Pitman shot him also. One of the bears, after his hide was removed, weighed 200 pounds. This is doing pretty well tor a young man recently come to the country, and k;ing all alone in the woorts.' A brilliant Californian at Stock ton, tin other day, wrote a message on a postal card, enclosed it in an envelope, clapped on a three cent stamp and dropped it in the Post office, remarking that it was a very tr-ndy arrongeme: t and should have been introduced yers ago. The twenty-fifth annual meeting ot theYilbmetto Baptist Associa tion, met in Salem on the 18th, iust. Rev. G. C. Chandler, was elected Moderator, W. C. Johnson, Clerk, and Hon. Heury Warren, Treasurer. letters from churchy were read giving their statfcjtict and one church received irjto the Association. The uex. annual meeting of the association will be at Forest Grove. Th.ee old boots, gaiter raid ft hoop-skirt in front ot a house indi cates that the family baa moved. A clergyman at Ames, Iowa, shook down the chandelier while pounding his desk, and four persona were badly hurt. A loafer tumbled Into the dry. dock, the other day, and got terrible sousing, lie eaya bt couldn't see what made the people lie so. "Dry .dock be ! I'm wetter than a week's East quested out, cuss it'"