ALBANY REGISTER. On motion fterfBeoou a A &u; wa tAflii no to d fray ex- penses of the Union. M. C. V.EOIKlfc Made a slirp hlfc pointed sraN Vy ing a sharp thrust at physicians who Drefcoribe liquors nr tneir iniuem. tir Jin mnwntC lor Mnmu mm. was making pro- WMiurKUi viim-v n erres. and the next Lestislatui-e would ,1,1 feel n p: " 'ww . irvikr. ' n ilKunv mil Mien called out lor re-1 marks. He took up the eialfsel in de fense of the clerical and medical pro fessions which iwd been attacked. Said prescrptions were frequently Shell to suit the wishes of patients. . H.k ..iiii.ui r,i the countenance and moral support given bv NJr- ance men by frequenting them to , amoke, play billiards, etc.; also in ; the selection of amusement. HKV. W. K. STEWART Thought the subject ot temperance should elicit the attention of al . Threadbare, ves ; but its laws are still violated still demands earnest, activi-1 tie. Men are still going to destrnc- i!.....,,,.., it ilni'- not touch one. HUM. , - should I do nothing to save tbeperbm ing? REV. W. P. NICHOLS. Never to enter a saloon, should be the sentiment of temperance men. A prohibitory liquor law vm be enforced. Let young ladies refuse to go with young men w ho tipple LEVI LELAKP Went for the doctors and drug stores who prescribe and sell liquor for lev erages under the name of medieiuals. Gave an Illustration of JtS dangeron tendency, the cite being a minister ot the gospel, who was warned only in tlme-T-from becoming an inebriate from the ne of Plantation Bitters, prescribed bva physician. Tlie speak er made many other good points, fre quently bringing down the bouse. The" committee on preparing Con stitution and Bv-laws tor the govern ment of auxiliary societies reported that it would lie liest to leave the mat ter to tlie societies. Adjourned until Saturday morning, at 8)4 o'clock A. M. SATURDAY FOBFSfJON, Union called to order by Piesldent Ryan, at 8 o'clock. No business on the table. Remarks were made by Mr. Hatch, relative to liquor sold by our drug and other stores. TILMON KORD Spoke in regard to the union existing among temperance bodies. Like re ligious bodies, they all have one aim, but each has a distinct discipline. Be lie led in iiaving enough organizations necessary to meet the views of every temperance man. MR. DUNBAR Thought that xowk now was needed more than fine speeches Let us put on out temperance working armor and keep it bright Remarks were made by other gen tlemen. M. 0. George, after serions delibera tion, now announced his desire to tike the "iron-clad oath. " and it was put to hiiu solid by President Ryan : i. e. he took the Union pledge. A vote of thanks was here extended ii.., ill, .ot Kv.'in for hLseentlcmanlv and impartial manner ot presiding ; to the citizens of Albany for their kindness: to ministers who favored the Union with their presence ; to the quire, lead by Father Harinau, tor tlieir melody ; to all who added inter est; to the" railroad aud steamboats for their favors. DAVID NEWSOM OFFERED : Whereas, The .youth ot our land will soon till the positions which we now occupy : ami deeming it essential that our children should grow up in the habits ot temperance and morality, therefore be it Resolved, That this State temper ance Union of Oregon earnestly rec ommend to all superintendents of Sun day and day schools, and to all teui " peranee lecturers and others whose hearts are in tlie good work of saving our youths from the dreadful effects of intemperance, that they make ef 'Yorts to enroll, as far as possible, the names of all tlie children in our land, on juvenile temperance pledges, by the children's consent, and that they adopt a total abstinence pledge, bear Inir noon Micm to the end of life. And that all such juvenile temperance so cieties be auxiliary to this Union, and report their proceedings to this Union at its next regular session 'at Salem. Passed. A. resolution instructing tlie officers of the Union to Issue an address re questing the aid ot ministers and all temperance people in the work, was passed. Belative to publishing a temperance paper the committee appointed to con fer with the Executive Committee of the I.O.G.T. submitted tlie following report : After organizing, on motion, It was resolved that as soon as !W0 sub scribers could he obtained at 91 SO each terms yean, that we begin the ..I.,, .i y .i.i ... puutimiUH aMHUI Mpcr. Xtevimpu bjr E. W. Kyan, rehv HWWIII' III ...J WUU. , fettttttyftX bjf , Yf. Kjm, relv f to oirviilae sama, and rrovi(inift Jar, beghinBig fie AiHUfltiyn when the nr$iiilV nfrinlfer of subkrlbefs Is ob tiitied. was .;i"C.U file rrteiit itfd S-retary ware, on morion, appointed to revise null collate the utiuute, j At.... a jfUuJ U-Mlile ill' flumks and I Aliri ii" ........ ... I rf..-r finm PnaidBUt Rim the Union ; Kn clivwl a vcrr sniefhl and har- . ' :.. ; moniolH leiiinei.une convention, ui which aH who werp pnrir'd annareiitlv both cduied and encour- "J?"''- BUStNESS CARDS. W. . TWEEOAEE, KKAI.Klt IK Groocrirs, Proiisions, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON. -TU.T. STRIVE TO KEEPTHEHRM ? ot in mil on and t- ll al the ltnt- rut (in hi; roll s. Call anil m- m;'. Mtsi At Xortli Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., ABE STILL SELLIMf DRY GOODS, GLOTHIXG, BOOTS, SIIOHi, HARDWARE, UBOt'EBIfB, SOTIOSM, ETC., KiVn of WWohtneykeepon hand a full stock, attfarTaWe to sell at lowest nue, as usual, tor tymh or rrofliiee. WillaWiU'iihletolmy ami sell drains of all ktniK or nttena lo 0rbu? Or for- wwrttoguattflalr WSffJte I'f o' litvensuiruU K1HK, HI ME W. j. w, BALDWIN, Attorney and Counselor at Iw, Win PRACTICE IS AW. THE Courts in 'l ie i t. 3 l and 4tfi Jn-llelal Dts trtots n the Supreme Court of Oregon, an 1 in the V. B.W riot and Circuit Courts. oVi l. In Pun ish bric k, up stairs , in ...k ..,, v tie ate n. in II" II.,- ,FV...."v . First stmt. Albany, Oteyron. 10'-5vS jicwwau. L. KL1S. POWELL & FLIXX, Attorney) and fonntielord at Uiw, i 1) St)U( 14'OllS IN I .'HANCERV J A Flinn notary publie,, Albany, Ortajon. Collections and eonveytiniH-s promptly at tended to. i W. G. JOXES, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHT8I3IAN. (NT, 0l05l. lSvt O. M.JOJHS. Ma UILI" ioyrs St PHYSICIANS AND SOROEONS, ALBANY, OREGON. OITICT? -SOCTH SIDE FIRST STREET, up-stairs, in .J. M. Beach's storivhouse. 37vt H" T. W. HARRIS, M. ., Pkytrtelan and Sureon, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE-OVER TT RRELfS STIIRE, First street. Residence-Thudl., one door'west of Methodist church. 37-4 LEFFEL Ac MVER .SPllEIUCAL FLUMKS, And Wenernl Mill Maelilucry. J. F, UACKENSTO, Agent, 51vJ Albany, Oregon. T. FORTIFIER, Sliodd, Oregon Manufacturer of and dealer in IIARAB & SADSHiES A Uood Artiele tor a Fair Prlee. Particular attention paid to Rhedd, Nov. 89, Wv5y IKANKMN MEAT MARKET! J. R. Herren, Proprietor. WILL ENDEAVOR TO BE ALWAYS supplied with the best meats to be had in the market, and will be ever really to accommodate those who may favor him with a call. i',va U. W. t A Mil I.E. M Phyalelan, Norgeon A Aceoueeenr, ALBANY, OREGON. nrrn'K wiMf ntreot. two doors east of J c Mealey's Furniture Shop. IOvS ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON, H. H. Dl HOIN, - Proprietor. BY STRICT ATTENTION TO THE COM fort and welliieinu of all irncstsof he honsje.the nroprle'or hoix-s to deserve and receive the (tenernus patronase of a dfe criminating public. ISvJ Iile: Pilea WnY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome comnlaint cannot lie enre-t. when so many evldenees of sueces ml'ilit ne PIBOP I ooiorr you rvery uy cures of supposed bonetaM eamw? Your phvslelan informs you that thelongeryou allow the conrVamt to exist, you lessen yoar diauees for relief. Expfrimce has nuffht Jii in all ac.i. A. arother A , Pile Pills awl tUattMent are all they are recommended to be. W11L euro Clironfe, R'ud anil BfwdlWf Piles In a' very "1'ort (fintt.atid are Amtumim lo wu. , nfflllll,l,"l ". ". HHU. ... preU,i.HwiU.ln fhe Unitol Slates i nn nnipaniiHm is mmi uy nuni or x BEE-HIVE STORE! i TO UVY Groceries i Provisions, Notion &c.t &c, &c, 'HK A P FO 1 ASH ! ConntryProduce of All Klnda BOttGIlT FOR MERCHANDISE OR OAS EE ! Thts te the place to get the BEST BAR GAINS ever offered In Albany. Parties will alwavs do well .oeallund see forthem- II . WEED. First street, Albany, Orefcon. S2v.ri Great Bargains! GEORGE TURRELL WIM. SKLL HIS Large A. Eiloulv Stock of D It 1 v L S H I N R G D W 1 R E dc, tibo., cfcjo., . . atWMucdinKly LOW RATES FOR CASH. He bess call attention to his large stock of MESS' A HOYS' CL4TIILG which he is determined to sell lower than ever. Please call and examine lieforc pu clutsimt elsewhere. lisB" Keiueiiiuerdtu! address (iKORGK TDRREI.L, First-St., Albany. brillKiiest price paid for Country Prmluee. vS BUILDER?, ATrENTION ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTORY . 8.H. ALTUOC8E. J. F. BACKJH1ST0. W, KEICHVM. ALTHOLSE & CO., l.jon Street, m the River Bank, ALBANY, OUEGOJI. Keep on hand a full assortment, and are prepared to FURSI8H TO ORDER, Itoora. SaB, Blinda, ami Saab, Blinda, Mofdlnga, Such as tuewn, PASTEL, bas A MEcnos HOLD, Of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, . And- All other kludfRdin Material. 4 t6: PTtEPAFED TO DO MILL work, furnish fliaWcr fans, jihrzair sliaUers, suction fans, driving pulleys of any kind, at onrfsetory on Lyon street (on the, river bank), next below Markhsm's wamhonse. ALTTIOliSE CO. BOOTS nlE TO ORDER, APA I'tOOITB J)RUG.ET nrucrin Alhuny HASNE.TER KKT HKWi -Hi OWN, AND no ihroaleulnat ol it at present. Death Is a thing which wiueliini- must befall every son an'l (tutfeliferof the tinmnn fam ily; and yet, At tlie Mid-day, Of your life, it illsoasc lays liis vile hanits uiKiti you, there Is mill "a iiin In (Ulead, by which von tnav be rBstoretl ti pprfecl health. and prolong youraaystoaiiiumii lous talent. How ? BycnUinson R. C. HILL & SOX, With a prescription, where yon can have it i-nmnouivlml bv one etroerlonced In thai mrttcultu-Hno. Also, constantly on hau l a (wiO'l ussortment of trtWi tlrUK. patent uit-lkines. chetnicals, mints, oiis, dye stulls. trusses, etc. Agents for the OlefcraUd Vutt Weed Heiui-dy, Or, Orenn Rheumatic Cum; Dr. I). Jayne & sons mediidnes, etc Spem-e's Positive aul Neintivc Powdera kt-it in stock. Also iu?ents for the IIane Shuttle Sew In Mehine. iliii-nf the most useful nieces of household fill-nit tiro est ant Call and exainine. K. t;. iulj. oc'-i. AUiiiny, June 10, 71-t')v3 EO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to U. W. Wakennldi, Parrlah" Stew Bulldina;, FlratStreet, ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer lu DRUGS AN D M EDIC I N ES. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, and of the best quality. Phvsietans prescriptions earefully eom poua'ded. Albany, Oct. 17, 18'JS-fit f A. (MOTHERS & CO., -Dealers in I'llEMH'AIA, OILS, PAI!TH, DTHN, UI.AVS, I.AMI"., I II ., 1 All the popular PATEXT MEOIFIXES, FINK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, KOTIOSN PERfTMr.RV, and Toilet tioods. Particular care and promptness Riven Physicians' prescriptions and Family Bee ipes. A. CAROTIIERS A CO. Albany, Orcon-lvi STOVES ANIITINWAIIK. OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in R ANGUS, COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES! Of til beat patterns. ALSO ; TUT, "irrET 1RO AHU W PER WARE, And the nsnal Assortment of furnishing goods to be obtained in a tin store. . Repairs neatly and promptly eiwnted, on reasonable terms. MttN . i b hw i Whorl reckaallMpi nsk IvnwfrieBda, DRY GOODS. ETC. j c j 9 r 2 eft iJ 3 -3 a a fTt r 3 n 2 ft s O (5 sic 7i J -v " J S 9 0 E P? T f 7 SO & J! t aj 4 Ill 9 m 3 -s ALBANY FOUNDKY And. . Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Einofacturcs Steam Engine, Flour and Saw Mill Mac hlu ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kind of IROS A.UD HKASN AitTUN. Particular attention paid torepalruiKtl kinds of maehinery. 'I J. F. MCCOY, DEMUR IN TAKES PLEASHBE IS INKOKMINM hiH nuniemus friends iitt I aeqnalnt mieenth!it nohtiHon hand a iHMn HUip! Of Saddles A luraiexs. which ho will sell at prkws to suit the tunes. At Botler'M old Mtaild, Kr-.t.. ALBANY, OREGON . dccMimS 9 S slsptss ft !? w ra 0 r HI W Q S ! a - o 3 l i w 13 a a A!JD Saddles Albany Book Store. UNO. POSH AY, TkKAl'ER IN MISOKI.LASFrrryM . U acbool Book, Blank fkioliii. a: 1ii ry totopSJledt or?horfe aj inifffor Hist