ALBANY REGISTER. 5 MISCELLANEOUS, A Southern publisW complains because some of his Mibsorilx'ix un derstand the printed wurds "receiv fid payment" on the dunning bills he sent them as an i timation that he forgave them their debts. "Do yon think I am a fool ?'' a violent man once a-ked o'tlie Pev. Dr. ethime "Really," replied the Doctor, "f wotilil not venture the assertion, but now that you ask my opinion, I must say that I am not prepared to deny it." Susan B. Anthony says she would not be frightened at standing fhce to face with Satan. Satan himself admits that the scare would be on his side. A Fort Wayne man, married twenty-one years, didn't know the entire contentment o'inarried li'e nil. til his wife fell down the other day and bit her tongue so that she could not talk. "Get out of my way ! What are you good tor?" said a cross old man to a bright-eyed little boy that happened to stand ui his way, "Weil, satu the uttie re'low, as he stepped one side, "1 believe they make men out of such things as we are. The St. Louis Democrat says : "Whales are runnig their noses against that portion of Rhode Island that sticks out into the water, and the inhabitants are troubled with earthquakes. A father recently found his little girl's chubby little hands lull of the blossoms of a beautiful rose tree, on which he had bestowed great care. "My dear," said he, "did 1 not tell you not to pluck one of these trees without leave!" "Yes, papa," said the child, "but all these had A very wealthy farmer of Titus, vill has this "notis" posted up in his field: "if any man's or woman's cows or oxen gits in these here oats, his or her tail wi I be cut off, as the case may be i am a Christian man, and pay mi taxes, but dam a man who lets his cattle run loose, say i." Give a man brains and richest d he is a king. Give a man brains without riches, and he is a slave. Give a man riches without brains, and he is a fool. A ta kative man annoyed a lady at a dinner party by constantly argu ing in favor ot strong drink, and at last said to her, " V ou know, mad am, that drinking drives away cares, and makes us forget what is dis agreeable. Would you not allow a man to drink for that reason?" "Well, perhaps so," said the lady, "if he sat next to you 1" A bereaved husband, in an obitu ary notice of his deceased wife, wrote, "She hag gone to her eternal rest;" but to his horror the news paper printed it; "She has gone to her eternal roast." A Minnesota woman stood by and saw a tight between her hus band and a wildcat, and when the man whipped she acknowledged that she was a little disappointed, having bet on the cat. A man stole a gate from a field by the roadside, and was defected with it in his possession. When ac cused of the offence, he pleaded that he only took it away tor a joke. Whereupon the judge inquired how far the man was found from the field to which the gate belonged. "About two miles," replied the prisoner. "Ah ! just so," said the judge. "You must be punished; that was carrying the joke too far." Missouri judge, a few days ago, administered the following conso lation to a criminal whom he was sentencing to death: "If guilty, yon richly deserve the fate which awaits you; if innocent, it will be a gratification for you to feel that you were hanged without such a crime on your conscience; in either case you will be delivered from a world of care." The Chief of Police in Pittsfield, Mass., lately received a telegram requesting him to "look out for a runaway having a black mous tache five feet ten inches in height with a velvet coat" !lU (iS. K'10 Murder lu Albany HASNKVKR YET BEEN KNOWN, AM) no threatening of It at present. Death Is a thing which sometime must hefall every son and dauglnerof the human fam ily ; anu yet, At the Mid-day, Of your life, il disease lays his vile hands upon you, i here Is si ill "a balm In (iliead," by which you may be restored I o perfect health, and prolong your days toa miracu lous extent. How ? By calling on R. C. HILL & SOM, With a nrescrintlon, where von can have it compounded by one experienced in that particular line. Also, cons'antly on hand a goo I assortment of fresh drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, mints, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrated Vuk Weed Kennedy, Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cure ; Dr. D. Jayne A Sons' medicines, etc. Snence's Positive and Negative Powders kept in stock. Also agents for the Home Shuttle Mewing; Mnehlne, One of t ho most usefn 1 pieces of household hiinliuroex.ant. Call and examine. R. C. HILL A SON. Albany, June 10, 7M0v8 CiEO. F. SETTLEMIEK, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakefieldl, ParrUh's New Building, I'ir Street, ALBANY, ORKUON. Dealer In DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted num. and of the best quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, lffcJWtf A. CAROTHERS & CO., -Dealers in CHEKIf'ALS, OILS, PAINTS, DYES, GLASS, LAMPS, ETC., All the popular PATENT MEDICINES, KINK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PERFUMERY, and Toilet WoodM. Particular care and promptness given Physicians' prescriptions and Family Rec ipes. A. CAROTHERS & CO. Albany, Oregon-iv5 STOVES ANDTINWARE. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES ! Of the best patterns. ALSO t TIN, SHEET IRON AND COP PERWABE, And the nsual assortment of furntsblnt goods to be obtained in a tin store. Ronalrs neatly and nromntlv exncH4 on reasonable terms. ShoMreekMlnffsiotattetoHBlMeadaii DRY GOODS, ETC. an w 'A n S 2 O ;? Z 0 V m 1 i 9 M Li lit I-.Q SIB m ft I So t 1$ 2H u mm . 9 rr, 9 Wi S -, CO - s g Bur t , 9 0 mm J tl EE25 e a H SB H B I 0 0 0 0 M ft H 2 2 a m g, a 9 J h ft ft' MM 0 5 o 1 i ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. P. CHERRY Proprietor, ALPANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Machin ery, WOOD WORKING And ' AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON AND BRASS CASTINUS. Particular attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. 41v3 J. F. McCOY, DEALER IN AND TAKES PLEA8UHK IN INFORMING his numerous friends and acquaint ances that ne has on hand a larne supply of Saddles & HarnetiN, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. i At Butler bid tud, t'lntt-M., ALBANY, OREGON. dooS-14m6 -4 , Albany Book Store. JMO. POSHAY, TEAIiKR IN MBOELLANEOU8BOOK8, U School Books, lilank Books. Stationery joy Articles, am. looks moot to order; Mrtortestw nun auuee. AUVKUTISKMKNTS. HENRI f. &AYRS. General Businessjnsurance Agent Notary ritoiio. CPECIAL ATTENTION given to the ad- itti 'l.iVr. 1 1 ""Lunula, tioiieeiiona ....... ., pans ui me aie. Ofnee next door nhm-n tn.. o. First mreet, Albany, oron; "aSS MAKBLE WORKS. MONROE & STAIGER, Pcalers In Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stone, Executed in California, Vermont and Italian Mai ble. SALEM, OREGON. DRANt II SHOP AT ALRANY. OUT OF THE FIRE! s. j. Mccormick, TS HAPPY TO IVFi h? m mc wrrwn X ,. ' . i. t ' lUBIl i i i! T ' iJmwj in h""'i) t,iinii iiu iuu . OPENED THE Franklin B ook PTORE, AT 10 FIRST STREET, (NEXT TO CENTRAL MARKET) with a complete stock of School Rooks, Stationery, Rlank Booka, Hold Pens, Cutlery, &e., A., Which he will dispose of at The Lowest Prices ! SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the popular NEWSPAPER AND pNAOAZINES! which will be Delivered In any part of the elty. Portland, Feb. 7, lW&astf Arctic Soda. HAVING ADDED VASTLY TO OUR fftftflitlPM t'nr rliunoxafntr ,ii;.-i, ful ana heallh-ffiving beverage, we would annornifv tn nnr iimm.i-iv.iim.... ,..,i i,.. public enerally, that wcare fully prepared n win uiiu ui ljiueh; eiugHJlL Tuft's Arctic Fountains, tO RllOnlv ROflAnf thn hnaf rmalf... ;.. limited quantities to all who may fevor us with a call- BOTTLED SODA I AND SarsapariUa! WILL, DURING THE SPRING and SUMMER. be delivered to families ordering through- uul iuu vi iy. Deal era supplied at Liberal Rales. A. CAROTHERS A CO., BEWARD fOB AN Incurable Case! XER. LE RICHAU S GOLDEN BALSAM! After leo years' trial on this Coast hu proven Itself t he only curative In a certain class of diseases pronounced by medical pracUtton- cib m lueurnuifj. Dr. Ls Bichao's GOLDEN BALSAM No.i cures Chancres first and second stages, Sores on the Legs or Body; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, kc.) Copper-colored Blotches, 8yphilltio Catarrh, Diseasud Scalp, and all primwy forms of the disease known as Syphilis. Price, $5 per bot tle, or two for $8. i Br.LsRichau's GOLDEN BALSAM No.2 cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphllltio Rheuna, tlsm, Pslns In the Bones. Bnckof the Neck, 111, ceratod Sore Throat, Byphilltio Bash, Lumps and Contracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and eradicates all disr&tes from the system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse of mercury leaving the blood pure and healthy. Price, $3 per bottle, or twv. lor f 9. Df. Ls Richan's G3LDEN SPANISH AN- tldoto, tot the Curo of Gonnorhofa, Gleet. Ini- tfttitln. tlMwal nn,l all 1'-i,w, rU-l -.wvvi, hum ail vijuhij '4 VUI( diaaiTangementa. Price, $2.50 per bottle, Dr. Leliehao'i GOLDEN SPANISH IN- lection, a Wash and injectlor. for severe cases of ttonuorhcea, Inflammatory Gleet, Strictures, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Price, $1.40 per bottle. Also Agents for SB. LE RICHAU'S GOLDEN rUiUS tor seminal ,-aknrs, Night Emis sions, Impotency, and sll diseases arising from Masturbation and excessive abiises. Price, S3 per bottle. The ennnina Oolmk S.u.x u pnt up only in round bottles. On receipt of price, these medicines will be sent to all parts of the country, by express or mail, securely packed and free from ohser- TBuoa. sole Agents, n v n, , . X Wholoul and Retail Druggists and Chemists, H W. cor. Clay k 8umm notats. san rruascei van GO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO RUY Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c., &c., ffce., CHEAP FOR CASH I Country Produce of All Hinds BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR This to the place to get flic BEST BAR GAINS ever offered In Albany. Partiex will always do well tocall and see for them selves. II. WEED. First street, Albany, Oregon.' ' av5 Great Bargains ! CEORCE TURRELL WH,L SELL HIS Large dc Extensive Stock of It V n u v 0 D, H H I R D W A R E tfco.j etc., cfco., at exceedingly LOW RATES FOR CASH. Ho bees to call attention lo his lame stock of MEMS' A BOW CLOTlEI.; whifh ho is determined to sell lower than ever. Please call and examine before pn r onawiB elsewhere. 647" Remember the address GEORHK TUIflMXL, Klrst-8t., Allwiiy. KrlliKbest price paid for 4 oiiulr Produce, jjyj BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTOR V . 8. H. ALTH0C8E. J. P. BA K aWOTu. W. KKTCULM. ALTHOU8E & CO., Lyon Mtreet, on the Rler Dank, ALBANY, ORKUON. Keep en hand n full assortment, and arc prepared to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doom, Stub, Blinds, and Molding, Such as CROWH, PANEL, RAKR A KEITIO MOLD, of all sites . WINDOW AND DOOK KRAMrX Floorinr, Sldinir, And- All Other kind of Rnlldtnir nmerin I . ALSO: PREPARED To DO Mli.I. work, furnish shaker fans ziKwi shakers, suction fans, driving pullers of any kind, at our factory on I. von street (op the river bank!, next below MarkhumV wareiiuuut. Alvl lUH.SK g, (X). Albany, Fob. 10, 180W4 BOOTS MADE TO OK DEB, WAKRANTKD T.i OtVK Peyfeot Satisificiion, at REASONABLE RATRS, at BElf aT PtllfDT'i 8H0P, tlB Atlwnr, Ortff. Jlvs