The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 13, 1873, Page 2, Image 2

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IiuUIlnilM CcreoKWlc.
Heralded by the Albany Brass
Hand, the members of the Grand
I,cdge of Good Templar?, composed
of lady and gentleman delegates,
and members ot subordinate lodges,
marched from the Hall ot meeting
to the Court House last Wednesday
evening. Here a large audience
had assembled. The chief officers
of the Grand Lodge, Glee Club,
etc., seated themselves in the bar
of the court room. The Grand
Worthy Chief Templar, Mr. Con
ser, presided. The opening exer
cises were: 1st, music by the band;
2d, prayer by Grand Chaplain, Mr.
Ncwsom; 3d, song by Glee Club.
Latter very entertaining.
Installation ceremonies then suc
ceeded. Persons installed were as
G. W. C. T Tillman Ford.
G. W. C Mrs. M E. Hoxter.
G. W. V. C Miss Emmie Un
derwood. G. S. James A. Smith.
G. A. S. E. W. Ryan.
G. T. J. B. MoClane.
G. C.-Wm. Harman.
G. M.W.R. Dunbar.
G. 1). M. Mrs. E. C. Griffin.
G. Guard. Miss Emma Bos
well. G. S.J. E. Houston.
These exercises were brief and
pleasing. They were followed by
a short address, mainly directed in
eulogy of the order by G. W. C. T.,
Mr. Tilman Ford. His remarks
were well received. After return
ing thanks for the honor conferred
upon him, a song by the Glee Club
was offered. Father Harmon was
introduced. His remarks were
mainly addressed in favor of striv
ing to save the old inebriates, and
not do as some advocate, labor
principally for the saving of the
youth from the evils of intemper
ance. Labor for the youth, but do
not forsake the gutter drunkard
"had been there himself.'' His an
ecdotes were funny, and his remarks
entertaining. Mr. Martin was in
troduced satisfied order was doing
good evils ot intemperance the
cause of the order evils reached
every community of Oregon. At
the close of his brief remarks, the
band played an invigorating air.
Mrs Hoxter, of Forest Grove, read,
so much as we heard, an interest
ing paper appropriate to the ooca
sioa But tew heard it, being read
so low. Mr. Ryan, of Portland,
spoke for five minutes was in favor
of legislation to crush the evil of
intemperance. Thought it a noble
work to save ahuman being.
His remarks were chaste and
eloquent Mr. Duubar was intro
duced. Addressed himself to the
order. Exhorted them to tire not,
press forward. Song by Glee Club
succeeded. Mr. Leland, State Lec
turer ' Hermit" was then intro
duced, unlimited as to time. He
reported as follows: Had lectured
duriug the past year, nine months;
delivered 205 lectures; collected
$575 70; expended $535 55; or
ganized 26 Lodges. He then de
livered an inimitable address, full
of logic and pathos, spiced with
ludicrous but apt illustrations and
happy bits. At the conclusion of
his remarks, the audience dispersed.
' i fire iu Boston on the 7th de
stroyed a large portion of the Hyde
Park Woolen Mill building. Loss
$500,000; insurance, $400,000.
Saturday, May 81, 1873.
The farmers of Syracuse Pre
cinct met at the Alphin school-
house to-day for the purpose of
organizing a Farmers' Club. A
large majority of the farmers of the
precinct were present
The meeting organised by elect
ing J. P. Wilson temporary Chair
man, and Sam'l T. Crooks, Secre
tary. The ('hair appointed a commit
tee of three to draft resolutions ex-1
pressiveof the sense of the meeting
who adopted the following, which
were unanimously adopted :
Whkrkas, Fully realizing the
importance of lawful organized re
sistance to the exorbitant exactions
of transportation monopolies which
are impoverishing the fanner and
adding to the already overflowing
coffers of the monopolist, not only
in Oregon but throughout all of the
great producing States of the Un,
ion; and sympathizing with the
movement which has been inaugu
rated by the fanners of this County
and State to bring about the re
forms necessary to secure to the
producer a fair dividend of the pro
ceeds of his own labor ; therefore
He-solved, 1st, That we view
with alarm the rapid encroachments
of incorporations and aggregated
capital upon the rights of the labor
ing masses ot this Mate and of the
I'uited States, as seen in the action
of legislative bodies, both local and
Jiesolved, 2nd, That we favor a
permanent organization of the far
mers of Oregou to act in harmony
in securing, by any and all legti
male means, such legislation as
shall do justice to the producers
of the State, and not conduce ex
clusively to the benefit ot subsi
dized corporations.
Resolved, 3d, That we congrat
ulate our brother farmers ot the
Willamette Valley upon the com
pletion of Canal and Locks around
the Falls of the Willamette, which
secures competition in the carrying
trade for the produce ot this valey,
and we deem it the duty of fanners,
merchants and millers to liberally
iialronize the Willamette River
I ranspoi'ation Company so long as
they carry freight and passengers
at the liberal rates they have estab
lished. P. Vr. Morris,
Horack Farwell,
W. A. McPhebsox,
Pending the report of the Com
mittee on Resolutions the Chair
appointed John Meeker, P. V.
Morris and J. S. Fenn a Committee
on Permanent Organization.
Their report named Hon. J. T.
Crooks as President, and W. A.
McPherson as Secretary. The re
port was adopted. The meeting
ther proceeded to e'ect two dele
gates to attend the Farmers' State
Convention, which meets at Salem
on the 10th ot this month. Hon.
J. T. Crooks and W. A. McPher
son were chosen.
It is the understanding that a
meeting of the Club can be called
by the President at any time upon
the solicitation of five members.
After the adoption of a resolu
tion instructing the Secretary to fur
nish the county newspapers each with
a copy ot the proceedings of the
meeting for publication, the meeting
adjourned, suljeet to the call of the
Secretary Pro. Tem.
An enterprising individual offers
the Government $60,000 for the
pnvilege of exhibiting Cap. Jack
throughout the country for sixty
Cholera is in Memphis, Tenn.
Up to the 4th is ravages were prin
cipally confined to negroes.
Prof. O' Donovan, of Christian
Brothers' Academy, St. Louis, was
drowned on the 2d.
The widow ot Gen. Robert E.
Lee recently made a visit to Ar
lington, her former home, now used
as a National cemetery, 11,000
soldiers being buried there.
The case of the disposition of the
Modoc prisoners is to be submitted
to the Attorney General for decis
ion by the military authorities. He
is to decide whether they shall be
tried by military commission or be
remitted to the civil courts.
The survivors of the Polares ar
rived iu Washington on the 5th
insl. A court of inquiry, to be
composed ot naval officers, will be
immediately appointed to inquire
into the events ot the expedition.
Thomas Wright was hanged at
Washington on the 5th for the
murder of Hogerski.
A car load of alwut 30,000 live
fish, including several thousand
young brook trout, the rest being
)erch, bass, pickerel, etc, passed
New York, June 7h from Charles
town, Mass., consigned to the Cali
fornia Fish Association, to be placed
iu California rivers. The car was
in charge of two men, who were to
keep the water at a certain temper
ature, changing it whenever it be
came unwholesome.
About twelve cases of cholera
were reported at Nashville, Tenn.,
on the 6th,' but physicians thought
it was not epidemic.
- Victoria Woodhull is reported
to have dropped dead of heart dis
ease at her home iu New York on
the 6th.
A ttomey General Williams has
made public his opinion on the
question of disposition to be made
oftheModocs. It remits them to
the action of Gen. Davis. The
War Department, in accordance
with their opinion, will send instruc
tions to Gen. Davis through Gen.
The Post Office Department will
send a sjiecial agent to the various
Territories to insect the stage
routes prior to letting the mail con
tracts on the 1st of September next.
The object is to prevent swindling.
Joaquin Miller is going to pub
lish a history of his life with the
The Geneva Award of $15,000,
000 is to be paid on the 14th of
next September.
The Government organ of Mex
ico, the Vox Publico, has published
an editorial severely criticising Col.
McKenzie's expedition to Mexico,
pronouncing tt an aggression com
mitted on a nation too weak to
resist, as a pretext to seize addi
tional territory. The Government
ot Mexico is urged to exact imme
diate reparation.
A Washington special says there
is a growing feeling among officials
for the annexation of Gantemala to
the United States. The people of
Gantemala are represented as anx-
iously desiring annexation
On last Saturday while the pu
pils ot Rev. Mr. Selleck's Sunday
School, at Norwalk, Conn., were
sailing, accompanied by their
teacher, a steamer ran into one of
the boats, capsizing it, resulting in
the drowning of three boys.
Gen. Schofield has been instructed
by telegraph .toarjpoint Military
commission to try Modoc prisoners.
A large fire was raging on
Front street, Newbergh, N. II., on
the 8th.
Cholera was believed to be on
the increase iu New Orleans on the insuraiice 0f $600,000.
i It is said that the German Am
A dispatch from Omaha, June bassador to France, Count Vou
9th, says that a scouting party Arnim, has been recalled, because
which was sent out from Fort Mc j he made unnecessary calls upon
Pherson two weeks ago, were
caught last Tuesday night by a 1 A bill tor the better government
, mlv of Ireland has been introduced in
severe ram storm in camp on black- . , , , ,
, . , r , i the English House of Lords, by
wood creek. The camp was flood-1 Karl ,,Us(jell) whicll provi(les that
e I and six privates and twenty-four : the decision of eight jurors out of
horses were drowned The rest of twelve wiil suffice for a verdict,
the soldiers saved their lives by J Restriction of the power of the
climbing trees, where they remained Priehoud t,,e Vlld ? "
B ' i cure the conviction oi criminals,
eighteen nours.
The court of Appals of New I JSStlL 1 "Tu
1 r i severe illness ot the l zar of Russia
York has unanimously agreed to c.lllst.j a giwpeiisfon of Exposition
grant Stokes a new trial. Dos festivities at Vienna.
Passos, Stokes' council, is positive A panic is repotted in New Zea
of his ability to establish his client's ' land over the treqirnt and terrible
innocence. assassinations by mountaineers. Set-
! .. .. i it
It is reported that Senator Mitch-;
ell's Washington friends, in view
of the wide currency given to the
scandal of his p ivate life, have ad
vised him to resign. The argument
used is, that while his change of
name will invalidate his claim to a
seat in the Senate, and although
his present anomalous domestic re
lations may not lie (sufficient ground
for his expulsion, still it is advisable
that the Ntate of Oregon should
not bo represented by a Senator
on mill l. .!....,,,!
"',,W"W' F'7 '
by misfortunes which surround
him. It was believed, however, he
would not resign, but endeavor to
make as plausable a statement as
Charges have been laid before
the War Department against Col
onel Gil'em for his neglect and in
capable conduct in the campaign
against the Modocs. The feeling
among array officers is very bitter
against him. Though the battle
in which Major Thomas was en
gaged, was iu hearing of Col. Gil.
lem all day, still he lounged in his
tent and sent no relief until 4
o'clock iu the afternoon; and then
he jicrm'.tted the wounded to re
main on the field for thirty-six
hours before ordering them to be
brought in for treatment. These
comprise the charges against him,
and investigation will lie made at
The Republicans in Portland
nominated the following ticket fur
municipal offices: For Mayor, Gen.
John McCraken; Police Judge, 0.
N. Denny; Treasurer, L. II. Lewis;
Assessor, H. H. Oatman. For
Councilmen 1st ward, L. P. W.
Quimby; 2d ward, J. II. Lyon; 3d
ward, L. Hesser.
The Democrats have nominated
the following: For Mayor, Eugene
Semple; Police Judge, Alexander
Dodge; J reasurer, ll.. bloch; printer and newspaper publisher in
AssessorWm. J. Kully. Council-1 vew England, died at Keene, N .
men 1st ward, H. L. Herman; H., on the 6th, aged 96. Hcotab
2d ward, J. A. Blauehard; 3d ward, ! Hshed the New I laropshire Sentinel
T. J. Bulger. . j j IT')!), and conducted it for 4!
A leading medical journal says
that sleeping rooms should be ar
ranged, if possible, so as to allow
j the head of the s!eeer to be turned
toward the North. It thinks the j true man wants nis wife's compan
cure of the sick is often retarded by j ionship when he has to get up in
this not beins observed. Kemcm.
ber, the poll of the sleeper and the
north pole should be iu the same
Foster, the new American Minis
ter to Mexico, reached there on the
27th ult. Neither of the American
projects passed the late Mexican
The burning of the Alexandria)
Palace at Muswell Hill, near Lon
don, on the 9th, resulted iu a loss
of 83.000.000. on which was an
President McMahon.
C,"L. u,"""''"br ,U1 utlBUSe ou
the 0th.
'1 he cholera has entirely disap
peared from the country adjacent
the Danube, in Austria.
The Hank ot France has paid
into the T reasury one quarter of
the sum due Germany on account
of the war indemnity. The re
mainder wiil Ik paid in instalments.
The Loudon Timet urges the
immigration of Chinese to East
Africa, as a means of bringing
about the abolition of the 6lave
trade there.
I Kignly.two liea(,S of rejj iou
onk,rs hl Kome have fkmA g doc.
ment protesting against the bill for
the suppression ot religious corpora
tions, appealing to the l'ope, law
of nations, and God.
Heavy tires were raging in the
woods in different parts of the
Province of Nova Scotia on the
Prince Jerome Napoleon had ar
rived ii) Paris on the 5th, creatipg
agitation iu the lobbies of the As
sembly. The Government of England has
decided to authorize the Hank of
England to increase its circulation
600,000, under restrictions not yet
The Emperor William's illness
was becoming serious on the 5th.
A journey to Vienna wa : forbidden
by his physicians
Prince Adelbert, consin of Fm
peror William, is dead.
Yel'ow tever has disappeared
I from Hio Janeiro and the cities of
I liio de la Plata.
Alexandria 1 'aiaee, near Loudon,
was burned on the 9th. Seven
lives are reported lost
A great tire in a lumber yard in
Dublin on the Ot'n drew a crowd
who, intent on plunder, interfered
with the lireincn and stoned them.
A detachment of Hlice, ordered t
preserve order, charged upon them,
wounding many. The Mayor of
the city was hit by a stone. In
tense excitement prevailed. Prop
erty to the amount of 100,00(1
was already destroyed.
Ilor. John Prentiss, the oldest
A writer says that "what the
true man most wants of a wife is
her companionship, sympathy, cour
age, and love." He is rijriit. The
Uie ."'" rei:.w"ai "l '
in the cellar. Her courage is emi
nently valuable m the general
neighborhood debates over the
possession of some domestic article,
and her love is absolutely indispen
sable when he sets iu late. But
her sympathy! Well, any one who
has ever picked tip the wrong stove
lid vitU his 1re baud, can estimate
tie valurdt thai.