The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 06, 1873, Page 5, Image 5

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In fom :n i-ott'ttrlcvtin V 'ef n ml o i
fitates iiitfiU ernr ton"i!. or 'tpfnty noma
Ofltcernf w ry In y in lm-1 i o
atlmltils ertta IwfrvxwM'Tt1 siirwuw und
whom o"V i l-iiiic or !! -iia'ttre
shall Ihi lntj a i li n i h ' 'iv li cor I .
catcof a I'nl n I S 11 e ttl'niu'rti-fit'iwiSiV!
dec'ara ons In rilnlmofIn "h w nm lt
Xoa-a Unl M Sn cs n an 1 '""
Hons i't u alms ft Vr In a of K'' n "
fourteen Keith wn linn it-ed an 1
ty-one. inn Hi 'fo v ic nV 11 Inlj an hnr ton 'minis ei- on ltfor jettetii! vir
posea, when ! a-, I -. "y rtiasntinf
In Until 'v of n min'i'e'to in . ' :
PrwH Tim any le n itl'on ma 'a
fore nn o 'leer Inly an liovi'd on Iniinl--teroa'lHfm'
vm'- i. i,m shall Vm
oepled toexiMii 'i ii . , i mn lv Mini n
tionns'o Intent l ir nt-enerlimd In lie
fifteen i ' Ion ot ii ne .
Sec . 2 ! Thai liet'otiiiiiUslntierof Pwi
ions, U'nii if i,i ion fine nta V olilm
in person K ij .- niimvi1 oi' u'l'iHcant for
pension. Ih'uiu y-'aiel, nro Iter nllovnni-e
require I in inw n l.jtt e 1 or -nt I '
the PeitKHiir-i ii. '', riitili htrnMi teh ner
mn, ftii in .i i exnriisi o inn or her, all
such win el iiH'rnc Ions an 1 forms n
may bo i man l o-cii'iiMtinti .wl o'v
tainlnu' sai l c.niin : anl on tht Iwilntrof
a eerti i n e oi ' i- or of a 'lonn y
land tt'iuiiin ,.hi! shall for hwl hnoilfythe
claiiiuci i n i .i.i .an 1 n'o: he a rent
or atlonmj in lie m o. if h re 'e one,
that ut .lire has 'en 'm or
allowan o ma le,an I ihe la enn 1 amount :
See. 48 Tha no money on aceonn' of 1
pension -a. v I nany nei'son.or oj
the wl low, i ll i -l ii'ii. o;- hell 's of any le
cease 1 nersoti, who In any manner ro tin-1
tartly en 411 :e I in, oral le I or a c e I, ho
late iVie lion ablins, ihe an '101I y of he,
United 8 a es.
See. 24. Tlia' no elnlm for tension not j
prosoen'el in unoeensfnl twite i liin l . e !
years from ihe 'lae ot he same
shall lie a trained wlibout rouor I evi Urn e
from the War or Navy Hcur men of he
Injury or 1 lie disease 'which resui e 1 In lie
disability or death of ibe nerson on whose
tteeoiuit ' the claim is male: l'r v
That in aoyiHieln whl.h he Inn' a' Ion
prescri'Mi I iy tills see Ion twin he fur her
prosecn Ion ol the e aim, he elalaiant I
may present, t it ran rli he Piristonii Mee, 1
to tlie A ln an (iene.-a.of lie army or he
fiiirgeoi-tii'iiein. of he na y, e.ilenee
that ihe llsenseor Injnry wUfelt resnl e l
In the dlsa t liy or Ii ii h of he nertnn on
whose, aouiitn he c!a'm is ma le, oi l ri
nnleil in he servioP and in he line of
dnty : an 1 if nuvh e, i limue Is leeme I sa -lufaoto.-y
'iy lheo.Heer o whom I may 'ie
anbmittel,' liesliall taisi-a iivorlof ilte
fact so nro.'e 1 0 lie mn le. an 1 a tony of
the same .oV transmKlel o:he l"om
tnlssioner of Pensions, anl the liar o the
proseeir ion 01 1 he claim shad thereby lie j
remove I.
Sec. 2i. Thai If any ncnsloner, or any I
person en' I ,l na nenslnn. who dlirlnif
the pen leney of his a n..ii ion therefor
has (Mel since Marihfonrth.elh'een hun
dred an I six v-'ine. Or shall hereof er die, i
his wi low. or if no wl low. ills ehlld or !
children, nn lersix een years of a;eaf 'he
time bf his dea It, shall' a; en I lei to nv
celvethe aei'rne. I nensinn lo he dacof
death, such axruel nension slmll no 'ie
considered as a nan of he a-isets of the
esta'e'of decease I. nor da'i e o lie I
to the payinen of Ihe deVsof sai I es a e
In any cast' wlia ever, but shall Inure to
the sole and excihuive lautetl of the wid
ow orchlidreii : an I if no wl low orehlid
eurvK'e, no nay-men I whasne.-er of the
accrue I nensimi shall lie ma le or allowed,
except so much s iiwv lie necessary o re
imburse i he ncroii wtm lioretliee.x'sjnsea
of the lal sickness and burial oi the de
cedent, in eases where lie dl I no leave
anfflcienl assets to meet such exnenses. !
Sec. . That hefalinreofanypensloner
toeaimlilsnr her nension fn,- hreeyearsaf
ter the same shall Ita. c !teMmo1w) shn.l Imi
leemel nresnmntlvc evi lenee 'ha' such
pension has le;ally termlna ed by reason
of the pensioner's den h, reinarriow, re- ;
covcry from 'he dlsa d. I y. or otherwise, .
and tlie neiisione.r'snameslia'l lics'rlclien !
from the list of nonsionors, subject to the 1
rlxlit of res ora'ion to the sameon a new
applloatlon by the pensioner, or, if the !
nonaioner is dea I. by .he widow or minor i
children entitled 'o reoetve 'he accrue 1
pension, aci-oni"anie 1 by evidence sa'ls
factorlly ai-conu'in ; for the lai ure to
claim such pension, an l by me ileal evi
dence In rases of invali Is who were not
exempt from biennial eMitnlmrkmsasto
the con' Intianee of he dlaa'itll'y.
Sec. '27. Tha- when 'he m'e, commence
ment an 1 dura Ii nofammslon allowed by
apeidal act are tlxe 1 by such aj', they shall
not be su'dee' in lie varied by the nrovis
ions and limitations of -ne general nen
ion lnws,bu when no' thuslixe 1 thera'o
and continuance ol the nension shall lie
subject to variation in accordance wd'h
the mineral laws, and its commencement
shall date from 'he "nsso-?e of the sncctal
act, and the I'ntnmlssloner of Pensions
shall, unon sa isfac'orv evidence tll
fiaitdwas perietra'cl tnob'ainin such
special ac'. susnen l "ayment therennon
until the nronrie'y of repealing the same
can he con si lercd Ty t;onirress.
See. 28. That the term of llmila'lon
prescrllted by sectinnssixtcen and twenty
three of thls'act shall, in pendlwr claims
'of Indljuis. 'ie extended lo two years from
anilalWrthe rassatreof this act; that all
iiroo' which has heretotore lns"n taken be
fore un In Han ajent.or lieforean oUcer
of any trl'icotunne'ent atxflrlintr to the
rules of said trdie to a lmlnls er oa hs,
shall lie held anil reaarded by the Pension
Ofllce, In thee.aielninitanil dctermininK
of claims of Indians now on tile, as of the
same validl'y fw if laken hetorean offlisr
recognized by the law at the time as com
petent toadihinls.eroa hs; Hiatal! proofs
wanting In said claims hereafter, as well
as In those tiled after the mssajteof this
act, sliall Ik- taken lietfnre thea-rcnt of the
trilie o which the c'almants resnectlvely
bclnnK; that In reaard'o dates, al) anpll
cationsof Indians now on file lie tna edas
thoui(h t hey were ma le lieforea compe
tent officer at their respective dates, and
if found to Ik-in all oilier respects con
clusive, thov shall lie allowed ;-nd that
Indians slutll lie exemn'ed from the ohli
i?atlon to tivke tlie oath to support the
'Constitution of the IlnitedSlates, required
by the act of February fourteenth, eight
een hundred and seventy-one, providing
for pensions to certain soldiers and sailors
of the warof eighteen hundred and twelve,
and to widows of decmsed soldiers.
Sec. 29. ThalthcPitisUicntshnlhuipnlnt
In the Ilcpnrtment of the Interior, by and
with the advice and consent of the "Senate,
a rompetnnt person, who shall be called
the Deputy t'ommisslonor of Pensions,
with an annual salary of twenty-live hun
dred dollars, who shall be charged with
auch duties In the Pension bureau as may
beprescrilied by the Secretary of the In
terior or may be required by few : and In
case of t he deal h, resignation, absence, or
sickness of the Commissioner, ills duties
shall devolve upon the Depnty Commis
sioner until a successor sliall lie appointed,
or snch absence, or sickness shall cease.
Sec. 30 That the Commissioner of Pen
sions is hereby authorized and empowered
to detail, from time to time, clerks in his
office to investigate suspected attempts at
fraud on the government of the United
States, through and by vlrtneof the pro
vlslonsnl thisor any other act of Congress
providing for pensions, and to alil ln pros
ecuting any person unoffending, with such
additional compensation as is customary
la cases of special terviue ; and tttai any
"cr-or. i te ai e ' shall lur i if Power o
a 'ni.n'-j iTim Its an! u'tcti'' bivltsln ihe
inui-sc i. a i -'n. b invrts i ii ion
Sec 31 1I111 no a ten Of 'orttey or
o her vrsnn ins rnuieii'al In "rosecii lng
anj c aim lOi" pe -iim or Imiiiii wlan 1 shall
dcniau lurrecelveuny o Iter mm'tensa ion
to,- bis sj vi, es 'ii nrnaecti in.-' a fln'iii for
ecu 'Ion o,' ionn -anl ihan snoli as he
Colniiilssloner of Venslons -l'an direol to
ho fal l 0 him, no exicc'ln: weii'-:lvo
'In 111s: un Inn,, ii'rn lira onicy or any
0 hei'ncrson Ins iniiien'n In t,osicii in.'
any c a'lll tor nenslott Or 'mini y- an I, who
shall llreotly or lit llnwtly com raoi for,
demand, or reoolveor re'ain Any grea er
conrvuja'.io'i lor his services or iiisirn
men a.i y in prosecn lug any claim for
pension or bout) y-1111 1 ihan is herein nc
fore ontt'lderl, or who shall wrongfully
withhold from a pensioner or clnimaui
the whole or any par. of 'he nension or
claim allowed and due such pensioner or
ciaimant, or ihe Ian l-warrani Issue I lo
any such claimant, shall be deemed guilty
01 a high nils 1, trwn convic
tion thereof, shul., for every such offense,
lie lined not exece ling live linn lreliloilnrs
or imnrlsonraeiit a' hard la' tor no: excee 1
Ing iwo years, or Imth.a' the discretion of
I he conn . Anl If any guardian ha ring I he
charge and cits o ly of the nension of bis
war I shall em'ienie he same In violation
ol bis trust, or Iran lu.cnily convert the
same to his own use, lie shall he piinishe 1
by 1 inc not excuellllg two 'hnnsand dol
lursor itimrtsonmen! at hard la'mr for a
term 110 exceeding live years, or bo: it, ai
the lls.-re'. Inn of the court.
Sec, 3! Tha any pie Ige, movl gage,snle,
assign men , or imnsfer of any right,
waiiti. or Interest In any pension which
lias ic -n or may liereat ernegraiitei,snail
lie void an I ol no oifecl : an 1 any ptu'snn
ac in,' as a lorney o receive an 1 reccim
for money lorua I in iH'llalf of any person
en.iilul ioa pension shall, lastbra receiv
ing sai I money, ako and su HKtrltie an
m:h, to be die ! wi h the pension-agent,
anl 'y him olie imnsmltted. with the
yoiicheis now required by law, to the
proper accoun Ing-oftlceroi ihe treasm-y,
tha helms no in crest instill money by
any P.olgc, utor care, sale, asslgnm'ent,
or ntnsfer, anl ha he does not know or
binlevetliai the same lias been dtsposeii of
toany person; an I any person who shall
fais,' y al,e ; lie sai na li shah lie guilty of
peijlti'y, and, on con , Icilon, shall be liable
to Ite'tiiiisan I penalties of perjnry.
Sec 33. Tha' any person who shall
knowingly or wllln.iy In any wise, procure
the making or niwentaion ofany misoor
frail In. rn allldavl: concerning any claim
for "elision or Payment 1 hereof, or n r
lalntng to any o her ma'ter wi bin ihe
Juris lictlon 01 ihe ComiulsMloner of Pen
sinus, or shall knowingly or wilfully pre
sent or cause 10 lie "resented ai any pension-agency
any power of attorney, or
o her paner require 1 as a voucher In draw
ing a pension, which patter sliall lienr a
da e sn isequcnt :o that nn which it was
tut ualiy slgne 1 or executed, such person
so n.irii ling shail iicdcemel guilty of a
high mis lemeanor, an I sliall, on convic
tion : hereof, ne punished by a line not ex
cee lii.g live hundred dollars, or by impris
onment for a term not exceeding three
years, or by Imi h, at 1 lie disc re: ion of 1 lie
ionn liefore whom such conviction shall
lie ha I ; and no sum of money due, or 10
be.ome due, toany pensioner tinder the
laws aforesaid, shad lie itaile to aitach
tnent, levy, or seizure, by or under any
le.'.al or equita ne process whatever,
whe. her the same remains with the Pcn-slon-Olllce,
or any olilccroraent thereof,
or Is in course of 1111. emission to the itcn
siouer eniliied ihereio, but shuil inure
wiiOiiy to 1 he lameill of such tHUisinner-
Sue. 31. That In all cases of application
for 1 lie payment of iietisions in invalid
pensioners to he ionn hoi Sepiemiier of
an o 1 1 year, the eer i Unite of an exantln
in; stir eon duiy a p linte i by lh' 0tn
tiilssKi.ierof Peiisunis, or 01 a sin-genii of
the army or na. y.s a ingiltecontiniutncc
ot ibe ilisaniii y tor wlilcli the pension
was originally gran,e 1, iilcscrloing it,iand
the degree ot such disnbliliy al ihe time
ot makliigihe uer,(ilcaic, shall ne require I
to accoiupany 1 no vouciicrs, anu a uupu
late 1 herein shall lie li.ed in the office of
the Couimlatloner of Pensions; and if in
a case ol combined ilisa ildiv It shall lie a. a leg 11 -e lielow thai tor which ibe
IHiiislou was origiuuliy grantel, or was
last raid, 1 be pensioner sha.i y lie pai I
for the quar.ur ilien due ai 1 lie rale slated
in the ceri Ideate: Pruvkiil, That whena
pension slian lie granted torn dlsaliiihy
consuqiieiii upon the loss of a limb, or
0. her essential isirtlou of the body, or for
Oilier tause which cannot in who.c or in
part Ihi removed, or when a disability is
certi.lcd by compeiem cxamiiilng sur
geons, 10 the su.lsnidion of the Cotnmls
sloner of Pensions, to have iieeome ncr
maneni in a decree oqual 10 the whole rate
of ixinsinn, ihuU'Sivc ceriilliaiesbuii no,
be mnessary loeniltie (lie pensioner 10
I '11 vi iieu 1 : Ami firuviA dfunh r, That this
seciiou shall no, ; coiisirucd 10 prevent
I lie lloiiimissioner of Pensions from re
quiring a more frequent examination if,
in his Ju lgnient, It is necessary.
Sec. 3 1. Thai thellommissioiierof Pen
sions be, and lie Is hereoy, empowered to
appoint, ai Ids .llscret ion, m ii surgeons to
make ihe iierio Ileal examinations of ten
sioners which are, or may be, required by
law, audio examine applicants lor puu
sion, where lie shall deem an examination
by a surgeon npi minted by bbuueiwssary ;
and ihe tee for such examinations, and the
requisite ceri iilmies thereof in dupdeaic,
including itosiage on such as are trans
mitted to isnisioiHigents, shah be two dol
lars, which shad be (Mid by the agent tor
paying ts'iisioiis In the dlsirici within
wlilcli the pensioner or claimant resi les,
out of any money approprla.ed for thu
payment of pensions, under such regula
tions as the tgtmuilssloner of reunions
may prescribe.
Sec. 3il. Tltal the Commissioner of Pen
sions lie authorized to organize, at his dis
cretion, Imards of examining surgeons,
not 10 exceed three memiiers, and thai
each meuHKirof a board thus organized
who shall have been actually present and
ma le, in connection with other members
or mctnlMir, an ordered or tierlodlcal ex
umlim.ion, shall lie entitled 10 the fee of
one dohur, on the receipt of a proper eer
llilcaiuof said examination 01 said Com
missioner ot Pensions.
Sec. 37. Thai examining surgeons duly
appointed by the Commissioner of Pen
sions, and such other quuliiied surgeon mis
may lie employed in the Pension-Office,
uuty lie required by him, from time to
time, as lie shall deem for the interests of
t he government, to make special examina
tions of pensioners. or applicants for pen
sion, and such examinations shall have
precedence over previous examinations,
whether s)iecial or biennial ; but when in
justice is alleged to have been done by an
Pensions may, at ills discretion, select
a iward of t hree duly-appointed examining
surgeons, who shall meet at a place to lie
designated by him, and shall review such
cases us mav be ordered before them on
iiPIHiil from any special examination as
aforesaid, and the decision of stash board
shall lie dual on the question so submitted
thereto, provided the Commissioner ap
prove the mine. The eomiiensaiion of
each of such surgeons shad lie three dol
lars, and shall Ik- mid out of any appropri
ations made for the payment of pensions.
In the same manner as 1 he ordinary tees
of appointed surgeons are or may be au
thorized to bo mid. ...
See. 38. That the Secretary of the In-
ter'or lie. and Is hereby, an'horized to a"
ooln' a Inly authorize land qualified sun
geon as me Ileal referee, who. under 'he
con ro' and dime Ion of 'he Commissioner
of Pensions, shall have charge of 'he ex
ninlpu ion and revision of the Ycwts of
examining surgeons, and such n herdu-lle-'nnihiii"
medlia'nnd stirleal ques
tions in 'he Pension-! lolce.nsthcin'eres's
of he service may demand ! an I his a'
nry shn'l lie'wo 'honsan-1 flee hnndrel
toll'nrs "er annum And Mi" Secre are of
he In' er'or l for' her nu'hoinVel 'on"
"OhV such q"n'blel surgeons (no' pxcP"'
In r four 11s he exl tentneS of I he occasion
mny require, who tuny "orfnrtn lie du les
of nxaml'dng surgeons when o require 1,
an 1 who sha.l lie 'mire it"on the roll" us
e erVs of lv four h c's-'s : Pr tW Tlia'
such n""oin'iiii'n s ahull not increase the
c e d wi fon-eof sal lburean.
S ".. jt. Tha' ad a -s or "arts of acts in
eons's en' o- In conflict I'll t ho foregoing
pro isinns of his n" are hereby repealed.
Approved, March 1, 1873.
Lntrat Phnspof the Beeher
Iii the Rfg'hestpr Democrat of
May 5tli appearK this:
'Hie Thunderbolt, the Troy
iaHr wliicli, it was ainioiiijceil,
weiilil itive the win ile truth retranl
ing the Tiltnii-Heeclier mailer,
was priiitefl last week. Tt gives
what purports to lie Theislore Til
tonV true statement, which in sub
Mance isasfiillnws: "In 1870 Mrs.
Tiltoii, havii p; just returue'l from a
Summer resort, was visiteil by
Mr. Heccher, wlio made ile nm
sisals to her, which shocked her,
and ot which she inhumed her hns.
bniid. At his request she made a
memorandum of the aHair. Tilton
at that lime was in itimate relation
with Henry I'owen. and naliually
cimtided the ciiuumstance to the
latter. I'owen himself had also
previously denounced 1'eecherV
practices, and now he said the time
had Ciime to act. A letter Was
sent by Tilton to I'eecher and car
ried by Howen, who instead tit
standing by Tilton suddenly liecame
Heecher's friend, and discharged
Tilton from his position on the 1th
dependent. Eight mouths alter an
investigation was about to be made,
and lleecher visited Mrs. Tilton
while she was ill and ohlained from
her a statement that he had 'con
ducted himself as a gentleman and
Christian' in his intercourse with
her, and that when she made the
memorai.diim in quexiim she was
ill and 'in an irreKiosihle condition.'
Tilton was a ni v ei oiigh when he
heard of this, ai.d in bleed Mr. Moul
ton to call mi Heecher and force
him to give up Mrs. Ti'ton's last
paiier. noth the tirst ami second
papers are now in Moulton's posses-
siou. This Rtory Mrs. WihhIIiuII
maiiitged to gel bold ot in an Exag
gerated form, but so near right as
lo extort a 'confession ot the whole
matter trom Mr Tilton, ami thus
bring him and lleecher into her
power." All this is liad enough,
supposing this to 1 the 'ruth; but
when the matter is sifted it is cap.
able of this result that Mr. Heecher
made some remarks to Mrs. Tilton
which the latter misunderstood
Acceitiiig tlie story as true, how
ever, the main injury to Mr. Beech,
er lies mostly in the supposition
that, insulting Mrs. 'I ikon, he was
probably in tlie habitof mkiug plnp
ositions to other ladies, ant) with
greater success. The story evi
dently admits that there was noth
thing more serious then an insult
ing proposition, and we suppose it
has nothing to say regarding other
sins ttf Mr. Heeeher, if there are any.
It is bad enough, we repeaf, as it
stands; but it is not as bad as peo
ple have Uhjii led to believe from
the mysterious silence of Mr. Beech,
er and his friends. Let us, how
ever, hear from Mr. Moullon. It
is in his power te clear up the mys
tery perhaps to emove every stis.
picion and destroy every charge.
To kill rats: take a hand full
of plaster of paris and mix with it
as much pulverized sugar. Place
this on a pan ou the floor, , with a
bowl of water. The result is the
rats eat the sugar and plaster which
creates a thirst, they then drink
the water which causes the plaster
to become paste, which hardens and
kills the rats. This recipe was
tried in this city by an old gentle
man, and touua a success,
Charles Hayes & Sons' stock
farm in Portsmouth, N H., was
burned 011 the 24th, Loss, $150,
000. A largo amount oi fancy cat
tle perished'.
Who UidCaix Mabry? Tothe
Editor of the ChronkfeiR:
Where did Cain get his wie?
Adam's wi'e, Eve, was ot Adam's
rilis. She gave bit th to two chil
dren, Cain and Abel. Cain killed
Aliel; then he married. Now
where did Cain get his wi'e? L.
We are sorry to lie obliged to
re'use to answer this question. Tit
on any subject of a public nature
we never refuse to throw ti e desir
ed light. But this is altogether
a diifereiit thing. It is a family
matter with wl uh we do not care
to meddle, ' ain died some time
before many ot us were born, and
such idlp curiosity regarding the
femily affairs of a deceased person
we regard as reprehensible, and
calculated to violate the sanctities
of domestic li'e. For these reasons,
and because we do not wish to in
jure the feelings of ti e relatives of
the deceased, we decline to answer
the question En. Chronicus,
Well Devkloped I Ieaix The
Mni.tte Repiddictm notices a pecu
liar deformity in miss l izzie Hauns,
who was born in this city in 1858.
'She is resirted to be liealthy and
sound of mind, but posseses the
physical de'iirmity of having a
head tofty-eight inches in circum
ference and weighing seventy
M!iunls. This extraordinary en
iargment of one member of her body
is of' course at the expense of the re
mainder; fir although she is in her
fourteenth year, she is but twenty
ttiiir inches in hight, and corres
p indigly small, with the exception
named-. The parents intend exhib
iting this remarkable child through
the country, that they may the
belter provide for its wants.
"When Creek meets Greek."
Scene; District court in a colony
cotcb judge(with a very market
pug nose): ''Weel uoo, Sir, if ye gae
along the ro'd in question, where' 1 1
ye gang tae?" Scotch witness (de
iiberately): "That a' deiieuds, yer
honor, on how far ye gae!" .lunge
(snappishly): "Ye understand
vara weel, Sir. If ye follow yer
nose, mon, where'U ye gang till?"
W itness (a'ter a pause: "H've
always heer-ed it said, yer honor,
that if ye Killer yer nose too far, it'll
tak ye t' the moon!" Judge:
"Step doon, Sir!" (In an angry
aside) M J he mou's a fule "
The Shah ok Persia, The
Shah of Persia, who is to be the
guest ot England, in the course of
the summer, is, it is said, to have
Buckingham Palace all to himself.
He is said to have taken a trifle ot
three millions sterling or so out ot
the lirqicrial Treasury for traveling
expenses, and there is a strong im
pression abroad that a fair propor
tion of that amount will be ab
sorbed. Mr. Grant Duff, who, it
is said, speaks Persian with a purer
accent than he does English, will
be detailed for court duty. His
Highness is to be treated with the
most demonstrative hospitality, and
that means that a great deal of
vivacious London life is in perspec
tive. A Sorby Domesticity. Dur
ing a recent important (.rial in Eng
land the wife of one of the parties
to the suit gave this bit of evidence:
My husband and I have come to
this agreement: To see each other
only at meals, and nothing more,
so tar as possible He goes out
shooting in the day time, and I re
main in my room before a good fire,
where I can read, write, work and
weep. In the evening I join in a
game of whist or ecarte with my
dear fathef-iu-law, and then my
room closes upon my solitude and
my sadness, and never opens till I
leave it to go down to breakfast.
A man in Chicago hrn patented
a new process ot petrifaction, by
which means Indians can be trans
formed into tobacco signs as fas as
they die.
Seven thousand eight hundred
and fifty-two immigrants lauded at
Castle Garden on 19th;
Nine prisoners escaped from jail
in Dover, Nt If., May 20th.
A Declined HIseptBg ItartMr.
California paper tells the follow
ing good joke:
A laughable incident occurred
one evening lately on a trip to Sac
ramento, 'there were two seats
in the car turned so as to face each
other. One was occupied by a lady
and the other by a Chinaman.
Evidently tire Udy did not relish
the pre.sfi.te of the Chinaman, and
't her wits at work to oust him.
She succeeded about as follows:
Motioiiii'ir the Chinaman to rise,
she explained to him that she wan
ted to take the cushions and the
frames ami place them lengthwise
across from seat to scat. Joiin said
' all aightee" and got in the aisle
wlule she placed the seats as above
described, and then proceeded to
lie down on the bed thns improvifr
ed, with her head resting on her va
lise. he supposed that the China
man would at once take the hint
that the lady wanted to take a lit
tle rest in the space usually occupied
by four persons. But John hadn't
heard of the womans' rights move
mei it, ai id at once proceeded to craw)
in and stretch himself at her side
with his head on a little bundle of
his own. The Chinese are an imi
tative race, and like to do as others
do, you know The lady, as aoon
as she discovered that she had a
bedfellow, got up, a- little wildly,
anil started tor tlie next car, to the
infinite amusement of the passengers,
who had been watching the little
scene with some interest. John
took no notice of the fun he hail
created, but we t to sleep with tlie
whole bed to himself.
To Make Glossy Sillnm Put
a little common white wax in your
starch, say two ounces to the pound;
then, if you use any thin patent
starch, be sure you use it warm,
otherwise it will get cold and gritty
and spot yolir linen, giving tt the
appearance of being stained with
grease. It is different with color
starch it can he used quite eold;
however, ot that anon. Now, then ,
about polishing shirts; starch the
fronts and wristbands ir stiff as you
cam Always starch twice that
is, starch and dry, then starch again,
lum your shirts in the usual way,
making the linen nice and firm, but
witl out any attempt at a good
finish, don't 4jft the plaits; your
shirt is now ready tor polishing, but
you ought to have board the same
size as a common shirtboard, made
if hard wood, and covered with
one p y ot plain cotton cloth. Put
this board into the breast ot your
shirt, damp the trout very lightly
with a wet sponge, then take a pol
ishing iron which is flat, and bev
eled a little at one end polish gen
tly with the beveled part, taking
care not to drive the linen up into
wave-like blisters; of course, this re
quires a little practice, but if yon
are careful, and persevere, in a short
time yon will be able to give that
enamel-like finish which seems to
lie so much wanted.
Fun at Home Don't be afraid
of a little fun at home, good people,
Don't shut up your houses, lest the
am should fade your carpets, and
your hearty laugh shout shakedown
some of the musty cobwebs there.
If you want to ruin your sons, let
them think that all mirth and bo
cial enjoyment should be left on
the threshold without, when they
come home at night. When once
a home is regarded as only a plat
to eat, ami drink, and steep, tin
work is begun that ends in gam
bling houses and recKless degra
dation i
A bill has been introduced in the
New York Assembly for the con
struction of a railroad tunnel under
the North river from New York to
Jersy City.
Many farms in tlie vicinity of
Zanesville, Ohio, are completely
Covered with potato bugs.
A prize-right for 82.000 is beina
arrinired between Georro Siddons
and Mike Coburn.
Count A lexander Manzoni, the Ilal
iau poet and novelist, died in Home
yesterday, aged 8&