ALBANY REGISTER. Mm Stouter, (General Nature-No. 85.1 AN Atrr su-miemen at to an net entitled "An act 10 in oi'xira e the Texas Pacific Raiiroad I'ouirmny, unci to all in l lie con strue ion ol its rea l, ami lor oilier pin-; poses." ii'i'inni'l March third, eighteen j Hundred an I feven y-one. Bit . nac il 6.1 'i 8 nat- '"'' . ' f Byrvn-'ttr-sufth- Uwk dSn- tuf Am r- ! u in Omgrem an mU , Thai ihe face : value of ill! Imndslierenfer issued by . lie j Terns and l'aciiic Kalii-mi l Company under the provlnlonn of an act approved Haitli third, ci ,'li een hundred and seventy-one, shall, a! Hit' op Ion Of ihe win-any, In- ; cither in gold, or other lawful money pi the Unite I 8 a os, bearing In like optiono he company, el her in (told or other lawful money 01 the I nit I S a es. and an v mort .a;e heretofore eieentt d by said una am sucUring Uui Is iuia ile in j any lawful money of the Unite I 8 ales Other than gold, an I Ilk) lion ts recited i thei-fin, an I losequrewhiehsal I niortga ;e was given, are hereby le.iu.izei. and sail uioriaiue an I "on Is'slia . have the same etfeci n luotuli they ha 1 been authorize I by the act o Which ;liis I- a supplement: ; Prat (I, Thai in all other respects there- j quireiuen of that iitw in regard Hi such morUiU'i' an I bdn 1- have Iktii fully com- j plied u i. Ik Approved, March ;i. is7;i. General Nature No. 89. AN ACT for the suppression of trade In ; andelrt ulation ol o seene litem, ore and articles ot Immoral use. B- i. not! l Oy th 8 not ' anil itu-- tj ! B pr I nta if 0 tn (V. d Sir 1 1 ' Am r tsat in Qmgr atrmbled, That whoever. I within the iMstrtei ol Columbia or any ol : theTerrl.orlesof the L'nite I 8 a es. she I sell, or lend, or give away, or in any man ner to exhibit . or alutil oiler to sell, or to giveaway, or in any manner to exhibit, or i BOftU otherwise publish or otfer to publish in any manner, or shall have in his posses sion, 'lor any sueh purpose or purposes, any obscene oook, pauiidilet, paper, wrl - -ing, advertisement, circular, print, pic- i ture, drawing or o ber represent a ion, fig ure, or inia.:e on or olpatier or other ina- I terial, or icy cast, Inslrunieut, or other articieotan Immoral nature, or any dm. or medicine, or any article, wha ever, for thepii'vi'ii ion of conception, or for taus ing mi awful a Kill ion, or shall advertise the same for sale, or snail write or prin , or eaute ti be written or prime I, any tat J,, book, pamnhtet. a Ivertlseiuent. or no: ice ol any kind, s; a' in when, where, now. or 01 whom, or by w hat means, all of the art icies In this sec! ion hereinbefore mentions 1. -an ie purchase 1 or obtained, or snail manufacture, draw, or print, or in any wtc make any of such articles, shai be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, an I. on conviction thereof in any cornt of he United states having criminal jurisdiction in the biatrial of Columbia, or In any Ter ritory or place wtthbt the exclusive juris diction of the Untied Slates, where sueh misdemeanor shall have been eommitte 1; and on conviction thereof, lie shall lie im prlsone 1 at hard labor in the penitentiary for not less than six months nor more than five years for each obelise, or dned not less than one hundre I dollars nor more than two thousand dollars, with costs of court. Sec. S. That section one hundred and forty-eigh" of the act to revise, consoIHa e, and amend hestatutrs relatingto the Post Office J.eparineni, approved June eighth, eighteen hnn Ired ami seventy-two, In amended to read as follows: "Sec. 118. That no olweene, lewd, or lascivious lawk. )tainhli-t, picture, paper print, or Oi her punlical ion ol an indecent character, or any article or I hing designed or intended for the prevention or concep tion or procuring of abortion, nor anv artleleor thitiK intended or a lapted for any indecent or Immoral use or nature, nor any written or prime 1 card, circular, book, inmphlet, advertisement or notice of any kind giving in forma ion. directly or indirectly, where, or how, or of whom, or by what means either of i he things be fore meniione I may lie obtained or made, nor any letter upon iheenveloncotwhich, or postal-card npon which indecent or scurrilous epithets may be written or printed, sliall lie carried in the mail: ami any person who shall knowingly deposit. to lie deposited, lor mailing or delivery, any of the hereliiliefore-men-tioned articles or things, or any notice, or paper containing any a IvefMseuunt reia -lngtotheaforesai I articles or things, an l any person who. In pursuance of any p an or scheme tor disposing of the hereinlie-fore-mentioned articles or things, shall take, or tau- to lie taken, from the mail any such let cr or package, shad lie deemed guilty ola misdemeanor, an I, on convic tion thereof, sbal., tor everv offense, la; fined not tess .bun one hundred dollars nor more than live thousand dollars, or im prisoned at hard la 'sir not less iban one year nor more than ten years, ol both, in the discretion oft he ju Ige." See. S. That all persona are prohlblte 1 from Importing into the Unite 1 S ates, from any foreign country, any of the here-inbefore-meniione l ar, Ices iir ihiints, ex cept the drugs hereinbefore-menlione I when Imported in bulk, and no: put Dp for any of the purpOSRS before meniione I, and all such prohlblte I articles in the course of imnor at ion sliull 'a' detained by the officer of customs, an 1 procee lings ta ken against the same under section five oi this act. Sec. 4. That whoever, being an officer, agent, or em tiioyee of i he government ot the Unite I S aces, shall knowingly al 1 or abet any person engage I In anv violation of this act, shati lie deeme I gnlityol amis demeanor, and, on conviction I hereof, shall, for every offense, iiepuuUbe I as pro vides In Be.- ion two of this act. Sec. s. Thai any judge of any lisirlcfor circuit eour. ol the tfnl I S tin-, wi bin the pro-vr .lis-rid, before whom com plaint in writing of any violation of this act shall lie ma le, to the satisfaction of sueh ju Ige, an I founded on knowie bge or bclici, an I, il upon beilof, set ting forth the ground ot Web belief, and sup ortcd by oath or anrtaatlon oi the complainant, may Issue, conformably io the Oonstltn tlon,a warrant direct ed to the marshal, or any depu y marshal, lu the proper district directing him losearofa tor, seize. an 1 take MMMNOtl 01 any such art ic.eor 1 hlng here Inhelnre meniione I. and :o make due and Immediate return I hereof, to ihe cud that the stunt- may lie condemned and desl rov ed by prtK-ee lings, which shall Ik-eon Ittct- fam Me lame manner as other proceed- rr 2 t in .m spizure,umi wii n tlie same rtgnl ol aiqwad or writ of error : vw-irf.Tbat nothing In tblsaectjon shall be construe I us repealing the one hundred and tort y-eigbt h section of the act of which this act. Ugmendatory.ortaaOeol any In dictments DeretOfon found ! offenses against ihe mme, but thasatd mdklments imiy lie nrnset-uiel to judgment as If this ection had not been' enacted. Approved, March S, IU73. General Nat ure -No. 87. AN ACT t( establish a board of local in sectors of Rteam-vessels tor t he wlai om distrUit of Michigan, In the State of Michigan. Me muled ey (at Btmu mat Hmtt t H pr amtattoM of th- UniM 8'at t Am r ica in Cmgr u ammblil, Tha' there shaii lie a local bnarl of Inspectors dcslgna ed an I a'l'xiinte I lor the cus oms ilistrtc'ot Michigan. In the S a e of Mi higan. an ! the insixxeoi-of hulls and the Inspector ol hollers, oomrpfilng ihe said lxmrd, shall receive a salary of nine hundred dollars a venreach. ' Approved, March, 1878. (Genera) Nature No. 88, AN ACT to amend an not entitled "An net to pro. i le lor ho te leni'il Ion and -nlcot Ian Is held by the Uni el 8 a m uncle ihe several U) levying direct tuxes, and for o her purposes. ' .' i a i ' ii ft' ft 8 ml- an1 Il wo S ir I n an- n ft Cm f 8m: Am r i n 'n Q i( r era w'' Thai see Ion six of an act entitle I -An act i provide for he re lemn Ion and sale of lauds held bj Ihe United H ates under ihe several in-' levying direct taxes, and lor o her pur-isi-i-s" approved June elghitt, eigb ecu linn Ired and seventy-two, lie amended so that it will rea lasfoliows: "St-e. il. Thai all money derived from the sale of achool-iarui ianda under t lie provisions of sec Ion cu-ht of an act enti tled 'An act to continue In force and to amend an it entitled "An act to es ftbllsh a nnreau for I be relief of tree linen an! refugees, unci for o her mirtMises," a--pi-ovedJuiy sixteenth, eiglitJCii hundre and sixty-six: an I ad lion Is purctuiwd wi It the proceeds Ol suvh, an I all moneys derive I from the lenses of sat I s.-htMv-farm lan Is by ihe ilirnct-ax toui-uilssionei-s for the district o Son h Caro lina, under the instruct ton sol President Lincoln, dale l Septem'airstxtuen u,eight ecu bun lie 1 an I sixty-three, aha,l ' lurned over to iheSncreiarj 01 ihe Treas ury by the olhcers ol the govciiunciu, in wltosecn tidy sal 1 money an I lion lima) H-: an I i-ui 1 moneys sliafi be by sai 1 Si;, reary In vested iii 'wind- ol he United s n es an l with siiil aforenamed ixfnds shall tie by him re allied as a fund for i he nsean l sntipori of free public schools m le- parishes of Siiim Aelena, and Sain Luke, Sou b Caro.lna. in equal parte, tht in.etvs. ol which -hai annually in.-it-a-i be efficiency of any tree pu wio , ikmi -es abitshed and susiainc 1 in sai 1 twlshcs byau horny of sail 8 ate, If -audi school -hah exist :o berwtsuai the discre lonoi the eomm'a doners herelnaf'er named; and such e iendi uresshalflie ma le under the direction an I conirolof aspcclal boar i oi three commissioners, who shall la-un-polnte I by an I a- nn ler ihe ell rout ion ol I be Secretary Ol lie Treasury, and reilinv a ile at bis discre Ion, and stmll lie duly sworn that they will fal hfntjy disc harge h.-ir duties as such commissioners, an I -bil l give such goo 1 an I stiificicu! lioiidS iberelorassal tseet-e aryshai require, and diey shall not receive lUOre him one iiiin- Irei dollars Per v. at- each for their ser vices: also, that tlie not sot the direct- ax commissioners for ihe dls-rlct ol sou ii Carolina, here olore perfortuu I in accor I ance wi b the ins rue ions of Abraham UiKO.n, President of i lie United 8 a e-ol Ameidce, io the direct nx-.oniiui-sioncis fori he tlisirict of Sou b Caroiina, da el September sixteen. h. elgh een hundre I and sixty-three, and he same are hereby continue tar as tin y re ate ;o I he wmt Ingot the scbiMii-fa nns, so called, in the sal I parishes, and the disbursement of the nroceeds ilicix-of." Thte act Shall be sub ject io amendment or repeal al the pleas ure of Congress. At pro . ed, March 3, 1S73. General Natnre -No 89. AN ACT lor the creation of a court of ad judication and disposition of certain moneys received into the treasury under an award made by the tribunal Of arbi tration constituted by virtue of ihe tlrs; article of tbetrea yeonciuded at Wash ington iheeUfbihof May, anno l.omini eigh een hundred and seven y-one, tween the United 8 atesof Amcric-uand the tjueen of Ureal Britain. B' il enact tlby th- 8 mil - and Houieqf R prtxeKattt t ij th Pnihit 8 at Am ieo m CoHfr .w OMimU d, 'that immedi ately ujion tlie payment ol the sum oi money awarded uiihe United 1 he tribunal ofarbiiru ion at Geneva toiie paid by the governmeni of Great Britain, the same shall he paid Into the treasury, and use I io redeem, so iar as it may, the public debt of the United States, and the amount equal to the debt so redeemed sban be Invested in l be 9 ve per cent, regis tered lionds of the United States to lie be.d subject to tlie future disposition of Con- " Approved, March 3, 1S73. General Nature-No. 90. AN ACT to place colored persons whoen listed in Hie army on the same tooling as other soldiersaStO loun.yand pen sion. B Hi-natied by the 8 nac ami Ham R j,r smta.n: sij .h United Htat I ef Amel ia in (Xnffrw Am mtttrd, 'limt all colore t Ixt sins who emlsted m the army din-in. the la e war, aud who are now prohibited from receiving bounty an I pension on ac count of being borne on the robs of their regiments as "slaves,'1 shall be p.ucedon the same footing, as tolsmnty and H-il- tlon, as thougli ilteyliad not been slaves a. Ihe date ol iheirentis menu Approved, Marcli 3, lt(73. General Nalurc No. 91. AN ACT llxtng the lime of holding tlie fall term ot the Uui.u I States district conn ion he districi nf Nebraska. Be i' 'taaetud by 8tm ami ikum- ij B pr n.n i- x -ij ift- Unit itSti m.f .iniT isa in ('(, m tutembltiL Thai ihc ;a.. term of the UnliedS a cs d'.s. ii 1 court Ini the district oi Nebraska slm.i hereaf icr tie held at Uuutha unon the llrst We lues tat alter the weon I Tneadaj lu the momb iii Ucioboroi each year. Approve I. March 3, l73. General Nature- No. 92.J AN ACT re a lug to the collection district ot Southern Oregon. Be il huc'iI fc.i (A - Sna'- and om-ri B jr venti ii iaj ft - PnH d Sauti-f Am-r- ieuiit Carter kkuu mtttd, Tim' nil i ue pons, harimrs, wys, rivers, aud waters ol ihe main (and or all thai ponicrn of the sne of Oregon lying south and east of the north bank of the Sluslaw river, sliall eon stitutea collection district by ihe name ot the sou t hem collection district of Uiegon; and a port of entry shall be, and hereby is, established for said district ui Coos bay, in i . km comity: of said State : and a collector of customs shall Iwiaunointod by the Pres ident of the United s ale-, bv and villi the adViee ami consent Of the Senate, to reside at Kmplre ( liy. See. i. That ports of delivery shall lie, and are herein , established In Ihe collec tion district aforesaid, at ihc mouth ot Ifngne river, Port orford, out at Gardner, on the Umjxiua river: and Hie col list or ol customs of said district Is hereby author ized to appoint, with the appi o'tnt ion of the Secretary of the Treasury, three dep uty collectors, to lie stationed at the pons of delivery aforesaid. HecS. That the collectorof said district shall lie allowed a compensation of one thousand dollar per annum, with the tees allowed by law, and a commission m all customs money collected and aeconnted tor bv him, sueh sa'ary, commissions and fees no' to exceed he sum of two ihon anl Ive bun Ire I do.lars'H'r annum land al 1 lt"iiiMHilecforsslialleach he allowed II conr-ensuilon of one tltoueanu dollars su- annum. Approve I, March 17, 1873. General Na'ttro No. 93.) AN ACT 'o "revile for Hie payment. In irotd, of c-er aln wages to seamen in for eign countries, II- l tine' 1 by ' tStio'- and Hum- of it ,ir m ii-'tlit- it h ITnll d 8nt x t-f . Ini'T- ftl in O ntrn am mbl d. That moneys ! pal 1 iiler the laws of 'be United S u t"1. I by the fltrec'lon of consular officers or ! n'-en's, a' any foreign "ort or place, as wa res, nx'm or o herwise, due American amen, simll Is-'-aid m gold ori scipiiv alent, wl hout any tied net Ion whatever, any contract to the contrary notwitb stan Hug. Approved, March 3, 1873. DRY GOODS. KTC. OA 1 e 9 1 0 W 1 S n. k."J 10 - -5 ; O -0 r. U IS ftj 1 ii s tt 0 s s 0 0 4 5 9 .2 V I p "! w f Sk y e W H S S"Pi m - - .t sa o a H 0 i s a H 0 e x i s ?3 w a t If ? fog 153.0 s 4 5 Jo S ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALFANY, OREGON, Manufactures S.eam Engines, Flour and Saw .tluchln cry, wooli working And AGRICULTURAL MACHIKERY, Aud all kinds of IRON AND I1KASN t ASTIMJS. Pnrt lcular nttpnt ion paid to repairing nil klndsof machinery. 4U-3 2r,ooo I rntcE So!dYear!y!t$110 We win agree to deliver these machines n Albany, Oneyon, for the above price. Send your order o TRBAHWELL A CO., San Ffancisco, and the machine will be tromptly shipped as dlmtcd. Price at oar store, $K MrStef Ii lowers DRUGS. ETC. murder In Albany HASNKVER VKT BEEN KNOWN, AND no threat enlns of it at present. Death Is a thing which sometime must befall everv son and daugliterof the human fam ily; and yet, At the Mid-day, Of your life, it disease lays bis vile hands upon yotl, I here is -c. ill "a babl! in (iilend," by which von may be restored (o perfect Health, and prolong your days to a miracu lous extent. How ? By calling on It. C. HILL & SO, With a prescription, where you can have i' compounded bv oneexpcrionced In tha particular line. Also, cons'anfly on hand a ond assortment of fresh drafts, patum medicine, chemicals, taints, oils, dye stutft, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrnt l I nit Weill Keiuedy, Or, Oregon Ubeumatte Cure; Pr. D. Jayni ,t Son' medicines, etc. Sis'iKv's positive and Ne a'ive I'owder- kepi in stofek. Alsoagenis for ihe Howe Shuttle Kewlllff nnelilne. One of the mos' useful pieces ol houschol (ttrrtlt ure extant. Call and examine K C Hli.l, St SON. AHianv, dune 1(1, 7!-Hn;S EO. P. iSETTLESIIEK, DRUG (MST. (Successor to I). V. Wakctlnldl, Parriah'a New IliiiluiiiK, First Street ALBANY, OUEGfjN. Deulcr in DRUGS AN D MBIHCIN ES. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, nnd of tin 'test quality. Pbvsicians prescriptions carefully com KiiiHded. Albnnv.Oet. 17, 1868-tltf A. CAR0THER8 & CO., -Dealers in- llllMit il.V OILS, 1MIMS, DVIX til.AVS, I.AMPM, ETC., All the isiiular PATEXT MEDICIE, KINK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO. notions PEHFUMEKY, and Toil t iioixls. Particular can' and promptness riven I'liysleians' prescriptions and Family Rec ipes. A. CABQfflEBS A CO, Allinny, Or0goH4vA STOVES ANDTINWAHK THE OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIG OS, Dealer In RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES! Of the bct pal I eras. ALSO : TIN, NIIKKT I HON ANTM OP PER WARE, And the usual assortment of furnishing goods to bo obtained in a tin store. Repairs neatly and promptly executed, on reasonable tonus. Short reckoning make lonf friends, FRONT STREET, ALBANY. (De. , WRM A l)VEKTlSEM-rm--- General Bnsiuess Iiisurance Agent, Notary jPnlolio. Cl'KCTAL ATTKMTioN iven to the ad O judication ot accounts, Collections made In all parts of . lu- m ate. Office nexl door above Bee Hive Store, first si ret-,. Albany, Oregon. vtmaO MAHBLE VV0KK8. WOSiROK X TAIGER, lcalers in ufounmentS) Obelisks, Tombs, Head anil Eoos Stouos, Executed in raliftirnlu, V rmmil am! Italian Naible SALEM, OUEtiOX. UHAMII SHOP Al AMIA5Y. OUT OF THE FIRE! T-IIAI'I'Y TO (NKORJI lll Nlt.Ml 1 nui friends, pa rons,und the iitiiuie M Hit- In tcncral, that lie lias THE Ifii.tivKMN' Booh okk, AT 19 FIRST STREET, ISKXT Tt) l-KXTlt.Vt. JfARKETl w itli a OOmplUtO slock of elioo! Hooks, Statloiieiy-, lil ink Books, Uold i' ns, t oll rj. Ac, Ae.. Which he will dlpose of at rile Ijow I We SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the popular il-WSPAPLRS AMI piAtiAZIKKHt which will lie delivered In any part ol the rlly. Portland, Feb, 7, 1873-Kltf Arctic Soda. HA VINT. All l:l VASTLY TO OUR faclil les lor d Ispenslnjr this deliKbt- and licai li-;;i Ing lsnete, we would immun e io our tornicr ;'o nuts, and the an v m iii ui'. j.-.hai wearefully pre) ared . (-in one of those elegant Tuf t's Aretlu Foisnluins, o supply Soda of Ihc Ih-s; qualliy in un ini e-l qnanlitles tnull who may'favor i villi a call- LOTTLtD SODA! Sarsaparilla! WILL, DURING THE 3PKING and SUMB1SR, a- delivered to families ordering through out i be ell y. benlers Ntipplied nt Mhernl Rate. A. UAHC'TIM I'S ,V- CO., REWARD ro:i an Incnra'j-Ic Case! Xe:.. lz eickau's GOLDCTJ E) A LOAM I Aft- tea yranf trial on tLlaCotsthu proven Its.-:ftji onlyi urr.tiveinaet t'tinclom of dlsessas prtinotmeod by mceiesl l'ractltioD era ua iuccuulilo. foMMi GjLDHN EALrAHKo.i cures Chancres r.rit on I Mwnnd n'rp s.Snrcson ihsIiogstirBudy! Bom Ears, I ves, Kcss, te.j Oopjor.solorod 111 u lit n, t --' .. Ct.Uurh, Dlsmuitid Snip, end r.n rrsi : y rms of the clisca-,0 ten iwa as By.iu.lld. ttlce. JU per hot tin, or tw in- SJ. D.L?Ei3!i:a,sC-Ln.K!!'ILiHKo.2 eurts Tertiary, M.-r-ur Uil!-,- Ill.cnma (I! N. i . ih, I.r.mi ' ile- limbi, m fue system, i CtlUSI lit e uutl Ittitl hv. tisai. Piwsia lies Coni i . ccnt.-d 8-ro Tlirvtt, By; itnJ.iJjntm-i'd c ..-.:s, r.nd ersdlcstoi all ills , whether caused by illdll mercurr lstiitia the bid Wico, ij )x buttle, cr t ! . ;:. Da Ls Bilbao's GILDCN SPANISH ill tidole, for tht (Juro rf OoBlierhc fib et Irrf- latio-i, uravt't, uart ell l i t.: tlisarrans-jmcu's. Price, $.'.."0 ) , ir (tmiul rlottln. Dr. Le Rrlnu's GMIiFK J VAISISH IK- )t--tl n, asnsli snd injicfle- f r icvi re eutu of (lju-ior'ii'.i,Iti'U- i-iitctyrit-1, iilrlrtnns. nnd all (Ussisas of llui Iiicjicja iud Bladder Prion, iWi par bJttle. Alw Agents ft D3, 1 S GCIDEI PILLS S n-nl-.fl V ..),-,... . KHt Emit sions, Impotnn.-y, and r ! I w't tminit from Usstnrlwttan wd flvB i i-. ) tire, ft pr b ittle. The R -nnins Ccuiui I! alum it put uponlTla roti-ul but'Vu. On re.-ipt of priff, tlti mrdlrlnes lrllf b9Knttoallp-r!sof that entry, lm nxri-i er mad,-ee-ur-iy pocked ana tree frum obw. TMUIU. DUIO AJJ-nUI, wbnlMola tad rW'.-Ms tod t sad 1UOBM JS m Arm o i-. fit. l iry k P-utl MssMS.Nta risMlstsCsg 7 ..'