The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 06, 1873, Image 1

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    L P Fisher
NO. 40.
DctKi In tlic Air.
A Lisbon letter, dated Inly l'th.
1S72, ' that :i couple of (la y agn.
that Iteantitul city wa thrown Into u
state f great excitement by the mul
slen nffivnl of a transatlantic guer.
who tliil tint come by steamer, httt
through the air. SMM fldtermeii
who were living in a little vil age two
"legties" from Lisbon were tinning
their piscatorial oCetiMtloti early in
the morning, wlieil they saw n sight
which untie them shiver. From the
west there came, carrlttl by the mor
ning breeze. Un iting through the air a
huge hotly, 'flie 8 iper'titliHH rldier-
meii thought it va- the "Hying
Dutchman" or some other supeinat
ural thing. Mo they lied to the shore.
The bill loon, for such it was. came
nearer ami nearer the shore, dipping
it's anchor in the waves. On the shore
the anchor caught hold, anil some
courageous men from the village, who
at last dared to approach It, fastened
and secured the balloon, in which they
found two dead bodies, that ot a
young, lovely woman, and of a mulatto
man. The head of this mulatto was
penetrated with revolver balls, and his
right shoulder was torn into pieces, as
It something had gnawed the tle-li olt
It. The young woman was lying ou
the bottom of the car, with open
mou'h and ghastly opened eyes.
The Coroner was summoned, and
an inqiust held. On the mulatto there
was nothing found which coultl tend
to explain the mystery. Hut the oek
etofthe young lady contained
letters, written In the Spanish lan
guage, and at her side, on the bottom
of the ear. was found a book a sort of
a diarv. The letters were addressed
toSigun-a Angelina Itysworth, (Jille
de bo.ivar, Caracas, liy these letters,
it was shown that the balloon had
crossed the Atlantic Ocean, as Caracas
ia a city in the Republic of Venezuela,
South America.
But the diary contained yet more in
formation, which threw a glaring light
over tlie whole mystery.
The diary commenced three yean
Hgo. It gives in brief notes a graphic
sketch of love and jealousy. The
maiden name of the young woman was
Angelina Merida. She had inauv ad
mirers, Iml did not love any of them.
One of the young men who was most
desperately in love with her was a
mulatto, Daniel Fignola. The diary
gives a detailed account of bis as
sionate and luipctWoiH wooing. She
did not love him nay. she hated
and despised him. Infur ated by her
resistance to his wishes lie defeinined
that she slion'd be his by any means.
Once when she went tocbili'ch she was
suddenly titled up and thrown into a
coach which rapidly drove away. But
her loud cries for help were heard by
an Englishman named By worth, who, J
with two other men, rushed to her I
assistance, stopped the coach by shoot
ing one of the horses, anil liberated
her trout the 1ictnlili mulatto,
Itysworth was tin Englishman, as I
saitl before, ami tin toroimut. lie made
a very good living at Caracas, in a
garden his balloon was fastened to
heavy Anchors, mid let up and down
with passengers who wanted to look
down on mother earth from a til-1 nice
of about five hundred yards. Sigimra
Angelina describes him in her diary
us a man of fine physique and rare
beauty. HI hair ami mustache were
of the light blonde color, which is so
much admired by the Spanish Ladies.
She fell in love with liitn anil lie with
her. They were married. Now the
rage of the mulatto, Daniel Flgnola,
knew no bound, lie foamed witli
fury and vowed revenge.
Time went on. itysworth and his
wife lived happily together. Signora
Angelina used sometimes to go up in
the balloon with lady passenger.
One day, when she had just stepped
into tin; car. and everything In readi
ness for an i.scension. the. mulatto,
quick at lightning, pushed his way
through the crowd of tallies surround
ing the balloon, jumped into the car
and cat the rope. It was the work of
a moment, The balloon ascended
rapidly, amid the shrieks of the un
fortunate Angelina, and soon disap
peared from thesigbtof the terrified and
thunder struck spectators among whom
was tlie aeronaut, Mr. Hysworth, al
most frantic with grief. Alone in the
air with her cruel foe, what a terrible
late for the poor Angelina!
But she was a courageous woman.
When the black scoundrel approached
her, she snatched a revolver, which
was always placed In a pocket of tlie
cur, and blew Ills brains out.
But what now to do Alone she was
alone In mid air. The Atlantic
Ocean rolling its heavy waves a couple
of thousand yard under her feet. No
one to help her; no one to free her from
this terriui") and miserable position.
Day after day the balloon continued
if j voyage aero' the At'antic; day j
after (lav the doomed woman honed to I
sec tin end of her miseries, but none ever known
came. She had nothing fn eat. nothing
to drink. When she iaed six day
and night; without fond, the hunger
made her desperate, she attacked the
corpse of the mulatto, and gnawed the
fledl from the deatl man's should, r.
lint only tor a few moments. The
odor of the corpse was too terrible.
Bather die than eat human flesh'"
she wt lies in her diary. This hook
was Iter only solace; slie knew that die
was going to die. hut she wanted that
her beloved husband should know her
fate: know that she died nniiolluted.
and with only one thought -that of
m etingluiu, her all. in Heaven.
This diary, written between heaven
and earth, is a masterpiece of female
The corpses of the beautiful Angel
ina Itysworth and the beastly Daniel
Flgnola were yesterday interred in the
Church of Sot than.
The murdered murderer occupies a
grave alongside of his victim.
Nothing could better Illustrate the
necullar rottenness that i ant to be
long to American bo due operation
than Hie failure recently of a real
estate broker in a neighlmriusr city,
lie was admitted to the Board of Bro
kers about a year ago; began bis
operations, according to his own
showing, with not a thousand dollars
of capital and no hacking, purchased
two magnificent residences, furnished
them after the fashion of any other of
nnr trailing prince of taste, with the
usual back ground of velvet carets,
etc.. to throw Into relief the fine
bronzes, pictures, and mantles, Ills
advertisement blotted out those of all
other brokers; his horse and carriages
outvied all other equipage in the park:
he thing diamond and costly bijou
terie on every side with the reckless,
lies of a sultan, spending $'1,000 in
finis alone during last Su i liter's heat
to cool and console hi fair friends.
When tlie end of his brief and brilliant
career was reached Iks was in the act
of building a palatial marble banking
lion, and had jint purchased several
squares of ground in the heart ot the
Now. the Kint ot this story 1 not
the magnitude of the swhidle, for
beside some of the exploits of our own
sharpers it sinks into insignificance;
but the tact that the fellow, from his
architect to hi washerwoman, paid
nobody, and that his creditor one .and
ail. whether they sold him a palace, an
advertisement, or a tan, were readv to
trust him. The man had absolutely
no capital but impudence and audacity,
and they knew it. He had not come
from abroad with a factitious reputa
tion as a moneyed man; but in the
sight of them all quitted a miserable
little shop, where the sheriff sold him
out for two or three hundred dollars,
and opened a business repiiring a
capital of millions. Tlie moral points
itself. These people expected to get
their money back again. Nobody
certainly, was tniiitlcd to confer
marble dwellings, antique bronzes,
coats, hoots, or newspaper puff on
bun gratis. They expected him to
succeed because they knew by experi
ence that impudence and audacity are
as goo I capital as a man can have in
the present condition of tin country.
They carry him but for a hort time,
perhaps, but they do carry him. They
reckoned no doubt that chances were
that this adventurer, beting, no doubt,
a gnoduatured hs well a vain fellow,
would pay his first friend out of his
first windfall. That they reckoned
without their host is so mucfi more
their fault than their misfortune, mat
we really have no more sympathy with
them than their debtor.
The mere fact that such a career is
possible among so shrewd a people a
ours shows that there Is something
exceeding! v rotten in tlie state. When
oiir rulers, men with a great reputation
A Wild Pigeon Koont In Jlnry
Pmbnbly the lar$Pt pigeon roost
in Maryland is now
existing on the farm of Sir. Win.
Schley, near Oakland', in lleghnny
county: the pigeons collect nightly
on a tract of ground covered with
alder hushes, occupying ah.nit six
acres. The pigeons first appeared
about ten thy ago in countless
flock. The Cumberland News
says: "The iufWkmg pigeons
gradually settled down upon the
hushes, until thev were be .t to the
ground by the weigLftof the bi ds.
Mill mure pigeons mne flying in
from distant points, and continued
to settle down umiii the already liv
ing mass, until the whole five or
six acres were comwctly covered.
So great was the number of lards
that they were piled upon each
other in places from oik to two feet
in depth. The pigeons continued
Hocking in and settling upon ami
among each other from about 4
o'clock in the afternoon until night
fall, when at last they becamu still,
and prepared fur their nights rest.
With the early dawn of the
momi g dock after nVk arose and
dew away in all directions, which
dciaftures were continued until
about 9 o' clock when the place was
deserted, and not a living bird to
be seen during the remainder of the
day, until toward evening, when
they again began docking back to
the same roosts and the scene of the
evening liefure was again to lie
witnessed. All this has occurred
daily Kir the past, ten dap. It is
estimated that all the Hocks ot pig
eons tor perhaps lifty orsixty miles
around thus gather at this one spot
each evening during their annual
migratory visit to the immense for
est reigons of the Alleghany Moun
tains in quest of the heavy mas of
acorns abounding there. I his is the
ou y most known this season in this
or any of the bordering counties, and
is, prehaps, the only o e within a
circle of seven hundred miles. It is
a well estab ished tact that these
birds have but une roosting place
within a very large territory, and
in their transit te warmer latitudes,
and during their stoppage by the
way. use one place only as a roost
at night. At this wonderful roost,
on Col Schley's place, thousands
and thousands of pigeons have been
nightly captured by men and boys,
with gnus, clubs, anil bags. After
nightfall a person can go among the
birds and scoop them into the
mouth of a bag. It is needless to
add that thousands of them have
lieen wantonly shot, anil allowed to
remain upon the ground, where
thev died. Baltimore Gazette,
Oct. 11.
Hatter Exciting.
There is absol'ite v no safe way
to carry a pistol except to carry it
without a charge. A young man
lot a wi'erecet.tiv bv trusting to
the directions of a 'riei.d who told
him how he could carry a pistol
without danger. His Marv Jane
resided some distance rom the city,
and he hail a great horror of dogs,
mi he put his revolver in the hip
mcket of his Sunday clothes one
evening when he started to see her
The prospective mother-in-law met
him at the door and told him to
take the rocking-chair, and as' he
(lid so, the reiKirt ofhre-Brms caus
ed the old ladv to scream and fall to
.i. ii . . ...i t .. . .
uie uoor, wniie a nre in the rear
claimed Charles Henry's attention
ami consumed portion of his liest
doeskin 1 small." The ladv swoon.
ed, the girl ran it forgetting her
disordered hair and dress, ami fb
lowed her mother's example.
The old ican and his double-listed
boys ran in, and seen g mother and
daughter lying ou the floor, went
hr that young man, and he went
through the window, carrying sash
and glass with him as he went. A
dog, aroused by the noise, made
for the fugitive, who in his turn
made for the city, about a mil and
a-half or two miles distant, empty
ing his revolver at the dog as he
went. The dog was dead tiir that
young man in more than one sense,
rbr he dare not approach the house
now lest the old man may revenge
the loss of his dog on him. Mad
he only shot the old woman he
would have been forgiven, but the
old man says Ik? will iwver forgive
the murderer of hi" dog. If any one
asks that young man how he likes
Amanda .lane, he says that her
nerves are too delicate for a coun
try girl, and betrays an anxiety to
drop the subject, but he confided to
a friend that in sitting down the
hammer of his revolver caught on
the arm of the rocker, and it was
in that way discharged, whereupon
that house and his clothes became
too hot tor him. EoamoiUe Journal.
Sbndino Dkv Goods bv Mail.
The parcel postal 'aw which
went into o)ieratioii .iu'y 1, 1872,
provides that packages of dry goods,
hardware drugs(e.xcept liquid drug),
and other merchandise, not exceed,
ing twelve ounce in weight, may he
mailed to any part of the United
States at a charge of two cents for
each two ounces or fractions of two
ounces. Much time and money
will be saved by this arrangement.
'!lln nviii'od' n.niinnoi.u' Inmdliil of
to endanger, are not proof against I . " J; .
lid not every "St iun.y wiius lor mu u.imsjiou
temptation, why should not every
petty broker have hi share of the grab
gamer" N. Y. Tribune.
Henry M. Smith, the wealthy
New York banker, is building a
new steam yacht, which will have
accommodations tor twenty passen
gers and a full crew, and is expect
ed next Summer to make a voyage
across the Atlantic and up the Med
iterranean. It is to cost $350,000,
and a $1,700 piano is beii g con
structed tor the grand saloon.
Govener Dix has signed the bill
providing tor the annexation of
Westchester county to New York.
atioiiofa package, however small,
tor any distance, i he department
has lost, up to this time, by the sys
tem. This is owing to the fact that
the people have not availed them
selves of it advantages, which is
probably due to the tact that it is
not yet universally known. It,
takes lime to get such facts bsfbre
the people. In the multitude of
items cast before them every day,
such a one as this stands a good
chance to lie buried tor a long while.
Cincinnati Gazette.
G. F. Train is to sue the city ot
N. Y. tor $100,000 damages.
Who is siik? The New York
Telegram gives publication to the
fid'owing, ami the popular mind is
engaged in looking about and try
ing to fix upon some one who will
ti 1 1 the bill. The name, if it has
been ascertained, Irs not been an
nounced to the public: "There is
a Senator in Washington who has
been utterly ruined, politically, and
worse, by his wife. We shall not
here give his name She admitted
that his political ruin was due to
her. She must shine in society,
lie could not afford it honesty, but
she must have a house costing 840.
000 or so. Men asked how he
could do all this ou his limited in
come, and the answer destroyed him.
There began to be whispered that
all his show, suieriiidiiced by the
insane society ambition of his wi'e,
meant corruption, and the suspicion
was fatal. That political death
has been followed by his complete
moral ruin in the late investiga
tions. This is only suggestive; it
is only oncase in hundreds, of those
swallowed up by the remorseless
vortex which society in Washing,
ton has made for the weak and gid-
An Indianapolis girl of wealth
and respectable family, and herself
well educated, married a gamb'er,
some jears ago, just because he
was good-looking. She died in an
Iowa poor-house, a few days since.
and was buried with the unclaimed
Captain E O. Thompson of the
Twelfth United States Infantry is
ordered to report to the Superintend
ent ot Kecrmting Service. New
York city, to accompany a detach
ment of recruits to the Pacific Coast.
Uncle Joh mid the Dt'iwon.
Deacon 1). was very much inter
ested in a re ival that was taking
place in the neighborhood, and, as
a consequence, was continually urg
ing lit neighlmrs to 'come over on
tlm Lord's side,' a he expressed it.
He had hequent y importuned an
old neighbor of his who was not
particularly noted for his profession
of religion, hut was nevertheless
highly resiected by all who knew
him to attend o' e of their evening
meeting. Now the piety ana
honesty ot the deacon was a matter
of doubt among his fellow towns
men, and particularly so with the
old man above mentioned, who, for
convenience sake, we may call Un
cle Josh.
After repeated calls, Uncle Josh
consented to accompany the deacon
to one ot the meeting, and accord
ingly accompanied him to the
'school house' one evening much to
the surprie of all present. In the
course of the evening the deacon
arose with a penitential counten
ance to tell his experience. He
was the prince of sinners, he said.
It he got his deserts he would be
banished forever from divine favor.
U'ter making himself out to be all
that is vile according to his interpre.
tatiou of 'he that humbleth himself
shall be exalted,' he sal down with
the sublime sense of having done
his duty, and asked Uncle Josh if
he wouldn't tell his exnerienoe.
With wane reluctance he meekly
arose amid the breathless attention
of the assembly.
It was an unknown occurrence
for Uncle Josh to speak in meeting.
lie sanl be had listened with great
interest to the remarksof the deacon,
ami he could assim the brethren
that, from his long acquaintance
with htm he could fully endorse all
the deacon had said concerning his
meanness and vileuess, for he was
certainly the meanest man he ever
knew I he wrath of the deacon
was terrific. He shook his fist un
der Unc e Josh's nose, and exclaim
ed: 'You area confounded liar,
and I'll whip you as soon as you
get out of church!'
deii. -The Cleveland Leader says
the to lowing was sent by a well
known gent eman of that city, and
his recipe is e- titled to cousidera
toiu: Use five eggs for each barret,
and beat them well, yolks and all,
and pour them into the bu ighole,
stir well with a stick, and add a
spoonful of coarse salt. In about
two weeks the cider will be as clear
as crystal, and of a light amber
color. Those who like sweet cider
can drink it while new, hut fermen
tation will be immediately arrested
at any desired time. It will keep
in the same state for years, if drawn
off down to the sediment and put
into a clean cask, which should be
none after it becomes clear; but
without that process it will keep
fr a year, but lose some of its fine
flavor unless separated from the
mast and dregs at the bottom.
A Jehu in a drab overcoat ap
proached the arrivals on a night
train, and, in a voice smooth as
oil, said, invitingly, "Will thee
have a carriage?" Of course the
brethren speedily filled his vehicle.
But when the next query came,
"Where's thou't baggage?"' they
saw the deception, and, with great
disgust, as qnickly clambered out
again. The funniest part of it alt
is that the hackman to this day can
not account for the sudden change
in the manner of his passengers, and
fail to see where the laugh comes
in- New York tun.
The Canadian, Parliament has
adjourned until the 13th ot August