a ALBANY REGISTER. PACIFIC I'OANT NEW". On Thursday of lt week Mr. Church's residence in Portland va nearly eonsnmed by fire. Inurapee on the l.iHc aixl fiirniture amounted to .000. covering all loss.- Joseph Henrv. of San Francisco, commuted suicide ou the 9th by tak ing polon. Portland m five h reveries, seventy-five saloons and only one sausage fiictery. The Bulk'in fays a Chinese firm in Portland i purchasing large qnantl ties of flour for shipment to Hong Kong. From the Statesman we learn that the body ot Peter Cue. an intelligent young German peddler, was found dead on Soap Creek a few day5 ago. He Is supposed to have been mur dered for his money. An immigrant with ten children ar rived on the last steamer. Ben Holladay has presented two silver trumpets to the Oregon City Fire Deartinent. Two wolves killed ten sheep for Mr. ff alker. of Yamhill a few days ago. They ate a part of each, aiid hur led the rest for future nse. Mr. Walker salted the buried portions with strychnine, and one meal more was enough for those wolves. East Portia iid is to have a fish mar ket. Eggs in Walla Vt'alla were 8 cents per dozen and ham 15 cents per pound hut week. A Utah justice chargMf a jnryas fol lows: "Yon kin go out and find a ver dict If yon ca"t find .me of your own. get the one the jury lat used.'" The jury returned a verdict of suicide in the ninth degree. About $00 worth of work has been done on the camp ground owned by the Mthodits at Canby. The Stite.imin of last week nays: A singular accident occurred to a little gtl Edith Miner near the Fair rounds, yesterday. She was playing with a gun cartridge, picking it with a pin. when it exploded, the ball cutting off the four lingers off be left hand and the thumb of the right hand. Brigham Young Boy the Modoes did to the Commissioners jnst what they thonght was being endeavored to be done to them. He says lie endorses Grant's Indian policy so far as it cor rects abuses and fends to lasting peace, and to the civilization of the Indians. Ochecn, Cliief of the Snake band of Piutes. h to remove his people lioni the vicinity of the lava bed. where they have been during the winter, to camp Warner. He lias been a formidable enemv in former Indian wars, but will not sdd Captain Jack. lie oilers some of his warriors to fight the llodocs. Gov. Booth, of Cal.. pardoned the boy Sampson, sentenced to tlie prison for one day, for killing John Wilson. John Fabre, a Frenchman, was found dead in his bed at San Francisco, on the 8th. Petalunia. Cal., is rejoicing over ripe cherries. San Diego. Ca! ladies stuff their pauiers with sea-moss. Indians are. reported impudent and saucy on Burnt river. Oregon, and ou Snake river, near the mouth of the Weiser, in Idaho. lAt Sunday some unlawful shoot ing was done near Booster Rock, on the Columbia river. E. J. Taylor peppered k man named Allison with buckshot. The Sheriff now holds Taylor. The Statenm-m says the Capitol Oom ' missiouers have not yet adopted any plans tor the State building. On the 11th a party of five Indians entered leptha Harrison's house, about eight miles from Walla Walla, and threateningly demanded matches and tobacco. Harrison ordered ri.ein out and closed the door; The Indians at tacked the bouse and broke down the door three times. Harrison managed to knock two down with a hatchet, when a third came to their assistance with a pistol. Harrison closed with him and a severe struggle took place for the pistol, when the Indian being about to get the Ixl of it, Harrison's daughter picked up the hatchet and struck him twice on the head, which laid him out. Immediately after the alarm was given, the neighborhood collected and the five Indians wore captured. Two succeeded in maki::g their escae on the road to town, but the balance were lodged in jail. Har rison aays over seventy Indians art camped In the ueighlxlrliood. and he is collecting arms to take home with him. On the 7th lust. Governor Grover telegraphed Gen. John K. Boss, of Jacksonville, as follows : "Besides the men sent you, Baker will raise a sepa rate company in Douglas county. These, with Mason's companv in the Basin. I think will be enough. 011 frey Is tilling Brook's requisitions for supplies in PortlaiMl to-day. Baker trill our lit his men in Eosebu'rg." Baker county H organizing a mill Ury company Capt. John Smith, of the Warm Springs Reservation, writes to an ex change: "The Indians of this reser vation perfectly quiet airrl atten tive to their own pursuits. Tliev are much grieved that any rumors should obtain ficlief a to their disaffection. Thev say. is it not enough that we send onr fathers, brothers and relatives to fight for the whiles? What other thing can we do to make the whites believe in ik if offering our lives in their behalf is not enough?" The Rosebmg Pannymph says; "Orders have lieen received for forty mow men for the Modoc service, to protect settlers in this Stale. They are to form a company in connection with those already gone, and elect their own officers." The citizens of Walla Walla county have paid their county tax in full, de linquent and all. and in only one in stance did the Sheriff have to sell property. Two young men at Eugene City, named R. Wan; and lohn Brown, got into a quarrel last Friday, resulting in Ware stabbing brown, it is supposed, mortally. Ware was arrested. A Steilacoom stationer advertises "for sail blank deads, both quitclaim & guarantee bills nv sail, nmrgiges. kotifrnetsaud all kinds ov lege) blanks, exeeptin lawyers." Three men engaged in digging a grave in Umatilla county. tlie 23d ulf disgraced themselves by getting into a Denver. Colorado, is bothered with wild Texas cattle, rushing through the streets and bawling for something to eat. Some of tiieni belong as far as 75 miles from there. The Unlletfn U authority for saying that a firm in that city pays at the rate of $.15,000 a year for a column of advertisements in a Liverpool ship ping paper. Monstrous. t he Capital Library Association of Salem has opened its rooms to the public. It has some sixty papers on its tiles. The Sioux Indians are reported as willing to fight the whites, man to man. on open ground. Picking at a giant percussion cap leaves Tommy Levins, of Baker City, one finger the less. Mr. lames Elgin, nine u iles from Saleili, has discovered a bed of iron ore of a rich quality. M. G. Upton, of San Francisco, has been appointed Commissioner of Deeds for Oregon. The Walla Walla Spirit still thinks there is real danger from Indians east of the mountains. The people of Roeburg have putrid sore throat and the horses epizootic. The epizootic lias reached Lewis county. W. T. After a rest of three months Olym pia has bad another earthquake. Judge Mosher gives up the editor ship of the Plainffiiler for the ermine. Portland ladles it is estimated, spend fo.000 a year for false hair. A centnrv plant is preparing to bloom in San Francisco. Salem Mills were paying 75 cents for wheat this week. Tlie Corvaliis Warehouse Company have filed articles of incorporation. Gen. Davis is exiM'etwl at Portland from Yreka this week, They have a live seal in Portland. MISCELLANEOUS. CfMMERCIAL HOTEL, Opera House Bloekt anient, Oregon, MRS. A. J. RIELY, PROP'R. 'T'HIS HOUSK WILL UK KEPT IX FIRST A class order, and with attentive and obliging servants. So Chinese Cooks Employed. 1 am prepared to furnish good accommo dations to the traveling public, and will ipw every endeavor to tneril the patronage of the public. Resjniar boarding at very low rates. CiT free Coach to the house. 24v5 The standard remedy Tor Coughs, In fluenza Hir' Thrift;, W touting Cough, Croup, lAvr Complaint, BrttlKhUU, Jilt uling fit th; lAtng. :in.! every affection of the Throat. Lnngsand Chest, including Con ge M cries. WWW HnKam of Wild cherry does not dry up a (;oiurh. but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and ullavs irritation, thus mooting tlu-vavwof the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Rcrrs. Prepared by Si tii W. KoWLE A 8oks, Bos ton. Sold by Rf mjtuTOK. Htkttkb A Co., San Kraiieisit), and by dealers gen erally. 15v5y (tfn9A per day. Agents wanted! All 9tl9nf classes of working people, of either sex, young or old. make mow mon ey at work for us in their snare moment or nil the time, than at anything else Par ticulars free. Address 0. Stlnson A Co., Pthlland; Maine. mi HARDWARE, W. H. KUHN & CO.. Wholesale and Itetail Dealers in KHKLF AMI IILU I HARDWARE, Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, UAH ant) EMI if MM, HICKORY A OAH SPOKES, HICKORY AXLES, Hardwood Lumber, Beitl Rlsns, Shafts, Poles, Ac., WO OB AMD WILLOW WARE, All of whiolt are now ottered to the pub lic at low rate. As we make the business a specialty, we can and will keen n better assortment, hi lower prices, than any house in t hi city. TT . ri. IV 1 i t A AJ.t Momcith fire-proof brick, first street. Albany, June 14,tt?M!v4 DRY GOODS. ETC. sr e M s CO ft J2 go rO f d 8 Hi Z 7Z j M 2 1 o30 ft a 19 0 0 id? ay 5 7 Strides - y- zi g Mi Si an 9 B 7, e A Jo 'So r a 6 H O1 eVt-H H e a H S - ft 5 0 i s? B 9 ft 5" W sr s It fir1 l 0 e i ft B 5? ALBANY, FOUNDIiY And Machijf Shop, A.F.C'IIERlll Proyrielor. ALP-ANY. OREGON, Manofactiires Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Machin ery? WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of (bum And mum cahtiihj". J lUIF-t' 1 I . US Particular attention paid torepalrmif all kinds 6f machinery 41vJ T2, 3V DRUOS. ETC Murder In Albuny HASNEVKR YKTBEEN KNOWN, AM) no ihrttatening of it at present. Death Is a thing which sometime most befall every son and daughierot the human fam ily ; and yet. At the !Uid-djr, Of your life, if disease lays Iris vile hands iiKin von. there iss ili "a balm in Gfiead," hy whiih von may be rustered tonerfeet heahh. an Ipro.ong yonr days loa miracu lous extent. HO'CIT ? By calling on K. C. HILL & SOX, With ft prescription, where you can hitve ii compounded by oite exrerlencoii in tlia' particular line Also, cons antly on hand a goo I assortment of frc-h Irngs, patent medicines, elicmicalu, aints, oils, dye suttls, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrnt.d Unh Weed Itemrdy, Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cnre ; Dr. 1). Jayne A Sons' medicines, etc, Sneitec's Positive Hint Seratlve Powders kept In stock. Also agents for the Home Shuttle Sewing .naehine, One of the most useful nfoces of household I'unilittre extant. Call and examine It. C. HILL A SON. Albany, June 10,71-40v3 GEO. F. F.TTLEniER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Waketleldl, Parrlsirs Sen Building, FirstSlreet, ALBANY, ORECON. ltcaler Id DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, and of the best quaiity. Physicians prescriptions carefully com pouHded. Albany, tK-t. 17, 1M(-Btf A. CAROTHERS & CO., Dealers In CHENICAIA, OILS, FAIN'CN, DTEN, ULAKS, LAMPN, L"IC, All llwpopuiar PATENT MEDICI L, flNK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIUXN PKItt'CHEKl', and Toilt't Goods. Particular care and promptnfiss given Physicians' prescript ions and Family Rec ix:s. A. CAROTHKR3 & CO. Albany. Orcgon-lv.l STOVES AMDTI N W ARK. OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND ROX, S T O V K S ! of the best patterns. ALSO: TIX. MIKET IRON AXft COP PER WARE, And the nsnal assortment of furnishing goods to be obtained in a tin store. Repairs neatly and promptly executed, on reasonable terms. Nhortreekonluga make longrrienaa, FRONT STREET, AtBAJf ti be. 5, 18W-1 ADVERTISEMENTS. HEKRI F. sAYRS, General BuSiessJiiuiiraace Agent, KTota,ry Fixtolio. QPECIAL ATTENTION tfven tothead- KJ JIMUII ion ot iiiroun.s. made In all pars of tlieS n'c Umee next door above Bee Hive Store, Klrst st reel . Albany, Oregon. v5n30 MAKBLE WtiHKvS. MOROF, .V MTABUER, Healers in MoniiRieuts, Obeiks, Tombiv Head and Foot Stone, Executed in California, Vermont and Italian Mm ble. SALEM, OREGON. HRANCII MIOP AT ALBANY. BLACKSMITHING I -AMI - General Repair Shop rPIIB L'KDERSIMNKI) HAVING ItE A turned id AH any, and taken his old slum on corner ol t.isworth anil Second streets, announces his readiness to attend to ail kinds of BLACKSMITHING MILL & MACIIINR roRU'NU, KTC. Also, has on hsnd and for sa!o, tho COQOILLABD WAGON, Straycr Forcc-tccd GRAIN star moisxv, and other PLOWS WOOD'S fit:. PER & MOWER, which lit vill sell on the most rcasonaMs enns. UORSE SHOEING- -All ronud.$2 Resetting. $1. IVK MK A (AIX. All work entrnited to me will receive prompt attention, mid lie executed in the liesi possible liiunncr, wi h(io6d material. A shan' ot public pn'ronufte i soiidted. fcu shop on con eri; iswor handSbeonJ s; ice s, opposi o Picne's Ki m . lv4 V. woon. Arctic Scda. "ETA VINO Al l 1.1 VASTLY TO trt'R 11 facidiiesor dispensing his dciight' in, and heahh-tflvlnu' beverage, we would unnounec 10 our former nitrons, ami tt nub.ic generally, that w owe fully prei:arid frem one of i hose cIchiii Tuft's Arctic Fountains, to supply soda of (he best quality in nn liml'c'l qnantitles to nil who may favor us with call- BOTTLED SODA! -AKC- Sarsapar'IBal WILL, DURING THE SPRING and SUMMER, be delivered to families ordering through out the city. Ilenlera Kapplled nt Liberal Itnle. A CAROTHIiRS A CO., REWABD FOU AN Incurable Case! XE3. LS EICHAU'S COLDCH tSALCAM! After t.:n ypars' trial an this Tout has proven i.'BjJl'n only curative in anrtainrlats of disease a pr muuiiccd hy medical prectiUon. era as iucuriiblo. , Df.LoBi3h:fl's GOLDEN BALAAM No.i cures Chancres first and rccond s'rgcs, Sores on thsLrgsorBjJy; Sjro Ears, Tycs, Kcse, tc. Cjp;r."obred Blotches, Pyj-hllltlc CaUrrh, Dlwas d BMlp, un l nil primi ry fcrma f th diseaso kn w:i i SyphiliB. Price, $0 per hot tie, or twj fjr $3. Df.LiHljla'iClLCEH BALSAM Ho.2 cur?s Tertiary, Mercurial, Svphllitic Rheuma tism. Pains ia tho liuuc s, 1 u k f (be Kn k, CI. ccratcd Sjra TUnat, fcyi lillitlc Hash, Lumps unci Contracted C rJn. BtifrncM of the Limbo, and eradicates all dlsovis from the ryBkm, whether caused by indist rcticn or tbxise ot morcunr loT;n? tho hlotKl purr and hsahhy. Price, f 5 per bottle, or t ,v.. (or tD. Di. Ls Rhhaos GOLDEN HHAN- tlJots, for the Curo ot fiomicrhass. Gleet, in, tatlo , Oravcl, and ill I r my j r (icnital disarrangeraentj. Price, $2.t0 ixr bottle. Dr. Le Hi lira's G0L1JFN SFAN1EB IN- j "'i hi, a we.li and injcrtlo-- fi r scrrfs taars ol Ojnnorhon, In Jinmf tory Gleet, Ktrirtmts, and all dlsniBss of the Kidneys and fil,".dajr. Price, $I.W per b.ittlo, Alw Awat M DR. IE r.ICEAU'a CCIDEBT PIJjTjB for Swninnl M.-nlin. Sifl. Frnls-sIoiw.imn'ti.'n-y, und all i .anusciikiritfinBi Masturbation snditni-iilvo ilevs, JrV' ,I-1 p-r bJttls, tho B-mitt." Caunut Rauuv Is put uponlf In rou'id bottl. Oa WMpt of prirp, aw swdleines wl be son U all p-ris ot tho r vnirc, l v rr i r mailt e 'uiviy pm-ked and fcW from et .... vation, 8ol Aie-nts, Wholes! and itetull ItsiBMikM soic vawnistB, h w . r. n jp k iwui ItfBtt. Oil rratic.'Ko,