The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 16, 1873, Image 1

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    I P Piaher
NO. 37.
By the terms of reociU legislation,
the fraidciig privilege i alsdished,
and it is provide! that, "All laws,
ami parte of laws, permitting the
transmission ly mail f any five
matter whhtever, Im, and tlie sama
are hereby, waled, from and after
June 80 173." This cuts (iff the
free exchange of newspapers be
tween publishers, ami the free cir
culation it'' papers within the coun
ties of publication.
No chansjeK in the rates of pos
tage have be.m made, and, conse
quently postage charges will be as
To all part of the !"nited States,
three cents per hal 'ow ee.
' Pamph'ets, occasional publi.
cations, transient newspaper, mag
azines. !ia .dbill, posters, unsealed
circulars, prospectuses, b iok ui;in-
Uscfipts. pr. )('- sheets, corrected
proof-sheof.s, m ips, prints, engrav
ings, blanks, ibxible patterns, sam
p'ecarls, phonographic paper, let.
ter e .velopes, postal envelopes and
wrappers, cards, plain and orna
mental paper photographic repre
sentations of different types, seeds,
cuttings, bulbs, roots, and scions,
can le transmitted through the
mails at the rale of one cent tor
aeh two ounces or fraction thereof.
Hooks, two cents fbr each two
ounces or fraction thereof sam
ples of merchandise, metals, ores,
and mineralogical specimens can
pass through the mails in packages
not exceeliuir twelve ounces, at the
rate ol two cents for each two ounces j
or fraction thereof; to be let open j
at the ends for examination, and .
to contain no writing other than
the address.
All liquids, pownis, glass explo
sive materials, obscene biks, and
all other matter liable to injure the
mails or those having charge there
of, shall le excluded therefrom.
N'cwspaH'i's sent by mail must
be prepaid by stamps, unless "reg
ularly issued a d sent to regu ar
tnbscribers" by publishers or news
dealers, when the fid owing rates
are charged, payable quarterly in
advance, either at the mailing or
delivery office:
Halites..,. 35 cuts.
Six time- a week 30 cent-.
Tri-weeklie 15 cent.
Sembweeklles It) cent.
Weeklies 5 cents.
rienil-montlily, notover4oz. 0 cents.
Monjhiies not over 4-OZ 3 cent.
Quarterlies, not ever 4 ozs . . . 1 cent.
Newspapers and circulars drop
ped into the office tor local delivery
must be prepaid at the rate of one
cent tor two ounces, and an additional
rate tor everv additkmu two ounces
or fraction thereof; and periodicals j
weighing moretlian two ounces are
subject to two cents, prepaid at all
letter-carrier offices.
The postage on regular papers,
Ac., must be paid in advance,
either at the place of lei iverv, to the
carrier, or at the office, otherwise
they will be chargeable at transient
Hook manuscript passing be
tween authors and publishers re
quires prepayment at the rate of
one cent for tach two ounces or frac
tion thereof.
Manuscript intended for publica
tion in newspapers, magazines, pam
phlets, tfcc . is subject to letter
rates of postage.
hull prepayment by stamps re
quired on all transient printed mat
ter, foreign and domestic.
All letters not premid by stamps,
all such as are received in the office
with stamps cut from stamped en
velopes or with such postage
stamps as were iuu prior to 18(31,
w with revenue stamps on tkeia,
are treated as "unniailable" and sent
to the Dead-' etter Office.
1 etters which have not been de
livered can be forwarded, without
additional charge, upon a written
Letters oiue delivered from a
post office cannot be remailed with
out prepavment of postage.
Departmental postage .V'ter June
30. 1873, will be prepaid by spe
cial stamps, prepared and furnished
by the Dost office Deparment.
It will, nevertheless. become im
portant fbr correspondents of the
several departments and bureaus
to fully prepay their postage after
the 30th of June next. Of course,
the local officers and agents of the
departments will be instructed to
this etl'ect.
Thk Vesper Bells that
Broke an Exile's Heakt. In
the Cathedral of Limerick there
hangs a chime of bells, which were
cast in Italy by an enthusiast in his
trade, who fixed his home near the
monastery where they were first
hung, that he might e joy their
sweet solemn music. In a political
revolution the bells were taken
away to some distant land, and the
maker himself became a re ugee and
exile. His wandering brought him,
after many years to Ireland. On a
calm and beauti'ul evening, as the
vessel which bore h m hYated on the
placid bosom of the Shannon, sud
denly the evening chime pealed
forth from the cathedral towers.
His experienced ear caught the
sweet sounds, and he knew that his
lost treasures were found. His
early home, his friends, his beloved
and native laud, all the best asso
ciations of his life, were in those
sounds. He aid himself back in
the boat, crossed his arms upon his
breast, and listened to the music.
The boat reached the wharf, but
stdl he lay there si'ent and motion
less. They spoke to h m, but he did
not answer. They went, to him,
but his spirit had fled. The tide of
memories that came vibrating
through his heart at that well
known chime had snapped its lite
strings. Growing Potatoes Under
straw. After planting a piece of
ground in the usual wav last spring,
a friend told me that by covering
the ground six: to eight inches deep
with straw, it would prevent the
ravages of the Colorado Ktato bug.
I accordingl covered one ha'f the
patch with straw. I soon found,
however, that I had to tight the
bugs on this part of the ground the
same as the other, which I did by
catching the bugs twice a week.
When digging-time came, I found
that those covered with straw
yie ded In ly one thin! more than
the others, and were much larger
and of more uniform size. The
digging required less than half the
labor, as the potatoes lay almost
entirely above' ground. At the
time of covering with straw, which
was immediately after planting, I
placed some hills between the rows
which I did not cover with earth,
but they did not amount to any
thing. 1 placed a few of each kind
on exhibition at our annual fair,
with a description of the mode of
cultivation. They attracted much
attention. Cop. Western Fanner.
An anonymous benefactor recently
dropped in at St. Peter's Hospital,
in London, and left with the Secre
tary a donation often 1,000 Bank
of England notes.
A pious invalid went to church
last Sabbath for the first time tor
several months.
"I'll tell you, wife, I have got
the plan all in my head!" "Ah,
then it s all iu a nut slielll"
Truth -ftecrefci
of the
With all the reverence due to
the dead, and with every possible
regard for the feelings of the living,
which in no way would we harrow
up unnecessarily, we state and lie
lieve, that not infrequently, there
are instances where human beings
are buried alive!
To 1 sure this is an uncommon,
but. by no means an impossible cir
cumstance, as facts have shown.
Under the sod in the various grave
yards of the laud may be further
evidence of this kind. , fn ceme
teries that have been dug over, and
the remains of the dead exhumed,
there have been found in coffins.
nailed and screwed tightly together,
bodies of skeletons that were turned
over on their sides or faces some
times with the knees drawn up, the
joints distended, the hands clenched,
the arms thrust against the coffin's
narrow sides, the tingnres twisted
in the 'hairs of the head, the eyes
glaring, the teeth ground together,
the head doubled under, and many
indubitable proofs that the last death
struggle lid not take place beiare
burial, but that a'ter the coffin had
leen laid away in the shaJesof the
tomb, or lowered iu the deep, soiled
earth, then and there a tierce, ag
onizing desperate, lonely and hope
less contest fbr life was wager into
Iu the old public burial grounds
in the city of Brooklyn, when a
general exhumation was made to
enable the ground to be diverted to
the streets and building lots, the
writer saw no less than eight of
such instances. One of these was
evidently that of a young bride,
dressed iu wedding garments of the
richest white satin, with a bridal
veil, ami ring of costly style and
quality, and all the evidence of
wealth, refinement and station iu
lite. The remains were supposed
to have been buried alwut twenty
years previously. The coffinplate
was gone, a.d iu the really indecent
haste of the heartless contractors
and brutish laborers, who ruthlessly
tore and tossed the re its up, there
was not the faintest clue to the
But upon examination it wasdis
covered that the skeleton was
twisteil and displaced (as no shock
of the exhumation could have
caused) and the garments grased
as in a vice in the clenched finger
bones, showing conclusively tha' a
terrific struggle had taken place iu
the last narrow htmse and home of
the lovely, youthful, earls loved
and lost bride. Even the long
raven tresses, which were as glossy
and erfect as ever, were bit fast in
the rleshless teeth as though with
the final despairing, smothered cry
ami grasp of death! Numerous in
stances of a similar nature have
transpired in different places.
A most heart rending instance
of this kind has just been reported
at this office. The information
appears to be truthful, anil the cir
cumstances narrated probable.
On Thursday of last week a col
ored man died (or was supposed to
have died) and great lamentation
was made over Lis body by t he rela
tives and friends. The corps was
laid out, the limbs composed, the
eyes closed, and the features were
exceeding natural As is sometimes
the custom, so-caled mourners
were provided with victuals and in
toxicatin liquor, which they plied
themselves with until surfeited and
drunk. Noisy ami indecorous de
monstrations of grief were made un
til the third day (Saturday,) when
the brother of the supposed corpse
became incensed at the disgraceful
proceeding and determined to bury
it at once
The other folks remonstrated, de
claring that the body was yet warm
and perhaps not dead. But he iu-
A Horrible
sisted, as he said, liecause he would
prefer to bury it than to have a con
tiuuance of the shocking demonstra
tions. Accordingly the remains
WHe deposited temporarily iu a re
ceiving vault.
Yesterday the vault was opened,
and the coffin brought out fbr per
manent burial elsewhere, when it
was noticed that the strong screws
which had been tightly driven iu
three days previous were strained,
and the top ot the coffin pried half
I remblingly, and with the most
dreadful anticipations, the box was
opened, ai d horrible mosthorrib e
to relate the body was found
turned and twisted over, the face
downward, one hand clutched the
hair of the head, and the other
reaching out, with the nails driven
into the wood; the teeth clenched,
the eyes glazed and distended, and
even the feet givingevideuce of hav
ing leen used in the last hope ess
and frightful effort to escape suffo
cation! These are the fintts as narrated.
The name of the victim was Andrew
Dow Savannah ( tia.) Adver
tiser. As it l!iitd-to-Wn and ft It Is.
"Bill Arp," the Southern humor
ist, speaking of the good old days
We used to say: "Here, Bob,
go and catch Selim, and saddle him,
and bring him here iu rive minutes,
you black rascal; hurry up, you son
of a gun, or i'll straiten yon with a
thr-sii pole tdl you can't see. Go,
Now it's
"Oh! see here, Robert, I would
like to have my horse- brought out,
it you ain't doing anything partikler;
bring him as soon as you can, will
And there's the poor women
poor souls it's all we can do to
taper 'em down to the situation.
'"What did you spill that water
for, Jullyanna, you lazy, trifling,
contemptible huzzy positively you
ain't worth the salt that's put in
your vittles; did't I tel! you that
the next time you spilt water on
this floor I'd give you a thousand
now take that and that and
that. Now go and get your wash
rag and come here and wipe it up,
you good for nothing imp of dark
ness." Hut that's gone out of fashion,
and it is; 'Come here, Marry Ann,
1 want you to go a. d see your Aunt
Frances, and ask if she won't come
and do my washin' this week. Tell
her I'll be much obliged to her if
she wil ; now run along and be
quick, and I'll let you go to the
Well, it hurts' em I know it
does. It hurts the generation mity
bad, but the chi dren growin' up
an' comui' on don't mind it, for
they never knowed much about
slavery times. We okl people
won't last long no how, and per
haps by the time we pass away and
a new crop grows up on both sides,
the North and South, we'll be
better friends. I hope so, for if we
haven't been an u.. happy family
fbr fifty years, 1 don't know where
you'll rind one. I can't help re
callin' them old times when my old
carriage driver set on a high dick
ey, with a stove pipe hat on, and
cracked a proud whip over a pair
ot cracain blood bays, and a litt'e
yaller nig a staudiu' up behind the
carriage a holdiu' to the straps, an'
foeliu' bigger and grander than
Julius Caesar Demosthenese Alex
ander Bonaparte. Old times, fare
well! Vain world, farewell! Now
I've got no fore nigger, nor hind
nigger, nor blood bays, nor notion',
an' if I want to go anywhere thank
the Lord tor his mercies I am
allowed to walk. Weli,everythiug's
different, even this here newsper
we're running. Them old fashioned
rinawy nigger pictures that used to
lie scattered along down a whole
column is all vanished, Them pic-
. i-.i j i . . -
noes o. Hir-eonneo iiarKeys jusi a
trottin' off with the bind toot a
' ,'n ,i !...,),;.. in.- .1 .
,vivm-. tip nip. unmiil llivc wit: Will
side of an Alabama tarapin, a stick
oi. the shoulder, and a little bundle
on the end of it; gone, a 1 gone!
- j. n , .. , iu
Facts for thf Housekeeper.
When starched clothes stick to
the iron, it is exceedingly annoying,
and the housekeeier is rather apt
to get vexed and discouraged.
Many think it is owing to the man
ner in which the starch is made;
but this is not always th reason,
One cause of .'(arch sticking is owing
to the adulterations in starch itself.
So it is very essential to try and
procure' tfie best article. Starch
g oss is used to prevent this sticking,
iu lieu of adding ixilish.
Some laundresses shave hard soap
and boil it up with the starch. An
excellent way to make clothes stiff
is to starch them when wringing
oui oi hip nose water, men ory
them on thcliue,aiid when about to
be ironed, damjieii them and spread
them between dry clothes a' d roll
them up tight fbr a quarter of an
hour, when they will iron very
Another desideratum is to take
good care of the irons. Many house
keers who are called neat, will
let them stand on the sto,o for
days, catching all the slops of cook
ing. When not in use they should
lie kent in a drv nlaee Ui.ce t.h
face is rusted they will never look
as well again. Hut in case of their
becoming rusty, rub them on emery
or brown paper. Beeswax is good
to use, rubbing it well over the front
face of the iron mi a cloth or taper.
Many are the bits of soap wasted
iu the household. A good pan is
to save every scrap iu ajar or keg,
and when wanted cover them with
water, and set on the stove to sim
mer. When melted, remove them
and let them get cold. Crumbs
made in cutting up soap, bits of
toilet soap too small fbr use, all
such odds and ends can be saved
and used in this manner.
Bow Mails are Robbed. A
special P. O. Detective has just
lodged in Boston jail a night clerk
in the P. O., who has spent his
winter evenings in stealing thou
sands of money letters from the
large and va liable mails which
- .1 1. .1 - .! A
pass inrougn mat omce, going tu
Hunter & Co., Hinsda'e, N. H.
His plan was to examine each let-
tpr uvpr ft Inmn and toal
one that contained motley. In
five mouths the losses amounted to
thousands of do lars, causing great
loss and annoyance to Messrs.
Hunter & Co.; but now that the
thief is "behind the bars," the pop
ular publishers have returned to
their toiiner sure, certain and sat-
isfantoru method ot doing business,
and deserve their ever-increasing
The Rural World proposes to
cure founder in horses this way:
lake the horse into a brook or
stream ot water deep enough to
nearly reach his body, and fasten
him there with his head so high
that he cannot drink. It the
weather is warm keep him there
several hours. Then remove him
and rub his legs thoroughly to pro
mote circulation. If still lame re
peat the process two or three times
ftiid a cure will lie il?ict. -. 1 Tn tha
winter twenty minutes will bo long
enough to keep tho horse in the
water, when he should be taken
out and rubbed as iu the other case
repeating the operatiou if neeMfe
sary. This ii said to cure all -case
ot founder, wheu not of long stand-log.