jUtaj; grjistnt. OFFICIAL. Law of tbe United State. P4SSED AT TITK THIKD .SKS8ICN OF TIIK KvBTVSKCi M MMIB General Na'nru No. 47.) AN ACT to amend .'in si ft entitled "Am lU't to promote the development ol 'In- milling resources of the United St:if.." B r ttad dl,i nn' ar-l fftiv tf R f'V inftll' BWWM ' .liter f.i fn C ti.T-i'irmfc' ''. Win the nrovl Ion of the fifth section of flit1 Met en titled "An act to promote the develop ment t the mining rwoiHWS ot the United State." passed May tenth, eighteen hundred and evcntv-two. which requires expenditures of labor lii'l improvement on claim' located prior to the j :i sre of nid net. are berebv so amended that the time for the first m i una I expenditure on claims located prior to the passage of said act shall I" extended to the tenth day of Turn', eighteen hundred and seventy fonr. Approved, March 1, 1873. Genera! Nanre-No. 48.1 AN AT to change and fix the time of holding the spring term of the United State circuit and district courts In tile cities ot Covington and Padneha, in tlie State ot Kentucky. B' tt rno'd by ij ' N'nttt" and Ilui'if R'pr . n ntfv of 'h- CWM R'aht-f Am r tri ii C npr . am viV d. That the 'enns of the United States circuit mid dis trict court- heretofore held In Coving ton, Kentucky, on the third Monday in April. shall hereafter be he!il there on the second Monday In May; and the ti mis of said eonrtsheretofore held Inl'iducah. Kentucky, on the third Monday in March. shall hereafter lie he'd there on the second Monday in April. Approve !, March t, 1S73. tieneral Narure So. 49.) AN ACT authorizing tlie President to appoint Frank M. Ahton a second assistant engineer in the navy i 1 tlie United State. B K ii i'' d bit th R-na'e and TTw of H lpr a 'i cii' .1 uf th ' r-'rt' Stat of Im r icn in Cbngr am mW.d. Tlia' the Prel dent lie. and I hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of tlie Senate, to appoint Frank M. A-h-tou a second s-istant engineer In the United Stale navy, .subject to the usual examination. Approved, March l, 1873. Genera! Nature So. 50.) AN ACT to transfer the control ot oertaln powers and duties iu relation to the Territories to tlie Department of the Interior. B' l ii ivt il bit th" Run1 and flbu of ftepr"ten!attt of th- Unit d St' tef Am r ton in C ii'r u tm m.V (I, Tliat the Seere'a ry of tlie Interior Ahull hereafter exer cise all tlie powers and perform all the duties in relation to the Territories of the United States that are now hy law or by custom exercised and performed by the Secretary of State. Approve.!, March 1, 173. General Nature No. 51.) AN ACT relating to the circuit and district courts or the United States for the middle and northern districts of Alabama, B h enad -I by th ft not" mid Ifaut- of R'pr x a. '( i of lh- VH d tStat'tc Amr im in Conyr j tmetnbted, That so umch of an act or acts of Congress as vests in th; district court of the United State for the middle di-trict of Alabama, and the district court of the United States for the northern district of Ala bamti, the power and jurisdiction of a circuit court, lie, and the same is here by, repealed. Sec. 2. That all civil causes, ac tions, suit, executions, pleas, process, and other proceeding now pending in gaid district courts ot the United States for the uiiddle and northern districts of Alabama, which might have been brought and would have been origin ally coguizahle iu a circuit court are hereby declared to he transferred to tlie circuit court of the district of Ala bauiH; and the clerks of said district court- shall transmit all the original papers iu such causes and a complete transcript of all the dockets, minutes, orders, judgments, and decrees in tuch cause, as the same appear of record hi said district court, to said circuit court ot the United States at Mobile, Alabama. Sec. 3. That nothing in this act contained shall apply to any indict ment loin h1 by a grand jury and now pending in eitherof said di -triet courts; nor shad anything contained in this act affect tlie jurisdiction or (lower of the supreme Court or tlie United Stales to bear and determine any cause or procewliug now pending in said Supreme Court on writ of error or appeal from either of said district courts for the middle and northern dis trict of Alabama. Sec. 4. That hereafter the circuit court of the United States for the dis. trict of Alabama shall exercise appel late and revisory jurisdiction over tlie decrees and judgment of said district court) of the United States for tlie middle district of Alabama, under tlie laws of tlie United States conferring and regulating the jurisdiction, powers, juta practice of the circuit courts iu aum removed In said courts by appeal or writ of error. Approved, March 3, 1873. General Nature So. 54.) AN ACT to provide tor the lietter cure and protection of subsistence supplies, B" it mic'od bv lh Rua'" and Hnue of R ;ir. ' uf Ih' Ihu1 d 8 Ut ' Am r en in nip- ss itnW , Tftnt'tlie Sperc hrvot War be, and be is hereby, au thorized and empowered to select from the sergeant of the line of the army who shall have faithfully served there in five years, three year of jjliieb iu the grade of uon-eomnii-inned officer, as many eonunissary-ergeant as the service may re pure, not to exceed one lor each military post or place of de po4t of subsistence wpprle, whose duty it shall he to receive and preserve the subsistence supplies at the posts, under the direction of the proper otli eers of the Subsistence department, and under such regulations as shall he prescribed by the Secretary of Wnr. The commissary-sergeant hereby au thorized shall tie subject to tlie rules and articles of war. and shall receive for their service the same pay and allowance as ordnance-sergeants. Approved, March 17, 1S7S. General Nature -So. 53.) AN ACT to aholih the office of sur veyor at the port of Chester, in Pennsylvania, and for other purposes. ft mnet'-d bit th" S wi'r find Hmof R pr- nti'if of th t'nH d fVntctof Aiiit tun Conor xi Vr mb d. That Hie odVe of surveyor sit the port of Chester, iu the district of Philadelphia, provided by the act establishing said port, a p proved March twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-sewn. be. and the same i hereby, abolished. Sec. 2. 'That an inspsctor of en toin, to n-ide at the said port of Chester, with the power of a depute collector. hali le appointed for said port, and hall perflirm such duties a may he devolved on him according to law. hut tlie compensation of such Officer shall not exceed that allowed by law to inspector of customs at the port of Philadelphia. Approved, March 3, 1373. General Na! ore SO. f!7.) AN ACT fixing file time for tbe elec tion of Representatives from tlie State of California to the Forty fourth Congress, B -it tfliird oil 'h- S nri'- nnd It-UH'f R fi- -3 nta'ltut of ifi TTrtU d SVt of Am r i,n in O.nwM iiiJM, That on the first VVednesday in September, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy four, there shall be elected iu each congressional district in the State of California one Kepresent.itive to rep resent said stnte in the porty-fourth Congress of the United States. Approved, March 3, 173. General Nature So. 68.) AN ACT to authorize the unlading of steamship at night. B U nnc 'd bit th S- natr ami ffru o R nr n'ativ laj th" I'n'HI S'nto vjt Am r irafn Congntt am mbl That it shall lie the duty of the collector of custom (with the concurrence of the naval offi cer, if there he one) of any port nt which a steamship from a foreign port or place may arrive, upon or after the issuing of a general order, to grant, upon proper application therefor, a special license to unlade the cargo of said vessel at night, that is to say, be tween sunset and sunrie; but before any such special license Is granted, the master, agents, or consignees of the vessel shall execute and deliver to the said collector a good and sufficient bond, to he approved by him, con ditioned to Indemnify and save the said collector harmless from any and all losses and liabilities which may occur or he occasioned by reason of the grouting ot such special license: Anil praeMed, That any liability of tlie master or owner of any such steam ship to the owner or consignee of any merchandise landed from said vessel shall not be affected by the granting of such special license or of any general order, but such liability shall continue until said merchandise is properly re moved from the dock whereon the same may tie landed; and the collector, under such general regulations as the Secretary of the Treat-nry may pre scribe, shall tlx a uniform and reason able rite of compensation for like ser vice, to Ik; paid by the master, owner, or consignee, whenever such special license i granted, and shall collect anil distribute the same among the inspec tors assigned to superintend tbe unlad ing of the cargo. Approved, March 3, 1S73. Gk.vehal Natirk So. 69.) AN ACT to provide for the prepara tion and presentation to Congress of tlie Revision ot the Laws of the United States consolidating the law relating to the pot-ro;ids, and a code relating to military offences, and tlie revision of treaties with the Indian trilies now in force. Bf U etvicfvd by th" Stnat and Jloute of Ii pPnkaU:tofthi Unil-tl Hiatet of Amrr fcn in Cunffrouaunmhh.it, Tliataoorimilttee of three of the Committee of the House of Representatives on the Revision of the the F-iaws, with committee on the part of the Senate, is liereby authorized, by resolution, to be filed in the De partment of Justice, to accept, on tlie jwrt of Congress, the draft on Revis ion of tlie Laws of the United States prepared by the commissioners to revise the statues, so tar as the same lias been reported by them, and may be hereafter reported by them, at the expiration ot toe time designated for performing that service, towit, the fourrtwtaJrrtrMay, f eighteen uiittrfretl and seventy-three, and to discharge said commissioners, from and titter wli ch all acts ami parts of acts declar ing the duties, powers, rights, and privileges ot said cotomisslouers, are hereby repealed; but nothing herein contained st.all lie construed as an approval or adoption by Congress of any part of tbe work of the commis sioners. See. 2. That the Committee of the House of Representatives on the Re vision of the Laws, together with such committee as tlie Senate may join. be. and they hereby are. authorized to contract with some suitable person or persons, learned in (Haw, to prepare a bill revising and embodying in one act all the laws authorizing post-roads iu force at the expiration of tlie present session of Congress; and also to prepare a bill cndifyinganil regulating the laws iu regard to military offences, accord ing to tlie recommendation made hy the President of the United States iii his annual message communicated to Congress at the present session; and also to prepare a revision of all the Indian treaties now iu force as laws. Sec. 3. Tht said committee are also authorized to contract with some suitable person or person, under the supervision of said committee ami such regulations as may be by them pre scribed, to preire the revision of the statutes already rcimned by the com missioners, or Which may he reiorted before said fourth day of May. in the form of a bill, tube presented at the opening of the session of Congress in December next, embodying all the laws so revised and the bills and pro visions herein provided for with propel indexes, so that the sime may be In form to lie acted upon forthwith by Congress at said session. Sec. 4. That said committee is fur ther authorised to have such revisions and hills printed by the Congressional Printer from time to time, uniform with the revision already reported, and to distribute them, nod all the con solidation and codification of the postal and military laws and treaties herein provided for, to members of Congress and others competent to judge of their merits, in oeder for their correction by such persons. Sec. 5. 'That any moneys appro priated tor the payment of the work herein provided for shall he disbursed by the Department of Justice from time to time only so tar as that De partment shall be satisfied that the work has been well and faithfully per formed, as said Department shall be satisfied that the work will be fully done and completed by the commence ment of aid session of Congress in De cemher next. Approve.!, March 3, 1873. General Naturc-So. 70.) AN ACT to provide for the apportion ment ot the Territory of Wyoming for legislative purposes. B' it wiii d bii th" R-nnir and lima of R pr-fntmirmiif the Vnild Hulm of Amer ica tn O nftrou au mW"i, That the appor tionment of the Territory of Wyoming for the election of members of the next legislative assembly of said Territory shall be made by the governor thereof, in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress entitled "An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory ot Wyoming, "approved July twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred ami sixty-eight: Prar-wW, That for the purpose of such apportionment it shall not be necessary to take a new or ad ditional census or enumeration of said Territory. Approved, March 3, 1873. General Sature No. 71. AN ACT to amend tlie law requiring Consular officers to collect three month' extra pay for seamen In certain cases. Ri- it nacfrd bfi the Remit' and Ifrnue of B jir ntU'v ox of th'1 llnitod Rialm of Anvrr if i ln (ngr sxumb1oit. That the law to regulate the consular system of the United Stales, which requires consular officers to (.ollect three months' extra wages iqion the discharge of seamen, be, and the same hereby is, so amend ed a tn permit said officers whenever, after a full hearing of both parties, the cause of discharge Is found to be the misconduct of the seaman, to remit so much of the extra wage as Is now hy law paid to the seamen discharged : PrWritri, that relief can immediately be offered to such seamen by reshlp ment without expense to the United State. Approved, March 3, 1873. General Sature -So. 77.1 AN ACT to provide for the establish ment of a military prison, and for it government. Be UenaefM by the Ronnie and Hon" of R jmtrnitttiviiofthe VnUodR'atet of Amr im in Omnreu ant tabled. That there tthall he established at Rock Island, in the State of Illinois, a prison for the con finement and reformation of offenders against the rules, regulations and laws for the government of the army of the United States, in which shall lie securely conflued, and employed at labor, and governed in the manner hereinafter directed, all offenders con victed before any court-martial or mil itary commission In the United States, and sentenced according to law to Im prisonment therein. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War shall organize a board of five mem bers, to consist of three officers ot the army and two persons from civil life, ' who shall adopt it plan for fife build- iug ol such prison, and who shall frame nam fox the government of the prlSnVrSlfr luWifdaiice with the provisions of tins act. The said commissioners from otyil life shall hold their office for the term of three years, and shall be paid five dollars a day while on duty.aml necessary trav elling expenses ; and the said officers of the army shall, at all times, be sub ject to removal bv the Secretary of War. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of War shall, with said commissioner, semi annually, and as m a h oftetier as may be deemed expedient, visit said prison for the purposes of examination, in spection, and correction ; and rhey shall Inquire into all abuse or neg lects ot duty on the part of the officers or other persons in charge of the same, and make such changes in the genera discipline of the prison a they may hold to lie essential. Sec. 4. 'That the officer of the prison htill consist of a commandant and such subordinate officers as may tie necessary, a chaplain, a surgeon and a clerk, who shall be detailed by the Secretary ot War from the commis sioned officers of the army ; and a sufficient iHimber of enlisted men shall be detailed by the Secretary of War to act as turnkeys, guards, and assist ants in tlie prison. Sec. 6. That one of the inspectors of the army shall, at least once iu three mouths, visit the prison for the purjiose of examining Into the book and ali the affair thereof, and ascer taining whether the law, rules, and regulations relating tilt reto are com plied with, i lie officers are competent and laithtul, and the convicts properly governed and employed, arid at the same time treated with humanity and kindness. And it shall he the duty of the inspector, at once, to make lull re port thereof to the Secretary of War. ee. . mat neiore me command- ant enters upon the duties of his office he shall give bond, with sulBcieul sure-1 ties, ui a sum to be fixed by the Secre- tarv of War, to he approved by him, conditioned that he shall faithfully ac count tor till money placed iu his hands for the use ot the prison and for the faithful discharge of all his duties as commandant. He shall have com mand of the prison ; shall have the charge and employment ot the pris oners, and the custody of all the prop erty of the government connected with the prison. He shall receive anil pay out all money u;ed for the prison, and shall cause to he kept, in suitable books, complete accounts of all the property, eiienses. income, hu-iiie-s, and concerns of the. prison ; and shall make full report thereof to the Secre tary ot ar; ana snail, umier rne oi- rection and wun ine approval oi ine Secretary of War, employ, for the ben efit of the United States, the convicts at such labor and in such trades as may lie deemed bet for their health and reformation. He shall have pow er to sell and dispose of any iiiticles manufactured by the convicts, and sha 1 1 regularly account for he pn iceeds thereof, and shall give bond and secu rity for the faithful keeping and ac counting of all moneys and property coming to his hands as such command ant, lie shall take note and make record of the good conduct of the con victs, and shall shorten the dally time of hard labor for those who, hy their obedience, honesty, industry, or gen eral good conduct, earn such favor-; and tlie Secretary of War is authorized and directed to remit, in part, the sen tences of such convicts, and to give them an honorable restoration to duty in case the same is merited ; and in ease any convict shall disobey the law ful orders ot the officers of the prison, or refue to comply with the rule and regulations thereof, he may be placed iu solitary confinement, and the com mandant shall at once report the case to the Secretary of War. who shall di- rect the inspector to make full exaiut- nation and report of the matter at tlie next inspection; hut in no case. shall any prisoner be subjected to whipping, branding, or the carrying of weights for the purpose of discipline, or for producing penitence ; and every pris oner, upon being discharged from prison, shall be furnished with decent clothing. Sec. 7. That the ueof newspapers and books shall not be denied the con victs at times when not employed ; and that unofficial visitors shall be ad mitted to the prison under such restric tions as the board of commissioners may impose. The prisoners shall not be denied the privilege of communi cating with their friends by letter, and from receiving like communica tions from them, all of which shall be subject to the inspection of the com mandant, or such officer as he may as sign to that duty. Sec. 8. That the prisoners shall be supplied with ample and clean bed ding, and with wholesome and suffi cient food, but when in hospital or under discipline their diet shall be prescribed by the proper authority. The prison shall lie suitably ventilated, and each prisoner shall have a weekly bath of cold or tepid water, which shall be applied to the whole surface of the body, unless the surgeon shall direct otherwise for the health of tbe prisoner. Sec. 9. That no officer of the pris on, or other person connected there- with, shall be concerned or interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, purchase, or sale made on account of the prison. . Sec. 10. 'That liny officer who shall sutler a convict to e-cape. or shall in any way cnnwff to hi- cape. orhnli aid him to escape, or in an attempt to ecape. .shall, upon conviction, he dis missed from the service, mid suffer such other punishment u a court-martial may Inflict. Sec. 11. That any soldier or other person employed iu the prison who shall suffer a convict to e-cape, or shall in any way consent to hisecape. or shall aid him to escape, or in an attempt to escape, shall, upon convic tion bv a court-martial; be confined ; therein not less than one year. See. 12. 'That all prisoners under confinement in said military prisona undergoing sentence of court '-martial shall bp liable to trial and punishment hy courts-martial under the rules and articles of war for offences committed during the said confinement, ; Approved, March 8, 1S73. General Nature No. 72.) AN ACT to aftiend an act entitled "All act to prevent smuggling, and for other purposes," appro veil July eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. B- U nart d bjj th R naif rind Ilovae of R profrttotti tof iht! Utilifo ' Suit if if .fmm ! tea tn C nor u lutxnb1 a. That the seventh i section of the ncl entitled "An act to ; further prevent smuggling, and for ! other purposes." approved lulv eight ' eenth. eight ee i hundred and -i'kty-six. is hereby amended so a to read as ; follows : 'That it shall he the duty of the several collector of customs and i of interna! revenue to report within i ten days to the (ii-trict attorney of the district in which any fine, penalty or forfeiture may bp incurred for the vio lation of any law of the United States relating to the revenue, a statement of all the lin ts and circumstances of the , ((Jlse .irlin tMr knowledge, together ; with rl8me ,he wrues.e and whj,.h iav come to their knowledwi time to time station. i. from time to tune. ions of the law believed to be violated. and on w hich a reliance may he had for condemnation or conviction, and such district attorney shall cause the proper proceedings W be commenced and prosecuted without delay for the tines, penalties, and forfeitures by law in such case provided, unless, upon in quiry and examination, he shall decide that such proceedings cannot probably be sustained, or that the ends of public justice do not require that proceedings should be instituted, in which case he shall report the facts in customs cases to the Secretary of the 'Treasury, and in internal revenue cases to the Com- missloner of Internal Revenue, lor thejr ,nreutiou ; and for the expenses incurred and services rendered in all such cases the district attorney shall receive and be paid from the treasury stub sum a- tlie Secretary of the 'Treas ury shall deem just and reasonable: npOD the certificate of tlie judge be fore whom such cases are tried or dis posed of : I'rwtded. hoverer, 'Hint the annual compensation of such di -trict attorney hall nrjt exceed the maxi mum amount now prescribed by law ; and if any collector shall iu any wise fail to report to the proper district at torney as prescribed in this section, such collector's right to any compen sation, benefit, or allowance in such case shall be forfeited to the United State, and the same may. In the dis cretion of the Secretary of the Treas ury, be awarded to such persons at may make complaint anil prosecute the same to judgment or conviction. Approved, March 3, 1873. (General Nature-No. 73.) AN ACT to regulate the taking of tes timony in certain nises. U r-natt ii b)i the R not- and Howie of R ;w n'ativ. of the Unit d R e f Amtr- iaa in Von(,r u ..7W t, Thai no witness i "ha" he compelled to appear or totea- tifv before any commissioner or officer U'ppolnted to take testimony under let- ters rogatory, issued or to be issued from any court in any foreign country, in any suit or proceeding in which the government of such foreign country shall he a party ot record or in inter est, except for the purpose of answer ing specific written interrogatories is sued with and accompanying such let ters rogatory, and addressed to such Witness : J'roe.dnl, That when coun sel for all the parties attend the exam ination, they may consent that ques tions in addition to those accompany ing the letter rogatory, exclude such additional interrogatories. Sec. 2. That no witness shall lie re quired, on such examination, or any other under letters rogatory, to make any disclosure or discovery which shall tend to criminate him either un der the laws of tbe State or 'Territory within which such examination is hail, or any other, or any foreign State. Approved, March 3, 1873. General Nature-No. 75. AN ACT providing for the payment to the government of Japan the sum due on account of rents for lands and buildings occupied by the diplomatic and consular representa tives of the United States to Japan, aud for oilier purposes. Be U enacted by the Rmte and Htnmof R"premtattee.$of the UniUd H otel of Amer ica in Cuntrreu auembled, That the Sec retary ol State be, and he la hereby, authorized to pay to the governmeat