ALBANY REGISTER. 8 BUSINESS CARDS. PACIFIC WATCHES, BUSINESS CARDS. WATCHKWBWELBY. . W. C. TWEEDALE, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY. OREGON. WILL 8TRIVKTO KEEP THE BEST of goal ' 'v I". mt " M thc il living rate$. (Ml and tee me. 2 JOHN CONNER, BANKING 6T Subscribers finding an X after their names are Informed t hat their subscription expires with that number, and they an In vited to renew It. Terms -IS per annum, In advance; six months,!; three months, n. At North Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., ARK STILL SKLLINO IHIY GOODS, CLOTHIM, ROOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, UIMKEHIES, NOTIONS, ETC., Sit'., of which they keep on hand a full stock, End arc able o sell at low rales, s usual, for CM or Pr.Ml.ire. wo also be able to buy an I sell Grams of a kinds, or attend to storing or for J'ardfogltaulieir jh JWsey. Give usatriai EIRE. 111 ML & U. J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and I'ounsclor at Law, Wit I PR ICTIUE IN ALL TIIK Courts in the i l. S I an ' ' " J" W trtotfcln the fe'reme Ckmrl of Ore.;...., an 1 in the U.S. Dts rlol an I Circuit I o, ris OmoB-ln Parrtsh brick, (iin stairs), n oflCMe ?ythVaneV.II.CrSnor First street, Albany, Oregon. t0'V8 ..c.pJw'klIT" "l.flinn. POWELL & I LINN, Attorney and Counselors at WW, i l SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY (L. A FJlnn Star rnaWW,JaiiOon. Collections anil conveyances promptlj at tended to. W. O. JONES, M. UOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. ALBANY, OREGON. Wiv4 J. LINSI.Y HIM.. t. M. JONES. i.,vr: . Ill I.I, . PHYSICIANS AND SORGEONS. ALBANY. OREGON. WICE-S.H'TH SUE FIRST STREET, O btains in J. M. Beach's store-house. T. VV. HARRIS, M. Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREOON. -FFICE-OVEIt TUHRELL STORE, f First street. Residenua- lhlrd-st., one door west of Medio list church. JM lUcrtlen Nolle.'. CLBUK'S OFIS H m- KgA Linn Co., Or., MaruUjK 187 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I II A I the a iiiiuilschocilin ean,' ol Sohoo D is triiX. Linn lnnty,Or..fon;wU h held at thesehoo house in ui I distitu on Mmldav tlieTihaavof Anrll, ISIS, at one o'otockT. M., for the purpose 01 electing Sni OlrecUirto serve for three m" Clerk to serve one year, to levy IM 10 for the support ot schools; a so to levy a tax for the purpose ol repairing sehoo., fixing Bounds, A, an I odoany business that may me below t he nice - So0Lnffeerr Albany, Oregon0t LE FFEl . M VERS' WaterWlieels SPHEBICAL FMJMBS, And Uenernl Mill Machinery. J. K. BACEEN8TO, Agent, 61,3 Albany, Oregon. The Eyes! The Ears! DR. T. L. 4SOLDEN, and Aurlst, Albany, Oregon. D U. GOLDEN IS A 1 am, ..I 111.' nnled old op'hulmlc doctor, h c fSo,,,n. Dr. Golde i nas hat uxperienco In treu mg tho various diseases to which the eve ant oar are subject, and feels confident of gmnst en Ire satisfaction to those who may place themselves an lor his oare. April 18, (.9. tToktiner, SJiedd,Cregon Manufacturer of and dealer In llH I.SS A SAIliM A Uooil Article for a Fair Price. Particular attention "aid to Repairing. Shedd, Nov. ti, 'IfctSvJy FRANKLIN 1W MARKET J. R. Herrett, Proprietor. WILL ENDEAVOR TO UK ALWAYS supplied with the best meats to bo hat In the market, and will be ever reiidy to accommodate those who may tavor him with a call. v' .i:KSKlt". Fruit Trees, rape hit's, Ace. 'piIE UNDERSIGNED INVITES THE 1 attention of the p iblic to his large and oonit.l('tcsl(wkot' APPLE, PEAR, PLUM. CHERRY and other WEISS, AbvRAPE VI E8 - iHMtt in the State; Oniaraentfll Trees, Shnibs, Plants, Cur rant', ttaosoberrii s, Strawlx-rrles, Roses, 1tahlann1 Bnllw which will be sold as low as lirsUclase stock can be afforde I. Nov. ; U' t J. A. MILLARD. MANUFACTURED AND ADJUSTED csicially for ihe Paclflc Coast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO, of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Paeifle, California and San Franeiseo WATCH, and we most confidently rec ommend them io the nubile, as possessing more good qualities for the priw than any other Watch in the market. W,. also keen all other brands of Elgin, Wait ham and Swiss Wa'ches, Clocks, Jew cry, Silver and Plated Ware, Diamond Spectacles, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices. TITUS KRO., ALBANY, OR. CafRenainng a sixicialty, and satisfac tion guaranteed. Ijv5 TnE UNDEUSIC.NED HEREBY AN iionnoos to ihe citizens of Albany and Linn county, thai he has just openeda JEW UV EiTi LIS a E in this city, in the fire-proof brick former ly known a? J. Uan;er's. I shall keep on hand and tor sale all goo Is pertaining to my line of business, ai lowest living rates. Especial a; t em ion laid io repairing line I hue-pieces, wherein an experience of many years enables me, I trust, to give perfect sa.isfaci ion. few" All goods sold and work done, war rauied. 0HA8. BOURGARDES. Albany. Jan. 31, W73-22v,i OUT OF THE FIRE! s. j. Mccormick, IS IIAl'i'Y TO INFORM HIS NUMER onsiriends, pau-ons, and the public in general, that he has 3E-.B . OPENED THE Fbankun Book Stobe, AT 19 OUST STREET, (NEXT TO CENTRAL MARKET) with a complete stock of School Hooka, Mu turnery, Blank Books, Uold Pens, full. ry. Ac., dec, Which lie will dispose of at The Lowest Prices ! SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all thc popular NEWfPAPfctoi and MAU.OX ' t which will bo i-llvcred in any part of the city. Portlan., Feb. 7, 187S-28tf Cheap Yeast Powder. (at. EAT REDUCTION. D. CALLAGHAN 11 AS REPVCKD II 18 OONNOLLY'S 4'AUEOBNIA PBEMIVM YEAST POWRER to 9' 6 iter (cross. Everyone should u-v i his celebrated Yeast Powder. It issn- ih i ioi in iiia.iiy and l per cent, cheaper i than the uimorica ar.icie. Also a targe slock of OONNOLLY'S CREAM TARTAR and SODA and maler ATI's is offered to Ihe ti-.ule at reduced rat its. The proprietor, D. CALLAtiHAN, hav ing enlarge:! his lEftSJ' t'uwtililf (AC TORY, hnnortlnsr CREAM TARTAR IN CRYSTALS, also lil-CARH. SODA and TIN I'LATE, Is mrw pmnured to supply the tmte of Ihe Paciilc Coast and Territories wit h t hescart hlesat re Inced nites. Every can and nackugc under the name of V. I' ALLAH II AN, wai'iunte I. 1'or Kali! Everywhere, i. t'AIXAUUAN, Proprietor, 121 Front. M., Kiln Frnnefateo. 30m3 Albany Book Store. JNp. POSH AY, DEALER IN MISCKLL ANBiHtsmKIKS, School Rooks, lltank Books, Btat lonery Fancy Articles, Ac. Rooks Imported to order, at shortest pos sible notice. v5n30 n or H s R ss s n e I www V i as s5 B w 9 o f I t (5 ef i o 0 d 1 s 2? 5 I? eV I q IS ft It CD GO CD a AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OREUON. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on timodcnoslts In coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest mies. Collections mall and nromntlv remitted. Refers to II. W. Corliett, Henry Failing, W. S. Ladd. Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 1'. M. Albany, Feb. 1, l71-22v3 . Something New in Dentistry, OR. E. O. SMITH, UEYIIKT, TTAS LOCATED IN ALBA- m xx ny, and lias inc new in vention in plate work, which rr.iwiJTv in iiisciiini! teeth in the mou lb wll limit covering the whole heretofore. Uglvestha wearerihe wearer the free use of the longnc io the roof of the mouth in talking and lasting. It is the Smith A Purvlne patent. Teeth extrude I without, rain. Plates rli. l wlmihei- broken or divided ItfrOrriCE-Flrst street, east of Conner's Bank (up stairsi, Aioany, ureaoni ivt CITY MARKET, FIHST STREET, ALBANY, ORWJOX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, WILL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP CON slantiv on hand a full supply of ALL KINDS OF MEAT, Which will lai of the very best quality. The hi 'best market price paid for Peeves, hogs and sheep. Third door west 01 rerry, on soinu sine of First street. J. L. HARRIS. Albany, Dec. 15, 187l-l.v4 JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IK Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPEN ED mS NEW GROCER establishment on coiner of Ellsworth anil VImI al,twta with n Iresh Stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To- oaceo, e., io wuicn ire iiiwhjb iuc tlon of our citizens. In connection with tlw store he will keep a Bakery, ant will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. 63T Call and seo me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 1S-24v4 TURNING - TUR!sL. j 1 HJ H 0 B ?!'.i;V U :r rt"jr t"' '' ' V r AM PREPARED TO HO ALL KINDS I of turning; keen on hand and nuike to order rawhi le-bottonicd chairs, Ac. Shop near the Mills and Hosiery. Jefcion, Ore gon. Branch slum near "Magnolia Mills," Albany, where orders for chairs, turning, Ac, can lie left, JOHN M. METZLER. Jefferson, Aug. 2, W7S PETERS & SPEIDEL, MANOFACTOKWIS OF Carriages & Wagons. Of Every Description, ALBASY, OREGON. M ANUFACTURE TO ORDER ANY and all styles ot Wagons, Cttrrlagen, Ilaeks, JU. at. as reasonable rates as the use of good material and first-class work will Jus- ' Repairing neatly and oxjieditlousty done at low rates. Shot) on Fcitj dietween First and Second PETERS A SPEIDEL. Albany, March 7, 1873-27 7 V. S. MAI 17! Tri-Weekly Stage Line ! THE UNDEKSKJNED Is now runnings tri-weekly staaie from Lebanon to Al bany, carrying the V. S. MnUs, leaving Uilwnnn every Monday. Wednesday and Frldav monttngs, and returning, leave Albany at SoVloek P. M. of said days. Passenger sailed for in any part of the ettv. All ortlers-sbould 1 left st the St. .Charles Holel, Albany, for passengers or freight fbr Lebanon. Packa-n-s and light, freight punctually delivered at low rales. All business en trusted to ine will bepromptlv attended to. W. B. DON AC A, Lebanon, Feb. 16, lilyi A Shuddering Horror. Tbe extraordinary roan who could not Bhiver the fairy storybooks have told us ot hiort-may now feel his heart quiver, bis shoulders shrink together, and over his whole being a shudder pass. Night before last Wm. Rock, a respected freight con ducter on the Ohio and Mississippi Kailroad, met death in its most frightful shape, met it, though in nocent of any wrong to his fellow men, in the way in which it must often be faced on the gallows, by felons; that is, in the prime of man hood, the vigor ot intellect, and with life and hope still fresh in his heart. He saw annihilation sweep ing down upon him, and struggled to avi id it even as a poor wretch who knows the time set by his Maker has not come, frantically writhes in the iron meshes of a fear ful law. Having occasion io change switcli, Roes went to the rear of his train and signalled the engineer to back down fast! The locomotive driver obeyed, when, horror! the conductor found his foot caught in the "frog" switch. He attempted with the desperation of despair to wrench it put the irons held him all the faster. Brakemen seized him and tried to drag him free. Their efforts were in vain. Thc engine was reversed, and the brakes put down hard. In vain. In vain, also, were the victim's cry on God and man for hep. Bight out of the hands of his comrades the rear car struck him down, an;t the wheels finished, in one ghastly moment, the sickening tragedy. Yes, two minutes, into which were compressed the agony of years; one second of spouting blood ami crashing bones, and Oblivion passed with the train, over another railroa murdcredd lite. A Plea for the Binds. One of our exchanges, referring to the merciless and impolitic war waged against the feathery tribes in some parts of the country upon their at nua! return to wake our forests, orchards, homes, and hearts with delicious song, says that if God did not send them so freely we would pay a premium on them ar,d secure their rights by a constitutional amendment after the pattern of the Fifteenth Amendment, we pre sume. Our exchange further says: "A civil rights bill in the interest of the birds would be easily passed if they were as scarce as they arc plenty. Hut their songs are a pos itive value to every community. We do not know how much of gayety and cheer they bring to a . neighborhood, and how many re solves they stimulate or hopes they engender. Besides th s, they make themselves useful in helping the farmer raise his crops and cultivate his garden. Boys, do not shoot one of them! Tell the robins, the red wings, and the peet-weets they are as safe aboui your premises as it Adam had never sinned and taught men to mar the plan of nature." AY. Tekacope. Fancy Poultry. "A thing of ucauty is a joy forever." lhero is no rural pastime that pays better than keeping fancy fowls. The satisfaction derived from the pursuit by those whose tastes lead that way is immense. It takes long enough to incubate eggs and rear the deli cate litile creatures they bring forth ti 1 the full plumage is readied, to stimulate a good amount of pati ence, and continuous effort, but we do not have to wait so long tor tho object ol our care to reach maturity as in cise of quadrupeds, and as the generations of fowls succeed each other with such rapidity, experi ments lit' breeidiug can be taraed. out nd th results reached without waiting a life time, which is a great advantage The cultivation of fancy poultry is gaining a wonderful impetus in this country.