ALBANY REGISTER. auiremenfof theOity Marshal, in aceor- Mice wi; h and subject to I he provisions of City ordinances In force, and such Deputy shall take an oalh to faithfully demean himself in office. Passed i be t louneil February 25, 187S. Approved March (, ltffS. Ordliiiiure Xo. S. Relating to the Qualifications and Duties of City Treasurer. Beit ordained lnlh" Common Council of the ViUi of Albany; Section' 1. Before entering upon the du ties of City Treasurer he shall tile wit h the Recor Ier a cor ideate nf his elee ion. wi ti his oa h endorsed thereon, ; hat lie will faithfully demean himself in office, an i i insonooim iot no i.i.yoi Aiuany, in tne sum of th e thousand dollars, payable In United States gout or silver coin. With at least two sureties to be approved by the Mayor, or such other sum as the City Council may require, conditioned that he will fat hfully discharge the duties of City Treasurer, account for and pay over all money, and turn over obis successor all iKmks, papers or property belonging to the city i hut mny count In d his ban to by Virtue of Ills office as Sttch Treasurer. Sect. 2. The Treasurer shall reside and keep an oflk-e within the - i y limits, an 1 shall pay alt orders Issue d him by the City Recorder in the order they are pre sented for payment In the funis of the city treasury, mil he shall pay no money out of the treasury except upon orders is sued by the Recorder. Sec. it. He shall a' the en 1 Of each ijuar ter, and at the last regular meet lug for the year, or at any time when require I by the City Coiinql to do so, make re port to the City Council of his doings as Treasurer, fie shah at the timeof making such report return to the City Council all vouchers pal i and cancelle I by him, which cancelling shall be done at the time of payment by writing or stamping on the face of such order the word "paid," in large loners, with the dale of payment He shall include in his report an account of all money and property in his hands as City Treasurer, and t urn the same over to his successor when be shall be duly quali fied. Sec. 4. The City Treasurer shall receive one per ecu., on till receive 1 an I one and O-haif percent, on all moncv paid out by him as Cr y Treasurer, and his accounts shall be audited and pai l in the Battle manner as n her accounts against the city. Sec.:.. When any city warrant shall lie firesente 1 to the t'i'ty Treasurer and l here sno money In the treasury to pay the same, i he I lif y Treasurer shall endorse on the hack of said warrant, "Presented and not pai I for want of tun Is;" also the lime of making said endorsement ; and he shnll keen a record of such orders or war rants in a book ke-it for that purpose ; whenever the City Treasurer shall pay any warrant so endorsed he shall cancel the same as other warrants are canceled by him, and enter the same on the book of endorsed orders. Ordinance Xo. . Relating to the Appointment, Duties and Compensation of City Surveyor. Be it ordain d bji the Cnnrmon Council of me cini of AWany: Section 1. A City Surveyor may lie ap pointed by the City Council at any meet ing when the Council deem it necessary to make such appointment, who shall serve during the remain Ier of the year. Sec. 2. Before entering upon the duties of City Surveyor he shall tile with I he Re corder a oertlBcatc of his appointment, with his official oath endorsed thereunto theeffeel that he will faithfully demean himself In otnee. Sec. 3. It shall lie the duty of the City 8ttrveyor to make such surveys within the city limits and render such service con sistent with his profession as the City Council may require Of him, and he shall make a record ol all his o ticial tu ts and re ports in a well bound laiok. to lie kept in the Surveyor's office, and in case he has no office within the city it shall la- kept In the Recorder's office for general reference. Sec 4. He shall reeeiveaseorapeiisatlpn for any service rendered the city or to the citizens thereof the sum of five dollars per day. The service of his assistants shall bo audited and jsiid at a reasonable compen sation. Ordinance . 7. Relating to the Appointment, Dntiea and Ckimnenmtlon of City Attorney. Beit ordain il blithe Common Council of the. Cihi,f Albany: Section l. The City Attorney shall be of the degree of attorney ami counsellor of the Supreme Court of this S'ate. He Shall he appointed by the City council, at any regular meeting, to serve during their term of Office. See, !. Before entering upon his duties the City Attorney shall tile wiihthe Re corder a cerlifieate of his appointment, with an oftieinl oath endorsed thereon to the effect thai ho Will faillifnlly demean himself In office. Sec. 3. It shall lie the duty of the City Attorney to attend to all actions in Which the city Is Interested; and he shall advise the City Council when requested so to do, on any legal question that may arise in volving the interest of the city. Sec. t. The City Attorney shall receive as his coinix-narton for services as City Attorney such sum as the City Council may deem Just and reasonable for his legal adviceas counsel. When excessive service is demanded of him, when prosecuting any casein iiehaif of the city before the Re corder's Court, he shall receive the fees set forth in Chapter Vill, relating to fee of officers. t See. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordi nances heretofore passed by the City Coun cil not consistent with the previsions of this ordinance he and the same are hereby repealed. See. t. The foregoing ordinance to tnkc effect and lie in force from and after llvo days from its publication in the official patter of the city. Passed the Council June ajth, 1870. Approved June 27th, 1S7. A. W. STANARD, Mayor. Attest: A. N. Ahnolo, City Recorder. Ordinance So. 10. Relating to City Police. f i i! mained by the Common Council ollie ettti of Albany: Sec. 1. No person shall lie guilty within the limits of the City of Albany of any brawl or tumult or commit any assault or assault and buttery or draw a dirk knife, tins arms oroi her deadly weaiions or resist, any pence officer or refuse; to assist hint In the discharge of his duties, or aid or assist any person to escape from the custody of such officer, and any person who shall vio late the provisions of this section shall, on conviction before the Recorder, be fined tor each offense a snm not less titan nvo and not more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than three nor luorc than twenty days. Sec 2. Any person who shall in any public place be guilty of rude, indecent or disorderly conduct, or insult any person, or unlawfully and purposely Impede the passage of any person through the streets or thoroughfares of the city, or sing or re neataiivloudoroitscono word or words, or mark in any manner any obscene word or figure On any building, wall, fence, post II V UllliWUlf,, ,.U, IUIIV V, J'V.r.1 whatsoever, or wantonly or or anything.' w maliciously tnj ure or deface any building, I fence, tree or o'her proncrty helonging to 1 any person, firm or coroora: Ion, or in any nmnncrintruiieivKm nie onvn m prcmi-e-. a minst the warning of t heocvn'xint, nnon conviction thereof I lefore the Recorder lie fined in anv sum nol loss than live nor more I ban lift y dollars, or iinnrisoned not less than ten (lays. Sec. 8. So norson or persons shall tire any pistol, gun or rrfle or any lescripfion of lire arms, or dlsehargealwwn, ho or Instnimen whatever unlessbypermisston of the Marshal whhin the corporate limits ot the city, nnder penalty of not less than ten nor uioretlian Btiyooilaw, or impris onment not exceeding" twenty days. The Marshal may permit such dlsplayson na tional holidays and ot her fetlays, but he shall use all llllgenco and cure u prevent j any evii arising therefrom, and should he fear or anticipate any tlangor It shall be I hisdn y at once to prohibit it, and be shall men sirictiyanu ngiuiy enioiee uiw h Hon. See, 4 No person or persons shall lie permitted to run horses within the limits of this city or ride or drivej through this city atari -e liable to endanger lite and properly, or ride or drive over any bridge across any stream wi bin the eh yon which notice is poste I for adding l he same taster t ban n Walk, Or wilfully oust met any side Or cross-waiic by stooping a learn or wagon thereon, or by bitching any animal so that such animal obstructs the passageof p ies triiins, or neglect or refuse to remove such team, wagon Or animal when requested, shall on conviction before the Recorder be tine 1 in any sum not less than live nor more than twenty-live dollars for each offence. Sec. A, Xo person shall suffer or permit to go or lea t, ride ordriveany horse, mute or Oi her i least of bur leu Upon any si le- walk wiihin the corporate limits ot Un ci! y an ier penalty of not less than two nor more ihan thirty dollars, to be recovered with costs from the ri lor or driver, or in default of paymeul Imprisonment, at the discretion ot the Recorder, not to exceed twenty days. Sec. (i. No nerson shall, unlessauthorbied by l he MayororMarslial,place any obstruc tions in the streets or aheys of this city such as fuel, lumber or building materials, and such obstructions shall not remain longer than is a isoiutely neoWsary,and in all cases where such olwtructlonsare likely to endanger the passage ot teams the shal shall require the owner to place at niiii a suiucieui itgui, aim wr sou so obstructing the street and rofiisinu to obey ilieordessof the Marshal made in accordance with this orlltunee shall, on cmvlcl ion thereof be tore Recorder be tilled not los ihan Ave nor more than ten dol iars for each otfense Sec. 7. No building shall he moved through the streets of the city without the permission of l ho Mayor, and any person or net-sons moving such hulldlng.'withnui leave shall on conviction before the Re corder be fine I not less i linn th e nor more than twenty dollars for each oilense. Sec. 8, No person or personsshall throw into the stree'.sof thisciiyniiy glass, crock erv. nn i is Imttlesnrnnvsu'usra'nce what ever whereby the feet of horses Or other beasts of burden may be injureil, under a pennity of not less lhan ten do.iarsfor the llrst oi lense and for each subsequent oifense twenty dollars, or imprisonment not, ex ceeding twenty 'lavs. Sec. It. Any inn-son who shall haul or put on any of the public grounds of this cltvanv timtier, brush, rubbish, or refuse matter, or p.aceany obstruct Ion or material thereon tor any phriwsc unless with the written permission of the Mayor, shall, on conviction before the Recorder, lie lined not less ihan ten domirs for each oftensc. Sec. Id. All sidewalks that are eight feet wipe shall be left entirely unemoumbered within six feet; those ten feet, eight teet; ami those ol narrower width, m t ic same proportion. Any merchant, trader or other person violating this section or ol sn uci oil? iui ai'tewuiK or tiiuiuuniiiic w ithin the city, shall be subject to a line of not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars, to be recovered by complaint bo- lore the KecoiMcr. nrmvl na that anv arti eles left shah be place 1 neatest the build ing within the aforementlone I space. See. 11. All owners or occuiunts of of houses within the limits of the city, shall keep their back yards clear of all tilib under a penalty of ten dollars for the llrst an it t wen t y dollars for each subseq uen t oilense. Sec. 12. Whenever any dangerous or simucious iier-sin or persons shall oe seen aimut the city without any visable means of support it shall tie the duty of the Mar shal to arrest such persons and take them before the Recorder and cause them to show In what way or manner they obtain a livelihood, and if proper cause bo not given for such vagrancy such offender shall lie lined in any sum not less than tun nor more than twenty dollars, and in de fault of the same maybe imprisoned not to exceed tw enty days. See. 13. Any person who shall erect or establish any offensive trade, manufacture, or, business, or continue the same atler it has been established, or neglect to purify unwholesome privies which may boon his or their property, or shall do anything that is Injurious to health, or indecent or offensive to the senses, or any act which is an obstruction 10 1 he free use of property, sons to interfere with the comfortable en joyment of life aqd property, such person or persons so offending shall, nixtn couvic tion before the Recorder be lined in any sum nol less than twenty nor more Ihan one hundred dollars, and' in default of pay ment of the same, may be Imprisoned not to csceed twenty days, and every such nuisance may, by order of the Recorder, lie removed and ulnited by the City Marshal at the cost of the person making or com mit ling the same. Sec. It. Any person who shall keep a house of Ill-lame, resorted to for the pur pose of prostitution, or who shall reside in such house for the purpose aforesaid, shall, on conviction before the Recorder, lie lined in any sum not lcSs than titty nor more Ihan onehudred dollars. Thocoiumon rep utation of such houses shall be sufficient evidence of conviction. Sec. 13. Ally person or persons who shall bogullty'nf leasing or renting such house for the pnrposeor prostitution, upon conviction thereof before the Recorder, shall pay a line of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, and in de fault of the payment of the same may be imprisoned not to exceed twenty days. Sec. lft. All gaming with cards or gamb ling devices w fiat soever are hereby proh bi tted from being set up or used for gaming In this city. All persons who shall put up or cause to be put up in this city any gam ing device, tables, Ac, Ac., or shall engage in gambling. with cards or at faro or faro bank, roulette tables, shall on conviction lie lined in any sum not less than tlfty nor more than one hundred dollars.nnd In default of the payment of the same may be Imprisoned at the discretion of the Re corder not exceeding twenty days. Seo. 17. All ordinances or parts of ordi nances heretofore passed by the City Coun cil not consistent with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. The foregoing ordinance to take effect and be In force from and after live davs from Its publication In the official paper of the city. A. W. STANARD, Muyof. Attest: A. N. arnoi.u, City Recorder. This story to be continued) BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OREU4MI. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed nn time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest ratas. t 'ollecfions modi and prompt ly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbett, Henry Failing, W S. Uddi Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, Is71-22v3 Something New in Dentistry. DK. B. O. SMITH, DENTIST, HASLOttATiiilUN A I. HA- ?r5h. nv. ami has the new in- ItinJfkfiiW vention in plat c work, which consists in inserting teeth in the mouth without covering the whole roof, as heretofore, ltgivesthcwearerihe wearer the foe use Of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in talking aud tasting. It is the Smith ,4 Purvlnc intent. Tcelh extracted without pain, nates mended, whether broken or divided. tftW: -First street, cast of Conner's Bank (up stairs;, Allsuiy, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, ORE4MN, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, liriLL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP CON IT Stantlj on hand a full supply of Al.l. KINDS OF MEATS, Which will be of the very best quality. The highest market price paid for beeves, hogs ami sheep. Third door west of Ferry, on south side of First street. J. E. HARRIS. Albany, Dec. 15,1871-18v4 JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON! HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW OROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candles, Cigars, To bacco, 4e., to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connect ion with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh brea'd, crackers, &c. ZT Call and see mc. JOHN SCHMEER. February l-24v4 TURXIXO TURNING. r AM PREPARED TO DO A EL KINDS 1 of turning: keep on band and make to order mwhldc-liotiomcd chairs, Ac. Shop near the Mills and Hosiery, Jefferson, Ore gon. Branch shop near "Magnolia Mills," Albany, where orders for chairs, turning, e can be left JOHN M. METZLER. Jefferson, Aug. 2, 1ST2 PETERS & SPEIDEL, MANUFACTUHERS OF Carriages & Wagons. or Every Desfiiptiou, ALHANY, OREGON. ts MANUFACTURE TO ORDER ANY and all styles of Wagons, Carriages, Mark, c, at os reasonable rates as the use of good material and first-class work will jns- Rcnalring neatly and expeditiously done nt low ratc. Shop" on Forry between First and Second St VlM t S PETERS SPEIDEL. Albany, March 7, 1877 U7s. MAIL ! TrtWekl)' thge Line ! THE UNDERSIGNED Is now running a trl-weekly stage from Lebanon to Al bany, carrying the U. S. Malls, leaving Lebanon cverv Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and returning, leave Albany at 2 o'clock P. M. of said days. Passengers called for In any port of the city. Allordei-s should lie left nt the St. Charles Hotel, Albany, for passengers or freight for Lebanon. Packages and light freight punctually delivered at low ratos. All business en trusted to me will be prompt ly at tended to. W. It. DON ACA. Lebanon, Feb, 16, '7M4V4 HARDWARE, W. H. KUHN & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Farmers' & Mw hanies' Tools, Iti ll. IH IIS" HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK and ELM III 'UN, HICKORY A OAK N POKES, HICKORY AXLES, Hardwood Lumber, Rent Rims, Shafts, Poles, Ac, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, AH of which are now offered to the pulv lie at low rates. As we make the business a siiecialty, we can and will keep a better assort nient, at lower prices, than any house in this city. W. H. KUHN CO., Montcith fire-proof brick, First street. Albany, June 14, 1872-41v4 DRUGS. GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield), Parriau'M New Building, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer In DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, and of the best quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Alliany , Oct. 17, ltniS-tit f A. CAROTHERS & CO. -Dealers in- CHEMICALS OILS, PAINTS, DYES, ULASK, LAMPS, KIT., All the popular PATENT MEDICINES, FINE CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PERFUMERY, mid Toilet Ooede. Particular -nre and promptness given Physicians' prescriptions and Family Roc llX!9' A. CAROTHERS A CO. Albany, Oregon-4v5 STOVES ANDTINWAHE. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PARLOlt AND BOX, STOVE S ! Of the best patterns. ALSO I TIN, SHEET IRON AND COP PER WARE, And the usual assortment of furnishim goods to bo obtained In a tin store. Repairs neatly and nromptlv executed. on reasonable terms. Short rer konluga make long friends, FRONT STREET, ALBANTi 0Cv fit 18061 DRUG8, ETC. Ulurder In Albany TT AS NEVER YET BEEN KNOWN, AND XI no threatening ot it si present, Death Is a thing which sometime must befali everyson and daughter of the human fam ily ; and yet, At the Mid-day, i Of your life, if disease lays his vile hands upon you, there Is still "a balm in (Jilead." by w hich you may be restored to perfect health, and prolong your days to a miracu lous extent. How 1 By calling on II. C. HILL A SON, With a prescription, where you can have it compounded by one experienced In that pari icular line. Also, constantly on hand a wood assortment of fresh drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, fialnts, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrated I nk Weed Remedy, Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cure; Dr. D. Juynr it Son' medicines, etc. Spenors Positive and Negative Powders kept In stock. Also agents for the Home Shuttle Netting Machine, One of the most useful pieces of household furniture extant. Call and examine, R. CHILL A SON. Albany, June 10, 71-4flv8 ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Floor and Saw Mill Mnebin ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, , And all kinds of IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Particular attention paid to repairing a) I kinds of machinery. tlvS STOVES, ETC. TI. .11. HARVEY & CO., (LATE W. H. M'FARLAND A CO.,) Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow "Wa,re, HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. LARGEST STOCK IN THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing Properly Done. 40vl HOT Tim utnmlaivl Kimnd.. f- -l.u In. inn oiuiiuaiu vuicttj nm un) fluenan, Sorr Throat, Whaming Onuih, Croup, Liver Complaint, Jht-mhUif, Bleeding of th iMngt, una every affection of the Throat, Lunasnnd Chest, including Cox- Sl'MI'TION. WIMar BfllMim or Wild Cherry does not dry tip a Cough, but loosens it. cleanses the longs, and allays irritation, thus removing the came of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Rvirtt. Prepared by Sfth W. tWlE A Sons, Bos ton. Sold nv Redington, 1I(tetter A Co.. Sen Francisco, and by dealers gen orally. 15vSy Ktn)Ar,or('By- Agents wanted! All fflJ(J JaU classes of working peop'e, of either sex, voting or old, make more mon cv at work for ns in their spare moments or all the time, than at anything else Par ticulars free. Address Gi Btlnson Co., Portland, Maine; '