The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 02, 1873, Page 2, Image 2

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Ordinance So. 11.
An Orilrunc.' relating to letting oontracu
bv the citv.
B' il or l vnl hi th
the Cru if Mbnn:
Citatum Council of
Settu n I. Tim' all contracts for work
or la'w or any iuirtrovenieni for Ihe clly,
shall be by contrac' or contracts let bvthe
Conncllothe lowest twpoiwihle bidder
8k s. Pabtk notice shall be utvi-n of
any eon mot to ie lei. by posl tag tiriprint
ed no lee hi a' litis thr" nubile flairs In
the el y, for nr less than live day next
prwv 11m r lv me" ini: of the Cotmefl at
which such mutroel will be let, snob not ioo
to Specify the nn tire and kind of work,
labor or Invrovemont 'n lie done, and the
datean I hour of he meeting of the Conn,
ell a' wnleh be fold- will he received, the
Council a ways reserving the right to re.
Ject any an I alt hi is.
Skc. 3. All bi Is or protXMala shall be
scale 1 an 1 filed, with i he Keoorder on or
before the honr desltmale I In the notice of
the mee in r a which ilbwiUbereoelved.
Passet Ihe Council rVirrotryi', 174
Approve 1 Feb 1S7.1.
Attest : Ji g, UAKKuS, City Recorder.
Ordiwiiie t Xo. IS.
Relating to the proteotlon of traildlngt
aitiltisl flr., etc. (
B i' njvfri h 1 bti'hr Cimmon Ctuncil at
fa C a i f .Vbfinii:
Se-'lo i I, All owners or oeen'mnts of
hull lin ; in 'hisfi v having ttove-pine
or funnels running thron th woo ten roofs
orpar'l 'tons shall bear, I hev are hereby
metre 1 lo erect tool and snrts'antlaj
btukflnM where anfin s'ove-nineor ran
nel Isme hro'crh he roof. Sal I tines
shall hoof sn tte.toat bei thi to etfeetaailv
preveu- In- from thewme, When men
Kjove-i"eor funnel Issues through wool
en par i lonor (hrou.rh woolen ceilings
the sa in- hallhe enclcne 1 in a goo I and
suH. lehl lr enrwif -nfe.
Sc.-. T),.. owner of any stove In use
within fheclty shall p lace or cause to'e
plavi iietiea'h sn ii afove iprovtled the
sam- 'o . no- stan 1 on a non-combustible
hear b a sm able niece of iron or tin or
. e 1 1 . . . .rt...'...:. .. . . .. t
.'! .mi in" (illltniUI.
See 3 1 stMtl ha tho dnty of the Mar-
slm lo see tha th wm Islonsnf flits nnti.
nantvls- rte Ij earrle l In rieuVbt.
8oc. 4. Any norson violating any of the
provisions o! (JetD. 1,2 an Is, of tills ordi
nance. ha 1. trion eontdetfam before the
Kecnrler, he Hue I in any sum not less
than :ive nor more 'ban Ifty (to ars.
. Sca. i. No nerstiu tir rs'fsons owninsror
ooeuTijin ranv bnlldlng or buildings with
in th - i y limits In which btiy. straw,
sha , in :sor o'her extra comhusfime ma
teria i- kctit, nso 1 ors orcl, almll not nsc
any in-, atom or other arrangetnenl for
hoa in si, b buUdlng.orany part iiu-reof,
utiles' the sgme sbnll well secured from
thon -.d Inn tl Uniting of .Ire in suchcom
bns i ii,. ma e :al. An 1 a'iv person pOBO-
flying any bnttdlngaVjoliiing sm bbuiid
mg sbaii in required so use the same pre
cautions, Set AnypersonornersonsoccnmiiiL'
any building or part of building anchw
set fonb in ib.. (oregolng section, nsing
any .a nn, can lie or o htir arrangement
for Ugh lag such bnlldlng or any jirt
thereof, ornermttfingtbesimeto !h- naad,
unless h t same is enclose l)n a goo I and
s'lbaau'ial a ass lan'ern, well secured
against be acri leu al i ;siting of ineh
com ins'.wle mH'erlal by the use of such
iiifhs Any tierson violating any of the
provt.;o-H 0f8eoa 5 an In, shall on con
viction N-forc the Recorder, be line I in
any suin n less ,i,an tive 0r mnre than
twemy dollars.
OriilMtiiiee So, 13.
to the matortal tolie usel and
r ot building sidewalks tuid cross-
Beta' in
B i VfMnti 6.7 th Onmum Council of the
Cmttf A'trnvi:
SecMotcl. If not n hervrlse orovidedfor
by the CM y Council, the s,iewall,s shall '?
sii feet wi !e -iOMth of First sircet, and
slui'i si oongtrnoted a. follows, '-,vlt
Bearin ;s wo Inches thick by fonr inches
wide ani six feet OHg shall Is? lai Ion the
gro'i'i I or o ker snllablo sapports at the
dlsanee of i feet, There shall isi laid
three tiers of stringers two ineiies tblck
ao l six inches wi le, of re 1 or yellow Ir
sal I ; rin res to ha ntaocd on the beatiDgs
ataui BHifan I eipul distances a-Tirt and
well fejured by being nailed 'n the beaV
infs wi h 10-penny nails. Said stringers
to a-'twelve or ei;huun feel lon. The
decking to be one an I u-lialf Inch plank.
S-ltmre-ftdgedand evenly sawed, and not
niotv i ban ci tbt inches nor less than four
hes wide. To be evenly and closely
fltte I. an l well natled to the'si lewalk with
H-tv'tiuy nails, the inrtlmi 'o Mu. sidewalk
tolst n c more than eUitf inches tolx
"i1""1";; 'nrastiiT. All to be done in
a wor ;man!t!fo manner.
Dec. i. The c.-ossways to lie red fir, three
Inches l hick and evenly fawed, to be
nai.el on Isnrin-.'s four by four Inches
Sail crussivavs o 1 si feet wide, the
ethrcs leveled and a laver or gravel three
Inches dec an 1 three feet wi le to be
sprea I on each si p. of mid crosswalks and
to extend the whole length of the Sguj
the gravel io lie tulse.l io a hjCel whii the
teo .1 The si lewalks on First s'eeot
shall hp eons'.rnoted as follows, towft : To
be eight foul wl In: tobe lull on bearimti
four by fonr rhebca, to Is- laid on the
snnnnl.or when neoessary oh stones or
brick Pillars sUfeet anarl :":o contain four
tieraof y;ingors; to three inches thick
and el -le Inches wl le; lo be laid down at
epia: lis ancesanartand sicnrei bvbcln"
uunrini nn:iny nous, The ilcckiic'
to lie one an I a-half inches thick, of red or
yellow iL-.s,imrc c Ige l.evenly title L and
na.le I lo the stringers wllh 20-pent'." nails
Ihe crosswalks tobe elghl feet wide, of
red or yellow fir, four inches thick, end
aid on bcarlnga ill feet anart, the edges
lo lie leveli! !. and a lavcrof itravel six feet
wide an 1 four inches ifcwtl to be snrend on
"WMi'of the plank, the Incline to the
sidewalk to he not moii; than debt inehei
toaiafeat. Alltolic done In a workman
like manner. The forgoing dertntlon
of sid'twa.ks to extend from poster's mill
to Kliswonh street, running north and
Approved JnaeSf, ls7o.
a W.stanauI), Mayor,
Attest: A. K. Ahnold, Clly Recorder.
Ordinance Ho. 14.
Betating to the building of sidewalks and
B-U orddinrrl hith Common Couwil ot
th- Cup nf Sbam : 1
Heotion 1. All' owners of Iota or parts of
lots wit hin theciry limits shall lie required
to build the si lewalks adkdnlng thelreiv
tniet'tivo lot or lots. Also the crosswavs
for the alleys adjoining the same, the ex
pense of building the alley crossways tc he
equally dividei between the property
holders on each side of sail alleys, the city
to build the street crossways and the In
cline connecting the same.
to. . w oenever me i;ity conncU shall
orrasl(l8wlk to be built adjoining any
lot or lou within the city iiudtwul the
owner o owners of said lot or lots neglect
or refuse tolmtldthe mme within the time
speclltod in said order, then it shall lie the
dtt& of the lit v Marshal to build orraiisc
the oh me to foe bnllt And the expense of I
iMtmuus nuu MurwHiK simii wh nen on
Lnl. 1. ... t.. , J I , 2 .
saw lot or lots until paid.
See :! It t he nvv ,... .... ,,.,.,.,.
of said
ii.. , Mi..
lot or lots shall neglect or refuse to pay tin
Marshal the cost of building within thin-,
days after the same is completed It shall !'.
lu.-'inn in i ne nceoruer, usia the anpll-
cation of the Marshal, to issue a warrant
un ler bis band.iiimiiian ling the Marshal,
IntlHHiameof thetlltvof Allmnv. to levy
npon and sell said lot or lots, or 'so much
tliereot as mav '. nivvssnrv to nttafr tbe
amount of building said sidewalks, to -
aether with the costs of collecting the
See. 4. A warrant so issued shall have
the same
eflbcl as an execution arainst
II Hl'lll ill' AAHUUUth, i.i ..II
any x ron. firm or coriioiiiiioii. and all
K - ...... i.i'.ni ii sunn iirvc'ii nu ll I
y the Marshal asis or nine fie mm -Me lliv
nmnw Imits l,wl m .... it . i... n i...-. i ...... .,
law of this sia.c ur'warrWt oi
sheriff issued by the county Court of an?
county till' I 111' I'Olleet ii,,, i . 1' s 11... i ..... i . 1
sale oi real and prmnai property J
8eo 5, aii ordinancGS or parts ofordl-
naneea heretofore passed by the tfonnct)
not onnsiBtcnf with this ordinance be.un l
the same are hereby rctteated. ihis oi-n-
nance to be In force from and after live
days after Its nulilli-itl,,,, in th., m,.ii
iwvrof ibecity.
Annrovc 1 June it. ISTn.
A. W.OTANARD, Mayor'.
Attest: A. X. AitNoi,ii, city Recorder.
Ordinance So. 13.
Relating to making and repairing streets.
Agj ontoteed fcjii'Ac Common Qxmett of
th C&u qf Many:
StH'tion L It shall Ih the duty of prop
erty holders to opea. grade, pave, gravel,
plank, or otherwise to make and keep in
repair, and 10 clean the streets adjoining
their respeetivo property wilhiu the limits
of the city when ordered to do so by the
Clly Council.
See, 1 That w hen a majority of prop,
erty hoi lers on a street shall petition ihe
City Council to have sai l street Improved j
bggmalng, raving, planking or graveling,
the Cily Council shall order the same to he '
done by the property holders thereof on
sal I street, Ins them a reasonable time !
'.ii lucn to comt'if ic I he same
. .1 if i
Improve any rtreet within iheci7va,.d
ihe property owners on said streui neglect
or refnse to petition the City council for
the imiirovoment of said street, the city
Council may order said street or st rceta to
I " ' mi
the iiiniroveinent of said
Conneii may order said at
Is-hunroved bvthe properly holders on
sa' I si reels as i he Council mav deem nee.
If the nmnertv hnMnrsnn nnv
I street within the city neglect or refuse to
Improve the street aajottilrig tneurwfct-
I ive property, when ordered io do so by the
City Council, within the time sneetfledtn
j said order, then it shall lie the tutty nt the
City Marshal to the same to he done
j without delay, and the cots of improve
ments sliall lata lien on s;iid projiortv un-
til paid, and If the amount is not 'paid
. unsniu-i iiie ,iu K is colli- '
pleted then the Marshal shall apply to the
Recorder Jor a warrant to sell saltl prop-1
:cr:y in the same manner that property &
t -in ! till" el lv to vim
wiimii uiiriy uavs inter the work is coin
lor cifv taxes.
Sec. i. Il' shall be (be duty of the city to
improve the street corners or crossings
where one street crosses another in the
same manner that the resl of the street Is
Improved. The improvements of said
corners or crossings shall be let to the
lowest responsible bidder by the City
Sec. 8. That all contracts for hauling
dirt and gravel for the use of the dtvot
Albany be delivered to the citv as follows:
Dirt lobe delivered by the square yard,
and gravel by the square foot
Bed. 8. Ii shall be the duty of all persons
who shall desire to convey any wagon or
POM any beast of burden over any side
walk in front of any building orlot "within
the cAty limits to build or cause to lie built
and kept In rennir. a r;ood and substantial
crosswalk in the sidewalk at such place of
crossing, tho lull width of the sidewalk,
and may lie allowed lo construct a bridge
or apron from said crosswalk to t be st reet,
Such crosswalk shall not be built with
more than three inches slant or Incline to
six feet, over which wagons and beasts of
siuucu uuj uu niioweii 10 pass the same
as o Vi t sire it hni! alley crosswalks.
Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordi
nances not itinslstenl with this ordinance
lie auJ the same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 3. This ordinance 'to be in force
from and after rtve days from iu publica
tion. Approved June '27. 1870,
A. W.M'AN.Mtl). Mayor.
Attest: A. If. Ah.m.i.ii, Ciij Uecor.lcr.
Putting a hoop on the family
flour barrel is an operation that will
hardly boar an encore. The woman
generally attempts it before the man
tonics borne to dinner. She sets
the hoop up oil the end of the
staves, takes a do. iterate aim with
the rolling-pin, and then shutting
both eyes brings the pin down with
all the force, of one arm. while the
other iiigtiiietively shields her Ihee.
men she makes a dive for the cam
phorand unbleached muslin, and
when the man comes home she is
sitting back of the stove, thinking
of St. Stephen and the other mar
tyrs, while a lurid dinner and the
camphor are struggling heroically
for the mastery, lie savs if ate
had kept her teniK'r she wouldn't
have got hurt. AkJ he visits the
barrel himself and puts the hoop on
very carefully, and adjusts it so
nicely to the top of every stave that
ouiy a few smart knocks aimarentlv
are needed to bring it down all
right; then he lathhs to himsolf tn
think what a fuss his wile kicked
up over a simple matter that only
needed aittle patience to adjust
itself, and then he gets the hammer,
aud tetehes the hoop a sharp rap ou
one side, and the other side flies up,
and catches him on the bridge of
the nose, filling hi8 houI with wrath
and his eyes with tears, and tbe
next instant that barrel is flying
across the room, accompanied by
the hammer, and another candidate
for camphor and rag is enrolled iu
tbe great army that is unceasingly
marehing toward the grave.---
Coal had advanced in price in
England 75 per cent, iu ten years.
rx. . I . '
i ne ladies do their hair up so
,. . 7 "f
: '"s" "uw mat, incy nave to stand
. ...
ou somethiutj; to put on their hats.
A poetic Hibernian explains that
, .' I
love IS COtnmoiilv SDokeii of ns
ii(4mm,llu. ;,i ' j
mno Jecause It S a tlllder Seiitl-
- meilt.
1 What is the difference between a
j , i i , , ' . ucl"N
.'ew and a lawyer? The one
,.vn ,t irttirvii i in? uia inns
' hi. In,.- ...,. l.-.. .1 .i
aw from the prophets,
is profit from the law.
I "7" . VV,mu, Uie om-
OF IlIU lll'nlllc il'. .11. ti 1-s ...
( rI,.
i I lie innn who .. Iiw.IIi.i,,., ,,-iil,
t -;k w ,
u,( '",k a r'ver, has sprained his
! .- .
nm "---npuiig to spin a
nioiuitain top.
I ,
One ot our exchanges affection,
... ,lm;, , ,i :7 7
atol '"-nominates the writer or a
I ..,)..,.,..... 2 .1 . t. n
i ""'""i"-"--' y journtu a oiau.ter OJ
H is iioiuittui it lie can loiu
survive such an allusion to hi.
heaviness and adhesiviness.
Among certain Amazonian tribes
the Indian bride-groom is subjected
to a strange test. While the mar.
riagp festivities are going on his
hand is tied up in a paper bag full
of fire-ants.
'1 he bites of these creatures are
said to be truly terrible the bitten
parts feeling as if they were tortured
by burning coals. If the bride-
groom can liear the test spoken of.
: ; -7"w"" CTlw" w Wle
j (r matrimony,
I . , ,
I At a meeting of bakers in Km;.
'"Hir oeni lor lllO purpose
ot llpniaiuhinr a
er wounu up with the following:
May the cock of Gotland never crow.
inj me rosein tsngiand never blow,
May the harp of Ireland never piny.
Till we iioor bukect get letter iiay,
A (lallowstown ladv recentlv
retpiested Iter hnsltand to go to the
" "s., ,,VJ mat sue
fhig wife, oiinifroi l,r
v , ' ' au criailSea her inuid,
Slid WOllld liave the Watered silk
uressmaKer and tell her that she
made up instead ot the poplin, and
that "if she thinks it would look
tetter with bias flounces without
purling, and box-plaited below the
equator, which should be gathered
in hemstitched gudgeons up and
down the seams, with a gusset-stitch
between, she can make it tip that
way, instead of fluting the bobinet
insertion and piecing out with point
applique, as I suggested yesterday.
The man is uovr a raving maniac.
An Irish physician was called to
examine the corpse of another Irish
man who hat! been assassinated by
some of his countrymen. "This per.
son," said he, after inspecting the
body,"was so ill that if he had not
bees murdered he would have died
half an hour before."
A gentleman going to Texas
asked a friend for a letter of intro
duction. The friend opened a draw,
er, took out a large and handsome
spring-bladed dagger-knife and a
six-chamtered revolver, and gave
mem to mm.
To make a white foot, or a star
in a horse's forehead, an Exchange
says: Take a pickled mackerel aud
confine it- on, in any shape you
please, three or four days repeating,
and it wilfprodnee a white foot or
a white spot. Hub the white sad
dle spots on a horses s back a few
times daily in the spring of the
year, before the coat is shed, with
bacon grease, and it will restore the
natural color.
The I tica N. Y. Mtrald has the
following: In a Central railroad
train the other day two old ladies
sat in -adjoining m-ats in one of the
cars,: one declared if the conductor
opened the window she would die,
and the other protested against it
teing closed, for shs would certainly
smother to death. The conductor
was in doubt, when a venerable
gpntleman exclaimed : "Open the
window and kill one of them, and
then close it and kill the other, and
then we shall have peace."
A Sunday school scholar only six
years old was asked by his teacher'
"Why they took Stephen outside
the city to stone him to death?"
The little fellow was silent fbr a
moment as though absorbed with
the problem, when, brightnudg up
suddenly, he replied: "So they
could get a better crack at him!"
It is estimated that the German
vote in New York City is about
Yrf.ka. April 29. The following
was received atio'elock this morning.
In the Lava Ui:n. April 8V
No IntlittiH having been sen during
the past two days, Gen. Gillcra sent
out. n n'llllilioiteriliflr u-ii-ti- ..n lli O.ti.
consisting of Cnmpniiy K. 12th liu in- i dram, and oontiuiled: " .My little
try, under a laml of Col. WrigliU nieog came to me la.-t uii'lit, and
rif?7MrU,,lnil'I,t, r '1, 1 have come to bid
under I. lent. Uranston, Hie whole f.,,, ii i i ,, , -, .
partv was under OOinmaud of Major ; g0. 1 ai omV i sld,
Thomas. No, Agfifis, you are not dend,' and
About 11 A. M. they reacbutl Gravel took ho d ot' her. 'Yes, 1 am,' she
Moiuid, about tln-ce miles south ot the j repeated. '! diet! at 12 o'clock to
old stronuholn, Wlll'iv tllCV feci' Veil I . . .... . , ,
:i vollev IVoni a leilire of rock. Tlit
Vom u l,ulm, of ..i-,
the was returned by the men. and
they 4lieu retreated and rallied, The
lutlinns mu round the bliifT, came in
front and opened Are upon A ancr K
Batteries, Fonrth Artillery. The lu
I'rin try company was then ordered to
lull liacli ami taken positron behind a
tedge of rucks. They fell hek, hut
fulled to halt, Hlid left the portion ile
montiized. The Coilinttiiv Cnmman-
oer .intl his noti-ooinmissional utiiff
! kejd their position, hut the men kept
up the retreat.
At'ier the troops fell hack the Modoc!
came aud took up Ihe nosltion thai
was to have been held by our trooiw,
thus surrounding those left. At tills
time the Warm Spring Indians, ten in
number, came up In the rear of the
Modoesand held them down to the,
rocks for a while hnttl they Iiirit-(l
about andgHineilii position thai made
the small cover of Major Thomas and
the others worthless, aud here they
did the fatal work of ihe day. From
this point they siiceeeded in killing
Major Tlioiniit, Lieut. Howe, s rgemit
Rower and two privates, and wound'
big Assistant Surgeon Zemiff. jur-
lug this time Colonel Wright and ihe
men Who stayed with him w ere slain
as fast as they showed their heads
above the rocks. Colonel Wright was
shot through the risilit breast. Fiveof
his men were shot dead :ii,d two
wounded. The troops in camp were
under arms by this time.
Orders were given 10 the Vann
Spring Indiana to move im mediately
to the scene of action. Col. Mason
was ordered to have nil his troops that
could leave to start immediately.
Troops H. K. and F had already start
ed from this side. The grotUid is so
rough that the troops did not reach the
battle ground till night and they eoukl
no noitimg out lay upon their arms.
About midnight three wounded men
came in and reported all clear in front,
and all killed or wounded except three
or four privates. The troops were
aroused and an advance made f tr a
short distance, and they then rested
for the night.
At. daylight Major Green sent a
party oJ skirmishers, who found the
bodies of the packer, Louis Welter,
and two soldiers. Another party
found in the sage-brush thicket Major
Thomas. Lieutenant Howe. Surgeon
Zemig. three sergeants and four pri
vates all killed or wounded. Colonel
Wright and men were found upon the
extreme right. Major Cranston and
five men are still missing; it is sup
posed they are killed.
The following Is the list of killed and
wounded, as far as can be ascertained
at present:
Killed Major Thomas, Lieutenant
Howe. Sergeant Homer. Captain
Wright, ten privates and one cltizun
packer, Louis Weber.
Wonilded Assistant Snro-i -no ri
ling, Lieutenant Harris and nineteen
Missing Lieutenant Cranston and
live men.
Out of 05 men that went out 41 are
killed, wotindednnd missing. General
Gillem's forces proceeded to the ea vi
and were fighting when the courier
The following comes by the Oregon
Steam Navigation Company's tcle
geaph, It was received Tuesday morn
ing. Walla Walla, April 28. The
following news was brought In
by a person who got it from Mm.
Cock, who was Informed by friendly
Indian. Fourteen hundred warier
are camped at While Bluffs, putting
up breastwork-two and a half miles
are already finished.
The residents living in tbe Yakima
are very much frightened. He left
Cock's Ferry, on the Yakima, Thurs
day, 23d. Mrs. Cock was alone aud
very much frightened. The Indians
have left the Reservation,
From Mr. O'Ncil. hut ilnvvn h-nm
Colville. we learn that the Spokane
Indians arc very saucy and Impudent.
They are going arorind in hands of 15
to 20 with war point on, notifying the
settlers to leave.
Geary, who Is an educated ;'cnss,"
had a notice written by himself, served
on the settlers, telling them tbe land
they were settled on was hi, and he
wanted them to go away. The settlers
are greatly frightened, not knowing
what the Indians may do.
It is thought the stories regarding
trouble with the Indians at White
Bluffs, on the Columbia river, and other
points ou tiie coast, are. to say the
Gov. Booth, of California, held a
conference with Gen. Schofleld. April
29th, with regard to calling out volun
teers for the Modoc w,ar. The Gen
eral thought it unnecessary at present.
Ghost. The most mat'erif-fact
storv of a ghostly interview that
we have seen tor a long time, comes
from 1 es .Moines, Iowa A young
woman at breakfast, the other day,
said t-he was much troubled bv a
mj!"!,""" ' ave .'yi to lie , heaven
at 1 oVloek,' aiaT said, '(Joud-by,
amity, and disappeared!, At noon,
i.ews ol the death of her niece at
midnight came;"
olored Boys are working their
way into the great machine Shops
of the i eutral i aeific liailroad.
In the Forty-i bird Congress,
which is to assemble on the first
Monday in December, the Repub
licans will I avea majority of nearly
one hundred in the iioiise. The fol
lowing thirteen States which to
gether will have fifty-six members,
will each have a solid
delegation in the House:
Florida, Iowa, Kansas,
Maine, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, .Nebraska,
i elaware,
: ouisiana,
M iclugan-,
Urcgoti, and Kl.oile
Status having fifteen
sland. Three
members will
nav a solid i einocratic delegation.
Ihey arc Kentucky, Nevada and
'1 he aged but astute .1
mer keeps no barometer,
he put h's trust in the gi
but he know s when Kuril u
I1110I8 tiir
nor does
es by seeing
rived at mm
us sous v. ho have ar
iooiI iiiviiure to leave
home, alter a winter ol
. i
on the old man.
. -AND -
General Repair Shop.
HpHE l M 1 l,M(..NEl HAVtSti HP.
A turned to Albany, aud isken his old
hopoti comer ol K'usworlh and Seoond
streets, tuiuounces his icadlness io attend
loall kinds of
Also, has on hinul and for i-ale, the
Straycr Forcoicct!
acd other PLOWS
which In villsellon the most reannnahli
UORSE SHOEING. -All rcund,$2t
Rctcttiey. $1.
All ork entrusted to me will recetv
proinrtt. attention, and. be even ed In iih
liew posslhle manner, with t-ooi material.
A share oi piri.ic a rmuiiu Is solicited,
sho" on corner K Iswor h unil Becotid
stive s, oppwdio l'ierce'a ti ny.
Idvi K. WOOD,
Arctic Soda.
irtcili les for (lisiieiisin.' i Ins ilaltahi.
In tl'i 1 heai' h-i;ivlr beverage, we would
annottnoe to our rornier patronn, and thn
public generally, thai wearo folly pn-) ansi
from one of l hose elegam
Tui't'a Arctic Fountain,
tonnnrily sodn of the l'st iinnlity In nn
limlted quantitlei loall who may favor ui
wi;h n cull-
lie delivered to families orderlnir thmuah
ont the city.
Denleni Nnpplled nt Liberal Kate.
t'ompany Und Deparl merit, Portland
(MiKon. April 5, 1H72. Xoiiee is hereby
given, that a vigorous prosecution will bit
instituted wainst liny and every person
who tresiiassos u)ioii anv Ilnllmad Und.
All vacant Land in odd numbered
tlona, whether nurvevod or iiiiHurveyed.
......... ., ....-..,-, niui-iiiiic irom me
line of the road, helonjri teWhc Company .
l. a. MOOqSfl,