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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1873)
ALBANY REGISTER. JOB PRINTING. DRY GOODS, ETC. R. R. Ra PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, By COLL. VAN CLEYE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Comer Firry and Fird Sireett. TERMS -IN ADVANCE. One year Three dollars. His month. Two dollars. Single copies Ten cents. ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements, per square of ten lines or less, ttrst Insertion t-; each subsequent insertion $1. Larger adver tisements inserted on tne most nuerai tonus. JOB WORK. Having received new tyi, stock of col ored Inks, car ls, a liordon Jobber, etc., we are prepared to execute all kinds of print ing in a bolter manner, and llfly jht cent heaper than ever before offered in this oity. As am tor the ReKiater. The following gentlemen aw authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions, advertisina, etc., for the Register: Hiram Smith. Harrisbuni. 0. P. Tomnklns. Harrisburg. Peter Hume. Brownsville. W. R. Kirk, Brownsville. J. B. Irvine. Scio. T. H. Beynolds, Sulem. L. P. Fisher. San Francisco. D. P. Porter, Sbedd's Station. NEW TO-DAY. Avseswofs Notice. TAXPAYERS OF LtNN COUNTY will please have in madlness when I shall be around to make an assessment of their property for the, year If7:i. a correct des cription" of their lands, giving as near as may be parts of Section, Township and Range In which each piece or parcel is sit uate I, or where that cannot be hail, the original iloniilton claimant, o. 01 .onn eation an 1 No. of Claim. By so doing all dhmm will lie enabled to make the neces sary affl unit to a correct description of their pronerrv as rcqturea oy law ; ami an Mnnni linW to nav poll tax art notilled that unless the same is rial 1 at the time of assessment, the same will be given to the Sheriff for collection as bv law requtred. J. T. THABP, Feb. i8, 7&3t Assessor Linn Co. EPIZOOTICS DISTANCED. THE RAT TEA II KTIIX LITEM, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKE Agbeeji bnv tree. Thankful for past favors. and wishing to merit ihe continuance of the same, the BAY TEAM will always ie ready, and easily found, to do any hauling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation, e Delivery of Mood Kpi-cialty. A. N. ARNOLD, Suva Proprietor. Piles ilesT WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot be ouro 1, when so many evidences of success might lie placed liefore you every day cures of simjiosed hopeless cases.' Your physician informs yon that tuclongeryou allow the complaint In exist, you lessen your eliances for rcllet Experience hat kiughl flUi in all count. A. ('brothers & o.'s Pile Pills and Ointment are all they are recommended to be. Will oure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles in a very short time.and arc cojfr-nitii in use. This preparation is sent by mail or ex press to any point within the United States at II SO per package. Address, A. C A BOTHERS CO., KvS Box 33, Albany, Oregon. O. W. OAHBLE, M. II. , Physician, Sura eon A Aeconebeiaf , ALBANY, OREGON. 0 FFICE -First street, two doors cat of C. Mealcy's Fumiture Shop. lOvo ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON, N. M. nt milt. . Proprietor. BY STRICT ATTENTION TO THE COM fort and wellboing of all gncstsof the honse.tlie proprietor hopes to deserve and receive the generous patronage of a dis orimtnating public. 18r5 J. F. McCOY, DEALER IN -AM rp.KRS PLEASURE IN INFORMING A his numerous friends and auqpaiut ances that nc has on hand a large supply Saddle & IIi.rnc, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. At Butler's old stand, flraUit., ALBANY, OREGON. decC-tlmC ronndryasen, BUM-hainlths and nr rtnge .Tinker. CKI.R0TED OLD COMPANY'S LEHIGH Coal ; JacVsnn Creek, Cask and Bulk Gumlierland CwU : HaidandSoftPigli-on. Bsingsspeoai:'-, Mic above are selected wttll great care fur interior consumers. J. R. DOYLE, SIX and tit Pac(lk!St rtvt. and 43(1 Hail h! rrwt w-lel.JIweeu Jck-tan anil! Pacific, San f Saddles- TEC23 ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AXD HAM) PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable Styles of Printing Material. Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels But why particularize, when iti; gen erally acknowledged that we are ON IT When it comes under the hevl fcif "Oomo to toe n, onot T)LANK DEED?, MORTGAGES, ETC., id latent aivlea -uid for aale I ) on hand latent low, at thiao.'Boe. wmtim P.C. HARPER & CO. Vine R K(i LSA VE TO CALL THE AT Tv teiu ion of the public to oar large and well selected s iock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE consisting of the latest and most fashion ahle styles of DRESS GOODS ! TRINMIKCIK. LACE OLI.ARS. ' SHAWLS, LtOJi. KHMKOIUKJiY and Fancy Notions. Intlie GcnUemiii's Departmenl weotrerthe latest styles in CLOTIIINd. theliestin UNDERWEAR, the nolilu est TILS and SCARFS, the nicest GLOVES and GAUNTLETS, and the "ton" in BOOTS & SHOES, while our M I.H HATS arc all the rage. We keen constantly on hand a full as sortment of SHOT CSr-TJKTS, SHOT-POUCHES, GUN-TUBES, TOWDER, FLASKS, SHOT-BELTS, POWDER, snoT, CAPS, in fret, everything In the hunter's line Our Mirrors & Picture Frame embrace all sizes and styles. In the line of GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, Fruit Jar. POCKET & TABLE (I TLERY, Nails. Tobacco, Domestic Goods, A WOOD & WILLOW WARE. our stock is full and complete. tar call and examine goods, jgt t'eater's Bulldlue, First Nt., Albany. P. C. HARPER & CO. MARBLE WORKS. flOXKOE & STAIOEB, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tomb Si Head and l oot Stone, .Executed In California, Vermont and llallaiijk. SaIf.M, OREGON. BRA.M II HIIOF AT A1BA1 V. REWARD FOR IS Incurable Case! DR. IX RICHAtT'S GOLDEN BALSAM! After ten Tears' trial on this Coast has proven itfulftbo only curative in ace rtninrlcps of diseases pronounced by medical practition ers as incurable. Dr. Lo toil's GOLDEN BALSAM No. i cures Chancres first and wrond s'agti, Sores on the Legs or Boly; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, tic.) Copper-colored Blotches, Syi litlitic Cctarrh, DisMs.-d 8lp, and all primary iorms c( H15 diaeue huown ss Syphilis. Price, $5 pu bot tle, or two for (. Dr.LoIta'sGiMEH BALSAM Ho.2 cures Tertiary, MerenriKl, Pyrhlliti- Rheuma tism, Pains ia the Bones, T.mYiI the Kn k, LI, ccntcd Bora throat, Pyiihilitic Rasb, Lumi'S and Oimtractcd drds, NtiCacM of tlie Ijtabs, tad endicatas all di 'nm thciystem. whetuer amwfa by inoisi 1. un cr t.uw o( nwrcury leanngthe blord iiiiretud lital.hy. Price, $J pur settle, or twe ic r 8!). D.-.L9 Biihin'i G3LBEN SFANl!!! AN- tldito, for tho ftnro of OonnorWs, Cleet, Irrl- titio:i, (l.-avel, and all L'riuary r CnoUal ilisarraag jmctlts. Price, fi.m per bottle. Dr.LeBittGOLDFH f PANISE Iff-' Jetton, a w.4 and injectlo - fr revere o:n ol OjnnorluetflutUminEtory Clcet.fttrielims, and all d.Mas(.t the Kidneys sud liladdcr. Pri-i., tu,3 par kattle. AlMAgsnttifwD?.. IBncTaU'SGOlEE!) ?I!.L8 Miiitril V.vti, , ,j: i t v.msTtniTWt' ir-y, i.nd a'l"aiwiarisf(tfrrra arbatum iud Mtcr wiive l u a. Irlr , f ; fle., Tl;e g. naiii" Ciua riihyi i onlriii r3ii l Ujt'V. Oil M Vt pri-e, tbx e r.eill elnra r Vi hit"!Kirrtsrf the chutiIw. ,: rmi'lii rmrl, pctt.'ly pritJtnd (r.u ti,.iu biT. vili.'S, (inAs-nla, -J C, V. RfrHtr.TS k CO X SWBolcsala Bi'tail l"njij(kta anil CacniUPta, H.ei.l v k aiuoni blisoti. Emu 1 ':.j Cal Hi PATENT MEDICINE. Vlneg-nr III tters are not s vile.Fntirv Drtnx, made of Poor Ruin, Whisky, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to pltsse the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers," 4c, that lead the tippler ou to drunkenness and ruin, hut are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purtaor and a Life-srtving Principle, a Perfect Renovatorand lnvlgor ator of the System, carrylnif oft all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching It, refreshing and in vigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt In their ac tion, certain in their results, safe and reli able in all forms of disease. No Person can take these Bit ters accordinsr to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by nitnentl poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of ropiilr. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructa tions of (he Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inilammatlon of the Lungs, Pain In the region of the-Kldneys, and a hundred other palnhll symptoms, are the oflsprings in uicse compiamis it nas one bottle will prove a better its merits than a lengthy ad- inle Complaints, in young rled or single, at the daw u of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an Influence that a niarkea improvement Is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory ana Chronic RlMWmntisin tuid Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and liner litttent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. 1'or Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worn, Scald-llead, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of the Skin, Humus and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried ji r .1... ...,... 1.. .. ,..... .1..... I... .1. T vuii ot mi njBitrm iu a ouoiv mm uj lui' uat. of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of thtto curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you liud its impurities bursting througli the kHto in Pimples, Emotions, or Sores : cleatso it when yon find it obstructed an. fciugifii m tue veins ; cleanse it wiien it 1 foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health ol the system will follow. Pin, 'Cape and other Worms, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are cilectually destroyed ami removed. Says a distinguished physiologist: There k scarcely an Individual oil the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the pres ence of worms. It is not upon tue healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposit that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitlcs, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typesetters, Cold-beaters and Miners, as they advance in life, arc subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against llus, take. dose of Walker's Vikeoar Bit- .cw i" i-c a i , ft. Bilioais, Bemittent and Inter mi I lent (ever, which are so prevalent iu the valleys of our great rivers through out the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio. Missouri, Illinois, Tennes see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country dining the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and Jrj ness. arc in variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful In fluence upon these various organs, is essen tially necessary. There Is 110 cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vis e oar Bitters, aa they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the mime stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restortug the healthy functiuos of the digestive orguns. Scrofula, or King's Fvil, White. Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, swelled neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Aifectlons, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. fn these, as In all other constitu tional Diseases, Walker's Vineuar Bit ters have shown their great curative pow ers In the most obstinate and intractable cases. Dr. Walker's California Vine. gar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purilyuig the Blood they remove the cause, and bv resolving away the cAMS of the Inilammatlon (the tubercular Oepoglf s) the affected parts re ceive health, and a permanent cure Is effected. The aperient and mild Laxative ;,pjpjperties or dr. walker's Vineoar Bit- tions Ira vml&i&t'jni. Their balsamic, ueaung, sag soouung prove rtk protect the humors of the tsuces. Tiicir Sedative prop erties allay pain In the nervous system, stomach and bowels, either from inflamma tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Directions. Take of tbe Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one.half wtos-gWuL Hat good nourishing food, nuchas beef-steak, mutton chop, veni son, roast beet, and vegetables, and take outdoor exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable iagredienta, and contain no spirit. R II. ISocMHtAI.D CO., I Gn. Agt. , San Francisco, Cal., sjhingtonaud Charlton Sts., N.Y. SOU) BT ALU DRCCGISTS 4 DBALIR& For mh or old, nT 1 CCitS THE WORST PALMS LN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR After raftdlDjr thti tdvtrtiMttfal ati uy on. BUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF H A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It wt the lint and ii TEE ONLY PAIN REMEDY Thil Instantly iIom the moat excruciating pafni, ftilavt lutlamiuatntm. and rurr CttDffVtUont, vrftthr of to LuitK, Stomach, Bowtla, or vthi gUaJ or orpin, 07 on application, h from one to twenty minutes. No nmttfr bow violoott r xcnciM!n: tb pmin tb RHEUMATIC, Bwi-rithiou, lnhrm, Crilttf, Nirreoi Neuralgic, or prottrauU with Uis nv tutitr, RAUWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT CASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE HI A0PK8L INFLAMMATION 0 1HK BOWELS, CONUIUTIO.N OF THE Ll'NQa, SORE THROAT, DIFFICLLT SKEAilllNO. PALPITATION OF Tlln HEART, HYSTERICS, CROLT, Oil 1ITHER1A, CATARRH, INFLLT.NZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NUKALUIA, RHKfJIATISH, COLO CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Thtipplltttloaoi lh KKAIIY RELIEF lo tk parlor paru wlirrt tbf pitlii or difficulty vAiiu wIR ftffard nui tnrl comfort. Twrutv drops id ball a Imnbler of water will in n ffew momouu cure CRAMFS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, SICK HSADACHE, HEARTBIIRN, DIAKItllKA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, Wl0 IN THE SOVtcLk and all INTERNAL I AIN'S. TraraUn abouid alwavi carry a bottle of KadV n uj V Kaady Ht-lb-f with tharo. A fr dr. pa or water will praverjt ilcuaaa or paint from cbauge ot wttatv It it batter than Frrncb branny or Rittert at a ttiu.nlanl. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE ccrtd for fifty rati. Thrrt I net a muedtal apent in taU world thttt will cure t-'Tt and Afiit, and alt uiher Matarioui, Bilioui, S. rii Tvph'iid, Yntlow, and otbrr Fovcn (aided bv iUD W'AS Villa) to quit, as RAD WAV'S KLADf RELIEF. FitiY tnti j..-r Mtle. Sola bv Dnltm HEALTH! BEaU'H!! STRONO AND PURE RICH BLOOD-INT UEAS1 OF FLESH AND WEIl.HT-CLLAR !MN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. Dr. HAD WAY'S HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISIIINO CLUESi 80 WICK, 80 RAPID ARR THE CHANUtS IHI BODY UNDI.RU.IES, 1 NUKRTIIE IN I'LL' E.N CR OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDklNa, THAT Every Day an Increase in 1 lean, and Weight ia Seen and Felt. TOE GREAT BLOOD PURlFiER, Eey drop of the SARSAPARILUAN RESOLD ENT commuatcalaa tbroub ibe Rlood,, Urln and otbir fluid and j..;is of the iviteni the vigor Ol lift, for it repair, the aratttt of the body with new and Maud material. Scrofula, Syphltla, Cousumiaion, Glas dular diatau, Ulcen In tb Throat, Mouth, Tumor. Node in the Glands and other part of the lyiUot, So Eye, Strnrooui DiKharvi frum the Ear, and the worat fririfc. of Skin dlwaMt, Eraj'tlons, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Rinr-Worm, Salt Rhenn, En-iiMlu. Acnv Black Spots, Worms In the Flash, Tumon, Cancer Ik tb Womb, and all weakening and painful diichi.rrt. Night Sweat, Los of Srwnn, and all wutii of the life principle, are within the curative range of this won der of Modsra Chemistry, and a few days' use will j-roae to any person using it Ur either of these forms of diMta Its potent power to cure them- If tbe patient, daily berouilnff reduced by the wulaa and decomposition that is continually progressing, . ceeds la armting ibcke wtutes, and repain the eaiaja with new material made from healthy Mood-and thie the SARSAFAR1LL1AN will and does secure. Not only doe theSawsraaiLUAN ftnou int exeej alt known reniedial agtnti in the cure of Chronic, finrofulooa. Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it li tb oniy positive eurt fur KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS Urinary and Womb disnuws, Qravel, Diabetes, Drcpei, Btoppairef Waur.lnctntinenceof IMne, Bright' DbV eate, Albuuiinuria, and in ail caee wherv therv an brkkduit dtpvsiU. or tbe water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substance like tbe white of wi x, or threads lis whit silk, or then is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance and whit tnduU deposits, and when there is a rtcb leg, burning seuiatiou whrn pauing water, and pain to tbe Small of the Hat k mi J the Loin. Price, fldri WOKMS. Tht onlv known aud aura ReutrJ; for WORMS P1N, TAPE, elc. Tumor of 12 'Years ' Growth Carmi by Undteay'i Bmotvrnt. Dr RAD WAY'S peneciiy tastriees, slegai'tiy toatrd with iweet gura. purge, regulat-, purify, ansa, and strengthen. Raa way's nils, for the cur of a!l disorders of the St macky Liver, Bowels, Kidfieys, Bladder, Nervous Diavasc Headache. Constipation, Costlveness, Iodigentlon, D; Ktiiia, Billousiieu, Itlllous Fever, Intlamiiiation ol the well, Pile, aad all iserangemeat of the Internal Viu-rra. Warranted to effect a ptuitive nire. Purelf Vegetahle, containing no uimury, minerals, or de1s tenon drags. A few dose of RAPWAY'S PILLS will free the system from all tbe abovr-nswed disorder. Price, cenU wh, SOLD BV DRlTHOlSTS. READ -FALsE AND TRUE." Send on letMr stamp to RADWAY A CO., No. US Warren Street. New York. Information worth thousands will be seai yw. HOLLOWAY'S Eyery Man Idi own PWcia . CAUTION. IT TIE immeoM demand for HOLWWAY'e 1 PILLS and OINTMENT ban tempted anprinoinlod partis to counterfeit those valn aMtt merUcinea. In order to protect the public and ourselves, we have uwued a new " Trade Hark," conaist in; of an Egyptian circle ot a erpent, with the Intter H in the eentis. Every box of gen uine HoLLOWAT'a Pills and Ointmbmt will have this trade mark; on it ; none an geouins without it. T. V. Cmevioal (Jo., eo'w rroprietora, r liaiden Lane, New Yost CRANK BSIGB ' M, San i mi isco, CaJ. U SolAgeilU for the Paotfle suoasi. It b' s