V. S. O'.acinl Pnprr tor Ornron. PK1DAY, APRIL 25. 1873. EARTHQl'AKE AT SAW SALVADOR. NewsfYom Aspinwall, via Ha vana, April 10th, states that the city of San Salvador, ( Vntrel Amer ica, was altruist entirely destroyed on the 4tli inst., by an earthqinvko. Kiglit hundred persons perished and twelve millions of dol a"s worth of property arc reported destroyed. The ground heaved like a ship in a' gale. A terrific thundering burst from under foot, walls tottered and were rent, roofs sank to the ground. Throe violent shocks followed in succession. The wildest consterna tion prevailed. Servants began to scream, horses grew frantic, dogs howled. Men, women and children fled to the fields with their valu ables hastily collected. This was followed by the ringing of Mis and the beating of drums, for the pur-, pose of calling all soldiers under arms, to protect the city against muruer and pillage, which always accompany such events there. In dians from the forest frequently prowling tor prey, and can only be checked by bayonets of troops. San Salvador was founded in 1589. In 1854 it was a well built, splendid city containing a popula tion of 80.000; but on the night of April 16th, it was completely de stroyed by an earthquake, and about one hundred lives lost. It was then the seat of government. In 1855, it again became the scat of government, and its trade had re sumed its former flourishing condi tion up to the late calamity. Its population was some 18,000. J. The St. Louis Democrat says it will back the Legislature ot Mis souri "against any similar body that has assembled in this country since the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus for stupidity, for melessness, for depravity, and tor all those qualities which convert honest men into rogues and sensible men into asses." Fur our part we don't want the next Legislature of Oregon toonitete. Any increased expertness over some past Legisla tures in rogue-assicalnoss, might render it the champion. Let Mis souri have all the disgraceful glory. Travel across the continent is re ported as increasing. During six days, recently, 876 passengers left Omaha on the express trains, and 1,000 by the colony and emigrant trains, ticketed through beyond Ogden. Nearly as many more had been carried to points in Nebraska, Colorado and Utah, and they were still coming. The population of Canada in 1861 was 6,187.122; the present population is 6,951,467; the increase 764,345. It is thought annexation would add a million of inhabitants to that province within five years . Sacramento wants a branch prison there. She has no doubt of her ability to fill it. Such candor is refreshing, as well as truthful. Tin mines have been discovered in the Blue Mountains in Washing ton Territory, not tar from the Ore gon line. . 04 During the winter Tim Darling killed 130 deer iu the Blue Moun tains, Walla Walla county, A MAMSACRE IS MRAW T PARISH. A dispatch from New Orleans, April 16th, gives the particulars of the massacre of one hundred negroes by whites. The troubles arose out ofthe filling of the parish officers. The officers elected by the people were ignored by the Lynch Return ing Board. Then Gov. Kellogg filled the places with his appointees. These failing to quality, the Gover nor ordered the parties originally elected to assume the offices. A force of negroes then took possession of the Court House at Colfax. It is said they were instigated by members of the Kellogg Legisla ture. The negroes erected barri cades, from which they issued, plun dering plantations, stopping steam boats for provisions, etc. Meantime the whites gathered at Coltai Their numbers were increased by accessions from other parishes, until one hundred and fifty whites were encamped around the Court House The first fight occurred on Saturday the 12th. The white leaders of the negroes had gone aboard a passing steamer and left for New Orleans liefore this. The result of the first fight was the defeat ot the whites, who were commanded by Hadnet, a member of the Fusionist legisla ture. No loss of life resulted from this fight. The final battle took place Saturday noon. The barri cades were stormed and the Court House assailed, but the whites be ing unable to oust the negroes set fire to the Court House, and as the terrified negroes ran out, shot them down one by one to the number of one hundred. Many were also wounded and the rest escajied. Jfhc whites lost two killed, includ ing Hadnet. Several were wound ed. Such is the news in brief as it comes by telegraph. It must strike every one as a cold blooded, heart less butchery. A butchery that should cause humanity to lie asham ed of its species. The brutality is hightened by a later dispatch: "Not a single colored man was killed until after they had surrendered." These colored men were doubtless guilty of aggravating things; but the strife and contention which have raged among parties there, for so long, render it quite as proba ble that the mob of whites who massacred them on this occasion, were just as guilty of bad things. These wanton acts of cruelty and blood are a disgrace to civilization, and should be discountenanced in every possible way. FEWERAL OF DR. THOMAS. About six thousand people viewed, the remains of Rev. Dr. Thomas at Lowell street M. E. Church in San Francisco on the 18th inst. The church was draped iu mourning, the coffin covered with wreaths and boquets ot flowers, and the pulpit covered with the national colors draped in festoons. The body pf the church was thronged by people during the services. Many of the military, headed by Gen. Schofield, were present. Fifty-five ministers of the gospel were present. Rev. Mr. Snalling read the memorial, which was listened to with profound attention. An immense cortege fol lowed the remains to their last rest ing place. .The Supreme Court ot Illinois has decided that a man in that State is not responsible for a slander uttered by his wife. That is a "right" which husbands have not heretofore possessed in that State. ALBANY REGISTER. FFWERAL of uen. cawhy. The tniieral obsequies of Gen. Canby took place at Portland on last Friday. In accordance with the request of Mrs. Canby, the cere monies were conducted without dis play. They were participated in by a large number of citizens, and many ofthe military. The burial services were held in the presence of' the widow and a few immediate friends of the family These were conducted by Rev. 6. W. Izer, ot the Methodist Church, Dr. A. L. Liudstey, of the Presbyterian Church, and Bev T. L. Eliot, of the Unitarian Church After these ceremonies were finished the funeral cortege was formed and proceeded to the Armory, where the body was exposed to public view from 12 o'clock M.to 4 P M. Thousands of persons availed themselves ofthe privilege thus furnished of looking upon the countenance of the mar tyred soldier, for the last lime on earth. About five o'clock P M the body was taken to the Lone Fir Cemetery and deposited in a vault, where they will remain until the arrival of the brother-in-law of the deceased. RAD TRAGEDY. A terrible tragedy aecnrred'at Drain station, Oregon, on the 21st inst. It is thought to be one of those cases of calamity- resulting from the careless use of firearms. A young man named Tracy, went to the station, where two men named Poland and Stewart were at work. As he approached, he raised his gun iu a jocular manner asking Stewart to hand over his money. The latter responded he had but little, when Tracy said Poland always had plenty, and he would give him a rattle, and rais ing his gun, fired, and the ball en tered Poland's breast. Poland cried, "you have killed me!" and started tor the house, but fell before reaching it. Stewart started for the doctor, but coming up to Tracy the latter proposed to go, when Stewart went to Poland's assistance. Being unable ',o move him, he went to a neighbor's house for help. On his return Tracy was found lying dead, shot through the head. The parties were ot good reputation, and were friends. Poland is mor ta'ly wounded. Will eople never qua fooling with firearms, AW I I I. NMAHT. A little brief authority is too much tor some men. They magnify it into monstrous proportions, and frequently come to grief, as did the toad that tried to swell to the size of an ox. One of these overly smart fellows, occupying the exalted position of Deputy Assessor in San Bernardino county Cal., went to assess a widow lady's property, not lorjg since. He must count all her articles of furniture. Wouldn't take her word for the number of chickens Rhe had, but got some corn, called the chickens up and counted them. The widow began to "bile" then, and when the awful 'smart, Assessor went out to count the bee hives, she, just flipped her apron over her head and gave one of the hives a kick that "cop-sot", it. About three quarts of bees struck the self-important Assessor. They counted hiti out. Be fled, and there was no order about his leav ing. He went energetically. So did the bees after him, arfd each carried a red-hot "fut" along. That Assessor went home with a face looking like an underdone plum pudding. His "smart" now is genuine. EASTERN WEWi. Gov. Kellogg on the 21st desired that troop be sent to Louisiana. The following postoflices have been established iu this Suite: Shell Bock, Wasco county, Daniel Gra ham, postmaster; Sodaville, Linn county, Win, A. Pellison, postmas ter. The offices at Deschutes, Wasco county; Grant, Grant coun ty; Springfield, Multnomah county, have been discontinued. W. J. Pickett has been appointed post master at Princeville, Wasco county. Gen, Sherman has written a long letter, dated the 17th inst., to his friends in Washington, in which he forcibly presents his well known views regarding treatment of In dians. He believes negotiations should be entrusted to army officers having no po icy, but having power to compel the observance of engage ments which the Indians know and fear. All Modocs are involved in the recent murders. "I do not think that the murder of, General Canby was the individual act of Captain Jack, and if they (the Mo docs) all be swept from the earth, they themselves have invited it. The whole matter must be left to the officers on the spit. They must be sheltered against a howl such as followed Major Baker after his Picgan attack and General Custar after his attack on Black Kettle's camp. There is not much danger of too much harm being done. To be effective and exemplary, the blow must involve punishment ter rible enough to impress the kindred tribes ot the Klamaths and Piutes with the fact that all Indians must be made to know when the Govern ment commands they must obey. And until that state of mind is reached through persuasion or fear we cannot hope fbr peace." Eight freight cars loaded with flour, tobacco and miscellaneous goods, on their way from the West to New York, were broken open and robbed on the night ofthe 20th, at Philadelphia. Henry Ward Beechej, in a ser mon last Sunday night, invoked the father of all mankind to re member in mercv the children of the forest, whose pent up wrongs had driven them to bloodshed and diabolical murder. Hie Secretary of War, upon the recommendation of Senators Mitch. ell and Kelly, has ordered 500 stand of breech-loading rifles from the arsenal at Vancouver, to the authorities of Oregon. The Post Office Department will commence issuing postal cards May 11th. The Methodist Preachers' Asso ciation',)f New York, will com memorate the lives and deaths of Gen. Canby and Bev., Dr. Thomas, they both being members of that denomination. A riot between strikers from the coal mines at Knightsville, hid., and negro miners who had Been lately imported from Virginia, oc curred at that place on the 15th. Gov. Hendricks sent troops and arrested several of the ring leaders. Senator Bayard paid his extra compensation into the Treasury. Up to the 17th, all but 30 members of Congress had drawn their back pay. The President has received many telegrams and letters lately, exhort ing him to cleave to the philanthrop ic peace policy towards the Indians. The President answered calmly, the Modocs must be exterminated not as a passionate revenge, but as an act of justice to peaceful settlers in that part of the country. Charles Francis Adams delivered an oration on Wm. H. Seward at Albany, N. Y., on the 18th, in the presence of both branches of the Legislature, State officers, judiciary and many citizens. Public sentiment in New York city is generally in tavor of the ex termination policy towards the Mo docs, since the treacheryi j The recovery of nearly a qirarter of a million of dolors iu United I States bonds, which hail been ob- ! tained by McDonald, alias Pidwell, and his associates in the late Bank : of England forgeries, was effected April 21st. The facts nr. as fol lows. On the 5th of March last H trunk said to contain wearing ap parel was delivered at the office of the North Atlantic Express. No. 4 Margaret street. London, by a per son calling himself C. Lcssiiig, of Tunbridge Wells, and addfesred to Major G. Matthew's, New York, to tie kept iu bind at the express office, No. 71 Broadway, New York, until called for. The trunk was duly forwarded by the express companv, and reached New York by the steamship Cuba, which ar rived March 20lh, and was kept in bond by the company as jief instruc tions until Saturday last when a woman calling herself Mrs. Mat thews presented an order, duly signed G. Matthews. .Meantime counsel for the Bank of England had received some information with regard to the trunk which led to its detention until to-day, when it was taken possession of under an order by the Supreme Court by Nathaniel Jarvis, Ksq., receiver in the Hank ot England forgery ease, and on being opened and examined was found to contain a quantity of wearing apparel, two gold watches, several miscellaneous artic es, and' three packages of United States 5.20 and 10-40 binds rolled up in soiled linen, amounting iu all to 8220 909. The bonds were found to be identical in class, amounts, ami numbers, with those advertised by the I 'auk of England to have lieeu obtained by the Bidwell tor- genes. In the trunk were found cards and card plate, memorandum bill, etc., showing conclusively that it had lieen shipped by and tele graphed to him out ot $300 000 obtained from the Bank of England by these fingers. But about $30. 000 remains to be recovered. A special announces that one of our Commissioner!! who is now on his way to Vienna, is suspended tor improper' practices, and another i: Suspected and his case is being in quired into. Beports are in circu lation that some of the complimen tary commissioners secured their appointments in order to represent certain manufacturing interests, and that a town g Machine Company and a Gun Company, each, have a Government Commissioner in its employ. The suit of G. B. Davis against the New York Times for libel, was summarily ended on the 21st. Da vis was just on the stand when counsel for defendant objected to h s testimony, on the ground that he was a convicted telon. The judge sustained the objection, and so it ended. A special says a session of the Peace Commissioners will soon be commenced in New York for the purpose of a general consultation on Indian a Hairs. A freshet caused a train from Stouington, R. I., to Boston, to fall through a bridge at Richmond switch, April 19th, Some iwelve persons were supimsed killed, and about 35 wounded. Three? passen ger cars were burned. Geo. T. Burton, a negro, was convicted at Georgetown, 1). C, on the 19th, of ravishing a little daugh ter of a while man, and sentenced to be hanged on the 20th of June. The Court of Plaints at Wash ington have rendered judgement against the United States in tavor of ex-Senator Caldwell for $300, 889 on a contract tor army trans portation in Nebraska in 1866. Chief Justice Drake dissented. A. T. Stewart, the New York millionaire, is sufteriiig intensely from Bright's disease of the kid ncys. A complete file ot the Charleston Courier lor ninety years, has been purchased tor the library ot Con gress. Not a number is missing.