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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1873)
I 0 ALBANY REGISTER. LOCAL MATTERS. O.I KVI IO ASKWEKEO. A letter lia been handed us from M. H. fteplteu of Otwla, Clark county, lows, making inquiries regard ing the Willamette Valley, with a re quest to answer. Toe nrst question proposed fat: "Do yon have to irri gate?" Speaking of this portion of the State, the portion einhnteed in Linn county the leading agricultural coun ty in Oregon in reply to this question, our aiiswer would be. no irrigation is required. Of course tlicre are large bodies of rich land in Oregon, as well as the territory adjacent, thai will not produce unless irrigation is resertexl to; but heie, in the grand old Willam ette Valley, the "mists and dues lrom the clouds ave irs(the trouble and ex pense. "What is the price of wild land?" If bf "wild land" is meant Government land, land subject to entry and homesteadiug, we would answer, we know of none or compar atively none, in this county. There is any amount of unimproved land, how ever, that can be purchased for from 3 50 to $10 per acre, according to lo cality. There may be, and possibly is, lauds that can lie homesteaded, hack in the hills, excellent for grazing purposes stock farms. There is also large bodies of fine bottom or valley lands in the hundreds ot little valleys east of the Cascade Mountains, lands that will reward thehusbamhmui boun tifully for his toil; but generally speaking, irrigation will be necessary there. "Is the country settling fast ?" Population is increasing slowly, as the people of the Eastern States have been k'xceedingly slow to believe tlie truth with regard to the many advantages possessed by Oregon. We expect, during the next two years, to witness a tremendous influx of people, not only frun the Eastern States, but from Europe, owing to recent efforts to disseminate wider information with regard to Oregon and her advantages. "What ot the society?" It is fully equal, and in some respects superior, to that of the older States. "What kind of climate?" Moist in Winter, and in Summer the finest in the world. We are visited with neither extreme cold or hot weather. From about the 10th of November to first of April we have rain very few heavy showres. but a continual drizzle-drozzle. The balance of the year the weather is per- fectlv splendkl. "Describe some of small towns along the railroad." I ThevillaeesaWthe lineof the Ore-! gon & California Railroad are similar to those along railroads in Illinois. o r - - wr Gencrallv sneakimrthe business houses 1 and private dwellings are frames ' very few buildings of brick. The priu- eipal towns on the railwav are Port- land. Salem, Albany. Hamburg, Eu-! gene City and Rosebtirg. "What are the wages of common laborers?" etc.! T laborers get from 1 to $1 50 per j day; earjwiiters and blacksmiths from j fc 50 to 14 per day; school teachers j from 35 to $100 per month; clerks from $25 to $125 xr month. Rough j lumber is worth $14 per M.; flour. $5 per barrel. For furtlier Information j as to price ot provisions, see market report elsewhere. In fact, the citizens of the Willamette Valley, the garden M)tot Oregon, dress, eat, sleep, talk, and do business generally about after t! style of their kindred of the older Slate. W . havejustasmanychmrhes. j mmmt of ,mportmit m,sln(B ac school hous, court houses and jails; enmutoeed, neftssltatlng more Ire as handsome women and brave men; mi(,llt lllcctlMgs of the Council. Ad a good sprinkling of thoroughbred . onmed to meet on Monday evening horse, trotters, pacers and runners; i next tine cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. In onrj 7T residences can be found the finest-toned ! KoTART Knoixe. -Messrs. Paxton pianos, organs, etc.-in fact our people ! Buhnrto ,,ftve ,nvented ew have got about as moeh "get up" and 1 e"ine' a mwlel for wh,ch wo eJttm snap about them as the "rest of man-1 med 011 TMe,a?- Sc,v,'ral prominent kind." and more. But yon can fimj i engineers and machinists have exam ahnost any kind or climate and soil la a,,(1 P,'0l,mim'e " coin Oregon that you may wish; and if the p,etest rotary mm e"in,, 'et moisture of the w'iilamette Valley t smtt' and "P1 ttie Miv thj" 't Winters are objected to, a few miles j wil1 revo!t,tio"ii! Hie engine business, will take you into the mountains, j ow," ,te 'nplicity and , cheapness, costiiii,' neiirlv one-ha f e's wuere yo.m get snow and Ice and ,., otilel. timMwry:o tUh kill(, freezing weather to your tetrt's con-1 TlHHe gentlemen have been el work "S U"m 'VmU,m- 1 perfecting the machine tor two years fui,fvtiT vL ia r ! rmU a"(1 :,ley itotiH the rich reward CfcAWroKD6vu.LK.-loo late to which shooltf attend on perseverencc this Issue wiil appear next week.. in. laudable enterprises. ftrfrt 1Mb . 4. Albany. April 15th, 1873. At a called meeting ot Farmers' Club No. 4, Linn county, Oregon, the following resolutions were passed. For the tree passage ol the majiy delegates on the Governor Grover to the Farm ers' Convention at Salem, and back, and other kind favors shown us: Ba$olred, That it is the manliest in terest of this Club to give every encour agement in its power tor sustaining the Willamette Freighting Company, or opposition line ot steamers on the Willamette. , NOTICE TO THE MEHCHANT80F ALBANY. All or nearly all vessels that came to Portland last seasnncame in ballast, and in consequence thereof shippers had to pay a higher charter than they other wise Would. In order tiiat we may avoid this extra charge in the future, we respectfully invite your attention to the matter; and such of you as will go to New York and buy your goods, charter vessels and ship the same to Portland or Astoria, and then load these vessels with wheat for Liverpool. Vfewm, That the members of this Club will iatrouizu such of you as comply with the above proposal. A. G. MARSHALL, Pres. H. C. l'OWEL, Sec ktom- ioss of ( osdolkm k. Hall Albany Fire Co. No. 1. Albany. April 19th. 1873. At a meeting of Albany Fire Co. No. I, held at their hall on Saturday evening, the 19th iust., the following resolutions were adopted : We learn with unfeigned regret of the death of Charles Koggers, one of our most efficient members and com rades, and in whose loss we feel the absence of a comrade ever ready at the tap ot the beil to render his aid to the uutortnnate victims ot tire, or in charity the first to respond. Noble, true and brave, he was in all a Fireman. Whilst we most deeply deplore his loss, we must vet Ihw in humble sutmtksiou to that Supreme tinier wlio will call us each to tollow I the same journey of death. Let the good qualities of our deceased com rade lie ever before us. To his family we tender our sym pathy in this their hour of trouble and affliction. To the Divine Ruler of the universe do we give the body of our esteemed comrade the spirit is in Ins hands. May we all profit by his kindness, benevolence and many good qralitics, and be prepared to meet our Maker in the same spirit of peace. HENRI F. SAYRS, A. N. ARNOLD, WM. GIRD. Com. Large Stock. One of the best as sorted stocks of general merchandise in the city is to be found at the store of Messrs. P. C. Harper & Co. They are gentlemen of excel leut taste and judgment, and having bought on ad- "r sen correa- P""' 1" the ne of fancy 8""1'3' s etc.. they present attractions that cannot help captivating the ladies, while in the staple lines of goods their stock is niore '"Plee and fuller than ever, In clothi,,S' a,,d shoe, "r- woole" ood- etc" t,,ev twve the latest rPn l've mme b,e s,M,t ""s ftml rifles-,rith a" the mMmty "PParttn- A look thr0,,frh e,r w' W you for the trCTble' Passed. At the meeting of the council on Tuesday evening the ceW brate(1 "Chicken Ordinance" was p,, there Mng bllt one (,wntig vote. Tne mm were amT ... or,illI1Iim nrnvMlllir fm , ,. . i - - n ' ., tioti of a hose tower, sidewalk and fence, in rear ot City Hall, was passed. Some ten move ordinances, relating to letting contracts lor ditching, etc., etc.. were read first, time A larw Rich Quartz. On Tuesday Dr. E. O. Smith, of this city, exhibited for our inspection some fine specimens of quartz, croppings of the Galena lead. The quartz assays seventy-five ier cent lead. Each tun of the quartz shows between forty and fifty dollars in silver and ten of gold, which ought to pay well for working. It is reported that a company from San Francisco have made arrangements, and will soon commence operations on the lead. The lead is about fifty-five miles nearly east froiu this city about twenty miles from the valley. The mountains in that neighborhood are full of mineral, which will some day be worked to advantage. Will Celebrate. The Odd Fel lows of this city and their friends, at the invitation of Barnum Lodge of Corvallis, will celebrate the anniver sary of Olid Fellowship, which occurs to-morrow, by a basket picnic with their brethren and friends at Corval lis. Vehicles havingbecn secured, the procession, headed by the Albany Brass Band, will start from Odd Fel lows' Hall, on First Street, in this city, promptly at 7 o'clock A. M. on the 2(5th. passing up the road on this side of the river, reaching CorvaH's by 9 o'clock A.M. It is hoped that all of our citizens who can will go. and that all will be in readiness to shove out by 7 o'clock A. M. of to morrow. Everybody invited. War News. At last accounts it was feared the Modocs would succeed in getting away from the' lava bed. and scattering over the country in small bands, make it hot for the bor der settlers. It is now reported that Scarfaced Charley was not killed ; but Sconchin and Shackuasty Jim, it is generally conceded, have passed in their checks. We are in hopes the whole band will be set up in business in the climate where the smallest zephyr is said to blister, before another week rolls round. Oregon as rr is Is the title ol a pamphlet just issued for general circu lation, edited by Hon. W. L, Adams, a resident of Oregon for the past twenty-five years. From a cursory glance at at its pages, we are led to believe that it gives a fair and impar tial statement of the facts with regard to Oregon! and should be largely cir culated all through the Eastern States. Thanks. To Hon. J. G. Wilson, for pub. docs. To Mr. Fosha, of P. O. Book Store, for late papers- Funeral. The attendance at the burial services of Charles Roggers, on last Sunday, was quite large. Albany Fire Company, of which deceased was an active member in life, took charge of the body and conveyed it to the cemetery. Glass and Qceensware Is sell ing at wholesale prices at the Beehive Store. Now is thp time to get bar gains. H. WEED. Albany. April 25. 1873. Im34. Report. The Centennial Commit tee for Linn County request that the precinct committees will send in their reports as soon as convenient. Delays are dangerous. A. WHE1XKK. C K ('. 1'. JIOI OK. A. whi;i:j.i:k & CO., MIEDO, OREOX, Forwarfling & Commiss'u Mercliaiits. Dealers In Menhandlseand lroduce. A good assortment of all kinds of (foods al ways in store at lowest market rates. Agents for -ale of Wagons, drain Drills, Cider Mills, Churns, tu: &. CASH pal 1 for WHEAT, 0AT8, PORK, BUTTKR, KOOfl and POULTRY. Hoi.i.owav'8 1'iM.s. No case of fever and ague, liver complaint, colic indigestion, hodily weakness, head aches, or sexual difficulty, can with stand the curative mid at the sauie time invigorating action of these Pills. Sold 7r! Mnifk-n Lane. N. Y. rrice, 25 cents per box. Ask for new style ; the old is counterfeited. " 34 Many Sxm:u rather than bike nauseous nufflichie. All such, who suffer lrom coughs, colds, Irritation of the. bronchial tubes, and tendency to Consumption, have in Dr. WltUir'1 Balmm of H7H Cherry a remedy as agreeable to the palate as efteetual in removing disease. 35. Read this and be Happy! The largest stock of men's, boy's and chil dren's CLOTHING ever brought up from San Francisco is at N. Bantu's store, and the "rush" is big. 'jj)iere i. no one leaving the store without buying a Coat, rants' Vest. Ilal or Cap. Boots or Shoes. Shirt or lingers, Collar or Neck-tie. etc., etc., and eve rybody seems to be pleased, and satis tied that they bought cheap, as there is the place to buy bargains, 34. Died. In this city, April 19th, Charles Roggers, of consumption, in his 50th year. ftKW IO UAY. GUARD AGAINST FiRE ! DELAYS are RANGKitOUls. II K X U M E It OI K SEVERE FIRES X vhiili Imvo oivtirreil tn om Siote the Vic-i year, an I the utte disastrous confla Kllltfonsln I'orl luiut, Sorhi,:. i.le. I titles. Oregon City and Jacksonville, should ad monish property owners to Book Indetnni- m aniiwisi loss una mutsi.e oy mv w luioiu delay. THE PHCEIYZX Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, COXN., Represented on the l'aeille Coast for over fifteen years duriug which txsrlod it has paid HW,uuo for Fire Losses in l ho Pad tic Department), Is one of the leading Ameri can File Insurance Companies, and the mii Hartford Company represented in the Stale of Oregon. In the prompt adjust ment and payment of its losses, (he I'lne nix has no uperior,thel'om)tuy lias nev er had a suit in the S ale, and in ihc prompt payment ol nearly l,IOO,Ki 03 in Chicago and Bolton, proves that the old PhienU Is equal to its every eivaxe mcnt. Tin agents of the Phamix arc authorized ly commission from the Company to Issue and renew policies direct, and without reference to Portland, San Francisco, or elsewhere, thus cnohUug the applicant to secure fmm tiiuk and 6,'tirffg protection. Hales as low as solvency and fair profit will admit of. L. FI.IW. It Mdeu! A.; nl, April IS, l7a-iJii;33 Albany HK.XMI V. NAYBH, General BnsiHGSSIiisnrauGe Agent, Notary Fxxtolic. SPECIAL ATTKXTIOX given tothcad Judiention of aouounU. Collections made in all parts of the Slate. Ofllce next door above llee Hive Slorc, First street, Allmny, Oregon. v.')ii30 BOOTS HADE TO ORDER, WAHH ANTED TO OIVK Perffeot Ss tt islaction, at B EASOXADLE RATES, at HENRY FLINDT'S SHOP, 3m Albany, UreKon. 31vS BUILDERS, ATTENTION SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTOR Y . S.H.ALTHOUSK. W. J. V. BACKESKTO. KETCBl'M. ALTHOIJSE & CO., Ntreoi, on the Klver Bank, A1.I4AN V, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, 6nd are lire; Hired to FURNISH TO ORDER, Dour,' Susli, Riindt, uaid moldings, Such as ( HOWS, VKSVL, BAJi!) A SCITION Of all sics. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooritiit, Niditift, - And All otkr kind orBiilldliiur Mn terlal. I.SO: .PREPARED TO DO MILL Work', furnish nlmltcr thus. zi;zii',' shakers, motion fans, driving polieys of a-iy kind, at our factory on Lyon M reo ;on the river hanki, nex'' Iwlow Marklmm's wanhouse. ALTHOl'SE & CO. Albany, Feb. 10, isikmi COMMERCIAt HOTEL, Opera Houae ISIoeh, Mnleni, t n'on, , MRS. A.J. RIKLY. PROl'R. TIHH HOUSE WILL RK KEPT IN FIRST rliis order, antKwith attentive and obllginK servants. No Chlneae CookM Kinloyel. I am prepared to furnish uood aocommn dalionstothe trnvellii! public, and will nsa eviuy endeavor to merit t he patronage! of the public. Respfiar bourdinKa! very low rates. 2ST Free Couch to the noose, '4t5 New To-Say. GO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO III ! Groceries, Provisions, Notions, Q5C, i'v'., &C, CHEAP FOR CASH ! Coimtry Produce ot All Klndw BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR OAS TI This iBthenlaeetn sret the BEST BAR GAINS ever offered in Albany. Parties will always do well local! and see forthem- selves. ii. WEi:n, First street, Albany, Oregon. ;tv5 mi. fiEO. W. GRAY, DENTIST, AI.KANY. OHttitlV. OFFICE IN PARR1SH BRICK BL(X'Kr eonior First and Feiry streets. Resi denee -Corner Filth and Ferrv streets. ofllce l'.onrsfmm8tolJo,clooka.ra..wul 1 to 5 o'clock p. m. i8v I'STIL 1 1 I! 1 KOTIt E Tin.' following rates of freight w ill be charged on the a S. COMPANY'S STEAMBOATS: bktwwh ALL Down FREIGHT, Fir ISO 111. VP FREIGHT, Pn 100 Its. PORTI.AMU AND Osweo andMil- watikte , Scents. 4 eon la. 4 " Oregon Clly.'... IS " Bulleville 10 " Chiiinimeg i 10 " St.Ciair. i 10 " 8 6 R it r, 8 Davton 13 " Lalayeite It " McJHnnvllle....i 1 " Wesion 12 " Fairliel.: .14 " Wheat hind 12 - I 9 i 9 9 10 1 in i 11 , 11 I 11 t '2 ! W Lincoln r " Denny's r " Saleui I 15 ' Eoln ! IB " Independence ..' M " Ankeuy'B Lan' IS " Buena V'lsia... is " AHWny IS Conailis I 2ii Peoria A I. Bend "1 " Monroe A Har- I'tsbttrK 22 " I 'tnons 2'i " Eugene S' " 1 IS ! K !20 Ml Freight Delivet-ed In the Mtin oixlltiim hh ICee Iv l. All fretnlil carried by this line is by ne tiial '..dsl'l iwt MeoMiiri'Utoiit!, and all Freight. delivered FREE of WHARF AGiinnQ ! RAYAtiE lii consignees, In the i i y ot Portland, Unit. I.lme, IlaUtr mid t'eiucnt at Reduced Bate fci " Passage on Ihii Line nominal. 1. I). BILKS, AKent. Ir- land, Mandi 88, 1S7H. 31v& Great Bargains! GSOKCE TORRELL WILL SELL l Large A Extensive siot k of Dr. it V C 0;o 1 XT L II 1 N G E c&o., ebo., tfcc, at exceedingly LOW RATES FOR CASK. He he to call attention stock of o his larjc ltlKXP'&BOYg' VhOTtWl which he Is determined to sell lower than ever. Please call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. fciT Remember t fte address G'EORfiH TURRF.LI.. rir-t., "Iwiy. 6lttKheat price uaid tor toon try IProttuce. tUv& I