ALBANY REGISTER II. H. Ollirinl Paper for Oregon. FKIIAY. APRIL 25, 1370. rXTIUVAUAM-R OF THE AHERI 4 AX PEOPLE. i 3 -t -a 1 i oa1) JS 7 will sav. es, it is quite so. I he ' 1 ' . , . .1 , I nnlnit Dress, an um iiii im wic iruum i r ' have each wrung their changes upon it. Hut the evil continues unabated. Extravagance is still a characteristic ot American habit. It is seen everywhere among all classes. The rich it is impoverish ing, and the poor it is rendering miserable. Millions of dollars in gold are annually sent to Euro to pay for costly furniture and goods to satisfy its cravings. This, to gether with immense sums which are annually and semi-annually ent in coin to Europe to pay the interest upon railroad bonds which are held there, and the interest upon the debt of the Govern ment, drains the country of gold, increases its value aud leaves the States and Territories, where coin is a circulating medium, with a limited supply. Hard times are the result It the country did not possess immense resources, tre mendous recuperative power, this constant drain upon her business vitality won d soon bankrupt her. It is computed that we pay interest annually on bonds held in Europe, to the amount of between four and five thousand millions of dollars. Then think ot the enormous sums expended for luxuries, costly goods, wines, etc., which we would lie just s well off without. The war debt is an obligation which we had to incur to save the Union from Dem ocratic misrule and rebellion. It may be property termed the price of Democratic folly. liefore it is paid, it will cost the people in taxes upwards of ten billions of (hilars, eoough, says an exchange, "to buiid and equip seventy-five railroads across the American continent, and then leave enough to pay for the building of an iron navy that could crush the combined navies of the world." It is a debt not so much the result of extravagance, as of reckless tolly upon the part of those . t s . , i ... . . who maae u necessary 10 cowraci it. The hundreds of millions of! railroad bonds, from the different States, held in Europe, can hardly, . , , j . ... as a rule, be regarded m the light ; of extravagant investments, as many j of the roads could not have been ' built without such disjiosition of the ! bonds. Transportation has de-j , , , manded them, and they are the j legitimate concomitants ot growth and prosperity. It is in the insane desire of our people to "live fast" aud make a show, wherein extrav agance is most conspicuously seen. The habits of the people are running iu this channel. A perverted taste gives them desires in this direction. American mani!acture is not line enough. Carpets must be brought from Helgium, and silks and wines from France. England must fur nish cloths, Belgium laces and India shawls. ( 'ems and pearls and dia monds ' from European lapidaries must rest upon bosoms and surround arms and fingers, rendered beautiful by French cosmetics. Hundreds, nay thousands of dollars are expend, el tor a single garment. If this money were expended at home upon home manufacture, it would not be so bad ; it would then continue in t lie Imiiie circulation. But there if no needor good sense in such extrav agance anywhere. It is ruinous. A single dinner at Delmonico's the other day, lor a few guests, cost the giver 810,000. The extravagance 6f the wife of a once wealthy mem ber of Congress, has recent ly brought him t.n ruin Poor iwmlo. aiw the , r r r j style of the rich, and put all they I , , ... lean rake and scrape upon their ! . . . , backs. Parents scrimp at home scrimp j and go without needed food, fre-, quently, to save money to purchase fine clothes for their children. We do not blame people for wanting to look well, but they should be eco iiom ical and fruzal alxnit it. Thinsjs ! should be made to harmonize with circumstances. A diamond on the finger of a man or woman scarcely able to keep the wolt ot starvation from the door, is superlative folly. Our people should be more econom ical and practical. Men should lie good providers and women good housekeepers, rich or poor. Econ omy and frugality would then pre vail. People would live within their incomes, then, ami their dress and surroundings would harmonize Proverbs. SCOTCH. Do nothing in haste but gripping 'o fleas. Nothing comes of itself but dirt aud long nails. He that cheats me once, shame a' him; if he cheat me twice, shame fa' me. He was scant o' news that told his father was hangit. ITALIAN. To trust is well, but to trust no body is better. The deed once done, there is an end. The shroud is made without pockets; what is pat in the) sleeve can't go ii the skin. The ditches are full of clever after-thoughts. One's country is there where one finds himself comfortable. dutch. Pettcr stomache burst thau good victuals sp'.il. Love others well, but love' thy j self most; give good for good, but not to thine own cost. Hird never llew so high but it had to come to earth for food. A brillia-1 daughter makes a brittle wile. A guest, like a fish, hath a bad odor the third day. A house full of daughters is a cellar full of sour beer. A scene wjtliewej by sometrav elers in the North of Norway, from a c iff one thousand feet above the 'a th,s dweribed : "The ocean stretched away in silent vastness at m tjMJ of m reaciel our airy lookout; away in the North the huge old sun swung low along the horizon, like the slow Ift of the pend-.lum in the tall clock of our grandfather s parlor cornen We all stood silent, looking at our watches. When both hands came together at twelve, midnight, t,ie ru""d orb ,iu"g tnunaph- anuy auove me waves, a onuge oi go d running due North spanning the water between us aud him. There he shone iu silent majesty, which knew no setting. We invol untarily took off our hats; no word was said. Combine, it you can, the most brilliant sunrise and sunset I you ever Mw ana the beauties' will pale before the gorgeous coloring which now lit up ocean, heaven and mountain. In halt an hour the sun had swung up perceptibly on his beat, the colors changed to those ot morning, a fresh breeze rippled over the flood, one songster after another piped up in the grove be hind uswe had slid into another day." j When Hrigham Voting's children sing "Father, dear father, come home," the effect is said to be won derful. The old man comes borne without delay. VARIOUS I TEW The greatest flood known tor fifty years is devastating Thamesville and locality, in New York. Many fami lies were compelled to move. Kami houses art; inundated, ami horses and cattle were compelled to struggle to reach places of safety. In the princi pal street the water was four feet deep. The xstoltice and several stores could only be reached by boats. Maine has had six feet ten and one half inches ot snow this season. Thomas Jenieks. of Rhode Island, is retained by the Attorney General to assist in the prosecution against Credit Mohiller and I'liion lielne. it is pro posed to prepare a bill in equity in which the Government, as a creditor, fill seek first to eouie stockholders to ay into the treasury of the corpo ration the par value of' full paid .stocks as required by tin charier, but which was issued lor much less ; secondly, to eoniel Credit Mobilier stockholders to restore to the company treasury their illegal and inordinate profits which have endangered the credit of, the Government loan to the road. Kx-Seimtor Cote has informed the President and See. of State that he is not a candidate for any foreign ap pointment. The general Impression now is that ex-Suiator Nye will he appointed Minister to japan. A resolution in the Xew York As sembly, on tlie 10th, was adopted or dering the arrest and hrhigihg before the bar of the House, Win. M.Tweed, Jay Gould and J, B. Dutcher, for re fusing to appear and testify before the Erie Investigation Committee. India has 1,000 Methodist Sab bath school scholars 800 of them iu Lucknow. Over 2,000 children are in the American Methodist Sabbath j school ins Sweden. The St. Louis Rernittican recom mends an ambitious debating soci- j ety in Kansas to take as its next subject "which is the butt end ot a goat?" A western paper informs the pub lic that board for the summer can be obtained "at a large and shady back gentlemau's residence. Paris has a band of robbers led by a boy ot 15. They have commit ted eight thefts, with violence, and at least six murders. Three of the band are females. The Persiaus say of noisy, unreasonable talk, "J heard the sound of the millstone, but I see no meal." It is easier.wto earn $1 in this country than 30 cents in England. New York city has ninety one Preshyteriii churches. The first church of this denomination was organized 1706, and tlie first house ofworship was built in 1719. The New York Senate has chosen I'obert i. Livingston as the repre sentative man of the State, whose statue is to be placed iu the Capitol at W ashmgton. The Bui&lo church choirs are said to be the best" courting societies" j in the State An American reporter spoke of Columbus as "a dimond in an oasis, j who soared above all his contempo- j ranes. A Detroit butcher has a sign hanging over his retail wales which reads : "A false is an abom ination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight." Proverbs, Chap, XI, 1st verse Miss Ella Lawson having passed the required examination has been made Bachelor of Science and Let ters in Paris. James Bradley, of Milford Con. uecticut, has stopped drinking. I le took a horn of vitriol the last j tune. A western editor says of a con temporary that "if he had written ' the inscription on the wall in Baby-1 Ion, Belshamr would have been ! a good deal more scared than he was." Another wants to know "what poor Daniel would have done.' The passionate are like men stand ing on their heads. They see all things the wrong way. Plato. An interior article of use may serve its end, but a shoddy ornament is worse than none. Akers. A Rhode Island man has invent ed a torpedo in the shape of a ker nel of corn, which is designed for the begiiileraent of crows. As soon as that offensive bird takes hold ot it, it explodes and blows the top of his head off. ODKIII, Laws of the Toiled States. PASSKD AT TTIT. THIItl) SESSION Of TUB roRTY-HECOM) CUKORXM. (General Nature - So. 2S.1 AN ACT tnntuend an net em il led "An act to establish H uniform system of bank ruptcy throughout fbe united States." approved March second, eighteen bun dred and sixty-seven. Ilr it mooted by th H not' and How of R friwnUiltnioftk- UnlodSa- Am r- in (Xnfir . axs mfcf. d. That whenever a corporation created by the laws of any s ate. whose business is carried on wiio.iy wltbln the NtttC creating ihe ajtnie, and also any insurant eoineany so OMfCed, whether nil Its busine slia;! be eari le 1 on in such 8 n'e or not, has had proiwxllnjfs duly cmumrnced asaiusi an, h cornnra: ion orcDinimn) 'KUore. the cow. of snch State for the purpose of win ling nn 'he atlalrs of such covnorat ion or company and di viding: itsasseis ratably auionjf lis credit ors and lawfully aaioitg i hose on if! led therein prior to oroeee lin,' Im. in., been commenced auainai sueh corporation or oontuany under The bankrupt laws of ihe I'nltdt S ales, any order mate, or that shall lie ma (e. by s'ui-h conn agreeably io theS ale law tor the ratable dwfrlbniton or payment of any dividend ot tussesis to I be creditor (H such comma ion or rom pany while snchs ice eoiiri shad remain ai tu'iilly or const ru. lively in possesalon or contrw of the.aei of such corporation or company lw!l lie deemed vadd not witbs'aii Iliistn'OceeUlnffa in hwikrun.ev may have Wen coututcnoeil and lie tml iiiK a .'alnst stioh cieiai-a Ion or company. Approved, Kebruary U.VS73. General Nature -No. '29.) AX ACT to provide lor tlie appointment of a commission to complete I he uoun dary line lieiWeen (be territory Of die United States and the possession of Great Britain not completed underthe act of An;,'ist tieven.h, eighteen hun dred and lit:y-si., to carry into effect the lliM ariicleot thetrea yof ilfieenth June, elihieen bundred and toi'iy-si.t. Br' UmadHi bji lh-' H note awl Hewr R ;r. ritthivn Of tk i'tii tf tii(ihai:f AM r tcn in (Xvir m i mu' !, That the Presi dent of the United S:atts lie. and he is licreliVi mi horiMd to ap ioint i lie Seceeta ry of State, or either of die as-i am See ii1 -nries, or ihe Uni.ed 8 a:e minister at London, or in bis iiscreiinn. by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint a commissioner to act jointly wi.h such officer or tonimlsaloSPr as may lie name I by Her Britannic Majesty, for the parpoeeofcouiruailnK the deterrnlnatlon of so much of the boundary tine between the territory ol ihe Untied Wateaandtbe pxwes.sions nf Great Brlllan us was left uncompleted iy the commissioners ai pointed under the act of Congress of Au-RH-.I eleventh, eighteen hundred and tie y six, to curry Into effect the tlrst article of the treaty of the tllleenth ol June, eigh teen hundred and foriv-six, lad ween the United States an 1 Giti Britain. Sec. 2. That tlie sum of five thousand dol lars, or so much t hereof iu may lie requir ed, be, and Ihe same is hereby, appropri ated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise approprfuted. to carry into SUeet tlie provisions of this aid. Approved, February 14, IsW. General Nature-No. M.J AN ACT anthorixinv the 8eeretary of the Treasury to refund i he diifc rcn. iul du ty on ar kites ae iially on ship-:oard in French vissels destine I for ihe Untied .Suites on the tilth of Novemiier, eigh teen hnndred and seventy-two. R- if rnartrd l)i lh" 8 nuts ami llnute nf R prrfnlmiim of th-; Unit d Sn's nf Ann-- in l,nyr iu urn- tWt it, That Roods, wares, any merchandise imported in French vessel from countries other than France, aud which were on shijwboar I and hound to the United states on the titih day of November, el rhteen hundred and seventy-two, are hereby relieved bum liability to 'discriminating duty under the seventw rnii sent inn of the act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty tour, revived on such goods by the procla mation of the President of ihe United State! dated oriolier thinleth, eighteen hun Ire land seVenly-two; and ihe Secre tary of the Treasury is hereby an; horled, in iiny such case, to refund such diacriini nai inj duly which may have been nald on such goods, ware, ami merchandise, out of any money in the ireasury not other wise appropriated. Approved, February 14, 1H73. General Natnre No. 33. AE AUT to readjust the western lioundary of (Dakota Territory. R il mct'tlbff tlv R-W& and Ihiwfof R pirn nlii'hv.1 of lh" Uni'il S'fUi t nf Ain r train QMffH'M om mljl 't. That nil that nor tlon of Dakota Territory lying west of the one hundred and ele tenth meridian of longitude, which, by an erroneous defini tion of the boundaries of said Territory by a former act of Congress, remains de tached ami distant from Dakota proper some two hundred miles be, and I he same is hereby, attached to the adjoining Terri tory of Montana. A'pproved, February 17, Geneml Nature No. 33.) AN ACT prohibiting gift enterprises In the District of Coiumlria. Bc iKtcinl b;i lh- N nat and lt,ue of R unwntutiv of the Unit d Slab tot Am r- tea in Cnnyr- m awmblt tl, That so much of the act of the legislative assembly of the District of Coluuit'iucniiiied "An act liu posing a license ou trades, business, and professions (iracticetl or carried on in the District of t ot uml nil," approved August, twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, as authorizes gift enterprises therein and licenses to be Issued therefor, is disapproved ami repeated; ami hereaf ter It shall l unlaw tbl for any jierson or persons to engage in said business in any manner as denne in said net or ot her wise.; and any pcrsfni or persons so doing, on conviction thereof in tlia police court of said District, on Information tiled for and on behalf of mi l District, in the man ner provided tor in the sixteenth section of the act creating Ihe ioiice court in said dlnanros of the late corporations of Wash I K -t i ict ttft I tie ctt it it t t tiit'it i ,m innntii lngton, Georgetown, and ine levy court, shall )y u fine of not exceeding one thou sand dollars, or be imprisoned In the Jail of said District for a period of not less than one nor more than six months, or Iwth, in the discretion of the court ; I'ro- vldixt. That any mrty deeming himself aggrieved by the judgment of said court uitiv uppeill lucreiroiu lit tuu criuunai ......'... ..t "... ,t... ............. court of suld District in the manner pro vided for in other cases of convictions iu the said poliis! conrt, and t he Judgment of said criminal court shall be final. Approved, February 17, 1873. General Nature No. 34. AN ACT In relation to mineral lands. Re It enacted by the Senate anil House of Repreienlaliveii of the United State of Amer- ..... ...... ......... .... States hereinafter named deposits or mines (com ixtnarem atnemoteu, Ttiat witnm ine of iron and eoal lie. and they are hereby, excluded from lie- operations Of an act en titled "An act to promote the develop ment of the mining resources of the Unit ed States," approved May tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. and snitl act shall not iipnly .) the mineral lands sitll ated and belie; w iitiin : In. Stales of Micht gau, Wisconsin, an I Minncsoia. and that said lands are here'ty declared free anil open to exploration and nnrchnae. accord ing to the lenl robdtrisibna thcivof, as before the pttsMMM of saitl act; and that any bona-lide entries of sttcb lands wlthm sni'd s-ntes. since the passage thereof, may lie naiented without reference to 1 he pro visions of slid ant. Approved, February IS; 1S73. (Jeneml Namre No. aV AN ACTcrea ing tin adduionai land dis trict in tne Territory of Arizona. Re it tnaet'd li IMi nnU.' ami Hiuseof R lir t of the Unit dSnl'Sif Amt t 111 Oinffr ,' im v.'J d. That all that portion ot the Teirl ory of Arizona em braced iu the (otiowing-descrlhed limits, tow ii: commemdiig at the eusieni boun dary of 1 lie Tend. ory. it; Ihe Inieraeotlon of the tirs; tm lartl linenoi'di; ami run ning tbunce wei on lltai line to the west ern boundar of the Territory; thence south with -aid boundary lino to the soul hern txmu laryof tie I'erritoryithenee east on said dm-10 theeosiern boundary' of t be Territory; and i hence north on sold line to the place ol beginning, shall ooustlttite ascinrae land district, to be vailed the Giiu land district, Ihe office tit which shall tie located a- such p see In uiid disi rtet us tlie President ofihe UnttM S'aies may direct, Which may lie changed troni time to time as ihe pu'ilu1 interesi may reguire. Sec.'.1. Tbat the President shall appoint, by ami widi the it h ice and consent of the Senate, or in the recess of the Senate, a .register and 11 receiver of public moneys for said district; and said olbcers shall re side in 4be place where saitl land ofllce is located; ami thej shall have ihe same powers, perform tlie same tunics, and re ceive the same emolument sua are or may be prescidls'tl by :a in re at ion to ltinil Offices Of ihti United Suites in other Terri tories. Approved, February is, 873. General Nature No. 81 AN ACT to provide for obtaining Informa tion of the condit ion of bnnksorganlx etl under State law a. ReHnacid b)l ft rrmfti and Ifrnue of R prtfnl(llk th Unit II of Amnr- ten In Oinaf-m 0 mbt'tt, Tbat it shall he the duty of 'he Comptroller of the Cur rency to report annually (i i o egress, un dor anproprla e hcnds.tbe resonrees and liabilities, exhibl lug ihe condition of the hanks, banking conipannsj, and avings hanks 'o ihe leiis a ute-of Officers of the dllferent S a e-i an t Terrl nries, And where such reports cannot lie obtained, the deficiency shall be snnplied from such other authentic souroee, us may le availa ble. See. 2. That, in order do carry the provi sions of the lirs section Sf ibis act into effect, the Comntroller of the Currency is here')' airhori'-d. if it should he neces sary, to elBfi'oy one clerk of c'n four, who siinii lie appointed by l he Stvrefnry of the Treasury in the manner now provided ny law. Approved, February 19,1978. General Nature-Not 37.1 ' AN ACT to remit the extde taxes nponai ; eohol nUed by nniverHlties and colleges for scientiltc'imrpnsc. R- it etmii -d hu (Ik Stint and Hiw of R jire.i, niatin-n f th- 1'ii'f"' Sat-m-f .lm-r- ica n Om-r mbt -i. That the Secreta ry of the Trensun be, end he i hereby, au'horlzeil to gran I ixtrmitstolneorpotnt ed or chaitered (uden'lllc institutions or colleges of lenniin ;' to wi'hdiuw alcohol In specified 4uah'.Ifles from bond without' payment of he iu crnai-iv.enue IftX Ot) the same, or on the spirits front which the alcohol bad i en distilled, for the sole and exclusive purpose of preserving speci men of anatomy, hhyaioiogy, or of natu ral history tic ton", he; losnih iii-'initions, orfornoeln any chomtial tatmratory of such Insli u ions: Piou d th Tbat applica tion for pennl's sbtdl 1 k mane by I he pres ident or curators of snelt in'-'itulions. who shall tile n on I fordfntb e the amount of the tax on IhoftUoho! Im withdrawn, with two gool and itttBrient sureties, to lieanprove l by the Ouiuiiioner of In ternal Revenue, and eon ll'ioned Mint the whole (tuanti'y of alcotml o wl hdrawn from the bond shall 1st used tor lite pur- poes above specllie 1, with sm It other re i tuirements an 1 rerun ions astheSecre tiuy t f the Treasury may prescrliie. And . if any alcohol so otitnliu) i shall lie used by i any offlceri as aforesalr, ofsnoji institu tions for any nuiiiosea other llinn that a'toveTWecifwd.then the nfnoeni or sure ties shall tiny the tax on the v. hole amount of alcohol withdrawn from lsmd, togciner with a like amount us n penalty in addi tion thereto. Approved, February 21, 1878. General Nature -No. 38.) : AN ACT authorizing the nomination nnd appointment to the retired list of Inenavy of certain volunteers on the active list of ihe navy who are disa bled Inconsequence of aounds receiv ed during t he late war. Be il I'nnH il hi lh- N tm'r and Hounc of R Jin of the Unit d S'atnttf Amer ica in Cimgnia tm mofetf, That the Presi dent ottrsM ntie't s ates 1st. ami is nere- by, nnthortee I to nominate, and by and with tfie advice ami consent ot ine senate to appoint, utioii the retired list of the na vy, with the rank of master, U.R. Ches ter, formerly an acting ensign in the na vy. 'Approved, February 21, 1.-7;!. General Nature -No, IB.) AN ACT milking appropriations for the construct ion.iMvserintion and reran, nf certain fort I ilea! Ions, and other works of defense, for tlie year ending June thirti- et h, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Be it cnmM bn ttu S Mil" and Htnue of R-jir-f iti:iv-x of (He l'o'l-d H litis of A-nvi-icsn in C-MiireM it.'s- ittbt -I, That the- follow ing sums t'. and I lie same are liei ehv. an- ltrbnriiited. out of inn lnnnev In i lie i iv:i- j ury not otherwise appropriated, for the i nt iii tc.o t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; . 1 1 1 1 tt l Illl t lei 11, eilf IllCCtl hundred and seventy-four, and so far us necessary for tlurresidne of the current fiscal year, for the following fortifications ami oilier works of defense, namely : For Fort Prelfle, Portland harlior, Maine, forty thousand dollars. For Fort Scntnmell, Portland harlmr, Maine, fifty thousand dollars. I For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Massa cnuseiis, ni'v tilouiiuti (loiinrs I.'.... L'....l 11I..1 ft . For Fort VVlntlirop. Boston hnrlmr. Mas sachusetts, fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Independence, Boston hnrlmr, Massachusetts, thlrty-flve thousand dol lars. For Fort Adams, Newport harlior, Rhode Island, sixty-five thousand dollars. For fort on Dutch island, Nnrrngnnsott buy, Rhode Island, forty thousand dollars. For Fort Schuyler, feist river, New York, sixty-live thousand dollars. , t ..',, ,. it HUIVII I, I,ttlll, him New York, forty thousand dollars. f or tort on Wiliell's point, East river. X...... VmI. .V,... . ' .1 jttl -