3 BUSINESS CARDS. WATCHES-JEWELRY. Main, Young A Co.' Column. ALBANY REGISTER. W. C. TWEEDALE, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY. OREGON. WILL STRIVE TO KEEP THE BEST of goals (n my line, and sell at the lew ft living rain. Call and tee me. M6 At North Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., ABE STILL SELLING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOK, SHOES, HA ROW A HE, UBOCEBIEN, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., of which they keep on hand a full stock, and tiro able to sell at low.nl rule, as usual, for t'asli or Produce. Will alw lie alc to buy and sell Grains of all kinds, or attend to storing or for nrdtng it at their Warehouse In Hit wy. Give HI trial KIRK, HUME CO. J. W. BALDWIN, Attorn nnd Counselor at Eaw, WILL PEACTICB IN ALL THE Courts h, the 2 1, 31 an I 4th Jn licbil Dis tricts, in the HtiTOVine COttrt of Oregon, and in thef .8. OisuMctamUnrcaiiH-onrts. office occupiod by the late N. H. Cranor, First street, Alltany, Oregon. to..W8 J. C. POWELL. L. FLINN. POWELL & FLINN, Attorneys nnd Counselor t Enw, i NI SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY (L. A Klinn notary nubilci. Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promptly at tended to. 1 w7g. JONES, M. ., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSI3IAN. ALBANY, OBEOON. Wv4 . M.JONES. J. LINSEY HILL. JOXES A HIM.. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE -SOUTH SIDE FIRST STREET, up-stairs, in J. M. Beach's store-house. 37 v4 T. W. HABBIS, H. ., Physician und Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE -OVER TCKKELVS 8T0KE, First street. Residence- rhtrd-st.. ,t,w. u,ut nt Met ho. list church. 3i-4 Election Notice. Clerk's Office Si hool Dist. No. 5, Linn Co., Or., March !T, ISM. NOTICE IS HEREBY til VKN THAT the annual school meeting ol School Dis trict No. ft, Linn county, Oregon, will be held at the school house In said district on Monday the 7th day of April, 1878, at one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing one Director to serve for three years, one Clerk to serve one year, to levy a tax tor for the support of schools; also to levy a tax lor the purpose of retiring school house, dxing grounds, Ac, and to do any business that may come belore the meet ing. By order of the Board of Directors. 8 A. X. ARNOLD, Clerk. Albany, Orcgon-30ti LEFFEL fc MYERS' WfttepWheelB SPHERICAL FLUMES, And General Hill Machinery. J. F. BACKENSTO, Agont, 41tJ AHiany, Oregon. Tne Eyet! The Ears! DR. T. L. GOLDEN, Or ill ist and Aurlat. Albany, Oregon. DR. GOLDEN IS A son of the noted old opthalmic doctor, 8. U .G"' 'en. Dr. tioldtn has had experience in trea'ing !. vuriAiw ilisinm.s to which the eye ami ir are snhject, and feels confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who may place themselves under his eare. April 18, 89, T. FORTINER, Slxcclcl, Oregon Manufaeturer of and dealer in HARNESS & SADDLES A tiood Article for a Fair Price. Particular attention paid to Rf.vaikinu. Shedd, Nov. ft), '72-l:hfty FBINKEIN (MEAT MARKET: J. R. Herrcn, Proprietor. WI L L ENDEAVOR TO UK ALWAYS sunnlie l with the iHist meats to be ha I In the market, and will bo ever ready to accommodate those who may favor blin with a cad. v. NURSERY. Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, A rpilE UNDERSIGNED INVITI-S THE A attention of the p ibllc to Ills laige and complele stock of APPLE, PEAR, PLUM. CHERRY and other TREES. Also, GRAPE VI ES-best In the Stale; Ornamental Tree?, Sbru'ts, Plants, Cur rants, Gooseberrli s, strawberries, Roses, Dahlias and Bulbf which will he sold as low as first-class stock can bo afforded. Nov.aj-lSvt J. A. MILLARD. PACIFIC WATCHES, MANUFACTURED AND ADJUSTED especially for the Pacific Coast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Pacific, California and San Francisco WATCH, and we most confidently rec ommend Iheni to the publlc,as possessing more (rood qualities for the price limn any other Watch in the market. We also Keep all other brands of Elgin, Walihaui and Swiss Wa'ehes, Clocks, Jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, Diamond Spectacles, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices. TITUS BBOS., Albany, Or. "Repairing a specialty, and satisfac tion guaranteed. 15v5 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AN nounces to the citizens of Albany and Linn county, that he has just opened a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT in this city, in the Are-proof brick former ly known as J. Gamer's. I shall top on bund and for sale all goods pertaining to my line of business, at lowest living rates. Especial attention paid to repairing fine lime-pieces, wherein an experience of many years enables me, I trust, to give perfect satisfaction. CST All goods sold and work done, war ranted. CHAS. BOURGARDES. Albany, Jan. 31, M73-22V5 MISCELLANEOUS. OUT OF THE FIRE! 8. J. MCCORMICK. IS HAPPY TO INFORM HIS NUMER OUS lriends, put runs, and the public in general, that ho has HJH . OPENED THE Fbanhein Book Stobe, AT 10 FIRST STREET, (WEXT TO CENTRAL MARKET) with a complete stock of School Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Gold Pens, Cutlery, Ac, Ac., Which he will dispose of at The Lowest Prices ! SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the popular NEWSPAPER) ANO IBAUAZINBt! which will be Delivered In any part of the city. Portland, Feb. 7, ld73-23tf Cheap Yeast Powder. (-REAT REDUCTION. D. CALLAGHAN UAS REDVCKD HIS DONNOLLY'S CAEIFOBNIA PREMIUM YEAST POWDER to 8IB per irrotta. Everyone xlioiild 1W(. lllU i.f.ti.l ir-i I Ynoat l'ji.vrl.ii. 1. ijorior in quality and Si) nef cent, cheaper than the imported; article. Also a hrge and SOIIA itnH SW.kl HI S i, ,-.. I ' the trade tit reducWii rate-. Tliepropno.or, l). CALLAGHAN, hav ing enlarged bis YEAST POWDER FAC TOR V limurflivr CIFb'tll 'PAWIV, 1, IV .......... ...M .... .... CRYSTALS, also lil-CAKIi. SODA and TIN iki i-i'i.' ; . .1 . i un I B,, nut, I'll , i:i I u i ill supply llie trade ot the Pacific ('oast and Territories witli llie' articles at reduced rates. Every can an I tsiekage under the name of D. CALLAGHAN, warranted. for Hale Everywhere. D. CALLAOHAN, Proprietor, 121 front St., San Francisco. 30ui3 Albany Book Store. JWO. FOSHAY, DEALER IN MISCKLLANKOU8HOOKS, School Rooks, Hawk Books, Slut ionerv Fancy Articies, Ac. Books im ported to order, at shortest pos sible notice. viuiw i 83 E M i 5 1 0 s-tat-1 Cf1 wi "I at K 0 m CD CO gig" Subscribers finding an X after their names are informed that thelrsubscriptlon expires with fhat number.andthey are In vited to renew it. Terms-W per annum, In advance; six months, S3; three months, Pahagramlets. Croquet Id full featlier. Odd Fellows of this city celebrate the 28th at Corvallls, Stott, tlw washine machine man, is around Again. He is agent for a good labor-saver. HJa. Elkliis, Esq., and family, have arrived home again, after quite a resi dence in Ochoeo. They've come back to stay. U. S. laws lots of them import ant read them. Bottled soda at Carothere & Co.'s can be had daily. Judge Cla tighten was In the city on Wednesday. Onr farmers getting along famously with their seeding. The Odd Fellows, having been "steamboated," propose to go to Cor- vallis. to celebrate the anniversary of Odd Fellowship, to-morrow, in various and sundry vehicles. Mr. Geo. H. Dill, of Crocker & Co., San Francisco, called on Tuesdays Rev. Mr. York, of Corvallis, called on Tuesday. Blain. Young & Co. liava the new style hats, " Waverly. " Gay is what's the matter of 'em. Dr. Strvkcr, stopped in a few mo ments on Tuesday. Sorry to learn of the failing health of his wife. Snow and hailstorm on Tuesday, which lasted about five minutes. The rains during the week will prove of vast benefit to our farmers, as the ground was getting to dry too plow. Go to P. C. Harper & Co.'s and see their extensive stock of new and ele gant goods. Lebanon lias been eujoying a run of measles and whooping cough. Measles still get into Albany folks, and some get awtnl sick before they tan drive them out. For latest Modoc news see second page. Council met Tuesday night. City taxes come in slowly. FINANCIAL AND. COM BEBtTAE, Gold in New York, 117ft. Legal Tenders, 86i387c. Wheat in Liverpool Average, lis 6dlls 8d; Club, lis 10in12s 4d. Fears are entertained that tin- wheat crop of the United Kingdom and France will not be nu average one, and that present prices for breadstiitts will go up as the season advances. There are no complaints from other European countries. Recent rains in California have as sured abundant crops. So far ihere is no reason to fear a falling off in the grain crop of Ore gon, but there is reason to believe that tin.' yield at the coming harvest will be fully up to the average, and as more ground litis beeu seeded, the aggregate will be ninth larger. Sail Francisco quotations give Wheat at 1 8aal $ luo lb; Portland quotations are tl 50 per 100 lbs ; our buyers are offering 70(ft75c W bushel. Oats in S. F. are s2 25-a'2 :io V 100 lbs; in Portland, 70c bushel; in Albany, 55c "$ bushel. Albany quotation baying) are : Eggs, liio f down ; butter, 20c f tb ; bacon skies, Oc; hams, 11c; shoulders, 7c ; green apples, 50c box. The number of male persons in the United States is 19,493,505; the number of fetna es, 19,0t)4,80G; ex- cess of males, 428,759. The total population, as given by the late census, 38,658,371 The census of 1800 showed an excess of 727,087 males. The falling off of the male iwpulation is owint; to the lasses by the war of the rebellion. One of the Quaker Superintend, ents of Indian A flairs thinks, inas much as the Indians regard sur veyors as their mortal enemies, that the Government should advise the Indians in advance of tl eir coming, so that they may understand their true character, and not kill them General I hitler is announced to lie a candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, and lie is confident of election. Telegraphic Correspondence. On April 18th, Gov. Grover receiv ed from the managing editor of the New York World, the following dispatch : New York, April 18th, 1873. Governor Grover : Will yon greatly oblige us and our Eastern friends, by indicating immediately to-day in a brief telegram the feeling of Ore gon in regard to Modoc assassination and the policy prescribed by your judgment toward hostile Indians. JACOB B. STILLBON. Managing Mlitor of the World. To which the Governor made the following reply : Portland, Oregon, April 18, 1873.-To the New York World : The feelit g of Oregon in regard to the Modoc assassination is that of the deepest sorrow and of intense thirst tor swift retribution. The cold-blooded murder, of eighteen of our citiisens, caused us to expect this tragedy. There is not a hot-tile Modoc who is not guilty of murder unprovoked Those who survive the impending battle, should be ap prehended and delivered for civil trial and punishment. Short of this, will entail further massacres. U F. GliOVER. Well said, Governor. Commissioner Douglass has is sued orders to all Assessors of In ternal Revenue to turn over all papers ot their respective districts to Co1 lectors, except those showing a list of persons indebted, Which will be sent to the Department This order is issued preparatory to alKilishiiig the offices of Assessors, which will be done about the 20th day of May, according to act of Congress. On behalf of the United State Government, Washburn, IT. S. Min ister at Paris, presented Haron T Itajuba, Brazilian Ambassador, with two cases of silver plate, in recognition of the ability and im partiality with which he discharged his duties as Arbitrator. This was on the 22d. Up to the 23d, over a week had been exhausted in examining into the mental condition of George Francis Train, before Judge Daly, in New York. A number of ex pcrts testified that his mind was unsound. It had partaken largely of a broad farce. Jndge Davis, on the 23d , granted a motion to set aside allegations of errors presented by the attorneys for Stokes. The number of passengers booked across the Atlantic this season is 21,300. Mr. Choate Conquering a Jury. We once heard K'nfus Choate make an argument five hours long to a jury. The statement of his case, the reasoning, the appeal to the sensibilities of the jury, were overin two hours. Still the advocate continued speaking, repeating with additional vehemence what he had said before, with new, illustrations and arguments. We looked at the jury in order to discover the cause ottlns seemingly useless expenditure of mind and ton Eleven of them were palpably convinced ; the twelfth, the foreman, a hardheaded, unimaginative, nnimpressible man of business, had on his face a lwok of incredulity, Choate devoted throe hours to theak of breaking down the will of this one man, ana of compelling h im to ad m it 1 1 ic cogen cy of reasoning which was foreign to his habits of thought. He did imt stop, and we then thought he never would stop until he had con quered this disbeliever. It seemed tor some time that hours of talking would he of no. avail. At last, however, the hard countenance softened, the stony eyes were moist ened, the lips lost their rigidity in short the whole man collapseo. Then Choate concluded his argu ment in a few quiet and telling sen tences, and sat down, sure of a verdict.