AIjHANY register. orriri.tL. Law of the Tnilcd Statca. PASSED AT TITK THIRD SFSSlnK C THE HjKTY-StlCOKO CUNliiiESS. iGcnerai Nature -No. U.I AN ACTtofleflne the flnilrsof the collec tion district of I he mlu', in i lie 8 tc of Louisiana, tttffl for other purposes. ft- it rnVil bit DM h-ki ":V ion of the Su'e of UatMan. 'leseribe as follow, 'owP. oorameiwhifc of Plaqnmnine. 'hp ,'"',h!' ,"' J X1 ui ' thenw down the western Iwtili of the MB sissipt.i ri .er to 'he town of Donaldson vtiie in (be parish r Awttioii: fben down ihe Havon I-afonrchc. mvt akmg its eastern bank to the w ; thence wwjerlj atangthc coast, Including all 1 K lmvs,nnd so fttrtb. to the month of the (Mine river; thence an the w ane rivet an I ntonc its eastern 'wilt ton noint due wee from the ait town of Plaque minetiinl thence til the place of OCgllV nins, shall 'h-. uii'l Ihe same i hereby, constituted and created the collection dis trict of the Teche. See 2. Tha' the collector of said district shall r 'si lent Binshenr, in Ihe parish of Saint Marv, which is horeiiy made the nort of entry or sail collect Ion district of ihe Teche. and shall lie entitled to receive a salary of one. thousand dollars yearly, said salary to cover all oxiienses to the United states for house-rent and storage. Approved, February 'i 1S7S- (.Genera! Nature No. IS.l AN A7T for the the relief of S. P. Joeclyn. ititftrlH bit thi Sn.i'' m l H mar of R pr vmtailm of th tfntt d Sntsof Amr inX in Otmffr-M "an mbl-d. That npon Ihe occurrence of a vacancy of Ihe grade ol first lieutenant in his re.'itnent. Second Lieutenant S. P. Jooolvn, twen'y-tlrs! in- fcntry, shall be entitled to promotion to the (rrade of first lieutenant, with date of commission and relative rank in the army held 'iy him on the ihir'y-tirst day of De cember, eighteen hundred and seventy: Providd, That this act. grants no back pay or a.ldiiional pay in any manner what soever. Approved, February &i, 1873. iGenora! Nature No. 43-! AN ACT to amend an act entitled 'An act to provide lor no. mi-: a encui. eonrl of the Unite 1 8 fttes in the west ern district of Mis-ouri."' a-mroved June eight, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, B? it Viwa i bu Ute Stua!" and feu? of R -pr f"iuairn vf th-1 Vn'.tilS'M-vf Anvr inrnOnorman ini'd, That Ihe circuit court of the United S ates in and tor the eastern district of Missouri, which was created by the act of which lhi act is amendatory, Is hereby vested with lull and conmie e jurisdiction to benr, deter l dispose of, aeeorditw tfl the us ual course of judicial proece lings, all suits, causes, nioilons, and oilier matturs which were pending In the lata circuit court of the United S a' es in and for the districts of Missouri at the time the act of w hich thi- act Isamen latory rook etfuct, and also silot tier matiers which have since arisen that pertain to said suits or causes, and also io make all orders unJ Issue of ail pro eeas.s w hich said last-name I court might havftdpneiU lt hal not ceased to exist j and sai 1 cfrcntt court in and for sai l east ern dis; rid of Missouri is hereby vested willi jurisdiction and authority to do all and singular tliat may in the due course of Judicial proceedings pertain to any of sai 1 suits, causes, or unfinished business, as fully as the said circuit wurt. in and tor the districts of Missouri mlghl have done if sai I act ha 1 never been passed. Sec. 2. Tliai ihe service ot irxess, mesne or Until, issue ! out of sai 1 elivull court of the Lnlted States in and for the district of Missouri, which service was he.d alter ihe act of which I his act is amen Wort iiHik ; edect. and all levies, sciznn-s. and su es made thereunder, aisoallserviccseizurus, levies, and sales made under any process j which issue las on. of said vourl atlcrthe said act took eifeei, are here ijr taa v vs.:! I, i andail sal I l'tii.esssa.'e o o'e deemed re- J turnable totvdd court of the Unl o I s ates in and for l he east ere dlstlflotol Missouri ; as of the return day thereof. See. 3. That either of said United States circuit couns in and for ibe eastera and in and for the western listrict of Missouri ! may order any snit, cause, or oilier matter , pcn iing inereui, ana commence i prior i the citsa: ion of said new com-r. to ts' i nins ferred for trial or determination to the other of said circuit courts when, in ill -opinion of the court, sail transfer ought to le ma le; an 1 ihe court ui w hich ssid transfer is made slm.l havens full author ity and jurisdiction over vhc same from the da,e the certitie 1 Itnusurlpl ol the ret or I thereof i.-. 91c 1 ns if be same ha llai-n originally pending therein. Sec. I. That the clerk of said circuit court ia and for the eastern distil ; of Miesourl, and hUsnecossors in office, -lmll have tlie custody of uli records, Nsks, paners,and prois-i'iy iic.'ongiii j or in any H i's.' ewper talnlng tq -sfii I circuit conn of the Unite 1 States iii ami for the lisiricts of Missouri, and, us such custo Itansand the successors of the c erk of sat i In It-iutmed conr. they are hereby Invested with ihe -nine powers and uu'hori.y with respect thereto as the clerk thereof bad daring the existence of said las -named utreuit-court said cirenit ooun of the United S'ft'es In and for the eastern district the Untie I slates in and for the districts of Mi-son rl as to all suits, causes. and unrlnislie 1 business therein or in any oi her wise pertaining thereto, ex cepi as herein before provided. Sen..). That hereafter there shall lie two reguUir state 1 term-each vcar or ihe dis trict (town of the United Htatesin nod for the eastern dtatriel of MissourL sinuucin- ingon iho Brst Mondays, res(iec!ielv. of May and No.em'Mjr. In lieu ol those "now flied by iaw : an 1 no action, suit, prooee I lng, or proccs- m iij i.-oiu-i shall a'mte or bercniere I Invalid hy reason of this act, butaliol the samt) not previously dispos ed of or olherwis,. nrovide l for ny stieclal order of said eoml sliall be decpied ro.uru ableto. pen ling, and trWile af the hext term of sai l district court established by this act which iiuiv lie held after this act takes e.fect : J'runiktl, how v r, That no.b Ing herein con'ainetl shall be eon trued to repeal the powers heretofore grunted Un ordering special or adjourned 'ernn of said court, or the nowers mil Honrs of Hie Judge of said court In vacation and at chambers. Approved, February 25, 1873. General Nature-No. 44.J AN AUTtoenfon-ethestipnUttionsof the convention with Venezuela, of April twen v-tirth. eighteen hundred and elxty-six, and the payment of adjudiut-ed-claims. Be U enmM bv the Stmtf ird House of R pr xen.'tutBat ti Un& ,i ,H filet o) Amrr itn (n OimgrmanmnHfd, Tliat the adjudi ia Jon ol' c-aims uy the convention with Venezuela of Arll twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. pnrsnant 10 the term of sai I convention, is hereby roeopr nizedas Html and conclusive, and to be heJd as valid and subsisting against the republic of Venezuela. Approved, Fettruary i, 1S73. General Nature -No. 4".j AN lOt inaUing awnrorwlattolj for the support ni the Military Academy for the llsta. year ending June thirtieth, eighteen Bundled mid eeventy-tour. Be it "C-f by 'he S not' awl Urn! of 1? oret h'ii'm- '! 'h Untied Sal- of Amur latin Oemprm tm mtkd, Tlmt ihe follow in : stttns is", and the same are hereby, ap pronristo'L oul of any money in the treas ury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the MUtlary Am lemy for the year en tins Juue thirtieth, cuhtoen huti Sren an I seventy-four, namely : For alditionnl poy officers, and for pay of Instructors, professors, eadeta. and musicians, twohnnilredaml twenty thou sand tbive hundred and seventy-nhic do'. larsaild lit" ty cents; Pm id 1, That the professors of the Unite 1 States Academy whose service a: the exeideiuy exceeds ton I j cars sunn nave t ne raw aim allowances oi ; colonel, and all other n'roiessors shall have the pay and allowances of lieutennat-co o I he!: and the Instructors of ordnance and I sciatic of gunnery and of practical eugi- neertng snail nave me iiay tun allowances of major; and hereafter tne re shall be n -lowe l and paid hi the said professors ten wr centum of their current yearly l ay lor each and every term of five years service in i he army and ai the academy: Prwtd That such addition shall In no disc ex eee 1 forty per centum of said yearly pay ; and said professors are here' iy placed upon the Same footing, as re;,ards restrictions noon oavaud retirement from active ser vice, as officers of the army. For repairs and Improvements, tini'wr, plank, boards, joists, wall-strips, laths, shingles, slate, tin. sheet-lead, nails, scjjews, locks, butts, hinges, glass, paint, tttrrtentinc, oils, bricks, varnish, stone, Ume, cement, piaster, hair, blasting-powder, fuel, iron, steel, tools, mantels, ami o; her similar mttlwato, fourteen thousand th e hundred dollars. For pay of cttUcn-meehanlcs and la'ior emplnvoil umm roimirs that cannot lie done by enlisted men, eight lliousand dol lars. For fuel and apparatus, namely: coal, woo l, stoves.gnves, furnaces, ranges, Are nricks. and repairs of steain-heating appa ratus fourteen llKnwund dollars. Forgas-pipes, gasometers, and retorts, and aniuial rcpaira ofihc same, six hun droil dollars. For tuei for cadets, mess-ball, shops and laundry, three thousand five handled ll0'" lars. For postage and telegrams, three hun dred dollars. For stationery, blank liooks. tmper. en velonos, .ii'.llr-. Steel ixms, lxmcils, erasers, w:i, and ink, live hundred dollars. For transportation of materials, dls charged nvUds, and ferriages, one llum sand five hundred dollars. For printing-type, materials for otliee, diplomas for graduates, registers, and blanks, seven hundred dollars. For compensation ot pressman uud lith ograjier. one hniidretl dollars. For clerk to disbursing ottk-er and qnar teruiuster, one thousand six lnmdreuand ill: v dollars. For clerk lo adjutant, one thousand five hundred dm tar-. For clerk to treasurer, one thousand five bun lied dollars. Er department of instruction In mathe matics, namely: For repairs oi Instru ments, forty dollars; Icxi-books, drawing niaierinis, and stationery, for instruct oi1, thirty doknvs. For department of artillery, cavalry, and Infantry tai tics, namely : For tan-bark for ri ling-huil and gviiinu-tiim, three hun dred dollars: and lor repairing tmparatne for -ume, any dollars tr repairing camp sue-.s, I en ts, and furniture, ilny dollars. For department of civil and tuiiliary engineering: For models, nutps, rcnairs of tnstrnmenta, text-issiks, uwks of refer ence. and stai lonely for use of Instructors, ih e hundred dolJan, For department of drawing: For models for free-Band drawing for second cm s, forty-live dollars; mounting and framing theiania, sevanty-dve douaraj architect -iin.l mill loiiogm) hictil models lor third class, forty dollars; mounting and framing Ibe same, thirty dollars; tar-board lor iiKiiim pig models, fifteen dollars; colors, i a'H?r,orusbes,afl4pehelis, twenty doi ars. For iciwrimeiit oi cbemis.ry, mineral ogy, and geology: For chemicals, Inclnding cueimenl apiiarauis, glass and porcelain ware.paiwr. wii-e, and sheet metal, and i res nine hundred un l seven ty-nve dol lars including material for practical in struction in photography; rough speci mens, tiles, aicohoi, laniis, btow-ptpes. litaicus, anil aga.e moi-iurs, ior praciicai instruction in minuratagy and geology, two hundred ami twenty-five dollars; fos slw Illustrating ihe dtabrent rock-fbrma-tions, for dally use In section-rooms, one hundred and seveiiiy-llve dollars; gradual incruaseof the cabinet, lice hundred dol lars; renniiv,and Improvements In elect rib, galvanic, magnetic, elect nnungm'. k, anil iiMi'iielo-eleeiric, apnamt us, and additions to pncttiual 1c and i hcruiic at 'i nun; us, eight hundred dollars; curiieiitera' and metal work, and materials for the samtN -ix-y doiiaiw; pay of mechanic, to W: employed hi chemical and iceoioglcal seetion-roomj and in the lecture-romn, one ilioiisnn land fifty dollars; coaiplciiiig i-epairs and lin pro'vementsin iahontloiy, leetture-rooins, tut I uiineraloical rooms, thnue hufidred and nineiy-ilve dollars; molds and iis grams, one hundred oi l arstlmoksot refec ence, tex -books, ands ationery, for useol instructor-, an 1 contingencies, two hun drc 1 atld fitly dollar; coni)ensa,lon to at tendaut, nfty dohata. Forde ar'.incnt of and experi mental philosophy: For Instruments ami apparatus to lllusi ra e I he lawsot mechan ics and of soiiils and nut. Is. three thousand dollars; instruments and apinratiis to Illustrate i be laws of acoustics anil optics four lliou-nnd dollars; InartninettU an I an)iurn'usioe.uipone dell observatory, two thousand live nundroa Uoliawc, one brenk-circiiit chronoiu. ter for mUral-cireM room in ihe observatory, live hundred dollars: latfie. forge, KkiIs, and equipment of worfcslio ', -even hundred an 1 Bfjy dollars; repairs and contingencies, eight hundred dollars; oom.n-aiioii to me chanic and assistant in charge of appara tus one thousand dollars; compensation to atlemlant, fifty dollnrs. For department of pract halenaineering: For mining maicrial, twenty-di e dollars; liiniber for pro.lllnir, twenty-five dollars; stationery and drawing material, twenty live dollars: thcoloiile-liaii-ii. two hun dred and fifty dollars; rcpnirs of instru ments, i weniy-live (Uillars. For department of STianish: For text book and stationery for the use of Inst mo tors, ally dollars, Foi department of French: Fortett-liooks and siat ioner, for the use of instructors, fifty-fi ve dollars. . Fordcnartment of law and ethics: For texl-booksnnd stationery for the use of instructors, fifty dollars. For expenses' of the board of visitors, four thousand five hundred dollars: Pro cstrt. Thai three members of the House oi of the Forty-third Con gross, whose credentials in due time of law lur. S been inly filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives in accord ance with the act of ''ongress amirovid March third eighteen hundred and sixv ihm slum bo appointed, by the Speaker of the present House of Representatives, niembeis of the board of visitors, a the next annual examination to lie held at the Military Academv. For miscollaneons and contingent ex penses: Format, coal-oil, and candles, for llgh ItiT the academy, ca let-harraoks, moss-hail, liospitalsifiH-j's, stahle, and side walk, four thousand dollars: wa er-oipes, plumbing, and rciniirs, tvvo thousand dol lars; cleaning public buildings, (nol quar ters, five liundred and six'y dollars; brooms brushes, mils, fulis, and clo lis. two hundred dollars; chalk, crayons, ponge, and slates, for recitation-rooms, one hundred dollars; compensation of librarian, one hundred and I wen y dollars; compensation of non-oouimtsslone 1 o'l'cer in charge of mechanics, fifty dol ars: com pensation of soldier writing in a lju ant's office, fifty dollars; pay ofeBgineer.of heal ing and ventilating apparatus for the ca de -i 'arracks, ehaivel. and ohllosophlcal academy, including the library, one Ihou snnd five hundred dollars: ay of assistant of same, seven hundred and twenty dol lars; pay of live Bremen, two inousan 1 two hundred dollars; increase and expense of the library, Isxiks, magazines, is-rio Ikals and bmdmg, two thousand dollars. For nay of librarian 's assis am , one t hou santl dollars. ror isintlngencles for superintendent of the academy, one t bonsnn l dollars. For furniture for calet-hosoi'al, one hundred dollars. For buildings and grounds: For repair ing and openmg roads, one thousand do.-1 lars. For rebuilding the dam at the foot of i Crow's Nest mountain, two thousand four ' hundred and eight dollars and six cents. For preparing site mil constructing foun laiion anil beginning superstructure i form let's new hospital, twenty thousand i dollars. For commencing system of sewerage ; leading from barracks Of troopsthree thou-1 sand dollars, For remodeling battery Knox, ten thou-1 sand dollars. Approved, February 2S, 1S7:1. IHvM-.llAL N.'.Tl KK No. 41.1 an act io cam into affect tliepwtvlsiona of the treaty netwecn the I nited 8 .a es and (Ircal B'riluin signed in the city of Washington Ujeelghilidayof May, eigb-1 teen hundred und sovenly-onc, relating t to the lishcries. B. it I'wiKlfd bit Ot ' S iiii'e awl Mints- uf Mt jire.ienliiiifcth tfnited .' of Am r- j fiia i OptlOreH use mbl d, That whenever, the I'resldeiil of the United S ates shall receive satisfactory evidence thai the Im perial Parliament of Great Britain, the Parliament ol t'linada. and ihe leglsla me of Prince Edward's Isian 1 have passed laws on their part to give full eltcct loiho j provisions of the Ireatv iietween the Uni ted Slates and tireat Britain signed ai the t city ot Washington on the eighth daj of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, as coniaiia;d In articles eighteenth to tweiily-iifih, inclusive, and article ihirti eth of said treaty, he is hereby authorized ; to Issue his proclamation declaring that ! he has such evidence and thereupon, from the tint e of such proclamation and 0 ong as t tie said articles etneentn to tweniy llth, inclusive, and article thirtieth of stud IrcaiJ sliall remain in force, according to ihe term and conditions of article thirty i lur I oi said treaty, all fish-oil and fish of ail kinds, .except llsh preserved hi oil,) being ibe produce of the fisheries of the ; Uominion ofCana '.aorol Prince 1. dwar I's Island, shall tie asluilticd into the United Stales iree of duty. Sec. 1. That whenever the colony of j Newfoundland shall give its consent to the anpiicut ion of the stipulations und pro- j visions oi thesaM articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth ftf'said treaty, inclusive, to i that colony, and the legislature thereof, and the Imperial Parliament shall pass she j necessary laws for thai DttrpQSe, the ii'iove enumerated articles, being the produce of i thettslierlesofthecolonyofNi wfoundland shall be admitted into the United Sa es free of duty, from an 1 after the date of a ptOclamatfOO by.tlie Presi lent of the Uni ted states, deehu'ing thai he has sal is fac tory evidence that the said colony of Sew fojOndland has con-s-nted, in a due and prover manner, 10 have the prov isions of t he said an Ides eighteenth tot wenty-flftli, loclnslve, of the -ai-1 treaty extends Ho it, and io allow the United States the full Benefits of all the stipulations therein contained, und shall be soti Imitte I tree ol duly, solongaslhesai Inrliclcsel-.-ll nth to l wenlv-nnh. Inclusiv e, and article thir tieth, of said treaty, shnil remain in fonv, according to tho terms and conditions of an icle Ihirtv-third of said treaty . Pec". 3. That from tho date of the Presi dent's proclamation authorized bytbefirsl section ot thhtact. mil so lour as I ho ail i-cleseigbiis-nlh to Iwenty-flfih. Inclusive, atld article thirtieth, of said treaty, -had remain in force, according to the terms and 'conditions of article thirty-thir l of said treaty, all goods, wares, or merchan dise and ving at the irts of New York, Boston. and Portland, and any other ports In the United wtUK which have been, or may from time to time ', snei-ially desig nated by the President ot ihe Unite 1 states and testified for her Brl annic Majesty's posse-sion- in North America, may lie entered at the prpjier ctwtoni-nonae and conveyed in trinslt, wiihnni the payment of dn'ihts, through the territory of the United states under such rules, regula tions, and eonilit ions for the protect ion ol the revenue aa the Seeve-ary of Ihe Treas ury may from time to lime prescribe; and, under like rules, regulations, and condi tions, gotala, wares, or merchandise may he conveyed in transit, without the pay ment of' duties, from such possessions, h milch the. tcrrltorv of Ihe United States, for exivort from the said ports of 1 he U nited Suites. Sec. i. Thai from the date of the Presi dent's proclamation, authorized by the lit st seel Ion of this act, and so lone a articles eighteenth lo twen' .-flf h, inclu sive, and article ttllrtletn, ol satd trea'y, slttill renwin in force, according to the teiwwiwmlitions of art Icle t hir'y-' bird of snM tf'at v, alt su'ijeelsof Her lirilannfc Mujesiymav cam in British vessels, with out ngyment of duly, goods, wares, or ineraTiaiillisc from one port or place with in tie terrl'ory of the United S'ates, unon tbeiaint Ijawfence, the great lakes, and the Svers connecting the same, toanot her "ortlr Place within the territory of the United Slates, as aforesaid: 'ntci'iinrt, That a i ortlon of such transportation is made through the Dominion of Canada by land carriage and In IkiikI. under such rules and regulations as may be agreed upon lietwcen the government of Her Britannic Majesty and the government of theUnlted AtateK AwlpnAnd-rifurlh r, That the Pn identofthe United States may by procla mation, suspend tne rigni oi carrying pro vided for by this section, In case the Do minion of Canada should at any lime de- prive the citizens of tho United States of 1 , ... . l,., atA I, I., 1.. 1 lie USC OI l lie CMIinin in ""5-ai'i uuiauiluil on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the Dominion, as provided in article I wentv-seventh of said treaty: And pro vidnlurllur, That in case any export or other duty continues to lie levied after Uie sixteenth day of Jane, etghteen hundred and seventy-two. on lumlieror timber of any kind cut on that portion of the Ameri-,-rfn territory-, in the State of Maine, water- ! ed by the river Saint John and its trlbuta- ruts, ami noaicu uown uiu river vu hk sea, when the same Is shipped to Ihe Unt ied Slates from I he province of New Krnns wiclc. that then, and in Hint case, the President of the United States may. by proclamaion, sua en 1 all righ's of carry ing provided for by this section for such period ns such export oroihcr duty may be levied, S'e. 5. That thlsac shall no" alte effi cl untllthefirst day of July, eighteen mm dre dan I sevcntv-diree., and shall not ap ply loiinyariic.e of uiorohan ll-s; therein mentioned which shall W held in Imndon i hat day (iy the customs officers of the United S'ates. Approved, .March 1, ls7:!. . . - .. p ' i,,l Ordinance 'o. M. Belatlrtg to building a Hose nnd Hell Tower, and 10 fencing the lot on which the Bngtnc house slainls. R-ttorltin dbijih Cm mm Cotmefluflbe CUji of AlUmii : v 1 IP1i'm a ,.,'.. Iw, KU1 m ihl lot where the Kngine bouse slan ts, and Unit sai l loi Is- fenced in with a board f,'"ir.' SiHSi I' , ! the I'irc Company ft! hang the heil in, and to ditiw up the fire hose lu for drip ping. site. 3 Sail tower lobe built Of good, sound lith'ler, with four sills 8xS. 11 feet long: four post s ftxS, St) feet long, l4wos beams iixc, and four cross-iicam ixft,tli length of said beams to bens follows: I, 12 feel long; 4.7 feet long: 4. 6 feet long, wi h braces and with rafters; and a square roof of four eaves, and the whole lower to be won herboarded wllh good plane I wcn'l e tioardinti, and to be painted down to ihe lower eross-liennis, and io baveuiv rnnilns for drawing up the hose, and a so a rigging for suspending tlie tiro liell in a goo I and substantia! manner: an 1 Ilia' a plat form, K feet wide, be built from the Kngine house to the sld hose lower. 8i e. I. lu order tocarry out tho provis ions of this ordinance, a contract shall be let, aa by ordinance provided, forfnrnisb Ing materials, building and completing of said hose tower und platform, and the fence around the said lot, on which Ihe Kngine house stands. The said contract to specify' the way and manner of .-nil biilldlng as by this ordinance provided, ami i lint the same !e completed by tlie 10th day of June. is":t. sir. &. This ordinance totake effect and be in force fronsnmd after the days from its phblicat ion. Passed the Council April 22 1. 187;i. col. I., van n.KVH, Mayor. Attest: jis. H-VsitON, Recorder. MODOC WAH. Latest From the Front. Ykkka. April, IS. Some Modocs have escaped tVoiti the Lava Bed. A party of ten Modocs murdered Eugene Ilovey. of Yiekti. yesterday at noon, near Peace Tent. Took four horses. Excitement in tense. .Settlers being notified. Government mail carrier, who left yesterday morning, brought no dis patches. News of Hovey's murder brought to Ball's by Hendrick's, this montingj thence here by Btiekman. Disnatdies froin Lavi Bed up to 6 P. M. of tbe7tl have been received. Our troops have poeaewion of the Modoc strung-hold. The Indians kit for the hills south east of Lava Bed. The Cavalry are in hot pursuit. First Sargeant of troop K. First Cavalry, captured Modoc battle flag. Scar faced Charley and Scoiichiu aw killed. Fifteen Indians got between troops in the field and camp, ami killed Eu gene Hovey, Of Yreka, scalped him null mutilated his body fearfully, tak ing four horses and one mule, and left for the mountains. Our total loss of troops live killed and twelve wounded. Meachatn is improving rapidly. The Warm Spring Indians were first in the stronghold, and killed and scalped all the wounded they could flud, Ybkka, April 22. A courier arrived late last nilit. leaving at 2 P. M. on Sunday, at which time there was heavy firing near where liovey wa killed, supposed to be an attack upon Indian- attempting to reach water. Prevkins to this there has bet u no change in affairs since Thursday morning. Waiting for return of tlie cavalry, which is in pursuit of a hand of Mo docs that had gone south or southeast. Cava ry expected hack Sunday night. It is positively known that in the last righting seventeen ModiH-s were killed not known, as yet, how many were wounded. Six soldiers killed and some twenty wounded. It is now said thjt the Modocs mov ed, all their women and children before the massacre. An oltl squaw, recently captured, confirms the report that Meacham killed Sconchin. It is now feared that the Modocs have estsiHsi front the lava bed. and will commence a series of horrible out rages umw settlers. All the settlers upon Rogue and Willow creeks are preparing to move into town. The Klamath river Indians were out at Crystal creek in Scott Valley, last week, all painted up dancing war dan ces. Mr. Meachatn is doing finely, and will be removed to Capt. terris' ranch", near Linkvllle, in a few days, where his wife went, not being permitted to go to headquarters. Yreka, April 22-6 P. M. Following Just received from the Lava Bed : The pack train leaving the camp for Col. Maon's damp at lava bed, under escort ol Lieut. Howe and twenty men, was attacked yester day at about 10 A. M. Prior to this, an escort from Col. Mason's camp, coininst to meet it, was attacked at the head ofa long cave. Lieut. Lean- anil men nought shelter behind the rocki), ami droVe the Modocs Imclv. When MMtt. Howe eanip near them, theylthe Molocs) attacked his' party, but' were again driven back. L'ent Leary lost one killed and woiiikIhI. 'J'raln arrived safe, but was fired on as it entered the lava Ix-d, ami again on its return. When returning, on this side of the cave. Howe-was again attacked by the Modoc, who followed him to camp, keeping up a continuous lire upon his party. Tlie Modocs dime up to within one hundred yards of camp, tiring at tlie pickets, anil tlien sent a VOIiej hltO eanip. Major Thomas sent a bei into their midst, which scattered them. There wen; eleven Indians in the atfac.lng party. Anna wen distributed to all in camp, and vvc were ready for them ; but they soon lied into the ricks. The Warm Spring Indians will bo armed to-day, and will start in to hunt out the Modncs. The Modocs are scatteicd in small parties, and will be difficult to follow. The roads tire not safe to Yreka. The whole country is in a great fer ment. Mr, Irwin telegraph from Yreka. 22d inst.. to Gov. Grwver. Indians are believed to be located in tin? lava bed, about four miles south of old stronghold. Number of Indians killed, eighteen. Tlu-v can leave the lava beds at any time they choose and raid upon settlers, The travelers and settlers arc in danger of being massa cred. The prospect's of closing the war soon are very ioor. 'i'lie riesident was at bt. Louis on the 22i inst. He was to start iiir idaho Springs, Culurado, tlie '1 luirsday ibllowmg. Henry Frolieh was hanged at Syracuse, rs. l murder. on the 18th, lor Au LIU iMj.u i.A i s. BLACKSMIT HING I -ANU- Ceneral Repair Shop. HP HE INDKHSKINEO HAVINU BE X turned to Albany, and bis old shop on corner 01 Ellsworth and Second si ru ts, announces his lvtidiness io attend to all kinds of m-ACKSMITIHXG M1U. & MACHtNH FcdW.Nt;, ETC'. Also, has on hand and for sale, the C03UIU.ARD WAGON, Strayer force-tced -- GRAIN ST A3 MOUKE, and other PS.0WS WOOB'S REAPER & H10WER, which ht 7illsellon the most reasonable terms. HORSE SHOEING- -All round,$2, Rc8Cttin(r,..$l. UIVE ME A AM,. All workWitrustcd to tne will receive pronifit attention, and lie executed in the best possible manner, wi h ood materlaL A si, tire of public fa1 rename i- solicited. ir-i; fthopon corner Isvvor. bund second si itjeis, opposite 1'icri.e's Ferry. 10-. 4 F. woon. Arctic Soda. HA VINO AIIEU VASTLY TO OUB facilities for dispensing this deilKht fui mi I hoalth-glvlng beverage, we would announce to our former rat rons, and tlsn public generally, thai we aire f ally prepared from one of those elegant Turn's Arctic Fountains, to supply so la of the liest quality In un limited quant Hies to all who may favor ns with a call- BOTTLED SODA! -AND Sarsaparillat WILL, DtJKDtG THE SPRING and SUMMER. be delivered to families ordering thrnngh ot the city. Dealers Supplied nt Liberal Kate. A. CAROTHERS ft CO JSTotioo. 0KEO0N & CAL1FOBMA RAILBOAP (.'ompany.Land Depart men t. Portland Oregon, April fi, 18KL Notice is hereby fdven, that a vinorous prosecution will be nstituted atialnst any and every person who trespasses unon any Railroad Land, by cutting and reinovinatlinlierfhere from before the same is HOUGHT of the Compa ny AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land In odd numbered sec tions, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a distance of thirty miles from the line of the road, belongs to the Company. i! R. MOORK8, 52v4u Land Agent. t.4l-,.if.