' 'juiLULiwi mm m " ALBANY REGISTER, star. Ordinance No. 3. An Ordinance re'nting o the assessment, levy, und codec' ion nf city taxes, and the granting and collection of license, and Imposing and cnllec lug tines. ' "flaw it by th cthmwh CrjuneH of ih'Cuv of Albany; see 1. in the month of February of each yeit 1 he thty Recorder, unless otherwise ordered by 111 City Council. shall proceed m make and comrtae the annual assess ment of cty property laxnb . for city pur poses, as directed InTi'lc I, ('hauler II. of these ordinances, and ho shall Make Ills return of the assessment of (Mty nronertj Habloto taxation for: i v Purposes, nl ihe ilrst regular rneetin t of the thy (Council mr the month of March eusutiig. See. 2. When making assessment nf city property the ("by Recur lor shall require sieh person llnbfe 'i) be 'axe 1 liy the clt) lo furnish him a lis! of Ins real and ntr - cuil property Wl'hln ihecity, an I shall Hdinints'er to' such tux-ouyer an oath Of affirmation to the effect that he will ren der a tree and complete lis- of ail property owned by him and liable to tasat Ion with in thec.l'v. an I anv person who shall re- fusc to make such oath or affirma' ion when require 1 to do so by the assessoi' shall for fait and nay to the "city the sum of twenty dollars as a henaity for violation ofthii provision of thisnrdiuumv. which sum, together wfh the to', shall he collected as other penalties aiu oo.lccted for viola tion of any city or finance. See. S. As soon ns the assessment roil is wmplc'el the Recorder shall give notice, by posting In thrue public places in the elty, at leust, one week previous to the time when tiled r Oonnoll will sit as a Imard of equalization, and at t he time spe :itied. the Council shall meet an (equalize the assessment. Complaint of cxoosslva valuation of property may lie inn le by the personal appearance ot ihe eoinolniniint liefore tho hoard a sal l meeting, or a Per illed statement of tacts may be filed with the Recorder before the titling of the board. See. 4. As soon as the assessment roll Is ! returned and the equalization perfected, ; i he City ConncU shall tlx the raw and levy ' the tax" for the current rear. Sec. 5. (uiinediatety after theannttnl levy of tb nee of taxes 'tiv the flltv Council. 1 tue ctly Uceordrr snan matte aii'iiieiiver : to the Citv Marshal a trunscrln: of the as sessment roll.w itlithemeof tax levied and Ihe amount due from inch in 11 vidua! ex- tende i thereon, to which be shall attach a warrant m the name of the City of A I 'tu ny, un ler his ban I, cominandillgtha Mar sluil to collect the taxes charge 1 in said list by demanding payment of the persons charged therein, and making sale of the goods and chattels of such persons when necessary ; that be nay overall money coU lectei By vinue of sai l warrant to ihe city Treasurer. and return sai l w arrant, together with the list uforessid, and anac t ount ol his acts and doings ibereon, to the City Council, on or before the first day of May' ensuing. See. H. l'Hin the receipt of the tax roll and warrant aforesai I from the City Re corder, Hie City Marshal shall Immediate ly give nottee, by posumr tnree printeti hand-bills in the city, to the effect t ha! the i assessment roll Is in his possession; that i pavment of taxes is imme lialely due and must lc naid iKifore the first day of May ensuing, under penalty of live percent, to be added thereto If niit paid by that day, and naming the place where be will hold hisoffii-e to receive and receipt lor city taxes. See. 7. If any person from whom city taxes an; due shall fail to pay the same in answer to posting notices, ny the first day of May of any year, he shall incur a pen ally ot live per cent, to lie added thereto as provided m this ordinance. Sec. 8. City orders issued by the Record er shall Iw receivable for city taxes; pro vided that the amount ol the same shall not exceed Ihe sum payable, or that no change is required. Seel, Thei ity Marshal shall receipt for all taxes )iid htm. and note the fact, of such pay ucnt on his tax roll. Sec. la In case 1 hat any person shall re fuse to mv the cltv tax when the same Is ductile Manual snail lew inesaine oy distress and sa.e of Ihegoolsan I chattels t of such persons, and such sale shall be I made in conformity to the prevision of s ate law for the collection of S.att-und , county tuxes. See. "ll. On the tint Thursday of May, of , each yeur. ihe Cltv Marshal shall make out : a siuiemuni ot the utxes remaining un inild with the names of the persons from whom the same are due, and such otbei facts as mav ho In his possession relatlns I hereto, and return bis original lisi and warrant whh such s alemeul to the Clly Council, at which time he shall make set tlement with the Council lor Ihe same. Sec. 12. After the return of Ihe delin quent tax list by the Marshal aa provided in the last section, the Kecor ler shall Im mediately make from said delinquent lax roll a true and cored lisi of I be nixes re turned as uurai I, and ot the persons to whom such taxes arc charged, und deliver the same to I lie Chv Marshal with H war- ram. Ibereto attiu hel under his baud, j comman ding him in Iki name of i lie city ol Albany, to levy ntioti ihegoolts and chattels of such delinquent lax layer, and If none lie (bun I. then upon I be lea. prop erty of such persons or so much ihcrcol as shall satisfy the amount of taxes si chttrg e 1 with Hie percent, penalty added there to, an . I costs of collection, und that said Marshal pay over all money collected by I lie first day of July ensuing. k'c. t. A warrant us named in this title shall have the effect of an execution UgaiUSt any person, linn or eorporation won whom such taxes are ie vie I, and ad procet-lings had upon it shall be conduct ed by the Marshal aaisnr may be provided by the laws of this State uihui u warrant to any SlieriU' issued by the County Court lor the collect Ion of State and county lux es by sale of real or personal property. See. II. If the Marshal shall tail to make sett lenient of 'he laics included in the as sessment roll wlibln the time required by mis ordinance tie snail he llunie toapetuii ty of five er cent, liiiiiiages, and twelve iwrcentlateresl iieranmiinonthe balance in uiosniwii taxes cuargeit against unu, and If any marshal shall w ohhold ) ment of any money collected for tbu ciiy after the same shall lie paid, he shall lie li able to pay ten per cent, damages, and Interest may be collected bv suit brought upon the Marshal's bond for the recovery of the same. COKCERNING THE PAYMENT OF TAXES, LI CENSES AND PINCH. Sec IS. All taxes due the city of Allnmy for taxes or as fees for fines, or for license, ehall l) paid In gold or silver coin of the L'nited States. Sec. IS. All fines and penalties ininnsed for violation of any city ordinance uiav lie i enforced by action against ihe offender tavern under this ordinance, provided brought before the Recorder's Conrt in that no person keeping a private hoarding the name of the city of Altwny, nnd all house with less than six boarders, and for judgments rendered in such Mines shall be I a less time than two months, shall be re tor the amount of fine and costs of suit. garded as keening a Hotel, Inn, or tavern, Sec. 17. When any person against whom under this ordinance, a fine and costs arc adludged is unable to Tbe monthly rental shall be fixed end pay the same, or shall refuse to do so, be I established by the city assessor at itspror mar be sentenced to labor one day for ervalue, but if rented, at not less than the each two dollars of such fine and costs, im actual rent agreed on by the parties. Pro- I charge of the City Marshal, on citv 1m ! provemontsnron at y labor done for the I corporation. i KKOl'bATlNO AKI1 l.ll'RKKINU CERTAIN C( ' Cl.fATIo.V.. See. is. That no person, firm, company or corporation shall lie encased hi, ores,'- i I eute. or earrv on nnv trade, business, or ! profession wi'hin the llmi'sof the city of I Albany, hcrelnaftat mentioned and' de serlhea, until he. she, or they shall have obtained n license therefor In' ihe manner I horeinuf erntWVl le I. . See. I:). Tha' any person, firm, eotnonny i oreorjioiation, re(iln I by ihisordinnnco ' . to obtain license o cn-msc In any trade, I ' buslnessornrofosjlon, for which a' license isreipiii-el by I bis ordinance, shall nay to ' the City Treasurer such sum or sums as hor dnafter ncovtded : tbereunon, erlth the receipt of the city Treasurer (which re : win? hilsetforthheklnd nf haslnftssmr j , which license Is desired) they shall apply i I to the Cltv RocOnlcr, who shall Issue a If- j , oense to theixftMlesawlylBt In accordance ' with the receipt of the Trensnror. S--C. That if ar.y person or 'lerso-.s ' shall cixercitie or carry on any tin le, biwl nc s or profession . or do any act hefdnaf- ! ter monilone I, for the exerelsinft, or carry- j Ing oh or doin:: of wdileh tmle, Intslnese or orofession.n Iteense is reou'.rodby this ' ordinance, without taking ntuanch license a-in tliat behalf reouire I. lie, shoorthoy fha'l on oonvic'ion thereof bcfoi" ih corder for every moh oiiVnce, besldei i ii vr liable to the payment of the fa subjected to imprisonment for a term exceeding twenty days or a tine not ceo ling one bundre I dollars or both, Re mit ex- moiety ol such tine to the use ol llu of Albany, the o(her moiety to the f eitv so of toe ixirson M'ho siiail first give informa lion of tbe fact whereby such tine w as in enrred. I Sec. 21. That in every license to be taken out, under or by vlrlue of this orduianoe shall Ik' eont allied an 1 set forth fho pur pose, trade, business or profession for which license is granted, and Ihe name and p ace of abode of tin person or per sons 'liking out i lie -nine: If by a peddler, whether authorized to trade on foot or with one or two, or more animals, the time for which such license is to run, and the dale or lime of xranlingsiudi license. and any person carrying on oreerohdn j any trade, hairiness ir profession, or doing ! any net for which a license is required, shall on demand of any city officer, pro-j duee snob license, and unless he shall do ; so mav lie deemed and taken to have no license. And tn case any neuuier snail re fuse to produce bis or her license when de- man led by any city officer, sai l ollcer may secure the animals, w agon an d con tents, or peek, bundle or basket of any pei -on so refusing, and bold Ihe same uri lil tbe license is produce 1. Sec. 22. That in any case when more than one of the pursuits, employments or oci'Uiw'ions bereinat er described, shall be pursued or earned on in the same p. ace by the same person at the same time, 11 oense must lie taken out for each, accord ing to the m-e severally prescribed. See. 28. That no auctioneer shall he au- j tliorizedby virtue of ids license as such auctioneer, to emnloy any other ihusou to ; act as an.': ioneev in bis behalf excent in his t own s'ore or warehouse or in his own j presence. The provision's ot ibis section shall not apply to judicial or executive oflh oors tnatving auction sates ny virtue oi any judgment or decree of kuv conn, nor nul He sale made bv executors and admims- tra'ors. Sec. 28, All licenses Issued as quarterly licenses shall expire the last day of each quarter, namely, Thirty first of March. Thirtieth of June, Thirtieth of September nnd Thirty-first of Ceccmber, andall quar terly licenses shall he dated from the first day of the month in which the liability thereof occurred, and shall lie issued upon the payment of a suitable proportion of the whole amount of duv imposed for such license. AU licenses shall exulre on the thirty-first Uav of December of each year. Sec. 24. All licenses required by thlshrdl nanee shall be paid in advance in gold and silver coin. Sec. Si. That from and after this ordi nance shall lake etlect. 1 here shall be paid a' such times as hereinat'or provided, for each license granted the sum herein s;at el respectively: Auctioneer shall ray a quarterly license of Hire, dollars. Every im'i'-oii shall be diftiie 1 nn autioneei' wit h in the meaning of this ordinance, whos of business it is to offer property for sale at public out-cry. Sec 36. Any person applying lorn license losel) splntons or fermented mall liquors or wines as proviled in this ordinance. shall execute a bond to '.he city of Alhiuiy In the penal sum of live hundred dollars with two or more sudlnent sureties to be anproVed by the Recorder. Which sureties shall quality in double the amount requir ed in the bond conditional that be or they will keep a decent and respectable house and that he will not permit any unlawful gaming or riotous conduct in or about his house, and that he will not keep open the satneou the first day of Ihe week, com monly inlle l Sunday." nor in any wlsodis poscof fphltousor fermented mall liquors or wines on sal I day. That lie will noi sell, give or otherwise dispose Ol spii ltous or fermented mail liquors orwines to minors under the age of eighteen years, or allow the same to he done on bis premises, dm lug the continuance of bis license. And in ease of any violation of the foregoing eondlitons By any person giving such, bond, be shad on eonvlctinn thcmif lie fore ihe Recorder, Ixt liable to pay u line of j not less than one hundred dollars or in i default of tbe payninnt of the same, to' linprlv-ouinent noi more than twenty days j and the bond so given as a foresaid by snub person, shall also lie prosecuted oy the city Marshal before ihe Recorder an I forfeited to the city for am violation of lis condi tions. Sec 27. Kvet' parson keeping n bar-room ' or drinking shop, shall pay a quarterly li cense of llfiy dollars. Kvcry jierson who keeps mail or spiritons liqitors or wines for sale at renii in letrfquanttties than one quart, eli her as his sole business or In con nection whh some ol her occutsii ion, shall lie deemed a keeper of a bar-room or drinking shop under Ibis ordinance. Every person who keens mail or smrlions Honor or w inc. tor sale in quantities of one qui; id or upwards to lie drank on the premises, ahall )iay a quarterly license of twelvu dol lars and fill) cents. Sec. 2S. Hotels, inns and taverns shall lie classified and rated according to the month's rental ot the house and property intended to lie occupied for said purpose, as follows to wit : All cases where the rent or valuation of the monthly rental of said house and prujicrl) shall I e one hun dred dollars or less, shall pay ten dollars per quarter, and II exceeding one hundred dollars for any additional fifty dollars or fractional in tint f m excess of one hundred dollars, live dollan. Kvcry place where food and lodging arc provided for and furnished to travelers and sojourner In view of payment, there- tor. shall 1st niganlc 1 as a lioiel. inn. or vided if there be nnv fraud or collusion in Ihe return of the actual rent to Ihe as sessor, i here shall be a penalty equal to double the amount of license required by Ihlssec'lnn, to he collrc'e I ns Other penal ties un ler I ills ordinance are collecie I, Sac. 2 1 . 1'e Idlers v,rtd Iv classified an 1 rate I ns follows, to wit; When traveling whh two or more animals, shall pay a weekly license ot five dollars, when i ravei lug wl b one animal shall aya weekly li cense of two dollars and fiftveent; when (raveling on fool or by public-conveyance, shall ray a weekly license of two dollars Any person, 'excepting AlllhOsC pe I l.ing nspiipers, bibles, religions 'mcis, farm en from the eoun'ry peddling Ihe pro ducts ot tlndr farms who otters to s,., at retnii or wholesale, goo Is, wares, men liun dis;. of other cnni too lilies, I in', cling from 0 nce to place in Ihe city of Alhanv, shall Iki regarded as a peddier under ibis ordi nance. Si .'. .1 ). II wlingalleys, billiard tablosaild pigeon hole tables sh:iii nay license accord' lug to Ihe number of tables or alloys be longing io and used In the I in : ; 7 fu lt or p ace to bo licensed. When not exceeding one alley orotic table, the keeper of such hound shall pay it quarterly license of th e din ars, and when exceeding one alley cl one table an ad Itfional sum of five dollars for each additional table and each ahi! tionnl alley, Kvcry place or building where bonds are thrown or billiards are played and (men to the public with or w i liouf price, shall be regarded a a bowling alley or billiard room respectively under this ordinance, See. 81, Theaters shall pay n quarierly license of fifty dollars, or a-license of five dollars tor each performance, at I ho option of t he manager. Every Imtldlng used wholly or in part lor the purpose of dramatic or operatic representations, plays or performances, or any nubile exhibition wha'ever, whewan a Imlsslon fee is charge 1, shall bodooiilul a theater under this ordinance. Sec. 83. The keepers or proprietors of every circus shall paj a license of twenty dollars for each day and night of their e.x biblllon. Every building, lent, space or urea where feats of horsemanship or aero batlc sports are exhibited, sliail is- regar I e I as a circus under t his ordinance. Sec. 33- Jugglers slmil pay a license of ton dollars jhu' week or five dollars tor every day and nigh; of their exhibition. Kvcry person who performs by slight of hand shall be regards 1 as a juggler under this ordinance. The proprietor or agent of all other exhibitions or shows for mon ey, not enumerated in i his ordinance, shall pay ten dollars per week ore dai.y license ot five dollars. See. 31. Pawnbrokers shall pay a quar terly license of twenty-five dollars, livery person whose business or occupation is to take or receive by way of pledge, pawn or exchange, any goo Is,' wares or merchan dise or any "kind of personal property whatever, lor the repayment or security of money lent thereon, shall be deemed a pnwnoroker under this ordinance. Sec. 3i. The owner of any stage coach, carriage, dray, Wagon, or other vehicle used for carrying passengers or baggage or merchandise, graveling si reefs or high ways, carting earth, ballast, lumber, anal, woo 1, water, or goods of any description, or sprinkling streets for hire, donation, or contract within tbe city limits, shall pay a quarterly license of five dollars for each vehicle drawn by one animal, and for each additional animal used in drawing such vehicle the additional sum of one dollar. The owner or driver of vehicles currying passengers or merchandise or any thing as above mentioned, shall place the number of his vehicle as named in bis license, npon each side of his vehicle in a conspicuous place, in a neat and legible manner, in figures noi less than one and one half inches long, and of propori tolla ble width, and said nuBibcr shall not be changed while the said vehicle Is subject to the payment of a ihmiiclplc license. If any person shall drive or permit to lie driven, any vehicle over which he has con trol, without Isung duly licensed nnd hav ing t he number affixed as herein directed, shall he subject to le fines and penalties prescribed in section twenty of this ordinance, and any person owning any vehicle which shall be used for the pur nose of transporting goods or merchan dise of any description, received, owned or sold by 'said owiier, or shall be used in transporting goods or merchandise be longing to other peraons, without hire shall pay a quarterly license of three dol lars for each of said vehicles drawn by one animal, and an additional sum of tw o dol lars for each additional animal used. Pro vided, that nothing contained in this section stall ho construed hi as lo require persons engaged In drawing wood, gra vel or oilier commodities, from outside the city limits, into lho city, or In plowing or scraping for the purpose of graveling the pnoile streets, alleys, railways, or other public Improvements within the city lim its, io eayn eliy license. See. C Every iorson wdio shall keep Within the Mini s of the city any wharf, warehouse, depot, or other place or build htg for t lie purpose Of shipping on board 01 or i, cciving from on lioard of steam boats or other witter cruft on the river, or rail road can on the rail road, any articles ol mercliati Use, goo Is or freights of any kind, und sliail charge sto: age or wharf age Iherefor, shall pay a quarterly license of ten dollars. This section shah not lie const rued to include grist mills and grain warehouses used for milling and grain storage. Sec. 37. Itshall'lie the duty of the City Marshal to prosecute all parsons violating this ordinance, in ad cases of conviction he shall tin addition to his usual lees.j re ceive Hie sum of live dollars io be taxed a costs of suit, piovldod that tin- seme be collected from the Offender Seit. 38. Tie-city Kecor ler shall on Ihe first day of ouch qnnrier report in writing to the City Marshal, a liJt of ail licenses which havednrlng or at the close of the quarter expired and have not boon re newed, on l of all licenses that have been Issued during the quarter. Sec. 37. All ordinances or parts of ordi nances contrary lo the provisions of ibis ordinance and iilt other ordinances what ever : .a; lug lo licenses within the clly, are hereby repealed. See. W. This Ordinance to fake effect and lie In force from and after live days from itspnblicnlton. Approved, COLL. VAN CIJiVE, Mayor. Attest, JoSItPI! Hannon, Clly KrvordT. April 12, 1873. OFFICIAL- Law of the United States. PASSED AT THE THIHU SESSION OF TIM FOBTTf -SECOND COMjllESS. General Nature- No. Si. AN ACT to abolish the franking privilege. lie it rmiUM by tiv. 8 naif awl Houk r.f R pnn-vlnUvn f th". Uni: l HUibn of Amrr tea in Omgreu o mWrf, That the franking prlv liege be, and t he same hereby is, abol ished from and afler the first day of July, anno Domini eighteen hundred und seventy-three, and that henceforth all official correspondence, of whatever nature, ana other mailable matter sent from or ad dressed to atvy officer of the government or person now nuthoi ifoil to frank such ' matter, shall be char r ublo with the same iu'esof pos'ngeiH may bo'awfnllv linoo- ed icon like mutter sent by or addressed j to other persons : Vm 'y'. That no com) ! pensn' ion or allowance shu'l now or here ' after ho ma le to Senators, Mcm'ws, and I'elega'e of the House onjepreaeutatives on account of POSfRge. Approve I, January 81, isrj. General Nature - No.?.! AN A(T tn veg'ilire the employment of engineer soldiers oil extra duty. V ! nnc''d by Ih 8 wrV evil .'f 'we vf 1 R fir .i nUm9tt ( lhn yittl' ft tidh4i Anw foo fa r,,.,T no niU'tt. Thai ihOCnlisted : men of en.'t'ueers in ;'ie iirmv are hereby i p'noen on the samefooting w I h netpuct to i coiupensai Ion (orcxtiaIoty set".:, east he other enlisted men ot the army, und that , n!i law or earls of laws In conflict with t his provision lie, and tbe same are here j by. repealed. 1 j Approve f. February ;i, Ikt.i. fleueral Nature No. 21. AN ACT making an owroprla'.ton !" I fray the osnenses of ihe American iiiei British clnltuscoiumission.und for other pnrppsea, j ! U - imi'1 ft by Ih' SfMJis mvl JImuMvf t pf .1 'i ti lt' f a tfu f ttf 8al" of Antr i fcm in 0 ,ii reman iMi. That the sum vf one liundre I und thirteen thousand live Itun Ire i dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in tbe treasury noi oth erwise appropriated, to supply n delleien oy in the amronrlat ion for the fiscal year ending dune tbtr:v,ofgblcen bun Ire l'tind i seventy-iluvo. to defmv the exixmses on I ll:i'"at't of the Unite 1 S a esof the mixed commission on American and British claims. appointed un ler the twelfth arti cle of the treaty ltWeen Ibel'ni'edS'a'es and nreat Brpnin, signed May eighth, eighteen hundred nnd seventy-one. See. 2. For payment of contractors for stonework, and other employees, on the posi-otPce an 1 com" -house in New York city, five bun 'red i hnnsund dollurs. Approved, February 8, IS7S. General Na' nro - No. 25. ! aN ATT to provide for I be holding of ad ditional terms of the circuit court Of the l'nited States for the southern dls tirfct of New Yoiti. I B il''mir)"tl by the 8 nate and llouv of R pr-Jra.Vi'hnt of Ih' Vnu-fl8'lt of Amr- ico in CtMprra m &bl tl. That additional ' terms of ihe circuit court of the Cnited I S'a'os for the sotllhein district of New I Yoi-k shnl! hereafter he held In each year, I commencing as follows! On the second Wednesday of January, on Ihe second 1 We inesdu'y of March, on the second ! Wednesday of Maj , on the third We dnes I day of June, on the second Wednesday of 1 ( letnber. and on the second We Inesday of i December. The holding of any of the I above-men ioned terms shu'.l not dispense wdtb or effect ihe holding of any other I term of I he court at the same time, nor t shall the pending of any other term of the court prevent the holding of any of the t terms hereby appointed. Sec. 2. That the terms hereby appointed i shall be devoted exclusively to the trial and disposal of the criminal cnes und I matters arising and pending In said court, ; The letnisof said court appointed by this j act may be held by the circuit judge off he ! second judicial circuit nnd the district I judges for the sou' hern and eastern dis- trtets of New York, or any one of said i thin1 judges; and at every such term held by saJd jiidge of said eastern district he shall receive the sum of three hundred I dollars, the sumo to be paid In the man net I how prescribed by law for the payment of I the expenses of another district Judge while holding court in said district. All j recognizances nnd hail Imnfls laken in i criminal eases for sn appearance at n cir cuit court in said district conditioned upon an appearance at the next one of the terms herc'-v appointed shall be valid, nnd grand and pe'it juries shall lie sum moned to at tend t lie said terms as now at oilier tonus of the court. Approved, February 7. 187. tJencral Nature No. 2(1. AN ACT to authorize the construction of eight steam vessels of war, and for I other purposes. j B - it ennd' d by lht StPOU ami Haw? of I R jirm nlnln-xtf IK: V nihil Satis nf Amer j ica in ConortM aim mbhil. That Ihe Sec pa? ; tary of the Xnvy 1st au'bori.ted to con ' struct ei-jht steam vessids ot war. with 1 auxiliary sail-power, and of such class or classes as, In his judgment, will best sub : serve ihe demands of the service, each I earn ing slxor more guns of large caliber; j (lie hulls to tie built of Iron or w oo l. s I the Secretary may determine: Provid-d, ; That the aggregafe tonnage of 'be whole ' nuinlier shall not exceed eight thousand tons, and that the coat of building the same shall not exceed three millions two hundred thousand dollars: Andprcrld 'I, That four of said vessels shall lie built, in whole or in rart, in private yards, in on contrBRt with the lowest possible bidder t berefor, ip mn pnbllecompel ll ton and pro posals, due notice I hereof being given by advrtbement, upon models, gpeclfita- tlons, and drawings furnished by ihe Na-, vy Uerartmenl, and under its direction , and sipiervision. it. upon full ixxanilnat Ion antlconsidcintion.t licsamesbali be deemed practicable, by the Secretary Of the Navy; or the hulls nf anv proportion of said ves se:s may is; built upon private contract In tho government yards upon dke proposals, models, specifications, drawings, and sn pervlslon, and upon like examination and consideration, the government in cilher case furnishing stu b materials ns may be deemed practicable by the Secretary of the Navy. Sec. 2. That neither of said veisets shall be commenced rintil full and complete mo lels, specifications, and drawings shall 1st made tor us cons! ruction in all Its parts. And after such molelsand draw ings are approved by the proper authori ty, they shall not be change I in any re spect when t he cost w ill exceed one hun dred dollars, except upon the recommon dailonof a Uard ol survey composed of not less I ban tiveo'Hcersot the navy, and approved by the Secretary of the Navy; and if changes are tints made, the actual cost of and damage cause 1 by such change shall he estimated bv such board ol sur vey; and the terms of the com met shall provtdethat the (torn met ors shall be bound by I he cstlmute of said board ns to ihe amount of increased or diminished com pensation Ihcyareto receive, if any, In consequence of any such changes. Approved, February 10, 1878. IGeneml Nature-No. 87.) AN ACT revising and amending the laws relative to the mints, assay-offices, and coinage of tlp United States. So U owitfrd bu (he Senate and Hotue of RTrt nuUvettif th". UnUrd&olea of Amer tea in Ctmurem tmemMert, That the mint of the United States is hereby established as a bureau of the Treasury Department, em bracing In its organization and under Its control all mints for tho manufacture of coin, and all assay-offices for the stamping of bars, which are now, or which may be hereafter, authorized by law. Tbe chief officer of said bureau shall lie denominat ed the l'lrre'orof the Mint. and shall be under 'he general direction of the Secre tary Of the Treasury. He shall he appoint' cd by the President, !y and with the ad vice nnd consent of the Senn'e, and shall hold his office for the term of five years, unless sooner removed bv the President, upon reasons to be communicated by him to the Senn'e. Sec. 2. That the Director of the Mint shall have the general supervision of nlf mints any assay -offices, nnd shall make on annual report to the Secretary of the Trea sury of their niemtions. at the close of each fiscal vear, and from lime to time such additional reports, setting forth the operations and condition of such Institu tions, ns the Secretary oi the Treasury shall require, and shall lav before htm tho Minnal estimates for their su'ivon. And the Sectv'ary ot t he Treasury shall appoint the number of clerics, classified according to law, necessary to discbarge ihe duties of said bun nn. See. 3. That the officers of each mint shall io a inperlntondent, an nssayer, a melterand Wifiner, nnd n coiner, mid for the mint of Philadelphia, nn engraver, all to lie appointed by the President of the i'm'te 1 S'a'es, bv MM witli the advice and consent of the Senate. Sec. 4. Tim! the superintendent of each mint shall have the control thereof, the superintendence of the officers and per sons employed therein, and the supervi sion of the business thereof. subject to the annrovo) of the Director of the Min', to whom he shall make report sat such times and according to such forms ns the Direc tor Of the Mint may prescribe, which shall exhibit in de ail, rind under appropriate beads, the deposits of bullion, tlienmount ol gold, sliver and minor coinage, and Ihe amount of imparled, standard, and reflri edbnrs issued, and such other statistics and imfonnat ion ns mny be required. The superintendent of each mint shall also re ceive and nfoly keep, until legally with drawn, nil moneys or bullion which shall be for the use or the expenses of Ihe mint. He shall receive nil bullion brought to the mint for assay or coinage; shall be the keeper of all bullion or coju in the mint, excent while the same is legally in (he hands of oi her officers; and shall deliver all coins struck nt t he mint to the persons to whom they shall be legally pniable. From the repbi-t of the assayer anil tho weight of the bullion, he shall compute the value of each deposit, and also the amount of the Charges or dednctions, if any. of all which be shall give ade ailed memorandum to the depo-ttor; and ho shall also give at the same I line, under his band, a certificate of the net amount of tbfdnposit, to he paid in coins or bars of t he same species of bullion ns Hint depos ited, the correctness of which certificate shall tie verified by the assayer, who shall countersign the same: and in all cases of transfer of coin or bullion, he simd give and receive vouchers, stating the amount and character of such coin or bullion. He shall keep and render, quarter-yearly, to the Director of (he Mint, for the purpose of adjust men', according to such forms ns may ho prescribed by the Secretary of Ihe Treasury, regular and faithful accounts of his transact ions w ith the other officers of tbe mint and the deposi'ors: and shall also render to him a monthly statement of Ihe ordinary expenses of the mint or assay-office under bis charge. He shall also appoint all assistants, clerks, lone nf w hom shall be designated "chief clerk."; and workmen employed under his superinten dence; but no person shall be appointed to employment in the offices of Ihe nssnjer, melterand refiner, coiner, or engraver, ex cept on the recommendation and nomina tion in writing ot those officers, respect ively; and he shall forthwith report tothe Director of the Mint Ihe names ot all per sons appointed by him, the duties to be performed, the late of compensation, the appropriation from which compensation is io lie made, and (he ground of ihe ap pointment; and if the Director of the Mint shall disapprove the same, the ap pointment shall be vacated. Sec. 5. That the assayer shall assay all metals and bullion, whenever such assays are required in the operations of the mint ; he shad also make assays of com or sam ple of bullion whenever required by the superintendent. Sec. 6. That themelter and refiner shall execute all ihe operations w hich are nec essary In order to form Ingots of standard silver or gold, and alloys for minor coin age, suitable for the coiner, froth the met als legally delivered to It in for that pur pose; and shall also execute all the opera t ions which are necessary in order to form burs conformable in all' respects lo tho law. fi din the gold und silver bullion de livered lohlm for I hat purpose. He shall keep a careful record of all t ran suctions with flic superintendent, noting the weight and character ol the bullion; and shad re responsible for all bullion deliver ed to him until the sumo is returned to the superintendent and the proper vouchers obi allied. Sec 7. That the coiner shall execute all the operations which are necessary in or der inform toins, conformable ih all re spvets tothe law, from the standard gold and silver ingots, and alloys tor minor coinage, legally delivered to liim for that purpose: and shall isi responsible lor all bullion delivered to him, nniil the same is returned lo the superintendent and Hie proper vouchers obtained. See. 8. That the engraver shall prepare from the original dies already authorized nil the wording -dies required for use In tho coinage of the several mints, and, when new coins or devices are aul horued, shall, if required by the Director oi Ihe Mint, prepare the devices, mislels, molds, and matrices, or original dies, for the same; but the Director of the Mint shuil never theless bavo power, with the upproMil of Ihe Secretary of the Treasury, to engage temporarily for this purpose ihe services of one or more nrlists dcstiriguishcd in their resicctive departments of art, who shuil he paid for such service from the con tingent impropriation for the mint at Philadelphia. Sec. . That whenever any officer of a mint or assay -office shall be temporarily absent, on account of sickness or uny oth er cause, it shall be lawful for the superin tendent, with the consent id mid officer, lo appoint some person attached to the mini in act in the place ot such officer dur ing his absence; but all snch appointments shall be forthwith reported tothe Director oftheMlnt forhlsapproval; and in allcnses w hatsoever the principal shall be respon sible fur the acts of his representative. In case of tho temporary absence of the sn pcrintendent, the chief clerk shall act In his place; and In cose Of Hie temporary absence of the Director of the Mint, the Secretary of the Treasury may designate some one to act in his place. Sec. 10. That every officer, assistant, and clerk of the mint shall, before he enters uiion the execution of his office, take an outh or affirmation before some Judge of the United Slates, or Judge ot the superior court, or of some court of record of any Slate, faithfully and diligently to perform the dntics thereof In addition lo otherofll cial oaths prescribed by law ; which oaths, duly certified, shall lai transmitted to the Secretary of tho Treasury ; and tho super intendent of each mint may require such oath or affirmation from any of the em ployees of the mint. , Sec: 11. That the superintendent, the as sayer, the meltcr and refiner, and the coin er of each mint, before entering upon the