The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 11, 1873, Page 6, Image 6

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School Election The school elec
tion on Monday called out a fair repre
sentation of the voters of the district.
Mr. Walter Ketchuin was elected
School Director, to serve three years,
and Mr. A. N. Arnold was re-elected
School Clerk. The proposition to vote
a tax of 500, to enable the Directors
to run a free school during the coming
year, was voted down by a large ma- j
jority. By a vote of the meeting the j
$1,900 accrued to the District from the
school fund, wis ordered to be loaned
by tlte Directors, and the interest re
ceived thereon tiled in defraying inci
dental expenses of District School
property. Tlie rejwrt of the Schoo'
CJerk showed that he had collected
some $338 more than ordered toon the
$2,000 tax of last year for the support
of free schools, and that this sum re
mained unexpended and unappropri
ated. Itwasordeied that so much of
this $338 as the Directors may deem
necessary, be expended in graveling
tlie school grounds, and in defraying ,
incidental expenses, and that the bal-:
ance go to the general fond. The
hinds seem to have been economically !
managed during tlie past year. We
are sorry that "free schooling" is not
to be continued in this District.
A SvocESfc Tbe Erodelphian Soci
ety of tlie Albany Collegiate Institute
composed of young ladies), gave a
Fair on Friday evening of last week,
in tire Register building. The room
was tastefully fitted up, but wasn't
near large enough to contain the large
Dumber of people in attendance. We
enjoyed, the occasion hugely, as did
t verybody else, seemingly, attending.
The aprons went off like the ice cream,
in great haste but of roast and baked
chickens, et cetera, these was an over
plus, and it was announced that lunch
would be set the next day, for the
hungry, at 25c a whiz. Tlie lunch was
also patronized well, and the Society,
after paying off all liabilities, netted
the sum of $141 50. This money is
to be used in purchasing a library for
the Society. The whole affair was
well managed, and proved in the
highest degree creditable and satisfac
tory all round.
Woman's Simple Device A Tale
of one City. Here's how one poor,
abused, mug-suffering' woman "cir
cumvented" Hie "old man" it s good
reading: A Danbury lady, says the
.Vtf., becoming tired or bothering
with wood, besought her husband to
get a coal stove, and devote the rest of
ilieir life to that fuel, but he wouldn't
do it. He said wood was cheaper,
and he might as well bo chopping it
and saving the money. Having ex
hausted her eloquence without any
effect she hit upon a very simple
devise. She extended her clothes line
i ver his cboppingblook. After supper
he adorned himself with his ax and
went out for fuel, and five minutes later
came tearing into the house without
his hat and with his mouth halt full
of blood, lacerated gunw and broken
teeth. A bright and cheerful coal tire
now illuminates that house.
Rear this and be Uaitt! 'llie
largest stock of men's, boy's and chil
dren's CLOTHING ever brought up
from Ban Francisco is at X. Baum's
store, ami the -rush" is big. There
i4 no one leaving the store without
Imying a Coat Pants, Vest Hat or
i '.ap. Boots or Shoes, Shirt or Drawers,
( lollar or Neck-tie. etc., etc., and eve
rybody seems to be pleased, aud satis
tied that they bought cheap, as there is
the place to buy bargains.. 34.
(JRAU. Separator. On Tuesday
a model of Daniel Best's Improved
Portable Grain Separator was on exr
hibition at the St. Charles Hotel. It
appears to be an excellent machine for
the purpose named. There was also
imi exhibition a gang-plow, that looked
as though it might be the thing wanted
l if our formers. (
Skntescbu-I. D. May, conrkted
of ja-jury, wa seoteaiced by Judge
!tmhm, oq, Frjdaj mprnlpg lat to
two years iu.tiie State Penitentiary.
Circuit Court Adjourned on
Wednesday, after a session of two
weeks and three days. Following is
the disposition of causes on the docket
not reported in previous issues of the
Register :
Jennie Gnibb vs W Grubb divorce
Thos Monteith vs Jas II Foster in
junction ; continual.
A C Layton vs II A Hogue et al
suit in equity to set aside deed ; grant
A & S Water Ditch Co vs Hiram
Smith, admr, John Robinct et al dis
Same vs Richard Ritter et al
for right of way ; continued.
Beach & Monteith vs J II Marks
action at law to recover money ; judg
ment for want of answer.
John and Allen Parker vs B T I.ol
lis .suit in equity to foreclose mort
gage ; judgment for plffs.
John P Smith et al vs Linn County
writ of review ; dismissed.
C T Lever vs Ira Moore et al suit
to correct deed ; continued.
Mary J Dawson vs Hardin Dawson
suit for divorce ; granted.
Rachel Tower vs James MeMahoti
action at law to recover money; con
tinued. Margaret McFaddeu vs Wm Mc
Fadden suit for divorce ; granted.
Jokey A McKee vs Thos H McKee
suit for divorce ; granted.
E Martin & Co vs Charles Roggers
action at law to recover money ; set- j
In the several Holladay cases ac-
tion at law to recover money judg
ment was granted plfffor want of an
swer. Light. Heretofore tbe Council
Chamber, during the evening sessions
of the City Fathers, has been dimly
lighted by tallow dips, giving the
chamber a gloomy look indeed. At
the request of tlie Council, Alderman
Harper, during his recent visit to San
Franelsco,. purchased a pair of elegant
chandeliers, which were duly suspend
ed and lighted on Tuesday evening
last, giving the chamber a much more
cheerful and attractive look.
Wh.k Cwmwatk -Th n,M Vti
lows of this city and their friends wHI
celebrate the anniversary of Odd Fel
lowship, April 28th, by an excursion
and pic-nie to Corvallis, Barniun Lodge
of that city having extended the invi
tation to usuns. Rev.. Mt. Nesbitt.
of CorwilliSv having been selected by
Barnuin Lodge to- deliver an oration,
on the oocasion, all who attend may
expect a rich literary feast from one
of Oregon's most brilliant orators.
A Cakd. Having teen informed
that my name has. been used as a rec
ommendation, by Irresponsible intin
erante wishing to procure work hi the
profession of llentistry. I hereby in
form the public that I have never had
a partner in the profession, or sent out
a student. .My friends and patron
empCiTt i
y reeomtneu- j
are warned' against the
of any such person on, any
datlon trom me, unless they produce a
written certificate with mv signature
attached. GFO. W. GRAY.
River and Rail. Taking advan
tage of the opposition, and low freight
rates, A. Wheeler & Co. have got their
large stock of new gootts .safely bous
ed, and are prepared to supply you
with almost anything you may need,
at prices that will please the most
careful buyers.
Peters' Musical Monthly For
April, contains music that in sheet
lorm, would cost $.1 50, while only .10
cents is asked for the number ; or you
can get the magazine one whole year
for $3. It is I he cheapest good musi
cal magazine in the nation.
Free Agaix. The jury In. the case j
of Oregon vs. Ellas Keeney, chawed
with tbe killing of Pelton, at Harri
burg, a few weeks since, after staying
out all night, brought In a verdict, on
Saturday morning, of not guiltv.
Council. At the regular meeting
of tlie Council on Tuesday ulght, bills
against the city, to the amount of
$251 78, were allowed. A.t a ).te hour
the Conocil adjourned, to meet at iyt
o'clock Pi M. to-morrow evening.
Rebefcth Lodge meets on to-morrow
Pabagramlets Weather improv
ing. Froman 'shall rapidly finishing!
Court adjourned on Wednesday.
Ellas Keeney was acquitted. The
jury remained out one night only.
The Willamette keeps at a good
Business generally seems to have
been strt'ck by lightning.
Hon. O. X. Denny, of Portland,
i smiled upon us Monday. He was as
j gay as a meadow lark.
Mm k., . ; i ai
tiirucn, nun. uuus e ever inrew
- 1 onrself outside of was presented to us
; by the ladies of the Erodelphian Soei
lth J ety, last Saturday. We can't help it
but we hope they'll have another Fair
For a beautifully finished, breech-
! loading, double-barreled shot-gun. call
at P. C. Harper & Co.'s
If you wish to buy a corner lot in
the business portion of the city, with
good building thereon, call at this j
Capt "Matthews started for Pine
Grove W. T., last Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Herren is slowly recover
ing from her recent severe illness.
Quite a number of subscriptions ex
pire with this week's Issue of the REG
ISTER No. 32 Vol. 5. Wo invite all
to renew their subscriptions.
Geo. W. Young wants to go back to
Illinois to live, is tlierefore desirous of
selling all the real estate owned by
him In the city.
Billiards seem to have lost none of
their charms, and Tally's saloon is
crowded nightly.
A party composed of ladies and chil
dren had a nice little pic-nie party on
Surer Creek, last Wednesday.
Quite a number of Delegates to the
Farmer's Convention at Salem, took
the cars on Wednesday others went
f0Wn 011 tlle Gr8w
Mr. Colon Finlayson arrived here
last week, after a prolonged absence
in Wahingto-n Territory. He seems
to be somewhat improved in health.
Dr.'. MermifW ami Prill n,.n,.
haveeach nurehased one of rl.o si.
did breech-loading Remington ritles
bt ought up by Mr. Harper,
I Blake was in attendant, it. th ol.l
! seat, at the Council chamber Saturday !
night, and seemed highly delighted j
with the new chandeliers,
Hie Odd Fellows of this eitv
template celebrating the 26th Inst, bv '
a steamlioat excursion up the Willam
ette. The three lodges will turn out
in full "regimentals."
Roads are rapidly improving dry
ing up and getting ready for the Sum
mer business.
The suit of A. C. Layton vs H. A.
Hogue et al suit in equity to set aside
deed was decided on Wednesday.
Mr. Layton was awarded 320 acres of
land, with the rentil of same since
Messrs. Jolin Ganter and Willian
of our oldest citizens
started for Lurope on Wednesday
Mr. Ganter goes to Germany, and will
return the coming Fall. Mr. Craw
ford goes to Belfast, hi the north of
Ireland, and may be absent a year or
two. They have the Ijest wishes of a
large circle of friends for a pleasant
Rev. K. R. Geary, 1). D., started
for Washington City on i'hirsday.
Bull voyage.
Kggs are worth sixteen cents per j
; dozen here. Quoted a cent or two less
i at Portland. ,
I , ,,Y.
, ir,-,-,i In- tin, ti rru I..' 1 . . 11.I I-
.c nimii.pi.,,.!, ami nwii j
is reported at $141 50.
A young lady of this city wasunfor
lunate enough, on Monday lat, to get
,!. Ii.ti. n. ...... 1 !
me 111.1. u linger vi our i ijjrn, naiiu '
taught between the lied and platen of
108 '''joblW WblJe inniotioii.
The press was not injured, but tlw
finger was badly smashed.
So far this week the weather Iins
been perfectly lovely, and we are In
hopes it will so continue until Fall.
Dr. D. Jones returned from a visit
to the Walla Walk Valiey, W. T., on
Wednesday. He enjoyed the trip
hugely, and , with idded flesh and
bronzed appearance from exposure to.
tlie hot sun H tiding over the vast
prairies up north, he looks mote 'the
i Alderman tlnui.ever. . ,
Wm. Reed and family, who moved
from this city to Waitsburg, W. T., a
few months since, has moved back to
Oregon again. Genuine Wcbteet never
stay long away from their little camas
The Hue team recently purchased
by Mart. V. B look well. Mart.
had "em out on Tuesday, Mart. I so
teider of. 'em. that whenever he struck
a little no-hlll grade, tliev'd ston. am
i out Mart, won hi get. unhitch, pull the
I wagon over, hitch up again wait
l ...., . ...
j nnni me pome got rested. For a
; fmt teaia Mart, is bom
d to tike
Messrs. Peters & Co. 1
lave a iiumner
of splendid hacks, JUst finished, at their
! shops on Kerry street. The painting
was done by the artist, Mr.,
I and they shine like a "pair of lamps."
These gentleman arc turning out
, splendid work In the shape of wagons
and spring hacks.
The Gov. G rover left her wharf in
this city fc Salem at lour o'clock
Thursday morning,
carrying quite a
number of delegates to the Farmers'
Convention. Several delegates, owing
to a misunderstanding as to the time
at which the boat was to start, arrived
too late. These gentlemen went down
on the eight o'clock freight on the 0.
& C. Railroad.
Messrs. Lark, of Oregon City. Ross,
of Halsey. and Moore, of Corvallls,
were In the city on Wednesday.
As the roads become smooth and
bard, fine teams and buggies begin to
show themselves on our streets.
Mrs. Bridgefhrmcr, arrived in this
city oh Wednesday from Walla Walla,
; on a short visit.
Full lines of late style
! at Wain, Young & Co.'s
Seme of the late Eastern immigra
tion has reached this city.
Camp meets this evening tit 7
o'clock, sharp.
Wheat commands 7(K- per bushel
in this market.
Arnold has bought a new boss,
I Bek-Hive STOIiK.-See new adver-
! cment of this establishment. The
j Hire Sy '' provision store,
in the hands of Mr. Weed, is rapidly
! rowil in PuW, f;ivnr' C,U1 a"1 -
mhlc h stoct w,d tho Inducements
t0 P0rctase
A Petition Largely signed, has
lieen forwarded to the Governor, pray-'
uim t0 l)ani,)M and 1V,(':'S(' Mr- J- !
I, it ,
j 1). May. .sentenued to two, yean for
LECTURE. On Monday night Mr.
Levi Lcland will lecture at the Court
House, on the subject of temperance.
Mr. L. is one of the most successful
and eloquent of temperance lecturers.
A. WltEKLKlt.
C Ii.
c. r.
Foil anIiiig&Cmiss'B Hsrctaiits. !
Dealers in MeiTluiiiilise und I'rtuhiee.. A
goo'l HHSortment of nil kino of (ioodn al-
AVs hi store at lowest innt icet rales,
Apents (Or mle of Wations, Grain Drills,
Citler Mills, Clmnn. Jte., Ac
Notice. Those having business
with me are re pitssled towldrasg theni-
; selves, during tny absence, to Mr.
Jobn Conner, myappolnted agent.
foiix Gantkk.
Albany. April 1 1-173. 33
IIOM.OWAYS Phj,s.Xo case of
, t . ,
leveranii ague, nver coinpiaint, colic.
j indigestion, bodily weakness, bend-
aci ics,. or sexual difficulty, can with
stand the curative and. at tbe name
time liiVisforatinc action of these l'ills.
If , r, , n. .
rnni 10 IDIIIIell ijum, ., l. I rice,
25 ijeiits per Isix. Ask for new stvle ;
the old U counterfeited, 34
'CHE QfEfTiov SKrrijdi.Those emi
nent men. Dr. Jas. Clark. Physician
to Queen Victoria. Dn Hughes Bet
netfe.. sav that cotistmiptioii can be
eured. Dr. Wistar knew this when
he discovered his Balsam ok Wild
CHERRY, awl experience has proved
tins enrreetiioiw nt hi ni.i.ilnn 'M
KWtoirectness oi ms opinion. Ji
During one week of last month 1fl5
vessels of varions kind arrlvwl at
Xifw York, the largest number shic
that 4jce was made a port of entry.
Themaln fl'herv of Southern Ore-.
gou U..i'4(Itogue river, nt-ar the ccatt.
Subscriptions to Canal stock (the
additional $20,000 ordered) comes in
country Produce ol All Kinds
Tills ts the place to get tlie BEST BAR
GAINS ever offered In Albany. Parties
rill always do well to cull ami see foi'tbeiu-
Oregon, mv5
Elrsl street. Albany
'R. GEO. w. miw ,
i E N T I S T ,
eel lier First and Fcrrv streets
deuce- Comer Filth and Ferry streets
O lice hours from s to 12 o'clock u. in., and
I to n o'clock p. m, lsvl
Perfect Satisiliction,
Hm Albany, Oregon. 31v
I'vrn. itim iiih xotwe
The following rates of freight will be
charged on the
bbtwewi all all
i uk ii, a sd Down
A"' PorlOOltt. Pm 100 111.
vii'iliie Scents. 4 cents.
Oregon city .1 " 4
Bmievliie 10 "
CllUiOtHM'g 10 " tl
St. otatv 10 " ti
1 ayiot is " 6
Lafiiycite 12 " ti
M-Mimi , ille.... II " !) "
Weston 12 " fi "
Fnlrrteld 12 ' 1;
Win "I Intel 12 " !l '
Lincoln 15 " u
Detoiy'B 13 " 9 "
Sileiii 15 ' 9
hwu ib " in "
Iielcteti lence .. lfi " j 10 "
Alikeny' Ijiii'gj IB " 11
Bnena Vlirta.... 18 " , 11
AVtl-lv.... IS " j II
(Wn;lls 20 " 12 "
1'eoriaA I, Bend 24 " I v, "
Monroe Har-
fU'mix 24 " 15 "
L"IUOtl" 45 " ! 17 "
Eugene I go " 140 "
SS Al1 MU"
ii'i,, le
All FrelKhl neluered In (lie rsum
('jiidltloii iim Iteeelved.
All (: "lit carried Itv thla line la hv u,
Wefirhtfnol teimuremeiitl, ami
all rivlithi .lelivercd KREK of WHAItT.
At I E 111 d DRAY AGE lo consignees, in ib
el' . Dt PoHlSOa.
Natl, l.iiuc. Plnator mid Ceiuent lit
Kedneed Knten.
Passage on this Line nominal.
J. . KIM, Agent.
Portland, March 28, 1S73. aw
General Basiiiess Iii
CPEGIAL ATTENTION riven to the ad
tj judicfUlon of necoiinta. Collections
made in all irtsof the State.
Olllee next door above Bee Hive Storf,
Fiisl streei, Albany, Oregon. vSnii
, ,-ive'l .it theoflloeof the Allmay find
Sniitlmn Wa'or Dlteli or Canal Coiniiany,
it' to the 1'itli day of April, 1H7U, for dbj
if ite.'. tiiimiiitf and completing said Diuili
or Canal,
No 'il'ls will lie roeefved unless from re
aponllln (nu ticH, and statins Hie liarticn
lai' sec Inn of the Canal for which the hid
is rtuiilo.
There ate elevtm tions, and tlie con
tract will lie let In sections of one mile or
more, nii'i work must Oe eonuiienceit liv
'''efrst day ol June, 1878, and coiophCed
'e first itay ol Novombiir, 1S7S. The
Company i-esorve the rtelit to reject any
uei mi oiiiH.
flans ami snccifleations and terms of
payment will be found in tin) offico of ttw
('iniiuiiv at Albany.
Also, bids will lie received at the. samo
time ami place for (lellverlnir KJO.OOOfiwt of
I upod red or yellow fir Umbor.
I , L. ELKIS8.
D. MAjsriKLn,. rresideut.
i Albany, Mlnuli Bl, 1871-tMd