The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 04, 1873, Page 7, Image 7

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V. s. Official Paper for Oregon.
FRIDAV, APRIL 4. 1873,
Co In, Democrats.
Since the Herald publislted its
Holladay article, several Demo
cratic journals have charged it with
having been bought. The Herald
retaliates on some of them, those
who have recently, like the Enter
prise at Oregon City, come out
with something new, and chai-ges
that while it has maintained its in
tegrity to Democratic principles,
has refused to be manipulated by
" the sorehead Republican clique,
manipulated by Corbett & Co.,"
that these others have been influenc
d by substantial inducements, and
hence their ability to come out in
new dresses, purchase new presses,
and so on. . We are in favor of
maintaining peace in our own Re
publican family, but when Demo
ratic journals oegin to fall out and
lash each other, we believe in
cheering them on, striving to get
them so hot that they will let all
the cats out of the bag. We have
been wondering how so many Dem
ocratic organs could purchase new
outfits, right in the midst of such
unprecedented hard times, and it
this fight can only be continued
long enough, and intensified, we
doubt not the whole thing will
ctone out.
The members of the dental pro
fession throughout the State met at
Portland last Saturday and organ
ized a State Dental Society, elect
iog the following officers : Presi
dent, Dr. J. II. Hatch, Portland;
Vice Pres , Dr. L. S. Skipp, Salem ;
Cor. and Recording Secretary, Dr.
Vim. F. Thompson, Portland;
Treasurer, Dr. J. Welch, Portland.
After organization Dr. Chance
read a paper upon gold-pointed in
struments to be used as plnggers,
explaining their superiority over
steel. The next meeting of the So
ciety will be held at Salem on the
last Wednesday iu June. The
subject for discussion then will be
"Exposed Dental Pulps and their
Treatment." Dr. Gray, of our
city, was also appointed to prepare
and read an essay before the Socie
ty at that time.
It is now thought the country has
beard the last of the Ku Klux. It
is nearly t-vo years since a case of
violence in the South has been
traced to that organized conspiracy
against peace and good order.
Southern men believe the e-a of
good feeling may be hastened in
certain portions of the South, by
Executive clemency being shown
towards Ku Klux conspirators now
confined in Northern prisons. We
doubt not the I'resident will show
uch clemency, when he is satisfied
such results will follow. "Let us
have peace," is the chief aim of the
Boston formerly thought well of
the great scientist, Agassis, but since
he said that Harvard " is no longer
a university it is only a tolerably
organized high school," she has lost
her conceit for him : to tier lie is
not much of a man any more ; in
fact she thinks he is a very ordina
ry man,
Iowa mail-carriers are said to be
closed by wolves. Wouldn't it be
veil to import a few to Oregou ?
We have been reading an article
lately on "Christian Statesmen,"
which treats of the prevailing dis
position to scoff and sneer at Chris
tianity, because of the shortcomings
of certain public men, who are
luded to as "Christian Statesmen."
This writer says, in substance, that
if gentlemen who have hitherto
borne the reputation of being up
right public servants have failed
from the high standard fixed tor
them by the public, the failure
should not be attributed to their
Christaiu principles, but to a lack
of them. If the charges against
them are true, then' they were riot
"Christain Statesmen," and the fling
at Christianity is out of place. If
the charges are false, then neither
the man nor his principles deserve
censure. This writer more directly
and forcibly continues : '"No Christ
ian statesman has fallen. None
will tall. Men may wear the cloak
of heaven to serve the devil in, and
the keen eye of the public may d
tect the disguise and strip it from
the hypocrite, and turn him out to
receive the deserved scorn of the
world. But these men were not
Christians ; and to attach their vil
lainy to the church is as mean as it
is unjust."
Look out, tobacco " chawers."
The U. S. Internal Revenue law al
lows no person or persons to sell or
dispose of tobacco iu any form, no how little or great the quan
tity, without'lpayiug first a license
of $5. An Eastern journal says
this renders it unlawful " for tobac
co chewers to beg a chew." Just
think of that being so. Wouldn't
there be (.-weeping and a-wailiug
and a-gnashing of teeth among that
numerous class ot tobacco-hungry
mortals, who never buy any ? Oh
. .
Another fearful marine disaster
is reported. The steamer Atlantic,
from Liverpool to New York, on
the 1st inst., ran ashore about 20
miles from Halifax on Meagher's
Head. She had 850 steerage and
30 saloon passengers, and her crew
numbered 142, and 140 stowaways
were discovered. Of all these only
about 300 were saved. The cap.
tain and third officer were saved.
Only throe or four cabin passengers
were saved.
An exchange, after publishing
the statement that the Japanese are
about to adopt an American patent
scaffold and gallows, says : " But
if the American system of punish
ment for murder is adopted, one
scaffold will do for all Japan, and
never wear out."
Servant girls in Cleveland, Ot,
won't accept a position in a family
where the "head" changes his shirt
twice a week. Some editors we
wot of would be very popular with
those girls.
Of the 102 counties iu the State
of Illinois, all but seven, are trav-
creed by railways, and in those sev
en, roads are already projected.
The State Department at Wash
ington is represented as overwhelm
ed with applications for office in all
grades, but there is known to be but
one vacancy, which is not open to
competition. Other departments
are similarly bur'ened
The President will appoint Rev.
Dr. Newman, Inspector of Consu
lates in Japan, hiia and other
Eastern countries.
aairnw anr.
It is denied that Minister Ban
croft is going to resign.
So many money appropriation
bills were passed during the last
tew days of Congress, that it is ex
pected the statement of the public
debt will show an increase.
Geo. Bryan, a negro, was hanged
by a mob at (Thillicothe, Mo., on
Wednesday night of last week, for
committing an outrage ou Miss
Fink, a highly respectable young
lady living near there.
The citizens of Philadelphia have
subscribed $873,600 towards the
Centennial fund. This is in addi
tion to the two millions appropri
ated. Tom Burke, the notorious cab
man of New Orleans, was shot and
killed by Robert Despay, on the
28th ult.
Judge Brady ? of New York, on
the 28th ult. decided to admit Geo.
Francis Train to $10,000 bail, but
the prisoner refused to give it.
The citizens of Fallstown, Pa.,
have held an indignation meeting
to remonstrate against the employ
ment of Chinamen. They effected
an organization pledging themselves
not to support, directly or indirectly,
any business man who favors coolie
Wm. H. Claggett late Delegate
of Montana, has been appointed
special counsel of the General Gov
eminent to .investigate aleged
frauds against Indians in Montana
The Treasury . Department re
cently somewhat modified its action
relative to the transortatioii of
bonded goods to inland cities. It
has hitherto held that goals in
bond may only be transported in
sealed cars, duties thereon to be
collected at the place of destination
The Department has rece tty per
mitted some wine goods to be trans
ported from Baltimore to Chicago
in open cars, one-halt of the duty
being paid at, the port of entry, and
the other half at the inland port,
after due appraisement. 1 his may
la possible precedent tor other
concessions valuable to racihc com
merce. The revenue from customs and
excise bids fair to show an increase
instead of a diminution, by the leg
islation of last Congress reducing
taxation. The present probability
is that there will be $200,000,000
from customs this year and possibly
8210,000,000, bejng much iu excess
of the estimates ot the internal rev
enne receipts thns tat about $86,
000,000. The total for the year
will probably approach $116,000,
000 estimated.
In a personal difficulty between
A. C. Stilwell and O. H. O Con
nell, well known citizens of Little
Rock, Ark., the other day, the
latter was shot, and it is thought
mortally wonuded by the former.
Ex-Senator Corbett and wife
sailed for Europe from New York
on the 29th ult.
The Japanese Minister, Mari,
sailed from Boston for Liverpool
on the 29th ult.
The Massachusetts legislature
proposes to appropriate $50,000 for
Prof. Agassis' Museum at Cam
bridge. A New Yorker has announced
that he will swim, next Summer,
from New York to Long Branch, a
distance of 27 miles.
On the 31st ult. a severe storm
prevailed throughout the South.
Property was more or less injured.
On the night of the 30th ult.,
two men were killed and others in
jured by an accident on the Sarato
ga railroad in Vermont.
General Sickles, our Minister to
Spain, came back on a flying visit
and assisted in removing the Fisk
Gould party from the control of
Erie. For his services he received
a tee or $75,000. Dan was bora
under a lucky star. ,
Paragramlets. Sickness abating.
Snow Wednesday night.
Farmers complain that pheasants
are destroying their crops.
Charley Harper returned from
'Filscoon Wednesday. Had a terri
ble rough trip up.
Court still in session.
The prettiest baby's slippers at
Blain, Yonng & Co.'s that ever slip
pered anywhere.
Henry Fliudt is the best boot makei
in the city.
Go to Harper & Co.'s if you wish to
see a splendid specimen of a breech
loading shot gun. They have, also,
some fine rifles.
Delegates to the Farmers' Conven
tion, at Salem next week, can take
their choice as to which line of steam
ers they will patronize, as both lines
will pass them free of charge.
The storm of wind and rain on
Wednesday was the severest we have
seen lor some time.
Harper & Co. received a portion of
their new goods. They will be receiv
ing and opening goods all the week.
They have some of the prettiest dress
goods ever brought to any market.
See 'em.
The past week must have been a
dull one in Harrishurg, as nearly all
Iter prominent citizens were iu this
city attending Court.
The Chicago Times puts the solemn
conundrum : "How can we escape
Are?" A New York paper answers:
"The Gospel offers you every encour
agement, but perhaps your 'best hold'
is to get out ot Chicago."
Some absent-minded paragraphist
asserts that every well regulated house
hold in Trenton owns a picture of
Crossingtoo Washing the Delaware.
Iu this country, girls sit on the laps
of boys, and bang their arms about
the sturdy necks of the happy yourlis
to keep from tailing off. They call it
sparking, and portions of the country
is so full of it that the air is sweeter
than a roebnd.
The "draw" in the Harrisbnrg rail
road bridge is said to work like a charm,
requiring Imt a few moments to "open
and close" it.
A gentleman says, in a note accom
panying a letter for publication : "I
sum tims mlspel a word, and its possi
ble I hav spelt sicafant rong."
Sparkling, invigorating soda, from
A. Carothers & CoZs, Is the beverage
that don't intoxicate nor weaken the
Mr. Sfftes, comity School Superin
tendent, is out again but still looking
feeble from his recent skkmss.
Rev. C. W. Slaw, of Salem, called
on Monday.
The Directors of the Santiam Canal
are bomirt to put that improvement
through this Summer. Good boys.
The 8ine-lav, against killing birds,
went uito effect on the first instant.
Recent news from the Dalles gives
little hope fir the recovery sf Mrs.
Hand, wife of the editor of the Mun
UUneer, She is fading rapidly.
The Farmer's State Convention
meets at Salem next Thursday. The
Governor Grover carried Delegate
Regular meeting of the City Council
next Tuesday evening.
Slather of new goods have been re
ceived by those of oiir merchants who
advertise, as our readers will observe
by calllngat their establishments.
Mr. Geo. W. Young, who has been
on a visit to the Kastern States for
several months pat, returned to this
dry on Wednesday.
A. Wheeler. Esq., of Shedd, who
eame up on the Ajax. brought bin
new goeds for Ids friends and custom
ers to select from.
The trotter, "Eph. Maynard," has
been purchased by C. P. Bacon, of
Portland, and is to be forwarded to
this city in care of Jimmy Welch, to
be put in training for the coming
trotting season.
On the 1st lust, one of our admirers
sent us through the P. O. a sheet ot
note paper blank Do it more, and
send more paier.
Indian Frank, indicted for assault,
was fbnud guilty, anil fined twenty
Election for a school director and
district clerk for school District No. fi
occurs-on Monday.
Wallace Mauzey has gone to Salem
ftoresWevto the regret of bis many
friends here.
In ihe cause of G. W. Hall vs C. O.
Barnes, action at law to recover dam
ages, verdict was rendered in favor of
Hail for $1. Hall is therefore thrown
into the costs.
01. Tompkins called Tuesday.
Mr. Crawford of Harrisbnrg, called
on Tuesday. He exhibited to us some
splendid specimens of the photograph!
art, taken at hts new gallary In Har
risbnrg. The latest fashion news Is. that gen
tlemen's overalls for parties will be
cut more biased this season, and short
men will, when waltzing, let out their
suspenders a couple of Inches.
As there was no quorum at the
Council Chamber on Tuesday evening,
the chicken ordinance didn't pan.
At Houston, Minnesota, the other
day, Dan Fagan was milted to Kate
Beersheba. The Journal of that place
ascrts that It Isn't as for from Dan to
Beersheba as in olden times.
In this country It frequently rains,
during the Winter, for hours fgether,
and sometimes even Iongei .
After this date parties will be allowed
to stop over at any station along tfw
line of the O. A C. Railroad, as they
choose, without additional charge for
ticket. 1
A story told lately is of a wealthy
New York German and a Hartford
livery stable keeper, who was loth to
let his best rig to a stranger. The
German was bound to have his ride,
and agreed to buy tho horse and sleigh,
and when he returned the stable keeper
might refund the money. This was
done, and the team returned and the
money refunded, when the German
started to go. "Hold on," said the
man of horses, "yon have not pakt
your horse hire." "Why. my dear
sir," said the New Ywkcr, coolly, "I
have been driving my own team thia
News from Spain to the 28th
uk. reports severe fighting in which
the Carlists claim an important vic
tory. The Government troops re
treated to Grondaliresmueii demor
alized, where they were captured
by Saballis. A small garrison also
A street 6ght oeearred in Barce
lona in which six men were killed.
The Oxford and Cambridge boat
race transpired on the 29th ult.,
which the latter won by three
lengths. Arrangements for the marriage
to the Duke ot Edinburgh with tha
daughter ot the ( zar have cer
tainly been made, it is telegiaphed
from London.
The Prussian Minister of the In
terior has been beaten, in all his
suits against the newspapers which
published the papal allocution.
At the Republican conlerenca
held at Sheffield, Eng., on the night
of the 29th ult, resolutions favor-
hie a Republican form of govern
ment for Kng and, were adopted.
Gen. Altorre has been appointed
Governor of Yucatan.
The remains of an ancient tem
ple, supposed to have been erected
centuries before the discovery ot
Mexico, have beeu found iu the San
Jose mountains of that country.
Three stone stalues, representing
Arahuac dignitaries, were unearth
ed in the vicinity of the- temple.
The revolution iu Guatemala i
gaining strength.
The British Government has ad
dressed an official note to the Sub
lime Porte, intimating that it will
hold Turkey responsible tor the
amount which the English ship
owners willhave to pay through re
cent increased duties ou the Suez
Au exchange having said "The
first robin has been seen; but one
robin doesn't make a spring," the
Auburn Bulletin retorts, "Try him
with a bug and see."
9m i