The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 04, 1873, Page 5, Image 5

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Exchange Office,
click in hI.MH.
Interest allowed on thiiedopositsin coin.
Kxchange on Portland. Sim Francisco,
end So York, Wr sale at lowest rales.
Collections nh and promptly remitted.
Refers fit'. Corbett, Henry Failing,
W. S. Lu 1 1. .J
Banking hours fmin A. M. to 4 I'. M.
Albany, Feb. l. 1.-71--J2v:t
En SJrtUisU'.
. ::. . smith, dkvhkt,
HASLOCATKniN A LI! A- . v xs&l
ny, ami has the new in- . g
vention in pintework, which i.t)'f
, insists in inserting iboIIi 1 1 "
In the mouth wlihou covering the whole
roof, as heretofore. It gives i lie wearer the
wearer the free, use or the tongue lo the
j-nof of the month in in king and tasting.
1; is : hi' Smii h A i'urvino paten;.
Teeth ex raeti I without pain. Plates
mended, whether broken or divided.
.. f-OKHi is It - rei t,eatofConnorti
Hank (uii s,:iirs . Albany, Oregon. 7v4
C ! T V M A I! KET,
r.Rvr whisht, MMAXt,onmo,
IT stantiyon Itand a full supply of
A IX Kl in or HEATH,
Which will lie of the very best quality.
The highest market price paid for lieeves,
hogs and sheen.
Third door west of Ferry, on south side
of First street. J. h. HARRIS.
Allianv. Dec. 15, 1S71-15V4
Groceries & Provisions,
establishment on comer of Ellsworth
and First streets, with a fresh stock of
iroceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To
fcacoo, &c., to wh ich lie invites the atten
tion of our citizens.
In oonneetlon with the store, he will keep
a Bakery, and will always have on hand a
full supply of fresh bread, crackers, &c.
CaST Call and see nie.
February ttwivl
I of taming; keepon hand and make to
order niwhlde-liot tome 1 chairs, Ac. Shop
near the Mills and Hosiery, Jefferson, Ore
iron. Branch slum near "Magnolia Mills,"
Albany, where orders for chairs, turning,
Ac., can bo left . JOHN M. METZLEU.
Jetfbraon, Aug. 4, 172
& Wagons,
Of Evtry IewrlHoii,
an I id! styles of
WiiKpft. Onrrlascs, Unck.
Ac., at as reasonable rates as the, use of
good mi.terial and flwttass wink will JuS
tlfv. Repairing neatly and expeditiously done
at low rates.
Shop on Ferry between First and Second
Albany, March 7, 1870-97
V. 8. MAIL !
Tri-Wceklj Stops Line !
HPHK UNDKRS1GN.ED Is now running a
J- trl-wech'-s'anc from Lc'ianoh to Al
lmnv,cArryin the IT. 8. Matis, lcaylna
Lebanon every Monday; Wednesday and
Kridiiv mprnlnflts, and retnrmnit, leave
Aihanvatld'eloek P. M. of said days.
Pus lenders ealle'l for in nay pari of the
eily. Al' orders should l- left at the St.
Charles Hotel, Albany, for passengers or
trclirht fur Lelmtton.
Paekiitea and IbiW frcleht puncinally
delivered at Ipw rates, Ml businessmen.
trostodtO me will Ik-promptly attended to.
Eobanon.Feb. 18,'?.Kiv4
Murder In Aibuttf
no threatening of it at present.
Is a thing which sometime must liefall
every Bon ani daughter of the human fam
ily ; ami yet,
At the !ttiMny,
() your Ufa, if disease lays his vile hand
v.; ion you, there Is si ill "a lialm in Gtload,"
by which von may be restored to perfect
health, ami prolong yonr daysioamiraeu
lon extent.
Sow f
By calling on
With a proscrlpHon, whew yon mn have
it compounded by oneexpenenoed in that
iiarllcular lino. Also, constantly on hand
a Rood assortment of frash drnxs, nateni
medicines, chemicals, imints, oils, dye
suut's, trusses, etc. Agents for the
Celebrated I nlt Weed Rcmttly,
i lr. i itv;on lMicumntle Ctire ; Dr. I). Jayne
fi Sous' medicines, etc.
silence's Positive and Wtnitive Powders
kepi In stock. Also amenta for the
EEoiue Mmttle SewliiK Hnebin
one of tiic most useful pieces of household
furniture extant. Call and OMimlne,
It, l'. HILL & SON.
Albany, June 10, 7140vS
M a c Ii i ii e
A. P. CIIEE2JY Proprietor,
Manufactures Steam Engines,
Fioiis' und Haw mil Maclsin
And all kinds of
Particular attention paid to repairing all
kinds of machinery. 41 v3
Opposite the hotels,
AllMiny, Orrgon,
Force .mid Lift rump,
Hollow Ware,
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron
Lowest Prices Every Time.
Rcpnlrliiff Properly Dour. 40v2
The Standard remedy for conjt.s ei
flieiiit:i. ,v Thriiil, wlumitig 0'fl,
( Vi up, htvrr Ompkttnt. BrrmehltU.JI'tv'nfi
i f ti Liuim. and every aflbeilon oi ta
Tin-out. Lucas ami Cliesl. Including Ci
" Wfartor'si BaNnm of wild fhwiae
does not drv up a Cotlgb. but -ImMolIf V ,
eleanRcs the tan8,and aiiaya lnlia,ion.
thus r-mi'.vhip tlf wiof thecomtilnlnt.
None getiPlne nnloss signed I. lifrrn.
Prepared LvSctii W. PoWLisft 8ta s m
ton. Sold by BBDtNOTOH, HOOTJifrTIiB ft
Co., San riimeisco, mnl by dealers ?en
enilly. liivSj
2 rf nfl&'iA Pr tl!,v- Agents wanted! AH
iWOlUJp" Masses of win ktne people, of
either sex. young or Old, make more mon
ey at, work for im in tholr srr momenta,
or all the time, than at anything else. Par
ticulurs free. Addreas G, atinaon A Co.,
Portland, Maine. Hyl
Laws of llic Pnited States.
General Nature - No. 1.
AN ACT toauthoiizethe const ruction of
bridges across the Ohio river, und to
prescribe the dimensions of the same.
J!"il i nartixl b)i th' A' BOfe '"'' Haute nf
H jr. tmlalin-t nf (he VnU ii S'nfi snf Amer
ica In OmfwtnM'n.'MThat any persons
or corporations, having lawful authority
th"refor, may hereafpr ei-ect brldnus
ii'Toss the Ohio river, for railroad or other
uses, upon compliance with t lie provisions
and requirements of this art.
Sit. 2. That every bridge hereafter erec
ted across the Ohio river, above the mouth
of the Ilig Sandy, shall have at least one
srnn of a height of no less thnn ninety
feet above low water, and of not less than
forty feet above local highest water, nn as
nred to the bottotn chord of the bridge;
that every bridge hereafter erected across
the Ohio river below the month of the
lie; Sandy, shall have at least one spun of
a height "f not less than one hundred feet
above low water, nnd of not less tlian for
ty feet above highest water, esure6Vto
the bottom cnortj of the bridge ; that this
befbspun shall (five It clear opening of at,
l.'iist fonrhumlred feet between the piers,
measured right angles to the current at
every stage, and that it shall lie placed
over the main channel of the river used
by bouts during ordinary stage oi water :
P,vid d, htvit r,That any one company,
lawfully BUthoriied by I be Slates of West
Virginia and Ohio. Is hereby authorised
to construct a brl dge across t lie Ohio river,
from t he eity of Wheeling, in the State of
West Virginia, to the opposite Side of said
river within the State of Ohio, with a span
over the mam channel oi not less man
three hundred and fifiyfeei in length, und
in alio! her respects conformable and Sub
leol to the provisions of this act, so funis
the name are applicable to bridges about
the mouth of de Big Sandy: Ami pnniri el,
That in case ibis high man is not over the
low-water channel, suitable arrangements
be made elsewhere to permit the pus-age
of single boats under the bridge lit low
water; that all bridges over the Ohio riv
er, below the Covin itqn and Cincinnati
suspension bridge, shall have, in addition
to the high span prescribed above.apivot
dinw, giving two clear optmings of one
hundred und si .sty feet each, measured at
right angles to t be OUrretlt at the average
stage of water in the river, and located In
a part of the bridge that can be safely and
conveniently reached at that stage; und
that said draw shall be opened promptly,
iVHin reasonable signal, forthe passage of
boats whose construction Mil not be such
as to admit of their passu ge under the sta
tionary spans of sum bridge, except when
trains are passing over the same; but In
no case shall unnecessary delay occur in
opming the said draw before or after the
passage of trains.
Si c. 8. That the pier of the high Smn
and tiie piers of the draw shall be built
parallel w ith the currant at the siage of
the river which is most Important for nav
igation ; and that no riprap or other out
side protection for imperfect foundation
will lie permitted in the channel-way of
the high svan, or of the draw openings. ,
S';r.4. That any person, company, orenr
IKimtlon authorized to construct a bridge
across the Ohio river shall give notice, by
nublicntion for one week In newspapers
having a wide circulat ion, in not less than
two newspapers in the cities of Pittsburg,
rincinnati. and Louisville, for bridges,
iitiove the mouth of the Big Sandy, and in
the cities of Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louts
ville. Saint Lcuis, Memphis, and New Or
leans, for bridges below the mouth of the
Hig Sandv, and shall submit to the Secre
tary of War, for his examination, a design
and drawings of the bridge and piers, and
ii map of the loent ton , rI ving, for the space
of at least one mile above and one mile
below the proposed hxation, the topogra
phyof Hie bank of the river, the shore
lines at high and low water, the direction
of the Current at all stages, and the sound
ings accurately showing the bed oi the
Stream, the location of any other bridge
or bridges, and shall furnish such oilier
information as may Ik' lcnnired for a full
anil suiisfaetorv understanding of the sub
ject by the Secretary of War; and if the
N'cvciary oi hhi is suusaen nun nie pro
visions of the law have neon compiled
with in regard to local ion, the building of
the piers may ut once lie commenced ; but
if it shall aynvar Unit the conditions pre
scribed by this act cannot be complied
with at the location w here it Is desired to
construct the bridge, the Secretary of
War shall, after considering nny remon
sl ranees tiled against the building of said
bridge, and furnishing copies of such re
monstrances to the board of engineers
provided for in this ae , detail a board
composed of three experienced officers of
the corps of engineers, to examine the
case, nnd may. on their rediimcndut ion,
authorize such modifications in the re
(piirementsof this act, as to locution and
piers, as will permit the construction of
the bridge; not, however, diminishing
Hie width of the spans contemplated by
this act: I'iimiel"el, That the free naviga
tion of the river lie not materially injured
Sec. 5. That all parties owning, occupy
ing, or operating bridges over the Ohio
river shall maintain, at thelrown expense,
from sunset to sunrise throughout the
year, such lights on their bridges ns may
ne reqiiireu ny ine u;iii-iiuiin-.iiiini ua
the security Of uaviiatioa; and nil por-
sons owning, occupying, or operating any
bridge over the Ohio river shall, In any
event, maintain all lights on ihelr bridge
that may lie necessary for the security Of
SEC. n. That any bridge constructed un
der this net, and aocordlug to its limita
tions, sliail be a law ful structure, and shall
be recognized and know n ii"a post-route,
upon w hich, in-o. no higher charge nlia!)
be made for toe transmission over the
suine ol the mails, the troops, r.ndthemu
i ;i ions of war of the Cniied States than
the raiu per mile paid for the transporla
i nm over the raUreads or public highways
leading to sai l bridge: and the united
Btatesahall have l he right of way for postal-telegraph
purposes across any such
bridge ; and in case of an; litigation aria
lag from any obstruction or alleged ob
struction to the navtaation of said river,
cute 5 by the comit root ln ot any iirfl.e
uii.'.c.r this act. the cause or question uiv
Ing may lie tried lusfore the district con 't
Of the united s, arcs of any Sit in which
any portion of said obstruction or bridge
Stc. 7. That the right to alter or amend
this a t, so as to prevent or reinoveall ma
terial Obstructions to 'he navigation of
said river by the future construction of
bridges, is "hereby expressly reserved,
without any lla'niuy ot the government
for damage's on account of the alteration
or amendment of this act, or on account
of the prevention or requiring 'tie remov
al of vny BUeli obstructions; and if any
change lie made in the plan of construc
tion of Buy bridge constructed under t his
act, (luring the' progresa of the work
(hereon or before the dompletiou of such
bridge) such change shall be subject to
the approval of the Secretary of War; and
any change in the construction, or any
alteration of any such bridge, that may lie
directed at any lime by Congress, shall be
made at 1 he cost and expense of the own
ers thereof.
Nw. 8. That joint resolution nnmberten,
approved Aprilscvcnth.oighieen hundred
and sixty-nine, authorizing the construc
tion of a bridge over the Ohio river at Pa
il mah, lie, and the same hereby Is, repeal
ed. Set, 9, That the provisions of an act en
titled "An act to provide for the better se
curity of life on vese'.s propelled in whole
or In purl by s:eam,"&e., approved Febru
ary twenty-rigtph. eighteen hundred and
seventy-one, hi far as they relate to the
limitation of steam pressure of steani
lioats used exclusively for towing and car
rying freight on the Mississippi river and
Its tributaries, are hereby so tar modified as
to substitute for such boas one hundred
and fifty pounds of steam pressure in pluce
of one hundred and ton pounds, as pro
vided in said act for I lie standard pressure
upon standard boilers of forty-two Inches
diameter, and of plate of one-quarter of
nn Inch in thickness ; and such boats may,
OH the written permit of the supeivisirig
inspector of the district in which such
boats shitll curry on their business for a
period of twelve months from and after
the pas-age of Ibis act, lie permitted to
carry sti-ani above the standard pressure
of one hundred and len pounds, but not
exceeding the standard pressure of one
hundred and (lft y pounds to the square
Snmkereif th Hum- of It ' prrsm'ativ.
Vice-Pratiil-nl of th United, Stella and
President i f th" Sr vair,
Approved, December 17, 1872.
.General Nature No. 2.1
,N ACT authorizing the construction of
railroad-bridges across the Mobile river
nnd other navigable streams tributary
to Mobile bay, in accordance with tjie
acts of the legislature of the State of
Ala ha inn, and to establish them ns
Be a enacted hy the Senate owl JJovte if
11 preamteithuMif (he United Salt of Anvr
ten in Otrnfreni aMewthlrd, That the consent
of Congress be, and the same is hereby,
given to tnc moohc ami Montgomery Rati
rnndCompnny to erect one or more draw
bridges over the Mobile riv er und other
navigable Btrcamstributaryto Mobile liny,
in accordance with the nets of the legisla
ture of Alabama incorporating said com
pany! Prwt&ed , Thai t he said draw-bridges
shall lie so constructed as not to Inter
fere With the free or lo materially or sub
stantially obstruct the free navigation of
said streams, beyond what is necessary in
order to carry Into effect the ri fhts nnd
privileges hereby granted ; nnd in case of
any litigation arising from any obstruc
tion, or alleged obstruction, to the free
navigation of paid river, the cause may be
tried before the district (oiirt of the t'nlt-
ed Slates of the State of Alabama In which
nny lxirtion of taid obt ruction or bridges
touches: And provided ah". That said
draw-bridges shall lie opened promptly,
upon reasonable signal, for the passage of
boats, and in no ease shall unnecessary de
lay Occur In opening the said draw during
or after the passage of trains.
Sec. 2. Tnnt any bndge constructed un
der this act, and ueenrding to Its limita
tions, shnll lie a lawful structure, and shall
be known and recognized as a pol-rontc,
upon which, also, no higher charge shall
lie made for the transmission over the
sumo of the malls, the troops, and the
munitions of war of the United States
than the rate per mile paid for their trans
portation over thornilroadsor public high
ways leading to said bridges.
Sue. S. That all railway companies desir
ing to use said bridges shall nave and be
entitled to equal rights nnd privileges In
the passage of the same, and in the use of
the machinery and fixtures thereof, and
of all the approaches thereto, under and
upon such terms and conditions as shnll
las prescnlicd hy theSecretary of War, upon
hearing the allegations anil proofs of the
parties in case they shall not agree.
Sec. I. That the right to alter or amend
this act so as to prevent or remove all ma
terial obstructions t.) the navigation of
snid river by the construction of bridges is
hereby expressly reserved; and that rfhy
bridge or bridges const met ed under this
net shall be built under and suhje et tosueh
regulations for the Security of the naviga
tion of said river a the Secretary of War
shall prcscrllie; and the said bridges shall
lie, at all times, so kept and managed as to
otter reasonable and proper means for the
passage of vessels through and under
them, und the said bridges shall bo chang
en, at the cost and expense of the ow ners
thereof, from time to lime, ns Congress
may direct, so us to preserve the free and
convenient, navigation of snid river ; and
the authority to erect and continue, said
bridges be subject to revocation by law
whenever the public good shall, in the
judgment of Congress, so require.
Approved, Lieceiiioer u, vsii.
General Nature-No. 3.1
AN ACT for the reduction of officers and
exiienses of the internal revenue.
Be it entitled b tlr S mite and Hint," of
R ir-iilc!hennf th Unilfd States of Amer
ied in V nmettauembltd. That on ibe Hist
(lay of duly, eight ecu hundred and seventy-three,
or at such a time prior thereto,
In the districts respectively, as the Com
missioner of Internal Revenue may find
practicable, the offices of assessor and as
s'. si ant assessor of internal revenue shall
cease to exist ; thereupon all duties innios
ed by law on assessors and assistant, asses
sors, except, as iierciiiimcr oiueiwus, piv
vided, tie,aiidt!ies,uiie hereby, transfer
red to and imposed upon collectors nf In
ternal revenue, to be performed by them
or their deputies: and thai nil returnsatld
vpoi ts required i law to be maoe to tn
aid assessor' nnd assistant assessors (hall
e made to llic said collectors, or to their
deputies; and that each of said assessors
ball,iriortoihedatei;fore-!il i, ami at the
time sei tnerctor uyrne oiumissionuriii
Internal Revenue, transfer in such reve
nue officer nstnnv lie designated by the
Commissioner ot' Internal Itevenue for
that purpose all hooks, papers, ana other,
property belonging to toe government in
bis possession, or In thai of any of ids
u- u ant assessors, and shall die with his
tina' account an inventory thereof in de
tail, with Ihe receipt of Mid revenue offl
cer therefor; and from tho timi setfor
said transfer, htsofiire and that, of his Us
sistant shall ceaso.
8RC.2. ll'.at the commissioner o: itner
na! Kevenno is hereby uuthorUed and re
quired thereafter to make the inqniivs,
determinations, and assessments of ibe
following taxes, to wit:
For detlciencies imposed by the pro
vlalonsof Bettontwenty of nn net enti
ce l -An act inr nstug taxes on dosfiuen
spirits and tobacco, and for o'her purpo
ses," approved Julv twentieth, elgnteen
hundred and sixty-eight, as icnciidcd by
subsequent act.-. . .
Suiii-annnii'h-. upon the deposits, capi
tal, and eireulaMon of each i' "son, pana,
association, foni'ny, or cor ami' ion o
itnged in the business oflsW king, imposed
by the provision-oi section one lumibe l
aiid fen of an act entttlcd "An act to '-re-vide
intcniui revenue tosupiwr. the my
eminent and to pay interesl on the im.ille
debt, and for other purposes," approved
June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and six-ty-fonr,
as amended and supleinented by
subsequent acts.
Upon articles provided for in section
five, and In the first proviso of section
fourteeij, of an art entitled "An act to
amend existing laws relating to internal
ri venue, and for other purposes," approv
ed March second, eighteen hundred and
Upon tobacco, snuff, and cigars, provided
for In section sixty of an act entitled "An
act imposing taxes on distilled spirits and
tobacco, and for other purposes'approved
July twentieth, eighteen hundred and
slxfy-clglit, as amended by section thirty
onoof an act entitled "An act to reduce
duties on imports and to reduce internal
taxes, and for other purposes," approved
June sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy
two, Upon legacies and successions, and of all
other Internal-revenue taxes liable to be
assessed, or accruing under t he provisions
of former acts ; and the said Commission
er shall certify such assessments when
made, to the proper collectors, respective
ly, who shall proceed tocollocl andaccount
for taxes so certified in the same manner
ns assessments on lists are now collected
and accounted for.
Skc. 3. That all special taxes imposed by
lnw.accrulng after April thirty, eighteen
hundred nnd seven) y-three. including the
tnx on stills, or Worms, shall Ik: puid by
stamps denoting the tax.and the Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue is hereby au
thorized nnd required to procure appro
priate stumps for the payment of snch
taxes; and the provisions of sections
twenty'stxand one hundred nnd one of an
act entitled "An act imposing taxes on dis
tilled spirits and tobacco, and for other
purposes," approved July twentieth, eigh
teen hundred and sixty-eight, and nil oth
er provisions of law rela! big to t lie prepa
ratlon and Issue of stamps for distilled
snirits, fermented liquors, to'-uceo, and
cigars, so far as applicable, arc hereby ex.
tended, so its to include snch stamfis, and
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
shall have authority to make all needful
rules and regulations relative thereto,
livery person engaged In any business,
avocation, or employment, who is there
by uui le liable foil special tax, except to
bacco peddlers, shinl place and keep con
spicuously in his establishment or place
of business all Stamps denoting the jiaj
mentof snid special tax; and any person
w lio shall, through negligence, tail to so
place anil keep said stamp, shall, iqain con
vict ion, be sentenced to pay a iienalty
equal to the special tax for which liisbusi
ness rendered him liable, and the costs of
prosecution ; but in no case shall said pen
alty lie less than ten dollars. And where
the failure to comply with the foregoing
provision of law shall be through willful
neglect or refusal, then the penalty shall
be double ihe amount above prescribed;
lrtni:(l. That nothing contained in this
section shall change, or or any way tilled,
the liability of any person for exercising
or carrying on any trade, business, or pro
fcsslon, or doing any act for the exercis
ing, carrying on, or doing of which a spe
cial tax is imposed by law, without the
payment thereof.
Sec. 4. That each collector of interna)
revenue shall, under regulations of the
Co nmlssioner of Internal Revenue, place
and keep conspicuously in his office, for
public inspection, an alphalxitical list of
the names of nil persons who shall have
paid Special taxes within his district , and
shall state thereon the time, place, and
business for w hich such sjiecial taxes have
been paid.
Sec. 5. That section one hundred and
ten of an act, emit led "An act to provide
internal revenue to support the govern,
inent, to pay interest on the public debt,
and for other puriioses," approved June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty
four, us subsequently amended, lie so
amended, that the returns i herein requir
ed to be made shall be made and rendered
semi-annually on the flrst day of Decern,
her and the tirst day of June, In duplicate ;
onecopyof w hich Blind lie transmitted to
the collector of the proper district, and
one copy tothe Commissioner of Internal
skc. (I. That the act entitled "An act im.
nosing taxes on illsiilled spirits and tobac
co, and for other piirposes."upproved July
twentieth, eighteen nnmireu iinu sixtj
eiglit, as amended by subsequent acts, be
further amended as follows, to wit:
That section Ave lie amended an that t ho
duplicate statement therein required lobe
retained by the assistant assessor of the
district shall, from and after the time
when the office of satd assistant assessor
shall cease, be transmitted by the collector
lo the Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue. That section nineteen bo amended so
that one of the duplicate returns therein
reoulrod to lie sent to the assistant, asses
sor of the district sliuil. irom and utter the
time when llieollice ol said assistant as
sessor shall cease, lie transmitted by the
collector to the Commissioner of Internal
That section tweiitv-dglit besonmended
that all of the additional commission of
one-ball of one per centum t herein allow,
ed shall tie jiald to the collector receiving
the tax on nil spirits produced after the
office of the assessor shall cease under tbo
provisions of this act: J'limdeO, that the
total net compensation of collectors as
now fixed by law shall not be thereby in
That section fifty-nine lie so amended
that in case a peddler refuses to exhibit a
proper certificate from the collector of his
or her district, and fails to show cauae
why tho property seized shall not be for.
Mted, proeeodinss for Its forfeiture shall
be taken and had under the general provi
sions of the Internal-revenue laws relating
to forfeitures.
That the provisions of section one hun
dred and throe lie extended and madcap
piieu lie to the precisions of this act.
Si c, 7. That section forty-three of as act
entitled "An act to reduce duties on im.
ports and to reduce internal taxes, and for
oilier purposes,'' approved June sixth,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, be,
aiid the same Is hereby, repealed.
Sbi .8. That the Commissioner of Inter,
nn! Revenue shall, under the direction ot
the Secretary of the Treasury, require that
each collector of Internal revenue shall,
Ix'forc en tering upon the du t tes prescrttasd
by Ibis ne:, ;Fve addittonaJ bond, condi
tioned thai i he collector shall taithfullyper
(orm the duties of hta office according to
the provisions of existing law or of laws
hereafter enacted, .
Si.'.!). That theCntimissioncrof Inter
mil Revenue be, and hereby is, authorized
to designate one of the heads of division
as uhlefolerk of the bureau w ithout addi
tional compensation.
Approved, December i t, 187J.
Frcun tlie StaUmmm' Siiic
Mr. Odeneal's ipiarturo to visit
the Nez Perces Indians, instnictioi
liavekteii rccoivwl here directing
liitn to extend his tour to the
country of the t 'oticr d'Aleiie In
dians for the purpose of holding a
coufereiiee with thera.
Without more frosts, the peach
wop east ot the Cascades will be
better thau the average.