ALBANY REGISTER. BUSINESS CARDS. W. C. TWEEDAM3, DEAI.KIt IN Groceries, Provisions, Etc., AL0AN7. OREGON. W ILL ST HIVE TO KEEP THE BEST u( imrli ill mil lin ini'i m il at tin' too- living rates. Call nntl nee m: Mt At Nortll Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., AIM: ST1U. M.1.L1NO DRY fiOOW fWTi!l, BOOTS, SHOES, HAHOWARK, UHOCKHIIi XOTIOXN, ilt?., Kir., mt which tueykew on hand full stotk, Instare able to soli at lowest rules, u usual, fur Cash or Produce. WdaiwbaT)lo totpy aid MB Grains f nil ktmls, or attend to sun-ins or toe warding ii at tlralr Wanrtionso in Halsey. (jive usa trial KIRK, Ik UK iV CO. Jf. W. BALDWIN, Attorn.' Mid Counselor nt Law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL TIIE Couris i he 41, ;i I an I iib Jn.Uotol IH trttt. n lie iwtue Oourl of Owaon, in i h he u.s. DM slot andeireuiHwts. Xw I" ParrWi brick, (npstaWn s,. ,.,.nni( iv tlie lino a. 11. ""'.. Urst street, Albany, Oregon. to", ivli f.aMWiO. 1. FLINN. I'OWEIX & FLIXFf, Attorn ys and Counselors at UW, 4 NO SOLICITORS IN CHANCER 1. hinn notary public), AIlany.OMgon. 5oueettonsttnd conveyances prompwj " tended to. W. O. JOKES, M. ., aOMBOPATIIIC PHYSI3IAN. ALBANY, OHEOOS. Jflvt fk V .TOWKB. J, L1NHHY 1I1U. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. A 1.11 ANY. ORBQOS. o mCK sol Til im FIRST STREET, utvstuirs, in ' m. i.iw :t7s i i . w. UAiiRis, n. !., Physician and Sarfjcon, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE OVER TTKRKUS STORE, First street. Residence llursM., one door west of Motho list church. 37-4 Election Xotice. CLEBK'S OMICK ffcHMJL 1MHT.XO.S, Linn Co., dr., Mareh St, Wii. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVES annual school inoetuijf oi School )! trletNo. B. Linn county , Orison. Will M held ut the BObwl bonso m said district on Momtay I ho 7th day of April. Wfo, at one o'clock P. St., for tlie purpose, of electing one Director ;o serve tor three cai-s,one Clerk to servo one year, to levy a tax lor tor the support of schools: a'so fo levy a b ,,nnvui of renuil'iu;: scbool- house. flxinK u'icunds, ftc., and to do an) business that nmvcoinc betore tne nieel inir Bv order of the Board ol Direoton, iur. o) oi " A N. AKN,)LI), Clerlt. Albany, Oreyon-awi LEFFEL & ME1W VTa.tor"Wrlioelj3 SPHERICAL FLUMES, And Ueneral Mill Machinery. J. F. BACKKNSTO, Afient, Mv3 Alljany, Oregon. The Eyes! The liars : DR. T. L. UOI'DEN, OrulUt and AurM, Albnuy, OreBo. D R. OOI.DEN 18 A son of the noted Id opthaluile doctor, i , t. C tio' 'en. mvL Dr. Holds n lias baa MMtrienci' in trcatinir w hich t he eve and ear are subject, and fs'cls ontldcnt ot lviiitf entire sattsfas't sin to those who may place themselves under his r6i April 18, . T. FOUTBXER, SlxocldL,Oioon. Jlanuftietiiror of and dealer in A: SADDLES A Uood Article lor n Fair Price. Particular attention paid to RkPAIIUKO. Sln dd, Nov. tit, '72-IJv5y FBANKIJi iMEAT MARKET.- J. R. Ilcrren, Proprlelor. Wl It ENDEAVOR TO BE A LAV AYS s'lnplle l with tlie best nirots to Ik bad In the market, and will be ever ready U accommodate those who may favor hiin with a !!. M N'llRSEBY. Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, ice. rpiIE ITNDERSIHNED INVITES THE X attention of the p tblio to his large and complete slock of APPLE, PEAR, PUIM. CHERRY and other TRKES. Also, HRAPE VI ES -best In the State; Ornamental Tree?, Shrubs, Plants, Cur rants, (ooe!orrii s, H'rawbcrrles, Roses, Dahlias an 1 Hulbr, which will lie sold as low as first class stock can tie afforded. .Nov.sVUv4 J, A. MILI..V1U). WATCHES-JEWELRY, PACIFIC WATCHES, MANlEACTrRED AND AIWWTKD especially for the PacitlcCoast by tbc NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH GO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Pacific, California and Kan Francisco WATCH, and wc most conlhV-ntly rec ommend them to tlir nublic,as possessing more trnod (umlitlps for tin price tliun any other Watch In Mis, market. Wcnlso Keen all other brands of Elgin, h ii': liuiii sum Swiss yt atencs, clocks, jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, I Kamonrt Spectacles, all of wliii-h w e offer at the lowest iwssiblsi prices. hits nnos., Albany, Or. (STRepainng a specialty, and satisfac tVon giuuuntcest. ldvil TI1K CKDERStGNED HEREBY AS nonnees to the citizens of Albany and Linn county, tlui he has just oK'neda JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT in this city, in the tlrc-iiroof brick former ly known as J. (ianter's. I shall keep on hand and tor sale all goods pertaining to inv line of business, at lowest living rates. fcspcctul attention iild to repairing tine I line-pieces, w herein an experience of many years enables me, I trust, to (,'ivc perfect mtisfact Ion. (fc" All oods sold and work done, war ranld. ( HAS. B0CRGARDE8. Alliany, Jan. 31, M1SCKLLAN KOl'S. OUT OF THE FIRE! 8. J. MCCORMICK, Is happy TO INFORM HIS NUMER OUS friend, patrons, and the public in general, that hu lias HEI . OIPEKTEIID THE Fiiaxkux Book Store, AT 19 FIRST STREET, (NEXT TO CKKTBAIi MAUKKTI with n oomplete stock of Krliool HooIim. KUitionery, Blank Hooka, told Puns, Cutlery, Ac., Ac., Which lie will dispose of at The Ijvest Prices ! SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the popular SKWhPAPfelW tAS IMAWAMSIEM which will b Delivered in nny part or the city. Portland, Feb. 7, 1873-Mlf Cheap Yeast Powder. GREAT REDUCTIOX. D. CALLAGHAN HAS KI.m'CEIl HIS DOKKOLLl'S ALIFOHNIA PKEMIt'M YEAST POWDER to fto per irroNH. Everyone altonld use thlstelebnued Yeasi Powder. It Issu IH'riorinuualiiyandSO per cent, cheaper than the imported article. Also a lartte stock of IIONN'OLLVS CREAM TARTAR and SODA and 8ALERATU8 isoll'ered to the trade at reduced rates. The proprietor, D. CALLAOHAN, hav- IngeuSiraed his yeast powder fac tory, Import ill).' CREAM TARTAR IN CRYSTALS, also IlKiAKB. SODA mid TIN PLATE, I now preimred to supply the trade of the Pad lie Coast and Territories witliwfeseartlolesat redmi' Utites. Every enn and package under file name of D. CALLAGHAN, warranted. ,,. For Knlc Kverywlier. . I'AI.I.At.liAX, Proprietor, 121 Frout.Nt., Nam I'ranciseo. 30m3 Albany Book Store. J0. FOSHAY, DEALER IN H8(3EI,LANEOl!SBOOK9, School Books, Blahk Bonks, Stationery Fancy Articles, Ac. Books imported to toraofyatahortcst pos sible notice. v3n30 (UT Snliscrlliers tlndlnti an X after their namesure informcslthat thelrsnlwription expires with that muntier. ana tliej'are In vited to renew It. Terms 4ajrnnuin, in advance; six months, t2; fliroe months, PA'IFIF fOAST JiBWN. Porthtui has five military organiza tions uaner tlie State law. In the half year eiidlns; Dcoenibcr 31, 1S72. Salem lost only $000 by llres. C. G. Curl, Clerk of the Supreme Court, i still .sulTcriiig from rheuma tism. One firm at Seattle does a business of $730 a day on an average. Their stock It valued at $150,000. Olympia mys annually $1,800 inter est on $10,000 which she has Invested in her public square. Eugene City during the hist year has invested $45,000 in eight brick buildings. Mr. Hugh Small Is writing np Ump- qna valley is tliere for that purpose. The Jacksonville Time reports the capture of Long Jim, one of tlw Modoc murderers, indicted in Jackson county, lie is in the hands of the military. Salem has two fire engines, a hook and ladder carriage, and 1,300 feel of good hoe. The lire department num bers 159 men. While Mr. Wilde, an Oregon City gunsmith, was handling a pistol Wed nesday of last week, it was accidentally exploded, the ball passing through the arm of a young man named Peter Hi neiirson, just above the wrist, but touching no bones. Ambrose Fieldsm an old pioneer, died at his residence near Oregon City, on Wednesday of last week, aged 8ii. The Puget Sound District has had four collectors of customs in tliirty four months. A new town has been laid out in Kittitas valley, W. T. It has been named says the Onffmian, "Kitty of Cittitas or City of Kittitas, either ot which would be destructive to its pros perity." Times on tlie Sound, and especially at Seattle, are represented as brisk an imptovement on former seasons. Jesse Grant, son of tlie President, comes with Senator CqK' oi California, on a visit to the Pttcific coast. He leaves Washington this week. The new coinage act went .into ope ration on the first hist. The two cent piece is abolished, fbe minor coins being tlie five cent and one cent pieces. There is to lie no change in gold coin age, but them is to be a new trade dollar. The Assistant Treasurer at New York, litis been directed to purchase $500,000 worth of WSiaU on the 9th and 23d hist.. $1.000.000 dollars in all, and to sell $1,500,000 on gold in each Thursday during the mouth, or a total of $6,000,000 in gold. . ReV. E. P. Hammond, the great re vivalist, is now at work in Denver. Plenty of material to ojierate on there. A recent tight between the Arapa hoes and Apaches, on the Dry Cimar ron, sent 24 of the latter to the happy hnntinggrotiiids. Alaska is not a dead expense to Uncle itomuel. The fur seal lease ag gregated $317,000 revenue last year. A brass tuition was found in tlie con tribution box at a church in Olympia, on a recent Sunday tvtmug. and now the great question agitating the public mind in that place is, "which one if the editors tlitl'itr" Certainly Olym pia editors have brass to spare. Richard lane, ot Olympia, has been adjudged insane, and stint to tlie Terri torial Asylum. Liquor was tlie cause. Arnold, tlie diamond speculator, is about to start from Laramie on a grand diamond expedition. Arizona people think that General Crook's policy with the Apaches, is eminently civilizing in its effects. Joseph Klathkil), of Salt Lake, swallowed his set of false teeth. It occasioned biting pains in his stomach. He died. No vacant houses in Bakjr City, which would indicate active times. Rev. Bowers, of Saltyn, is convales cent. He now stalks abroad. The Governor's olllce at Salem, has gone through the hands of several flt- tiug-up artists, and jooks well in its new attire. - " Steilacoom, W. T., is anxious to secure a good school teacher. Rev. D. B. Harer Writes to the Ad- A Methodist sociable at Olympia hst tHMfetliat the chualA at Goose I-ake week yielded a net profit oY $00. Mission is revival. Snow in the Wasatah mining iSs- A. R. Elder, of Olympia, Is going ifricts'is deep and flangeroMs. to Washington to try to collect $0,000 j On file 31st ult.'a severe storm pre tliat lie thinks the United States owes . vailed on the Atlantic (toast, doing him. more or less damage to propcrtjs The citizens of Olympia have nomV ' 'Jliree new three-story brick Imlldlug nated Gen. W. W. Miller, as a eandi- j were blown down la Brooklyn as well ,i,., r.i m ti . r.i . t.. M an unfinished four-story brick-. datefortheofflceofMayorofthatcity. s1)ip)UK (hmf ioe newiy a pK,mreu genera, t.gem, ; for Washington Territory, of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Boston, is J. w. Sweeney. By order ot Gen. Crook the Indians , . . . .: !.. i.i . .i. ............. .. ' on reservations in hisdepartment must lie present at roll call every morning. Tlie Indians now quietly obey, though objecting at first. Tlie Olympia Staiidiml says that It is rumored that Gov. Salomon is likely to be reinstated Executive of that Ter ritory. Another rumor says Marshal Kearny will be the man. An altercation at Silver Bon, M. T.. on the Sth int between Chris. Wie bold and Ix-vi Russell. lead to shots, eliding in the death of Uussell. Wie bold gave himself up. A miserable convict in the Idaho penitentiary named Drake attempted suicide the other day by cutting his throat and stabbing himself. His vitals were not reached, and life is still prolonged. A white grouse was found in Lane county last week. The Beaver Hoosiery, with sixteen operatives, turns out thirty dozen pairs of hose daily. Benton county has forty school (lis tricts, and $2,774 00 ot public money. A student at Salem is reported by the Statesman to have played himself oft' on a Chinese as a tax collector. The courts now hold the young man on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Frank Stahlsiuith, a well to do miner ol Diamond City, M. T on Sunday the 2d tilt., committed suicide by blowing his brains out with a pistol. He was nnit'iially depressed tor several days before the act was committed. Eggs are 18 and 20 cents at Portland. The Pnntmjrtiph says ; Some lawless characters placed a rail over the track on the railroad just above Wilbur last Friday evening, and as a party who bad been to the exhibition were re turning home on a hand ear, the car was thrown from the track and Mrs. Aiken severely injured. One of the jewelers of Portland have just completed, and have in their show window, a pin and ear rings which cost $1 . 700, made to order. The latter have 10 and tlie former 24 diamonds, says the Bulletin. General Applegatc has arrived at home. A journal says he brought two emigrants and a third will soon arrive. One Benton county store bought and (hipped this Spring 2.500 dozen eggs. Jacksonville is hilarious over its late arrivals, especially Lish Applegate and a "Clrfcago Still'erer," whose call ing is the bright and shining one of boot-black. The Jacksonville Smtind's tympa num has lieeu struck by a wave of air, set in motion by a minor, that efforts are being made to stsu t a debating so ciety in that place. The Jacksonville telegraph operator Is on the rampage and if another man asks bim for news about the Modoc war (?) he will look at the ttx of bis boot and resist a great temptation if the man is very large! Two saloons have been closed In Corvallis recently Stewart's and Mc Council's. Thedascte says "the re spectiible portion of tlie community can well afford to bear hard times and see money remain scarce for awhile. If it will nave the effect ol "freezing out these hell-holes." The Masonic Grand Lodge ol Idaho, at its last session, passed resolutions declaring that "tlie keeping of saloons for the sale of spirituous liquors or gaming purposes is a Masonic offense, and sucb as are guilty of such noma- sonic conduct shall Ik-subject to admo - nition. reprimand, suspension, and ex pulsion; and Masters, at their peril must see that this vice against Masonry no longer finds a hiding place among Masons, and it Is strictly forbidden hereafter for Masons In the jurisdiction to engage in the business, Tlie Masons now engaged in the business snail nave until the first day of October, 1S73, to in ii ii tlie nrsi uav ot sjciooer, ioiu, so close out their business of saloon keep- big. and -Masons neglecting or refusing to do so shall be proceeded against by the subordinate Lodge tinder whose jurisdiction they reside, and dealt with according to the spirit of the resolution." ... . ... M rjonver lor -r - -; - robberv. Mrs. Millsap took bim a nice roast chicken recently, well stuft ed. On examination, th s latter was fe 0r a knife, loadwl . . . '. - - - . pi-toi. a hank note for $H and a letter directing the prisoner where to look for othtT supplies wlien be should es cape. Mr. Mlllsapdkl not receive tbis nice chicken and Its Inside fixtures but Mr. Millsap speedily became one of the jail fixtures. AtSehome, Whatcom omfty, W T., is a coal mine that is Worked night and flay, Sunday as well as week days. Seventy-nine men arc employed, aud 100 tons cf coal per thy is tlie average product. Last wee"k a letter reached Olympia, W. 'IV directed to a man who retired from life three years since. Tlie mis sive will lie forwardod to the "dead letter" office. . Tlie Sentinel says: "Captain Jack is expecting reinforcements from the Klamaths, and that It is his intention to leave the lava lieds and comment raiding as soon as the grass is good. Meanwhile the powers that be are try ing for peace when there can I no peace. How long must these things be? How much longer will our Gov ernment humiliate itself In the vain endeavor to patch Up an ignominious peace with a few murdering, thieving Indians?" We give it up. The following Jackson county min ing items are from tlie Time': M. F. Alcorn has opened a lodge ol gold liearing quartz on Bnh creek, that prqipjeta well for free gold. A com pany is organizing to develop and work it this stunmer. The Hamilton diggings, on Applegatc. are being vig orously worked this season by S, H. Hamilton, with pipe aud hose, nnd give prospects of a good yield. The Steamboat diggings afford ground enough for quite a number of miners this season. Several Americans aud quite a number of Chinamen are busily engaged in ground-sluicing, with hopes of gswfl success. Our Baker City correspondent, under date of the 2'Jth of March, says : ''Last week we had several warm, "pleasant days, which caused rapid melting of the snows hi flic foothills, ami quite a fresliet in Powder river was tlie conse quence. The bridge on lower main Powder, known as the Prltchard Bridge, was carried away, and our bridge near town came very near going oft' on Sunday hist,, but fortu nately the weather changed and has been cool, cloudy and windy since, and the witters went down. Our road are drying up very fast. (Jttite a unni ber of strangers in town, new bulld uigs going up aud things promise well. but money is scarce, beverai drunks and almost a deadly fight to report within the past few days. The stages connect with Boise City only trl-weefc-lv, now "too much sick horse.''' A funny tiling happened In Boston one day. A learned professor, who lias made a specialty of taxidermy, and is passionately fond of Stuffed birds, was promenading down Wash ington street with a friend when'the came to a window where was exhibited a gigantic owl. The owl illustrated wella point he had been makitig In his conversation about sfnffed birds a moment previous. -You see." said tlie doctor to his friend, "that the,re i a magnificent bird utterly ruined by unskillful stuffing. Notice the mount ing. Execrable. Isn't It? No live owl ever rested In that position. , And the eyes are fully a third larger than any owl ever possessed." .Just then tiiebird In question raised one toot and solemnly blinked at tlie critic, who said very little more about s'tnffed birds that afternoon. A Detroit negress allowed a"geii tleman of that city to name her toby the other day in consideration of a two-dollar bill, and the poor . , , . .hrktenf.1 ' " ng wf ,r'stenea . 1 liam Henry Washington Oo Wil- lfa'x II Grant Scipio Brutus Halifax Wees! Joshua Lone Jack Madison Buffa lo Bill Saunders. A .Missouri woman said she gat a railroad conductor a ten dollar bill: lie said it was two dollars : . . , i, ..ri ,. . , , "Rlrted 5 e P" i i out revolver ana snapped a, anu he gave lier the eight dollars bal ance, not wishing to have aujr dis pute with a lady. He said he de sired peace at any price.