Frets Loss OF Lin. On the morn ing of March 29th, tlie City Hotel, al OorvaJlis, Benton comity, was com pletely destroyed by Are. Mr. John Murray, father-in-taw of the landlord ot the liotel, Mr. MvCotmell, was burned up with the ImiliRiijr. Tlte following account of the terrible ills aster is takef from an "extra," issued from the office of IheCorvallU Uieite. Cokvaims, March 29. 1873. At halt xrt one o'clock this morn ing, our citfaens were agiiin arntnetl by the fearful cr' of "Firk." and he ron tlie alarm became very general, the City Hotel was completely envel oped iii flames. So rapid did the tire spread that nearly all of the inmates barely ecaed in their night clothes, one, Mr. John Murray, tather-ln-lnw of Mr. McConnell the proprietor, was undoubtedly burned alive. Such a wild scene was never before witnessed iu Corvallls. Men, women and chll dren escaped from the burning pile, and rushed out into a odd rain-storm., clad only in their night clothes and under garments. A few articles of furniture ami clothiug were sawdtronv the rooms of Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. Thorn. Father Qihney, Frank Johfi aun ami John L. Simpson saved thein telves by climbing-Jowii the laiiip-'KHt -and otliers got onU they scarcely know how. Mr. McConiieli. after the stairs were partially on lire, rushed up to Mr. Al. Kiglitsniiiu's room, and after great effort, succeeded in awaking him. In returning Mr. McCoiiiiefl was rerv badly burned about the head ml neck. Mr. Rightsmau, with more presence of mind and pluck than h oaisil iHHlersuch circumstances, dressed himself: But by that time it was im possible (or him to escape by the stairs. ELis only uhauee of escape was by a wimlow, in-going through which one of bis boot heels caught and kept him suspended until his hands became con siderably scorehr filially he strug gled loose amlslkl down the side of the house', receiving uo serious injury. Frank Joiaisoti lost all bis clothing, gold watch, some money, and cut one if hfc feet very severely wlle break ing tluongh the window. John. I. Simpson lost his coat and !oiit seventy dollars in coin one hand was bmlly burned. Two twenty dollar pieces were picked out of the mins initnetKateiy under his room. Otto Fox. lost a part of his clothing, boots, etc Jack Sheppard lost all. rtxeept his pants. Others lost more or tats of their clothing. The entire iHiilding. furniture and fixtures, including the woodshed and outbuildings, were a total loss. Bit ail otlier losses were as nothing when, iminpared with the loss of John Mur ray. All the inmates off the house ex jept him esesqietk It appear that Mr. McConnell, John Murray and an other man, known as Mike." left Mr. Cfishimti's saloon at 1 o'clock A. M. Mr. McConiieli testifies that they pro ceeded, ilireutlf to-the hotel, and t hat he put Mr. Murray to bed in room No. 5, and the other man in room N'o. 6, and went immediately to ids own bed; at half past one o'clock the alarm of Are was given, and when first discov ered was under great headway. The right- of the tire is- unknown, and whether it, skirted al ovo or below tain is a disputed point. As soon as the charred remains wild he gathered from tbe ruins, a. Jury was summoned, and an inquest held upon the same, with the following VERUICT. We the Coroner's Jury, flml the re 'lUidnsso much consumed by Are by th burning of tlie Citr Hotel in Cor vtrilis, as not to be recognized, but we euisfietl that they are the remains of a human beiiigj ,-ual believe them, to be tlie remains of John Murray, who was known to be in said hotel and is believed to have been bunted to death therein.. (Aeo. Mercer, Jos. Liggett, L. Foley Henry Emrick, A. F.Tixley, Daniel Urake. Jury. T. J. Khjht, Coroner, Benton Co. The Are alarm was by no means gen eral but tlte citizens and firemen present deserve great Credit for the toiae manner iu which they worked, tl reipiirid almost superhuiiuin efforts r prevent the flames from spreading. Sonic idea of this may be conceived is known that the tire was checked in the budding, where it origj vated whetAaroiof frame buildings came up to within two feet ot tile tmtL It seeuw ajiuost iucrevUble.iUHl, ret HU true The-heat via so great, at the cistern, some forty feet from the Ire. that men. could not stand it to work, the brakes without being dreuch od by the hose eveay few minutes, r'or awhile. "Big Six" played three lreajiis, and during the entire lire did most effective service. Mrs. Knight, milliner, was greatly liamagetk by water audi ranking her goods. 1.. P. Ureffoz, jeweler, also offered considerable damage from tame cause. Messrs Jacobs & Xcti gass, Harry Warrior and 0.. Fox & rtro., also sustained, wnsiderable dam? age by moving goods as uo. one aup I rosed the frame vow could be saved. A Jeweler, named Bees,, (we believe) bad a valise of spectacles on deposit iu tlte hotel, which were destroyed. His loss is variously estimated, but reaches hundreds of dollars. Mrs. Thorn had a gold watch iu the safe, which was ruined. The safe was bursted open and everything inside was found to be greatly damaged. Tlie hotel was owned by J. U. Bav ley. Estimated value, fS.OU). In sured in London. Liverpool ,t Globe for 1.600. This would just about cover the furniture. John Murray was an Irishman, aged sixty-live, and leaves a wife and live children. Tbe family now reside on a farm mar Junction C ity, and he was here on a visit. Tlie tantilv were tele graphed and arrived in the afternoon. This Is the saddest fire that ever oc curred in Corvullii. It was rumored that another natu was burned but this proved not. true. SASH KaCTOKY. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTORY. 8. B. ALTUOVIK. J. F. DACKIMSTO. W. KETCHVM. ALTHOXSE V CO., Lyon Street, on the Biver Bunk, ALBANY, OBEGOX. Keep on hand a full Assortment, and are prepared to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doors, Saab, Blinds, and Molding, Such a CBOWS, PAX EL. BAND NKtTIOX MOLD, Of all size. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Flooring, Siding, -And- All othar kinds or HalldtaK Material . LSO: PREPARED TO DO MILL . work, furnish shaker tans. zigzag shakers, suction fans, driving pulleys of any kind, at our factory on Lynn street on the river bank), next below Markham's wurchnasc. ALTHOUSE ft CO. Albany, Feb. 10, U69-H MISCELLANEOUS. Notice. OKEGOX ft CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land I ieir t men t, Portland Oregon, April 5, 187L-Xotlre is hereby given, tliat a vigorous prosecution will be instltated against any and every person who Trespasses upon any uauroau Land, by eutt big and removing t (ruber I herefrom More the same is HOI' (HIT of the Compa ny AXD PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered suc tions, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a dis'ance of thirty miles from the line of the rood, belongs to the tympany. I. It. Ml KIRKS, JSvttt Lanil Agent. CO MM BCIAL HOTEL, Opera House Block, Salem, Oregon, MRS. A. J. RIELY, PROF'R. rllS HOUSE WILL RE REIT IX FIRST class order, and with attentive and obliging servants. Bo Chinese Cooka Employed. I am prepared t Aim ish good accommo dations to the traveling pnblic, and will usj every endeavor to merit the patronage of the public. Regular boarding at very low rates. CjBT Free Coach to the house. Mv5 Arctic Soda. HA Visa ADDED VASTLY TO OKB lacilities for dispensing this delight ful and hcklth-glvlng beverage, we would announca to our former patrons, and the pulilic ge.nwmlly, that we are fully prepared tram one ui t itose elegant Tuft'a Arctic Fountain. to supply sdn of tho boat quality In nn llmiteil iinant ities to all who may favor us wJlh ucnll- BOTTLED SODA ! AND a. x ax til a I WILL, DUBIXO THU IPKr0 and SUMMER. lie dellvoned'to families ordering through out the eity. 'lied at U! A.CABOTHKBSACO., 'HAKUWAKK, W. it K!UHN & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SHI M' AXD HEAVY HARDWARE, Farmer!' k Mechanics' Tools, BUILD EMS' HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK and LXM ill lis, HH'KORY & OAK SPOKEN HICKORY A!.. Hardwood Lumber, Rent Rlma, hbaRa, Pales, Ac, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, All of whteh are now offered to the pnt- He at low rates. As we make the business a speeialtv, we eau and will keep a better assortment, at lower prices, than any house in this city. W. H. Kt:HX A COM Monteith fire-proof brick, First street. Allny, June 14, W?Mlv4 DRUGS. OEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Vakefleldl, Parrlah'a Xew uuildlnK, Vint Street, ALBAXY, OBEGOX. Dealer In DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, and of the best quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com, pouaded. Albany. Oct. 17, ItWMtf A. MOTHERS & CO Dealers in- CHEMH'AM, OILS, PAIXTX, DYES, ULAXN, IA3IPM, ETC, All tlie jiopular PATE XT jHEDICEKEs, im CUTLERY, CKJARS, TOBACCO, XOTIOXfl PERI'l'MERY, and Toilet (lead. Particular care and promptness riven Physicians' prescript ions and Family Rec ipes. Albany, Oregon-tva STOVES ANDTINWARK. OLD 8TOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGO&, ' Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PARLOR ANL BOX, STOVES ! Of the best patterns. AISO I It, SHEET I BOX AXD (W PER WARE, And the ukihiI assortment of furnishlnt goods to be obtained In a tin store. Repairs neatly and- promptly executed; on reasonable terms. Stwrtrcekenlnir make long friends, UtOXT STBKETV ALBAXY, T: Young o. olnu OS P i1 A DVEHTISEM K'I'S. P. n. RAYMOND. A, F. W HkELEB. POST OFFICE STORE. Rvnoi & wiieeleb, IIKALEKS IN MISCELL AX KOt S IttHlKS, SCHOOL Hooks, Binnk Books and Stationery. Cholre Havana 'itarN A 1'obaee. The la&ost stock of line Can lies and (Mnfoetlonariesoverbronifhi to Albany. Western Union Telegraph Co. la oilli'e. fioodslnonr line Ininorted to order, at: shortest possible notice. e&The only place In town when, a. real kosm! Cigar can be obtained. GflrcAtt asd ee. jga '.'(in CSreat Bargains! GEORGE TURRELL WILL SELL HIS Large A Extenalvv took ml Ry 0 I s 1 TT O U JkJL TT AX A R D W A R E. t50., cf?C, tJO., ai eaceeumgiy Law RATES FOR CASH. He begs to call attention to his I arm stock of MEMS' A BOYS' CLOTIIINO which he is determined tosell lower thaa ever. Please call mid examine boiore do clwsinif elsewhere. i&T Remeiubor tho address OKORtJB 1TRRELL, KJivt-St., Albany. 6THlKhi price pnM for t'ounttT Prodnee. j9vj' BLACKSM1THING ! -AXD- General Repair Shop. THE UXDKBMaXKn HA VINO RJ turnsa to Alliany.aud taken his old shop on corner ot Ellsworth and Second streets, announces his readiness to attend to all kinds of BLACKSJOTHIXG. MILL ft MACHUli tOSGMQ, ETC. Also, has on hand and for sale, the COQCILLARD WAGON, Straycr Force-tced GRAIN STAR IBOLINE, and other PLOWS WOOD'S REi PER & MOWER, which ht 'rill sell on the most reasonabl tenns. HORSE SHOEING All round,$. Keietuogr, 91. HWK ME A CALL. All work entrusted to me will rtrctva prompt attention, and lie executed In the Iest possible manner, with good material. A shnn of pnbllc palrnnagt is solicited. CiTShopon corner Ellswort h und Second streets, opposite Piece's Kerry, Iv4 f. WOOD. DR. VANCLEVE'S Unm Abdominal Supporter 1 AKO VTERIKE REGULATOR. THE MERITS OF THIS IXSTRCMEX1 consist principally in the support it gives to the abdomen and spine. Thebelt is broad, supported by suspenders passing over the shoulders, and kept in shape by self-general ing l jalvanic Plates, which give a pleasant current. Tho Regulator is also Galvanic; its Cup and Nozzles are made of Silver ; its St em, of Copper and Wnc. Is hollow, that injections may be thrown through It, or Into the neck of the Uterus. It can Is' so regulated hy Its thumb-screw as to meet any mal-posl-. tlon of tho Uterus, and is unequalled in , meeting any form of female disease. Price, W5. Patented Angust 1.1, 1871, by, W.8. Van Clove, Ccntralia, Illinois. Territory tnr Hale, or will verelv Royalty tor mannlactnre. For mate or Territorial rights to mnnn-. factorenud sell on the Pacific Coast, appW to COLL. VAX CUCVE, Albany,, Oregoa.. I t