ALBANY REGISTER. 0 I it , LOCAL WATTEItS. 1'itrairn' Club District Ko. 85. Met at McFarland's School bowse Friday. Man 14th, 1878, Quite a number wens present Among others, there were three tfocfe solicitors, who went awav with a smile on their (Roes, as nearly, if not quite all present, took toek in the Astoria ami Albany Com pany. After the HStial routine of busi ness, tiie Club proceeded to elect by lialiot one delegate to attend the State Convention, to be held in Salem, April 10th. 173, which resulted in the election of A. S. I.ooney. We recom mend that eadi and every other Club in the State do likewise, that the State Convention may receive honors sneh as did the Linn county Convention, as being the most harmonious and largest gathering assembled at the Court House tor some time. Let us move .steady hut sure, is the plan that we have adopted, and everything goes well with the Club in District No. 36. GEO. F. SIMPSON. See'y. Pcttv Larceny. A young man by the name of John Judkins. about 18 years of age. last week came to the conclusion that he would have a ride, and as it was after train time, and no steamer at the wharf, he did the next best thing, went to the Albany Ferry and' finding a skiff that suited his tancy. lie immediately got into it and "took off down the river." Arriving at Mr. Wells', some twelve or fourteen miles below this city, he thought he had gone far enough so he tied the boat to the bank and left it there for future use. Siieriff Parker was made acquainted with the young man's conduct, and started immediately after him, and learning of his wliereabouts, he soon lupjied him, and returned to this city with the youngster last Tuesday. He was brought before Esquire Carothers on Tuesday, confessed to taking the skiff and was sent to the county jail J'or thirty days. Sealed Proposals. Tiie Albany it Santiam Canal is to tie dug, flamed, and got ready for business by the first ot November next, and it is now in order for those wlio wish to make "a piece"' these dull times, to get a eon tract for constructing a section or two of the Canal. By advertisement else where it will be seen that the Com pany will receive bids, for work on the Canal, up to the 15th day of April next. Read the ad., and then go for the chicken pie. Tabular Statement mid Alwlrm of Report !' Uixtrirt Clerks ot IJliu County tor 1N73. ALBANY, March 17. 1878. El). RrXUSTEii :-The following tab-; nlar statement is compiled from the animal reports of District Clerks for the year ending March 8, 1;;. F.vcry district has reported and every one is entitled to a portion of the pub lic funds. Ify reference to the table it will he seen that there are fifty more persons over the age of four and under twenty, than were reported last year, while our average daily attendance in (lie county is 1873, against 1412 tor last year, which shows that interest in the progress of our public schools is in creasing. The public fund for the present year is more than twice as much as it was last vear, so that all. or nearly all. of the districts In the county will be en abled to have six months' school dur ing the year. The following is a statement of the funds received from the various sources provided by law : From the two mill tax. coin, $"774 88 From sale estrays, fines. -213 OS do do do do cur. 32.1 00 do int. on Irreduc. Fd do. 2.426 19 do do do do coin 2.400 !! Total . . .$14,134 4S The text books in general use are Webster and Senders' spellers, Wil son's Readers, Davies' Arithmetic, Pinneo's and Clark's Grammars, Moo teith's Geographies, Wilson and Quack ei. ' ' Histories. Clerks desiring copies of the lata Sell ! LaW, can be -implied by apply ing at thl office, UriTefS III favor of Clerks, for funds, are n tho h i,, i of the County Treasurer. T. J. SiVlV.S. Co. Scliu l Stint, pi P JIL S 3 j 1872. HMD. S 3, 2, WO ' i in all i33 S3 s. ;( u 8 5 ,5 g i - ? ri it 11 n 20 su; Sli ltt IS M 24 11 18 i is a n 88 2oi 5 21 M 22 24 ' 2.i 2.' I! 21 n n 1 q ' S3, 3 .1 2 i H 37 $8 ''J 49 Wi 50 m 17 XI I 18 17 18 la 2". II! Is a 17 11(1811 461 fill 91 4:1 K3 91 i 10ft I 37 42 09 Sli 43 42! iso: 60! 461 M 113 32 40 06 ! s! n .',4! 2 B m 41i M 42 70 51 08 46 78 207 4 ft .'p8 33 43 44 5S 21 39 10) 48 37 04 75 45 2:1 59 40 58 48 40 30 72 12 31 47 37 7!l 5! 4t B .53 91 42 44". 70 87 110 51 SO 81 70 34 41 42i ir,2 43 SOI 041 87 ' :il 88 51 70 71 47 491 50 58; 45 03 4ft 48 50 68 Mil 73 48 99 189! 52 40 27 47 88 ft 59 O'l 1071 19! 30 59 73 47 1 8S! 49 50 42' 82 88; SO 4.1 SB' n 4 89 U 24 19 21 34 26 50 24 261 21 34 30 :ii M 48 93 8 20! .in 15 H in 80 80 13 5.")' 101 15j M 88 29' 11 2ti IV 2 V 31 1ZI 19 8 18 21 39 20 24 4ft 28 132 80 40 55 23 11 13 87 14 11 IS 75 18 20 20 17 13 14 21 3S '28 23 20 20 24 19 43 21 22 86 88 20 38 23 51 9,! 21 20 31 12 2 1 17; 2) 29 23 52 9 15 31 81 21 11 21 IS 24 19 2 V 13 43 11 18 18 16; 43' 80 487P80 2H 109 1873231 315230 SSjtVXBl 65 81448 5!l7113 74 j!!(iS0j-1ft7! .ftcfrairt 34 11134 48 1 17 It 51 40,1 08 I'iO 8 I IH 23' ! 124 87, t ' 33i 94 50! 136 00 S l 18 71 00 . I 04 Oil! 4 71 w 2 11)8 to 02, I 885 2fll 884 20; 232 SI 2 ! 21 81 00; 94 2"! 75 2 20l 91 75 I 13'i 75! I 91 75! 2 ! 34 210 00; 163 00! 23 70, 1 9 T5 70 23! 1 20 1U) 00; I j IV S3 GO 00 80 00! S 50; t0 Oil! 2 i 31 132 OO! 103 00! 1 181 34 50 4 1 50i 1 25 57 50 02 50' 1 20 S3 00, 77 50, 3 IW IS 80 535 05 ' 194 3V 3i i2 2 I 25 105 001 4") 00 2 20 135 001 68 50 50 S3 91 7S 2 25' 145 00 95 00i 75! 140 15 2 ! "tl ! 183 75 1 I 12 50 00 1 21 88 00 02 IHI 1 20! 30 50 90 00 59 50 1 25 30 00 2 8Sl 185 l 89 37 12 00 200 M 3 30 457 10 131 50 47 .50 47 501 1 17 . 05 00 3 ") 00 2 18 80 00 10 00 i 24 180 00 80 00 75 00 S 23 1,4 55 91 91 45 00 l.V 22 126 38 4-8 64 1 43 0 113 7 ) 1 2 38 90 01 10 1 21 1 24 37 38 88 81 8 30 100 00 104 50 204 00 3 841 04 54 1? 23j 161 75 100 00 1 2) 1 I 19 75 00l 75 00 65 00 75 3 12 j 444 00 116 2 26 00 1642 50 3 65 800 Ul 230 00 87 09 2 i 18 124 00 86 00; 03 1 261 45 00 30 OOj IV 16 86 50; 1 i 18 ;,0 75' 49 15 100 00 1 ! 20 66 00 1 50 1 22 72 00 48 00 2 10 ! 168 20 56 20l 23 00 1 19 68 6i) 30 SO 5 00 5 00 1 -i 14 58 3 8 60 750 00 150 00 30 00 2 9 120 00 75 00 1 10 1 10 80 00 1 2) 4 60 95 75 1 19 22 90 23 10 112 10 2 2 5 25 15 1 SO 58 00 67 00 2 18 31 00 34 00 5 00 2 I 24 22 11 87 8!) 1 I 12 lXj 43 118 08; 118 63 80 37 4 25 122 88 1 21 41 00 71 50 1 I 17 I 15 25 59 75 2 50 1 I 19 . 45 00 12 00 2 37 107 50 107 50 8 00 1 22 120 00 S3 00 1 13 54 OOi 40 00 1 84 70 10 1 14 84 75 52 45 2 20 I 106 75 118 25 3 00 I 18 ! 27 50 77 50 1 18 ; 69 Oil 34 37 2 a i US 68) too ood lfHt 500 1980 100; Am 500 400 100 sm 4l) 5011 810 8i;o! 838 loo 2)0 809 650' 400 2tKl! 40.1 1000! 1000 too 14 W 500 400 400 800 500 500 600 1500 50 50 245 250 250 5IMI 1.50 300 25 75 100 400 300 200 inO 300 100 108 136 04 0!)8 04 is; 17 70 IS! m 46 K4 63 1U 89 68 95 11,7 4.8 50 OOi 59 35 00 128 2. 1.-78. 613 u.'r; 85 171 o 10 2'.'l (13 85 ISlflfl 25 1437 3-, 85 220 m lol 4si ftl IHI 851 8V M4 I Vi (fi 50 00 50 00! 25 00 20 00 .50 00 10 00! 48 80 92 40 113 61 02 104 70 101 08 110 309 86 67 86 49 67 65 84 31 58 1)7 71 .55 95 114 07 84 88 59 86 71 59 44 197 ' 46 ! 70 ; 55 ! 118 : 77 ' 68 I 80 78 mi cm lis m 22 i o 109 82 14'. 81 181 66 52:f20 13S 89 101 50 '); 7.) 281 01 100 13 110 28 104 73 220 10 229 S3 111 81 158 27 101 50 187 84 14", SI 339 00 143 .r 155 01 161 in 113 18 180 88 -.), 17, 155 04! 319 77 010 47 107 90 129 20 197 03 K7 21 111 81; 116 28 177 6.5 190 57 110 28; 845 61 61 37! 96 9fli 190 57 231 79! 161 .501 71 06; 151 si 106 59 158 47; 161 m 131 6ffl 103 S6 284 24' 111! 28 148 58, 116 28 119 51 204 SO' 154 04 148 .18 IjfSASE. A young lady by the name of Biodget. of Benton enmity, was taken down to the Asylum at East Portland, last Monday, by her brother, he being the only person that could manage her. I'pon arriving at Port land it was ascertained that the papers iiad not leen made out properly, and the young man had to return to this city with his unfortunate sister, to hove the papers got up in proper shape, lie started again for the Asylum on Wed nesday. Keuoious. The U. P. Presbytery, of Oregon, will meet at Willamette Church, on Thursday. April 3d, at 2 P. M. There will be an opening sermon by the Moderator, and other devotion al services, on Thursday and Friday. The third quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church begins on to-morrow at 2'.; P. M. The Goveksob Gkoveb. We did not get down lo the lauding in time to givo the new steamer an examination, but from those who are competent judges, we learn that, she is a staunch, clean built boat, with as "good engines as wereever put into a boat." She made good time on the up trip, and when thoroughly in working trim will be hard to "pass." She is a 300 tinner. We wish her abundant success, FisiiDiO Our streets liave been al most entirely deserted by the boys, for the last day or two, owing to tlte fact that "fishing time ban come," and numbers may be seen daily, armed with a long pole and a cup of bait, en route for the river. Roads drying rapidly. Entertainment at the Instttutk. ! The literary entertainment given at j the Albany Collegiate Institute last j Friday evening, was largely attended, j anil deserves more than ordinary praise. The programme consisted of choice selections of miisio, of deck- ( mation. recitation oration, tableau, I literary aer, and farce. These were j Uniquely arranged in the happily con- j eeived programme, and while all of the performers were good in the exe cution ot the part or parts assigned them, some Succeeded in reaching the excellent. The "Opening Chorus." by a select number of pupils, headed by President Warren, was well sung, eliciting hearty applause, as did every performance thereafter. The "Saluta tory," by Will. Simpson, was an ex cellent production, entirely appropri ate. Barring a manner of speech somewhat too rapid and some mistakes in pronunciation, the delivery was quite pleasing. A "Solo and Quar tet" "Nellie Mac." was snug by Kila Barrows, Cora lrv lie, Prof. Sox and Pres. Warren. Miss Barrows sang the solo', MUs Brown playing the in strument. "Very sweet" remarked j a lady near us, and so thought we. An oration, by O. H. Irvine, in the I subject matter and arrangement, was extra good, but marred slightly by an j imrjetftct committal, and an awkward j gesticulation. A piano solo, by Miss Maggie Poster "Fisher's Hornpipe, with Variations," suited our musical i ear to a dot time was good and the j execution rapid. Declamation "Re grilus'tothe Carthagenians,"' by I. P. Hackleman, gave good satisfaction. The young gentleman lias a good voice, and las expression in the main seemed appropriate. Solo and uuar- tet "My Darling has Fallen Asleep." was sung by Misses Mouteitb and Can non, Messrs. Westlake and Darby. Miss Minnie Monteith taking the solo. Miss Alexander played the piano. The music gave good satisfaction. "After a CrastinaMofi of a sennight at the Habitance of my Cogitation," a eon catenation ol verbosity by R. A. Fos ter, was too much for our intellectual ptjispicncity to diagnosticate. We suppose it was a prescription for the Epizootics, and was ably doctrlnated. The College Journal, read by its edi tor, .1. T. Tate, contained many ex cellent productions, which were well read by -Master Tate, though a little more spirit liiftised into the reading would have improved it. A piano dli,jt"0 Concento, with varia tions," executed by Misses Tate and brown, was a difficult piece, skilfully performed. The, young ladies are both accomplished artists on the piano. ReeitJitioii -'Angels ot Buena Vista," by Miss Fennle Hamilton, was well commit teil : and though the fair shak er possessed a clear enunciation and pleasing voice, she failed to persouify the intense tragic element of the piece. "Hie Sea versus the Land." were two well written essays, written, by Miss es Libhle Althouse and Jennie Cooner. They both Indicated careful research. Duet-"Mother, Oh. Sing me to Re t." by Pres. Warren and Miss Cora Irvine, was musical. Oration, by J unes Darby, on "War." was an ex cellent production, well delivered. In strumental Trio. Piano Duet and Vi olin, by Pres. Warren on the violin, and Misses Brown and Barrows on the plano,executlng "Grand Fantasia," on Moc nig Bird, was a richness of har inoulus melody. The audience requir ed iu repetition. Recitation "Fit. James and Rtxlerlc Dim." by Miss Libbie Halbrook, was well delivered. The graceful speaker was quite self possessed in her manner. A Tableau, we omitted to mention in its place, representing "Queen Isabella present lug her diamonds to Columbus," wa a pleasing, if not an exact representa tion of that event. Miss Trice, as sa bella, looked queenly. A Farce "We are All Teetotalers," was the most perfectly acted " funny piece" we have seen since we left "Suckerdom." Hnckleinan, as Jedediah Maple, Miss Finlayson, as Aunt Sarah Jane, Miss Foster, as linldey, as we got it, and the gents who acted the other charac ters the two lubberly hoys and the visiting nephew, were each above the average in the rendering of the char acter assumed. The representation of "Aunt Sarah Jane," was especially excellent. The hearty laughter that roared from the audience during the continuance of the piece, was a flat tering testimonial of its success. This was followed by a duet "Come Sing your Lesson," by Pres. Warren and Miss Barrows, which was rich. A Tableau Innocence." represent ing a sleeping child with its guardian au iel liiMiilir,,,- nvcr If. was hnth solemn - anil neautinu. 1 lie i Bieuietory. oy Miss Clara Price, closed the exercises. This was a choice production, ricli in thought and graceful in style, and ex ceedingly well spoken. It was an ap propriate ending to so good an enter tainment. Short-handed Is what's the mat ter of us this week, sending us to the "case." This is our excuse for cut ting short " locals ' ' that should have received extended notice. DITCH Meeting. Stockholders in the A. & S. Canal Co. will notice a call, printed elsewhere, for the SWi ht at Co,' office, to take I. it" con sideration the proposition of increasing tiie capital stock, etc, lie tlitre, all. a. wii::ki.Kh. c. e. jii utu. c. 1!. WHKXLFll, A. WlfKIXKIt ,1 ,, hliJW;'), OltKOOrt', Forwarflin&CommiRrii Mordants. Drillers in Mcivloin um! Protlrtoc, A goott assortment of all ki,ts ot Goods al ways In stoic at lowest market niton. Agents form's of IVawn 1, ;!mi;i Iiri'.ln. Cider Mills, Ctmros, &., Ac CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, POHK, BUTTKR, EGCfBand fOCUTltl". A Stabtuno TiiPTH J Hundreds die annually from neglected coughs and colds, when by the use of a single bottle of Or, H7s'- iKtlrtt.n . Wild Cherry their lives could lie preserved to a green old age. ) IIoi.i.owav's Ointment and Pills. The first of these peerless remedies eradicates all diseases of the skin, flesh, muscle, glands, and sinews, while the Pills relieve every disorder of the stomach and bowels. Sold 78 Maiden Lane, X. Y. Price, 25 cents per pot or box. Ask for new style ; the old is counterfeited. 110 New To-Ouy. NOTICE. HPHK STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Albany X A Snnfain V:rer Ditch or Cumii ( 'om Wiiy are requested to meet at tlielr ottlee in t lie oily of Albany, on Snturduv (lie KHli (Uvy of Mwoll, 1878, at-1 oVlodi 1'. M.. tor tin- nitnwso of InereaHlna the (wii'iit stock of shIiI t'nmrn.v, ami attending to other fmw'ant business for the Company. A full attendance is requested. L. KI.KINS, Albany, Maivh is, TS4w President sj:am:i ikpnaia. sealei) proposals will be he eetved at the office of the Aliiany and San' lam Water Dfteh or Ctmni Company, un toihe fith day of April, 1878, for dlir Slnu. flaming and eomplettng sni, pitch or ' anal. No ni'U wiS lie received unless from re Rponslbfe mlriS's. and stating the partieu lur see; ion of the Canal for which the hid is ma Id, There are eleven sections, nnd the con tract w ill lie let in sections of one mile or more, met work must be commenced bj Hie Mrs! day of June. 187S,nd completed by i he ftrst day of November, l7;t. The Comoany reserve the rbfht to reject any and all bids. Piano ahd specifications and tenus of paymeni w ill be found in the office of the Company at Albany. Also, bids will be nuvived a the same time an I plarc for delivering 1(10,000 feet of goo 1 red or yellow fir tbn'xir. L. El.KINS, D. ifAJ KKIIL1), President. Secretary, Albany, March 81, l87!Std Vurliiopn Ptteiiiif 6s,:iln,ti. ?"Iearfnjf aird ; tiL3:ii;oit Forty Miles! KKAI.CD FROPOKALN TITILL BE RECKIVK1) T THE OSS TT end office of the oinnany in KA LA MA, Washlniatton XerVIiory, until noon of A)nl 1st, for clearing and Krubbing iibuui loi'iy miles of the Hue northward, beginning at the present end of the track, Work to lie commenced forthwith, and pii !i"'l through vigorously, Proposals me i" ma ie lor one division, or more, of about TEN MILES. I'or blank tonus of proposahv Dpnclflcti tlons, an ! other particjUart-, bidders eau in itire of Kngtneer, TH08. It. .MiiIlltIK, Kaiama, Washington Territory. Address iironooals to W. Mlf.Nou ROBERTS, Chief Engineer, Kalania, W. T. Miiivh li, ls;.V2'.iw2 D.Vi'U, 1 1 uiiis u .wnt'E 1 he I'ollowlng mles of freight w ill on charged on the 0. S. COMPANY'S STEAMBOATS: a',1 li ;ln goods. 111 Tl I.K.N PORTLAND AMI ()swegoamlMil-r153ilu (rankle s cents. Oregon City.... Bntteville in Cbatnnoeg I20 Ml. Clair 180 m'o , , ,, n CiHNN 1 CIlINN a , troceTS, hr-lwre. it hen , v good grain, Hour, H mill t :r ?t lOOibiiFn IXlu ft cents. Iltivtoli... Laiayctte McMinnville Weston Fairfield Wheatland.. Lineoln Denny's SlllCIII Kola 1 , 1 1 If ,,(' 1 , ll'lH-C Ankeny's Lan'gj uuena isia Albany Corviillls PoorlaAL Bend Monroe ft Ilnr- risburg Lemons Kugene jii 81 n 11 A". r It) 88 80 88 81 81 88 40 ft i en 1 I ft ' fl " I () H 8 " 0 ' VI I It 11 .J 14 '1-2 " il i;i I CI ' '14 it 14 " li " 10 " 19 " VI " . 1 All freight carried by this Hue is by tanl Weight (not UeitNiir, iui nt an ,1 all Freight delivered FRKE of WHARF AGE and DRAYAUK to consignees, in the cit y of Port land. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Holt and Icon at Portland, MmreU 1, mm ft