8 ALBANY KEOISTER. PUBLISHED CV5SY FRIDAY, By COLL. TAN CLEVE, IN RE0I8TEH BUILDINGS, Canter Ferry and Fir Streett. TKRMS IN ADVANCE. one year Three dollars. six months. Two dollars. Hingis copies Ten cents. ADVERTISING RATK8. Transient advertisements, per square of lines or less, first Insertion ft ; each subsequent Insertion 1. Larxer adver tisements Inserted on the most liberal ICTUS. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of col ored inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are prepared to execute all kinds or print ing In a better manner, and fifty per cent sheaper than ever before offered In this oity. Agent far the Register , The following gentlemen are authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions, advertising, etc., for the krsistkk : Hiram Smith, Harrisburg. O. I". Tompkins, Harrisburg. Peter Hume, Brownsville. W. K. Kirk, Brownsville. J. B. Irvine, Scio. T. H. Bevnolds. Salem. L. P. Fisher, San Francisco. D. P. Porter, Shedd's Station, (.'has. Nickell, Jacksonville. An early spring lumping out of ftwul of lv sJnlrvAr in tta mnvnirifp JCVI WV V IftltAjR all VIKJ UIVI UUIg A mor(e)-bid craving The auc tioneer a A shrewd old Yankee said lie didn't believe there was any down right cure for laziness in a man ; ' bat," he added, "I've known a second to hurry it some." " Jfy dear, you should keep those beautiful, new slippers in your drawers when you leave the desk, to go out, so they will not be cov ered with dust when Mary sweeps," said a neat wife to her husband. "Couldn't think of it my dear. The weather is so cold I prefer to keep my legs in drawers when I go out," was the heathenish reply. George "Oh, I do love the Central Park so! I prefer it to Switzerland, really !w Mabel "Why, George, you've never been to Switaerlandf" George "No, hut I've seen it on the map, and I don't like the Jooks of it at all." The poet of the Lynchburg Neirs hasn't been particularly lucky. In an ode to hn girl, he says, "Keen is your sorrow, but keener is my grief." The compositor who lost his undermost nickel on the top row, the night before, set up, "but keno is my grief." A Kansas girl visited a house where her lover's body was lying, at Osawatoroie, last Monday, and was so deeply affected that she asked the lady of the house : "Mrs. S., have you put up any apple but ter yet T A country merchant received the following note, delivered by a small boy : "mister Greau Wunt you let mi boy bev a pare of Ezy toad shux?" "My dear, black brethren," said a preacher to his sable audience, "God bless your black, greasy hides, when you get to the good world, you'll be japaned all over with glory." An old German while on his way from Indianapolis to Lafayette, froze his nose. While thawinz the frost out of that very necessary member, he remarked "I no uu baf carried deretand dia ting. I that nose forty-seven years, and lie never treezed hisself before." Josh Billings says: "Mackrel inhabit the sea generally ; but thow which inhabit the grocery alwus taste to me as though they had been fatted on salt. They want a deal of freshening before they're eatm, and also afterward. If 1 kin hev plenty uv mackrel fur break fast, I can generally make the other two meals out uv water." The Titusville Press says : Titiis vilie was not the birthplace of the 'father of his country," but we have a man rending liere who slip. ied up on a muddy crossing this forenoon and sat down on a roll of butter lie was carrying home, and instead of swearing, he simply r.ise, scraped the butter from his pants into the paper again, and went on at if nothing had happened. Thk Absest Minded Men. The absent-minded man propounds the following conundrums ; Did you ever write a letter to a dead relation, and only find your mistake ont when you wanted the address ? Did yon ever stand before the glass for three-quarters of an hour wondering where yoo had seen that face before. Did vou ever no on you ever so on sineine a verse of a hymn after the conjrre- .: u-j u..:.t.j ,0 gat ion had finished some time? Did you ever light a cigar with a ten dollar note, and then stick the lighted end in your mouth ? Did you evef meet your father in the street and wonder who that rum looking old buffer was? Did you ever run yourself until a perspiration trickled from your (rows, looking tor your pen and spectacles, one of which was behind your ear and the other on your forehead ? Did you ever hang yourself over the back of a chair in place of a top-coat? And did you ever sprinkle your strawberries with salt, pocket the silver forks, drink out of your fin ger glass, or scratch somebody else's back for your own ? Spots on the sun a boy with a freckled face. IseeManeaMM. Portland has 69 streets. There was once an old woman who, in answer to a visiting almon er's inquiries as to how she did, said : "Oh, sir, the Lord is verv good to me. I've lost my husband, and my eldest son, and my young est daughter, and I'm half blind, . . . 1 and I can't sleep or move about for tlie rheumatics; but I've sot two teeth left in my head, and, praise and bless His holy name, they're opposite each other " That old lady was grateful for small favors. A Down-East editor says his experience in journalism teaches him that there u nothing in this world that will so disgust and sick en the general reader as to learn, after wading through the particu lars of an awful accident, that there is a prospect of the victims' recovery. Berks county, Pennsylvania, has a hydrophobia panic, and with good reason, for forty-seven mad dogs were killed in one township alone, last week. Men, cattle, and sheep have been bitten in the most wholesale fashion, and the most in tense excitement prevails through out all that region. It is the opinion of a number of Eastern newspapers that the law repealing the franking privilege also repeals the provision allowing a free exchange of newspapers be tween newspaper publishers. A Boton brute beat his wife black and blue, the other day, and when the court was over she was lieard to say : "Thank God, I can sell my bed and pay John's fine." An Englishman, recently travel ing in Wisconsin, wrote home that the West was a great agricultural country that every house he saw was a barn. Eighteen million suns belong to our firmament More than tbur thousand such firmaments arc visi ble, and every increase of telescopic power adds to the number. Three short-honi heifers were re cently shipped from Kentucky to Lord Duumore in Scotland. From 8,000.000 to 10,000,000 sheep are boiled dowi. annually fur their tallow iu Buenos Ayres. A Terre Haute base ba Hist caught a coal oil lamp on the fly, hot from the hands of his infuriated wife. An Iowa Postmistress has thrown up her commission and cultivates a 120 acre farm. Fifty joumaiisU connected with the American press, died last year. during A iw orchestra with a thousand performers is to be started in Iaiii don. Pioche, Nev , lately had a but ting match between colored men. DRY GOODS, ETC. P.C. HARPER & CO. WE BKti LEAVE TO CALL THE AT tentlon of tin; public to our large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE cVnsl,'lnJ the latest and most fashion i oie styles or DRESS GOODS! TRIMMINUN, LACE COLLARS, SHAWLS, LACEN, KMBBOKDEHV and Fancy Notions. In the Gentlemen's Department we offer the latest styles in CLOTHING, the best in UNDERWEAR, the nobbi est TIES ami SCARFS, the nicest U LOVES and GAUNTLETS, and the "ton" In BOOTS & SHOE'S, while our MILK HATH are all the rage. We keep constantly on hand a full as sortment of SHOT GUNS, SHOT-POUCHES, GUN-TUBES, POWDER, FLASKS, SHOT-BELTS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, in fret, everything in the hunter's line. Our Mirrors & Picture Frames embrace all stees and styles. In the line of GROOBRI 33 S , Crockery, uifusware, Fruit Jars, POCKET & TABLE CUTLERY, Nails, Tobacco, Domestic Goods, & WOOD WILLOW WARE, our stock is full and complete. tar call and examine goods, jajj raster's Ituildins;, First St., Albany. P. C. HARPER & CO. MABBLK WORKS. MONROE KTAIC.ER, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stone, Executed in California, Vermont Narble. and Italian SALEM, OREGON. BRANCH KHOP AT ALHAXV. REWARD FOB AN Incurable Case! X DR. LE RICHATTS GOLDEN BALSAM I After ten Tears' trial on this Coast las Proven Itself tbe only enra tire la a certain rlaia of disuses pronounced by medical jtactttioB ers ss incurable. Br.Leliefcio'f GOLDEN BALSAM He.i cures Chancres first and second stages, Sores on the Legs or Body; gore Ears, Eyes, Nose, kc.i Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, Diseased tealo. and all ntaun forms of the disease known as Syphilis. lMco, $ per bot tle, or two for . Or.L)Bickao,i OLDER BALSAM Ko.2 cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Bhennta. tlsm, Pains ia the Bones, Tsckof the Ne k, 11. cerated 8m Throat, Syphilitic Utah, Lumps and (Jon tracts Cords, Mifhcss of the Limbs, snd eradicates all dlses from tbe system, whether caused by Indix rrtlon rr rims? of mercury leaving the blowl pure and heal. by. Pries, i per bottle, or twi for St. Br. Ls Iciaa's GDLDES SPANISH AN- tldote, for tho Ours of Of atnorhoa. Gleet. Irri tation, Gravel, sad stl t'r'ntry " Genital disarrangements. Price, V.iu r buttle. Dr. Le Hi Inn's G9LDLH oPAKISH IN- Jetton, a wh aal Inject to" fir Severe cases of OjaTtTiisi, Inflinsmrtcry Clect, Rtrlctuns, ml all dhwsyis of Iho Kidneys Slid Madder. I'd; i, $:.i9p'jrbit;o. . ijnti trm.12 nenrs GCIBEU HIiTaB 6r S-miiiil V irimt, KlfM Fm's dotw,Inv n 7, -id i 1 .mi ten i rtslmt fn rt dswinatiou t-t'J i -;t pre , hr . r re. -r brttls. Tint p mihis Crm.K TJuauc is ;t n; nnlria ton I Iwf'i . On Tie lit i t yri-e, iLne ndl. lnen will bis.-ntl ii-Hpirtsrf the r untry, I ixrrefs rm- l,f y piefed r.nd fan from obwr- fi, v nwraABD i- co X V,bolaa: an I Tt'ts'l Vni.ilf and Chemists. H w. cr. V.tyk ham Marts. Ban I raacisot; Cel. m PATENT MKDICIXE. TlMsrsur Bitten arc not a rile fancy Drink, made of Poor Run. Whisky, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to slaise the taste, called "Tonics." "Appetizers," "Restorers," Ac, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rain, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California. Dree from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They sro the Great Blood Purifier and a Lite-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigor ator oi the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and In rtgo rating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their ac tion, certain In their results, safe and reli able In all forms of disease. No Person esua take these Bit ten according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyapepalst or Indigestion, Bead ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Oizsiness, Sour Eructa tions of tbe Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oflsprtngs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints It has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad vertisement. For Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an Influence that i marked Improvement Is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Bhnmatlsm and Coot. Dyspepsia Indigestion, Billons, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers. Diseases of tbe Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Bach Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which it generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Rug-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle la such eases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon And Its Impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples. Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse It when yoo And it obstructed and sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when It I foul; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Pin. Tap nmd other Worms, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist : There Is scarcely an individual on the face of the earth whose body to exempt from the pres ence of worms. It to not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposit that breed these living monsters or disease. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Dlseeukes. Persons en caged la pants and Minerals, numo Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance in Ufe, are subiect to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against i oi me: dose ol this, take a dose of Walku's Vinmub Brr- nns twice a week. Blllons, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great riven through out the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennes see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado. Bratos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, tad remarkably so during sea sons of unusual beat and dryness, are In variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful in fluence upon these various organs, is essen tially necessary. There to no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. fiun'i Vink oa a Bnrna, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid Butter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the user, and generally restoring the healthy functions of uie uigesuve organs. acromial, si wefliaca. Ulcers. r klafts Evil, White , ttyahelas. Swelled neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tbe Skin, Son Byes, etc., etc fn these, as In all other esnsutu tional Diseases, Walkkk's VtNsoaa Brr wss have shown their great curaMte pow ers la the most obstinate and intractable cases. Dr. Walker's California Vine- Kr Bitten act on all these esse In a liar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the Hflammatioa (the tubercular deposits) the affected part re ceive health, and a permanent ears to effected. Tho Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dilw aula's ViNttun Brr- raas are the best safe-guard to essss of erup tions and mainmast fevers. Their balsamic. ueauag, ana mining properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their sedative prop. srttet all stomach i lay pain to the nervous system, aid bowels, either treat innamma- Uon, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Directions. -Take of tab Bitters on going to bod at night from a half to one and one-hall wine ajassha. Bat good nourishing food, such as beef-Sleek, mutton chop, veni son, roast beet and vegetables, and take outdoor exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable instants, and contain no spirit b. h. Mcdonald co Druggists A Gen. Agta,,8tn franeisco, Cl., cor. Washington and Chariton Sis., N.Y. OLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS A DftaUDaB. R R R Miy's MflfMef CUKES THE W0KOT PIUS IN FROM OH E TO TWEHTY MIHUTK8 . NOT ONE HOUR Aftw nsabg Sh ssittsbasssi t aay ea SUFFER WITH PAIN. (MIDWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CDS! rOS EVERY PAIN. hwnlsaSntasSb THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY TsMt instantly itocw tht most scractttllng paint, l)a? laAevmraftiUMt, sad emrw Congwtloni, wbaiaar f tat Latin, stomsven, i i, Bow.!, or mm wpuomh Application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. No matter bow violent or nieroclating tht Mala tk RHEUMATIC, Bd-riihlan, luttrai. Crippled, Ntrroaa, Nturtlyic, Of prottrlt4 with tUaWeUt taay tufMr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION Of THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, SORB THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION Of THE HEART, HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, CATARRH, INFLUENZA , HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Th.appllcaUM.1 Ik. JtKAOV KKLIXF k SM p" or pvu vkm tkt pi vtltkoliTuUbwut Suit NM uul oonfgrt. TnatSNaimtatf atsnUataf nttrwIU ataaw monau mn CRAMPS, SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH, SICK HEADACHE, HEARTBURN. DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS at all INTERNAL PAINS, Tiantoi iboslt atwam an -a aUh f Rd w7' Beadj Belief Ha ikaa. A f.w anu a. wain will aimat Srtiae m palu inm cbn. of oMat. It h batter biai Fnack Srwd, or Btiun . a iumlut. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE canal for ttjr calk. Tim I act mirM mgrni t late anrM laat wlU tna Ta.a' and Ar, aad ail otkir Maiwam, MltMO, Serial. T.fkoM, Yalta., aid oUw Imn (fUtiit RAD" WAT'S PILLS) qlc at RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty ccriU par bottle. Sola) ay Drliu. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASX Or FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. Dr. HAD WAY'S Solvit HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES SO QUICK, I BODY UNDI SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE DEKGOS&tlNDER THE INFLUENCB IrLUKNCK ur THIS THAT TKULX WVHDSaniL MEDICINE, Every Day an Increase in Flesh, and Weight ia Seen and Felt. trary drop of ih. SARSAPARUXIAN RESOLV ENT wiattnlmna lhnk tac Blood, Sweat, Urtaa, mi otaor told, aod julcaa or Um ijnUn 0 Tiac at Uh,w It repair, tktwajtaa at latMvwtta oaw tac) wood material. Scforala, 87pB.UL, Couanptloa, Glacv War tkaaaa. Ulcer, la the Throat, Monti, Tan, Node. In the GUada ud otker parte of the ij itam, lam Bra, hraaw DlarJursaa from taa Ban, aad Ikt IM Mna: of Ski. dliaa.et, Braptloaa, Fanr Rant, Scald Head, Rlaj-Worm, Salt Raram, Eryilpelu, Aon, Black Spott, Wow la the FU.li, Tamon, Omn la the Womb, and all .ectopia, ni aalafal diaeaarroa, Nlfht Sweala, Uaa of Sperm, aat all .aatea aftta m pn.al., are .llhl. the aomtlre no.,a of thU w decelM.dera Chamlalry, mi a h day.' mm will wn le aay araa MB It ear ettfcoe d Ueae farm, at . IU poteat power to care taotn If the patleal. dally taaaeahat II by On ana fleoumBoeicM Mat u ceauaMJlc a ea la airiaSii laeat waatea, tad rcaaira the mm, with aow maierieXmado from healthy .(soeSVcd ail th. SARSAPARUXIAN .111 ud doi. eecMc Rat oaly doe. the SaauF.aiu.un RcaOLmrnaet all kaaara riajiilil area la la the can el Canada. tvMmi CMrtltatkmal, aat BUa ilMaani leaTfi the oaly poelU.e con fee KIDNEY AND BLADDER 00MPLAINT8, Drtaary aad Wamb tlaaaHO, Gnvel, Dahevn, Drain, tlltaaa. of Wean, iMoaltaw of Urlaa, Brl(ht'. fifc. wllvl.a,J I. all mm, .km then an hckld.M dflroelu or the orate. I. thick, cloady, railed with nWtaaam life tat white of aa en, oe thread. Hat white rilk, or tbml..rdrt,fiIlr..pomU, aad white booodoet tapoeite, tad whoa IheraW artthv S'u.2SLr''l, WORMS. lt ni. ham aat aan Reaaedy far WORMS PIN, TAPE, tie. Tumor of 12 Yeare' Growth Cured Hf KatUtmy't Be-elmt. Sr. RADWATS Meet FerpDri fill, praoiy iineien, llegaauy mlM with aweet mna. Baa Headaclje. CoartlpMlo., CortlcaeN, Motion, D.r. mala, Hteaaw, MlUe tnm, l.toita of 4. Bewelr, Pttea, oad all D.aatwnaala of tkt latent. Vlecera. Wacraated to tSVt a poalU.i can. Partly llrtu?jiJ!r mm' """ " A fcw attaa of RADWAY'S PILLS .111 (roe tkt .yrtom from all tat ahtTHntt dkerden. Prtet, ceata r hoi. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS, tUb "FALSE AND TRUE." Send o letter rdtrap la BADWAY A CO., No. M Warn. Street, NewTaet. Ialin inllni wota ikiamfa .III he tats. fn. HOLLOWAY'S VJTS ! Eycry Maa his iwe Plysician. u-i - OATTTI03ST. Tr." .i:iiiniMiiiiVnMttA f'tr IIOT.tOWAT' l'li.lj' mil t!NTMB.VS l(,t ir-rnptel 'ir n -- ;.l -1 tmr iuiuawiitvrfelt theaavalu- IfllMt,, i i ir ! i.. ;mw. t'.eiinli fr-anTnnntflvee, il i.i u w'-'l'r.i5Ijirk."iBiat-t :, ISl-,ium iielu oi a wir(ut, with le -i f i rhr .ni! re. RviBxofgrt . ,, 'i. .c f tta.i a nail (MMnhnrf will liietiaAi! stark ": it ; uuna annauio f.' . ' n gj ". 'Ni "(i,ii -Hiitom, vtork t'RAXK A Bliit.H.m, San Kwnrlaco. CiU, SI soltt Ak-cnts fee tbe Paclffc Ceast.' ! pi r