PUBLISH):!' KVKKY FRIDAY, B) COLL. VAX CLEVIS, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, '(Titer Fori, and Flrk Slmii. TKKMS IN A.DVASCK. - Tlirw dollurs. 12Sslz ; AllVKKTISIlNt; KATES, i miisient idverttaemenM, nr wiunrc of ,,. , !iius or less, flrt Uwerilon i: ;! h$mi insertion M. Uwr a her , laments iilaefUMl onthe most terms. JOB WOKK. lyTrigr(X-'lvcl new tyTs-'.stoek of col ,.r "l ink, cards, a (iordon Joitber, on-., we C nnbetter manner, ami lift y per cIiTwdct tlmn ever before olfcrea In this nity. . set for the Ri5teter. The followlntr (icntlomen nre authorized 10 receive and receilrt for sabacriutlons, advertisliiK, etc., for the Heoimek : Hiram Smith, niarrlsnuiR. i). P, Touvnkms, UarrlthnrK. "titer Hume, Brownsville. W. R. Kirk, Brownsville. J, B. Irvine, Scio. t. H. Reynolds. Salem. I P. Fisher, Sim Francisco. I) p. Porter, Shcdd's station. Thus. NtotelJ, Jacksonville. KGGB IS CASE OF TROVHI.K. 'Hie white of an egg is said to be a specific for fish-bones sticking in the throat It is to lie swallowed raw, and will cany down a bone easily and certainly. There is an other fact touching eggs which will lie well to' remember. When, as , sometimes bvaecident, corrosive sub jinute is swallowed, the white ot one or two eggs takeu neutralizes the lioison, and changes the etfect to that ot a dose of calomel. SALT AND AGl'K. The following appears as a lead ing editorial hi the Cleveland Her tl4: "We wish to give a very simple remedy for tever and ague, and wish to emphasize it by saying that in has, to our knowledge, proved very efficacious. It is sim ply common salt. A teaspoonful taken in water, and a teaspoonful deposited inside each stocking, next the foot, just as the chill is coming on. Tliat's all there is of it ; but knowing that it has been very effi cacious in 'breaking5 a chill and Infecting a cure, we put it in our alitorial columns, where no hum bug remedy shall ever find a place if we kuow it" CTRK FOU RHEUMATISM. We fiud the following cure for this painful disease in one of our ex changes. 1 he efficacy of the ap plication would be greatiy increased by dipping a partially folded towel in the very hot liquid and placing it over the seat of pain and putting two or three thicknesses of flannel over this. When they are removed the following morning, the aftected rt should be bathed in cold water : "Hon a small pottui 01 pouiu, and bathe the parts affected with the water in which tin1 pntatoe were boiled, as hot as can be ap plied, immediately Iwtbre going H bed. The pain will 1)8 removed or at least alleviated by the next morn ing. Some of the most obstinate rheumatic pain havubeen cured by one application of this novel and simple remedy." KXTKAORPISARY l.'1'JUS OF CASCEK. The Kauaw 6'ity Time relates how a well'known citizen of that place was cured of a cancer of six years' growth in fifteen days, by one jir, Kellogg, We copy as follows : The mtient was placed in the Turkish bath tor two hours each dav, for seven days, with a temper ature of 170, when it was Pmi d iiiat the cai eer was dropping out, rout aud fangs entire. It first be came red on one side, and burst the skin. .Mr.C'hace applied, by Pro fessor Kellogg's advice, a iwultico, which aided in drawing tlie cancer from the cheek. DurinjUthe last week his family, who reside in West Kansas rity, have watched with great anxiety the cure being effected. On Sunday the anxiety was so great that notitlistauding the intense cold weather, Airs. Cbace called at the Baths to inform Professor Kellogg that tlie cancer was abut to drop out. Yesterday morning the patient himself brought .. . mm iits. the cancer in a small vial to Pro lessor Kellogg, and it had fallen out dean, and with all the roots ami tangs attached, leaving nothing except tlie ugly indentation in the thee where the cancer had been, lie ; : will now continue to take the baths j ' until the cheek is healed. The can oeras extracted, is about the size of i haxlA hot. It is nreservetl at the i i batlis for the inspection of the curi-! j ous. SALT FOR THE THROAT. Aii exchange says: "in these days, when diseases ot the throat ; prevail, and particularly a dry hauk i lug cough, which is not only dis-, I trussing to ourselves, but to these ; ; whom we are brousht in busi. ness, those thus attiictecl may be benefitted by trying the following remedy : Last tall we were induced to try what virtue there was in com mon salt. We commenced by using it three times a day, morning, noon and night; we dissolved a large tablespoon of common salt in about a half tumbler of cold water, and with this we gargled the throat , most effectually, just befoie meal j time. The result lias ijsen inai aur ing the winter we were not only free j troin the usual coughs and colds, to which, as far as our memory ex-1 I tends, we have always been subject, j j but the dry hacking cough has en-' j tirely disappeared ; we attribute it j entirely to the salt gargle, and most ! cordially recommend it to those of l our readers wlio are subject- to ais ease of the throat." A census of the San Juan group of islands will shortly be taken. Territorial Legislators can no longer draw pocket knives, and so on. 1. VAXCLEVE'S --AM-irrEBIXE RDUl't-iTOR. 1 eonsLst principally in the snpport it Blves to the alidomen and spine. The belt is broad, snpixirtBdi by suopenders iiassins over the shoulders, and kept in shape by self-seiierat ins Galvanic Plates, whiehglve a pleiisant enrrent. The Regulator w also Galvanic : its Cup andSazzlesare made of Silver ; itsStem.of Uopiier and Zinc, is hollow, that Injections nitiv be thrown through it,or into the neck of the I'tems. It can lie 90 regulated by its thumb-screw as to meet any mal-posi-tM nt tiw, T'o.mi nml In nnim nailed In mee'lng any form of fcnale disease. Price, tl- Patented August V. 1871. by W.S. Vim Ulcve, Centralia, Illinois. Territory tor Kale, r will rceelve Royally for mannfiMiure. For State or Territorial rights to manu facture and sell on the Pacific Coast, apply to COLL. VAN CLEVE, Albany, Oregon. SASH FACTORY. BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTOR V . R. H. AtTBotSF, J. P- B.U'KKMiTO, f, KXtVUtX. ALTHOLSE A CO., lyon Mreet. on he Blver Knufc, ALBAN V, OREGON. Keep ii hand a full assortment, and are prepared to FCRMSII TO ORDER, 2oon, Sasb, Blinds, and Molding:, Bach as MOWN, V.kXfUL, BASB 4c MStTIOSi ! itiA Of all sizes. I WINDOW AXD JJOOR FRAMES, Flouring SJdlng, And AiloUurkludhofRnildlMjrBMtorlnl. d LSD: FBEPABKD TO DO MILL work l'mnls'n shaker fans, Klgzag rttakew, suction fans, driving pulleys of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street on the rlee'r bank!, next below Magnum's warehouse. ,Vr,THOl"SE L'O. Albany, Fob. 10, DRY GOODS, Km P. C. HARPER & CO. WK BKO LEAVE TO CALL THE AT tSIHlon of I lie ;mWlc to ittr iurKe and well selected stock or GENERAL MERCHANDISE consisting of the latest mid most fashion alilo styles of DRESS GOODS! TRI.HMIJSOS, LACK f4I.I.AKs. SHAWIJ4, EJHRROI IIEUY and Fancy Notions. Intlio Gentlemen's Department we offer the latent styles in CLOTHTNO, ,t TIES and SUA K FS, I lie n Jeest, U LOVES .onl UAtiNTLKlS, mUltlK-"ton"inlMHns SHOES, while ur ftlliK Jit 'IN are all the rage. Wo keep constantly on bnd a foil as sortment of SHOT CHT3STJSE, SHOT-POl'CHES, UCN-TLBKS, SHOT-B1.LTS, POWBElt, FLASKS, l'OWDKK, SHOT, UAPS, in fret, everything In the hunter's lino. Our Mirrors & Picture Frames embrace all sizes and stylos. In the line of CrocKcrj-, Glassware, Vruli Jars, POCRET&TABLE CUTLERY, lkhllilAA DoiiH'stlc Goods, & WOOD & WILLOW WARE, our stock is full and complete, fcg- CALL AND EXAMINE JSH riMirA nolidioir, FImI St., Albnny. P. C. HARPER & CO. M..RI5LE WORKS. MOXROE & 8TAIGEB, . Dealers la Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stone, E Minted in California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM, ORE! ; N. ItKAM'H ftHOP At AtiBA&t. EEWAED FOB AN Incurable Case! XD3. XJE RICKATJ'S GOLDEN BALSAM! After ten years' trial on this Coast has proven itself tho only curative in a certain class of diseases pronounced by medical practition ers as incurable. Br.LsIiebti's GSLDElf BALSAM Ko.. cures Chancres first and second stages, Bores on thelvgsorllody; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, c. Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, Di.asi'd 8a!p, end nil primary f rma of the disease known as Byphilil. Price, J5 per bot : tie, or two for $. i Dr.L.EiC-rj'8 G.LfTI BALSAM Kc.2 I cur-sTerthry, Mercurial, Ejr!liri Rtieuma, tlsm, P-lns ia Vxa Bonos, Earlt the Mr. k, 11. I cerated gore Thrwrt, 'ftrpbUlik r.fsh, ; an l Contracted C 'ris. Btif-iui H c? the Ur:M, .mi .iw., .11 Atwlu.'- firm tie . vstcm. whether caused by taflsmllfu er rtrae oj mewury-harlns tha b'ood ).rrel beal tj. Price, $j per botilo, or lis. tr .! B)'.L.fii.,3G3LEHSPAH!EHAH-, for tho Ca-n of Ooimorhoi, Clot. Irrl Utioi, rv,;l, nd til li-iiary r Genital di Kircngcments. Price, ll.MI nr bottle. Br.L3ihW3C0LBni?ANlHIi:- j.-tlon, awih sl'iJecflo- frlevcro easts A iimi .rhn., Iaa.mnrtory ait, Htriitim s, -n l all divs..f thj hiilneys Hid Madder. YA:, $l..'it)p: rb:itt'c. AJn JLjeatt frr DS. 13 KCUiFCI f-CIin "WjS f-S-nlnsl .:.l ).' '. '- t " doa.1. 1-a-jot -a y. an. 'l "' trt r. "hd'sr'ntion ui I ftrf . it r' t1' r ' ;vr bf.. Tlw Brplitae C'Ujtn VuiU ia mi r.-ion'r hi ran iU boltt. O-x 'r '.t et urt'", t" Pi''i'!"inrs wi b K-nt .ill jrirN 1 1 tho c imwy. by exprrfs , t ri'i . . nr ! y psi a end dvo lroui obwr- mtluM. i A.'-n!s. J f V VrMk BT) . h CO. X imo!'.-i and Bail Prot!ts and t.i;vilt, tl W, ft, ftY H-tuouio 1'Oi .: Jt PATENT MKDICINH. 8 f i i 1 1 .V.irilJ.T.l Vinegar Bitten aw not a vile Fancy Drink, inade of Poor Rum, Whisky, Proof Snlrltsand Refuse Uqaors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to pluse the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetixers," "Restorers," 4c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invlgor ator ol the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and ln rhroratlng both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt In their ac tion, certain in their results, sate and reli able In all forms of disease. No Person can take theae Bit ters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. . Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dtaiuess, Sour Eructa tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oBspriiigs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, SXWl oue uuuio nm jhv.v ...... y guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad vertisement. ror Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the tarn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an Influence that marked Improvement Is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive for Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt Kneum, moicues, opous i-uupict, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dag up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such -. will convince the most Incredulous of the!;' curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever vou Hud Its impurities bursting througl. the skin In Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores i cleanse wneu you uuu n vuou ,.; sluggish In the veins ; cleanse It when it I foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape and other Worms, lurking to the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Sars a distinguished physiologist: There Is scarcely an individual on the face of the earth whose body to exempt from the pres ence of worms. It Is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposit that breed these living monsters of disease. Ko system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelinlnltlcs, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Disease-.-Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of W alms's ViN-M-Jt Bit mi twice week. . Billons, Remittent and Inter mittent rowers, which are so prevalent In the valleys of our great rivers through oat the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennes see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl; Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer ininmn an vomoT-'flhlv n rtnrlniT sca- sons of unusual beat and dryness, are in variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other ftbdomtaal viscera. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful in fluence upon these various organs, is essen tially necessary. There Is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. Wal-uk's Vine oar Bimag, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same tlino siimuisting the secretions of the liver, Bid generally restoring the healthy functions ol the digestive organs. Scrofula, or King Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Eryslpttlas, Swelled neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent lndammaaoM, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, Walker's Vinbuah Bit ikiui have shown their great curative pow ers in tlie most obstinate and Intractable cases. Dr. Walker's California Vine- Sar Bitters act on all these cases In a rnuar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the Inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the afleeted parts re ceive heslth, and a permanent core to effected. . The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walor's Vinroar Bit tiks are the best safe-guard In cases of erup tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative prop erties allay pain In the nervous system, stomach and bowels, either from inflamma tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Direetlonev-Take of the Bitten on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing food, such asbeet-steak, mutton chop, veni son, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetsW" ifgredfenls, and contain no spirit. W. Hf. !tt.I0.AI.!l & CO., Dragglsts A Gen. Agis., Bun I'rMiclaco.Cal., A ror. Washington and Charlton Sis., N.Y. BOLD BY ALL liRl'CllBTS A l'tULERS. Ft, R. R CCBfS TDE WOEST PAWS IN FKOM ONE TO TWENTY MIMOTB. NOT ONE HOUR Aftw rll- thU dTrMm-t Mi tMj on . SUFFER WITH PAIN. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR. EVERY PAI.M. It ni the nt u U THE ONLY PAIN EEMEDY TUt lnittnUi Mop t- t icnicltl- Hni, allan lnflamm-HoM, -M !" 0W. mK tie Lawpi Suk-, BoI, or oiti l-o or rgu ; ty om I)llictiB, 1 FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. N m-ltm bow Tlolontor Hcracl-tilif tho Ml- - HIIEUMATIC, BuJ-ri.iaen, luttrm, Cri.pleo, furroiu, Norl(tc, ot pmtraud sith at omv wllilt, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION Ot THE BOWELS, . CONGESTION OF THE LUNOS, SORE THROAT, 0fT, HYSTERICS, CROUP, B-J HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, , NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Tba epilation of tbi KK.tOV RELIEF to tho portot putti obm tho pain ot dlBtcultjr ulu will QhM mm Wi oomfort. .... , , , Tw.nty dropt in blf tmnbln of water will In a f.w mom.uu cot. CRA MPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, SICK HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLC, WIND IK THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Iranian iboold alwayi cttry a bottla of Kad wit'i Head; KtUtt wltb ibMn. A tow drop, m want will pt l ikkn.M ot palm from cbo ol watet. ItabaUattbuFtciicb Btandy ot Bitten u a itimulanl. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE con for fifty coatt. Tbm I not a remedial ntprat in thU wotld that will core Feyr and AglM, and all othtt Malarlout, Bllloai, Sc.rl.v Typhoid, Yellow, and otbet Feven (aided by RAD VJAY'S PILLS) eo quica ai RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cent! pet bottle. Sold by Druffliete. HEALTH! BEAUT!!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASE e OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. Dr. RADWAY'S r has made the most astonishing cures ; so quick, so rapid are the t'hangts the body undergoes. under the influence of this truly Wonderful medicine. THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. Enry drop ef the BARSAPARILLIAN RESOLV ENT communicate, through the Blood, Sweat, Urine,, and other fluid and juice, of the intern the vigor life, far It repair, the waetea ol tb. body with now aud otnd material. Scrofula, Sypbllla, Coiunmptlon, Glan dular dlaaaee, Clean la the Threat, Mouth, Tuffiort, Nodoa ia the Glaad. aad other parte of the lyitem, Son Eye., Strumous DlKhaifee from the Ean, and the waru war. of Skin dleeaoee, Eraptloa., Ferar Sore., Scald Head, Ring-Worm, Salt Rheum, Eryirpelat, Acne, Blach Spot., Worau ia tb. Fleah, Tamon, Cancan la the Womb, aad all waahealagaad palnfoi diKhann., Nlfbt Swaate, Lou at Sperm, aad all waate. of the life prtBdple, are wlthta th. earatire tmnfe of tht. won der of Modern CbetaUtry.aad a law day.' UN will prore to any pereoo aatfig It fur either of Ibeee form, of dlaaaee h potest power to care them. If Ike patient, daily becoming reduced by the waate. aad decottrpoaltfoa that I. eaanaaally progTeaalng, eve teedi la armtlni there waate., aud reualn the eama wltb new matertalmade from healthy blood aod tbla the BARSAPARILLIAN will aad dot. recur.. Not only dot. the SaaaaraaiLUaa RlaoLvsareteei all known remedial taenia ia the core of Chronic, Scrofalout, CoaaUtatloaa), aad Si la dlaeue.; bat It hi the only soatthe can lor KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary aad VTaeab alaeawt, Grerel, DlabaUa, loprt, Stoppage of Watet, Incontlaeace of Uriae, Bright'. DV .are, Albuminuria, and In all caeei where there are hrkidut deaoalta, or the water U thick, cloudy, mliod with .ubrtance. like the white otan em, or thread. Ilk. white .Ilk, or there at a ararbM, dan, blllou. appaaraaoe, and white boaedaat depoclU, aad when then le a prltb laf , baraint aeaeatioa wbea paealnr water, and pala la the Small of the Back aad atom; the Louu. Price, 11.00. WORMS. Tat only known aad lure Remedy for WORMS--rUI, TAPE, ate. Tumor of 12 Tear$ ' Growth Cured i Radway' BetolvenU Dr. RADWAY'S Perfect Prol? i Pis, perfectly laeteltaa, altganUy coated with .weei nia. nnrge, regulate, purify, cleanta, and .trenithen. Rad way'. Pin., for tie can of all dUordar. of tire Stomach. Liver, Bowel., Kidney., Bladder, N err mil Dleaare., Headache, Cooitlpatloa, Coatlreneu, Indlmnllon, Dye, Bflloaaaaea, Blllou. Fever, Inflammatloa of the, Pile., aad all Detaaf ratate of the Interaal Varcera. Warranted la .Act a reelllre cure. Purely Vefttablt, containing no mercury, mineral., or dela Urtou. drufi.. A few dm. of RADWAY'S FILLS will free tat yriom frcaa all Oat alareaawDad dteerdtn. Prlct, n oeata per boa. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS READ " FALSE AKD TRUE," Send oat letter eaat to RADWAY CO., No. 11 Warren Street, NtwTtrk. lufurmalloa worth tboaaand. wilt be Ha HOLLOWAY'S Every Hanliisofii Pliysician OATJTIO". mv. irrmniH'tlomanl f' HOLLOW AT'.1 1 rtl.l.' lin.i oiNTMKST Ki -n"nl iiiitrirte,tili I ttnr' lv twaMunU'tfoit ilieauvdlu ,tiiiitM)i 'Niiih'. n i-t un'infffMliPTiiil 'tn'J nurselvcs. tve h v juLjtta.T- n iirvr " Trifle Mark." consist lillrtf ;ct BntvirttHH drrlfl ol i senwii, witlt. Hi'!,-! ir H in lite 'li-iitrs. !.vn-buxufgtin- llille.I,m.l.ll-AVJl r.ll. Slhl Oll.TMH.1T Will tin id tiila tie. in IntMf. ua it ; noun are jpuuittm tv;t)...ilf,t), w,V.(!iirwiMri--i ' ,-rWoia, iwYotk. CHAM'. IttlHiIMM, Sim fninelfeprt, I'ol. 31 t..vitl lorilirlVUlt'l'tH. taifii ifisora