The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 28, 1873, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' 4
Terrible Aa uKNT.-l)r. J. L.
Hill, on Sunday, was called on to visit
.-. vom.2mannamlKdwan1Cook.)nl
of Hev. M. Cook, who resides about j
three miles west of Buena Vista. Polk
comity, said young man having that
morning taken the benefit of a powder
blat in his eyes, burning the left eye
almost to a crisp, more or less injuring
tlie right eye, and leaving handsome
evidences of its power all over his face
and head. The circumstances ot the
case as related to us are as follows:
Young Cook, who had been engaged
in splitting or blasting logs near the
house with powder, on i-kturdayeharged
a large log with powder ami building
m fire over the charge, left it to ex-
ploile at Its leisure. Going out to the
spot Sunday morning lie found that
the fire had went out without Igniting
the pWler. He thereupon proceeded j
to build auother fire over the charge I
of powder in the log, and while in the
act of tanning the fire to a fiercer
blaze, the powder became Ignited and
exploded, the whole force of the ex- j
plosion apparently striking him in the
face, burning and lascerating his face
:i above described. Dr. Hill thinks
the left eye is a goner, but tlie right
eye may possibly be saved, and the
sight partially, al least, retained. Too
much earrfiao can not be exeicised
when handling powder.
Fast Stsmueh. The Annie Stew
art, owned by Gilman, Corbett, Gold
smith and Teal, is to commence mak
ing regular trips up the Willamette
river te this city, ami to Harrisbnrg
when "the stage of water in the river
ill permit, in a few days. She is a
very fast steamer said to be tlie fast
ed ever built in California. The fol
lowing description of her is from tlie
Portland linlletin :
i'he entire length of the vessel is
I 'JO feet ; beam. 27 feet ; hold, 7 feet.
Her registered capacity is 2(10 tons.
The cabin is 15 feet in lieight, and 100
leet in length. About 20 feet of the
rear nortiou of the cabin is devoted to
the ladies' cabin. Tlie main saloon,
dining and gentlemen's room, is about
liO feet long. The state rooms on each
,-ide of the cabin number 22. and con
tain about 60 berths. Attached to the
forward part of the cabin is a pantry,
lr and office, eaeh occupyhigditferent
apartments. Site Is provided with
two engines, eaeh of six-feet stroke
and eighteen-liich bore, having a work
ing capacity of over 200 horse power.
The wheefis 19 feet in diameter. 18
feet long and has 17 buckets, each
bucket being 18 inches in width. The
toiler is 29 feet long, including the fire
box tabes, 20 feet long and over 180 in
"Champion" Washer. The new
washing machine now being int reduced
into tills county by Mr. O. H. Scott, Is j
superior to anything we liave yet seen
used, in every respect. With it a
twelve year old child can do a big
washing In one hour, and the washing-1
will be better done than it is, ivue
times out of ten, where done In tile j
old way. Washings tliat have here-
tofore taken two women all day, hard !
work tit that, can be done easily, by
one, in from one to two hours. It is
one of the greatest lalior savors of- the
dav. It certainly gtaea butter satisfac
tion than any- stellar machine offered
for sale. For- part ieuJam call on the
agent. O. O. Stott.
Three HrsWE. The Portland
papers speak of a committee of gen
tlemen having arrived in that city,
who were appointed to spy out the
land" of this region, awt report to a
colony composed of three hundred
soldiers ot the late war. who are pre
I siring, with their families, to locate
permanently, either here or in Kansas.
The most of this colony are now in
Ohio, though some are in Indiana and
Illinois. Tliey represent all trades,
and would be a valuable acptisition to
our State. We hoo tliey may not
lung '"halt between two opinions," but
wlien the re-girt of the committee i
about Oregon reaches them, may be
persuaded to come over and cnt their i
lot wtfh us.
RELIGIOUS. Rev. Dr. Ocarv will
preach in tlie Court House next Sab
bath at 11 o'clock A. M., and in tlie
Svenuiij, Adliindted,, j
Farmer!! i Inb Dtstrirt So. 'J3.
Farmers of Linn and adjoining
counties, reuiember the call to meet in
Albany, on Saturday, March 8th. in
convention, for the purpose of form
ing an incorporated company to bnild
warehouses and take such other meas-
nres as shall be deemed nectary to
WW" to the farmer the profits of his
industry. each member of the
convention go to Albany on that day
with the firm and fixed purpose to
harmonize and facilitate the business
for which they are called together, it
is expected that Mr. Win. Ruble and
otliers will deliver addresses on agri
culture before the convention on that
The gentlemen selected to represent
District No. 25 in the County Conven
tion are : Messrs. Isaac MeClung. C.
T. Ingraham and Geo. F. Simpson.
Mr. P. Lowe was selected to act as
one of tlie incorporators.
McFarland's School House, Febru
ary 24th. 1873.
BUSINESS At the last meeting of
Oak Creek Farmer's Club, it was re
solved to build n warehouse at Astoria,
and to that end a resolution passed, re
questing the different clubs throughout
the county to send each one member,
the whole number thus selected to
meet in this city on Thursday i.vester
dy), and draw up articles of incorpo
ration forming a company for such
purpose, fixing the amount of stock,
amount of each share, etc. This be
gins to look like business. The enter
prise lias our best wishes for its suc
cess. Tlie intention is, we believe,
to first secure a warehouse at Astoria,
and then to build or purchase ware
bouses in this city.
G. A. R. The Grand Army of the
Republic give a concert ar.d ball on
the evening of March 4th (next Tues
day evening), at tlie Skating Rink in
Portland. It will be a magnificent
affair, without a doubt, as the G. A.
R.'s never do things by halves. The
concert will be conducted by leading
musicians of Portland, assisted by the
eighteenth infantry band, etc. Tickets
admitting parties to the concert, 50c
each ; tickets to ecneert and ball. $2.
50, which is awful cheap. There is
ample room on the floor of the Skating
Rink for forty sets dancers. Of course
the attendance will be immense, and
it will be a moving scene. For re
membering ns with a complimentary,
tlie Committee have our best bow.
Another Pioneer Gone. Mr.
William K. Mauzey, who died at his
residence in Salem on the 24th instant,
of consumption, had been a resident of
Oregon for twenty years. Deceased
was born In Fairfax county, Virginia..
From Virgin he emigrated to Mls-
amJ , to 0
where he arrive(J h) lm UeM
lhe death of a Christian, beloved and
respected by all who knew hint, aged
63 years, 9 months and 24 days, V,
Following are tlie officers of Diamond
Eneamyineiir, organized by W. Win-
nle, D. G. C;,.in this uiy on Saturday
last: M.V. Brown.. C: Mrs. H. D.
Godley. .1. C..; M. M, Hart, R. S.;
W. H. Jackson,. F. S.; G. B. Royal.
T. ; I). E. Taylor, I. G. ; W. S. field
ing, O. G. Meet every Friday night.
"Epizootics Distanced" Is what
the matter with the Bay Team by
tlie way, the most accommodating and
useful institution in the city. If you
wish furniture or goods of any kind
delivered speedily and safely to any
portion ot the city, on tlie most lilieral
terms, will on Mr. A. X. Arnold. See
new ad. to-lay.
Fragrant. Messrs. A. Cat-others
it. Co. have received :i fresh annnlv ,.f
f.,. .4NnW hnd Th.
, .... t .mi.ii. h, ,.n
enough for the side-pocket of the coat, Mow,V' Paw-F' tnii" K0"' wuh
each box containing ten cigars. Kbra I P"" tl,U dt' ht H W: SlnS r,orth'
No. I cigar thev are cheap, and will 12 M Tl.ischange will be a great ac
doubttess go like hot cakes. Try 'em. mmodatten to our folks.
Wkhsterian. An English shillhijf is
equivalent to nearly 2.' cents. The
English Imperial bushel. Introduced hi
1821. weighs a fraction over 64 pounds.
An English "quarter" Is 8 bushels, or
512 pounds..
Paragramlets. Heavy frost Mon
day night.
Fight among the College boys on
By the new ordinance, the night
watch is to extend his beat throughout
the city.
Hiram Smith, Esq., called on Mon
day. High's visits are always wel
come. Several ot our merchants start for
San Francisco In a few days.
The report that the Modoc Commis
sioners had been "sculped," unfortun
ately seems to be a riiistake. If it had
proven true, they would have been
handsomely interred.
Rebekah Lodge meets tomorrow
evening. Come early.
Orgeana Encampment meets this
(Friday) evening.
A first class Washington hand press
for sale, at this office, cheap.
Messrs. Smith & Brasfield have pur
chased all the warehouses In Junction
The "Beehive Store" lias the hand
somest sign in the city.
City Council met on Tuesday even
ing, and passed the ordinance creating
a night watch.
Sixty dollars a month Is what the
city pays its police officer.
Property-holders have been ordered
to make all necessary repairs on alley
crosswalks and sidewalks within ten
days after notice given by the Marshal.
The completion of the Canal to this,
city, will effectually drain the swail
that comes in at the south and runs off
toward the east end of tlie city.
Chas. Roggers has closed his saloon
and gone to the Sound for bis health.
The Farmer's County Convention,
meets in this city one week from to
.fudge Dolph, of Portland, was in the
city on Tuesday and Wednesday, afr.
tending to law business.
Slight snow storm on Wednesday.
For new city ordinances see to-day's
.los. Speidel returned from Califor
nia on Tuesday.
This number (20) completes the first
half of volume five of the Register.
As we wish to withdraw entirely
from the printing business, we offer a
good chance to a sound Republican to
go into the newspaper business.
A splendid article of dried beef at
Franklin meat market.
Two fines before the Recorder dur
ing the week fighting and using knss
Israelites. A Mr. MacLeod, writ
ing from Japan, says that he is con
vinced that the Japs are true lineal'
descendants ot Jacob. The Japs are,
then, one of the tribes of Israel. We
are glad MacLeod has come to this
decision, for if he had not, and his de
cision had been less flattering, it Is
harrowing to think to what depths the
Japs might have been plunged in their
grief and tribulation thereat.
To Teachers. There will be a
pnbltc examination of teachers held in
the Albany District School House on
Saturdav. March 29. commencing at
il o'clock A. M. Certificates, if grant
ed, free. For certificates granted at
private examination a fee of $2 50
will be charged.
L. J. S'i'lTKS.
County School Sunt.
Sprained Elbow. A little g"rl,
sister of Mr. J. R. Llerren. whilst
playing at chool on Monday last, fell
and put lier ejhow out of joint. Dr.
Gamble being called in, reduced the
dislocation, and his little patient is
doing as well as could be expected.
Painting. Dr. G. W. Gray and II.
Weed have each procured neW'signs."
both of which are splendid specimens
of art and not to be easily excelled..
Mr. Margrat. the artist, handles the
brush with great skill and taste.
Timk CHANGED. A new time-table,
ln the 0.4 0. Railroad, took effect
ASSAULT with Pocketkniee. -Indian
Frank, arrested on Thursday.
charged with cutting Indian Mary
wkh pocketknlfe, in the back, making
a baunwAiud. bound over by Recorder
Ilaunnuv acting as J. P., to appose at
the next term ot the Circuit Vomf..
Another Victim. The Portland
HulM'H ot .Monday gives this : A few
weeks ago a young miss of about 18
yea is was brought to Portland in
charge of a gentleman, who was to
take her to il brother hi Walla Wapiti.
Wh.n the gentleman was rwtdy to
leave for lhe upper country the girl
was sick and unable to accoinpa.iy
him. but was provided wiA a home In
a private family ou Washington street
until such time as slut -bould lie able
to proceed on her journey. I!cr action
was considered strange, and o ie night
she left her prnteeiots' charge and
went hack to the hotel without expla
nation, intending to leave next tfcly
for Walla Walla. In the morning sia
was still unable to travel, and that
day the gentleman hi who-,- family
she had resided found her. and asked
her how she expected to go without
money -as she was not provided with
that indispensable item. After a short
interview. In which she w as told by
the landlord of the hotel that she had
better remain with her friends until
she received money from her brother,
she consented to return to the family
on Washington street, where it was
soon ascertained that he was mirleute.
This explained things, and as the un
fortunate and wronged creature liad
yet no means to defray her expenses,
a purse was contributed by her friends
here which took her hack into the
Willamette Valley, and her wrongs
were made klioA'n in tlie presence of
the wife of him whom she asserts had
wrought her ruin. Ills another one
of those sad cases we presume so fre
quent of late the world over, and
which will no doubt be retteated with
impunity until some salutary example
is made." We purposely suppress the
names until the matter takes its course
according as the laws which have been
outraged can lie applied for the pun
Ishment of the party implicated. The
girl is a horoeles orphan, of rather
prepossessing appearance, ami ot more
than ordinary mind. Her brother is
expected here this week, when legal
steps will lie instituted by an injured
wife for divorce, and by the wronged
brother for punishment of the scmnp
who has ruined and forever cast be
yond the pale of society a blood sister,
all that was left on earth for him to
hold dear.
Bai Ego. Says the Bulletin, we
clip the following from tlie February
number of the California Teacher : "At
the meeting of the State Board of Ed
ucation, in December last, the Life
Diploma of Nicholas Furlong was re
voked, on the ground of immortal con
duct on the part of the holder. At a
meeting of the State Board of exami
nation, in January, tlie Educational
Diploma of Nicholas Furlong was re
voked for the same reason. Nicholas
Furlong, was Countv Superintendent
ot Santa Clara county in 1869-71. It
is charged that while teaching school
in said county, he seduced, under
promise of marriage, one of his pupils,
and when the matter came to light,
fled the State, coming to Salem, Ore
gon, where lie engaged in teaching
school. The Statesman says the School
Directors, getting wind of the above
charge, wrote to tlie authorities in
Santa Clara comity in regard to tlie
matter, and received renly that the
girl's mother was a loose character,
and the girl no better, and they be
lieved the charge originated in a con
spiracy against Furlong that the only
blame they attached to him was for
leaving liefore the matter was cleared
up. Furlong Is still teaching.
RunaWAT. A team belonging to
Mr. Rankin, attached to a wagon, ran
away on Thursday, (Demolishing the
ytsgon. The team received no Injury.
Iwarding&Commiss'n Hercbauts.
Peltiers In Merchandise and Produce. A
good assortment of all kinds of Goods ul-
I ways tn store nt lowest market rates.
I Agents for sale of Wagons, (imin Drills,
I ( faier Mills, Churns, 4c., 4c.
At Salem, Or., on the 24th Inst.. W.
K. Mauzey. Funeral ceremonies at
tite M. E. Church. South Salem, ou the
2'ith lust.
AMnemtor Notice.
A please have tn readiness when I "hall
he around to make an ifsessmtut of ihdlr
property for the vear 1K78. a correct ties,
criptlouof l heir lands, lvln as near a
may he parts of Section, Townhh' and
Hnieje In Which each piece or iivel is sit
uated, or where that cannot he had, the
original donation claimant. No, of Nli!l
catloii and No. of Claim. By so dohiit all
person will lie enable I to moke (he n 'ce
sarv aiTldavIt to a correct dewrlptlmi of
their property as required liy law ; and all
ersoiis liable to y nod tax are noiiliel
that unless tlie same Is paid at tho I line of
asaexHimmt. the same will Ito nlvcn 'o the
Sherlirforcolleetlouija lw law required.
J. T. TliAUP,
Ordinance No. 3.
An Ordinance providing; for the appoint
ment of Polie ' or KlgSt Watchmen, and
prcseri'iiie; lheir dnt .
lip if ;r l'i )iil by lh- CtatRMM Council of
the ( 'ioj ti' Albam j
SECTin.N 1. That the Cilv Marshal, at
the next regular meeting of i he i;y Coun
cil after the passage oi tills ()rdlnnlee. hy
and with the consent of tite Cltv L'Oilliull,
and annually thereafter at the Bust mtu
lar meeting in each year of the Conndl,
shall apiKiin; one PolKe or Night Watch
man. SRC, . Before entering uixm his duties
said Policeman or Night Watchman shall
tile with 1 he Reorder u un'tltHale ot his
aniiointmenl, with lliso.lirial nai ;i endot
ed thereon, to the I'tfttcl thru he will laith
fully demean himseif in oiliuu.
Ski . 3. It shall hethednty Of said Police
or Night Watolnuan loexw iite ti i piiKtws
es dtreeted to him by the Reeofler; to
make arrests tor a breach of the peace, for
the viohftion of any city or llnanee, or for
the eotmnission of any 'crime wllllln the
city limits, as a peace oflleer may under
the laws of this Slate; to light and iitko
charge, us watchman, of the city hv night,
under the direct Ion of tha City .Marshal,
andtoe-teinl hislHsat throughout t he city;
ami he shall at all limes he subject to the
orders of the City Marshal l nr. 'serving
tin peace and good order of i he city.
SBC. 4. The Counc il mav increase or di
minish the lmin'icr of "Police or Night
Watchmen at any time when in their judg
ment the safety and best Interests of lhe
city demand it ; Provlti it, The Council
may at any time remove any policeman
or night watchman.
Sir. ft. The pay of the Police or Night
Watchmen shall tc tixed at the tlrst reg
ular meeting of the Council In each year,
or as soon thereafter as may tie practicable,
and shall not exceed sixty dollars per
moui li tor each police or night watchman,
tola1 audited and tiid monthly ns other
accounts against the city; iVurtrttJ, It
shall not lie lawful for inch police or night
watchman to ask or receive, In any man
ner whatever, or from any source, pay or
componsat ion for such service as police or
nightwatcli, other than Is provided by this
Si-r. ti. All ordinances or parts of ordin
ances, not consistent with this or liunnce,
be and the same are hereby repealed.
Sn 7. Tbis Ordinance to take effect
and !e in force from and ufter five days
from its publication.
Passed the Council, February J5. 1H73.
Apiwved,, IH7S.
Attest : Jos. Hannon, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Ordinance No. 4.
An Ordinance relating to letting contracts
by I lie city.
A' ii. ordained by Oik Ci.vvnm. Chuncil o
ih. City ot Albany :
Skction 1. That all contracts for work
or labor or any Improvement for the city,
shall lie by contract or contracts let by tho
Council to the lowest responsible bidder.
ski-. 2, Public notice shall lie given of
anv contract to lx' lei, by ixisting npprlnt
ed not ices in. at least, three public places in
the di v.fcf-intf less than live days next
preceding the meeting of the Council at
which such contract wfll lie let, surhnnticu
to Specify tlie nature and kind of work,
labor or improvement to lie done, and the
date and honraf the meeting of the Coun
cil at which tite bids will lie received, tbe
Council always reserving the right to re
ject anv ami all bids.
Skc. 3. All bids or proposals shajl bo
sealed and tiled with the Recorder on or
before the horn-designated in the notice of
tbe meeting at which bids will lie received.
Ilissed the Council February i, Wii.
Approved Feb. At, 187S.
AJtest : Jos. IIanmin, City Recorder.
FOUND ax, Last ! A remedy that
not only relieves, but cures Consump
tion iiuil its numerous satelites which
revolve around it in the shape of
Ceiighs. Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis,
etc. This remedy is Dr. W titer1 liii
am of liVW Cherry. 27
i:w iO-UAY.
lay tn-c. Thank ml for past favors.,
and wishing to merit the continuance of
the same, t ha-BAY TKAM will always he
realy, and easily toimd,.to do any hauling
within the city limit, for a reasonable.
comiK'nsation. fc5" Well very ol'Uoodn
n p.Tlnlty A. N. ARNOLD,
ie,i Proprietor.
debte 1 to me by book account, are
hereby re.ipies,Ml to come forwaril and
se lie I heir reiX'CtiNe ucconnls Ix'tween
this and be Is of March, For that,
pui' Hi-e 1 will be found dally ut my funnel
place ol business, between 111 o'clock A. M.
and 2 o'clock P. M. JOHN (jANTtRk
AIIny,Jan. J, WTWMf
building, south side of First, between
Ferry and Broadalbln streets, when! he
ntectfully calls the attention of his ens
l oincrs ami the public to a new and well
assorted stock of
Cirocerlea, Provf alons, & :., .
which he is now offering at reduced price
Foi Cash 6r Tnxdo.
The highest market prices mtd for all
kinds of Country Produce.
fciTLook for the (olden Beehive, No. BO.
First street, Albnny, Oregon.
2iv5in2 II. WEED.
Diwolutlon of 'o-Pir(nemhlp.
NptlfJK IS HERKBV (ilVEN that the
co-'flrtncrshlp coni)ioscd of of D.
Beach, Thos. Monteith and A. S. Knox,
under the llrin-nunie of Bench, Monteith
A Co., engaged in lhe business of ninnu
fnetnring flour ut AUmny, Oregon, and In
tho commission business In the sale ot
dour at San Francisco, California, is dis
solved as to the said A. S. Knox, he retir
ing from said co-rtnersbip. The raid D.
Beach and Thos. Monteith continue the
said co-imrtncrship as to themselves under
the name of Bench Montelt h.
A. 8. KNOX.
This W day oyfttt., ltM-Bw