The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 28, 1873, Page 4, Image 4

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$1 UtKiii S!3 rtie!4iv
wumi; M Will
V. H. Official Paper Ibr Oregon.
Homo Reading.
Oiio of the inquiries of the day
is, "What can we do fortlie wel
fare of our boys and girls?" What
kind of agencies can be brought to
tiear upon them which are adapted
best to their intelligent and useful
development ? Among other things,
the head of the family should not
tail to supply them with good read
ing. This cannot fail to work a
wonderful transformation among
them. The reading matter should
lie selected with judicious care from
every department of literature.
Nothing of doubtful veracity, phil
osophy or morals, should be per
mitted to enter the sacred precincts
of the home circle. There should
lie history and biography ; philo
sophical, scientific and polite litera
ture and poetry, and a good supply
of magazine and newspaier reading.
The perusal of these will gradually
but surely awaken a spirit of intel
ligent inquiry, so necessary to strong
and usefulmental expansion. As they
read of meiiand places; of thoughts
and events ; of deeds and plans of
the past and the present, an expand
ing ambition, a new lite of knowl
edge, love and obligation will open
out before them ; and so the change
will be wrought. They will ex
lnd in an atmosphere of increas
iug usefulness and pleasure. The
Iwys will become self-reliant, strong
thinking, useful men. The girls
will become gifted, graceful, virtu
ous women. Is this estimating the
general influence ot good reading
too highly ? We opine not It is
an enlightener which will enlighten
every man's household. It is a
torch of intelligence which will
burn with brilliancy wherever set
up. Try it, reader, if you have
hitherto failed to do so.
The First Cnae.
Robert M., an attorney of
San Francisco, was recently indict
ed by the Grand Jury o! that city
tor attempting to bribe a juryman
in the Brothertons' forgery case, he
lieing one of their attorneys, lie
was tried twice. At the first the
jury failed to agree, and were dis
charged. The second trial was had
week before last, resulting in the
omviction of the accused. Amo
tion for a new trial was made by
liee's counsel, but the Judge over
ruled it, and sentenced the prisoner
to a fine of $1,000, or, in default of
jiayment, to imprisonment for a
term of one year. This is pronounc
ed the first case of the kind on this
coast, and it is to be hoped it may
I x' the last Not thai lawyers, who
commit the crime of embracery
should not be indicted and punish
ed, but that they may never de
grade themselves and their profes
sion so low as to commit the offense.
A queer way to determine the
height of a tree is practiced among
Mir Canada neighbors. Hie meas
urer walks from tlie tree, looking
at it occasionally from between bis
knees When he can see the top
in this way, the distance from there
to the foot of the tree equals its
height We think we know of
some fat men who would never see
the top.
The Kanaaa New Senator.
The Kansas City Timet gives,
the following complimentary notice
of the successor of Pomeroy, John
James Ingalls :
7'his gentleman, who was yester
day unanimously elected United
States Senator from Kansas, to suc
ceed the disgraced Pomeroy, is a
practising attorney of Atchison.
He is about 40 years of age, and
is a man of great individuality and
originality. He is one of the early
settlers of Kansas, having taken a
prominent part in the bonier troub
les of 1S58. He is a Radical of
the strictest sect, but is withal a
polished man of the wot Id ami an
agreeable gentleman, though slight
ly given to cynicism. lie has been
in politics but little, and has noth
ing more than a local reputation as
a politician having only represented
his county in the Legislature. His
chief reputation is of a literary
diameter, and this he has mostly
acquired within the past year by
his contributions to the Kansas
Magazine. He is really a brilliant
magazinist, and his productions
have been largely copied. To this
principally he owes his election, and
it was generally understood last
week that his claims were being
secretly but earnestly pushed by a
syndicate of newspaper men con
gregated at the Capital.
Mr. Ingalls will make a brilliant
Senator, aud iu intellect will be the
peer of any in the Senate Chamber.
Killing and milking Alive.
The following incident of killing
and making alive again, was print
ed in the London Globe, purporting
to have come from France. A Ger
man I'rofessor is represented as hav
ing gained the consent of M. Thiers
to take possession of two condemned
Communists, Dodu aud Rrun by
name, that he might experiment
with them by first killing, and then
in three month after restoriug
them to life. His plau was to inject
solution of calx into the system, by
which decomposition was to be pre
vented ; and according to his theory
the patient might be revived, not
only at the end of three month", but
of three hundred years, according to
desire. In the presence of medical
men aud public functionaries, the
Professor, having administered chlo
roform to each of the men, injected
the solution aud then
The corpses were then dessicated by
the heat of furnaces till they shriv
eled and the skin became yellow like
leather. In this state they remain
ed in a moderate temperature for
the prescribed three months, and
then the process of revivification be
gan by injecting the blood of two
healthy laborers and applying the
galvanic battery. The process com
pletely tailed in the case of Dodu.
Hut in that of 1 'run, the result was,
to say the least, surprising. First,
Rolled in their yellow sockets, the
muscles began to twitch, the heart
to beat ; and after fourteen hours of
treatment, Brun spoke, rose from
the table, swallowed a bowl of beef
tea and several ounces of brandy,
aud audibly grumbled of soreness in
his limbs and ot pain in the regions
that had rested- on the table. He is
said to be now alive and well in
Switzerland under the assumed
name of Forbes, while post mortem
examination showed that fatty de
generation of the heart bad pre
vented the revival of Dodu. The
attention of persons wishing to be
revivified is called to this circum
stance, as showing them that heart
disease is especially to be avoided
by them.
An exchange says, "A female
pastor is iu training at Lake
City.1' We suppose in good time
she will take the field and present
her points.
Austria will recognize the lie
public of Spain so soon as officially
notified of its establishment
It is rumored that James Gordon
Bennett contemplates establishing, a :
daily newspaper in London on the
"American plan."
7'he widow of the late Edwin
51. Stanton, Secretary of War, is
said to be in rapidly declining
A "flying corps" for standing
duty, is the inconsistent proposition
of the Signal Service Bureau.
The House Committee on l'ublic
Buildings have agreed to report
that the present Executive mansion
I is unsuited for the private residence
I of the President, but may be used
jas offices for the Executive De
partment. They also agree to re-
port in favor of building a new
Presidential residence.
New indictments have been pre
sented against T weed and Connol-
It is now stated that the woman
! has been found who picked up a
! pistol alleged to have belonged to
j Fisk, upon the landing of the
ladies entrance at the hotel where
! he was murdered, and her presence
! can be corroborated. Judge Davis
! is said to have been aware of this
when he granted a stay of proceed
Gen. Dorris was before the Sena,
torial Bribery Investigation Com
mittee at Jefferson City, Mo., on
the 20th inst. His testimony was
frank and decidedly funny. lie
said he brought $4,000, and his sop
Tom $15,0000, cash, to Jefferson
City. Tom's object was to ban
quet members in the event of the
witness' election as Senator. He
denied any connection with Bogy ;
said he no more expected Bogy to
be elected than that he would ba.
struck by lightning. He was in
favor and in hopes of breaking up
the caucus, in which case he ex
pected a compromise candidate to
be pnt up, and hoped he (Dorris)
would-be the man. He thought he
had the inside track, as he had the
most money. The amount of money
he proposed to spend might seem
large to some men, but it wasn't to
him; he wouldn't feel it. His ex
penditures in Jefferson City amount
ed to $3,500, and he took the rest
of the $15,000 back to St. Louis.
At Johnstown, X. Y., Feb. 21,
the Cayodutta House and several
dwellings and places of business
were burned. Loss, $75,000.
At Bridgeport, Conn., on the
2 1st, a tire consumed thirteen first
class houses. Loss, less than $200,
Here is what an Ohio journal
says about the Modoc war :
About the most ludicrous Indian
complication that the Government
ever become involved in, is that
with the Modoos of Oregon. The
United States ot America are con
fronted by something less than forty
of the mighty Modocs, who have
betaken themselves to some inac
cessible hole or other, where the
Federal forces are moving upon
them. The hole is so "close" that
Sherman will be unable to march
an army corps into it. It is in con
templation therefore to make regu
lar siege approaches to the exca
vation. If that fails, and the Mo
docs show a design of pulling the
hole in after them, efforts will either
be made to drown them out by
water from thirteen squirt guns, or
to dig them out with cum trained
to hunt wood-chucks. The Gov.
crnment may have to call tor vol
unteers tor three years or the war,
before we can have peace with the
Mount Vesuvius is said to lie a
tine old crater.
Mark Twain thinks himself a
better man than George Washing
ton He says, Washington could
not tell a lie. I can, but won't "
A man who was told to remem
ber Lot's wife, replied that he had
trouble enough with his own. with
out remembering other men's wives.
A doctor went out for a day's
sx)rt, and comp'ained of having
killed nothing. That's the conse
quence of having neglected your
business, observed his wife.
What is that which must lie
takci from you before you can give
it away ? Your photograph.
"A ienny for your thoughts,
miss," said a gentleman to a pert
beauty, "They are not worth a
farthing, sir," she replied ; "I was
thinking of you."
You will always notis one thing;
the devil never offers to go into
partnership with a bitty man ; but
yu will often see him offer tew jiue
the lazv, and furnish all the capi
tal. 7' wo Detroit sisters ran away
and got married the other night.
When they returned to pacify their
papa, they found the old gentleman
iu such a state of hilarity at the re
moval of the burden-of their milli
ners' bills, that the newly-made
husbands became painfully sad.
"Ike," said a rusty old heathen
ot the desk, "how do astronomers
measure the distance of the sun?"
"Why," replied the young hopeful,
"they guess a quarter of the dis
tance, and then multiplier by four."
The o!d desk-worm fainted.
" W hat are you hello wi i ig about?"
cried an irate mother at the foot of
the stairs one evening, after her
two Iwys had been put to bed.
"l'lcse mother," said bellowing
Bill, "Jim wants half of the bed."
"Well," says she, "let him have it,
and you take the other half." "Yes
mother," said Bill, "but he wants
to have his halt out of the middle,
and make me sleep on both sides of
Working man : "Ain't yon goin'
to send that boy of yours to school.
Bill?" Bill: "O, willi! He went
one day and when he came home
he told me it was rep'rens'ble to
get drunk ! Think I'll have p'reu
tal teelin's outraged aud all the
sweet an' 'oly union of 'ome'fection
broken by swells teachin' of him !
Come an stan' a pint !"
A cute Yankee went into a liquor
store, and asked for a half gallon of
whisky, to be poured into a gallon
jug. This was done; but when
payment was demanded, t ie man
refused, and the liquor was emptied
out. The would-be purchaser had
probably anticipated something of
this kind, as he had previously
filled the jug half full of water. As
he left the store his face was ra
diant, aud his jug half full ot drinks,
nicely mixed.
Persons not grossly ignorant
sometimes say tbey will lay mean
ing lie down ; that they had laid
lain an hour ; or that the hammer
is laying lying by the tacks. Lie
means to recline ; its past tense is
lay "I lay there all night;" its
participles lying and lain. Lay
(used ot present time) means to put
something down ; one lays a car
pet ; its past is laid "I laid it my
self ;" its participles laying and laid
"I was interrupted while laying
it, and it was not all laid till night."
A Smith Slander. Here's a matter
that calls for Immediate attention at
the hands of those interested. It is
taken from the Chicago Reporter :
Some of our Chicago lawyers rival
those of Philadelphia in sharpness. In
one of our courts, Monday, the follow
ing passages occurred between the
counsel for the plaintiff and defendent:
"Mr. Smith 'Talk about swearing on
the cross; if you knew a little more
about the cross, it would be better for
you.' Mr. King 'You ought to know
semething about it; two of your family
were hung on the cross.' " This bold
declaration that the two thieves who
were crucified with the Saviour were
Smiths is an imputation upon a very
large and respectable family, aud King
deserves to be prosecuted for slander.
Dealer in
R A N G E S .
S T O V E S !
Of the best patterns,
And the usual assortment of furnishbtfi
good to be obtained in a t in si ore.
Repairs neatly and promptly execntei,
on reasonable terms.
Dec. S, ISStt-l
W. H. KUHN & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Healers In
Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools
OAK and ELM Ell SW.
Hardwood Lumber,
Bent Rims, Shafts, role. Ac..
All of which arc now offered to the pulv
lle at low rates. As we make the buuiuess
a specialty, we can aud will keep a better
assortment, at lower prices, tlain any
house in this city.
W. H. Kt'HN A CO.,
Montelth tiro-proof brick, First street .
Albany, June 14, 1372-41vl
(Successor to I). W. Wakefield),
Pal-Flan's Sew Building, Flint Street,
Healer In
All articles warranted pure, and of the
Ix-st quality.
Physicians prescriptions carefully com
pounded.. Albany, Oct. 17. imK-iitf
- Dealers In
AH the popular
and Toilet UoodN.
Particular care and promptness given
Physicians' prescriptions and Family Rec
Albany, Orcgon-ivS