ALBANY HEGISTER. )) ffrijiftrr, fixaxcial ASD CXtMMMM'IAI.. liolrl ill Now York. 114 V Legal Tender, s7'4 "si-. Wheat in Liverpool, IhfcifclftlOd; lub. 12 6rt13s a decline. The stringency in the money market Dtp abated somewhat since t he first of the moiitb, and collections are some what easier, but still money i not to !e ao readily obtained as could be wished. Money nutters are reported much more stringent in the Kast, and more serious complaint is made there than here. Europe is also feeling the depression of tight finances. Com mercial circles in Liverpool are ex tremely uneasy, fearing a money crisis. There are several uuues which have operated to cause the present depres sion in money : the many disastrous onflngriitions of tlie past few months, numerous shipwrecks, etc., which have told so fearfully on the fortunes of in surance companies, are among the most prominent. Another serious drawback has been the numerous iron and coal strikes, proving so detrimen tal to the manufacturing interests of the country. All of these causes, to gether with unlooked for heavy rains in portions of the country, making it almost certain that the next crop will prove largely deficient, have created a general depression in monetary circles, restricting trade operations to the nar rowest Unfits so that all may be pre pared for the worst. Our business men seem to look con fidently forward to a fair Spring trade, altiiough not anticipating the buoyancy tliat has marked the same eriod for several years past. Our merchants will lay in their usual supplies for tlie Spring and Summer trade. Freights are quoted as advanced at San traucisco. masters holding for 4 10si 15s f. ton for wheat to the United Kingdom. On Wednesday the Germini and I'enang were idle, awaiting charter at Portland. Tlie Ilione and Sarah Scott were at Astoria, awaiting a crew. San Francisco quotations show wheat quiet at $1 87'.. f 100 lbs- Oats at $2 Nfef2 20. Portland buyers offer but $1 55 f 100 for small lots of wheat, with slight advance to be obtained for large lots. )ats, 52&55c f. bushel. Butter, 250 30c fib. Kggs. 20c. Albany quotations this week do not differ materially from our last. The price of wheat Is still unsettled, rang ing from (So to 70c f bushel. Butter. 1525c; eggs, ISc. Business generally veiy quiet. Latest Xews, Tlie iiAuguration will be tlie grandest ever given in this country Special, say at the extra session of he Senate for the 4tli of March the I 'resident will nominate for reap pointment every member of his Cabinet, including Houtwell, who proposes to retire in March if elected Senator from Mass. .Secretary Fish has decided to remain through the next administration, and will be in eluded in the nominations. Another special say the Judiciary ( 'ommittee have determined to pre sent articles of impeachment against Tinted States Judge Delahay, of Kansas, whose case tliey lave be gun to examine. The charge is habitual drunkenness, and the fre jueut commission of gross indecen cies while on the bench under the influence of liquor. One of tlie wit nesses is Senator elect Inga'ls, who agreed to pay Delahay's son-in-law 85,000 if he would keep the Judge sober long enough to open court and sign some very important papers. This was done, but In gall's clients refused to pay the nouey, aud he declined to hold himself liable, when suit was brought by Osborne, Delahay's son-in-law, to enforce payment Delahay was ap)ointed from Illinois in 1866. Jjy the burning of a fancy goods store in Washington on the 23d, 440,000 was estimated lost. At Voikville, X. V., on (be morning of the 23d, a beautiful and accomplished young lady, named Klizalieth Mc Guinnis, was burned to death by her c'othes catching fire while she was preparing breakfast. At a Cabinet meeting on the 21st inst., the President said he had concluded that the condition of public business was such as to re quire his presence and that of the Cabinet in Washington. lie there fore thought it best to deter his proposed Southern tour. The 7Ymw' Washington special says the i 'aci lie Mail investigation promises some racy developments. 0. K. Garrison is here, and nettled at not getting his Hrazilian mail subsidy, proposes to tell all he knows. He has a list of Congress men who received money from the agent of the Pacific Mail Company, and will bring some fifty witnesses irom -ncw lorK, together with the books and documents to make the chain of evidence complete. It is said that none of the Xew land Congressmen are implicated. Several members who were ap proached on the subject will come forward and give their evidence. The House Ways and Means Com mittee, which, to investigate the matter, held a secret session to-day, and will commence the examina tion of witnesses next week. Over 8500,000 are said to have been stent in and around Congress, some members receiving as high as $10, 000. It is suggested at Washington that a Commission of five gentle men be appointed by the President, persons not actually engaged in the political discussions of the day, to go to Utah during the recess of Congress and make a thorough in vestigation of the whole Mormon question and report their conclu sions to the next Congress. Sena tor Morton and other prominent men favor this plan, and it is un derstood as satisfactory to the Mor mons. In the Senate on the 24th, a bill was passed granting the right of way to the Walla Walla and Co lumbia River Railroad Co. The Hiver and Harbor appro priation bi'I which passed the House on the 24th inst , appropriated $15, 000 for the Lower Willamette. Personal. Queen Victoria has ordered a marble sarcophagus for the remains of Na poleou. The organ of the Western Congre- gationa lists tne i.nieago Atitmce demands a full investigation of the needier scandal. Beccber is puzzled over a letter from Wisconsh, which wants to know how many of the present Congress will go to Heaven. James Tyler, aged 105. was fined 5 recently in a Chicago Court for beating Ins own son, aged 80. W. B. Robinsou, of Chicago, has fallen heir to an estate valued at $25, 000.000. The property has been in chancery thirty years, the proceedings having been originally commenced by DanleT Webster. At Griffln. Ark.,-Henry D. Chanzy was to be hanged tlie other (lay, and. as no carpenter could he found to erect the scaffold, the condemned man ac cepted tlie Sheriff offer of $20 and pnt op the scaffold himself, and was duly lianged on time. Miss Mary Garvin of Xcw York, the daughter of tlie late District At torney of that city, who set her dress on fire kst week while prering for a party, did so by stepping upon a match which had carelessly been left upon the floor. Susan B. Anthony promises to tell in tier next feature whvslie never mar ried. The public will guess before hand. Rev. O. H. Newton, Chaplain of the Ohio Penitentiary, reports that about 980 of the convicts have profess ed religion since the formation of the Prison Church, a year and a half ago. XEW TO-IIAY. P. II. I; VYMllSl). a. r. wiikixki:. POSf OFFICE STOHE. UAYtfoXf) & wheeler, 1'KALhT.S. IN MISCELLAXEors BOOKS, SCHOOL Books, Blank Books ami Stationery. Choice Hnvnun Cigars & Tobnrro. Tlie lariest stock Of fine Candies and Contest lonaries ever brought to Albany. Western futon Telegraph Co. 's office. Goods In our line importod to ordor, at 1 shortest jxMMblu not toe. CSf The only place in town when' a ' real Rood Cigar can be obtained. 8-irCAM, AXO BEB.S 20n . W. WAMBLE, M ., Physician, Snrjteon A- Accoucheur, ALBAXY. OREOOS, OFFICE C.Men First street, two doom east of Mealey's Furniture Shop. 10v8 1 ST. CHILES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON, H. H. m KOIS. . Proprietor. BY STRKT ATTEXTH )X TO THE ( ! M fort and wellhetng of all guests of tlie house, the proprietor hoped to deserve and receive the generous patronage of a dis criuilnating public. I8v5 Great Bargains! GEORGE "TURRELL WILL SELL HIS, Large A Extensive Stoek or K v i p VTtt uS AIi cfco., cfco., cfco., at exceedingly LOW RATES FOR CASH. He begs to call attention to his large stock of HEX A BOYS' CLOTIIIXfi which he is determined to sell lower than ever. Please call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. feiT Keineiuber the address (;EOIiliK TURBELL, First-St., Alliany. K-iTHhrliest nrlce nakl for Conntrv rruouce. Iv5 J. McCOY, lUCAT.Klt IN TAKK8 PLEASl'BE IX IXFOKMIXG his numerous friends and acquaint ances that n has on hand a large supply of Saddles A Harness, which he wll sell at prices to suit the limes. At Butlert old eland, HraMW., ALBANY, OREGON. 1 decft-Umi; FLAX SEED! FLAX SEED ! ! Good Clean Seed tarnished FariuerH for Sowing. Highest Crush Price Paid on all contracts made prior to Jann ary 1st, VKI. Farmers have choice of seed itft'ordinK to date of contract. Printed In strnetlons regarding the preparation of soil, amount to the acre, average yield, 4c., Ac., furnished to all applicants. Alliany, Dec. S, 7Ilm2 Sole Agents Foundrymen. Blm-kwuiUhH and Car- ringe jmafm. SKLE(TKI OLD COMPANY'S LKIIKill ( (ml ; Jackson Creek, Cask and Hulk Cumberland Coal ; Hard and Soft Pig Iron. hcinsr n specialty, the above are selected with (treat tare for interior consumers. J. n. DOYLE. 418 and 41.1 Paciflostrect, and 40 Kast street wharf. Ixdwccn Jackson aud i'acille, San Franeiseo. ISvO '- AXD , 0 Saddles I Maid, Young A- 'o.!x Column. I K ! 9 S 3 i S 7-r ft ft NO it 4 0 (J 0 S Sib' 0 1 V o ! K 0 5 it 0 II V 3 i CD 2 CD CO ; 1 LI. riANOS OBGAN8. PIANOS. HALLET, DAVIS & CO.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS Take (he Highest Rank. HAU.KT, UXMM A '.. I'lAXOS nave been selected by ihe Exectitire Coninilttee of the World's JnbUec as tbo llesl rinuoN. No other Piano will ls usod. JPraxLEi Benciel, The greatest living Pianist, who was In Boston, attending the Jubilee, wye " Vtvs irallet. UnviH A (o.'l IMnno cvei Is, in every narticniur, all oUi r I'niiios." Call and examine and see for yourselves or send for Price Lis; and Circulars. W. K. BAlKiKB, Solo Aficiit. ai snow Boo' An (iajlery, T;i First street, Portland, REV. J. w. BOOB, PRIMDIM FX der ol the Siethodlst Chnreb, San t nmeiH'o, saj s : -in my opinion, Jl0ra-e' MowK & WrgaiiN have no equal ror richness and sweelmss of tone, with great power. 1 am familiar with all the most prominent Organs In the market have owned four (intercut kinds, and tin hesitatingly say 1 prefer those of (ieonre Woods to any other." Said for Price List and Circulars for the llnesl Organ in the world. W. K. BADftKB, Sole Agent, at Snow a Rooa' Art (hdtery Angus, uTt''tn)et,1,0tttond'0r' A. 13. MORRIS, General Commission AND FOKWARDIM MEKCHAM. w a. im: h o use BUY, BF.IX VIOKF OK FOUH'IRIi ouht Wlliaiuette.rlver,l am preired to WHEAT or OATS, in unlimited quantities. The lltirhest Market Prlee phM , tah for Wheat and out. Parties wishing to store (Jraln, can make arrangements togctall the S ks raTl. stored ,md forwarded a, lowest A share of patronage is solicited. A. B. MOKIUS. Alliany, July 17-4t!v4 BLACKSMITHING I AM) General Repair Shop. THE ITXnKnaiavnn, .... i. tUHMH to AHiany.aud taken h'is old bopon corner of Ellsworth and Second SpS&SSpSMW BLACKSMITniXG. MILL & MAI 'HIM FOBO'XG, KTC. Also, lias on hond and for sale, the COQUILLARD WAGON, Straycr Force-feed GRAIN STAR M0LINE, and other PLOWS WOOD'S re; PER & MOWER. which ht Till wll on the most reasonable terms. HORSE SHOEING- -A Hround.$2 Resetting, $1. UIVK ME A ('A All woi entmted to me win reroivi prompt attention, and lat execnled in the nest nofwihlo manner, with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. feTHiop on ranierEllHworthatid Second streets, opposite Pierce's Ferry. 10v r. WOOD. Seeds ! Heeds t Seeds FBESH FIKLD.TEoWKB A GARDEX Seeds at HACHEXY A STEMME, Corner First and Main sta., Portland. KB" Catalogno sent free on application WILiOX & BROTHER. Importers and dealers Hi Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Can now snpnly all orders In their line Also, Just received Invoices of G-ZiASS, SxIO to 10x16 Inclusive. X. E. Cor. (nllfhmla A- Driimni kin.. SAX f-RAXCISCO. 3m New York City has liaiJ 150 murders, and one hanging in three years. A new era eem to bo dawning now.