Stan Mtqiiitft IT. Oilirinl ricr for Orojjon. FRIDAY, FKimt'ARY 21. 1873, The Sftttmmn in alluding to the Mobilier investigation, says : We sincere' v hope that the hives- ligation will go to tlie bottom of cor-! rupt.on,and that the report wni 1 4- ....... t ..,.( l. .n il7 recommending just exactly the ret 1 1 .. . : .i . ribution that may be due to every man. If Colfax or any other Con gressman has put his toot into the hr Iran ot the trail W .... '. ... . 1 i :.. Sprilllg. I IK3 IIIIII.-, 11 IIVK Jfl(-n.. rapidly passing, when wrong-doing ! ' I ......... . . t . . ,T fan lie excused or paliated bwaus of the wrongdoers high social or political connections. Those are our sentiments. Oar form of government, our laws and Republican institutions are safe, only as individual purity and public among our public men. It is for the strengthening and perpetuation of our tree institutions; for the welfare, physical, intellectual, moral .and material, of the whole people, that the latter elevate men by their votes to-representative positions of honor and trust. They place them there to represent tin in to labor tor their good, and the good of the entire nation; and it they are so lost to gratitude and virtue as to prove recreant to the high trust imparted, how much should their individual reputation, their, social position weigh in the balance as against the good and safety of the entire nation . f What is the degra dation of a Congressman, which by his own act he has brought upon himself, or the disgrace of a whole Congress, compared with the wel fare of a whole State, an entire na tion ? The people detnand activity, intelligence and purity in their pub lic servants. So long as these are granted, the meed of praise and con fidence should be awarded them ; '.but when they show a disposition to glorify self at the expense of country ; or promote selfish aires at the expense of honesty, then should they be hurled from power They are no longer safe. The Hepubli can party has no use for self-glori-fying, dishonest, corrupt men in representative positions. They are a scandal to lier and an enemy. The voice of the party calls for good men and true ; men of integri ty and sobriety ; men whose moral characters are above reproach; whose example she may point her children to, not to be avoided as contagion, but to be copied. It bad men from her ranks have slimed themselves into power, or if they have covered themselves with im purity since their elevation, let them and their deeds be brought to light. No matter how long and faith-id their services may have been, or how pnre ; if they have presumed to connect themselves with Credit MobeHers, they have betrayed the confidence imposed in; they have sacrificed their integrity for gold, their honesty for inoliRiient,ii(! they are no longer fit to represent honest men ; they are a stench in the nostrils of the people. 7Tie Senate Committee in the Caldwell case have reported in favor of declaring his election in valid. Private Miller, who was wound ed in the arm in the Modoc battle, has had his arm amputated. King AjuhUoiis. The abdication oi the Smm throne bv King Amadous excites but a passing interest in the mind i of the American reader Spain, j like Mexico, has been in so turbo-j lent and unsettled a condition for j years, that events which are nor-1 mal to such a state, such ns acts of j vfatlmn and attempted revolution, I murder, assassination, abdication . of ! , . t fUlllM.. BIIU CAIUjU IIV IHUtl lltwv.vou Willi us than current events oi our own nation, nor even so much. It was during the war between France j and Germany, in the year 1871, ! . . . x ..A : .1... 1... Hl.u A. Sncta enn I -I- ' 0f Victoria Emmanuel If., King of i.i . i I i 1 1 1:1 1 if ir-. i 1 1 1 . ii . i-.ii'ii', . i.i. I.;.... t Snom i iiaiv, was enwu ivunc j by the .Spanish Cortes. His posi tion there was one of anxious per plexity and deadly peril from the first. He sought earnestly and indefatigably, in the midst of at- his Queen, to give the Spanish peo ile a good kingly government, thus hoping to harmonize the warring elements of discord about him, but he utterly failed. His efforts may have been weak, but they were his best. The adverse elements agamst him were too numerous and pow erful, too deeply rooted in the Spanish mind for his youth and in experience to control. There was the aggravating war in Cuba ; the opposition of the Catholics, and the rebelling Carlists ; the plottings of those who cling to the fortunes and seek the restoration of the royal family of Queen Isabella to power, and the influences of Repub lican elements. These were all more or les6 in active hostility t-o his government, rendering his efforts futile in the direction of peace and harmony. It was prudent and sensible in him to give the thing up. Y hetlier the people ot spam are morally capable at this time of sustaining a Republic, is a matter of doubt ; but an effort in that di rection will meet with the sympa thy of our people. Our sympathy will increase in proportion as they are earnest and sincere. The unset tled, diwatisfied &nd revolutionary state of these old monarchies, but indicate the leaven ot Republican sentiments and ideas working in the minds of the people. As Amer icans, we desire them to work on until the monarchical ideas of gen erations shall have been worked out, and the whole shall be per meated with the enlightened polity of Republican ideas, aims and prac tices. As monarchy, in the person of Amadeus, retires from the throne of Spain, let the eagles of a more enlightened and substantial freedom) CP perch upon the altar of the rising Republic. The appraisers of Greely's estate estimate the personal property at $1:2,000. Samuel Sinclair is said to owe the estate 83,000, and Cor nelius Yauderbilt, Jr, $50,000, borrowed money. About $1,000, 000 are reported in bad debts and worthless securities. Commodore Yauderbilt has showu his generosity by giving to each of Mr. Greeley's daughters $5,000, and saying they can Iiave as much money as they need at auy time. AssiFtent7'iwurerHillhouse,ofTwhose testimony was mniy cor New York, has been exonerated from any complicity in the Johnson defalcation in the stamp depart- Srrintor Pomeroy. Senator Pomeroy in a personal explanation in the U. S. Senate on the 10th inst., denied every state- ment affecting ins liiiegiity. iie pronounced all the allegations made against him specifically false. He said he had never entered into any agreement with auy member of the . . .i ill Kansas Legislature, neither had he paid a dollar to any member to vote for him. He asked foraspe L!ft, mimmittoa. comnoeed largely v." - . v j f, w - oi ins puiiuwu v(yvi."vn, tigate in the fullest possible manner all the charges against him. lie desired them to report tefore his - 1M ' - in llivos. t.itM ovnirml. He closed l)V offer- - tag a resolution which was adopted ....... . , ... w.-- - . ti armniiiTiiiir n. (ronimiuee ui nc. ii " -wr-r Pomeroy requests the public to suspend judgment in the case until investigation has been made It strikes us the public will ask for more testimony than the oath of that State Senator York, before they will believe the charges. If Pomeroy is a corrupt villain, York gives every indication ot being his peer. The anxiety of Jack's band of amiable Modocs for peace is dis tressing. It becomes so painful to them that while all is quiet on the lava beds, they relieve themselves by stealing to some settler's house and burning it. 7'heir savage breasts are "burning' to be soothed. - FOBEIUN SEWS. At Lisbon, on the 16th, the ex Queen was worse and confiued to her bed. The government organs of Portu gal officially deny auy movement in Portugal for the establishment ot a Republic. A majority of the conservative Generals in the Spanish army have assured the government that they will not oppose the Republic. The carnival at Rome was in augurated on the 16th inst. The Common Council of Ant werp, Belgium, have voted forty millions to enlarge the docks and construct piers. It is intimated that the new government of Spain is resolved not to part with Cuba. The Spanis.1 Assembly were filled with toy, on the 16th, over the announcement that the authori ties of Havana had given their ad hesion to the Republic. A dispatch from Paris to Lon don, on the 16th, says France will attempt to compel Spain to sell Cuba, and that the United States had offered 2,500,000,000 francs, payable in two years, but Spain had refused to part with the island. Amadeus and his family were met at the railway station at Lis bon by the King and Queen, lrince August and members of the Cabi net. The Italian Ambassador re ceived the ex-King. The ex-Queen was weak and had to be carried to the Palace in a sedan chair. At Berlin the Spanish Minister had a conference for two hours with Bismarck, on the 14th, and immediate recognition of the Span ish Republic by Germauy was ex pected. The Senate Committee on the Pomeroy case decided to confine their inquiry to the transaction be tiirn:i Tumnrov and York. J. C. Hfirtnn. of Lawrence, was examined rnhnrfttiva of York's story, and tended to show that the latter's course was me reuii,oi nugc- ment made by the opponents -of Pomeroy. F.AKTKRK AEMS. The President has signed the Pension and Indian appropriation bills. A Presbyterian church in New York was on the 16th crushed be neath the weight of snow upon it. Loss, $30,000. At Cincinnati heavy frauds by the conductors ot the Pan-handle Railroad have been discovered, and one is arrested. At Sargent, Kansas, two of a party of roughs, who were disturb ing the peace, on the 16th, were shot and killed by a saloon keeper. The remainder of the party then went to Dodge City, where the vigilantes killed two more. The loss by the burning of the steamer Erie at sea is $350,000 on the vessel and $500,000 on the, cargo, only jiartially insured. The Vice President hasappomted Cragin, Logan, and Hayard as a committee on the part of the Senate to make preparations for the inaug uration. It is now reported that Mrs. Wood, daughter of Gen. Taylor, who was recently voted by the House pension of $50 per month, is the mother ot John Taylor Wood, who commanded the rebel cruiser Tallahassee, who is now a well-to-do commission merchant at Halifax. She is reported as a se cessionist during the war, and more over she has been living in Paris some time in magnificent style. A. M. Noah, formerly a San Francisco journalist, died suddenly at Washington on the 14th. John M. Hodges, a Wall street broker, on the night of the 14th fell down a staircase at his residence in New York and broke his neck. Judge Davisof New York grant ed a stay of proceeding in the Stokes' case on the 15th inst. The case is now to go to a full bench for hearing. It is announced that the steam boat, Henry A. Jones, from Hous ton to Galveston with a cargo of cotton, burned on the 14th at Gal veston, destroying twenty-one lives, including the captain and clerks. John T. Osborne, charged with the murder of Mrs. .Matthews at Yates City, 111., last August, has been found guilty by verdict of his jury, and the death penalty fixed. The President's message relative to Utah calls attention to dangers likely to arise during the recess from a conflict of Federal and Ter ritorial authorities. It says that general jurisdiction in the Territo ries has been under the direct su pervision of the National Govern ment, but details have been left to the regulation of local authorities, itevidently never was intended to entrust a Territorial Legislature with power to create jurisdictions of its own, or increase the jurisdic tion ot courts appointed by Fed eral authority. In both these respects Utah requires special leg islation by Congress. The selec. tion ot grand aufl petit jurors must be placed in the hands of persons entirely independent of those who are determined not to enforce any obnoxious act of t ongress to de prive Territorial courts of power, or to impede the action of the Federal courts. The act creating the Ter ritory of Utah provides for such legislation It is stated that President Grant's Southern tour will be ot thegreates1 , , . significance to the people of that section. The Presidentcontemplates starling on the 20th of March, ac companied by nearly all the Cabi net, besides many distinguished gentlemen Senators, rm miters n the House and others. Richmond will lie the first stopping place. It is the President's purpose to mk this initial movement in his next administration as an attempt to har monise the people of the North ami South. He will look into the social condition of the South and observe the local government of the States to be visited. At Richmond, and other places along the line of his visit, preparations are being made to give him an enthusiastic recep tion. Judge Davis' decision granting a stay of proceedings in the Stokes' case, is regarded bv the New York bar as one which he could not con scientiously or judicially have avoided. A flood in the Monongahela, Penn., on the 17th, swept a fleet of thirty coal barges from their moor ings, with a number of persons on each. Several bargeswere sunk. It was feared that lives were lost. The report of the Committee on Credit Mobilier was made on the 18th. In relation to Ames, it says he sold to members Credit Mobi lier stock at par, when it was worth double that amount, with a corrupt purpose. In reference to Brooks, it shows that he used his influence as Congressman and Gov eminent Director in the U. P. Rail road, to get possession of stock. No actiof was desired until after the report was printed, and accused members could examine it. A bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives to enable people of the Territories to elect Government and other lerritonal officers. MlHcellancou. A clean up at the Virtue mill, Baker county, last week, after a run of twenty days, realized $8,000. At Baker City snow was grad ually disappearing on the 13th. Last week a pointer dog fell down an 85 feet shaft in the Virtue mine, Baker county, and struck a Chinaman, t he latter was hurt, but not the dog. They have had abundance of rain about Jacksonville lately, and miners rejoice. Papers at Salt Lake are loaded down with the Utah question. Money in abundance has been sent to Washington foj the pay ment ot the services of such men as 7'om Fitch, in behalf ot the Mor mon cause. Agents of the Mormon priest hood were circulating a petition at Salt Lake for signatures, on the 17th, asking the appointing of a Commission of investigation of the matter at issue between the Gentiles and Mormons. Its object is sup posed to be a trick to stave off leg islation. Meacham is represented as say ing that he believed Capt. Jack to be an honorable man, and if he asked him to go to his camp he would go. It is said the Modocs have a bitter enmity against both Meacham and the Applegates, and the general impression is they will have nothing to do with them. 7'here is a good opportunity at Newaukumnow for the establish ment of a blacksmith shop, and re pair shop fof the wood work of wagonsaiid other implements. A boot and shoemaker also wanted.