The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 21, 1873, Page 6, Image 6

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CAtJOHT. Sheriff Parker reached
this city Wednesday noon, after an
absence of ten days, during which
time he was engaged in 'trailing''
Levi Livingston, indicted at tlie Octo-lx-r
term of Linn County Circuit Court
for eouiiterteiting. Sir. Parker visited
Seattle and other points on the Sound
during Ms "run." He succeeded in
impairing Livingston on Saturday last,
just back ot Taeoma. It is charged
that Livingston was engaged, prior to
tctober last, in manufacturing and is
suing counterfeit half dollars.
Medical. The Medical Society of
t lie Third Judicial District will meet
at Salem on Tuesday, March 4th. Ses
sions will he held in both forenoon
and afternoon. In the evening the
Medical College commencement exer
cises will transpire.after which a splen
did supper prepared for M. D.'s and
tlieir Mends, will be partaken of. All
the physicians in the State, that can
IossibIy attend, are invited and ex
peeted. Brsiross Chance. The health of
Mr. A. C. Layton failing him. he has
withdrawn from business entirely,
leaving Mr. Y. C. Tweedale sole pro
prietor of the grocer and provision
establishment on First street, next
door above the Bank. With a heavy
stock of goods on counters and shelves,
which he will sell at lowest possible
rates, Billy, with his obliging disposi
tion and desire to do the fair thing by
all customers, will soon be the popular
green grocer of tlie city. See card on
third page.
ThkCott ace Month lv For Janu
ary is on our table, and deserves care
ful reading and hearty commendation.
Its well chosen stories are selected
from our best publications, and we are
-nrprised and glad to note that a maga
zine so low priced, can lurnih such
excellent matter. Its price only 50
cento per year places it within the
reach of every schoolboy,and the money
jaid tor this monthly is well spent.
Address Reade, Brewster, & Co., 142
l.aSalle Street, Chicago.
Unfavorable. A telegram was
received here the first of the week
from Mr. J. L. Harris at Dalles, stat
ing that his wife was worse, and re
questing her fattier. Mr, Bell, of Leba
non, to come to Dalles at once. Mr.
Bell took the noon train on Monday,
and In all probability arrived at Dalles
on Tuesday evening.
Kri it The prospect for a full yield
of fruit seems to be generally consid
ered good throughout the county. The
t'lierry crop, from present indications,
will be more than an average one ; the
apple crop, an average one. Peaches,
aho. look well, but they are not a sure
Cuke fob Epizootic The Secre
tary of War lias directed the officers ot
tle Quartermaster's Department to
use a solution of one tea-soonftil of
chlorate of potash in a bucket of wa
ter as a remedy for horses affected
with the epizootic ; one-fourth of this
(uantity to be given twice a day.
Deer Wanted. Dr. 0. P. S. Plum
nier wishes topurchasea pairof white
tailed deer, two female black-tailed
deer, and tlie skeleton of a white-tailed
deer that of a buck preferred. Any
one Interested should read tlie card
elsewhere In this issue
Clothing. Mr. N. Baum starts for
San Francisco the first ot the coining
month, to lay in a new stock of Spring
and Summer clothing, etc. The latest
and most stylish "rigs' may be ex
jmted on his shelves upon his return.
Vert Low. Mr. Wallace Mauzey,
an attache of this office, left this city
for Salem, on the noon train Tuesday.
Iinving receired a telegram statingthat
his father was lying Iangeronsly ill,
in tliat city, of consumption.
A i. ban if & Santiam Canal. Capt.
Smith has completed id survey ot tlie
Albany A Sautlam Canal, tixi wade
hi report to the Director.
Something Aboct the Canal.
Elsewhere we mentioned the fact that
i the survey of the Albany & Santiain
Canal was completed, and a profile
' map thereof placed in the hands ot
j the Directors of tlie Company on Wed
; ueeday. Capt. Smith has done his
I work faithfully and well, leaving noth
ing more in the line of engineering or
surveying to be asked for at his hands.
The survey commences near Wm.
Gore's residence where Mr. Morris'
contract ends, (whose contract, by the
way. embraced all the deep cutting on
the whole iine of canal), probably one
mile and a half from theSantiam river,
and runs to James Elkins' barn, some
thing over a half a mile south of tlie
Court House in this city a distance
between tlie termini of eleven miles,
or 113,231 yards. The deepest cut is
a fraction over 7 feet. In crossing one
or more sloughs probably some flum
ing will have to be done, but not a
great amount. The estimated cost of
digging the Caad Is iW, 864 65. which,
added to the portion already under
contract, would swell the amount to
near 25,000. To this must be added
the cost of headgatcs, widening the
Canal from Elkins Bro.'s mills to the
Santiam river, the cost of conveying
tlie water through this city to an outlet
In the Calipooia or Willamette, and the
erection of a reservoir somewhere in
the rear of the city. These figures
may be too high but should the work
of digging and completing the Canal
for business cost $75,000, it will be the
cheapest and best paying investment
for our people thai can be undertaken
at this time.
From Crooked River. Mr. Abe
Hackleman arrived home from his
stock ranch on Crooked river, at the
upper or eastern end of Ochoco valley,
on Sunday, having made the trip via
Dalles In eight days. It is two hun
dred miles from his ranch to Dalles,
and between forty and forty-five miles
south of east of Cam p Watson . He re
ports a light winter in that country,
and aittle beef-fat, and plenty of them.
No sign of Indians. Mr. Hackleman
thinks the country better adapted, If
any difference, to raising horses than
cattle, ami lias already invested to
some extent in them. He reports old
Linn countyites now residing there as
generally doing well and pleased with
the situation.
Unpketty. A mixture of wall and
grumble and fret is just now effusing
from the brains of "ink-slingers" re
lative to item and editorial peculations.
Such business can be regarded as no
better than unwrong and the perpetra
tors as wronguns. The guilty should
do more right or else never write
more. To ask credit and give none Is
altogether too "taking" it is im
mensely porkish, with a thiev before
the ish. Such an one desires to ap
pear to his readers for what he is not
instead of not he is what. To his
readers for a time he may look like a
Hon, but a closer scrutiny will reveal
the ears, and even if they are hid. the
voice will proclaim the ass.
Some HOG. Mr. Wm. Core, of
Lebanon, brought a porker to thi- city
on Wednesday that weighed 059 iiomids
net. Forty-one dollars and eighty
three cents, we believe, was jiaid him
for the porker.
Washing Machine. A new patent
washing machine now being offered
for sale In this city, Is an Improvement
-certainly saves much labor. The
price seems to be tlie only objection
Fkankmn Market. Mr. J. R
Herren still offers to customers the
choicest steaks at, He old stand. Doc.
is a most accommodating butcher, and
deserves well ot a discriminating pub
lic. See card in t his issue.
Discontin r ed. The office of the
W. C. Telegraph Company, atCorval
lts. was permanently closed on Monday
last. We suppose the wire will be
taken down.
St. Valentine's Ball. The ball
on the evening ot the 14th hut. passed
off pleasantly. There were twenty
seven couples in attendance, we learn.
Elegant. The w furniture at
Cbas, Meatey's. Call and tee it.
Paragramlets. No Change in
market quotations since our last.
Stock has thrived admirably during
the Winter all over the Willamette
valley, on grass alone.
Religious services have been held
nightly at our churches during the
The new drainage system contem
plates one or more ditches down
Broadalbin and Ferry streets from
Wednesday morning was winterish,
thermometer marking S9 Tuesday
was also cool, 31.
Willamette running bank full.
Roads improving.
Farmers plowing.
Grass growing finely.
Council meets Saturday night.
Recorder after property-holders
making annual assessment.
The Bulletin doesn't like Mr. Lowe's
figures hi last week's Democrat.
Capt. Smith has finished the survey
and mapping line of the Santiain Can
al. The work seems to be thoroughly
Setting out fruit trees, shrubs, etc.,
is what's up with our jieople.
Potatoes retail from grocers at 50c ;
buying price 12 '4 15cless per bushel.
Wheat goes at 65c per bushel ; buy
ers say they won't give any more.
The prices in Liverpool remain as
last quoted.
189,679 quarter sacks flour exported
from Oregon since August last ; oats,
23,144 bushels in last three months.
The enterprise ot building an Odd
Fellows Temple is gradually taking
Snow plainly to be seen on the
mountains east of as.
No epizootic in tlie county so far as
heard from.
Al. Wheeler was iii the city on
The lower story of Froman's new
hall will be used as a skating rink.
Our District School, under guidance
of Mr. Stites, is succeeding admirably.
Business not overly rushing during
the week.
Wall paper, a large stock, all varie
ties, at W. H. Kuhn & Co's.
A few snow flakes t)n Tuesday.
Dave Froman ls getting lumber on
the ground to build a City Hall, on
Second, between Ferry and Broadalbin
A partial system of drainage has
been adopted by the Council for the
The ordinance defining duties of
Marshal, etc., still hangs Are in the
City Council.
Oregon has shipped 909,825 centals
of wheat to the United Kingdom since
August 1st, 1872. valued at $487,050
a gain ot $147,452 over the same period
last season.
' The shipmeuts of wheat from San
Francisco during tlie six months end
ing February, 1873, aggregate 6,817,
658 centals, valued at $12,007,641. To
transport this vast amount of wheat
required 2'53 vessels.
Yfthha auniHi has returned to the
parental roof-tree.
A. ('. Lay I on proposes to make
California his future home.
Report has it that James Klklnand
family will return to their old home
in this city soon, to stay.
A tremendous rain storm lasting the
greater portion of two days, visited
Ochoco on the 24th and 25th of De
cember last. Rain storms are almost
unknown In the upper country.
Keetiey reported; nshavlng been seen
at Brownsville on Tuesday not be
lieved. Another report is that he pn
loes to lie on hand at the next term
of the Circuit Court, and stand his
There are two postofflces in Ochoco
Valley Prinesville, in the eastern,
and Ochoco, In the western end of the
valley, ten miles being the distance
between them.
Wool in San Francisco quoted at
1821c for foil, and 30c for spring.
Telegrams to Wednesday indicate a
possible advance in the price of wheat
nt Liverpool. Good.
Hiram Smith is reported to be erect
ing a fine warehouse at Junction City.
'has. Roggers talks of leaving us
next month cause, poor health.
Mrs. Cranor has gone to Jeffictsou
An Interesting Reminiscence.
The correspondent of the San Fran
cisco Vail recalls the following anec
dote of tlie late Senator E. D. Baker,
of Oregon :
Ihiring the Fremont Presidential
cnm)ii',g.i. and not fit r from Do'viikv
viiie, tln ie was an exceedingly rough
iiii. in settlement of some live Im.i
drc.l people, and nino.jgtho-t! only ww
Republican was kuott'ii to ixi-t. Ail
the rest were Democrats, and tlie tuot
of them of a verv rude character. ta
ker determined to go there and make a
Republican speeclb though la had been
strongly advised not to so, as it
would lie dangerous. But tlie mighty
sorcerer was never afraid of the for
bidding faces of men. llr knew how to
wake the latent divinity within the
savagest of human souls. He accord
ingly went; and not without some
misiflvings, I accompanied him.
When we were entering the village tlie
crowd about the "Bascom's grocery"
of the place hauled down the Ameri
can flag, in token ot hostility aad dis
respect, hut ottered no further person
al indignity.
Baker did not seem to observe the
Hag episode, and after dark he mount
ed a carpenter's bench in front of one
of the vilest grog-shops ot civilization,
ami commenced. The rough audience
tiad heard of him, and though a detest
ed "black Republican," they wanted
to near linn go. .Not a wont was spo
ken in the crowd ; not a sign of ap
plause or disapproval : and never did
orator address an audience so unsym
pathetic and stolid seemingly. Baker
kept on half an hour or mi without
any perceptible effect : and then seem
ingly to he gathering all his energies
for one gigantic blow to split the ob
durate rock, he began to pace back
and forth along the bench, pouring
(Hit wave alter wave, cumulative, ma
jestic and overwhelming. At length
something like a tremor ran through
the obstinately silent throng, and I
could see them move uneasily under
the terrible spell of the enchanter.
Some ot them had belonged to Riley's
Regiment in the Mexican war. Baker
knew that, and looked up at the naked
flag-staff, he referred to his own par
ticipation in the battles in Mexico,
and then for full ten minutes, and as
it appeared, without a period in the
structure of his speech, be rolled down
a torrent of Impassioned eloquence
upon his transfixed audience
"Like the dashing, silver-splashing
Surges of San Salvador"
The orator standing in the ma jesty of
his fiower. piling it up higher and
higher, and louder and louder, until
someone in the crowd gave a sort of
agonizing yell, as though unable to
stand it any longer and the stubborn
rock was cleft for the outflow of the
waters. The men yelled continuously,
I do not know for how long, and made
a rush upon the frail platform ; Baker
and his bench were overthrown, and
it was several minutes before the
triumphant orator could lie heard and
go on with his speech. I never saw a
crowd behave so frantically from sim
ilar emotions. It was another scene
like D'Arcy Magee's description of
M. ratrtck s conquest ot the Irish on
tlie Hill of Tarn ; and there, as of
old, the Irish heart, though hidden in
a rough tabernacle, showed its inabili
ty to resist the influence of true elo
quence. At tlie election, a month
after, the lone Republican ot the bar
was reinforced by eighty votes ; and
ever after, when Baker passed that
way, lie was cheered by the Irish
miners at their work.
Uncle Jerry Driggs says the Sound
country is the most delightful in the
To Printers. A Washington Hand
Press, in splendid order, for sale eheap.
Found at Last! A remedy that
not only relieves, hut cures Consump
tion anil Its numerous satelites which
revolve around it in tlie shape of
Coughs. Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis.
Ac. This remedy is Dr. IFfroV Hut
hm nf Wild Cherry. 27
Hollowat'b Pills and Ointment
enable the victims of disease to dis
pense with all other medicines. The
former relieves the stomach, liver, and
Iwwelsof all obstructions; the latter
heals everv external sore, eruption, or
wound. Sold 78 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
Price. 25 cents per Imx or pot. Ask
for new style ; the old is counterfeited.
.V'w ro-iiH).
JL tailed Peer, two female hlack-'Il'ted
deer, and the skeleton of a whlte-'atled
deer -that of n bnelt preferred. A, I tress
me at A limn y, Oregon.
Albany, February l, ls7S-2.w4
Ji. H. Hcrrcn, Proprietor.
sunplted with tlie best meats to be
had In the market, and will be ever ready
to accommodate thorn who may favor him,
with a call v5
fcHlEDE), OSSl'.tiCX,
ForwardiM & Commlss'a Mcreiiants.
Dealers in Merchandise Ml J Produce. A
good assortment of all kinds ot Hoods al
ways in store at lowest market rales.
Agents for sale of Wagons, Statin Drills,
Cider Mills, Chums, &c. ftc,
IH'TTKR. KiitiS and l ot I.TItY.
u:w IO-DAY.
Opera Iloime Block, SalPia. Oregon,
A class order, mid willi a.tentive and
obliging servants.
So ChlNeNi- 4'uoks Employed.
l nm prepared lofnrnlsli good accommo
dations to the traveling public, am) will
us, every endeavor to merit the patronage
ot the public. Regular boarding at very
low rates.
vT Five Coach to the bouse. J4v5
X ous friend, iwtroiis.and tlie public In
general,! bat helms
with a complete stink of
Brhool Books,
Blank Book,
Mold Pen,
tull.rj, e., c.
Which he will dispose of at
The Lowest Prices I
For all the popular
which will be
Delivered In any part of the eliy.
Portland. Keb. 7, 187S-28tf
A f , ntKM.EI.VKN
xi. debted to inc. by lN.ok account, uro
s. Hie their respective accounts between
tbis and the 1st ol Mureh, IsTA E.r that
puiTKWe I will 1h- found daily at my former
piuve ol biistne, between faoVltiek A M
and s o'clock i: m. John ua.vteh
Albany, Jan. Ia7s.24tf
blinding, son, ii,i le of Firm, uci ween
letvy an-l Iiroa.laibin s ails, where he
ivsoerttnlly calls the attention of hi ens-.
loinerstUKl the public to a new and well
II-SOIM' I stock of
tiimwioM, ProvlnloflN, &
Whlih he is now offering at re dueedprkt.
For ( ' i-sh ov Trade.
Ton highest uuirket prices paid for all
Kin is nt Counirv I'rodnce.
.-tf-Uxik forthetiolden HeehlveNo. W
ii's m if.'l, Aibuiiy, oreuon.
noiuutw to the citizensoi AIImuiv anit
Linn county, that he has Just oixmed a
tn this city, in the lire-proof brick former ly
known an J. (iantcr's. 1 shall keep on
hand and for sale all goods pwiaiiiing to
my line of buainexH, at lowest living rates.
Especial attention tmld to repairing Hue
time-pieces, wherein an experience of
many years enables me, I trust, to give
perfect sat isfnet Ion . ,
(r All goods sold and work done, war-,
ciias. boi;rarde.
Albany. .Ian. 31, M73-iv5
DlfwoIoMon of Co-PartnerHhlp.
co-irtnerohlp composed of of H.
Beach, Thos. Monteith anil A. K Knox,
under the rtrin-nainc of Beach, Monteith
A Co., engaged in the business of manu
facturing flour at AUny, Oregon, and in
the commission business In the sale of
flour at San Francisco, California, Is di .
solved a to the said A. S. Knox, he retir
ing from, said co-partnership. The said D.
Beach and Thos. Monteith continue the,
I be naute of Beach ft Monteith.
A. 8. KNOX.
This m day of Jan., WUHwi