ALBANY REGISTER. 8 BUSINESS CARDS. W. C. TWEED ALE, UK.U.KK IN Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY. OREGON. TJU, STRIVE rOKEEJ'TUEJlESr T V dI fltmls In my ntul nil at th- Inw tsl living nit', (nil and see mr. 34ij5 At orih Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., AHK .STILL SELLIKU DRY GOODS, CLOTHIXG, HOO TS, MIOKS, 1IAKDWAKK, UKOCKKIKM, XOTIOVS EW., Elf., of which they koep on ban! a full stock, and are able to sell ut luweHt rules, as usual, tor Cash or Prwlure. Will also lie ahle to huv and "ell (Jrufns of nil kinds, or attend to storing or for wanliiiK it "I their Warehouse in Ilulsey. Live ns n trial K1KK, HUME & C. J. W. BAfiDWllf, Attoriu y ami Counselor at I,aw, Alfll.U PttAOTWK IS ALL THE Courts W in Ihe M, ltd and 4Ui Judicial DIs-tri.-ts, in the Supreme Court of Orewon, and in the 1'. S. District and Circuit Courts. okkut, -In I'urrlsh brlolc, (nn stairs), In .,'li.e occupied by the lute N. H. Cmtior, First street. Albany, Oregon. to'.rvi 3, it, m i r ti rri-. N- DOM MITCHELL & DOLPII, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LJOUCITORS IX CIIANCKl! V AND 1M!0( - i tors In admiralty. Oillce over the old liost omec, Front street, Portland, Oregon, lyj J. ('. POWKLL. b tUXK. POWELL & FLIKK, Attorneys ni Counselors at Law, And Solicitors is chaxckuy il. Kiinn notary public), Albany, Oregbn. VlltH'tlonsand conveyances promptly at tended to. J W. O. JONES, ML ., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSI3IAN. ALBANY, OKEUO'. lCvt . , J, LIN.SKY IIII.L. A HIM., PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY. OKEtJOM, OFFICE -SOl Tn SIDE F1B8T STREET, uivstairs. in J. M. lU'iicir.s store-house. S7v4 t7w. iiakkis, m. ., Phj-Mlcian and Surgeon, ALBANY, OftEUOtf. OFFICE UVEB TCRHELL'S bTOBE, Fiivt street. Kesldenei- Third-st.. one door west of Methodist church. 37-4 DENTISTRY, a:o. w. ubav, N., IKIES ALL WOKE IK THE line of his protession nunc Isilcil, It t aivt nuat approv al method. Anaesthetic nsents nseil tor the pain a'sseMrnei ion desired. Piirtlriilar uncmion kivuii " latum of Children's icein. IH'iilaleonsultutions and examinations irk Charges moderate. Satisfaction Xiiunintecd in evety ease. Callal hlsnltlce and examine specimens of his workman- ''(iFKH'E -In ParrisU Brick Block, up tairs. Jtt4 LEITFX & MILKS' WaterWHeels SPHERICAL FLUMES. And Wcnernl Mill Machinery. J. K. BACKKN8T0, Agent, SlvJ Alliany, Oregon. . s. m IV. is. IV. II. MVl M.OCM. X. g, DV BOIS & CO., H AVE UN HAND AND CONSTANTLY receiving n large stock of Urvccrli'N and Provision. Wood ii'i I willow ware, tobacco, ( igiirs, eonfecttonerv, Yankee notions, etc., etc., wholesale and retail, a' lowest rates. Opposite it. 0. inn A Hon' drug store, Albany, Oregon. ALBA W BOOK STOKE. Kntiibllsucri In l.r. Si. A. Ereelund, I vKALEK IN EVKBY VARIETY OF 1 miscellaneous books, school books, blank liiHiks, stationery. Hooks imported tn order nt snort notice. Albany, Dec. 3, 1870. The Even I The Kara! KB. T. L. (.OLDEN, Oculist mid turlst, Albany, Oregon. I v(i. HOLI ES is A j r "pii i i - inn- i .wmiM I.I nhlluilMlM ,.. rT -.W v , i iiiimi,uiiiu mi iin, ,.i S. C Co 'en. fV , lias bud . i , . metier In treat lint mnas' Una .1 Ui'O-il'-i f n Udl the eye and ear are snbi.vt. mid feels eo'illdent 01 iiyum wi ....... m to ibosediotn:iypiais'imnnsiuvesiin'i ,-are. Vr" w rhls (59. T. rOUTIIVEK, Siioclci, Oregon Mamifaetnrer of an 1 dealer In 1MR1YESS& DDM58 A Uool Article tor n mlr Prlee. Particular attention -laid to BBr.UXIBO, sbedd, Xov.i,7S.13vJy WATCHES JEWELRY. PACIFIC WATCHES, UANi: PACTUKEIl AND ADJIVTED 111 esix-cially for the Paetttc Coast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATGH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, vte: Pacific, Caliromia and Sun Francisco ; WATCH, and we most confidently roo ' omtnend them to the pnblic,as jiossessing more jrood qualil ics for the price tlinn any ! other Watch in the market. We also Keep all other brands of Elgin, Mint Hani ana Swiss Wulclies, Clocks. Jew elry, Silver and Plated Ware, Diamond Spet -ta -les, all of which we oflfer at the lowest Hissililo prices. Ti n'S HRO.S., A i.liA:, "i . On. glrltcpiiiring a specialty, and satisfac tion guaranteed. Uv5 XEWSPAPOR1AL. THE Christian Messenger IS A FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL. I Will lie sent to any address, until January 1st, i4, tor TWO DOLLARS. ! Address, WELLS DBUKY. Publisher. Monmouth, Oregon. 1 .ml MEDICINES. THY THE MOUNTAIN BALM COCdiU IHIXTLRE. W. H. PARKER. OK JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, HAS illHcovered a remedy, composed of the : Extract from Mountain Balm, w hich grow s i iif Jackson County, and other Vegetable ingredients, which ha- enabled him to furnish tbeulHieted with a purely vege table a perfectly harmless, and yet the MMt Powerful EmiK Remedy ever discoven'd. It is good for Coughs, Colds. Croup and Bronchitis, and Is an Ague Preventive, Blood Puriflcr, In- vlgorntor and Appetiser, and Is noted for nil Nervous and Bilious ails. Many letters might lie adduced to show what the medicine has done (if nee essary), but try a bottle, and it will rccom men'l itself wherever tntroduii'd. For sale at all Albany Drug Stores, and nil dealers in intent inedielneo. Prepared by W. H. l'ARKEK, luuH Independemi". Oregon. Tin' standard remedy for ConffhH In Hueiisa. Hif Thnal, Whnrmtng Cugh, Cmup, fi'T (ymiiila'nt. irMichiti.y.BI'(lin at th Luntp. and every affection of the Throat. Lungs and Chesl, including Con si Ml'TIl N. WiMtnr's It hi, iin of YYild Cherry d('s not dry up n Cough, butlooaensi., cleanses the' lnngs.and allays Irrlinilon, tlins rrw:Viiin We'cviiM'of t be eoni'lilin t. None genuine unless signed I. Ki TTM. I'repiircd by BOTH W. FOWLK Sons. Ilos ton. .Sold iy Uruinoton. MoHTKTTKn A Co.. Pan Francisco, and bv dealers gen uiillv 1.1vy NIIRSKHY Friiil Tree, rite VIiicm, Acc. TUK I NDEIISKiSED INVITES THE attention ofthepibllc 10 blslurgeand coninlete mwkof APPLE. PEAR. PUM. (II ERR Y and o' her TREES. Also. ORAI'E VI 88- )km: in the State; Ornamental Tree, Shrubs, Plants. Cur rants, (ioosvbcrrh s. Slrawlierrten, Roses, I ablins and Rullw which w ill la; sold us low as Hrst'las siock can lie afforded. N'o.iVltlvt J. A. Ml Id. A 111). ftiT Subscriliers Andlng nil X after their namesnreinfoimed thuttlieirsubscrlption expires with that number.andthcyure in vited to renew II. Terms -$8 per annum, in advance; six months, f2; three months, b PAiriC COAST SFWS. A man in this State is said to re - move warts by simply Kissingliis hand over them. Some men are handy at taking off other things too. While on a hunt, the other day, a Sacramento man took off his trousers 1 to wade in after a bird which had, fal- j in the water. ' As he waded out with ' the bird, he saw bis faithful dog run- i ning away with his pants. Without them, lie "handy"' walked into town. ' Down at Petahima Cal.. the has been furnishet with new plumes, and now the people are waiting anx - iously for some one to die, so they can see liow those plumes look. A Virginia, Nev.. wife gave ,1Pr good-looking servant a holiday. Hear ing her husband come into the kitchen, she slipped down, put her hand over his eyes and kissed him. He kissed back with a vim she had not witnessed in him for years and said, "Marv. darl- ing. where is your mistress ?" She dropped those hands and gave a war whoop and he departed In haste. Close- lv followed by a poker. He savs that such deceptions on her part will, if continual, destroy the mutual confi dence that should exist between mar ried folks. The late protracted meeting at La Grande resulted in 44 accessions to the Methodist church. The cayotes in Indian Valley. Union county, are quite numerous, and are destroying sheep, young calves and even yearlings. Smie 25 or 30 sheep have been killed in Powell's Valley recently by cayotes and wolves. The IMlftin thinks the flying of geese southerly is a sure sign of weath er of some sort. Quitely. Binghamton, N. Y., is represental in Portland by eighteen young men, says the Bulletin. Tlic Walla Walla Statesman of the sth inst. has the following account of a very sad accident at thut place : "On Thursday of last week Sister Celestine of the Catholic Convent, who was un der medical treatment, took by mistake a dose of corrosive subljmate. All that medical science coula do for her relief was brought into requisition, but after lingering in great agony down to Wednesday night, death put a period to her suffering. At the request of the Lady Superior of the Convent, Coroner Thibodoheld an inquest on the re mains. After hearing all the facts in the case, the jury returned a verdict of death from accidental poisoning." Deceased tfas aged about 24 years. . Walla Walla two more times burg larized. A theme inflriuly old. Three chimney flues burning out In one night at Walla Walla kept the firemen "a goin'." The Cowlitz river is alive with smelt the fish kind. Ten or fifteen minutes with a net will fill a barrel with them. A bar-room at Olympia was robbal of $100 worth of clothing and money the other day. AVater dllntions can soon make that up. No action has as yet been taken in Congress to annex Walla Walla coun ty to Oregon. Those who favor it are active and vigilant. A newspaper job office at Salt Lake City i threatened with a suit for pub lishing obscene literature, having print ed to order a fWimphlet from some of the sermons of Brigham Voting- The language of the prophet is incredibly vile. Burglars, thieves and gnrrofcrs are unusually numerous at Salt Ltke. At Nevada Creek. Montana, an old feud caused James Mcllarrlsoii to kill John Qullin on the 10th. The heaviest snow storm of the season occurred at Salt Lake o,i the 13th. A collision oeeuriTd thirteen miles east of Elko. Nevada, on the 12th. be tween a passenger and freight train, causing, the wounding of three em ployes and the slight bruising of some passengers. A telegram from Jacksonville ay-a miner named Samuel Hewitt wa killed bv the bank caviim on him while at work in his claim on root s creea. ; A brilliant surprise rty visited ' Governoi Gmver's house in honor of himseinind ladv on the 1Mb ( The late rains started the tributaries ' of the Tualatin ou a swell. j La Grande Is to have a Hook ami j Ladder Company v 1 East of the mountains rabbits are playing hob with fruit tree?. La Grande has neither oysters nor gout Yamhill county farmers are forming ah association which they call the "Oregon Farmers' League." Since thelstof January $750,940 95 have been collected for Customs duties at the San Francisco jiort. 1 San Francisco has enough carbolized ' hose to last for live or Six years. ; Captain Gorman has been appointed Postmaster at Walla Walla. Mutton sheep are selling from 4 50 to $5 00 at the Dalles. The Dulles Mmmtaineur says that during tla1 paxi five or six weeks no less than live children have dial there. The establishment of an iron found- j 4,!! ' j Tlle ,Jacksoilvile Tinm ,t ig , mmmA m . , a ., . ,.. , .,. . chftrley' bam-tolver" thJah htet'le or hack Nasty Jim will l;e appointed on I Hi,. I'liji-i. t 'Ainmiaalnt, 1,, ,,w.i,i,i.i flu. whites to lieing scalped ml Uhttum. J. L. Parrish. of Salem, in it note in the Statesmen, says that for the last ten years he has been damaged from $50 to $500 annually, by worthless i dogs killing his sheep, two valuable I Cotswold lambs having been killed wt,ek, nt, .vs he has instructed his hired man to shoot every dog he finds upon the premises, and should he tail, will take the field himself, with double-barreled gun in hand. He warns all to Iwk out for their dogs. County officers now occupy the new Court House at Ilillsboro. Noses were broken and eves darken ed in a rough and tumble fight at Ivola the other day. Over three hundred Indian warriors "have been killed in Arizona since Gen. Crook commenced the campaign. The Indians are thoroughly frightenal and beginning to beg for peace. We hear that it Is now proposed to start four papers in Washington coun ty ; one at Forest Grove to do the city printing ; one at Cornelius and one at Hillshoro ; while the Democracy pro pose to have the fourth one somewhere in the "forks of the creek." to advo cate the "time-honored principles."' It is to be a game of "four-cornered cat." The East Portland Band have added a piccalo and two clarionets to their instruments. The band now numbers fifteen performers. The Bulletin says there seems to be but little doubt about the commence ment of work on the Willamette bridge, next Monday in good faith, at that place, and that it will go on until fin ished. On Sunday before last a young man at Eugene was engaged in cleaning out a loadal pistol. The wound he re ceived in his hand by its accidental discharge induced him to "rest" from that kind of lalwir. The Etijrene Journal says three per sons were baptized in the mill-race last Sunday (Feb. 9th, ) by Rev. Richardson. Grouse have made their appearance in the hills near Eugene City, says the Journal. The State Convention of Woman Suffragists met at Port land last Friday, and were to continue their meeting through Saturday. A Virginia City (Nevada) paper says that si member of the police force of that city has gone to Portland. Oregon, to institute suit for the recovery of about one-halt of the town, which he claims under some old title acquired a quarter of a century ago. The contractor has broken ground for the erection of the new M. E. Church South, at Salem. The Statfuman says: "Wonders will never cense. Now thieves have broken through and stolen from our sanctum. It may swm incredible that there should lie anything to steal in such a place ; but it n happened Tues day night. It may never Inppen again ; we fear it won't. If the young hoodlum will tiring hack the articles he took away, we will thank him and say nothing, or will lick him like thun der we have not yet fully decided which. Two days grace given."' The Jfopoiier gays : 'Eighty cases of measles wen- reportal at Dayton at last account. Everybody had it ex cept Chris. Taylor, and be sends us wiml. that although out and around now, he expects every day to be con- ttneu witn tne pesKv filing. a few days ago a little child of Mr. .. u. Falkner, of Sheridan, while m,vg around a tub of lye. fell head (hremost into the tub and was drowned. A ball and four fights at Kotaon the th. There are 9,000 sheep on San Juan Island. A boy about twelve years of age was found helplessly drunk on the streets of Portland tlie other day. A miller at Stcilaeoom does up his flour in paper sacks. The work of rebuilding the Oregon City Woolen Mills began this week. Young men In Eugene City are seeking to get '"maited" by playing chess. Professional gamblers have recently made a run on Corvallls. The Gtvtettt says a few nights ago a farmer was literally robbed, by some gambling device, of his farm team, valued at $300. The tlazette complains oftlie town officials for conniving at such un lawful acts. The alumni of Corvallis College have elected the following officers: President, H. M. Finley ; Vice-President, J. B. Eglin ; Rec. Sec., W. R. Privett ; Cor. Sec, Mrs. Alice E. More laud. At the close ot the present col legiate year, the first regular meeting will be held, at which time R. JL Veatch will deliver an address, and Mrs. Moreland will read an essay. The uniforms of the San Francisco police cost about $70 each. The Gilroy (Cal.) Advocate has for Its motto. "To tear God, tell the truth and make money." An exchange says, "Ten to one It don't do either." The Statesman of last Friday says. Dr. O. P. S. Plummer is engaged this week in delivering a course of lectures before the Malical class in the Willam ette University, treating of Hygiene. Willamette University lias eighteen, medical students. The name of Arizona City Is to be changed to Yuma. The Mayor of Denver is going to cancel the licenses of saloons that al low gambling. The Indian Agents In charge of Camp Grant and the Cachise Indians rejiort that the operations of General Crook are having a good influence on the Apaches in their charge. The wounded at Fort Klamath hos pital are being carefully attended by Dr. Skinner, the military surgeon from Vancouver, who is considered one of the most competent medical men in the service. It is snggested by a Southern Oregon paper that il the Modoc Peace Com missioners cannot make peace with Captain Jack thev can make a "piece" by seizing that $900 which the Captain is said to have in a Yreka bank. The census taken by the County As sessor last year shows tlie population of the Territory of Arizona to be 10. 743. This is nn increase from 1S70 to 1873 of 1,085. Grant countv now makes all the flour she needs for home consumption. It sells at the mill at $4 per 100 pounds. Beef is worth 5 to 0 cents per iound on foot; barley and oats, ljUj; and wheat 2 Cents. All kinds of home produce is abundant. A gang of thieves who have been troubling Seattle tor some time, have been captured anil part at tlie stolen property recovered. Some rich gold bearing quart, has been discovered on the western coast of tjneeu Charlotte's Island. IL C. Foreigners and ftmnea sole, who pay rates in British Columbia, can now vote at municipal elections. At Seattle, on the Kith, James Scott a student at the Territorial University, was tinnid dead in his bed. is suppos ed to have died in a til. Diptheria is What's the matter at the Dalles. Lewiston. l. T.. his cose of epi zootic. Ou Thursday evening of last week, as a laborer from the south side of the river was passing tlie. streets ot Van couver, two men threw a blanket over hi head and relieved him of about thirtyflye dollars. The highwaymen were not recognizal. Brigliam Young says tliat polygamy will live a thousand years In spite of UucleSam. We think Brigliam has blowed and blustered aliout. long enough. It Is about lime for- him t" be pankal. Lewiston. I. T ha haO a- m-Hd win ter on an average, ami' stock of all kinds are in a splendid' condition. The Legal Tender mine in Montana N richest on the con tinent. At depth ef 161 feet a vein ot solhUra ten inches in width mi struck, the averugo assay per ton of 2. 000 powkfr of which is $2,800 in silver. Fancy samples gave $17,300. The Crevke matter Is 2 inches wide.