ALBANY REGISTER. IIVSIAI, AXD COM M EKC I A I. . ioW In Xew York, IU. Ugal Tenders, 87088c. Kxchangu on San Francisco la cent, preinirtm ; on Xetv York llg f cent. The Barracouta, WM at Astoria ready for sea on Tuesday. She takes away 1,212. 400 lbs. wheat, and 17. tlitf quarter sacks flour total value of nrrjjo, 42,t)50. The Hoswell Sprague lies at same place, awaiting favorable opportunity to commence lier voyage. Liverpool wheat quotations show a flight decline : Average, 12s l 12s SW ; ChiU 12s fid t 13s 2i. Private dispatches, received at Portland on Tuesday, indicated a still further de cline, and prices weak at quotations. It is now announced by the Portland ilalies that the Tamaya, (100 tons. U the only vessel en route for that city that for a certaiuty will bike wheat to Liv erpool. Her cargo is nearly all en gaged. Unless rates advance mater ially in Liverpool, it is probable no more vessels will come to Portland for grain until after the coining harvest, leaving the preseut surplus on hand to lie over another season, or to be for warded to San Francisco at probably a less figure than at present obtaining, is the opinion of Portland journals. The linaucial outlook of the suite is somewhat clearer, and a more general belief in easier times coming main wins. We observe no change in the San Francisco markets, quotations remain ing about the same as last week. Portland quotations give wheat at $1 00 f cental for ordinary lots. Oat 580c bushel receipts falling off. Butter Common country 1837e ?lb. Eggs 20c f dozen. Xo notable change in city market8. Wheat prices fluctuate sadly, one day up and the next down. Our buyers have paid 65, 70 and 75c per bushel during the week for wheat. Merchants tell us tlie week has been n very dull one. very little produce having been received, and prices clos ing last week's quotations. Oats 40S45c? bushel. Butter1525c f lb., as to quality. Kggs 20c f dozen. Fruit Dried apples, 6'..c; plums, 18c fib. Pork Sides, 11c; hams, 12c; shoul ders, 8c fib. Lard In 10 lb. cans, $1 25; in kegs, We fib. Chickens 3 6033 ? dozen. Weather fine roads rapidly improving. Mormons at Salt Like arc confident of their ability to defeat the efforts of the Administration not only present, but future. Two Douglas county hunters certify to a snake with two heads. We won der if they were not seeing double at t lie time. Most an v kind of liquor will do it. It is proposed to have a course of factum on the Fair Grounds at the next State Fair, on agricultural stib jecti exclusively. The organization of a militia com lny is being attempted at Yaqtllua Bay, for mutual protection in case of emergency. The Pl'ttfltlr says : "A a proof of the mildness of the climate in this valley we can state, that last week we received from B. P. Smith, a supply of cjelery. lettuce, onions and tongue gra raised from his garden this win ter. The celery was over two feet long, very white, and crisp, in fact the best we have ever seen raised in Ore gon." ltev. S. J. Wilhoit. of the M. E. hureh South, has purchased two lots at Harrisburg on which he proposes to erect, during the coming summer, a fine church edifice for the use of his de nomination. , Tlie President's message on the Utah affairs was a stunner to the Mor mons. They thought their power was impregnable at Washington, hut the message disabuses their minds ot that vanity. At Logan, Utah, on tlie 14th. David Crockett, jr.. was shot and killed by 'barley Benson. No provocation. A maa named James Beatty was killed at WWtelaw's Station. Arizona, recently, by au unknown man. About the same time one Mexican killed an other in a dance house in Phoenix of the ame Territory. Hon. A. B- Meacham arrived at Yreka, (,'al., on the evening of the Kith from Washington, and was to proceed the next day to Van Bremer's to meet tlie other Peace Com mlsriouers. 1 rains on tlie Utah Central were in a state of blockade by snow drifts ou the 16th. All tlie principal mines of Utah will be represented at the Vienna Exjwsi-tioii. The Australian cable bill was pasml by the Senate on the 18th. Stephen Preston has been pre sented to the President as .Minister resident from llayti. By the burning of a tenement house in New York City on the 18th, two children left locked in a room during the absence of their mother, were consumed. The salary of the .Mayor of Den ver, Colorado, is ? 1,800 per annum. The daughters of the late Horace Greeley wiil siieiid next summer in the Greeley colony in Colorado. One of the postoftice letter car riers ot San Francisco drew $10,000 in the Havana lottery recently. The St. Louis Democrat says : "Whales are running their noses against that portion ot Iihode Is land that sticks out into the water, and the inhabitants are troubled with earthquakes." Richard Spencer, hanged on January 8th at Kirkdale, England, tor the murder of his mistress, was born in jail, and his lather was hanged for murder. A mathometician says that if Kansas was as densely peopled as Massachusetts it would contain a population of 17,000,000. The ex-Emperor Napoleon III., during his life was subjected to no fewer than sixteen surgical opera tions, seven of which endangered his life. During the late storms, seven J children going home from school, lost their way and were frozen to death between Sleepy Eye Iiike ai.d Golden Gate, Brown county, Mich. A Patterson, N. J., Iwy poured scalding water in theear of his seven year old sister just for fun. The joke affected her fatally. There were over 14,000 persons sentenced to imprisonment for drun kenness in Eugiaud and Wales last year. A man at Eddvville, Ky., aged 00 years, has just been married to his seventh wife, who is only twenty-two. Me has been married eight times, having been married twice to his second wife, owing to a mistake made by the clerk who issued the license. The Oregon-ion says subscrip tions were circulating in that city last 7'uesday, to raise funds to pay for printing a phamphlet for circu lation in the East, giving informa tion about Oregon. Hon. W, L. Adams was to write it. The number killed in the battle ot the lava beds, including those who have since died of wounds, is eight. A revival of religion is progres sing in the several churches at Hose City. Much interest ismani tested, and the meetings continue every evening. In the programme issued by the old folks ot Olympia for their con cert is the following unique post scrip: "Alive money wh shall be payed in for thys entertainment is to go for ye improvement of ye Town Hall, called Columbia," and "N. ii, For af muche as ye young women who singe are shamelafte, ye youiigemennc are desired to look awaie from em whenne they singe." As the epizooty reaches New Mexico, an editor in that Territory breaks forth in the following pro phetic strain : "The stage driver will leave his lofty seat and rot behind the docile jackass. His lithe whip will rot while he goads the patient donkey with a carajo pole with a spike in the end ot it." Work on a large new hotel, to be erected at Kalama, has begun. Portland had au increase of 26 marriages last year over that of the year liefore. Hoarding-house chicken soup can be made, it is said, by hanging up a hen in the sun so that her shadow shall fall into a pot ot salt water. The only trouble is that on a cloudy day the soup is liable to be weak. Miss Lena Clark is cashier of an eastern bank. Missing a train re cently she walked seven miles, with the mercury 30" below zero, to keep a business appointment. SEW TO-AY. P. 11. H.VYMOSl). A. V. WHKKU'Ii. POST OFFICE STORE. KAY.ttO$! & WHEELER, mUtKiu IN MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, SCHOOL Books, Blank Books and Stationery. Choice Havana Cigars & Tobaeeo. The largest stock of fine Candles anil ; i uiuvt'i loiauics mer uroiu; in 10 Ainany. Western Cnion Telegraph Oo.'s office. (ioods In our line imported to order, at shortest possible notice. fc-ir The Only place in town where a real good Cigar can is obtained. frjrt'ALL ANO BEX, JM 'ion vS U. W. UAmiLE, 31. !.. Physician, Surgeon & Aceouclieiir, ALBANY, OREGON. 0 FF1CE First street, two doors eiist of C. Mcaley's Furniture Shop. lOwl ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON, X. S. DC HOIS, - Proprietor. BY STRICT ATTENTION T THE COM fort and wellbeins of all guests of tire house, t he proprietor hopes to deserve and receive the gwrattmg putronujc of a dis criminating public lSvj Great Bargains! GEORGE TURRELL WILL SELL IAS Large A; Extensive Stock of U C R Yn 0 0 O D S H H I A R D W R E cfco., ctao., cfco., at exceedingly LOW RATES FOR CA8H. He begs to call attention to his large stock of MENS' X BOYS' CLOTHING which he Is determined to sell lower than ever. Please cull and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. fcaT" Uememlier the address OEOKliK TURRELL, First-St., Alluiny. grilhrhrst prlee paid for Country Produce. Wvf J. F. MCCOY, BEA0BH IX Alarms -AND- TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING his numerous friends and acquaint ances that ne has on hand u large supply of Saddle X litmus, which he will sell at prices to milt the times. At Hutler'N old stand, 1'lnUH,, ALBANY, OREGON. doctf-Hmi; FLAX SEED ! Good Clean Seed furnMivd Fanners for Sowing:. Highont Cash Price Paid on all contracts made prior to Janu nry 1st. 1H78. Fanners have choice of wed according to date of contract. Printed in structions regarding the preparation of soil, amount to the acre, average yield, Ac., Ac. furnished to ail applicants. WESTLAKE SIMPSON, Albany, Pee. :, TM lni'2 Soto Agents Foiuidrymra, Hliu-kmnlihN and Cur' rlnge Maker. SELECTED OLD TYMPANY'S LEHIGH Coal: Jackson Creek, Cask and Bulk Cnmlxirlnnd Coal ; Hard and Soft Pig Iron. Being a specialty, the nl iovc. are selected with great care for Interior consumers. J. II. DOYLE, 413 and ill Pnclflcstreet, nnd 410 East street wharf. Iictwcen Jackson and Pacini:, Han Frundsco. Uv mm Main, Yomnr A o.'s Column. S3 K If PIANOS-ORGANS. PIANOS. HALLET, DAVIS & CO.' CELEBRATED PIANOS Take Ihe HilieKi Knnk. HALI.ET. IIAVIS A UK'S PI.4.VON have been selected by the EXecnnvc Comniittec of the World's Jubilee as the Vi'st I'innott. No ftlher Piano will U- used. The gn ati -t liviiifr Pianist, who was lit Boston, attending the Jubilee, says The Ifallet, Onviw A o Plnuv ezeebt, In every pni liniinr, nil oilier PUHMM." Call and examine and sec tor yonrselvcs, or send tor Price List and Circulars. W. K. BADGER, Sole Agent, at Snow A Hoos" Art l.allcry, 73 First street. I'oitiund. ono-Aivrs. RKV. J. W. ROOM, PltrMtH.Mti Ef der of the Methodist Church, sun Francisco, buj 9 : "In iny opiuion.ilrsrit MooiIn A Co.- OryniM have no ennui fqr richness uial sweetness of tone, with great power, lain familiar with all the niost jiroiiiineiu organs in tl i8rkei buveOH ne l fonr different kinds, and tin hesitatingly say I prefer those 0f ItoOIW VH)ds to any other.'" Send for Price List and Circulars for the tinest Organ in the world. VV. K. BAUtiES, Sole Agent ut snow Boos Art (iallery, . J? v1 1,1 cit land, Or. August !3sMvimO A. B. .MORRIS, General oiiiiuiio AND FORWAIDftfi MERCHAM. H laiVeNi LEASKI) R- fl'EAIlLEV W A RE H O USE WHEAT or OATS, in unlimited nuanttties. The Hlghent Market Price Pnjd Club for Wheat aud Oats. Parties wishing to store Ortlin, call make ammgenicnts togetall the iHeS rate H'rwurded at lowest A sluire of patronage is solicited. A. B. MOKK1S. Allwny.Jnly !7-4(iv4 BLACKSMIXHING ! - -.VND - General Repair Shop. rpilE I NDER8IONEI) HA VINO UK A tnni.etl to Alliany, and taken ids old shop on corner of Ellsworth and Second wreets, announces ids readiness to attend to all kindsof BLACKSMlTIIIVr;. MILL A MAC III N E fOBO'SO, ETC. Also, has on hnud and for sale, the COQUILX.AKD WAGON, Strayer Force-leed GRAIN STAC mOLINE, and other PLOWS WOOD'S RE. PER & MOWER which lit vlll sell on the most reasonable terms. HORSE SHOEING All ronnd.$2; Reletting:, $1. am: nr. a cam.. All work entrusted to me will rccem prompt attention, and be executed In the lsisl possible manner, with good material. A share of public pati-onage is solicited. Bishop on corncrEllHwoithnnd StK'oml streets, opposite Pierce's Ferrv. 10 4 F. W(K)D. Needs! Keedw ! Seeds T7IBESII FIELD, FLOWER HARDEN ill ft Seeds at IIACIIENY a stemme. Corner First and Main sts., Portland. 63T Catalogue sent freo on application Urnl " WILSON A: BROTHER. Importers and dealers In Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Can now supply nil orders In their line. Also, just' received Invoice of xlO to flOxl Inclusive. Si. E. Cor, CnllfbriiiR A llrurain Nta SAN FRANCISCO. ,1m Jttfl49A'M'r ''"' Agenls wnnted! All wOlUpAv classes of working people, of mther sex, young or old, make more mon ey at work for u in their spare moments, or nil the time, than at anything else. Par- ilculnrs free. Address (j. Htinson ft Co., ortland, Maine. liyi