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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1873)
ALBANY REGISTER. I'VHLlSIIKll KVKHY FKIDAY, Bj COLL. VAX CLEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, f 'umkt 'nry owl 'frf Sfrwt. "tkhms in advanok. imp vir Three ilollars. six uinntli Two dollars. itJrigM Wptal .Ten cents. ADVKRTiaKU RATES. Transient advertisements, per square of (, lines or less, ttrst insertion ti: well Mlwe..n-nt insertion M. Urw a-lver-tlst'tnents Inserted on (he most liberal ivnns. JOB WORK. Having rtvelvH new type, stock of MM" , i red inks, curds, a Gordon JoMier, etc.. we art- nreiun-d to execute all kluoa of print IKK in a better manner, and tifty per cant linaper than ever before offered in this .pity. . Airents (or the ncartRter. The followins; gentlemen are authorlr.ed to receive aitfl receipt for sulweriptions, advertisinK, etc for the Rromtkk : Hiram Smith, Itorrlslmnt. o. P. Tompkins. Harrlslmrjr. Peter Bnme, Brownsville, W.R. Kirk. Brownsville. J, B. Irvine, Scio. T. H. Rcvnolds, Salem. I,. P. fisher. San ITiimtsco. D. P. Porter. Shedd's Station. flhas. Stckell, Jacksonville. limOBIHS. 71 Ptwenit wis raised in a hot Wd, and that's whatmade him soar. When "doctors differ" they're very -apt to lose their patients. "I say, Jones," said Smith the aher day, "what is the meaning of ('reditMobilier? I mean, what is the translation of it ?" "Oh," said .1 ones, "literally translated it is a ,uwctfc endit." "Ah," said Smith, " sort of slippery credit. I thought it meant something of ; hat "kind, but wasn't sure." "Why sbonld we celebrate Wash ington's birthday more than mine?" usked a teacher. "Because he never tM a lie !" shouted a little boy. Hie father of Wirt Sikes died at Witertown, N, Y., the other day, in the chamber lie had slept in every night for forty-one years a sad warning of the danger of sleeping too long in one place. He was 71 years. Woman is composed of two hun dred and forty-three bones, one hundred and nine muscles, aud three hundred and ninety-six pins, tearfully and wonderfully made, and to be handled with care to avoid scratches. 7'he following is the reason the editor of the Newark Register has Ijeen somewhat peculiar in his lead en the past few days : King out wild bells and tame ones too Ring out the lover's moon. Ring out the little slip aial sock, r .. . Lit. I . rung in uk uio aim hmh ; King out the muse, ring in the nurse. Ring iu the milk ana water ; Away with paper, pens mid ink My daughter, oil, my daughter. "Are you going to make a flower bed here, Judkins?" asked a young hny of the gardener. "Why, it'll uite spoil our croquet ground !" "Can't help it, mum; them's your l'i holders ; lie says as W to liev il laid out tor 'orticulture, not for 'usbaadry !" The source of the N'ile was dis co vexed long ago by the 1 tomans, "'hey maintained that "Kx Nihilo nihil nascitur; ecce nihil," Le. ''The Nile rises from the Nile that's its source." Oregon baa a militia regiment consisting of thirteen Colonels ami one private. The Colonel take turns at drilling, and the regiment says he'l he it he stamls it much longer, aud is going to disband A St. Louis man has invented a peculiar sort of trap for catching fit worms. It is a windlass with a teel trap attached, and if you tleiiik you have "got 'em" you set the trap in your mouth when you retire tor the night. If you feel the trap spring sense the crank and wind up your worms, it is a great suc cess. Tlie depraved local of tlic St. I.ouiti Itomo&fit My : "It is iis tonisro'itg to see young girls parad iug the street of ur modest aud iiiasBiimiiig town with a tiickupbe hiudwiggkiariifoolativei'ess larger than they are. Jiut we s'posc it s Uic fashion." A young man named Hillson, at Grasshopper, Kansas, lately return ed from au Eastern town tilled with romance and Chesterfielilian airs, lie taw a pretty, well-dressed young lady standing ankle deep in the mud, beside her epiisootiual paltrey, and evidently waiting tor assistance to mount, lie sprang to her relief, made a temporary stirrup ot his two hands, and was rewarded by a kick in the mouth which knocked eight dollars worth of gold p ate down his throat, while the gentle one murmured: "I'll learn you to in sult me, you pig-eyed slouch of a nasty man, you. For a nickel I'd put a head on you that would make you wear shirts slit down the back for a month." A German in a western town who has not paid much attention to learning English had a horse stolen from his barn the other night, where upon he advertised as follows : "Von uitc, de oder day, veil I was bin awake in my shleep, I hear souietings vat I thinks vas uot yust right in my barn, an I out shumps to bed and runs mit the barn oos; an ven I vas dere come I secz dat ray pig gray iron mare he vas bin tide loose and run mit the stap'e off; and efer who vil him back pring, I yust so much pay him as vas bin kushtomary." When the Democrats and Liber als of Illinois tendered the nomina tion for Governor to Mr. Trumbull at Springfield last summer, he said to their joint committee: "Xo, gentlemen, I want to go back to the Senate to confront those miser able apologist of Grant's Morton, Conklui, Cameron ; I don't think any of them will be re-elected, but if they are, I want to be there to face them and fight tliem " Well, the time for re-election has rolled round, and Trumbull is the only man in the lot who is not sent back to his seat. Conklin, Morton and Cameron are unanimously re-nomi-) nated by their party friends, but Trumbull has not even the empty j honor of a complimentary vote. (St. Lout Democrat. . j Fromtlh) OlyiiipLt Tribune: Col. Wheat and Capt Tnttle are going next Holiday to San Juan ami tlw other islands lately hi dispute, for the purpose of taking a census ot the pop ulation, in the interest of the North ern Pacific Railroad Company. A few month ago these islands contained not more than three cr fonr hundred iu- I habitants. Now they are said to iitim ! ber two thousand. People who wear diamonds are i said to be "salted ; " but those ; who lately went into the Arizona : diamond speculation, are "cured." SASH FACTORY. BUILDERS. ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND, AM) DOOR r ACTO H, V . W. KfcTt III M. I I ALTllOlSE & CO., I.jou ntret-t, oh the lUwr Hank, j ALBANY, OREGON. Keep Hl ,lan 1 11 '"!! :isortment, and are prcpurwl to rTKN'iSH TO ORDER, I I)oor, Stiftli, Blinds, and Molding, Such a mows, v nwn A Nt.tTiox jioui, t or all sizes. W INDOW AND DOOR FRAMES. Floariii;, Kltling, And All oihurkliMfeafllulhlliix Material. 4 LSi: PREPARED TO DO MILL work, furnish slinkcf tans, zlurzaK shnkers, sucilon fans, driving pulleys of any kimUul our fac-orv on Lyon strtvi ion the river liankj, next lw-loir Mark hum's warehouse. ALTHOl'.SE & 1'IJ. Allwnr, Kt. W, 19.H ' DRY GOODS, ETC. P. C. HARPER & CO. WE BKO LKAVK TO CAM, THE AT tention of the public to our lai'ito and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE consisting of the latest and most fashion able siy 1 of DRESS GOODS! j TMIMWISUN. a auici. SHAWM, KJlBBOIUEKY and Fancy Notions. In the Gentlemen's Ik'pnrtment we offer the latest styles tn CLOTHING, the liest in UN I'KRWKAIt. the nobld est TIES and SCARES, the nicest GLOVES and GAUNTLETS, and the "ton" in BOOTH SHOES, while our Nll.K HATH are all the rage. We keep constantly on hand a full as sortment of SHOT O-TJKTS, SHOT-WITCHES, t JUS-TUBES. POWDER, EL ASKS, SHOT-BELTS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, In fret, overythlnit in the hunter's line. Our Mirrors & Picture Frames embrace all siies and style. In the line of QHOOERIBS, Crockery, tilasawnrc, Fruit Jar. POCKET & TABLE CUTLERY, XailN, Tobacco. Domestic 4omIs, A. WOOD WILLOW WARE, our stock Is fnU and complete, KT CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS. router" BuildlM, first Kf., Albany . .-P. C, HARPER & CO. MARBLE WORKS. MOXKOE & STtM.ER. Dealers in Monuments, Obelkks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stone, Executed In California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM. OREGON. HIS AM II KH4MP AT AMIA.-iT. REWARD FOB AN Incurable Case! XDB. LE RICHAtT'S GOLDEN BALSAM ! After ten years trial on this Coast has proren Itself tho only rnratlw in a certain class of disewes pronounced by medical practiUon rs as Incurable. Dr. LsBieMi's GOLDEN BALSAM Ko.l cures CfhsnerM first and second stsgH, Sores on thoLigsorllody; Born Ears, Eyes. Nose, fte.j Ooppcr-cotored Blotchts, Syphilitic Cutsrrh, ftcnlp, and all primary furms of the disease known as BypliUi. Price. V p r bot. le, or two for $9. Dr.L?Sio!iin's 63LBEII BALSA K No. 2 cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syplillitic Rbcuma tlmu, Pstos la the Bones, llsrktf the Ke, k, l't ccrated son Thmat. Byphllilic Rash.Lrmpt and Contracted Cords, KtiffuihS c,f the Umha, tnd stadlcatas all dta-axs from thetystim, Whether caused by inUicTitii.n cr rl.utr of mercury leaTlnR tho blon.1 pure aud his! hy. Price, ti per bottlo, or twv kt W. Df. Le Kebas'i COLDES SPAKIEH AN- tldote, for th Cum of Gonnorhoss, ffleet, Irrl tstloa, Orsvel, and all I'rimsy r Genital dlsarrsnjemests. Price, (S.tQ j rr tarftle. Dr. Le lira's GOLDEN SPANISH B- Jrtlon, aw .sb. silt mjectio" f r sevrro esses o( Ojnaarhio i, Inaimni sbry Gleet. Htrii tun s, ml all dfeffssa of tho Kldueys snd Waddcr. l'ri- s ltJlkbMlc. Al Arsati DB. H PICEArS CCIDEI PHlfl tor Sintlnut V'ssniw, Wilt J-n-M.ius!lm')''t u-y, i nd s,l jsihSlws'ritfn ri lastwtabua wlJ irA i br s. Iriii-. f i )-r bit!l. T'is tt ni" 0-u. s Bjojiam is n.t ir nnrr !j rati'"! 66ttVs. 03 r '.-it. of pri 'C, tin " medicines yel'A b ' Mil i i H p.rh Pi tho i- vifry, lv f sprees r iititlt, e "ir ly po-kid en l nvo from obsiT. vti.ju. i)i)ii Achats. p. ptraAPM .': co. X Vin'crl' i.. i.l IMsll Dn::iijlts snd ClWWlst, il n . eor. nty h K-Misoiiiu m i , (lir.vlS, Sun 1 ftHrihvu, Osl. PATENT MEDICINE ils I II JVfl l.fl.ltXlJ.V" ailitt.11BHtl Vineirar Bitten are not s vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Bum, Whisky, proof Spirits and Refuse Uqsors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called 'Tonics," "Appetbsers," "Restorers," Ac. that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bnt are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invlgor ator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it. refreshing and In vigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their ac tion, certain in their results, safe and reli able in all forms of disease. Ho Person can take these Bit ters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia er Indiitestlon, Head ache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs. Tight ness of the Chest, Miriness, Sour Eructa tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste In tho Month, Billons Attacks, Palpitation or the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the otlsprlngs of Dyspepsia, in these complaints It has no eqnal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than s lengthy ad vertisement. Far Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitten display so decided an influence that a marked Improvement la soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases or the Blood. Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are causea oy v iitsieu mooa, wmcn a aeuenuij mora uj ucnucuvui IH mm v,m SIML for Skin Diseases. Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurft, Discoloraltoas of the Skin, Humors and Diseases or the Skin, or whatever name or nature, are literally dug op and carried out or the system in a short time by the use or these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most Incredulous or their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its impurities bursting througu the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores : cleanse it when you find it obstructed am. sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when it I toul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the system will follow. 1Mb. Tape and other Worm, lurking in the system or so many thousand, are eflectnaUy destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist: There Is scarcely an Individual on the race or tho earth whose body Is exempt from the pres ence or worms. It Is not upon the healthy elements or the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors snd slimy deposit s that breed these living monsters or disease. No system or medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Dlseases.-Persons en gaged tn Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Wai.kkh's Viwkjak Bit ters twice a week. Billons. Remittent and Inter mlttrnt Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers through out the United States, especially those or the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennes see, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during the Summer and Autnmn, and remarkably so during sea sons or unusual heat and dryness, are In variably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, ami other abdominal viscera. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful In fluence upon these various organs. Is essen tially necessary. There Is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J.Walisk's Vixe oab Brrrins, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same tlmu sitmuistlng the secretions of the liver, aud generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or Ulna's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck. Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations. Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc In these, as in ail other constitu tional Diseases, Waiikk's Vinsoab Bit Txiig have shown their great curative pow ers In the most obstinate aad intractable Dr. Walker's California Vine. Sar Bitten act on ail these cases in a mitar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving sway the effects of the inflammation (the i tubercular deposits) Ike affected parts re ceive health, and a permanent cure Is I effected. The Aperient and mild Laxative ' properties of Da. Wauib'S Yinkqab Bit . Tsas are the best safe-guard in cases or erup tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the ; humors of the lauces. Their Sedative prep, ertles allay pain in the nervous system, stomach and bowels, either from Inflamma tion, wlnil, colic, cramps, etc. Mrectionav-Take of the Bitters on 1 going to bed at night from a hair to one and one-half wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing rood, such as beef-steak, mutton chop, veni son, roast beer, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of i purely vegetable ingredients, and contain ; no spirit. k. h. Mcdonald co., Druggists A Gen. Agts., Han Francisco, Cel., ! Aeof. Washington and Charlton sin., N.Y. SOLD BY A LI. DRL'GCIBTB A DEALERS. R R. R. Mw's Bitty "Belief CCEES THE WOEST PAINS IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MUfUTKS. NOT ONE HOUR After rtadlDit UtUtdTtrtlMawl fui ay on. BUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It wu tbt flnt nod U THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY That IniUiUy stop tlw mwt ucroelttiuf paint, allut Indftuiinallorii, aad rum Congwlioni, whtiher of tho Latin, SwmMB, Remit, or othw tUad or orgtnt, by mm ippilCatrOB, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. No mattfr bow vloloator txcncittlsf tbt pala th RHEUMATIC, Bwi-riddto. Infirm, GmM Ntrot, Neuralgic, or prottratod with dltaait mav suiter, RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF Tllfc BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION Or THE HEART, HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, CATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Th, wlktk.Dol th, BEADY BELIEF U Uw prt or puu wkm lA flu at AlSVully iiU wilt iSord mm aS comfort. Twnnly Jrow la half tumbler of wattr will la a few mommu curat: RAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, SICK HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, aaa all INTERNAL PAINS. Trartltrt iboald alvan can; ' at Bad way's Itait Be lit f wltll tan. A few drop, ia wain will praratt aieasaaiaT pala, bam ckaaga af wator. hukatlsTUaarnach Brandy or BHUn ai a Utualaal. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cortd for fifty casta, Tklra I sot a remedial afaat kl Alt world laakxill can Fan' aad Arm, and all otbar Malartooi, Btlloai, Scarltl. Typhoid, Yillow, aad othor Fmn taldad trr RAIl WAVS PILLS) K a.akk ai RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty caaU par baltla. Sold ay Drunhu. HEALTH! BEAUTY !! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALU. Dr. RADWAY'S tapaii Wit HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE. THAT Every Day an Increase in riesh. and Weight it Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD 11, Erary drop of tho SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLV ENT iaaai Walai throat ti tti Blood, Swtat, Crtar,, aad aaVar taUaaaSJakaaaf taw ryrtam Iha vigor at It, far It rtpatn taa waatM of tho oody with orw aaaV aaaaS aaalarlal. Berarala, Sypallb, Cauamaiioa, Glaa aaiar aaaaan, Ulatn la tho Throat, Mooth, Taaaarv Naiaa ta tha ttlaadt aad olaor parU of Ui lyrtaia, Sort Eyrt, Straotoa DtKharf) from tho Eari, aad taa warn form; af Shin ahaaan, Eraptlaar, Fanr Sam, Saatd Haaa Rlat-Worm, Sail Rhaaai, Eryilpalai, Aaaa, Black Span, Wan la taa Plaah, Tomon, Caaaan la taa Womb, aad all waaaaalac aad palatal alaraargav Nlfht Swratt, Lam af Bparm, aad all waalaa af taa 11 anadpla, an wtthla taa aaratlro raara of law waa Sar af M odtrn CfeamUtry, aad a faw daya' aat will pnn to any paraoo owroj It for dthfr of Ihaar form of diataaa IU potaat power la care than. If Iha patiaat, daily aaaomma red and by Iha waalaa tad ainai)iilnn that la caatnally ararraatlaf. ra aaadi la anilllaa Owaa waoUa, aad repair, the eajae with aaw BavlartaTaeade from healthy blood aad thav the SARSAPARILLIAN will aad dan eecaro. Not aaly daae the Ritotim eaeei all haaara ramadlal agaau la the core af Chraale, Strafalaaa, Caaatttaalaaal, aad Bala Ilium i hat II hi thaoaly potlUncanfor KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Uriaaty aad Wash dleauee, Otarel, Dlabetee, Draper, Steppage af Water, laoceliacace of Urine, Brtiht'l DV eaee, Alaamf aarta, aad is all caret when Than art brlcidaet depoalU, or the water a thick, cloudy, raited with rateeaacai aVa the whHe of aa eta, or Ihraade ilka white .Ilk, or there la a morbid, dark, bllfooi appearance, aad white baaelil aapaalla, aad when there le a prick lac, baraiot eeaeattoa whea paaraar water, and pala la IhaSaaaUafleWlaarkaadalaatlawUiua. Price, tl.M WORMS. The only koowit aad tan Remedy for WORMS PIN, TAPE, ate. Tumor of 19 Years' Growth Cnrtd by Jtadieay't Beiotmnt. Perfect Hri Fills, perfectly laateleaa, elegantly coated with evrctt gam, purge, ratalale, parity, cleaaat, aad ttreaftheti. Had way', Plfle, for the care af all dteordere of the Stomach, Llrtr, Baa lit, Kldaeye, Bladder, N err out Dteeajea, Headache, Oaaetlpatioa, Catlliiaall, ladlgeellaa, Dyi aepela, BMtrartaej, Klioaa Freer, laltaimalhwl af iha Bowelt, Pilar, tad all Petiagoairola af Iha lataraal Vleeera. Warranted It rSect a poeltire care. Panty Vegetable, coatalalng aa torrcary, mtaaraia, or dele A foafdaraa of RADWAY'S PILLS will free Iha ryeteoa from all the abore aatned dteordere Price, a ante par tat. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. READ " FALSE AND TRUE." Seal aaa letter earetp le RADWAY A CO., No. Warren 8treal, NrwTerk. iafoimalUa worth Ihtalirli will ha aaa . HOLLOWAY'S Every Han bis own Physician C-A-UTIOIN- 'VriV i..Tn- .'.'trtsfl fif IIOIeMWAT'.t I'll. i. -i not imN'TMUNT Ua tflirt)itn.l. ., ,.n Sir AHUitc-rfeit tliesrj vulu- t , tf ii''ii..', all II 1"!' l.ll'rtitl'fttt'll'Tllltl il'nniloiiriielVrM, u , i m,. i"'I'rinlt! Mark," consist-. . u r. i ' inn fiwiaj of a seriwnt, with, I ' II ' I, 'Itij p. iitra. Kvnyboxof gtm- ,. . ,.! ,.r.t'.t. I' unit Ointmmt will i M,l iiti.l, mm!: i,.i it; none itiv ifenuiad " V. '!!:. "m.i !. ".'-rrietors, faTaT tntatt t'L'ANK , liiilt.ilAM. tln K'titicl' . l 'til. SI j Halt- Afc'wti f the. PtVvtte Coast. i